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2013-05-08 6:57 PM

CGR4M: The Environment and Resource Management, Grade 12, University/College Preparation

Unit 5: Culminating Activity

Activity 1: Action Plan

Overview | Expectations | Content | Assignment


Complete the following assignment and submit your work to the dropbox.

You have been hired as an environmental consultant to assess the sustainability of a place/activity and create an action plan to: Make a Change in a Local Environment. You will apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired from this course to a local context. Your task is to produce an action plan for rehabilitating one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. home school workplace business farm institution (church) town or other suitable environment (park...)

The action plan should include: a geographical analysis (location, climate, vegetation, geology etc) examination of the original ecosystem and the relationships within assessment of the current situation (what is currently done to manage resource use and

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2013-05-08 6:57 PM

waste?) identification of specific problem(s); (energy use is really high, waste disposal issues) collection of data illustrating the problem (making a case); possible solutions that will lead to improving or fixing the problem assessment of the solutions, pros/cons, advantages, disadvantages The final product should include information relating the problem to each of the following: the relationship of the problem to the relevant natural systems (e.g. water to the hydrologic cycle) environmental impacts (e.g. pollution) population trends, resource involvement, and/or governments involved Students will communicate their action plans in the form of both a written report and a computer presentation. The computer presentation should be done in a slideshow format (programs like Powerpoint). Think of the presentation as the information that you would present to a group of stakeholders (such as town/city council, business, landowners, etc.) in the area that you are the environmental consultant for. Please see the attached rubric for how you will be evaluated on both the written report and the presentation. A properly formatted bibliography is required. For assistance with properly documenting your research sources, you can make use e-learning Ontario's Citation Builder. By collecting and inputting the correct source information, you will be able to save and print a complete bibliography according to the MLA or APA format. Be aware, that, depending on your Internet connection speed, all clips on this page may take time download. You can always continue reading the remainder of this page while you wait.


View the rubric for this assignment. View the long description of the rubric for this assignment.

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