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Digital Homeopathic Kit - Psychosomatic Energetics

Remedies included in this Kit

Anxiovita Feeling Frightened This homeopathic complex remedy is helpful in all cases of anxiety and nervous tension. It can help immediately in painc attacks and other acute states of anxiety or to prevent anxiety before exposure to stress, such as examinations, speeches, and social gatherings. Anxiety is often combined with fatigue and chronic pain, so that one can try Anxiovita in these cases as well. BB Amp Chavita Pain and discomfort in the pelvis Chavita 1 is the remedy for the basic or root Nr.01 Chakra. This Chakra is situated between the anus and vagina, it has connections to the ovaries and testicles, and it is involved with all primal energy disturbances. Chavita Gas and Bloating Chavita 2 is the remedy for the 2nd Chakra, situated in the lower Nr.02 abdomen below the navel. It is connected to the adrenals, which secrete cortisone and other adrenal hormones. Organs in this segment are the intestines, kidneys and lower back. Chavita Nausea and Acid Stomach Chavita 3 is the remedy for the 3rd Chakra, situated in the Nr.03 upper abdomen. The endocrine gland here is the pancreas. Autonomic regulation is located in the solar plexus and, first of all, directly regulates everything having to do with digestion. Chavita Hay Fever and Allergies Chavita 4 is the remedy for the 4th Chakra, situated in the Nr.04 region of the heart and connected with the thymus gland, which is repsonsible fo rthe immune system function. The 4th Chakra also has to do with all conditions of the lungs, the heart itself and the circulatory system. The autonomic centre is the Plexus cardiacus. Chavita Sore Throat Chavita 5 is the remedy for the 5th Chakra, situated in the throat region. Nr.05 The endocrine gland there is the thyroid, the master metabolic gland. When the thyroid functions properly, all other organs with metabolic functions can do their jobs, and the person will feel fine and well-balanced. Both thyroid hyperfunction and hypofunction have a large impact on our general well-being. Chavita Headache and Sinus Pain Chavita 6 is the remedy for the 6th Chakra, situated in the Nr.06 region of the so-called "third eye" between the eyebrows. This Chakra is linked with the pituitary gland that is responsible for most of the hormonal functions in the body. It can be viewed as the conductor of the hormonal orchestra, producing the hormones that guide growth, breastfeeding, the thyroid, adrenals, testicles, and ovaries. Chavita Dizziness Chavita 7 is the remedy for the Crown Chakra that sits on the top of the

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head, precisely at the location of the king's crown. It is connected to the hypothalamus and the epiphysis. Low Self-esteem. Chakra 1. Independence, puberty conflicts, you feel not good enough, inferior. You lack confidence. You feel you hae to struggle more than others, yet still not good enough. You perceive others as being better than you. Lack of Concentration Chakra 1 Lack of concentration, distracted, lost in thought, wistful, not grounded. You can't get your thoughts in order, you feel like a leaf blowing in the wind with no firm roots. You don't feel fully centered and focused, even feel lost in this world. You would rather be somewhere else. Loss of Control Chakra 1 Loss of control, weak-willed, helpless as a baby (bedwetting, incontinence). Overwhelmed. Shy. You feel too weak to cope with life's challenges. You hide your strengths from the world. Feeling of helplessness, being stuck in certain circumstances. You feel incapable of making changes for the better. Extreme Self-restraint Chakra 1 Extreme self-control, indifferent, destructively aggressive behaviour, tendency to suppres emotions, apathetic, sadomasochistic, perversions. [In extreme cases can be psychopathic.] Self-controlling; fear of losing; afraid of power. Hard on yourself and have trouble feeling your emotions. Override your emotions if there are tasks to be fulfilled. To a fault, you place a high priority on other's wants and needs. Hectic Feeling Chakra 2 Hectic and hyperkinetic, excitable, nervousness, courage, calm strong. You feel nervous and upset (e.g. "butterflies in your stomach"). You find it hard to relax and let go, you need to always be busy - or alternatively you are so tired you can hardly fall to sleep due to the extreme fatigue. Perserverance Chakra 2 "Stiff upper lip",wanting self-control despite feeling helpless, somatized fears. You feel like you lack inner strength, your body reacts fearfully, in your mind you want to be strong. You feel that you must "struggle on". Mentally strong, physically weak as feelings of fear, worry and anxiety are deposited in the body's cells. Show of Strength Chakra 2 Appear strong, arrogant, defiant, snappish, secretly inferior, exceeds own limits. You lack inner peace. You present a faade of strength even when weak. You act defiantly and have delusions of grandeur. Incapable of defining your own boundaries, resulting in a tendency to exert yourself until you drop. Isolation Chakra 3 Isolated, uninterested, dull, hiding unhappiness, lazy. No joy. You feel alone (isolated) and lack contact with other people and life itself. You feel you are not part of "the group". Feel you are not entitled to have fun or enjoy yourself and don't take any initiative to change the situation. Exploding Chakra 3 Exploding, all bottled up inside, destructive rage, fury, wanting to deliberately behave badly, hot tempered, attacks of raving madness. You suppress your emotions. You can be angry and exasperated, yet you try to control yourself. You put a lot of energy into being nice to others, you suppress negative emotions in order to be loved and appreciated. You try to act calmly and politely, even if someone hurts your feelings badly (silent sufferer).

