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2.0 PLOT OF THE MOVIE First, in order to make people understand what is the movie all about, here the plot summary of the movie that has been write by the film reviewer. In post-apocalyptic North America, the nation of Panem consists of a wealthy Capitol and twelve poorer districts. As punishment for a past rebellion, each district must provide a boy and a girl ("tributes") between the ages of 12 and 18 selected by lottery (the "Reaping") for the annual Hunger Games. The tributes must fight to the death in an arena, with the sole survivor rewarded with fame and wealth. This year's arena is a vast forest. In District 12, when Primrose Everdeen is chosen in her first Reaping, her older sister Katniss volunteers to take her place. Peeta Mellark, a baker's son, is the other district tribute. Katniss and Peeta are taken to the Capitol, accompanied by their frequently drunk mentor and past Games victor, Haymitch Abernathy. He warns them about the "Career" tributes from Districts 1 and 2 who train intensively at special academies and almost always win. During a TV interview with Caesar Flickerman, Peeta unexpectedly reveals his love for Katniss. She is outraged, believing it to be a ploy to gain popularity, as "sponsors" may provide in-Games gifts. However, she discovers Peeta is sincere. The televised Games begin with half of the tributes killed in the first few minutes. Katniss barely survives ignoring Haymitch's advice to run away from the supplies and weapons strewn in front of a structure called the Cornucopia. Peeta forms an uneasy alliance with the four Careers. They corner Katniss up a tree. Rue, a young girl from District 11 hiding in a nearby tree, draws her attention to a deadly tracker jacker nest. Katniss drops the nest onto the alliance. They scatter, but Glimmer, the District 1 girl, is stung to death. Katniss, disoriented by the poisonous venom, is told to run away by Peeta. She eventually collapses. She wakes up to find that Rue has taken care of her for two days.

Meanwhile, the alliance has gathered up all the supplies. Katniss has Rue draw them off, then destroys the stockpile by setting off mines planted around it. A furious Cato, the District 2 boy, kills the boy assigned to guard it. Katniss frees Rue from a trap, then dodges a spear thrown by Marvel, the the District 1 boy, which strikes Rue. Katniss kills Marvel, then comforts the dying Rue. Afterward, she arranges flowers around Rue's body. When this is televised, it sparks a riot in Rue's district. Panem President Snow summons Seneca Crane, the Gamemaker, to express his displeasure. The contest is intended to be a safety valve for social unrest, but these Games are having the opposite effect. Haymitch convinces Crane to make a rule change to avoid further trouble. It is announced that tributes from the same district can win as a team. Katniss then searches for Peeta and finds him with an infected leg wound. An announcer proclaims a feast where the thing each survivor needs most will be provided. Peeta begs her not to risk getting him medicine. Katniss promises not to go, but after he falls asleep, she heads to the feast. Clove, the District 2 girl, ambushes her and pins her down. When Clove gloats about killing Rue, however, she is slain by Thresh, the District 11 boy. Thresh spares Katniss once for Rue's sake. The medicine restores Peeta's mobility. They find Foxface, the District 5 girl, dead from eating Nightlock berries that she stole from following Peeta, neither being aware they are extremely poisonous. Without warning, Crane has the arena darkened and unleashes a pack of hound-like creatures to speed things up, resulting in Thresh's death. Katniss and Peeta flee to the roof of the Cornucopia, where they are attacked by Cato. Katniss wounds Cato with an arrow and Peeta hurls him to the creatures below. Katniss shoots Cato to spare him an agonizing death. With Peeta and Katniss apparently victorious, the rule change is suddenly revoked. Peeta tells Katniss to shoot him. She instead gives him half of the Nightlock. Before they can commit suicide, the couple are hastily proclaimed the victors of the 74th Hunger Games. Haymitch warns Katniss that she has made powerful enemies with her display of defiance. Crane is locked in a room with a bowl of Nightlock. Viewing the victors' triumphant return home on a monitor, Snow ponders the situation.

