Coach Lukk's Locker Room Signage - Portrait

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We follow the ABLE approach to problem solving

Learn it, appreciate it and USE it to help YOU help US get from
where we ARE to where we NEED TO BE!!
FIRST: Make NO excuses!!!
(An excuse is an attempt to explain away a problem without owning up to it!)

We need to fix the problem! If you communicate honestly what happened (what
you saw, what you did, etc.) we can begin the FIXING process
If you only offer excuses, the problem only remains and gets worse!


ccept that something did happen.

elieve that YOU can make it better.

earn how to correct it.

xecute that correction from then on.

If we can all follow this approach,
we will be ABLE to improve as football players
and football coaches,
and THAT will improve us as a football TEAM!


Wear it with Pride Wear it with Class

Every time you put it on!

1. identical or consistent, as from example to example, place to place, or moment to
moment: uniform spelling; a uniform building code.
2. without variations in detail: uniform output; a uniform surface.
3. constant; unvarying; undeviating: uniform kindness; uniform velocity.
4. constituting part of a uniform: to be issued uniform shoes.
5. Mathematics . occurring in a manner independent of some variable, parameter,
function, etc.: a uniform bound.
6. an identifying outfit or style of dress worn by the members of a given profession,
organization, or rank.
7. a word used in communications to represent the letter U.
verb (used with object)
8. to make uniform or standard.
9. to clothe in or furnish with a uniform.

Wear it with Pride Wear it with Class

Every time you put it on!

Four Basics for 4 Quarters

knowing WHERE YOU ARE TO BE on the football field
everytime youre ON the football field

from WHERE YOU ARE TO BE on the football field
everytime youre ON the football field

from WHERE YOU ARE TO BE on the football field
everytime youre ON the football field

simply DOING those things as well as YOU can
every chance you get everytime youre on the football field!

On Offense on Defense and on Special Teams

at EVERY Practice and in EVERY Game!

You hear your coaches talk time and time again about the ingredients
necessary to produce a successful football program:


While these are the essential four cornerstones our program has been built on,
they will not guarantee success unless they are applied for FOUR QUARTERS!

And we cant ever PLAY for FOUR QUARTERS

if we dont always PRACTICE for FOUR QUARTERS!
This type of commitment and dedication is not something that can be
turned on and off like a faucet.
It IS it MUST BE a constant
Every chance we get
This is what will separate us from our opponents
This will be the strength we draw from
This is something we will HAVE that they DO NOT
THIS is what makes us WHO and WHAT we are!!

Always remember: The 4th Quarter is OURS

Raising those four fingers at the start of every 4th Quarter we play is
an earned privilege that each of us deserves to display high and proud!
It places us in an exclusive fraternity the fraternity of winners
the fraternity of CHAMPIONS!!
You have earned the right to raise those four fingers,
just as surely as we will earn the right to own every Fourth Quarter!
FOUR! means that all through the off-season - in every weight room session and
every 7-on-7 opportunity and every Big Man Challenge competition - through every
day of summer practice in every two-a-day and in every walk-thru and every film
session and every chalk talk and in every single practice opportunity throughout
our season to that point, every single one of us has busted our butts, and laid
everything on the line in search of championship execution putting this TEAM,
this SEASON, this Opportunity and this QUARTER before everything else
poor men wanna be rich rich men wanna be king
and a King aint satisfied til he rules everything



Football Officials
Positioning & Responsibilities






Referee - General oversight and control of game (Head Official). Gives signals for all fouls and is final authority for rule interpretations. Takes a position in backfield
10 to 12 yards behind line of scrimmage, favors right side (if quarterback is right-handed passer). Determines legality of snap, observes deep back(s) for legal
motion. On running play, observes quarterback during and after handoff, remains with him until action has cleared away, then proceeds downfield, checking on
runner and contact behind him. When runner is downed, Referee determines forward progress from wing official and, if necessary, adjusts final position o up legality
of blocks by near linemen. Changes to complete concentration on quarterback as defenders approach. Primarily responsible to rule on possible roughing action on
passer and if ball becomes loose, rules whether ball is free on a fumble or dead on an incomplete pass. During kicking situations, Referee has primary
responsibility to rule on kickers actions and whether or not any subsequent contact by a defender is legal. The Referee stays wide and parallel on punts and will
announce on the microphone when each period has ended.

