2013 Convention Guide, Limited Women's Health Edition

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Your Guide to the 2013 Republican Party of Virginia Convention


ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013

Welcome to the 2013 Republican Party of Virginia Convention! As you embark on your weekend of fun, fellowship and strict adherence to constitutional-principles, ProgressVA hopes that this Limited Womens Health Edition of the 2013 RPV Convention Guide will help you understand Ken Cuccinelli and his partys plan to force their personal ideological agenda into decisions that Virginian women have a constitutional right to make with their doctors. From introducing Personhood legislation that would make many forms of FDA-approved birth control illegal, to voting for invasive and medically unnecessary ultrasounds before a woman can undergo an abortion, the candidates vying for nomination at this years convention will make up the most extreme and anti-womens health ticket in Virginia history. As they attempt to mislead Virginians with empty rhetoric about jobs and the economy, Ken Cuccinelli, Mark Obenshain and the rest of the candidates for statewide office have staked their careers on rolling back womens rights. As this guide demonstrates, Cuccinelli and the candidates running to join him on the GOP ticket have devoted significant time and energy to stripping women of rights that were guaranteed by the Supreme Court 40 years ago time and energy that should have gone to creating jobs, fixing schools or solving our transportation crisis. This years election will be a bout the choice Virginians face in November: Trust Cuccinelli and his allies to suddenly abandon the centerpiece of their lifes work or ensure they cant enact anti -woman policy ever again.


ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013


Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli will be the Republican Partys 2013 gubernatorial nominee. First elected to the State Senate in 2002, Cuccinelli has made a career out of attacking womens health and interfering in the doctor-patient relationship. In fact, Cuccinelli is so extreme, he opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest [[Washington Post, 8/7/02].

Threatening Birth Control Access: Cuccinellis Crusade for Personhood

Cuccinelli has long supported so-called personhood legislation, which would severely limit womens access to contraception. Cuccinelli first patroned such a measure in 2007. [HB 2797, 2/5/07] In addition to outlawing various forms of birth control, personhood also threatens the legality of fertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization. [RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, 2/16/12] The push for personhood is really a thinly veiled attempt to outlaw abortion. A similar measure introduced in Mississippi would have banned virtually all abortions, including those resulting from rape or incest. It would have outlawed some birth control methods, including IUDs and morning-after pills, which prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the
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uterus. Fortunately, the people of Mississippi saw fit to reject that legislation on Election Day in 2011. [New York Times, 10/25/11] Cuccinellis advocacy for this right-wing measure didnt end when he ascended to the Attorney Generals office in 2010. On the contrary, he used that perch to continue to push for extreme limits on Virginia womens access to reproductive health care. Cuccinelli vocally supported another attempt to pass personhood in 2012, speaking out for the measure patroned by his ideological ally, Delegate Bob Marshall. Speaking at a rally on Capitol Square in February 2012, Cuccinelli issued a call to action: make sure you talk to your senators. Advocate for this issue. [News and Advance, 2/16/12] Never one to listen to science, Cuccinelli ignored opposition to his extreme bill from medical professionals, including the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which is unequivocally opposed to the so-called personhood laws. ACOG further declared, These measures erode women's basic rights to privacy and bodily integrity; deny women access to the full spectrum of preventive health care including contraception; and undermine the doctor-patient relationship. [American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2/10/12] These personhood measures carried significant and dangerous consequences for Virginia women. Thankfully, the 2012 version of the legislation was killed in the Virginia State Senate. As Governor, Ken Cuccinelli would be in a powerful position to pass legislation limiting womens access to birth control, reproductive health services, and safe and legal abortion even in the case of rape and incest.

