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Lesson 1

Learn to understand art Learn to critique art Use appropriate language

Focus on:
Describing-What does it look like? Size, shapes, colors, media and imagery. Analyzing-Explain the elements, principals and techniques used. Interpreting-Why did the artist create this and what was she trying to accomplish? Judging-What is your opinion?

Essential Questions

Why is it important to understand a work of art?

Essential Questions

How can we get to that understanding?

Move into assigned groups of 4. Pass out supplies. Examine assigned artwork for group and discuss. Choose one student as model. Model will lie on paper, another student will trace outside of body.

Write your own responses after discussion in small group, for all four steps. 1) Describing will be along outside of body ( surface/skin). 2) Analyzing will be in the guts. 3) Interpretation will be the brain. 4) Judging will be the heart.

Line Shape Form Color Value Texture Space

Line-contour lines, hatching and cross hatching, gestural lines, implied lines and expressive lines. Shape-geometric & organic, positive & negative, abstract, outlined. Form-geometric, organic & natural forms, realistic, abstract & nonobjective forms. Color-primary & secondary, warm, cool & neutral, color value, hue, intensity. Value-high key-light & low key-dark, value contrasts, graded values & atmospheric perspective. Texture-actual & simulated, textures in fabric, wood, metal and nature. Space-2d, 3d, crating space with different sized & overlapping shapes, linear perspective.

Balance Movement Rhythm Contrast Emphasis Pattern Unity

Balance-symmetrical & asymmetrical, radial, value, shape, color & texture balance. Movement-linear, visual, with lines & shapes, value & perspective. Rhythm-regular, irregular & progressive, repetition of colors, shapes & lines. Contrast-value, color intensity, texture, shape, warm and cool color contrast. Emphasis-color dominance, focal areas & visual emphasis with shapes. Pattern-planned or random repetitions of colors, lines, values & textures. Unity-color, texture, shapes & value.


Next Time
Passing Notes Critique! Yes, you will be allowed to pass notes!

Exit Ticket
What did you learn about critique in todays assignment? Write 1 paragraphs (at least 5 sentences).

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