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Wanting More Chakra 3 Greedy, insatiable, never satisfied, demanding, power-mad, dictatorial, inconsiderate, compulsive, aggressive. You want to have more quality in your life, you crave for knowledge, for wisdom, for fun and the good things in life. Unhappy - dissatisfied and feel betrayed by self / others / life. You aren't satisfied with what you have - never enough. You think you're better than others and entitled to more. Maybe you feel that others get more than they deserve, where as you struggle harder and get less. Hungry Chakra 3 Inner dissatisfaction, craving good feelings, addictions, anorexia, bulemia. You feel frustrated, powerless and cheated out of a sense of well-being. You want to be cared for, to feel that somebody loves you. You feel the need to protect your boundaries and the nice things in life that could bring you joy. Mental Overexertion Chakra 4 Mentally tense, constantly collecting one's thoughts, mental lazziness, dyslexia. You feel under pressure from your tasks, everything's too strenuous. You view life as a constant struggle. You try to control your feelings with your mind. You can be a "control-freak" trying to look after too many things at once, including minute managing your life and the lives of your loved ones. Withdrawn Chakra 4 Deeply hurt and withdrawn, disinterested, self-centered, autistically self-involved, bad regression. You can't cope with disappointment so you become withdrawn (as if in a shell). You may lack trust in yourself and/or in others frightened of the world, old pain still hurts you, you expect attacks from others. Introverted Chakra 4 Tight and tense, fear of going crazy, cannot breathe deeply and freely, compulsions, closed in feeling. Lack of hope. Feeling closed in/trapped with no way out. You feel under pressure due to the expectations of others. You want to excel at the things you do and so your own ambitions may make you uptight. Apprehensive Chakra 4 Sinister- terrible, left alone, very frightened, phobias. Broken-hearted. Old fears still haunt you. Fear and worrying is weighing down your heart, blocking you from enjoying life. You are untrusting as you have been hurt very badly and have still not overcome it. You feel beat down and cautious. Panic Chakra 4 Heartbreak, feel inundated by huge horrible wave, panic attacks, mortal terror. You feel you'll never overcome old horrors that keep frightening you. Panic and anxiety play a leading role in your life, but remain masked by an attitude of braveness and ambition. Negativity - you anticipate things going badly (usually worst than probable outcome). A fear of failure makes you highly competitive. Emotional Emptiness Chakra 5 Drained of thought and emotion, a "devil-may-care" attitude, indifferent, emotionless, loveless, frozen emotions, autistic. You feel hallowed out, zombie-like. Emotionally frozen due to shock. You lack the ability to express emotions (swallow your feelings). You dare not speak your truth. Avoid dangers by not contradicting other at the expense of your own feelings. So blocked you don't realize there is a problem. Disturbed digestion. Rushed Chakra 5 Hasty-impulsive, superior, thoughts race ahead of actions, stuttering, feeling like a victim of circumstance, deep feeling of leading the wrong life. You feel misunderstood and ignored. You have trouble expressing your opinion. Victim of circumstance. Can be talkative as feel pressure to release the volume of ideas/feelings bottled up inside. But, frustrated as you are unable to express what is