Red Tape TRAPS Women: Cuccinellis Crusade to Limit Womens Health Access Shuts Down Clinics
Before the Virginia General Assembly passed Target ed Regulations of Abortion Providers (TRAP) in 2011, Cuccinelli had fought for eliminate abortion access by shutting down womens health centers. In fact, Cuccinelli introduced at least three measures during his time in the State Senate. [2005: SB 839, 2004: SB 146; 2003: SB 772] And Cuccinelli didnt shirk from speaking about the true intent of these burdensome and
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unnecessary regulations. He stated point blank, the ultimate goal [of TRAP]is to make abortion disappear in America." [Pro-Life News Interview with Peter Shinn, 5/7/12] The draconian regulations were completely unnecessary. According to the state Health Department, Virginia abortion clinics already are required to meet the same standards as doctors' offices. Those standards are adequate, she said. 'There are many invasive procedures done in physicians' offices that are more dangerous than first-trimester abortions,' she said, citing oral surgery and plastic surgery as examples." [AP, 2/05/04] But Cuccinelli again disagreed with medical experts and professionals, labeling womens health centers chop shops. [Washington Times, 1/03/03] While Cuccinellis bills were unsuccessful in the early 2000s, the push for TRAP as a backdoor abortion ban was reinvigorated in 2011, after the Attorney General pulled what has become his quintessential move: mangling interpretation of the law to serve his radical agenda. The Daily Press reported, "The issue has long simmered in Virginia's General Assembly but took on new life this year when Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli issued an opinion in August saying that the Virginia Board of Health has the power to bypass the Legislature and to immediately enact the new rules." [Daily Press, 2/25/11] Once passed, Cuccinelli again abused the power of his office to ensure the regulations would shut clinics down. In the face of compliance costs numbering in the hundreds of thousands, the State Board of Health considered grandfathering existing clinics into the draconian architectural standards. Those standards, requiring costly renovations to ensure a specific number of parking spaces and the size of janitor closets, are the most potent tool for shutting down clinics. Cuccinelli intervened, bullying the independent Board of Health and threatening to withhold legal representation unless they as he said. [Editorial, Manassas News & Messenger, 10/21/12] Yet again, Cuccinelli ignored the advice of medical experts, who informed Cuccinelli and the Board of Health the required changes to clinics werent medically warranted. [Virginian Pilot Editorial, 7/18/12] Cuccinelli failed to heed their advice and, as a result, one clinic has
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already closed thanks to the burdensome and unnecessary regulations. [Virginian-Pilot, 4/19/13]

ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013

Budget Impasse: Cuccinellis Crusade Against Women Takes a Toll

In Ken Cuccinellis crusade against Virginia women, the state budget is merely collateral damage. Intent to pass a budget amendment eliminating support for Planned Parenthood, Cuccinellis push threatened to blow up the entire state budget. Cuccinelli defended his amendment that would cut out the traditionally $250,000 to $500,000 in the budget for programs operated by Planned Parenthood. He said, What we are doing is financing an abortion-mill operator. This will deny them that money. [Washington Post, 2 /28/08] Once again, Cuccinellis right-wing ideology blinded him to reality. The modest support for Planned Parenthood in fact subsidized critical reproductive health services, including STD and HIV testing, health care for low income women, and pregnancy prevention programs. [Roanoke Times Editorial, 2/29/08] According to the Associated Press, Cuccinellis amendment almost killed the state budget and illustrated the disintegration of what had been years of remarkable rapport and unanimity between Democrats and Republicans, often in difficult budget years. [AP, 2/28/08]

Gift [gift] n: 1. something given; a present disclosure [dih-skloh-zher] n: 1.

the act or an instance of disclosing; exposure; revelation
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ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013


(Not a real picture of the candidates) With seven candidates vying for the GOP Lt. Governor nomination, you would expect some diversity of opinion, but these candidates are united in their opposition to womens reproductive rights. To a person, they declare themselves to be 100% pro -life on t heir campaign websites. Below is a selection of lowlights in their various records.

ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013

Jackson, a resident of Chesapeake, VA, touts his relationships with such conservative laughingstocks as Michele Bachman, Allen West, and Glenn Beck. Hes been vocal in his attacks on access to reproductive health care. A key campaign platform is his promise to eliminate all state funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides preventative care and cancer screenings. [Jackson for LG website, accessed 5/13/13] Jackson also opposes provisions in Obamacare that provide universal access to affordable birth control. In declaring his opposition to affordable birth control policies, he has also compared contraception to abortifacents. [STAND]

ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013

Lingamfelter is a member of the Virginia House of Delegates representing parts of Prince William and Fauquier Counties. During his tenure in the General Assembly, he has consistently supported policies designed to limit access to contraception and shut down womens health centers. In addition to voting to require parental consent to access emergency contraception and to cut off low-income womens access to comprehensive reproductive care, Lingamfelter voted to defund Planned Parenthood. Lingamfelter voted numerous times to enact medically unnecessary TRAP regulations designed to ban abortion by shutting down womens health centers. He supported the 2012 personhood legislation, which would have criminalized some forms of birth control. And he voted to require that women undergo invasive, transvaginal ultrasounds before they could have an abortion. [Family Foundation Report Cards, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011]

ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013

This guy.