Umpire - Primary responsibility to rule on players equipment, as well as their conduct and actions on scrimmage line. Lines up approximately four to five yards
downfield, varying position from in front of weakside tackle to strongside guard. Looks for possible false start by offensive linemen. Observes legality of contact by
both offensive linemen while blocking and by defensive players while they attempt to ward off blockers. Is prepared to call rule infractions if they occur on offense or
defense. Moves forward to line of scrimmage when pass play develops in order to insure that interior linemen do not move illegally downfield. If offensive linemen
indicate screen pass is to be attempted, Umpire shifts his attention toward screen side, picks up potential receiver in order to insure that he will legally be permitted
to run his pattern and continues to rule on action of blockers. Umpire is to assist in ruling on incomplete or trapped passes when ball is thrown overhead or short. On
punt plays, Umpire positions himself opposite Referee in offensive backfield - 5 yards from kicker and one yard behind.


Head Linesman - Primarily responsible for ruling on offside, encroachment, and actions pertaining to scrimmage line prior to or at snap. Generally, keys on closest
setback on his side of the field. On pass plays, Linesman is responsible to clear his receiver approximately seven yards downfield as he moves to a point five yards
beyond the line. Linesmans secondary responsibility is to rule on any illegal action taken by defenders on any delay receiver moving downfield. Has full
responsibility for ruling on sideline plays on his side, e.g., pass receiver or runner in or out of bounds. Together with Referee, Linesman is responsible for keeping
track of number of downs and is in charge of mechanics of his chain crew in connection with its duties. Linesman must be prepared to assist in determining forward
progress by a runner on play directed toward middle or into his side zone. He, in turn, is to signal Referee or Umpire what forward point ball has reached. Linesman
is also responsible to rule on legality of action involving any receiver who approaches his side zone. He is to call pass interference when the infraction occurs and is
to rule on legality of blockers and defenders on plays involving ball carriers, whether it is entirely a running play, a combination pass and run, or a play involving a
kick. Also assists referee with intentional grounding.


Line Judge - Straddles line of scrimmage on side of field opposite Linesman. Keeps time of game as a backup for clock operator. Along with Linesman is
responsible for offside, encroachment, and actions pertaining to scrimmage line prior to or at snap. Line Judge keys on closest setback on his side of field. Line
Judge is to observe his receiver until he moves at least seven yards downfield. He then moves toward backfield side, being especially alert to rule on any back in
motion and on flight of ball when pass is made (he must rule whether forward or backward). Line Judge has primary responsibility to rule whether or not passer is
behind or beyond line of scrimmage when pass is made. He also assists in observing actions by blockers and defenders who are on his side of field. After pass is
thrown, Line Judge directs attention toward activities that occur in back of Umpire. During punting situations, Line Judge remains at line of scrimmage to be sure
that only the end men move downfield until kick has been made. He also rules whether or not the kick crossed line and then observes action by members of the
kicking team who are moving downfield to cover the kick. The Line Judge will advise the Referee when time has expired at the end of each period. Also assists
referee with intentional grounding and determines whether pass is forward or backward.


Back Judge - Takes a position 25 yards downfield. In general, favors the tight ends side of field. Keys on tight end, concentrates on his path and observes legality
of tight ends potential block(s) or of actions taken against him. Is prepared to rule from deep position on holding or illegal use of hands by end or back or on
defensive infractions committed by player guarding him. Back Judge times interval between plays on 40/25-second clock plus intermission between two periods of
each half; makes decisions involving catching, recovery, or illegal touching of a loose ball beyond line of scrimmage; is responsible to rule on plays involving end
line; calls pass interference, fair catch infractions, and clipping on kick returns; together with Field Judge, rules whether or not field goals and conversions are
successful; and stays with ball on punts.