3.0 COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Cognitive development is a study that focusing on the ability to think and understand in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning and other aspects of brain development and cognitive psychology. In other words, cognitive development focuses on thought process and the behavior reflects those processes. Basically, The Hunger Game is the movie about how the people or known as tributes who participate in the game known as hunger game to fight with each other and survive until the end to gain victory. In order for the tributes to stay alive they need to plan a strategy and their behavior reflects the thought process itself. To explain more details, there are 2

influenced theories in cognitive development which are:

a) Piaget cognitive-stage theory Piaget cognitive-stage theory is a comprehensive theory about the nature and development of human intelligence. There are 4 stages in Piagets Cognitive Development Stage which are Sensorimotor (birth 2 years old), Preoperational (2 7 years old), Concrete Operational (7 11 years old) and Formal Operational (adolescence adulthood). In the hunger game movie, the Piagets Cognitive development stage that involve is stage 4 Formal Operational (adolescence adulthood). This is because; the movie is

focusing on the range of age between 12 to 18 years old. The tributes that have to participate in the game are chosen randomly between the ages of 12 until 18 years old. Formal Operational is the last stage in Piagets Cognitive Development Stage which include adolescence adulthood which the age is 12 years and above. In this stage, a person already grown up and can think in effective way. In order to solve problem or get

information, a person will think beyond the limit. In the hunger game movie, in order for Peeta Mellark to stay alive because he got injured, he transformed himself by drawing his face similar to rock so that people could not recognize him. A person from this stage also have reflective thinking and emphasizes complex logic where they are think more logically compare to person who 11 years and below where they more on imaginary. In the hunger game movie, the tributes apply a logical thinking since

they need to fight to death and whatever they do or wherever they go, they need to aware of their surrounding and need to think fast and logic in order to stay alive until the end. Intuition and emotion also play an important role in this stage. This is because, people at the age of 12 and above has already grown up and can differentiate between good and bad things. When they are doing something, sometimes they will follow their intuition and also include emotion. In this movie, the tributes will make a decision based on their intuition because they could not think much since they need to think fast. Emotion also include in this movie where sad situation appear when main actor Katniss willing to volunteer for her sister and the death of other tributes that close to Katniss. Other emotions that show is love emotion where Katniss and Peeta fall in love with each other.

b) Information processing theory The processing approach to get the information is by analyzing the process involved in making sense of incoming information and performing task effectively. The process like attention, memory, planning strategies, decision making and goal setting can help to perform the task effectively. In the hunger game movie, in order for Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark to stay alive and survive until the end of the game, they need to pay attention on the situations that happen around them and ready for the unexpected things like the burning forest and attack by wild animals. Instead of killing other people, Katniss Everdeen chooses the other way by looking for some water and food to stay alive and prevent from dehydration. Katniss Everdeen also plans the strategies by using the beehive to escape from other tributes. Every decision that made by Katniss Everdeen is to achieve the goal which is to stay alive until the end so that she can go home.

Input from external world

Perceptual encoding

Translation process

Response selection and execution

Observed response

4.0 SIX THINKING HATS The Six Thinking Hats has been designed by Edward de Bono (1967) as a tool to assist the decision making process. He believes that when the thinker has to deal with a wide range of information and perspective at once, the thinker losses focus and thinking becomes muddled. This tool helps the thinker to separate information and perspectives that called the Six Thinking Hats with each hat being a different colour. By separating and focusing upon parts of the problem, the thinker will be able to make clear choices. In addition, each thinking hats has their own types of thinking. There are six colours of hats which is blue, white, red, yellow, green and black. First, the Blue Hat Thinking is focuses on control and manages the thinking process, focus, and coordination of thoughts. While White Hat Thinking focus on data, facts, analysis, hard evidence and information known. For Red Hat Thinking focuses on feelings, emotion, hunches, intuitions and impression. Yellow Hat Thinking focuses on values and benefits, positive thinking, optimism and opportunity. Moreover, Green Hat Thinking focuses on creativity, possibilities, new ideas, and alternatives and lateral thinking might be used here. Lastly, Black Hat Thinking focuses on logical negative why it wont work, critical judgement and pessimistic view. Lateral Thinking is the ability to think creatively or outside the box. Use our inspiration and imagination to solve the problems by looking at them from unexpected and different perspectives. Its not only looking for the best approach but trying to produce as many different approaches in order to solve problems. It more deliberates process and definite way of using the mind to produce the ideas.

Diagram for Six Thinking Hats Using the movie, we will see how the plot, characters and elements in it interrelated to the Six Thinking Hats.

Six Thinking Hats and The Hunger Games The relationship between Six Thinking Hats and the movie will be viewed based on the thinking hats that involved.

Red Thinking Hat Primrose Eveerdeen which is younger sister of Katniss is chosen as a tribute for the 74th Hunger game. In order to protect and refusing to let her sister be taken, Katniss volunteers herself to become the female tribute for District 12. Even she didnt know what will happen in future or her life whether she can keep alive or not. People said that emotion effect thinking. So do Katniss, from here we can see, Katniss let her emotion and feelings to decide her life and become the tribute for the district. In addition, there is the scene where Katniss finds Rue trapped under a net and she tried to release Rue just before they been attacked Marvel, a tribute from District 1. Marvel throws a spear but Katniss dodge the attack and shoots an arrow into his chest, killing him.

