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3.1 GENERAL PROBLEMS Nowadays, there are fewer teenagers who read storybooks. Most of them prefer to interact with their electronic devices e.g. Black Berry, iPhone. The increasing number of other entertainments thats influenced from outside Indonesia makes people, especially teenagers prefers other activities that take their interest most e.g. Hollywood movies, Korean boy bands. Also, the number of entertainment books that comes from outside the country keeps increasing e.g. Japanese comics. This makes traditional stories and national history gradually forgotten by society.

In present time, not only teenagers read comics, even a lot of adults have taken a liking in reading comics (Rian, 2010, pp. 1). However, there are fewer numbers of original Indonesian comics than the one from outside, which keep coming rapidly. Since the audience is already has interest with comic, this situation can become an opportunity for this traditional folk tale comic to be well accepted if the story is packed in interesting way.

3.2 PROBLEMS OF COMICS IN INDONESIA Even though comics are the best selling type of books in bookstore, ironically, most of them are translated comics (Rian, 2010, pp. 4-5). Christiawan Lie, an experienced comic creator said the reasons that original Indonesian comics are not successful could be either from the publisher or from the creator. One of the problem publishing original


comics in Indonesia is because the publishers have too much expectation from the creators. Most of the time, publishers expect the first volume of a series to be popular and bestseller instantly, which will not happen without great quality of the comic itself and successful promotion or advertizing. Based on the results of the survey, comic readers realize that the paper quality of Indonesian edition of Japanese comics is not satisfactory. However, even though the quality is improved, most of them do not want to continue purchasing if the price is also rising. They prefer to have the same quality but reduce the price.

3.3 COMPETITORS Every Indonesian published comic is the competitor, for example Smurf, Tintin, Asterix, Naruto, Doraemon, Detektif Conan, et cetera. What most of Indonesian edition comics are lacking is the book quality. Indonesian edition of Japanese comics use low quality of paper, and also the size they print is rather small compared to the original. The format they choose allows them to reduce cost of production; which cause the price of the book to be affordable, and this kind of books sold very well in bookstore (Rian, 2010, pp 4).

3.4 TARGET AUDIENCE 3.4.1 DEMOGRAPHIC - Primary audience: Middle school and high school students - Secondary audience: Children to adults - Age demographic: 12-18 years old - Social Class: Middle class and higher

3.4.2 GEOGRAPHIC - The target audience is citizens of cities and towns in Java, especially metropolitan city, e.g. Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Surabaya.

3.4.3 PSYCHOGRAPHIC - Teenagers who enthusiastic to learn something new.

3.4.4 BEHAVIORAL - Teenagers who enjoy reading, especially comics.

3.5 SAMPLING METHOD Qualitative and Quantitative method is used to collect the data to support the thesis.

3.5.1 QUALITATIVE METHOD Face to face interview with experienced comic artist serving as The Director of Caravan Studio, Mr. Chris Lie.

3.5.2 QUANTITATIVE METHOD A survey is distributed to 80 people, teenagers from middle school, high school, and college students. Asking them about their activities, books that they usually read, and how much they know about Indonesian Folk tales.

3.6 SURVEY RESULT The survey is distributed to support the writers statement that by creating a comic version of them can preserve Indonesian folk tales. The survey shows that 75% of respondents nowadays are using Internet everyday and therefore supporting the writers theory for both promotion and distribution. This can be an opportunity to advertise the book, using both digital and printed media. The survey shows that the number of people who know the story of Sura & Baya is smaller than any other Indonesian folk tales. This can be an opportunity to spread the story wider than just in Surabaya. The survey shows that people still purchase real book for storybooks e.g. comics, novel, picture storybook, while some of them prefer to read online. Most respondents read storybooks such as comics or novels several times a week. It shows that books are still popular around teenagers. The most popular type of comic is Japanese comic. Based on this, to raise the success rate of the project, the writer will choose Japanese style of sequencing. The highest numbers of picks in comic title are Doraemon and Naruto. This shows that most people enjoy action and adventure and also comedy with interactions of unique characters. For Indonesian folk tales, most respondents are interested to see in comic form, and movie format is the second. Below are the results of the survey.