Field Judge - Operates on same side of field as Line Judge, 20 yards deep. Keys on wide receiver on his side. Concentrates on path of end or back, observing legality of his potential block(s)
or of actions taken against him. Is prepared to rule from deep position on holding or illegal use of hands by end or back or on defensive infractions committed by player guarding him. Has
primary responsibility to make decisions involving sideline on his side of field, e.g., pass receiver or runner in or out of bounds. Field Judge makes decisions involving catching, recovery, or
illegal touching of a loose ball beyond line of scrimmage; rules on plays involving pass receiver, including legality of catch or pass interference; assists in covering actions of runner, including
blocks by teammates and that of defenders; calls clipping on punt returns; and, together with Back Judge, rules whether or not field goal attempts are successful.


Side Judge - Operates on same side of field as Head Linesman, 20 yards deep. Keys on wide receiver on his side. Concentrates on path of end or back, observing legality of his potential
block(s) or of actions taken against him. Is prepared to rule from deep position on holding or illegal use of hands by end or back or on defensive infractions committed by player guarding him.
Has primary responsibility to make decisions involving sideline on his side of field, e.g., pass receiver or runner in or out of bounds. Side Judge makes decisions involving catching, recovery,
or illegal touching of a loose ball beyond line of scrimmage; rules on plays involving pass receiver, including legality of catch or pass interference; assists in covering actions of runner,
including blocks by teammates and that of defenders; and calls clipping on punt returns. On field goals and point after touchdown attempts, he becomes a double umpire.

Football Officials Positioning & Responsibilities

UPDATED Changes, Additions, etc.
NFHS (High School) - 5 man crew




Generally for regular season games there will be a 5 Man Crew, as shown. MPSSAA rules mandate a 6 Man
Crew for all MPSSAA state playoff games (replacing the Back Judge with a Side Judge and a Field Judge).

NCAA (College) - 8 man crew*





Beginning with the 2014 season, the NCAA now allows any conference that wishes to use the eight official
system to do so, adding the position of Center Judge (C), who positions in the offensive backfield opposite
the Referee (like the Umpire now does in the NFL).

NFL - 7 man crew

In 2010, the NFL moved Umpires from behind the defensive front seven to behind the offensive backfield,
opposite the Referee.
In four games in the 2010 preseason, the NFL experimented with an eighth official, a Deep Judge, in the
defensive backfield opposite the back judge. Primary responsibility for this new position is the action of
receivers, and it allowed the NFL to adjust coverage after the umpire was moved to the offensive backfield.
The experiment was continued for 12 games in the 2011 preseason. The league has yet to implement such
a system for the regular season or the playoffs

Team Football Officials Policy

Our football team realizes that the relationship we build and maintain with the dedicated men and
women who officiate our games is paramount to our entire program working positively to achieve
all of the successes we espouse to strive for.
We as team administrators, coaches, players, and supporters can never afford to have any
shade of hypocrisy sour or blemish that essential relationship.
In order to create, foster, and maintain as positive, respectful, sportsmanlike and consistent a
relationship as possible, we must strive to uphold not only the letter of all our stated team rules,
responsibilities and attitudes, but also the very spirit of those essential ideals, as well. And we
must do so on a continuous basis.
For these and other obvious reasons, our team policy regarding game officials shall be as follows:

Our Head Football Coach will be the only representative of our football team to speak
(either directly or indirectly) to any game official on the field during the course of a game
regarding any game situation/ruling/decision/call/etc.

Whenever the head coach does speak to any game official, he shall do so in as courteous
and respectful a tone and manner as possible.

All team representatives will refrain from addressing or speaking any and all game officials
anywhere off the field of play, other than to greet or thank them as graciously as possible.

Game officials are our equals they are here to provide and perform just as valuable
and important role as any team administrator, coach, player, or supporter.

As we err, so might they in that instance, we must afford them the same respect,
understanding, empathy and support we would hope to have reserved for ourselves!
The game officials are the neutral parties!!! We (the team administrators, coaches,
players and supporters) are the ones with the vested interests, so theirs must be the
benefit of any doubt!!!

Always bear in mind, as well:

You dont know what they know
and you didnt see what they saw

Beat your opponent

on the field of play
your play

It is accepted that you

know the difference
between right and wrong.
It is expected that you
will do right
in all situations.

