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The South Asian Times

e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.6 No. 4 May 18-24, 2013 60 Cents New York Edition Follow us on

Big B clicked at Cannes Obama pushes back

against trifecta of scandals
Washington: Three possible scan- Steven Miller, while Joseph and government entities division, is
dals may not have yet dented Grant, commissioner of also exiting the agency. The Justice
President Obama’s popularity, but the agency's tax exempt Department on Tuesday ordered
his administration’s has taken a hit, criminal investigation into
and the Republicans received fresh The White House is in instances of the IRS targeting
ammunition to attack him and try to damage control mode conservative political groups.
derail his second term agenda. and issues like Earlier, the White House
Facing an onslaught of questions on immigration reform announced its support for
the Benghazi attack, the IRS scandal put on the backburner strengthening protec-
and the Justice Department's seizure tions of journalists
of AP phone records, the White and confidential
House has begun damage control to sources even as
bring political balance back for the Attorney General
President. Eric Holder
While claiming that he was out- evaded ques-
raged by IRS targeting of conserva- tions at a con-
Indian mega star Amitabh Bachchan has made his tive groups, the President on gressional hear-
Hollywood debut in The Great Gatsby, which opened the Thursday rejected calls for a special ing about how his
66th Cannes film festival May 15. Pictured is him in a black counsel to investigate the problem Justice Department
sequined dinner jacket, acknowledged by Gatsby lead actor and promised he would fix any obtained phone records
Leonardo DiCaprio, director Steven Spielberg and Nicole problems in government. He of The Associated Press
Kidman at the film’s premiere. Vidya Balan, a jury member, also named a trusted White from 2012 as part of an
and fellow actress Sonam Kapoor brought a touch of India House budget official, Daniel investigation of classi-
to the red carpet. Werfel, to serve as new acting fied leaks.
IRS commissioner, replacing Continued on page 4

Nawaz Sharif finalizing incoming cabinet Cricket shame: Sreesanth & two RR
and name of next Pakistan President teammates held for spot-fixing in IPL
Lahore: After much deliberation
within his party ranks, prime min- New Delhi: In a sordid scandal to hit cricket,
S. Sreesanth, who has donned
ister-elect Nawaz Sharif has final- three Rajasthan Royals players, including
India cap in 27 Tests and 53
ized names for the incoming cabi- India XI pacer S. Sreesanth, were Thursday
ODIs, and is a star pacer for
net and candidates for the posts of sent to five days police custody here after Rajasthan Royals, has himself
President, and National Assembly being arrested on charges of spot-fixing in the to blame for his downfall.
Speaker, Dawn newspaper report- IPL, triggering widespread shock and anger.
ed Thursday night. More than 12 hours after Sreesanth,
According to Pakistan Muslim who has featured in 27 Tests and
League-Nawaz (PML-N) sources, 53 ODIs, and spinners Ankeet
veteran politician Sartaj Aziz has Chavan and Ajit Chandila were
emerged as a strong presidential taken into custody by Delhi
candidate. Asif Ali Zardari’s term Police after the Rajasthan
in office is due to end this Royals match against Mumbai
September. Sharif's Pakistan Indians got over in Mumbai,
Muslim League (PML-N) has won police here revealed shocking
124 of a total 272 seats in the details of their alleged involve-
National Assembly, with its near- ment with the underworld-linked
est rival, the Pakistan People's Incoming PM Nawaz Sharif likely to replace bookies. Delhi Police Commissioner
Party (PPP), winning 31, and Zardari with veteran politician Sartaj Aziz as the Neeraj Kumar said while Chavan was paid
Continued on page 4 nation’s next President. Rs.60 lakh by the Continued on page 4

Travel 15 Bollywood Centenary 16 Humor 28 Spiritual Awareness 30 excellence in journalism

2 May 18-24, 2013 RELIGION

Parshwanath Temple, Sahastrafana Temple,

Pavagagh, Gujarat Lodhruva, Rajasthan.

A photographic exhibition in Claremont, CA, of exquisite temples represents but a fraction of diverse
architectural, cultural and geological variations of Jain temples in the world
iberating spaces: Jain temple photo- the dome) and Ghar Jain Temple (a home Gambhara has a prominent

L graphs from the JAINA collection – temple without dome). The latter is a shrine stone carving of the temple’s
an exhibition of stunning photo- within a personal or non-public residence mula nayak, and one is not
graphs of Jain temples from across India and, while not pictured here, they do play a supposed to enter this sacred
taken between 2003 and 2013 by profession- large role in daily Jain worship. space without taking a bath
al photographers hired by the Federation of Every Jain temple is dedicated to at least and without wearing puja
Jain Associations in North America one deity or Tirthankara (“ford-Maker”), an (worship) clothes. Most Jain
(JAINA) for their yearly calendar publica- enlightened human being who helps others temples are used by only
tions is on at Claremont School of Theology achieve liberation. The main deity of a Jain one of Jainism’s two main
Library, Claremont, California till June 14. temple is known as a mula nayak. All sects, the Svetamabara
The exhibit has been made possible by the Shikar-bandhi Jain temples have pillars (“white-clad”) and the
generous donation of Dr. Mahendra and c a r v e d Digambara (“sky-clad”).
Asha Pandya and JAINA and organized by Among other differences,
the Center for Jain Studies at Claremont Sventambara monks wear
Lincoln University. It has been curated by white clothing, while
Rebekah Sinclair and Lidiya Potapenko. Digambara ascetics Parshwanath Temple,
The images in this exhibit represent remain naked, consid- Mirpur, Rajasthan
but a fraction of the diverse architec- ering themselves not
tural, cultural, and geological varia- “nude” but wearing
tions of Jain temples in the world. the environment and
Spanning thousands of years and the space around
thousands of miles, each temple their bodies.
bears the marks of both the shared A d d i t i o n a l l y,
values and guidelines of Jain prac- Sventambaras
tice and philosophy, and the con- also believe
textual situatedness of the builders, women can achieve
followers, and landscapes of each. maksha (liberation
Every temple is constructed using a from rebirth), and
given region’s indigenous rock life and Rock Temple, Gwalior Fort. maintain
intentionally reflects the area’s geology Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh that at
and natural surroundings.
Mirroring the geo-centric architecture,
many Jain temples are famous for their use w i t h
of Vastu Shastra—the ancient doctrine of a n i m a l s ,
precepts born from the perception that the Demi-gods, Nagphani Parshwanath
laws of nature, space, and light affect human holy writ- Temple. Modar,
dwelling and wellness. Comparable to the ings, and Dungarpur, Rajasthan
now famous concept of Chi, and using enactments
mathematical and diagrammatic designs of stories, least one
which symbolically represented the cosmos, usually cen- of their
vastu buildings take into consideration the tered around to one of these two sects. Any Jain temple
five elements (air, water, earth, fire, space), the mula over 100 years old—and almost all of them
and were constructed with special sensitivity nayak. Tirthankaras are—is called a Tirtha/Tirth (“a ford or shal-
to air flow, open spaces (hence the pillars), The main part was female. low, easily crossed section of a body of
the harvesting of natural light, acoustics, etc. of a Jain temple is Jaisalmer Temple. Most temples water”). The Jains believe a Tirtha provides
Formally, there are two kinds of Jain tem- called the Gambhara (or Jaisalmer, Rajasthan serve as pilgrimage the inspiration for souls to cross over from
ples: a Shikar-bandhi Jain temple (one with Garbha Graha). Each and worship destinations this-worldly engagement to liberation. TRISTATE COMMUNITY May 18-24, 2013 3

Smithsonian to showcase visual history of yoga

Washington: Smithsonian, the world's largest museum first time, yoga's meanings across the diverse social
and research complex here, is launching a major crowd- landscapes of India," said Diamond, curator of South
funding campaign May 29 to support what it calls the Asian art at the Sackler.
world's first exhibition on the visual history of yoga. Renowned masterpieces of painting and sculpture, as
"Yoga: The Art of Transformation" opens Oct 19 at its well as popular images, weave parallel stories of yoga as
Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and would be on view an individual path and as a cultural force, both in India
through Jan 26, 2014. It will be supported by a crowd- and abroad.
funding campaign, "Together We're One" running from The exhibition features 90 stone and bronze sculp-
May 29 to July 1. tures, richly illustrated manuscripts and lavish court
The exhibition explores "yoga's philosophies and its paintings created from the third to the early 19th centu-
goals of transforming body and consciousness, its ry.
importance within multiple religious and secular arenas, Later 19th- and early 20th-century materials -includ-
and the varied roles that yogis played in society, from ing photographs, missionary postcards, magic posters,
sages to spies," Smithsonian said. medical illustrations, iconographic manuals and early
Exhibition curator Debra Diamond worked with an films - chart the vilification of yoga in the colonial peri-
interdisciplinary team of scholars to compile a remark- od and the subsequent emergence of the modern disci-
able survey of Indian art, with more than 130 objects pline in India.
from 25 museums and private collections in India, The exhibition will later travel to the San Francisco
Europe and the US. Asian Art Museum (Feb 21-May 25, 2014) and the
"These works of art allow us to trace, often for the Cleveland Museum of Art (June 22-Sep 7, 2014). One of the exhibits from the exhibition

CRY America celebrates 10 years New, tech age meaning Legislators back Cuomo’s plan
for ‘Apple picking’ to do away with LIPA
of serving children in India New York: New York
Shefali Sunderlal, Attorney General Eric
President - CRY T. Schneiderman has
America, keynote sent letters to the CEOs
speaker Ruchir of Apple,
Sharma, and LIPA was disparaged for
Google/Motorola, its knock-kneed response
Monica Kharkar,
Microsoft, and The most stolen when Hurricane Sandy
also of CRY. device.
Samsung seeking infor- hit Long Island.
(right) Padma
Desai, other mation about their efforts to protect cus-
Albany, NY: New York Gov. But some customers who are
keynote at the NY tomers from the rise in violent street crimes
Andrew Cuomo received tentative already paying some of the
fundraiser. known as “Apple Picking.” Recent reports
support from legislative leaders nation’s highest utility bills are
have demonstrated a spike in the theft of Monday for his plan to finally still concerned.
New York: CRY - Child Rights and personalities. Paintings donated by mobile phones and other electronic devices. sideline the Long Island Power “Let’s take the proposal one step
You America Inc, a non-profit that famous Indian artists such as Ram The thieves wipe the devices’ memories Authority (LIPA), which has been further with a long-term solution
works to restore the rights of under- Kumar, Seema Kohli and Kiyomi clean and resell them for hundreds of dollars criticized for high rates and ques- that will give Long Islanders a
privileged children, especially in Talaulicar as well as autographed on the secondary market. Too often, those tionable response in disasters — stronger voice in the utility regula-
India, celebrates 10 years of ensur- items by Rolling Stones, the Beatles crimes turn violent, and even deadly. most infamously including tory process,” said Beth Finkel of
ing happy childhoods by hosting and Pink Floyd were auctioned by In his letters, Schneiderman has asked the Superstorm Sandy. AARP in New York. “A consumer
two benefit dinners in New York Sotheby’s Priyanka Mathew at the four companies – which account for 90 per- The Cuomo proposal would advocate office with teeth to stand
and Seattle. ‘Uphaar 2013’ was held New York dinner. cent of U.S. smart phones sales – to provide replace LIPA’s role in daily opera- up to utility companies like PSEG
on May 4, at Seattle’s Westin, Keynote speaker at NY event, information related to efforts and represen- tions by Public Service Electric & and LIPA is the missing piece to
Bellevue and ‘Pledge 2013’ was Prof. Padma Desai, from Columbia tations they make to consumers regarding Gas Co. (PSE&G) of New Jersey . Gov. Cuomo’s plan for oversight
held on May 10, at New York’s Taj, University, said girls and women safety. He has also asked them to collabo- The proposal would freeze Long of utilities.” Cuomo and legislative
The Pierre. must be enabled to go beyond their rate with his office to help identify solutions Islanders’ rates for power for three leaders said they will try to turn
Speaking at Pledge 2013, Shefali roles as daughter, mother, sister and that could minimize the economic incen- years. State Assembly Speaker the proposal into a bill that could
Sunderlal, President of CRY wife to become independent indi- tives for theft. Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) be voted on by the end of the ses-
America said, “As we reminisced viduals and realize their potential would only say Cuomo’s proposal sion on June 20.
“Cracking down on violent and dangerous
about our childhoods at the events, and dreams. She stressed that educa- was a “thoughtful plan” to “a com- Cuomo said that even if the tran-
cell phone thefts is important for New
we also thought of the 422, 878 chil- tion plays a key role in this process. plex challenge” and “certainly an sition from LIPA, and its currently
Yorkers,” said the Attorney General said.
important step in the right direc- contracted operator, National Grid,
dren living across 2,395 villages and The other keynote, Ruchir “The companies that dominate this industry tion.” Assembly Republican leader isn’t done in time for the summer
slums in India, whose lives have Sharma, from Morgan Stanley, and have a responsibility to their customers to Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Centre) and fall hurricane season, Long
been irreversibly transformed author of the bestselling Breakout fulfill their promises to ensure safety and called it “still a work in progress” Islanders will still be better served.
through our collective efforts. We Nations, said, “We should encour- security.” In New York City, theft of Apple although the Cuomo administra- LIPA said it will cooperate.
thank our 18,944 generous donors, age children to build on their inter- products has driven much of the increase in tion worked with key legislators Cuomo said he envisions a pri-
2,000 committed volunteers and 64 ests and talents from an early age, the theft of electronics. Between January 1 on its provisions for weeks. vatizing of utility operations
dedicated project partners and the which at times is stifled by teachers and September 23, 2012, 11,447 cases of Long Island legislative represen- through PSE&G while reducing
media, without whom this change and parents. My passion for writing stolen “iDevices” (iPhones and other iOS tatives, the county executives of the number of LIPA’s political
would not have been possible.” started at the age of 16 and remains devices) were reported to the NYPD, a rise Nassau and Suffolk counties, and patronage jobs and LIPA’s role in
$220,000 was raised across both a significant part of my career of 3,280 over 2011. business leaders gave stronger handling the authority’s $6.7 bil-
dinner events attended by prominent today”. support for Cuomo’s proposal. lion in debt.
4 May 18-24, 2013 TURN PAGE

