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Catholic Charities - Diocese of Metuchen Connections Program Adult Volunteer Interview

Name Location of Interview

The questions I am going to ask you are designed to learn more about you, your interests and personality. Some of the questions maybe be personal and we would appreciate your honest answers, as the information you provide is essential in helping us arrange a positive match with a child/youth.

1. When did you become interested in being an adult volunteer?


What are your reasons for pursuing your interest at this time?


How do you think becoming an adult volunteer friend will benefit you?


What do you feel your role will be as an adult volunteer friend?

5. What do you feel you can offer a youth?

6. What differences do you see that exist between the parent/guardian and the adult volunteer friend?

7. What factors do you anticipate that could impede your involvement in the Connections Program?

8. What sacrifices will you have to make become a volunteer?

Philosophies On Life
1. How would you define a "friend"?


What is the difference between a "close friend" and a "casual friend"?


Do you have a "close friend"? Please describe.


Describe the role of religion in your current life?


What do you find the most rewarding in interactions with your family?


What family problems are most troublesome at this time?

1. Describe your personality


Describe your temperament


Name three strengths


Name three struggles/areas for improvement


What is one thing that makes you...

a. Happy b. Angry c. Sad____________________________________________________________________ d. What do you do when you get angry?

6. What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment?

7. Who or what was the greatest influence in your life?

1. Describe the role of recreation in your current life
with each). (include sports/hobbies/interests and time spent

2. Special skills/talents

3. Organizations, memberships, club involvement.

Educational Background
1. How would you evaluate your overall academic performance (past and present, if attending school now).


How would you describe peer relationships in school?


How would you describe relationships with teachers?


Did you have particular role models in school? Please describe.


Describe involvement in social activities.


Were you involved in any extracurricular activities? Please describe.


Please discuss any problems you had in school ( social, academic, health).

Physical Health Status

1. Describe any physical limitations or existing conditions.


How will (these) limitations/conditions affect your role as an adult volunteer friend?

Mental Health History

1. Have you ever been involved in psychological counseling? a. Please describe (when, where, reason, inpatient/outpatient).


Please describe the experience (helpful?, likes/dislikes)


What mental health issues do you feel would impede your role as an adult volunteer?

Substance Abuse History

1. 2. Do you currently smoke cigarettes/tobacco? Have you ever smoked cigarettes/tobacco? a. No 3. Yes How Long? When did you quit? No Yes How Long?

Have you ever used alcohol?


How old were you when you first used alcohol?


Describe past use of alcohol.

Describe present use of alcohol.


Do you feel that you presently or formerly had a problem with your use of alcohol? If yes, please describe.


Have you ever been treated for an alcohol use/abuse problem? location, dates of treatment, outcome.

If so, please provide


What are your current feelings about alcohol use? a. In general


Use by minors


Have you ever used any other drugs? If yes, please provide type of drug, age at first use, how long?


Are you currently using any drugs? How often?


Do you feel that you presently or formerly had a problem with drug use?


Have you ever been treated for a drug use problem? dates of treatment, outcome.

If so, please provide location,

13. What are your current feelings about drug use? a. In general

b. Use by minors

Legal History
1. 2. 3. Do you possess a valid New Jersey driver's license? Do you own a vehicle? Do you carry liability automobile insurance? Please describe.


Do you have any driving violations/convictions? Please describe.


Have you ever been arrested?


Have you ever been convicted of a serious crime (i.e., robbery, sexual or physical assault, disorderly behavior, murder or anything else)? Please describe.

Philosophy/Attitudes Toward Child/Youth

1. Please describe your feelings about children/youth.


What is your philosophy regarding handling youth?


What are your attitudes regarding discipline (type, how)?


How do you handle children/youth when they misbehave or won't listen?

Match Preferences
1. Do you have any preferences or objections with regard to : a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 2. Age Gender medical condition race religion interests time with youth travel distance money (paying for activities)

In general, what qualities are you looking for in a child/youth friend?


What qualities would you not like in a child/youth friend?


What activities would you like to do with your child/youth friend?


Are there any activities in which you would be opposed to participating?


Additional preferences

Is there any additional information that you think would be helpful, or that you would like us to know and haven't yet shared?

Jeanette Nadonley Rosi Pena

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