Defense 101: TACKLING

In order to be an excellent and effective defensive football player it is necessary to practice the
fundamentals of tackling on a frequent basis. A PROPER TACKLE is an aggressive, attacking
action that incorporates the fundamentals of: APPROACH, COLLISION, & FINISH.
THE APPROACH: Attack the ball carrier where he is as you approach, keep your butt down, your
knees bent, and your head up keep your eyes open and at ball level.

THE COLLISION: As you come to the point of contact, accelerate through the ball make contact
with your chest, punch your arms up through his armpits, snap your butt and roll your hips into the ball
carrier, keep your legs driving and pumping.
THE FINISH: Envelope, grab cloth, squeeze with your armsand continue to drive your legs!!
Get after people on every play, and OUT HIT THEM!
Once you see the ball, come full speed not half speed!
Youve got to want to get in on the hit on every defensive play!!

This is what defensive football is all about! You cant beat a defender whos going full speed toward the ball
carrier. This is where playing the best defense youre capable of gains respect for you as a football player, and for
us as a football team. If you can tackle aggressively and effectively in every game, opponents will let down when
they play us! Every part of every tackle is important an assisted tackle is just as important as a solo tackle! If
eleven defenders are flying to the ball on every play well get as many of us as possible on the ball carrier


hit with your head!!
Do not lead with your head - the
MAIN POINT and FORCE of contact
MUST be your shoulder or chest!
Leading with your head or shoulder is an ineffective way to tackle. Countless times, weve seen defenders go in for a
so-called kill shot only to bounce off the ball carrier and end up on the ground. When you leave your feet and try to
deliver a single blow, you violate the number one rule of tackling: hit, envelope and run through. For this reason, no
rational football coach has ever taught his players to tackle using helmet-to-helmet contact.

To prevent being penalized, injured or simply run over by a ball carrier, use these tackling guidelines:
- See what you hit. Focus your eyes directly on the ball carriers chest.
- Lead with your chest, not your head or shoulder, to tackle in squared-up fashion.
- Do not leave your feet; keep them driving through the ball carrier.
- Keep your hips below your shoulders. Begin low and rise through the tackle.
- Shoot your arms UP, grab cloth, drive your legs!!!

To play a wrong note

is insignificant
To play without passion
is inexcusable!!

- Ludwig Van Beethoven


Positive Attitude
Team First
Work Hard
Be Coachable
100% Effort


All of your actions - and Inactions - are being filmed

And WILL be seen by your coaches and teammates

We all make mistakes

accept responsibility for those missteps,
and work harder to avoid
repeating them!
We cant get better as a group
if we cant improve individually first!
There is no shame in honesty,
and no honor in deceit

I am delighted to have you play football. I believe in

rough, manly sports. But I do not believe in them if
they degenerate into the sole end of anyone's
existence. I don't want you to sacrifice standing well
in your studies to any over-athleticism; and I need not
tell you that character counts for a great deal more
than either intellect or body in winning success in life.
Athletic proficiency is a mighty good servant, and like
so many other good servants, a mighty bad master.
In short, in life, as in a football game, the principle to
follow is: Hit the line hard; dont foul and dont
shirk, but hit the line hard!

Theodore Roosevelt,
26th President of the United States

Respect all opponents fear none.

Respect all situations fear none.
Respect all possibilities fear none.
Believe that you are the best you can be but understand that you may not always be at your best
In those instances
have the faith and the trust
that you can, and will, still prevail because your knowledge, your experience, your preparation
and your indomitable spirit will not permit you to fail.

The Man in the Glass

When you get what you want in your struggle for self,
and the world makes you king for a day,
then go to the mirror and look at yourself,
and see what that man has to say.
For it isnt a mans father, mother or wife,
whose judgment upon him must pass,
the fellow whose verdict counts most in life,
is the man staring back from the glass.
Hes the fellow to please, never mind all the rest,
for hes with you clear to the end,
and youve passed your most dangerous, difficult test,
if the man in the glass is your friend.
You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
and get pats on the back as you pass,
but the final reward will be heartache and tears,
if youve cheated the man in the glass.
-Dale Wimbrow

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