Obama pushes back against... story May 5, May 9 and May 15 in games

Obama to host Myanmar president at White House Continued from page 1

In addition, the White House
released more than 100 pages of e-
against the Pune Warriors, King's
Punjab XI and Mumbai Indians
respectively. 11 bookies from New
Washington: President Barack mails sought by GOP critics about Delhi, Mumbai and Ahmedabad
Obama will meet his Myanmarese the talking points on the September were also arrested.
counterpart Thein Sein at the White attack in Benghazi, Libya, that "The arrests were made after we
House on May 20 and discuss killed the U.S. ambassador and three listened to taped conversations (run-
democracy building in the Southeast other Americans. CNN also reported ning to) hundreds of hours," Neeraj
Asian nation. that White House invited top Kumar told the media. "More
“The president (Obama) looks for- Democratic strategists for a meeting arrests are expected but those will
ward to discussing with President Thursday with Chief of Staff Denis be of bookies and no other player
Thein Sein the many remaining chal- McDonough to discuss ideas for will be arrested," he said.
lenges to efforts to develop democ- damage control. The Board of Control for Cricket
racy, address communal and ethnic Meanwhile, US Rep. Michele in India (BCCI) promptly suspended
tensions, and bring economic oppor- Bachmann has likened the IRS issue the three cricketers.
tunity to the people of his country, to the Watergate scandal of the Police said the three players were
and to exploring how the United Nixon presidency. She and other tea told to use codes that bookies based
States can help,” White House President Obama met his Myanmarese counterpart Thein Sein party leaders demanded a thorough far away could decipher: such as
spokesman Jay Carney said. last year in Yangon. investigation of the IRS and the tucking a towel in the trouser, rotat-
Thein Sein’s visit to the US as Obama administration's possible ing a watch and wearing a wrist
president will be the first for a Myanmar in November 2012, while a visa ban and ended sanctions on role in the controversy, which led band. In the game against Kings XI,
Myanmarese leader following the Thein Sein visited New York where investment in the country in the president to dismiss acting direc- Sreesanth did tuck a towel in his
country’s military leader Ne Win’s he addressed the UN General response to the advances made in the tor Steven Miller; his resignation is trouser before his second over. In
visit to Washington in 1966 at the Assembly in September. Washington country’s reform efforts initiated by effective next month. that over, he conceded 13 runs
invitation of then US president has, among others, restored diplo- Thein Sein after he took office in Nawaz Sharif finalizing... story against the agreed 14 but was still
Lyndon Johnson. Obama visited matic relations with Myanmar, eased March 2011. Continued from page 1 paid Rs.40 lakh.
Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e- Delhi Police made the dramatic

International migration to lead Soul singer Candice Glover Insaf (PTI) securing 27. To achieve
the required majority, Sharif’s party
arrests after Wednesday night's
game when Chavan gifted 15 runs
wins 'American Idol' needs to wi over some of the 28 in his second over. He had been
US population growth independents elected. Besides, there
will be recounts or re-polling in 11
asked by the bookies to give away
14 runs or more.
Washington: International migra- ticularly during the great waves of constituencies. Mumbai Police sources said the
tion is projected to surpass natural the late 19th and early 20th cen- Dawn reported that for the post of arrests followed hours of intercepted
increase as the principal driver of turies," said Thomas Mesenbourg, National Assembly Speaker, names telephone calls, two dozens of
US population growth by the mid- the Census Bureau's senior adviser of Mehmood Khan Achakzai and which originated from Pakistan,
dle of this century, the first time in Wednesday. Riaz Pirzada are under considera- now home to a section of the
two centuries, the US Census He noted that the latest "project- tion. The federal cabinet is expected Mumbai underworld.
Bureau estimates. According to ed milestone" reflects the mix of to be sworn-in in two phases. "This has been a tough day for
three latest series of projections, the nation's declining fertility rates, General (retd) Qadir Baloch is being me, my team and cricket," said
the shift in what drives US popula- the aging of the baby boomer pop- named for the post of interior minis- Rajasthan Royals captain and for-
Candice Glover, a soul singer
tion growth is projected to occur ulation and continued immigration. ter. The new government will have mer India legend Rahul Dravid. He
from rural South Carolina,
between 2027 and 2038, depending Higher international migration its hands full with problems ranging said the episode was "extremely sad
was named "American Idol" on
on the future level of international would mean a faster growing, more Thursday, becoming the first from chronic power shortages, a and dangerous".
migration, reported Xinhua. diverse, and younger US popula- female singer to win the televi- near-failed economy, a Taliban India’s Sports Minister Jitendra
This would mark the first time tion, said the agency. Among the sion singing competition since insurgency and building relations Singh demanded "strict action"
that natural increase was not the latest projections, the total US pop- 2007. Glover, 23, defeated with the United States and arch rival against the guilty cricketers.
leading cause of population ulation in 2060 ranges from 392.7 country singer Kree Harrison India. Spot-fixing is the manipulation of
increase since at least 1850, when million to 442.4 million. The net in the popular vote with her Sreesanth & two RR... story individual incidents within a match
the census began collecting infor- international migration in 2012 powerful voice in what judges Continued from page 1 which may not affect the outcome of
mation about residents' country of ranges from 702,000 to 747,000, deemed a close contest to take bookies, Sreesanth and Chandila got the contest, most famously exposed
birth. "Our nation has had higher while the projected figure for 2060 the title on season 12 of the Rs.40 lakh each. The three crick- in a London trial and jailing of three
immigration rates in the past, par- ranges from 824,000 to 1.6 million. Fox network show. eters were involved in spot-fixing Pakistani cricketers in 2011.

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On Gujarat Day Narendra Modi

addresses Indians in 20 US
cities, slams UPA govt
Washington, DC: Community jarati Samuday of North America,
leaders, entrepreneurs, profession- an informal grouping of several
als, and varsity students gathered community organizations.
across the US in small groups to Various ethnic Gujarati associa-
hear the man being projected as the tions had decided to celebrate Gu-
great challenger to the UPA gov- jarat Day in America on May 12 to Gujarat Chief Minister gave his virtual address to hundreds of Indians across the US (Photo: Yagnesha Shah)
ernment. celebrate the May 1 1960 forma- his achievements in Gujarat and ''China withdraws its forces from biryani. That is when questions are
Still a persona non grata in the tion of the State, the organizers panned the center, calling it weak, our territory but why are Indian raised.''
US, Gujarat Chief Minister Naren- said. Modi, they said was invited inept, and corrupt. He also took pot forces withdrawing from Indian The Gujarat chief minister made
dra Modi spoke to the Indian com- to share his vision of "Good Gov- shots at the government's handling territory? Why did we retreat?" no secret of his desire to vault to
munity in 20 cities in North Amer- ernance" that is the foundation of of foreign policy, suggesting it was Modi asked rhetorically, referring the national stage on the strength
ica via satellite from state capital Gujarat's growth story weak-kneed before Pakistan and to the recent border spat with Chi- of his performance in Gujarat, say-
of Gandhinagar Sunday. Modi had more than Gujaratis in China. There was no reference to na, before picking on the UPA gov- ing, "This is Gujarat Day. But I am
He was the keynote speaker at his line of vision with an hour-long the US or the revocation of his ernment's Pakistan policy: ''Our an Indian first and I am worried
Gujarat Day celebrations across address in Hindi (except for an- American business visa that has soldiers are beheaded at the border because we are heading towards
North America, according to the swering a final question in Gu- forced him to connect with the In- but the Prime Minister of the na- troubled times. All because of a
organizers of the event, Indian/Gu- jarati) during which he spoke of dian diaspora here. tion that beheads is fed chicken weak government."

NY community leader and philanthropist honored Reshma Saujani Campaign hits $2.18 million
New York: Kanchana Jagadeesan Poola, fondly known as
Kanchana - New York based community leader and philan-
in contributions and expected match funds
thropist was honored in New Jersey by the community or-
ganization Golden Elephants Events group for her dedicat-
First time donors include Facebook COO
ed service to the Indian community in USA, her uncondi- Sheryl Sandberg, John Legend
tional support to educational institutions run for orphanage
children in Tamil Nadu and to other notable charities as well. New York, NY: Reshma Sau- Dorsey, co-founder of
Kanchana was one of the ten women selected in NY/NJ/CT jani, former Deputy Public Twitter and Square
tri-state area to receive the award known as “Woman of Advocate and founder of also headlined a
Achievement Award.” the national non-profit campaign fundrais-
The award was bestowed on her by the Tamil TV Celebri- Girls Who Code, an- er event in April,
ty- Vijay TV’s “Neeya-Naana” fame Mr. Gopinath in a col- nounced that her cam- telling a packed
orful ceremony held on Sunday, May 05, 2013 at Mont- paign has raised a total room that he sup-
gomery High School, Skillman New Jersey in connection of $2,186,401 in con- ported Saujani be-
with Mother’s Day celebrations. Dr. M N Krishnan, the cur- tributions and expected cause, "we need
rent President of New York Tamil Sangam on stage with match funds, and now more strong
Gopinath honored Kanchana with a nicely crafted flower Kanchana Poola with Gopinath of Vijay
TV who presented her the award and Dr M.N. has an expected women lead-
Krishnan, President of NYTS $1,678,423 available to ers in this
Kanchana was honored for her tireless service to the Tamil
Manhattan Centre in New York City. Kanchana was the spend in the Demo- country."
community living in USA especially in the New York area.
Kanchana was the first woman president of New York Tamil longest served Woman President of NYTS proving her able cratic primary. In the last
Sangam (NYTS) - the first ever Tamil Association started in leadership qualities with exemplary service to the commu- “I’m proud of two
North America forty years ago for the cause of Tamils living nity. Kanchana’s accomplishment to get the Woman of the outpouring months
in New York. Her contributions to the Tamil community to- Achievement Award was celebrated by her family and of grassroots Saujani's
wards art, literature, culture and the language are countless. friends who gathered in large numbers inside and outside the support that cam-
has helped Reshma Saujani paign
Kanchana was one of the main driving forces behind the suc- ceremony hall. Mr. Jagadeesan Poola hosted a party in hon-
cessful completion of the three-day celebrations of Federa- or of Kanchana Poola to celebrate the occasion at Mirchi our campaign expand and grow raised $153,975, receiving dona-
tion of Tamil Sangams of North America in July 2006 at Restaurant in New Jersey. over the last two months,” said Sau- tions from more than 700 individu-
jani. “These are people that are join- als, with 77% of those donors con-

ZEE partners with AIF to impact social change in India ing me to fight for opportunity for tributing $100 or less this filing pe-
all New Yorkers and are looking for riod. Saujani formally launched her
a Public Advocate that offers some- Public Advocate campaign in April
New York: In ongoing efforts to support charities dedicated ty rate and lessen childbirth complications for women in ru-
thing more than the same old with a five-borough "Opportunity
to fostering socio-economic development around the world, ral areas of India who have limited access to proper medical
ZEE Americas sponsored the American India Foundation’s facilities and practitioners. ZEE Americas GM, Sameer
ideas.” for All" tour and has been success-
6th Annual New York Young Professionals Gala this April. Targe said, “As a leader in South Asian entertainment, we Notable new contributors to Sau- fully building out her grassroots
Each year, AIF raises awareness and funds for one major are an inseparable part of the South Asian community in the jani's campaign include Grammy- movement citywide. The campaign
cause, ranging from neo-natal health and education to United States. ZEE believes in supporting initiatives that award winning musician John Leg- continues to build momentum with
healthcare for HIV positive women and children. This year’s promote social and economic change, especially when it end and Facebook Chief Operating a key endorsement earlier this week
nominated program was MANSI (Maternal and Newborn comes to empowering the youth and their efforts to make a Officer and best-selling author of from Alliance of South Asian Amer-
Survival Initiative), which aims to lower the infant mortali- difference in the lives of those less fortunate.” Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg. Jack ican Labor.
6 May 18-24, 2013 NATIONAL COMMUNITY

Karnataka will emerge as IT superpower again: Moily

New York: Union Petroleum only in India but all over the assembly. He appealed to the
Minister Veerappa Moily has world by providing a stable, cor- Congress High Command to
assured the Non-Resident Indians rupt-free, transparent and account- reserve seats for Non-Resident
that the Congress Government able government.” Indian members of the INOC who
headed by Chief Minister K Terming the recently-held elec- are Indian citizens to contest
Siddaramiah in Karnataka will put tion as “liberation movement,” the Parliament and State Assembly
the state back again on the global Union Minister thanked Dr. Naik elections. “There are some NRIs
map in Information and bio tech- and his team from the Indian among MPs now and we need
nology. It will become IT super- National Overseas Congress for more to raise the issue of overseas
power again and make India their support and campaign using Indians in Parliament,” he said.
proud. social media and mass email to Shudh Parkash Singh, INOC
Moily was addressing Indian- their friends and relatives back Senior Vice President said
Americans over live audio confer- home to bring back Congress to Karnataka has proved that stable
ence by telephone from New power. government is a must for develop-
Delhi at a victory celebrations Dr. Dayanand Naik, fourth from right, with George Abraham, George Abraham, president of ment. Mohinder Singh Gilzian,
organized by Dr. Dayanand Naik, president and other INOC leaders at the victory Indian National Overseas vice president, Harbachan Singh,
Karnataka chapter president of celebrations in New York. Congress (INOC) in his presiden- general secretary, Zack Thomas,
Indian National Overseas ous Bharatiya Janata Party gov- favored investment destination tial address, said the people of one of the founders of INOC and
Congress (INOC) here on ernment had done irreparable when the Congress Party ruled the Karnataka had spoken loud and other leaders offered their con-
Monday night. damage to the image of Karnataka State. “We will respond to the clear disproving all negativities gratulations for the victory of
Moily told NRIs that the previ- abroad which was the most aspirations of Kannadigas not and fake poll predictions of hung Congress in Karnataka.