Not this guy.

Martin was elected to the State Senate in 1994. As chairman of the Senate Education and Health Committee, hes had a powerful perch to restrict womens health care access. He has supported invasive, transvaginal ultrasounds, criminalizing some forms of birth control through personhood legislation, and medically unnecessary TRAP regulations designed to ban abortions by shutting down womens health centers. Martin even testified at a public meeting on the regulations in support of Ken Cuccinellis position that existing clinics must meet burdensome and unnecessary building requirements imposed on no other medical facility. [Family Foundation Report Cards, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011] Martin has little patience for criticism. During a contentious committee hearing on personhood legislation, at least three times, the committee chairman, Sen. Steve Martin, threatened to have police remove opponents of the bill after they spoke out during debate. [USA Today] Martin had a similar reaction to criticism on his Facebook page of a widely maligned bill to require women to submit to an invasive, transvaginal ultrasound before undergoing an abortion. Critical comments disagreeing with his vote were censored and removed. [Roanoke Times]
ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013

Snyder is a GOP consultant with an impressive resume of Fox News appearances. Having never held elected office, his record on restricting womens health is slimmer than some. It doesnt make him any less committed, however. Snyder was the chairman of 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate Mitt Romneys Virginia Victory campaign. [ Virginia Victory website, accessed 5/14/13] Romney famously supported a personhood amendment, which would criminalize some forms of birth control. [New York Times, 11/3/11] Snyder declared, "I'm unapolagetically [sic] pro-life. I believe that science is on our side." No word from the Snyder campaign on how the science supports restricting access to health care and contraception. [Arlington Patch, 2/10/13]

ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013

Stimpson is the chairperson of the Stafford County Board of Supervisors. A self-proclaimed leader in restricting womens health access, Stimpson claims to have prevented womens health centers that would provide abortions from opening in Stafford County. Such a move would deny thousands of women access to reproductive health care and safe and legal abortion. In announcing her endorsement of Stimpsons campaign, Tea Party leader Jamie Radke stated Stimpson had done things to restrict access to abortion clinics in Stafford County. [Stimpson for LG YouTube Account, accessed 5/14/13]

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ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013


State Senator Mark Obenshain and Delegate Rob Bell are vying for the GOP nomination for Attorney General. Under current AG Ken Cuccinelli, the office has become a powerful tool for restricting womens access to reproductive care, from bullying the Board of Health into shutting down clinics to suing the federal government over health care policies. The two candidates agree on numerous tactics for restricting womens access to health care: MARK OBENSHAIN ROB BELL


ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013

Bell was elected to the House of Delegates in 2001. He represents parts of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, and Orange Counties. Like Senator Obenshain, he has been a staunch supporter of policies attacking womens constitutionally protected reproductive rights. Bell voted to require women to submit to mandatory, transvaginal ultrasounds before obtaining an abortion and for personhood legislation that would outlaw some forms of birth control. He also voted for the TRAP bill, which imposed burdensome and medically unnecessary regulations on womens health centers, with the aim of shutting them down. In 2011, Bell also voted to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on abstinence-only education. [Family Foundation Report Card 2011]

ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013

Obenshain joined the Virginia State Senate in 2004. He has introduced numerous bills attacking womens rights. In 2011, he carried personhood legislation that would criminalize some forms of birth control and make abortion illegal, even in cases of rape and incest. [SB 1207, Legislative Information System] Obenshain also introduced legislation prohibiting individuals from purchasing an insurance policy that covers abortion with their own private dollars in the federally administered health exchange. [SB 1202, Legislative Information System] So whos the bigger extremist? Well, in 2009 Obenshain introduced legislation criminalizing miscarriages that arent immediately reported to the police. Hard to see how Bell can top that one. [Richmond Sunlight]

ProgressVAs RPV Convention Guide * Limited Womens Health Edition * May 2013

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