1. What kind of activities you usually do in your spare time? Result:

Activitie s


With Electronics

Without Electronics 76.25

Fig. 3.1 Pie chart: Activities 2. How often do you use Internet (browsing, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)? Result: Frequency 2.5 2.5 0 Everyday Several times a week Once a week 75 Several times a month


7 Once a month Several time sa year


Once a year Almost never

Fig. 3.2 Pie chart: Internet Frequency

3. How often do you read storybooks (comics, novel, picture book)? Result:

0 1.25 6.25 6.25 16.25 10 8.75

Frequen cy
20 Everyday Several times a week 31.2 5 Once a week Several times a month

Once a month Several times a year Once a year Almost never


Fig. 3.3 Pie chart: Reading Frequency 4. What kind of reading media do you usually use? Result:

Medi a

41.2 5

Electeonic Printed


Fig. 3.4 Pie chart: Media

B. Questions about storybooks

5. What kind of storybook do you usually read? (You may choose more than one option) Result:

54 Comics

50 40
30 25 36


Picture Storybook

20 Other 10 4 3


Does not like reading storybook

Fig. 3.5 Type of Books 6. How many books do you usually read per month? Result

17.25 19.75

>10 books 5 - 10 books

<5 books

Fig. 3.6 Pie chart: Amount of Book

7. What kind of genre is your favorite? (You may choose more than one option) Result: 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Genr e 6 8 42 46

44 35 30
20 24 22

Action Advent ure Fantasy Comed y Roman ce Drama

Slice of Life Mystery Horror Supernat ural

Fig. 3.7 Bar chart: Genre 8. How do you usually get the book?

Result: 70 60 50 40
30 22



20 10

14 7

Present from parents Borrowing from friends Read in library Read in store Read online 1


Fig. 3.8 Bar chart: Method of obtaining

C. Questions about comics

9. Which type of comics do you usually read? (You may choose more than one option) Result: 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


25 Japane 7 7

se Americ an Europe an Original Indonesian Does not read comics

Fig. 3.9 Bar chart: Type of comics 10. Which of these are your favorite comics? (You may choose more than one option) Result: 40 35


5 0




1513 13 13 9 5 8 9 7 5

15 10

1 3

15 1 1 8

3 3

Naruto One Piece Bleach

Detective Conan Kung Fu Boy Fairy Tail Doraemon

X-men Superm an Batman Green Lantern Tintin Lucky Luke Smurf Asterix

Kobo-chan Spider Man Iron Man Title

Does not read comics


Fig. 3.10 Bar chart: Titles of comics

11. Can you state the reasons of your choice(s) above? (You may choose more than one option) Result:
70 60 61

50 40 30 20 10 0


2 Reason s

Illustrati ons Story Characte rs Trend Other

Fig. 3.11 Bar chart: Reasons of buying 12. Do you think the price of comics in Indonesia worth the offered quality? Result:

Qualit y
3.75 Yes 15

No 46.25 Does not read Indonesian edition


Does not read comics

Fig. 3.12 Pie chart: Quality

13. What kind of quality that you think should be improved? (You may choose more than one option) Result: 30 24 25 20 16 15 10


Book size Paper quality more colored pages

Same quality, lower price 5


Fig. 3.13 Bar chart: Improvements 14. If the improvements cause a price rising, will you still purchase it? Result:

Loyalt y


33.7 5

Yes No


e quality, lower price


Fig. 3.14 Bar chart: Loyalty

D. Questions about Indonesian folk tales

15. Which Indonesian folk tales do you know? (You may choose more than one option) Result: 70
60 59 43 31





Sura & Baya 13 4 Malin Kundang Keong Mas

30 20 10 0

27 19


Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih Ande Ande Lumut Lutung Kasarung

Si Kancil Sangkuri ang Roro Jongrang Can not remember clearly Fig. 3.15 Bar chart: Folk tales title 16. What kind of ways that may make you interested to learn about Indonesian folk

tales? Result: 60
50 54 41

30 20 21 14 10 9

Com ic Nov el Movi e

0 Method

Compilation Book

Put in Magazine/ Newspaper Fig. 3.16 Bar chart: Methods of preserving

3.7 SWOT Analysis 3.7.1 Strength 1. The story possesses a moral learning for readers. 2. The story is straightforward and easily understood by readers. 3. The story consists of the fights between Sura and Baya.

3.7.2 Weakness 1. The story is less well known than other Indonesian folk tales. 2. Original Indonesian comics are not as popular as the Japanese translated one.

3.7.3 Opportunity 1. Indonesian folklores that have been brought into comics are mostly from Mahabharata story, not a legend or original Indonesian folk tale. 2. Nowadays, most teenagers prefer to read comics than other storybooks. 3. Because the story consists of battles between Sura and Baya, this may attract readers who enjoys action genre. 4. The moral value of the story can be educational.

3.7.4 Threat 1. Stories from outside Indonesia that attracts teenagers are keep increasing. 2. Because the story is less well known, it will take more time and effort to introduce the new book.

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