Paresh Rawal’s play enthralls audiences in NJ Karsh Kale to perform at the White House
By Yagnesha Shah arsh Kale, an Indian Ameri- When contacted, Karsh said, "The

aresh Rawal’s play “Dear Father” produced by K can musician, producer and
composer has been invited
news just came in.
I will be performing on May 28 at

P Swaroop Sampat and directed by Dinkar, a

satirical presentation of the interaction between
two generations, received standing ovation and non-
to perform at the White House in
May end. Karsh tweeted late on
Wednesday evening, "WOW ...have
been invited to DJ at a reception at
the annual Asian American Pacific
Islanders (AAPI) meet. First, Barack
Obama will be giving a speech, after
which I will be performing at the re-
stop applause when staged in New Jersey recently. It’s
difficult to reduce the generation gap in this fast world the White House aka Barack's house ception." Karsh has been invited by
later this month.....#djfortheprez" the AAPI.
and to get each other’s attention and love a lot of ma-
nipulation is required. This meaningful lesson is giv-
en in an hilarious as well as emotional way in the play.
Rawal plays the lead character in double role, one of
an aging father and the other of a suspicious police in- A still from the play ‘Dear Father’
spector. Photo by: Yagnesha Shah

Poet performer Dr Kumar

Vishwas visits US
By Yagnesha Shah

r Kumar Vishwas, a performing poet, an au-

D thor, a social communicator and a motivator

performed in New Jersey recently. He is cred-
ited with reviving Hindi poetry among young genera-
tion. A professor by profession, Dr Vishwas is also in-
volved in writing scripts, lyrics and stories for Indian
film industry. He was brought to USA audience by The Gujarati Samaj of New York recently held Gujarat Day
Dr Kumar Vishwas Musikwave Entertainment. celebrations at its community center in Fresh Meadows, NY.
Honored guest Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos
seen here with executive committee member Bharati Desai

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Hot Topics you can comment on: AP wiretapping.

At the same event Maragos (third from left) posing
1. President Obama in a corner on three issues: 2. Nawaz Sharif as Pak PM -- Good or bad for with Maulik Patel, Anil Patel, Harshad Patel, Dilip Chauhan
IRS targeting conservative groups, Benghazi, and America and India? and Divyesh Tripathi. NATIONAL COMMUNITY May 18-24, 2013 7

Indian wunderkid is youngest Indians lobby hard for a slice of

Berkley topper in a century immigration pie
Washington, DC: From corporate USIBC officials argue, and place the
America to Indian techies to Indian- US at a relative disadvantage in the
from the College of Chemistry in National Science Foundation. Americans with family ties to their global marketplace driving away
58 years - and the first ever Das credits much of his success native land - all are lobbying hard to skilled workers elsewhere, including
from the Department of to dedicated parents and teachers influence changes in the proposed to Canada and Europe.
Bioengineering - to who propelled him forward. "I had immigration law that has started The bill proposes raising the cur-
earn the honor, parents and teachers who invested moving through the US legislative rent base cap for H-1 B visas from
which includes in my education early on," said labyrinthine. 65,000 to 110,000 and eventually to
a $2,500 Das. Concerned that some "aggressive- 180,000 based on a formula that
Ritankar Das scholarship. "Without that help, I don't think ly protectionist" provisions in the includes whether the cap is met each
Washington, DC: Kolkata-born After graduation, Das, who is I would have succeeded through bipartisan legislation proposed by year and the number of unemployed
Ritankar Das, a bioengineering fluent in Bengali and Hindi, and the education system. I think a lot the so-called Senate gang of eight high-skilled workers.
and chemical biology double conversational in Spanish, will of students deserve that opportuni- would adversely affect US-India But it also imposes a hard limit of
major at the University of head to Oxford University to pur- ty and don't always get it." trade ties, a leading association of 50 percent on H-1B and L-1 work-
California at Berkeley, has sue a master's degree in biomed- Das moved to Waukesha, over 300 US firms doing business ers that could make up a company's
become the youngest student to ical engineering with a fully fund- Wisconsin, at the age of 7 with his with India is engaging a lobbying workforce in the US from October
receive the University Medal in ed Whitaker Fellowship. parents, Sankar and Kakali Das. firm as it once did to push the land- 2016 onwards and increases the visa
more than a century. He will then continue his studies Das grew up with limited financial mark India-US nuclear deal. application fee from the current
The medal is given to the year's at the Massachusetts Institute of resources, often walking several The US-India Business Council $2,000 to up to $10,000 for employ-
top graduating senior. Das, who Technology, where he has been miles with his mother to elemen- (USIBC) argues that the proposed ers with more than 50 percent and
began his freshman term when he admitted to the chemistry PhD tary school in the freezing cold. ban and restrictions on client site less than 75 percent such workers.
was 15, will be graduating with program. Das and his parents moved to placement of H1B and L1 workers Concerned about the potential to
more than 200 credits and a GPA Das's academic and community Fremont, California, a year before respectively and a limit on their total apply new rules in a discriminatory
of 3.99, which includes eight A+ service achievements have earned he started college. When it came percentage in a company's work- manner against Indian companies,
marks, in three years, according him more than 40 awards totaling time to choose his school, Das force in the US would dispropor- the National Association of
to the university news center. more than $300,000. picked Berkeley because this cam- tionally affect Indian-born, highly- Software and Services Companies
He will receive the medal and These include prestigious pus offered an appealing "culture skilled workers. (Nasscom) too is planning to engage
give a speech at Commencement Goldwater, Udall and Pearson of mutual appreciation where peo- The proposed caps on H1B visas a lobbying firm to make its case on
Convocation on May 18. scholarships, as well as a graduate ple were genuinely curious across will instead put a cap on economic the Capitol Hill, the seat of the US
Das, 18, is also the first student research fellowship from the fields," he said. growth in both the US and India, Congress.

Four Indian Americans Ranbaxy to pay $500 mn to settle US fraud charges

charged with healthcare fraud Washington, DC: A sub-
sidiary of Indian generic
drug-maker Ranbaxy
ed generic form of
isotretinoin, a drug used to
treat severe recalcitrant
Chicago: Four Indian were charged with sub-
Laboratories has pleaded nodular acne; gabapentin is a
Americans are among 89 mitting more than $4 mil-
guilty to federal charges of drug used to treat epilepsy
people charged with lion in false billings to
selling adulterated drugs and nerve pain; ciprofloxacin
healthcare fraud running Medicare between March
with intent to defraud and is a broad-spectrum antibiot-
into about $233 million in and July 2011.
agreed to pay $500 million to ic.
false billing after a Roy, 36, of Miami was
resolve false claim allega- Ranbaxy USA acknowl-
nationwide strike in eight arrested Tuesday in south
tions. edged that FDA's inspection
cities, according to feder- Florida, while Patel, 33,
The US justice department of the Paonta Sahib facility
al authorities. of Morton Grove, and
Monday described as "the guilty to three felony counts reflects many years of work in 2006 found incomplete
All the Indian Desai, 33, of Chicago,
largest drug safety settle- under the federal Food, Drug by FDA agents and federal testing records and an inade-
Americans charged are will be ordered to appear
ment" with a generic drug- and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), prosecutors, holds Ranbaxy quate program to assess the
from the Chicago area. for arraignment on a later
maker related to manufacture and four felony counts of accountable for a pattern of stability characteristics of
Ankur Roy, Akash date in US District Court
and distribution of certain knowingly making material violations and should drugs, the justice department
Patel, and Dipen Desai, in Chicago.
adulterated drugs made at false statements to the Food improve the reliability of said.
have been charged with According to the indict-
two of Ranbaxy USA Inc's and Drug Administration generic drugs manufactured The company also admit-
six counts of health care ment, the three allegedly
manufacturing facilities at (FDA), it said. in India by Ranbaxy," he ted to making false, ficti-
fraud each in an indict- submitted $4,009,094 in
Paonta Sahib and Dewas in "This is the largest false said. tious, and fraudulent state-
ment that was returned by false billings for services
India. claims case ever prosecuted Ranbaxy USA admitted to ments to the FDA in Annual
a federal grand jury last that were purportedly pro-
Ranbaxy also agreed to pay in the District of Maryland, introducing into interstate Reports filed in 2006 and
Wednesday and unsealed vided between April 2010
a criminal fine and forfeiture and the nation's largest finan- commerce certain batches of 2007 regarding the dates of
Tuesday. and April 2011, resulting
totaling $150 million and to cial penalty paid by a generic adulterated drugs that were stability tests conducted on
The three, who owned in payments totaling
settle civil claims under the pharmaceutical company for produced at Paonta Sahib in certain batches of Cefaclor,
and operated Selectcare approximately
False Claims Act and related FDCA violations," said US 2005 and 2006, including Cefadroxil, Amoxicillin, and
Health Inc, which provid- $2,214,424 from
State laws for $350 million, Attorney for the District of Sotret, gabapentin, and Amoxicillin and Clavulanate
ed outpatient physical and Medicare and $320,881
the department said in a Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein. ciprofloxacin, the justice Potassium, which were man-
respiratory therapy in from Blue Cross Blue
media release. "The joint criminal and department said. ufactured at the Dewas facil-
Park Ridge and Skokie, Shield.
Ranbaxy USA pleaded civil settlement, which Sotret is Ranbaxy's brand- ity, it said.
8 May 18-24, 2013 NATIONAL COMMUNITY

AAPI’s 31st convention to start in Chicago on May 23 US working with India to streamline
Senator Harry Reid to deliver keynote address
Chicago, IL: The 31st annual Convention of the Ameri-
can Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is
education visa process
Washington, DC: The United Blake said in his remarks.
all set to start on Thursday, May 23rd, 2013 at the Sher-
States is working with the Indian "And through a grant from our
aton Hotel & Towers, Chicago, IL. To be attended over
Government to streamline the lat- Embassy in New Delhi, the US-
2,000 talented and dedicated physicians of Indian origin,
ter's education visa, which is being India Educational Foundation is
the five-day event will provide a forum for the nation’s
considered as a major hindrance working with Indian institutions of
talented and compassionate physicians of Indian origin to
for American students wanting to higher education to encourage
deliberate on ways to enhance their own professional
go to the country for education, a more US students to study there,
growth while offering opportunities for networking and
top Obama Administration official including by developing better
staying united. In addition to the entertainment and fun to
has said. housing and support offices for for-
the delegates who will be gathering in Chicago, the con-
Though more than 100,000 eign students," he said.
vention will enable the physicians to express a unified
Indian students come to the US for The Obama Administration has
voice to protect their rights as well as explore possibili-
Senator Harry Reid with AAPI members at study every year, the number of launched 'Passport to India' initia-
ties to give back to the society. Senator Harry Reid, Sen-
AAPI's Legislative Day earlier American students who studied in tive to send more and more
ate Majority Leader will be the keynote speaker at the
India in 2011-2012 was a mere American students to India for
convention. Other speakers who will address the dele- friends, make new friends, and provide a great opportu-
4,300 and far less than those going studies.
gates will include Senator Dick Durbin, Assistant Senate nity for professional networking.” Lauding the hard
to China for studies. The United States is also work-
Majority Leader, Congressman Ami Bera, Congress- work, planning and organization of the host committee,
Even as more American students ing with businesses and founda-
woman Tulsi Gabbard, Governor Patrick Quinn, Gover- Dr. Kumar said, “The convention team is working very
would like to go to India for stud- tions to increase opportunities for
nor of Illinois, , India’s Minister of Overseas Indian Af- hard to bring an outstanding convention to our mem-
ies, not many are able to travel more Americans to experience
fairs, Jeremy Lazarus, MD, AMA president, Christopher bers.” Dr. Birinder Marwah, Chairman of AAPI 2013
because of the difficulties they face India during their college or uni-
Kaplan, Sr. Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, Annual Convention, said, “We have been working for
in getting the education visa. versity years through study abroad,
Boehringer Ingelheim, Inc., Eric Peterson, Sr. Vice Pres- more than a year in putting together an attractive program
"We recognize that there are internships, and service learning
ident & Vice President, Corporate Diversity, GM. The for our annual get together, educational activity, family
indeed challenges and hindrances opportunities.
Women’s Forum, which is being chaired by Dharmi enjoyment.
which have prevented more This complements other State
Kanuga, MD, and Annita John, MD, will have Ambassa- I am fortunate to chair this dedicated team of conven-
American students from choosing Department-sponsored programs
dor Nirupama Rao, Indian Ambassador to the United tion committee members from Chicago and surrounding
India as a destination," the for study abroad, including
States, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Anne Cherian areas.”
Assistant Secretary of State for Fulbright, Gilman, and Critical
and Surinder Nand, MD. “AAPI was formed in the midst of challenges that
South and Central Asia, Robert Language Scholarships.
“Some of the other major attractions include cutting- physicians of Indian origin have faced due to cultural bar-
Blake, told students at the Boston Passport to India now has 10
edge CME with renowned speakers, Alumni meetings, riers and bias against international medical graduates.
University. "We are working with partnerships with companies as
delicious ethnic cuisine, fashion shows, the best of the Those barriers created obstacles to immigration and li-
the Indian government to stream- diverse as Honeywell, United
Bollywood entertainment with outstanding artists, and a censing opportunities,” Dr. Jayesh Shah, President-Elect
line education visa processes, Airlines, Citigroup, which have
Friday evening cruise where the City of Chicago will of AAPI, explained. “Today, the organization is a dy-
which have been repeatedly identi- created hundreds of new opportu-
raise the bridge for AAPI Convention,” said Dr. Naren- namic body, spearheading legislative agendas on health
fied as a key reason for why so few nities for American students in
dra R. Kumar, President, AAPI. “Most important of all, care and influencing the advancement of ethnic medical
American students go to India," India.
the Convention will give us the chance to meet old organizations.”