However when she turns to Rue, she sees that Marvels spear has gone through her chest. This is inadvertently response that made by Katniss. In order to protect herself, she shoots an arrow to Marvel. She uses intuition in her action. In Red Thinking Hat, intuition is a part of thinking when its being develop in right way it can contribute.

Yellow Hat Thinking Haymitch their mentors, tells Katniss and Peeta that the key to survival is ensuring they are well liked by the public so they may get sponsored. By having sponsors they will have more access to survival tools as matches, knives, or even water and medicine. After they arrive in the Capitol, the train is greeted by a cheering crowd. Peeta waves to the residents but Katniss refuses to show herself. Haymitch warns her that she better hold on to her knife and Peeta actually know what he is doing by feeding the crowd. Even Cinna which is their stylist tells that they need to make an impression on the audience so theyre remembered, especially by sponsors. And at the night of Gala Entry Parade, they make a great impression on the audience by raised their hand into the air. Here we can see that, Haymitch and Cinna are using Yellow Hat Thinking. Even they dont know whether Katniss and Peeta will do their best in order to attract attention from the crowd but they did it. They give optimistic viewpoint that helps Katniss and Peeta to see all benefits of the decision they made and value in it. The yellow hat thinking is a deliberate device which gave thinker such as Katniss and Peeta chooses to adopt.

Green Hat Thinking In green thinking hats, we can see that how the Rue from district 11help Katniss to run away from the alliances that made up from district 1, 2, and 4. Even though they didnt know each other before, Rue, however friendly to Katniss and points out a large tracker jacker nest just above Katniss place at the tree and hanging over the alliances group below. Tracker jacker stings can cause powerful hallucinations and with enough stings they even can kill. Katniss climbs up the tree towards the nest and begins sawing at the branch holding it up. The tracker jacker start to stinging her, but eventually the branch snap and nest falls to the ground.

Rue shows that she using her creativity by showing Katniss the tracker jacker nest in order to save their life from being killed by the alliances. Moreover, we can see that how hard Katniss try to make sure she still alive even the potential to stay alive is low. She has really good skills in hunting and uses the skills in order to protect herself from being killed. After the game start, she manages to grab a backpack and she found rope, an empty canteen and a coat inside the backpack. She using her skills in climbing a tree and her creativity by ties herself high up in a tree to get some sleep. So that, other tributes wont easily find her.




6.0 RECOMMENDATION The hunger game movie is all about violence where all the tributes need to fight and kill each other to stay alive until the end. In order to stay alive, all of the attributes need to have the ability of think and understand that known as cognitive development. This movie also shows about capitalize government who make used of poor people as an entertainment for rich people to show off their richness. This shows how the rich people think in order to get entertainment. This movie also involve with the used of various types of weapons including spears, arrows and swords. There are also some violence kill such as neck broken, skull cracked and their bodies ravaged by carnivorous and poisonous creatures. All of these things required the ability to think on how to use the weapons and how to prevent from death. Cognitive development was applied by Katniss, the main character of this movie. She is a strong heroine whos resourceful, selfless and a true survivor. She has the ability to think very fast in the different situation in a limited of time and her behavior reflects the way she thinks. Based on Six Thinking Hat, each tribute can use Black Thinking Hat in order to win this game. By using Black Thinking Hat they can identifies the difficulties that might happened when the game begin and how to survive in the game. Not only that, they also can understand the weaknesses of each tributes. For example, if Katniss really understand the difficulties of the games she can defend herself from being injured and look each situation cautiously.


7.0 CONCLUSION As conclusion, for this movie we can see that many thinking skills can be applied such as cognitive development, six thinking hat, and First, cognitive development is important and it is apply in our daily life. This is because cognitive development is the ability to think and understand and how our behavior reflects the way we think. In the hunger games movie, the ability of think and understand is a must element in this movie. This is because, they need to fight with each other and plan a strategy to stay alive until the end. In addition, cognitive development help human to think and understand the situation that happen around them. This will help brain to think about the situation or solving the problem and will react with information receive. The behavior that occur will show how the humans behavior reflect the way they think. Next, by using Six Thinking Hat we can see the difference hats are applied in different situation in the hunger games movie. Each hat will bring different perspective in order to solve problem. For this can we can see that there are some thinking hat that are being applied in this movie such Red Thinking Hat, Yellow Thinking Hat and Green Thinking Hat.



The Hero and Heroine of The Hunger Games; Katniss, Peeta and Gale

The gambling board shows the marks of the tributes. It shows this only a gamer for rich people.

At the stage, when the time when she volunteer to replace her younger sister to be a tribute.


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