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Mary School Undergoes Middle States Accreditation Process

Evaluation is not an easy thing to undertake, but in our continuing mission to improve our already high educational standards, St. Mary School submitted to the reaccreditation process of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation process. To earn accreditation, a school must set forth standards, have a strategy to meet those standards, and then actually meet the standards over a designated period of time. The process began less than two years ago as the administration and faculty started the reaccreditation process called Renewing the Vision. This process culminated in a 130 page self study that evaluated every aspect of school life. The Middle States Committees met regularly over the past two years creating the schools mission statement ensuring that it reflected the core set of school beliefs. The Middle States Committees were also instrumental in reviewing survey results from a variety of stake holding groups in order to set goals and objectives to frame the schools vision for the next seven years. Next year, action teams will be created to ensure that the schools targeted objectives found in the action plans will achieved. Recently, the Middle States accrediting team visited St. Mary School. The visit began with a tour of the school along with an official welcome, opening prayer service and reception on Tuesday, April 30, 2013. The faculty and staff were joined by the Pastor, School Board, PTA, parents and several guests of the local Vineland community. During the reception, the Middle States visiting team was greeted with a variety of foods representing the various ethnic and cultural groups that comprise our school community. Parents and students of these various ethnic groups hosted a table that contained food and information about their ethnic group. Also, students representing the St. Mary band, drama club and various ethnic groups provided entertainment during the meal. The Middle States visiting team spent three days examining all aspects of the school. They observed every facet of St. Mary School from academics to activities, and the melding of the school and churchs mission to serve its community. The visit concluded on Friday, May 3, 2013, with the evaluators meeting with the school administration and faculty to share an overview of their evaluation. The school is pleased that the Middle States evaluation team is recommending reaccreditation for our school. In six weeks a formal report will be sent to the school. The Middle States Association (MSA) is responsible for accrediting educational institutions in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The MSA also works with schools in the Near East, Far East, Africa and Europe. It is comprised of three accrediting commissions: the Commission on Elementary Education, the Commission on Secondary Schools, and the Commission on Higher Education.

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