Ten Indian American students Nanubhai Education Foundation raises

named Presidential Scholars
Washington, DC: Ten Indian
American students were named May
munity service, and I encourage
them — and all students — to con-
$55,000 at fifth annual gala
New York, NY: Over 350
6 among 141 Presidential Scholars, tinue to showcase the capacity for guests attended the Nanubhai
the nation’s highest honor for gradu- greatness in our nation’s young peo- Education Foundation’s Fifth
ating high school seniors. ple.”
Annual Gala on May 10th, 2013
They are: Hema V. Pingali, The Commission on Presidential
held at Midtown Loft and
Randolph School, Owens Cross Scholars makes the final selection of
Terrance in New York City.
Roads, Ala.; Aneri C. Pattani, the nation’s Presidential Scholars.
Cheshire High School, Cheshire, One male and one female student Spokesman for Nanubhai
Conn.; Nivedha Ram, Acton- are selected from each state, the Education Foundation, actor
Boxborough Regional High School, District of Columbia, the Manish Dayal, along with spe-
Boxborough, Mass.; Anish Athalye, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and cial guests; Melanie
Massachusetts Academy of Math & from families of U.S. citizens living Kannokada, Neelu Sodhi, Pooja
Science, Shrewsbury, Mass.; Vineet abroad. Kumar, Nina Manuel, Ami
Aggarwal, St. Andrew’s Episcopal In addition, up to 15 students cho- Sheth, Indrani Pal Chaudhuri,
School, Ridgeland, Miss.; Maneesh sen at large and the Presidential and Fashion Designer Payal
D. Apte, Davies High School, Scholars Commission selects up to Singhal came out to support the
Fargo, N.D; Anjali K. Lall, Davies 20 Presidential Scholars in the arts charity.
High School, Fargo; N.D.; Raghav for a total of 141 Presidential The gala, which sold out in Celebrities with Nita Nehru and Raj Shah
Tripathi, Westview High School, Scholars. advance, raised a high of Every year our mission of "After two years working on
Portland, Ore.; Apoorva Dixit, A ceremony will be held June 16 $55,000 from ticket sales and reforming rural education is Nanubhai's mission in rural
White Station High School, in Washington, D.C., when each personal donations. Hosted being put to work in a real way. India, I am honored to assume
Collierville, Tenn.; and Keyur M. honoree will receive a Presidential annually, the gala raises funds Thank you to everyone who has the role of Executive Director. I
Mehta, Westlake H.S., Austin, Scholar Medallion. to support the Foundation's pro- contributed to our organization's plan to work with our team to
Texas. There were 48 South Asian
grams which provide scholar- success.” says Manish Dayal expand our flagship programs to
“Presidential Scholars demon- American students among the
ships for meritorious women to spokesman for the organization. new regions of India.
strate the accomplishments that can approximate 550 high school stu-
attend college and provides Former Executive Director Additionally, I will focus on
be made when students challenge dents named Presidential Scholar
themselves, set the highest standards semifinalists. direct support to improve the Nita Nehru announced her new strengthening our already-
and commit themselves to excel- About 3,900 students nationwide quality of education in rural role for NEF as the Co-Chair of expanding network of donors
lence,” said U.S. Secretary of were identified as candidates for the public schools in India. the Board along with Kandarp and volunteers. I am excited to
Education Arne Duncan in a state- program based on performances on “This year we exceeded our Shah, while Claire Arthurs will lead this organization into the
ment. “I’m honored to celebrate ACT or SAT college fundraising goals with the help take responsibility as the incom- next phase of growth.” says
their creativity, hard work, and com- admissions tests. of our long time supporters. ing Executive Director. Claire Arthurs. US AFFAIRS May 18-24, 2013 9

New controversies threaten to choke ‘Inappropriate criteria’ stalled IRS approvals

Obama's 2nd term agenda of conservative groups: IG report
Washington: A series of recent controversies Washington: The Internal Revenue Service
have forced the Obama administration onto developed “inappropriate criteria” focused on
conservative groups that stalled work on most
the defensive, emboldening Republicans in
of the organizations’ applications for nearly 13
Congress and threatening to stymie the presi-
months, according to a report issued by the
dent’s already-struggling second-term agenda,
Treasury Inspector General on Tuesday.
comments NBC. The report said the targeting campaign would
Republicans have already slowed or stopped “stay in place for more than 18 months.” Of the
several of President Obama’s top priorities, 298 total applications the IG report reviewed as
including his gun-control proposal, tax plan of Dec. 17 last year, “108 had been approved,
and a slew of nominations. And the three new 28 were withdrawn by the application, none US Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.
flaps threaten to further embolden conserva- President Obama, with then Secretary of had been denied, and 160 were open from 206 has announced a criminal investiga-
tives in Congress, who have at times struggled State by his side, spoke ing about the to 1,138 calendar days (some for more than tion of the IRS’s handling of conserva-
to unite due to infighting. attack on US mission in Benghazi, prom- three years and crossing two election cycles.)” tive groups seeking tax-exempt status.
Fresh questions about the administration’s ising ‘justice be will be done’. Since then The IG report said that the IRS officials had a instead of the activities permitted under the
handling of last year’s terrorist attack in the Republicans have relentlessly range of criteria for potential political cases Treasury Regulations does not promote public
Benghazi and reports that the IRS had singled accused the Obama administration of that include the terms “tea party,” “patriots” confidence that tax-exempt laws are being
out conservative groups for scrutiny have gal- concealing facts on the calamitous event. and “9/12 Project;” issues including govern- adhered to impartially,” the inspector general
vanized Republican critics to dig in against 2012 that might break the fever, and it’s not ment spending, government debt or taxes; edu- reported. The disclosure of the IG report comes
the president. Revelations that the Justice quite broken yet," Obama said Monday at a cation of the public about how to “make as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on
Department seized phone records from jour- America a better place to live;” or a statement Tuesday announced a criminal investigation of
fundraiser, alluding to that phenomenon. "But
in the case file criticizing how the country is the IRS’s handling of conservative groups
nalists at AP as part of an investigation into I am persistent. And I am staying at it."
being run. seeking tax-exempt status.
classified leaks has made matters worse for But the continued probe into Benghazi and
Applications that met these criteria were Holder said the Justice Department and FBI
the White House. the IRS controversy seems to have renewed would examine whether any laws were violated
added to a “Be on the Lookout” (BOLO) list-
“The fact of the matter is House and Senate Republicans’ focus, making the opposition ing, meaning they required further scrutiny. at the agency, which has acknowledged that it
Republicans have done very little legislating party as energized and focused as ever in pur- IRS officials told the IG that they did not selected groups with the words “tea party” and
so far this year. This certainly isn't going to suing these issues to their bitter end, so as to consult anyone outside the agency about the “patriot” in their names for special audits. The
help things,” said Jim Manley, a former senior hasten the onset of Obama’s “lame duck” sta- screening and that they considered the screen- criminal probe ensures that the IRS will be the
Democratic Senate aide. “Now they're going tus. At Tuesday’s White House press briefing, ing essentially shorthand. subject of intense attention for the foreseeable
to feast on investigation after investigation for press secretary Jay Carney disputed a “Whether the inappropriate criterion was future. The agency’s disclosure Friday of its
the rest of the year, while throwing red meat to reporter’s question about whether recent con- shorthand for all potential political cases or actions created a political firestorm and con-
their base and forgetting about the divisions in troversies threatened to knock Obama’s agen- not, developing and using criteria that focuses firmed suspicions about the agency long held
their own caucus.” da off-course. on organization names and policy positions by conservatives and Republican lawmakers.
Indeed, Republicans have quickly rallied “The president is focused on what he
around this trio of controversies – particularly believes the American people expect from him
the IRS story, and the continued probe into and their elected leaders in Washington,” he
Benghazi. “If I were in the opposing party, said. And Democrats have begun to punch
and the White House were having this kind of back. “It wasn't long ago that the IRS inappro-
week, I’d be smiling,” said Jamal Simmons, a priately targeted the NAACP, Greenpeace and
Democratic strategist. a California church that was really progres-
Republicans have thwarted many elements sive,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry
of the president’s second-term agenda over the Reid, D-Nev., on Tuesday. “It was interesting
past few months, showing little or no interest at that time, we didn't hear a single
in the kind of compromise Obama hoped Republican grandstand the issue then. Where
might come from his and Democrats’ decisive was their outrage when groups on the other
electoral victories last fall. side of the political spectrum were under
"My thinking was when we beat them in attack?”

OJ Simpson testifies in bid to get out of jail

Las Vegas: Incarcerated star footballer and
actor O.J. Simpson has started testifying in
court Wednesday in a bid to win freedom from
a sentence that could keep him behind bars
until he dies.
Simpson took the stand to testify about his
‘botched’ legal representation by attorney Yale
Galanter in the case involving a strange hotel
room confrontation with sports memorabilia
dealers that led to a robbery-kidnap conviction.
Under questioning by his co-counsel, Patricia
Palm, Simpson began discussing his back-
ground with Galanter. "Yale had a good rela-
tionship with the media," Simpson said. "I was OJ Simpson
in the media a lot. He was able to refute many attorney Ozzie Fumo.
of the tabloid stories," Simpson said. "He sort When he went to trial in 2008 on charges of
of liked doing it; he told me he did." armed robbery and kidnapping, Simpson did
Simpson, with short graying hair and reced- not testify — a decision that one of his lawyers
ing hairline, dressed in drab prison blue scrubs, said was pushed upon him by another attorney
spoke calmly and looked straight at Palm. In he trusted so completely that he took his bad
2008, he was near tears as he told a judge: "I advice.
didn't mean to steal anything from anybody ... Galanter is now the focus of Simpson's
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of it." motion claiming ineffective assistance of coun-
There is no jury in the hearing and his fate sel and conflict of interest. Galanter will take
will be determined by Clark County District the stand Friday. In the celebrated 1995 case,
Judge Linda Marie Bell. Simpson was acquitted by the jury in the mur-
"He's been wanting to tell his story. He's ders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, and her
excited about telling his story," said Simpson friend Ronald Goldman in Los Angeles.
10 May 18-24, 2013 US AFFAIRS

Suspect arrested in Mother's Day Angelina Jolie takes preventive

double mastectomy
parade shooting in New Orleans
Washington: US police are look-
New York: Angelina Jolie has
undergone a preventive double mas-
tectomy last month, she has
revealed in an op ed she wrote for
been many advances in this proce-
dure in the last few years, and the
results can be beautiful,” Jolie
wrote. “On a personal note, I do not
ing for a 19-year-old man identi- the New York Times. feel any less of a woman. I feel
fied as a suspect in the Mother's Jolie a carrier of a gene mutation empowered that I made a strong
Day parade shooting in New called BRCA1, who lost her mother choice that in no way diminishes my
Orleans, the largest city in to ovarian cancer, wrote, "My femininity.” Jolie’s partner of many
Louisiana that injured 19 people. chances of developing breast cancer years, Brad Pitt has issued a state-
Police are looking for one Akien have dropped from 87% to under ment “Having witnessed this deci-
Scott who has previous arrests on 5%. I can tell my children that they sion firsthand, I find Angie's choice,
charges of possession of firearms, don't need to fear they will lose me as well as many others like her,
possession of narcotics and resist- to breast cancer.” absolutely heroic. All I want is for
ing arrest, New Orleans Police Jolie also addressed aesthetic con- her to have a long and healthy life,
Chief Ronal Serpas announced cerns straightforwardly. “There have with myself and our children.”
"I would recommend strongly
that Mr. Scott contact anybody
who he is comfortable with to turn
himself in," Serpas was quoted as
saying by CNN. A surveillance video shows suspect Akien Scott
When asked if Scott was the lone shooting into a crowd of people in New Orleans.
shooter, Serpas said it was still (inset) Scott has been arrested since.
early in the investigation. away, leaving scattered bicycles said.
Images of the parade, released by and bodies on the ground behind The shooting, during a festive
police Monday, show a man stand- him. New Orleans Mother's Day parade,
ing at the outskirts of a packed Federal investigators said they renewed concerns about crime in
parade route. A moment later, he have no indication that the shoot- the city known as the home of jazz.
charges toward the crowd. ing was an act of terrorism. It's the third holiday this year
The dramatic surveillance cam- "It's strictly an act of street vio- when guns have been fired into
era images see the panicked crowd lence in New Orleans," FBI crowds, New Orleans Mayor Mitch
scrambling for cover. The man runs spokesperson Mary Beth Romig Landrieu said. Angelina Jolie had full support from her partner Brad Pitt

Prince Harry enjoying his US visit Driving while texting 6 times more
dangerous than driving while drunk
Washington, DC: Driving a vehicle while texting is
six times more dangerous than driving while intoxi-
cated, according to the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA). The federal agency
reports that sending or receiving a text takes a dri-
ver’s eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 sec-
onds, the equivalent -- when traveling at 55 mph --
of driving the length of an entire football field while
Britain's Prince Harry plays a round of sitting volleyball with Texting in cars and trucks causes over 3,000 deaths
British Armed Forces volleyball team members at the United and 330,000 injuries per year, according to a Harvard
States Olympic Training Center before the opening ceremonies Center for Risk Analysis study.
at the 2013 Warrior Games on May 11. Texting while driving a vehicle has now replaced
drinking while driving as the leading cause of acci-
dents and deaths of teenage drivers. Texting in traffic
isn’t simply a problem among teens and 47% of
adults admit that they text while driving. Texting
drivers are 23 times more likely to be involved in a
crash than non-texting drivers.
The proportion of alcohol-related traffic crash
deaths has dropped 52% since 1982, and are now at Sending or receiving a text message takes a
historic lows, but the proportion of traffic accident driver’s eyes from the road for an average of
fatalities that are NOT alcohol-related has jumped 4.6 seconds, the equivalent -- when traveling at
78% during the same time. 55 mph -- of driving the length of an entire
A survey conducted by NHTSA found that 90% of football field while blindfolded.
drivers support laws to ban texting while driving. A Teen drivers
survey reported by Nationwide Insurance found that Close to half of US high school students text while
80% of drivers support some type of cell phone driving, a habit that dramatically increases their risk
usage restrictions. The majority of respondents say of getting into a potentially fatal car crash, a new
they are supportive of laws restricting any type of study shows. Teens who reported texting while driv-
cell phone use while driving; 80% support a ban on ing were more likely to engage in other risky driving
Prince Harry and British Prime Minster David Cameron are pre- text messaging while driving; 80% support a ban on behaviors such as driving under the influence of
sented with dolls of themselves by 'Makielab' company co-founder e-mailing while driving; and almost 75% believe that alcohol or not wearing a seat belt. The research was
Jo Roach (R) during part of a UK business campaign called 'GREAT' restrictions should apply to all drivers, not just spe- published online May 13 and in the June print issue
at the Milk Studios on May 14 in Manhattan, New York. cific groups such as teens. of the journal Pediatrics. INDIA May 18-24, 2013 11

