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March 2013 Vol 8 Iss 3

Secrets For Living A Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Life
Phone # (435)673-3575

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Easter is March 31

Easter is March 31 Chocolate Origins Overcoming Procrastination by Mark Foo TIME Magazine's Person of the Year

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The greatest festival of the Christian church commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a movable feast; that is, it is not always held on the same date. In AD 325 the church council of Nicaea decided that it should be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox of March 21. Easter can come as early as March 22 or as late as April 25. Many Easter customs come from the Old World. The white lily, the symbol of the resurrection, is the special Easter flower. Rabbits and colored eggs have come from pagan antiquity as symbols of new life. Easter Monday egg rolling, a custom of European origin, has become a tradition on the lawn of the White House in Washington D.C. The name Easter comes from Eoster, an ancient Anglo-Saxon goddess, originally of the dawn. In pagan times, an annual spring festival was held in her honor. Some Easter customs have come from this and other pre-Christian spring festivals. Others come from the Passover feast of Judaism, observed in memory of their deliverance from Egypt.

St. Patrick's Day is March 17th

Little is known of St. Patrick's early life, though it is known that he was born in Roman Britain in the 4th century, into a wealthy Romano-British family. His father and grandfather were deacons in the Church. At the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken captive to Ireland as a slave. It is believed he was held somewhere on the west coast of Ireland, possibly Mayo, but the exact location is unknown. According to his Confession, he was told by God in a dream to flee from captivity to the coast, where he would board a ship and return to Britain. Upon returning, he quickly joined the church in Auxerre in Gaul and studied to be a priest. In 432, he said that he was called back to Ireland, though as a bishop, to Christianize the Irish from their native polytheism. Irish folklore tells that one of his teaching methods included using the shamrock to explain the Christian doctrine of the Trinity to the Irish people. After nearly thirty years of evangelism, he died on March 17, 461, and according to tradition, he was buried at Downpatrick. Although there were other more successful missions to Ireland from Rome, Patrick endured as the principal champion of Irish Christianity and is held in esteem in the Irish Church. Pick the Brain is a website dedicated to selfimprovement, with a focus on personal productivity, motivation and self education, with additional content in psychology and philosophy. Some recent articles include: 10 Morning Habits to Build Your Day Upon; 10 Ways to Determine Exactly What You Want To Do with Your Life; 7 Habits We Teach Our Kids But Often Fail To Do Ourselves; and 10 Ways To Instantly Build Self Confidence.

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Pharmacist Tip of the Month!

Chocolate and Peanut Butter - A Match Made in Heaven Chocolate Origins

The origin of the cacao tree is in dispute. Some say it originated in the Amazon basin of Brazil; others say it is native to Central America. We do know that during his conquest of Mexico, Hernando Cortez, the great Spanish explorer, came upon the Aztec Indians using cocoa beans to prepare their royal drink which they called chocolatl. Excited about this new product, Cortez took some beans back with him to Spain. With some added cane sugar, the chocolate drink became very popular, especially among the Spanish aristocracy. Spain wisely started to plant cacao trees themselves which developed into a very profitable business. The Spaniards succeeded in keeping the art of the cocoa industry a secret from the rest of Europe for nearly ONE hundred years. Spanish monks, who had been involved with the processing of the cocoa beans, leaked the secret out finally and soon Europe started to develop their own cacao bean industry. Throughout Europe, the delicious chocolate drink became hailed as a healthgiving food. In 1657, chocolate drinking houses started to open up, but mainly served only the rich, since the cost to make chocolate was still very expensive. As inventors created machinery, and thus eliminated the need for grinding the chocolate by hand, the manufacturing process became more efficient, thus less expensive, and produced an even better tasting chocolate. By 1828, the great taste of chocolate expanded to a wider audience although it wasnt until 1847 that the first candy bar was invented and 1876 that the first milk chocolate was invented.

Evan Stapley B.Pharm

Tips to Stop Snoring

Four out of five snorers are men who are forty or over. Here are tips for stopping snoring: Sleep on your side Sew a tennis ball into a back pocket of your sleep pants Lose weight if you are heavy Three hours before bed don't drink alcohol or eat a large meal Take an antihistamine or decongestant before going to bed

March 1st is Peanut Butter Lover's Day

Hepburn Quotes If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun. Katharine -----------------------Happiness is health and a short memory. Audrey -----------------------If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married. Katharine -----------------------I still read fairy tales -- and I like them best of all. Audrey -----------------------If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased. Katharine It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-oz jar of peanut butter. The average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before graduating high school. By law, any product labeled "peanut butter" in the US must be at least 90% peanuts. A serving of peanut butter (2 tablespoons) provides 8 grams of protein. The Reese's peanut butter cup was introduced to Americans in 1928. A peanut traveled to the moon with astronaut Allen Shepherd. Every year, an average American will eat more than 6 pounds of peanuts and peanut butter. One acre of peanuts can yield enough peanuts to make 30,000 sandwiches. One peanut plant can yield about 40 peanuts. The peanut is actually a legume, not a nut. Peanuts have more antioxidants than grapes, green tea, broccoli and spinach.

New Light Therapy Preserves Vision

Photodynamic therapy involves injecting a light-sensitive medication called verteporfin (Visudyne) into a vein in the arm of a patient with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The drug circulates through the body to the eyes. When a laser is shone into the eyes, the drug is activated and destroys the abnormal blood vessels that cause the loss of central vision in AMD. The procedure is now considered the preferred treatment to slow the progression of AMD and it is covered by most insurance plans. Sanjay Sharma, MD

How To Win $25

Have a useful household tip or remedy to share? If we use yours, you win $25. Please direct all entries to: Please include your name, full mailing address and phone number.

