SU VP+Treas Election Manifestos

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Manifestos for SU Vice President and Treasurer Elections TT 2013: SU Vice President: Adam Roberts: As SU Vice President, my first

priority should be to support the President. Id take on delegated projects, and support and check up on other officers to make sure the SU runs smoothly. Thats the core of being VP: significantly easing Anyas workload, and managing the everyday work of the SU. The VP also runs SU elections and organises SU meetings. Id like to encourage a wider pool of students to submit motions, make it easier for anyone who couldnt attend hustings to find out what candidates said, and try persuading more freshers (and others!) to stand for SU positions. Ive made the most of opportunities in the SU. I was elected to the Freshers Committee, ran campaigns for other officers, and have proposed and seconded more motions than any other fresher. I have experience of governance and student politics. I was a trustee and director of CRAE (, was Comms Officer for a campaign on youth image, facilitated MoJ/UNICEF consultations with young people, was an MYP, worked as an event steward for Republic, and was one of the first young representatives to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. A taste of potential future emails: xx SU Treasurer: Alex Bramham: Through three years studying here, I have seen a lot of money wasted on large scale expenditures such as the coffee machine, Sky Sports subscription and transport to protests e.g. SlutWalk. I would like to see a fairer distribution of the resources intended for the college student community as a whole, especially the students who are too busy to waste their time at SU meetings debating bureaucratic and ideological motions. To this end I pledge to:

Better promote sources of funding available for internal college societies including the money meeting. Using examples of previous successful bids in communication e-mails would encourage applications and lead to a more vibrant college community. I am passionate about supporting inexpensive projects organized by the SU officers such as the communal brunches and Zumba classes. Work with Entz officers to seek corporate sponsorship for large scale events such as Wadstock and Queerfest. I support the use of company branding on tickets and flyers (when this is possible) as an additional source of revenue

and distributive measures such as free Wadstock tickets. Overall, I promise conservative use of college funds to prevent a return to the debt crisis the student union recently faced. Olivia Allen: As someone who would love to indulge in more slut-walks and likes nothing more than a bit of Oxford Left-wing nonsense I would like you to consider me as your next SU Treasurer. I think that the way things are currently run at Wadham is great and dont have any big proposals to make, but if elected I would like to work with the other SU officers to see if there are ways that spending can be made more profitable and if events like Queerfest and Wadstock could become cheaper. Apart from that I think most of the big decisions about how the SUs money is spent should be decided by the SU itself and I would work to make things more transparent and accountable. Having spoken to the current Treasurer I think that I have the necessary skills that the role requires. I am well organised, dedicated and could work well with the other SU officers. Contrary to what my posters might suggest, as Treasurer I would not make off with all the SUs booty but work hard to ensure that the SU makes the most out of its budget and that students feel its full effects Sam Rakestrow: As your Treasurer, Id make sure the SUs money works for you, and make sure it went as far as possible in helping you make the most of your time at Wadham. Ive got three key priorities; 1. Paying you back for your help Id make sure that you were reimbursed for any SU expenses as soon as possible, so that working for the SU costs you nothing but your time 2. More money for you every year, the pot of funds available at the Money Meeting is not enough, so I would seek to increase the funds available for people to apply for. 3. More knowledge to you Id keep the SU informed on money issues that affect you and your money, like rent changes and hardship funds I feel Ive got the experience of leadership, negotiation and support that you need for a good Treasurer, as well as the right attitude to represent you and your bank balances when negotiating with the college. If elected, Id make sure the SUs money is used to support you, provide for you, and on behalf of you.

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