Varun Gandhi fixed hate BJP wants PM to go, to launch 'jail bharo'
speech case: Tehelka New Delhi: Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh should also go
following the resignation of two
cabinet ministers, BJP president
Rajnath Singh said and announced
a "jail bharo (filling the jails)"
agitation May 27-June 2 against
the "all-round failure" of UPA
Addressing a press conference
here, Rajnath Singh said there was
no alternative to elections and the
country needed a new govern-
Terming the United Progressive
Alliance (UPA) government the
"most corrupt" since
Independence "with scams of
more than Rs.550 trillion", he Rajnath Singh said there was no alternative to elections
blamed the Congress-led govern- and the country needed a new government
ment for near wash-out of the sec- going on has put a question mark "There is coalgate, railgate,
BJP general secretary Varun Gandhi ond half of budget session. on the whole administrative khelgate..." he said.
New Delhi: BJP general secretary making hate speeches while cam- He said the UPA has developed process. The prime minister He said former communications
Varun Gandhi, who was exonerated paigning for his first election to the a penchant for shielding people should introspect. If he does, there minister A. Raja had not been
of all charges of making hate Lok Sabhha from Pilibhit con- charged with corruption till the will be no option for him but to summoned by the chairman of
speeches before the 2009 Lok Sabha stituency, which was earlier repre- very end. resign," he said. JPC on 2G spectrum despite
polls, is now being accused of sented by his mother Menaka "The (UPA) government should Pawan Kumar Bansal and repeated pleas.
"brazenly subverting the entire judi- Gandhi. go and a new government should Ashwani Kumar Friday resigned Rajnath Singh also accused the
cial process to get his name Tehelka said: "He has also come. There is no alternative as railway and law ministers fol- UPA of failures in handling of
cleared", a report by news magazine indulged in anti-party activities, except elections,”"Rajnath Singh lowing allegations of corruption internal and external security,
Tehelka said. deliberately making his own party said, adding his party will struggle and impropriety. economy and diplomacy.
An expose by Tehelka magazine candidate lose an assembly election and create awareness among peo- Attacked the prime minister He referred to Chinese incursion
Wednesday said that its "investiga- in Uttar Pradesh in 2012 so that a ple against the UPA government. over the coal block allocation in Ladakh and said the country
tion proves that not only did Varun Samajwadi Party (SP) leader sym- “There will be jail bharo agita- controversy and the 2G spectrum wants to know truth about reports
make the venomous speeches he is pathetic to him could win and help tion from May 27 to June 2,” he allocations, Rajnath Singh that India had dismantled defence
accused of, he has compounded the him fix the cases against him." said. referred to Kumar's remarks infrastructure as part of a deal.
original wrong by brazenly subvert- Eighty-eight witnesses that turned The Bharatiya Janata Party Saturday and said the former min- He accused the UPA of failing
ing the entire judicial process to get hostile during the trial were caught (BJP) chief did not make a direct ister should tell reason for his res- to check price rise, fiscal deficit
his name cleared". on hidden cameras in the sting oper- demand for prime minister's resig- ignation. and current account deficit.
Varun Gandhi was appointed a ation. They admitted that "they were nation but said that if Manmohan "Whom he tried to save through "If the Atal Bihari Vajpayee
national general secretary of the BJP coerced or bribed into changing Singh introspects, he will have no his resignation," he asked. government will be known for
in the recasting of the party's his their testimonies. They speak of option but to resign. Targeting the Manmohan Singh laying the foundation of a high
national team after Rajnath Singh how Pilibhit Superintendent of "Two ministers resigned yester- government on corruption, he said GDP growth, the Manmohan
took over as BJP president. Police Amit Verma and other police day. The question is not of one or the situation is going from bad to Singh government will be known
Varun Gandhi was accused of officers threatened witnesses." two ministers, whatever has been worse. for its tragic end," he claimed.

Congress rains goodies in Karnataka Navy sex scandal:

Bangalore: A victorious Congress rained
goodies in Karnataka within hours after Antony says guilty won't
its state's legislative party leader
Siddaramaiah took oath as the 28th Chief
Minister in front of massive crowds at a
be spared
public venue here. New Delhi: Stressing that will take strong action. At
Returning to power in the southern there would be no cover- this moment, don't expect
state after nine years, the Congress up, Defense Minister A.K. me to come to any con-
sought to reward the electorate, especial- Antony said an inquiry clusion."
ly the weaker sections with cheaper rice, had been ordered into the The wife of the naval
higher milk subsidy, higher housing cred- complaint of a naval offi- officer posted at the
it and loan waivers at a burden of cer's wife that her hus- Naval Ship Repair Yard
Rs.4,410 crore to the state's exchequer. band had tortured her and (NSRY) at Karwar in
"About 10.4 million people comprising forced her to have sex Karnataka alleged that her
the poor, farmers, SCs, STs, BCs and with his colleagues. husband tortured her
minorities will benefit from some of the "The moment I got the mentally and physically
promises we made in our election mani- complaint I have ordered and forced her to sleep
festo and implementing as our commit- an inquiry. Whenever the with his colleagues.
ment," Siddaramaiah told reporters after Siddaramaiah took oath as the 28th chief minister of the state complaints have come, According to a source,
meeting top officials at the secretariat in urban areas and will cost the exchequer across the state," Siddaramaiah said. we inquire about that. We the woman's father has
Vidhana Soudha. Rs.460 crore per annum," Siddaramaiah Hinting that some more promises will not cover-up so let us written to the navy and
Asserting that all the promises, polices said at his maiden press conference as would be addressed in the budget he wait," Antony told the defence ministry on
and programs made in the party mani- chief minister. would present in June, the 64-year-old reporters here. April 25 with the com-
festo would be implemented during the Similarly, a subsidy of Rs.4 per litre of chief minister announced waiver of loans The minister added that plaints.
next four years, he announced that 30kg milk will be given to dairy producers, with interest to the tune of Rs.1,225 crore he would not jump to any The woman has left her
of rice would be sold at Re.1 per kg to which will cost the state Rs.496 crore per that would benefit 1.03 million people conclusions before the husband's home. They
BPL (below poverty line) families across annum. "The milk subsidy is being dou- belonging to the STs (Scheduled Castes), probe is completed. had married in February
the state from June 1. bled to Rs.4 per litre from Rs.2 with STs (Scheduled Tribes), OBCs, (Other "I don't want to jump to 2012 and have filed for
"The subsidized rice scheme will bene- effect from today (Monday) and will ben- Backward Classes) and minorities across any conclusion. If any- divorce with mutual con-
fit 9.82 million BPL families in rural and efit about 7.5 lakh producers or farmers the state. body is found guilty, we sent, the source added.
12 May 18-24, 2013 INDIA

GoM to frame law on CBI autonomy set up

New Delhi: The government has Sinha's second affidavit which It also said that if the CBI is not
constituted a Group of Ministers stated that the then Law Minister made independent, it will step in
(GoM) to prepare a law on the Ashwani Kumar and senior offi- and noted that CBI must know
autonomy and independence of cials of the Prime Minister's how to stand up against all pulls
the CBI in the wake of Supreme Office and the coal ministry had and pressures by government and
Court's scathing observations on made certain changes in the report its officials.
the investigating agency follow- on the allocation of coal blocks. The court had said the best
ing its affidavit in the case relating The Supreme Court had asked things would be that such a law
to the allocation of coal blocks. the government whether it was was put in place before the next
The GoM will prepare a draft contemplating a law to make the hearing of the case July 10 so that
law and a draft affidavit to be working of the CBI independent there would be an impartial and
filed in the Supreme Court within and insulate it from extraneous non-partisan independent investi-
three weeks. intrusion and interferences. gating agency.
"The prime minister has
approved constitution of a Group The Supreme Court had last week termed the CBI a 'caged parrot'
of Ministers (GoM) to consider
the matter relating to an appropri-
Minister of State in the Prime
Minister's Office V.
Office and the Cabinet Secretariat.
The Supreme Court had last
GoM on CBI autonomy an eyewash: BJP
ate law being made to provide for
Narayanasamy is also a member week termed the CBI a "caged New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata "Our members in the select
the independence of the Central Party (BJP) termed "an eyewash" committee of Rajya Sabha for the
of the committee. parrot" that "speaks in its master's
Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the decision of the central govern- Lokpal bill had also suggested as
"The GoM will prepare the draft voice" and asked the government
its functional autonomy," an offi- ment to form a Group of to how the CBI can be made inde-
law and the draft affidavit to be whether it intended to make the
cial release said. Ministers (GoM) to look into the pendent of government. The
filed in the Supreme Court in the agency's functioning independent.
The GoM would be headed by issue of autonomy of the Central union cabinet has approved the
context of the Writ Petition (Civil) It had expressed displeasure at
Finance Minister P. Chidambaram Bureau of Investigation. Lokpal bill. There is some dis-
No. 120 of 2012, within three the government's interference in
and has Home Minister "The Group of Ministers is only agreement on two-three points but
weeks," the release said. the coal allocation probe report
Sushilkumar Shinde, an eyewash. This has been a key on many issues we are in agree-
It said that the department of and said "the heart of the report
Communications and Information point in the debate on Lokpal, and ment," he added.
personnel and training will ensure was changed on the suggestions of
Technology Minister Kapil Sibal it has already been debated exten- "In such a situation, starting the
that agenda/papers/minutes of the the government officials".
and External Affairs Minister sively," BJP leader Arun Jaitley debate from zero does not make
meetings were expeditiously for- The court's observations had
Salman Khurshid as members. said. sense," Jaitley added.
warded to the Prime Minister's come on CBI director Ranjit

CBI grills Raja Bhaiyya for UP cops' murder Congress, BJP trade barbs as CBI books Kataria
New Delhi: The CBI case against
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader
Gulab Chand Kataria in the
Sohrabuddin Sheikh shootout case
led to war of words between the BJP
and the Congress with the former
alleging it as a conspiracy by the
ruling UPA and the latter question-
ing the opposition party's double
"The booking of Kataria is not
based on facts. It is a political con-
spiracy by the UPA to defame our
leaders," BJP president Rajnath
Singh told reporters at a news con-
Former Uttar Pradesh minister Raghuraj Pratap Singh ference here.
"We will fight the case both politi-
Lucknow: Former Uttar Pradesh accused in the case. cally and legally," he said.
minister and independent legislator They were questioned about their Singh said Wednesday that the
Raghuraj Pratap Singh alias Raja proximity to another accused, party stands behind Kataria and it BJP leader Gulab Chand Kataria
Bhaiyya was Wednesday grilled by Sanjay Pratap Singh aka Guddu will "expose the attempts" of the conspiracy" and "there is not a shred cries foul when there are questions
the CBI over the murder of Kunda Singh. CBI and the Congress both "legally of truthful evidence against him". over its leaders.
deputy superintendent of police Guddu, his brother Rajiv and and politically". Congress leaders hit back at the "Whenever there is question about
Zia-ul-Haq and two others. Raja Bhaiyya's bodyguard Bullepal Arun Jaitley, BJP's leader of the BJP. them, they do this. You have seen
Raja Bhaiyya, an independent are in jail. opposition in the Rajya Sabha, said Home Minister Suhilkumar the Congress does not do misuse the
legislator from Kunda, was Following the allegations and his the case was part of a "well-planned Shinde said that the BJP always CBI," Shinde told reporters here.
quizzed for over seven hours by name surfacing in the first informa-
the CBI on charges levelled by tion report (FIR), Raja Bhaiyya
Haq's widow, Parveen Azad. was asked to resign as Food and
Parveen has accused Raja
Bhaiyya of masterminding Haq's
murder. He was questioned about
Civil Supplies minister by Uttar
Pradesh Chief Minster Akhilesh
CBI image has touched rock bottom: BJP
New Delhi: The image of the CBI has touched "rock "Over the years, the Central Bureau of Investigation
his whereabouts at the time of the Several close aides of the former bottom" and the Congress led United Progressive (CBI) has belittled itself. The government has actively
killing of Haq, Balipur village head minister, including his legislator Alliance (UPA) government has contributed to the contributed to this process. The image of the CBI has
Nanhe Yadav and his brother cousin Akshay Pratap Singh, have process, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Arun touched a rock bottom," Rajya Sabha's Leader of
Suresh March 2. already been questioned by the Jaitley said. Opposition Arun Jaitley said in an article released by
He was also asked questions CBI. However, Raja Bhaiyya has His remarks come a day after Congress general sec- the party.
about certain phone calls that were denied any role in the killings. retary Digvijaya Singh questioned the Supreme Court Digvijaya Singh, in comments to the press Monday
made to him in the aftermath of the Haq was killed in Pratapgarh terming the CBI a "caged parrot". The apex court said had said the court's comments "belittled" the institu-
triple murder. after an angry mob went berserk so after the CBI in an affidavit admitted to government tions, and also said that court should give judgment
Also questioned was Hari Om following the murder of Balipur interference in its report on the allocation of coal and not make observations. Jaitley attacked Digvijaya
Srivastava, Raja Bhaiyya's local village head Nanhe Yadav and his blocks. Singh and said he is "known to speak out of turn".
representative, who is also an brother Suresh Yadav. INDIA May 18-24, 2013 13

Sanjay Dutt surrenders at Tada court

Mumbai: Bollywood
SC on arrest for
posts on social sites
Blackbucks case:
actor Sanjay Dutt has
surrendered before the
designated Tada court
here to serve his three-
New Delhi: The Supreme Court
has said that no person should be
HC rejects plea against Salman
arrested for posting objection-
and-a-half year sen-
able comments on social net-
tence in the 1993
working sites without taking
Mumbai serial bomb
prior permission from senior
blast case.
police officials.
Accompanied by his
The apex court, which refused
wife Manyata and film
to pass an order for a blanket ban
maker Mahesh Bhatt,
on the arrest of a person for mak-
the actor arrived at the
ing objectionable comments on
court sporting a red
websites, said state governments
'tilak' on his forehead. Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt with filmmaker
should ensure strict compliance
As soon as Dutt Mahesh Bhatt at the Tada court in Mumbai
of the Centre's January 9 adviso-
appeared before the Several fans of Dutt waited ry which said that a person
court, formalities began for his sur- patiently outside the court for the
should not be arrested without
render. The court commenced the actor to arrive. Police had main-
taking permission from senior
process for the identification of tained strong bandobast in the court
police officials.
Dutt, whose conviction was upheld premises as well as at the actor's res-
"We direct the state govern- Now the trial court is free to begin the trial pending for years
by the Supreme Court recently. idence in Bandra in the wake of ments to ensure compliance with
Spoting a white kurta and jeans, threat to Dutt's life. Jodhpur: The Rajasthan High 15, 1998 under the Arms Act
the guidelines (issued by Centre)
Dutt waved to the crowd before get- While Dutt had told Tada court Court has rejected a revision peti- claiming that the arms used by
before making any arrest," a
ting into his car outside Imperial earlier that he faced threat to his life tion filed against actor Salman Khan during poaching of the black
bench of justices B S Chauhan
Heights building at Pali Hill in sub- from fundamental groups, Arthur Khan by the state government for bucks at Kankani area on the night
and Dipak Misra said.
urban Bandra. As soon as Dutt's Road Central Jail authorities revision of charges under Arms of October 1, 1998, had their
In view of public outrage over
vehicle arrived near the court, it was received an anonymous letter few Act in the blackbucks poaching licenses expired and hence he had
people being arrested for making
surrounded by people, including days back saying Dutt would be case of 1998. been using those arms illegally.
comments or liking posts on
press photographers. harmed if he was lodged there. Now the trial court is free to Upon this complaint, the Luni
Facebook, Centre had on
Bhatt first emerged out of the car The Supreme Court in its March begin the trial, which has been police registered a case against
January 9 issued advisory to all
and with folded hands requested the 21 verdict awarded five years' pending for years. Khan under sections 3/25 and 27
states and UTs asking them not
media personnel to move away so imprisonment to the 53-year-old Hastimal Saraswat, counsel for of Arms Act", said Saraswat. The
to arrest a person in such cases
that Dutt was able to reach the court. actor for illegal possession of arms. Khan, said that a separate case was trial in this matter continued for
without prior approval of a sen-
After much persuasion, the way was The apex court on May 14 refused registered against Salman Khan by five-and-a-half years and out of
ior police officer.
cleared for Dutt to reach the court. to grant him more time to surrender. the forest department on October 16 witnesses, 15 were examined.
14 May 18-24, 2013 OP-ED

Axing ministers: Sonia's 'inner voice'' again?