Overcoming Procrastination by Mark Foo

Figuring out why people procrastinate is simple, its figuring out how to get over it thats difficult. Overcoming procrastination is at the top of many peoples lists for bettering themselves. Consider the following procrastination tips: 1. Deal with Your Stress. Many problems can be solved by dealing with stress in a healthy way. Start getting enough sleep. Take plenty of time to relax. Ask for help when you need it. 2. Set a Schedule. It may help to get a day planner. Not having a set schedule is one of the main reasons why people procrastinate. Its easy to forget to do something, or to avoid doing something if youre not holding yourself responsible at the end of the day. 3. Break your Tasks Apart. Sometimes youll find yourself procrastinating because the task at hand seems too large. An example would be cleaning out your garage. You may have boxes everywhere and just the thought of going in there is too daunting. In this situation you should tell yourself that youre going to sort through one or two boxes per day. 4. Take Breaks. If you push yourself too hard, you may eventually burn out. After you accomplish each small task, give yourself some time to yourself. Dont be tempted to take breaks that are too long. 5. Do It Now. When it comes to the little things, take on the do it now mentality. All those little things can add up to some serious stress if you continue to procrastinate. Stop allowing yourself to save things for later. 6. Give Yourself a Firm Deadline. When you have one particular task that you must accomplish, dont leave anything up in the air. Give yourself a firm deadline that you must adhere to in the end. 7. Get Someone to Hold You Accountable. Its easy to feel alone with your problems. There are probably many people that can offer you their assistance. Have someone check up on you during certain intervals. For more helpful information, see

Coca-Cola: A Little History

Coca-Cola is the world's most valuable brand name. It is sold everywhere in the world except Cuba and North Korea. But its beginnings were inauspicious. The prototype of Coca-Cola was created at the Eagle Drug and Chemical Company in Columbus Georgia in the late 1880's by a man named John Pemberton. He called it Pemberton's French Wine Coca, and the first sales were at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta Georgia on May 8, 1886. Due to local prohibition laws, the name of the drink was changed to Coca-Cola and it was marketed as a "cure all" type of medicinal drink, "good for whatever ails you." Pemberton claimed that Coca-Cola cured many different diseases and ailments, including headaches, impotence, dyspepsia and morphine addiction. When it was launched, Coca-Cola's two key ingredients were cocaine and caffeine. The cocaine was derived from the coca leaf and the caffeine from the kola nut - hence the name, Coca-Cola. The original recipe called for 5 ounces of coca leaf per gallon of syrup - a significant dose. Coca-Cola once contained an estimated 9 mg of cocaine per glass. In 1903, it was removed. Coca-Cola now uses a cocaine-free coca leaf extract. The ingredient list is as follows: Carbonated water, sugar (or high fructose corn syrup, depending on country of fabrication), Caffeine, Phosphoric acid, Caramel color, and "natural flavors".

Protect Your Eyeglasses

Easy eyeglass protection... to prevent the screws in eyeglasses from loosening, apply a small drop of clear nail polish to the threads of the screws before tightening them.

Fast Pain Relief

Quaker Oats for fast pain relief... it's not for breakfast any more! Mix 2 cups of Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute, cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hands for soothing relief from arthritis pain.

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March 2013 Vol 8 Iss 3

Secrets For Living A Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Life

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -Albert Einstein

TIME Magazine's Person of the Year

Since 1927, the editors of TIME Magazine have contemplated newsworthy persons and stories that served to sum up the undercurrent of the year that is passing. Since the list began, every sitting US president has been a Person of the Year at least once with the exceptions of Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and Gerald Ford. Other notable historical figures that have won the honor include Charles Lindberg, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr., Pope John XXIII and Henry Kissinger. The past decade included the following people: 2012: Barack Obama 2011: The Protester 2010: Mark Zuckerberg 2009: Ben Bernanke 2008: Barack Obama 2007: Vladimir Putin 2006: You 2005: The Good Samaritans 2004: George W. Bush 2003: The American Soldier

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Fit for the Ages:

Why exercise is important
Only 30 percent of Americans ages 45 to 64 exercise regularly; 32 percent of those 65 and older do so. Yet exercise is important because a well-conditioned body can repair itself more easily and perform more efficiently, according to the Administration on Aging (AOA). Exercise helps the bones in your joints and spinal column rebuild and repair themselves, says the AOA. If you don't exercise, these bones tend to become thin and porous, a condition known as Osteoporosis. Without exercise, fat replaces muscle and muscles become smaller and weaker. You gain weight. Added weight puts more stress on the heart and lungs, as well as your joints. When you exercise, however, you reduce fat tissue and build muscle and bone. Muscle is heavier than fat but takes up half the space, so you can actually reduce your body measurements without losing weight. Strong muscles help to protect your joints and spinal column, improve your posture and balance, increase your mobility, and reduce the likelihood of falls and other accidents, and give you a younger body image, says the AOA.

Who Wants To Win?

Take our Trivia Challenge and you could win too!
This is one of our favorite parts of the newsletter! Each month well give you a new trivia question. The first 2 people who phone or e-mail us with the correct answer win two FREE movie tickets. Enjoy a night out on us with someone special in your life! Take your best guess, then call or e-mail us at: (435)673-3575
This months Mega Trivia Question: Which astronaut took a peanut with him when he traveled to the moon? A) Neil Armstrong B) Allen Shepherd C) John Glenn D) Buzz Aldrin HINT: The answer is somewhere in this newsletter

Tips for the Senior Workout:

Always wear the right safety gear. Wear the right shoes for each sport. Warm up before you work out. Make sure to drink enough water. Vary your routine. Have Fun!!

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