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Color the family going to church together.

Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Mark 10:4
Sunday, February 24, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 3

Which Way Do YOU Pray?

Do you remember the powerful story of the Publican and the Pharisee? It might sound familiar, because we hear it every year around this time. Two men went to the temple to pray. The first man was a Pharisee, somebody who knew a lot about the Jewish law. He, of all people, was supposed to know how to pray. The second man was a publican. He collected taxesnot exactly the kind of person people liked to have around. The two of them started to pray. The Pharisee said, God, I thank you that I am not like other people. He went on to compare himself to other people, other sinners. He told God all the great things he did. But the tax collector would not even look up, and just said, God, be merciful to me, a sinner! These two men are great examples for us, because they ask us: Which way do YOU pray? Do you tell God all the great things you have done? Do you compare yourself to the bad kids at school, and remind God that youre not like them? OR do you tell God that you make mistakes? Do you ask Him to help you with your problems? Which way do YOU pray? Just think: the two men came to the same temple. They came to talk to the same God. But how different they were! Remember, our Church invites all kinds of people inside people who make LOTS of mistakes, and people who make just a few. God wants all of us to talk to Him, to pray to Him. But lets follow the example of the humble tax collector. God be merciful to me, a sinner!

BCLUPINA EPSIHAER IUADOEC UBELMH DERPI YAPR EPMTEL ESMGARNO LURFEMCI RENINS _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Answers: Publican, Pharisee, Eudocia, Humble, Pride, Pray, Temple, Germanos, Merciful, Sinner

The Story of St. Eudocia

Have you ever eavesdropped, and heard something you probably shouldnt have? Maybe you heard your parents talking about your birthday surprise. Maybe you listened to two classmates talking about YOU. Listening in is hardly ever a good idea. But for St. Eudocia, it was! St. Eudocia was a very early saintShe lived just about a hundred years after Christ lived! At first, Eudocia was not a Christian, and she was definitely going down the wrong path. She made lots of mistakes. But one day, a holy man, Germanos, came to stay at the house of her next-door neighbor (who was a Christian). As Eudocia was trying to sleep, she could hear Germanos singing psalms from the Bible. He was also reading something about asking for forgiveness. St. Eudocia really couldnt sleep then. She started to think about all the mistakes she made. The next day, she began to turn her life around. She was baptized. She gave her valuable things away to the poor. She prayed all the time. She changed everything. Soon, she became very holy, and even gave up her life for Christ when the governor found out she was a Christian. St. Eudocias nameday is on March 1stthis Friday!

Where is it?
How many icons of the Theotokos (Mary) can you find in your church? Dont forget to look behind the altar!

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