By Amulya Ganguli of the Central Bureau of her selection of Manmohan Singh.
Investigation's (CBI) report on the Her latest act is the third time that
n a display of assertive leader- coal scam. she has taken a decisive step on

I ship, Sonia Gandhi seems to

have played a major role in the
sacking of the two Union ministers,
Since the prime minister's name
has come up in this connection, the
surmise was that the law minister
what can be deemed an "official"
matter. However, the initiative is in
line with the satisfaction she
Ashwini Kumar and Pawan Bansal, tampered with the portions unfavor- expressed when Ashok Chavan and
whose names had come under a able to his boss. The presence of Shashi Tharoor resigned from their
cloud. bureaucrats from the Prime ministerial positions a few years
The fact that the dismissals took Minister's Office (PMO) by Ashwini ago. (Tharoor has since been reha-
place within hours of her "unsched- Kumar's side - while he was suppos- bilitated.) She said at the time that
uled" meeting with Manmohan edly correcting grammatical errors while the BJP talked, the Congress
Singh is not without significance. in the CBI report to the Supreme acted.
Aware that any further dithering Court - deepened the suspicion. For This time, too, she could not but
might irreparably damage the the first time, therefore, since have noted how the electorate pun-
Congress's and the government's Manmohan Singh became the "acci- ished the BJP in Karnataka. It is also
image, the Sonia Gandhi saw to it dental" prime minister, his Teflon not impossible that she recalled how
that it was hers, and the party's, image no longer seemed adequate. the Congress itself lost its massive
views which would ultimately From the vantage point of being majority in the Lok Sabha in 1989
prevail. outside the hothouse atmosphere of because of the Bofors howitzer
In the process, the prime minis- Sonia Gandhi realized that the party's prospects would be dim if the government, Sonia Gandhi had scandal.
ter's reputation has taken a hit, for it it approached state assembly elections and general elections evidently sensed that any further She realized, therefore, that the
was suspected that he was reluctant with a tainted image. dragging of the foot on the two min- party's prospects would be dim if it
to remove the two ministers, and isters was politically untenable. approached the forthcoming state
especially Ashwini Kumar, since the law unless proven guilty, and that them. The willingness to let things This is the third time that Sonia assembly elections in Madhya
latter's sacking would have exposed investigations were on, was proving drift could be seen in the abrupt Gandhi has been seen in a proactive Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan
the prime minister himself to the fatally damaging to the party's decision to adjourn the Lok Sabha mood. The first occasion was when and Delhi, and the general election
direct line of fire in the coal mine credibility. sine die to stifle the opposition's she engineered the ouster of the then thereafter, with a tainted image. As
allocation scandal. What was more, it was taking the demand for the ministerial party chief, Sitaram Kesri, because for the Karnataka outcome, it is
Since the dismissal of the railway sheen of the Congress's victory in resignations. of the belief that he was leading the obvious that the Congress did not
minister would have automatically Karnataka. Arguably, if the However, what the government Congress downhill. The second was win so much - after all, its voting
led to the demand for the axing of Karnataka result had not come out at appears to have overlooked is the when her "inner voice" told her that percentages remained virtually static
the law minister as well - as it this particular time, the government politically damaging consequences becoming prime minister herself in - as that the BJP lost with a steep 13
indeed happened - Manmohan might have continued to maintain of public opinion, moulded to a con- 2004, as the party wanted, would per cent drop in its vote share.
Singh was evidently unwilling to that there was no need to pre-empt siderable extent by an overactive give an unnecessary handle to a If the ministerial dismissals mark
take even the first step. The delay, the findings of the probes against media, which suspected a cover-up. demoralized Bharatiya Janata Party the beginning of an effort to cleanse
however, via self-serving explana- Bansal and his relatives, and the This was truer of the law minister (BJP) to dramatize the "foreign the Augean stables of sleaze, it will
tions, by spokespersons about how Supreme Court's final judgment on since he was seen to have been national" issue and claw its way be an eagerly awaited initiative by
everyone was innocent under the Ashwini Kumar, by dismissing overzealous in changing the "heart" backs into public reckoning. Hence, the people of India.

Stop playing loathsome politics

with Vande Mataram
Bengali novelist Bankim prevalent political consciousness Muslim leaders stopped politi-
Chandra Chattopadhyay in the based on communalised politics cizing the issue of Vande
late 19th century. while supporting the same with Mataram to promote their
It's not the first time as even Islamic sanction. Maulana Azad mucky politics.
earlier Muslim leaders have saw in Vande Mataram the What is of paramount impor-
played loathsome politics on this fusion of the endogenic creativi- tance today is that people must
issue and let their community ty, the Vedantic vision of many beware of the ugly face of fun-
It's high time that the so-called Muslim leaders stopped down by reprimanding Muslim parts of truth with the Islamic damentalism commonly consti-
politicizing the issue of Vande Mataram to promote children who sing Vande doctrines of Wahdat-e-Deen tuted by the so-called champions
their mucky politics. Mataram, a gem of a song, in (unity of religion) and Sulah-e- of Islam and advocates of
By Firoz Bakht Ahmed this communal mindset, he must times when the global Muslim Kul (universal peace). Hindutva who, having lost their
pay attention to his constituency, community is under scanner. While listening to a rendition say in the aftermath of the Babri
s a law abiding Muslim mostly comprising Muslims, as Unless Muslims come out of the of Vande Mataram on January 1, Masjid controversy, want to

A of India, my head hung

deep down in shame as I
had read the news of Shafique-
there are no proper roads,
potable water, electricity,
sewage system, good schools
clutches of these ulema and lip-
serving politicians, they will
keep on suffering.
1952, by a renowned maestro,
Krishna Kumar, in Delhi,
Maulana Azad admired it saying
revive that cold and hot war.
So far as Muslims are con-
cerned, true, as per the dictates
ur-Rehman Barq, BSP member and most other basic amenities. Muslims must follow the that it was graceful and inspiring of Islam, they can never worship
parliament, leaving the hall However, for filthy vote bank example of Maulana Abul as great luminaries like or bow in front of anything other
while Vande Mataram, the publicity and politics, he would Kalam Azad, who though born Rabindranath Tagore, than Allah. But that doesn't take
national song, was being played. let Indian Muslims down by in a predominantly Hindu envi- Surendranath Banerjee, from them the fact that they are
On his part, it was the stupidity shunning Vande Mataram, the ronment, was bold enough to Satyabhushan Gupta, R.N. Bose, loyal to the nation and that they
of highest order. song that is seen as an ode to the propagate nationalism to H. Bose and others had sung it. do not need a certificate to prove
I'm sad that while harping on motherland, was penned by Muslims at variance with the It's high time that the so-called this.

The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times. TRAVEL May 18-24, 2013 15

(Left) The Gettysburg battlefield is filled with hundreds of monuments and

historical markers like this. (above) The site where Lincoln delivered his famous
Gettysburg address 150 years ago on Nov 19, 1863.

By Arun Kumar words that have reverberated most costly in human terms to and 'Confederate' infantryman
across continents since then. occur on the North American con- dressed in their blue and
Gettysburg, PA: This small town A "few appropriate remarks" that tinent claiming as it did 51,000 grey/brown uniforms taking part,
just an hour and a half drive away Lincoln offered at the dedication lives, she said. The civil war that officials told a group of visiting
from Washington DC has a popu- of a cemetery to fallen soldiers began April 12, 1861 after rebel foreign media.
lation of a mere 110,000. But were only 272 words long and confederate forces began shelling Among them would be William
every year three million people took just two minutes to deliver. Fort Sumter, in the harbor of Coe, a former army officer, who
from India and all over the world Yet what would make famous Charleston, South Carolina, would would be playing the role of one
come visiting. the remarks made "Four score and go on for another two years and of his Confederate ancestors who
And this year, it is preparing to seven years" after the birth of "a claim the lives of an estimated died "fighting for the principles he
greet four million visitors as it new nation, conceived in Liberty, 620,000 to 750,000 Union and believed in."
marks the 150th anniversary of and dedicated to the proposition Confederate soldiers. But the re-enactments this year
Abraham Lincoln's famous that all men are created equal" was But it lessened the ability of the would not be on the Gettysburg's
Gettysburg address four months a look at the new dawn to come. 11 slavery-favoring southern states sprawling battleground littered
after a bloody battle that is often Articulating the purpose of the that had begun seceding from the with 1320 monuments and memo-
considered a turning point in war, Lincoln looked "beyond it to Union even before Lincoln's rials, 410 cannons and 148 historic
America's civil war. It was here a time when the nation would be March 4, 1861 inauguration, to buildings as "for us it is hallowed
that Lincoln voiced the hope that united again," according to wage war. And this ultimately con- ground," said Coe dressed for the
his civil war-torn nation "shall Michelle A. Krowl, civil war and tributed to the Union's victory on part in a single breasted grey
have a new birth of freedom - and reconstruction specialist at the April 9, 1865. Come July, the brown jacket.
that government of the people, by Library of Congress. The Battle of town will witness a series of spe-
the people, for the people, shall Gettysburg on the first three days cial events including battle re- William Coe, a former army officer,
not perish from the earth", the of July 1863 was the largest and enactments with about 500 'Union' dressed as a Confederate soldier.

By Azera Parveen Rahman duo will mostly be going to those places to reach Mumbai and back home to Delhi," the Indian embassies in the countries that we
where there is a large Indian community. Agarwal said. In between all this will be a will be visiting," said Agarwal, who has pre-
New Delhi: There are an estimated 25 mil- "Starting from New Delhi, we will first go series of sea crossings - Singapore to viously driven from London to Delhi with his
lion people of Indian origin settled across the to Singapore via Myanmar, Thailand and Australia, Australia to Africa, Africa to North wife to raise money for animal welfare. The
globe. In perhaps the first such attempt to Malaysia. Moving on to Australia, we will America, North America to Europe and final- duo is also in talks with the tourism ministry
document the story of the NRI, two travel then drive through the continent before turn- ly, Iran to India. All through the journey, the and other government officials.
enthusiasts are embarking upon a path find- ing west towards Africa. Driving south from duo will be staying with NRI families to get a "We have got sponsors but are still on the
ing six-month adventure "to connect with Kenya, we will cross Tanzania, Namibia, real feel of their day-to-day life. "We have lookout for more companies that could sup-
Indians living abroad" and record their lives Botswana and carry on till we reach Cape been planning this journey and the logistics port us. I am confident all will turn out
and experiences while staying with them. Town in South Africa. Hopping on to South for a year now and are still getting our visas well at the end," Agarwal said enthusi-
Undertaking the 70,000-km journey in a America, we will drive through Argentina to (for all the countries). We astically.
Mahindra Scorpio SUV are Tushar Agarwal Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world," are in talks with the
and Sanjay Madan of the Delhi-based Agarwal said. Ministry of
Adventures Overland, a self-drive expedition After that, they plan to take a U-turn and External Affairs
company. They are not new to setting world drive up the Pan American highway - the for support
records, having entered the Limca Book of longest such in the world - that will take them from
Records six times with their zeal for travel through Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia
across tough terrain and to little known to Central American countries like Panama,
places. The journey they will undertake this Guatemala, the Honduras and Mexico, before
September will cost them Rs.20 million and entering North America.
will push their limits. "Instead of simply turning east and driving
"The Great India World Trip is a journey to New York, we are going to take the
that has never been done before and was born long and lonely road to Deadhorse, the Tushar Agarwal
out of our love for travel and adventure. I northernmost point of the American and Sanjay Madan
have been an NRI for 10 years, living in the continent," he added. After experienc- will start the
UK, the US and Japan; so I know what that ing the chill of Alaska, Agarwal and journey in
September that will
kind of life is. During this road trip, we will Madan will then cross Canada, hit
cost them Rs 5
be traveling across six continents and 50 New York and then head east to
crore and push
countries to connect with Indians living London. "The hard part done, we
their limits.
abroad and document their life in the form of will then drive through Western
a travel series," Agarwal explained. UTV Europe, Eastern Europe and Iran
Bindaas is in talks to telecast the series. The and finally make the final crossing
16 May 18-24, 2013 BOLLYWOOD CENTENARY

The Hindi film industry is celebrating its 100th birthday. With

a loyal following not only in India but several countries,
Bollywood is evolving from making extravagant, romantic
films to more experimental cinema. But its primary mission
remains entertainment for movie-mad Indians.

ven though Emraan Hashmi's the one 30s featured liplocks. The 1929 silent film “Every second movie today

E with serial kisser tag, there have been

several other actors and actresses
who've shared intimate lip locks on-screen.
'A Throw of Dice' featured a kiss between
actors Seeta Devi and Charu Roy. But it was
Devika Rani’s four-minute passionate
has a kissing sequence, even
family movies. It’s considered
respectable to see it and show it,”
Here's a look at some of Bollywood's liplock with her real life husband Himanshu said film critic Shubhra
famous kiss scenes. in the 1933 film 'Karma' which remains Gupta.
Whether it is the Amitabh Bachchan-Kimi Hindi cinema’s longest kiss till date.
Katkar chartbuster Chumma, chumma de de Conservative attitudes prevailed in the 40s
in Hum or Emraan Hashmi’s reputation as a and 50s and films became chaste.
‘serial kisser ’, on-screen kissing in The prudishness of this era gave way to
Bollywood movies has always created a stir, the symbolism and titillation of the 60s and
leaving viewers half-scandalised, half-curi- 70s – shaking flowers, crashing waves and
ous. But before independent India got its wet saris. Kissing made a comeback in the
censor board and decided that a kiss was 80s and 90s, with a much-hyped kissing
‘indecent’, many movies in the 1920s and sequence in Raja Hindustani.

