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The people cried, Hosanna!

Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Mark 10:4
Sunday, April 28, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 12

Following Christ
On Palm Sunday and ALWAYS!
Today is Palm Sunday! This is the day we celebrate when our Lord, Jesus Christ came into Jerusalem. This was a big celebration then, and it still is today!
Lots and lots of people lined up to welcome Christ into Jerusalem. They waved palm branches just like we wave our flags in a 4th of July parade. They even spread their clothes on the ground so the donkey could walk on them!
So many people cheered for Christ on Palm Sunday, but do you remember what happens at the end of the week? He is put to death and is crucified. And who is with Him at the end? When He was on the Cross, just a few people were with HimHis mother, His disciple (John), and a few women. It wasnt exactly the same crowd as He had when He entered Jerusalem! Lets always remember to try to be with our Lord, Jesus Christ, ALWAYS! Lets be with Him not just when it is popular, but even when it is not popular. Lets stick with Him when it is easy and when it is hard. Lets turn to Him today on Palm Sunday and on Holy Friday, too! After all, He is with US always.


Across 3. The kind of branches that people laid on the ground before Christ 5. The animal Jesus rode into Jerusalem 6. Jesus' friend whom he raised from the dead Down 1. This special week begins tomorrow 2. Next Sunday we celebrate this great day
4. What the people said when Christ came into Jerusalem

Do you have palm trees in your backyard? Probably not, but we

will all still receive a beautiful palm cross after church today. Most of the palms in America have been shipped in from Florida. But did you know that Orthodox Christians in some countries celebrate this day without palms? In some places, palms are too hard to find. Lets look at how people around the world celebrate the Sunday before Easter!

Can you find it?

Can you find the basket full of palm crosses in your church? Your priest will give you one at the end of the service!

In the Middle East, like d Palestine, Lebanon, an ul Syria, Orthodox faithf e carry branches from oliv e trees and palm trees. Th y priest blesses everybod ped with an olive branch dip in holy water.

In Russia and the Ukraine, the climate is too cold for palm trees to grow. Instead, Orthodox Christians receive pussy willow branches to remember the branches that Jesus followers laid down on the ground. They use pussy willows in Albania too!

In Romania, faith ful Christians call th is day Flowers Sunday. Instead of palms, people bring spring flowers from their gardens, an d after church, everybod y brings home bouq uets of flowers and ba sil.

Answers: across: 3.palms, 5.donkey, 6.Lazarus; down: 1. Holy Week, 2. Easter, 4. Hosanna

Bulgarians also celebrate this day with flowers. If you have a flower-related name, like Lilia or Violeta, you would celebrate today as your nameday.

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