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really important to you, as you avoid the important issues. Faint-hearted Chakra 6 Unwilling to see things clearly, dispirited, diplomatic, timid, indecisive. Lacking courage, shy person. You are indecisive and afraid of going your own way. You try to consider everyone else before taking action. You can be more dependent on others than on yourself. Have adopted a "don't rock the boat" attitude. You feel pleasing others is more important than pleasing yourself. Self-sufficient Chakra 6 Snooty, conceited, self-involved, proud, vain, narcissistic, self-satisfied, modest, submissive, false pride. Very shy. Afraid to open up to others. Trouble accurately judging yourself and others. Difficulty asking others for help. You always have to find solutions to your problems alone. You have difficulty picturing what role others should play in your life. So wrapped up in your "own stuff" fail to realize that others have their own concerns/issues. Physical Overexertion Chakra 6 Restless-tense, nailbiting, physically overtaxed, sympathicotonically overdriven, irritated, unable to relax, restless movements. Hyperactive, workaholic, tendency to overdo everything, driven by ambition, feel the need to achieve something. Potential to burnout as always seem to have so much to do. Work is primary focus of life and fun/leisure are low priorities. Restlessness Chakra 6 Restlessness, mentally overdriven, prolonged worries, no relaxation, mental nervousness. Mentally restless. Brain working overtime - mind often stuck in the past or future, not in the present. Can easily be off center, feel a loss of power. You have internalized a feeling that you are always wrong. You have difficulty relaxing. Tense Chakra 6 Tense, cramped, helpless, impulsive, thoughts faster than actions, quirks. You are trapped in tension and unable to relax physically or mentally, despite being exhausted you still go on. Experience tics, muscle cramps, post traumatic tightness, "fight" version of adrenal collapse, fibromyalgia. Uneasiness Chakra 6 Constant uneasiness, persistent pain, dysesthesia, depression, hopelessness. Discomfort. You lack joy in your life. Your body feels like a burden, everything hurts. You would like to escape from your body, maybe even from your life responsibilites. Your life feels like it could implode. You long to see and experience the beautiful things in life. "Flight" version of adrenal collapse." Distrust Chakra 7 Distrust, withdrawn, determination, unwilling to give an inch. You do not believe there is an overall plan for your life. You seem to be unwilling to trust your inner voice, guardian angel(s) or intuitions. Instead you seal yourself off and place trust only in your ego/self. You are skeptical and also do not easily trust others. You want proof before you will believe. Materialistic Chakra 7 Wanting everything for oneself, dog-eat-dog mentality, avarice, stinginess, hypochonria, obsession with poverty, possessive. You put material goods at the center of your existence. You think that you have to fight forcibly for your own survival. You have had to fight hard to achieve your goals in life. Nothing ever comes easily. You feel like you have to cling your belongings - as you had to work hard to get them. Not Wanting to Face Reality Chakra 7 Visual, acoustic, olfactory illusions, incapable of clear sensory perception, drugs, hallucinations, unwilling to see reality.

Unable to face reality (psychosis, hard drug addiction). Feel real world is too tough to seek escapism (dream/fantasy/(even) meditation). You overlook certain aspects of your lfie. You try to excuse others even if they behave badly towards you. You view life through rose-colored glasses and ignore the uglier sides of life. Emvita Wrong Thinking Chakra 7 Overvalued, excessive mental illusions, psychosis, wrong Nr.28 thinking, false dogmas and rigid doctrinal beliefs. Judgemental, stuck in ego, rigid beliefe system. You think your ideas are always right, even if they obviously hurt someone or are no longer relevant. You are still locked into old beliefe patterns that no longer apply to you. You behave as if you have been told how the world has to function and how you are to function in it. Geovita Surrounded by Electrosmog This homeopathic complex remedy helps people suffering from geopathic stress. Those who work at a computer all day can also benefit from Geovita, because it helps cope with electrosmog. You can also try Geovita in chronic fatigue cases: if you start feeling better with the medication, the next step is to relocate the bed away from the zone. The most important symptoms of geopathic stress or electrosmog are: turbulent and intermittent sleep, difficulty falling asleep, nightmares, bedwetting, children falling out of bed, abnormal exhaustion, rheumatic difficulties, all chronic symptoms and diseases, learning difficulties, frequent miscarriages. Neurovita Nervous Tension Neurovita is helpful for all nervous tension conditions. These often arise in conjunction with fatigue and chronic pain, so that you may also use this remedy when those symptoms are present. It is also helpful in all cases in which nerves are irritated or stressed, such as headaches, back pain, or neuralgia. Paravita Feeling Exhausted Those who need Paravita often feel exhausted, unable to recuperate, even though they get enough rest or sleep, after long periods of struggle and stress. Symptoms include constipation, migraine, asthma, cramps, eczema, low blood pressure. Not to be taken in the evening. Phos. D12 Simvita Feeling Restless Simvita can help in all cases of sympathetic hyperfunction, nervous tension and being unable to relax. Patients who need Simvita often have disturbed heart rhythm, especially tachycardia, high blood pressure, diarrhea, sweating, trembling, cold hands and feet, headache.

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