'Apna Bombay says producer Ashi Dua.

From Raj Kapoor, Dilip Kumar,
Dev Anand, Manoj Kumar, Rajesh
have tried to match the
clips to the song in a way
that they look like they are
to compile the
whole song,” says Ashi.
A n u r a g

Talkies took Khanna and Amitabh Bachchan to

Rishi Kapoor, Shatrughan Sinha,
Ashok Kumar, Zeenat Aman and
lip-syncing to it. It looks
beautiful.” The song took composer
Amit Trivedi and choreographer
Celebrating 100 years of cinema,
Bombay Talkies (BT) is a compila-
tion of four short films that pay ode
Kashyap, Dibakar Banerjee and
Zoya Akhtar — want to do some-
thing special for the entire cast and
Sunil Dutt, everyone has been Vaibhavi Merchant four months to
four months incorporated in the song. “For the
first four minutes, we have taken
their video clips to pay tribute; the
complete. However it wasn’t an
easy job for Amit and Vaibhavi to
pull through the video. “It was very
to the film industry. Close to 500
people, including artistes and crew,
have worked on the project. Now,
crew. A source says, “BT was made
on a tiny budget, but had one of the
highest number of people working

to create' next four minutes are what you see

on the TV promo, which includes
stars like Aamir Khan and Shah
difficult to do the song because we
were capturing every actor over the
decades. It took four
as a token of appreciation, the four
directors —
on it. So, as a goodwill gesture, all
four directors are sending individ-
ual cakes to everyone to say
he song 'Apna Bombay thank you.”

T Talkies' from upcoming

film, 'Bombay Talkies', pays
homage to all the stars who have
Rukh Khan,” says Ashi.
Elaborating on the video clips
used in the song, she adds, “We
have captured Madhubala from
ruled Bollywood over the course of Mughal-E-Azam (1960) and Naya
100 years of Indian cinema. The Daur (1957), Bachchan from
entire song is eight minutes long, Yaarana (1981) and Sholay (1975),
and only four minutes have been Vinod Khanna from Amar Akbar
aired on TV so far. Anthony (1977), Feroz Khan from
“The eight-minute version will be Qurbaani (1980), Dimple Kapadia
seen only in theatres. It pays tribute from Saagar (1985), Sharmila
to Kishore Kumar, KL Saigal and Tagore and Rajesh Khanna from
the musical journey of the film Daag (1973) and Kishore Kumar
industry. It also features every and Sunil Dutt from Padosan
superstar over the past decade,” The eight-minute version will be seen only in theaters
(1968). When you see the song, we BOLLYWOOD CENTENARY May 18-24, 2013 17

work.” majority of them are voyeuristic changes for the positive as well.
A trip to the cinema can and reduce a woman to a collec- Though unable to entirely
easily be a lesson in how to tion of her body parts,” he said. shrug off their unease of inde-
t’s the classic chicken or the objectify women: skimpy Filmmakers argue that item pendent or ambitious women

I egg debate. When it comes to

portrayal of women on screen,
do commercial films merely
clothes, close-ups of bare midriffs
and of course, ‘item numbers’.
Post the December 16 Delhi
gangrape, the lyrics of
numbers sell. But can films peddle
damaging representations of
women in the name of
paisa-vasool entertain-
(think the climax of Cocktail
or Fashion), recent movies
have given us heroines
who are vocal and free-
reflect prevailing attitudes or do
they shape and contribute to those the Fevicol se song ment? “Child pornog- spirited. Movies such as
attitudes as well? Though the came under fire. raphy sells. Is that a Aiyya frankly depict
debate has gained currency in Producer Ekta justification for female desire. Even
recent times, there are no easy Kapoor defended creating child sexiness is no longer
answers. such dance numbers porn?” asks Anna the preserve of the
For years, heroines twiddled at another discus- MM Vetticad, Sheilas or the
their thumbs playing ‘love inter- sion, saying that a author of 'The Chikni Chamelis.
ests’, while heroes fought the sys- woman dancing in Adventures of an “In Zoya Akhtar’s
tem and beat up the bad guys. Not sexy clothing of Intrepid Film Critic'. Zindagi Na
much has changed if you look at her own free “It’s the job of cin- Milegi Dobara,
films such as Dabangg or Rowdy will is a cele- ema to condemn Katrina Kaif is
Rathore. But films such as bration of inexcusable presented as
Kahaani prove that movies with female sex- social realities beautiful,
female leads can work at the box uality. and portray real- attractive
office. Film critic ity as it ought to but the
“Audiences have always been and blogger Jai be — only a lazy camera
ready for female-centric content if Arjun Singh feels film maker will claim doesn’t
it is a great film,” said Sudhir such songs should be that it’s impossible to letch at
Mishra, director of 'Hazaron judged on a case-to-case do both while remain- her. It’s a
Khwaishein Aisi' and 'Chameli', at basis. “While a song like ing entertaining and product of
a panel discussion on portrayal of Beedi Jalai Le, in the commercially viable,” a different
women in cinema. “It is the value context of the film, could she adds. sensibility, ”
system of the producers and dis- be seen as a celebration However, it is impor- Singh points
tributors that such films won’t of female sexuality, the tant to celebrate some out.

They ran to packed houses,” said filmmaker

Going to the movies, the other kind Pankaj Butalia, who has made films such as
Moksha. But Mehrotra disagrees. “People pay
not just for content, but for a cinematic experi-
ence. A documentary doesn’t fit that experi-
her) are willing to give a platform to talented
people. We should have a Prithvi Theatre kind of
model for smaller films, where they can be
screened and shown to the pub-
ny celebration of 100 years of Indian “Most documentaries are anti-establishment,

ence,” he argued. Globally, documentary films lic,” she says.
cinema is incomplete without documen- anti-status quo. What corporation will back films such as Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 have
tary films. Though many have been which are critical of the culture of con- shown that non-feature films can pull in the
screened at the Centenary Film Festival, draw- sumerism?” he asked. crowds. Indian documentaries, too, are upping
ing an interested audience, their presence has Documentaries tackle issues which are con- the ante, improving production values, exploring
largely been eclipsed by feature films. tentious, uncomfortable or under-represented. tricky subjects in unorthodox ways — it’s an
“Unfortunately, though cinema began with docu- This year’s list of National Award winners are an exciting time. “People are making films on sub-
mentaries, fiction does a lot better. People want example of the variety of stories, treatment and jects they feel strongly about as opposed to what
to escape reality, rather than be confronted with even languages on offer. Of the two films on they think they should feel strongly about,” said
it,” said Rajiv Mehrotra, a documentary film- Kashmir, non-feature film winner Mehrotra. Shonali Bose, director of critical-
maker and director, Public Service Broadcasting Shepherds of Paradise is on the lives of ly acclaimed films such as Amu and
Trust (PSBT). the nomadic Gujjar-Bakerwal shepherds, Margarita with a Straw is upset with the
For a documentary maker, however, drawing while 'Inshallah, Kashmir' explores the way things work in the indus-
an audience is not the biggest hurdle — arrang- effect of militancy on ordinary people. try. “We are celebrating 100
ing funds is. PSBT is one of the few organisa- But no matter how engaging or diverse years of cinema but there is
tions in India which fund independent documen- documentaries are, is the public willing just not enough funding for
taries. In the future, will we see private produc- to pay to watch them? “I think they independent filmmakers.
tion houses backing these hard-hitting films? might. In the early 1990s, we Only a few gutsy film-
“Unlikely,” said veteran filmmaker Mike organized ticketed screen- makers such as
Pandey. “Corporates might give money via CSR, ings of documentary films Anurag Kashyap
but only to their own NGOs or films which serve at Pragati Maidan’s (who co-produced
their own causes.” Mehrotra echoes this view. Shakuntalam theatre. Chittagong with
18 May 18-24, 2013 ULTIMATE BOLLYWOOD

Scenes from
'Aurangzeb' and
'I don't Luv U'

Scandal, mafia
at box office
this weekend
he box office will see

T two releases this week-

end -- Atul Sabharwal's
mafia thriller "Aurangzeb" and

Amit Kasaria's directorial proj-

ect "I don't Luv U" which is
about an MMS scandal.
ctress Sherlyn Chopra, set incredible experience that will truly
Sabharwal, who directed the
popular crime show "Powder"
for the small screen, will once
again explore the genre on the sil-
A to attend the 66th Cannes
International Film Festival
where the second trailer of her
enrich and enlighten me in more
ways than one," Sherlyn said.
"I can't wait to doll up in various
debut film "Kamasutra 3D" will be Indian avatars to promote the epic
ver screen with "Aurangzeb".
unveiled, will wear different cos- film at the most prestigious film fes-
Actor Arjun Kapoor plays a dou-
tumes from seven parts of India. tival," she added.
ble role in the film.
Sherlyn would be there to unveil The actress is expected to be at
Made with a budget of Rs.25 crore, the
the new trailer along with director Cannes for seven days. On the first
movie talks about Yashvardhan, a real
Rupesh Paul and executive produc- day, she will wear an outfit repre-
estate owner played by Jackie Shroff, and
er Mitesh Kumar Patel. "To be mak- senting Kerala, on the second day a
the chain of his illegal activities. The
ing my debut at Cannes at the time Rajasthani attire, followed by dress-
police decides to crack down his wrong
of the celebration of hundred years es from Gujarat, Tamil Nadu,
doings by replacing his son Ajay with
of Hindi cinema is going to be an Kashmir, Assam and Bengal.
an identical man Vishal.
The title of the movie says a lot about
the bonds shown in the movie.
"As everybody knows that Aurangzeb
was a Mughal emperor and he went to a
great extent to obtain power, even destroy-
ing his own family. This film is titled
'Aurangzeb' because human beings can push
themselves to any extent to obtain power, to
be at the top," Arjun had said in an inter- Chetna
view. The movie also stars Rishi Kapoor, Pande will be
Amrita Singh, Prithviraj Sukumaran and seen opposite Ruslaan, who has worked in
Sashaa Agha. Another release at the box movies like "MP3 - Mera Pehla Pehla
office is actor Ruslaan Mumtaz's "I don't Pyaar", and "Teree Sang". The movie will
Luv U". Kasaria's movie revoves around an have intimate content but the actor does not
MMS scandal and how it affects the rela- feel that it will be the only thing that might
tionship of two youngsters. Debutante attract audiences to theatres.

Can't imagine 'Munnabhai'

without Sanjay: Director
t seems Sanjay Dutt's jail 'yatra' has missed Sanjay's plea seeking review of its Information & Broadcasting Minister

I come in the way of his 'journey' to Delhi.

Director Subhash Kapoor says the third
instalment of the "Munnabhai" movie will
March 21 judgment upholding his convic-
tion under the Arms Act and sentencing him
to five years in jail in the 1993 Mumbai seri-
Manish Tewari presenting Dadasaheb Phalke Award for Lifetime
Achievement to veteran actor Pran Kishan Sikand (Pran)

start only when the actor finishes his jail

stint. "We can't imagine Munnabhai's next
part minus Sanjay
al blasts case. Dutt, 53, was sentenced to
five years in jail by the apex court March 21
for illegal possession of arms
Pran conferred Phalke Award at home
n a rare gesture, union Minister for citation, a shawl and a cash prize of
Dutt," said Kapoor,
who was set to
wield the mega-
phone for
during the 1993 Mumbai
blasts. The actor has
already undergone one-
and-half years of
I Information and Broadcasting Manish
Tewari specially flew down to Mumbai
to present the prestigious 44th Dadasaheb
million (Rs.10 lakh) to Pran.
"It is an honor for me to present this
award to Pran saheb in person, in the cente-
"Munnabhai Chale imprisonment and, Phalke Award for Lifetime Achievement to nary year of Indian cinema. Pran saheb is
Dilli". The according to the apex veteran character actor Pran Kishan one of the most deserving persons to get
Supreme court order, he has to Sikand, famous as Pran. the award and this has added luster to the
Court complete the remain- The frail 93-year-old Pran was unable to Dadasaheb Phalke Award," Tewari said,
h a s ing three-and half years travel to New Delhi when the national film paying glorious tributes to Pran.
dis- of the sentence. awards were given away by President India's highest award in cinema, the
Pranab Mukherjee. Dadasaheb Phalke Award, is given annual-
Sanjay Dutt Tewari was accompanied by Information ly since 1969 to recognize the contribution
with Arshad and Broadcasting secretary U.K. Varma, of film personalities towards the develop-
Warsi in officials from the ministry and from the ment of Indian cinema and their distin-
'Lage Raho Directorate of Film Festivals. He presented guished contribution to the growth and pro-
Munnabhai' the award, comprising a Swarn Kamal, a motion of the medium. DIASPORA May 18-24, 2013 19

400 Indians in Saudi Arabia to help illegal expatriates

Dubai: Responding to an appeal by tion of the Nitaqat or Saudisation to arrest all those who violate Saudi
Hearing impaired Nehal Bhogaita
Indian Ambassador Hamid Ali Rao,
400 expatriate Indians have regis-
tered as volunteers to help Indian
policy in that Gulf nation, Arab
News reported Tuesday.
The new policy makes it mandato-
residency rules and laws," the report
quoted Rao as saying.
He said that the services of the
crowned Miss India Worldwide
workers in that country affected by a ry for all Saudi companies to reserve volunteers will be "absolutely free"
new labor policy. 10 percent of jobs for Saudi nation- and also released a document
The ambassador again appealed to als. "Saudi authorities have clearly 'Advisory to Indian Volunteers'.
illegal Indian workers to rectify told us that after the grace period There are around two million
their residency status or leave the that ends on July 3, the ministry of expatriate Indians in Saudi Arabia,
country following the implementa- interior will start search operations many of them blue collar workers.

