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Teacher: Mr.

Damion Walker Date(s): March 29, 2012 Grade: 10 Strand: Algebra Topic:


Sub-Topic: Equivalent Angles

Duration: 1 session Resources/Materials Needed: o Mathematics for International Students (Mathematical Studies SL) o Autograph 3 o Projector Methodologies/Teaching Strategies: Guided Discovery Lecture Games/Puzzles Presentation Investigation Student Centred Approach Questioning Discussion Modelling Cooperative Learning Brainstorm Manipulatives Other:_________________

General Objectives: Understand the concept of equivalent angles with respect to the sinx and cosx functions. Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Identify angles that yield the same cosx and sinx values from the graphs of cosx and sinx. 2. Determine algebraically equivalent cosx and sinx angles. 3. Solve simple trigonometric equations graphically. Description of Plan: Pre-Requisites: Students are aware of: The identity sinx=sin(180-x). Determining graphically sinx and cosx values for specific values of x. (15 mins) Review what was taught in the last class. Expect students to have difficulties with the exercises that were given in the last class. It may become necessary explain questions from the exercises. Expect students to particularly have problems with question 18. (15mins) Introduction of Lesson (5 mins) 1. Have students separate into two groups: one group of boys and the other a group of girls. This game should be played without the aid of calculators

Development of Lesson (25 mins) Have students play the following game: Boys Use special triangles to determine the values of sin 30, sin 45, and sin 60. Expected Answers: sin 30 = 0.5, sin 45=
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(0.707), and sin 60=

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If sin 0 = 0, sin 90=1, sin 180 = 0, sin 270 = -1, and sin 360=0, draw y=sinx between 0 and 360 on the grid on the whiteboard. (based on girls drawing cosx function). If cos135 = -0.707, find another angle, p, such that cosp=-0.707. p=225 sinx=0.5 has two solutions between 0 and 180. What are these solutions? 45 and 135. cos180 =-cos q. What is q? q=0 or q=360. sin t = k has only one solution between 0 and 180. What is t and what is k? t=90; k=1 Girls Use special triangles to determine the values of cos 30=
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(0.866), cos45=

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(0.707), and cos 60=0.5.

If cos 0 = 1, cos 90=0, cos180=-1, sin 270 = 0, and cos360=1, draw y=cosx between 0 and 360 on the grid on the whiteboard. (based on boys drawing sinx function)If sin225 = -0.707, find another angle, p, such that sin p=-0.707. p=135. cosx=-0.4 has two solutions between 90 and 270. Approximate these solutions. ~114, 246 Sin90 =-sin q. What is q? q=270.

Boys and Girls Sin x= cos (k-x). Determine k and prove that you are correct. k=90. Time may not allow for the completion of all the questions.

Each group should say solutions aloud and explain each solution. Post-Activity Discuss solutions. Closure: Have students share and discuss their solutions for wholeclass critique. Ask students if they can identify any general identities. Evaluation: Students seem unusually unsettled. This may be due in part to a sports activity that had taken place just before the start of class. Much teaching time had to be spent using various methods to get students to settle down. In reviewing the assignment that had been given in the last class, it was realized that students were uncomfortable using a graphical method to solve simple trigonometric equations. Students preferred to use trigonometric identities that they had previously discovered. There was a difficulty in getting students to abandon the trigonometric identities in order to use the graphs of trigonometric functions to find solutions. Eventually, students were able to recall how to use graphical methods to solve simple trigonometric equations. The game that was played that students had difficulties in constructing special triangles. Nonetheless, it is difficult to determine whether this must be attributed to how unfocused students seemed or to a lack of understanding of how the special triangles are constructed.

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