Caribbean island of St. Lucia observes Indian Arrival Day

St.Lucia: St. Lucia, a tiny island nation of 176,000 peo- number of young people, he added.
ple in the eastern Caribbean, held its first Indian Arrival "Many St. Lucians of Indian descent know very little
Day program to commemorate the arrival of the first of their origins and roots. The few who do were quickly
group of Indian indentured workers over a century and a passing on. The Indian Diaspora association was formed
half ago. It was the first time that a function had been by a group of people to keep the Indian heritage and cul- London: Britain's Nehal Bhogaita formed a Bollywood dance routine
held to celebrate the arrival of Indians in St Lucia. The ture alive," Surage said. The Indian association is con- has won the title of Miss India that highlights her own conviction
function included a presentation depicting events asso- sidering plans to ask the St. Lucian government to noti- Worldwide, making her the first of never giving up.
ciated with Indian life and a lecture on the Indian immi- fy May 6 as Indian Arrival Day. Other island govern- deaf to win the beauty pageant. While she is unable to hear the
grants in St Lucia. Leonard Surage, one of the founders ments in the Caribbean such as Trinidad and Tobago, St. The first deaf contestant in the music, she dances using the vibra-
of the newly-formed association - The Indian Diaspora Vincent and the Grenadines and Jamaica hold annual pageant's history, Nehal aspires to tions of the beats. The First Runner-
of St. Lucia - described the event as its "inaugural celebrations to mark Indian Arrival Day. be a role model for the deaf and dis- Up was Jasveer Kaur Sandhu of
Arrival Day activity". It was held at the Folk Research The first group of 318 Indians arrived in St. Lucia on abled, according to a media state- Malaysia and Second Runner-Up
Centre, an NGO mandated for promotion and research the Palmyra on May 6, 1859. They were workers who ment issued by its organizer was Surbhi Sachdev of Oman. The
in St Lucian culture. The commemorative function was had been indentured to work on the St. Lucian sugar Dharmatma Saran of IFC. other two finalists in the top five
attended by historians and people of Indian ancestry, estates for five years. Over the next three decades, 4,354 During the beauty pageant held in were Geetanjali Kelath of UAE and
with many women wearing Indian attire, and a large Indian indentured workers arrived on the island. Kuala Lumpur last week, Nehal per- Ayushi Chhabra of Nigeria.


Indo-Canadians win in Realtor charged Three Indo-Canadian women in

with theft
British Columbia elections n Indo-Canadian real es- running for prestigious awards
wo Indo-Canadians from different human resources committee and the vice- A tate agent has been
charged with stealing
hree Indo-Canadian
women have been
category, the report said.
The Women of Distinction

T parties were among the winners in

the provincial elections in British
Columbia, Canada, media reported
chairperson of the board of governors of
Kwantlen University.
Virk's opponent Bains is a small busi-
from listed homes he claimed he
was showing to potential clients
in the city of Brampton in the
Canadian province of Ontario.
nominated for this
year's YWCA Metro Vancou-
ver's Women of Distinction
awards is YWCA Metro Van-
couver’s premier fund-raising
Wednesday. ness owner who has lived in Surrey- awards, touted as one of the The awards recognize out-
While Amrik Virk of the Liberals, who Tynehead for 40 years. Shalinder Kapoor, 38, was seen most prestigious awards for standing women and work-
swept back to power in the province, was Chouhan, who won the Burnaby-Ed- entering a home at Pringle Av- women achievers in Canada. places and, since 1984, 247
declared elected from Surrey-Tynehead monds seat for the NDP, was first elected enue, Milton, in Brampton April Kamal Dhillon, author of award recipients and more
over the New Democratic Party's (NDP) in 2005 and then re-elected in 2009. 26 and then leaving unaccompa- "Black and Blue Sari", Navi than 1,450 nominees have
Avtar Bains, incumbent Raj Chouhan of He was most recently the NDP's critic nied, Canadian media reported Gill, co-founder of Global been honored, according to
the NDP held on to his seat in Burnaby- for immigration, multiculturalism and Tuesday. Girl Power, and Anita Huber- YWCA Metro Vancouver's
Edmonds in a close fight against Jeff human rights after having served as the When the owners of the home man, CEO of Surrey Board of website.
Kuah of the Liberals, the Vancouver Desi party critic for labor and mental health. returned, they found several Trade, are three of seven Dhillon, a victim of domes-
reported. Virk is an inspector with the He is also the founding president of the pieces of jewelry missing. women from Surrey in the tic violence, came out with
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Farmworkers’ Union and “The agent was observed enter- Canadian province of British her autobiography, "Black and
(RCMP) and had taken leave without pay served as the director of bargaining for ing and leaving the premise unac- Columbia to be nominated in Blue Sari", in 2009 and now
to serve Surrey, a city with a large south the Hospital Employees Union for 18 companied,” the reports quoted various award categories, the works as a counselor for vic-
Asian population, in a different way. years. police as saying in a statement. Vancouver Desi reported tims of domestic violence.
After having arrived in Williams Lake, A founding member of the British Co- Police later recovered several Tuesday. Anita Huberman, who start-
British Columbia, from India at the age lumbia Organization to Fight Racism, he pieces of jewelry from a car and Dhillon is among five nom- ed working for the Surrey
of five, he joined the RCMP in 1987 and was also vice-president of the British Co- arrested Kapoor of Homelife Di- inees in the Community Board of Trade at the young
was posted in Surrey in 2001. lumbia Human Rights Defenders and has amonds Realty. Building category, Gill is age of 19, focuses her work on
Living in Surrey with his wife and taught courses on human rights. The accused has been charged among seven nominees in the government advocacy, help-
three daughters, Virk has also served in Chouhan and his wife, who live in with breaking into a house and Young Women of Distinction ing local businesses and
the board of directors of the Surrey Me- Burnabby-Edmonds in that westernmost entering and stealing but was re- category, and Huberman is poverty. The award winners
morial Hospital Foundation. province of Canada, have two grown leased on a promise of appearing among 12 nominees in the will be announced at a cere-
He is currently is the chairman of the children and two granddaughters. before court June 17. Non-profit and Public Service mony May 28.

Nawaz for friendly ties with India Imran Khan accepts defeat
Islamabad: Former Pakistani
cricketer-turned-politician Imran
who came out in large numbers to
cast their votes, Radio Pakistan
Khan accepted defeat in the gener- reported. Imran, however, alleged
al elections, but said the polls were that elections in Punjab province
a "victory for the democratic sys- were not held in a fair manner and
tem" in the country. were clearly rigged. He said the
Imran said his Pakistan Tehreek- announcement of re-polling in
e-Insaf (PTI) party would sit in the Karachi was proof of rigging there.
opposition in the National The National Assembly has a
Assembly, Dawn News reported. total of 342 seats. Elections were
In a video message from his hos- held to 268 seats. Sixty seats are
pital bed in Lahore‚ Imran thanked reserved for women and 10 for
the youths, women and the elderly non-Muslims.

Obama hails Pakistani polls

Nawaz Sharif is set to be Pakistan's prime minister for a third time
Islamabad: Nawaz Sharif, who is News. Zardari felicitated the nation on the
set to be Pakistan's prime minister Manmohan Singh had expressed holding of elections to mark the first
for a third time, said his government New Delhi's desire to work with the democratic transition in the country,
would have friendly relations with new government. He also invited the presidential spokesman said.
India and said he would invite Sharif to visit India after the PML- Senator Farhatullah Babar said
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan N's win in the historic election, that the president said that the hold-
Singh to his oath-taking ceremony which saw the transition from one ing of elections in accordance with
here. civilian government to another for the Constitutional provisions was
Terming economy and energy as the first time in 65 years. triumph of the people, of democracy
top priorities, he said his party will Unofficial results show that the and of the system put in place for
try to form a strong government to Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz democratic transition.
overcome problems facing the coun- (PML-N) has emerged the single Meanwhile, Sharif told the
try. largest party in the National reporters said a national strategy An election officer checks a voter's identity card at
An upbeat Sharif - whose victory Assembly with cricketer-turned- will also be devised to tackle the a polling station in Rawalpindi, Pakistan
in the elections saw the Karachi politician Imran Khan's Pakistan issue of terrorism. He said his gov- Washington: US President Barack "By conducting competitive cam-
Stock Exchange-100 index zoom Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) standing sec- ernment will convince the US to Obama has hailed the National paigns, freely exercising your dem-
and breach a record - told foreign ond and the ruling Pakistan Peoples stop drone attacks in Pakistan's trib- Assembly election in Pakistan, ocratic rights, and persevering
correspondents in his palatial resi- Party (PPP) relegated to the third al areas. calling it "a significant milestone" despite intimidation by violent
dence in Raiwind, outside Lahore, spot. Beginning measures to form the in the country's democracy extremists, you have affirmed a
that his government would establish The PPP announced that it accepts government, Sharif later chaired a building. commitment to democratic rule that
friendly ties with India. He said all the results despite "serious reserva- meeting of party leaders in Lahore "I congratulate the people of will be critical to achieving peace
outstanding issues between the two tions". where it was decided to set up com- Pakistan on the successful comple- and prosperity for all Pakistanis for
should be resolved through dia- "Although the party has serious mittees to contact different political tion of yesterday's parliamentary years to come," Obama said.
logue. reservations about the fairness of the parties. elections," the president said in a He vowed to continue coopera-
Riding on hopes of peace and sta- polls, it has accepted the results in Amid the victory scenes, there statement Sunday, reported Xinhua. tion with the upcoming Pakistani
bility, the KSE based in Pakistan's the larger interest of political stabili- were some complaints of rigging "The United States stands with all government as "equal partners".
commercial hub Karachi gained ty, democracy and the welfare of the with protests at various places by Pakistanis in welcoming this his- Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan's two-
some 300 points, breaking the KSE- people of Pakistan," said party pres- activists of different parties in toric peaceful and transparent time prime minister, is set to lead
100 index record of 20,000 points, ident Makhdoom Amin Faheem in a protest. The Election Commission transfer of civilian power, which is the country again after unofficial
as investors hailed the outcome of statement. of Pakistan summoned a meeting to a significant milestone in Pakistan's results placed his party in a com-
the May 11 polls, reported Geo Meanwhile, President Asif Ali review the complaints. democratic progress." fortable position against rivals.

Sharif must use 'third chance' to break cycle of revenge

never completed his full term - to with his old foe will be a measure But if there is any issue on
break the vicious cycle of revenge of the change he claims to repre- which bitter political rivals agree,
in domestic politics and the unnec- sent. it is on improving trade relations
essary cycle of rivalry with India Sharif should also try to bring, as with India in view of its fast grow-
in its regional politics. It will not he already said, every other party ing economy and the burgeoning
be easy and will be full of chal- to the table and work together for market. Sharif, in fact, has always
lenges, but eventually it will make improving the plight of the aver- been supportive of granting India
him rise as a great Pakistani leader age Pakistani. It is up to him to most-favoured-nation (MFN) sta-
who genuinely wants to bring bring the country out of the tus. His comfortable position in
peace and prosperity to his country abysmal chasm of hopelessness parliament should allow his party
and the whole region, perhaps and despair. His victory being to push forth with this agenda. But
more than even Indian leaders. based on his party's popularity in it will not be easy because of the
He should shun the well traveled the Punjab province, Sharif now forces within Pakistan that have
The new leader should make the issue of improving Pakistani road of taking revenge in will also have to reach out to the always succeeded in ratcheting up
trade relations with India a part of a bigger plan politics, known as 'siaasat' (in leaders of other provinces. the anti-India rhetoric when it suits
By Ravi M. Khanna course, not only for his own coun- Urdu) and take a high road as far Sharif must now also deal very them.
try but for the whole South Asia as his ouster from power in 1999 cautiously with President Asif Ali So the new leader should make
he fledgling democratic region, and leave a legacy that, so by then military chief Pervez Zardari and Chief Justice Iftikhar the issue of improving trade rela-

T process in Pakistan has

churned out a leader, who
now has the rare opportunity to
far, no other Pakistani leader has.
Nawaz Sharif must use the
proverbial "third chance" - he was
Musharraf is concerned. He might
be tempted to settle that issue in
Pakistan's traditional way of tak-
Chaudhry, both of whom will be
out of their offices by the end of
this year, giving him a chance to
tions with India a part of a bigger
plan, a plan to develop a flourish-
ing "transit economy" for the
chart a new positive and peaceful prime minister twice before but ing revenge, but how Sharif deals appoint his supporters. country. PAKISTAN HAILS DEMOCRACY May 18-24, 2013 21

'Will Sharif be able to deliver on India?'

"How can he actually deliver on remain optimistic of the relation- more...We should take a more
his words if he has friends like the ship". measured position. The proof of
Taliban to consort with? Promises A.N. Ram, former secretary in the pudding lies in the eating,"
are one thing; whether he has the external affairs ministry, said the Ram told IANS.
intent and practical ability to deliv- atmospherics for bilateral relations Senior journalist S. Nihal Singh,.
er on those assurances would have were good after Sharif's re-ascen- who has covered South Asia exten-
to be seen," Dogra added. dancy, but it was early to comment sively, said Sharif had business
Former diplomat Rajiv Bhatia on the overall shape of bilateral instincts and will push for
said the elections in Pakistan, the ties. improved trade ties with India. He
first democratic transition of power He said Pakistan's civilian lead- however said Sharif's immediate
in the country's 66-year history, is a ers in the past have not been able to priorities will be domestic.
"highly positive development for fully translate into reality their "It is to be seen how he defines
Pakistan and shows the strength intentions of improving relations his relationship with the Pakistani
Nawaz Sharif knows what the faults are and he knows whose and resilience of its democracy. It with India. Taliban.
faults they are...that have hurt India is a positive development for the "He (Sharif) is a sober gentle- He also has to redefine the rela-
New Delhi: India has welcomed own establishment," Dogra told region too." man, has a wonderful track record tionship with the army, which is a
Nawaz Sharif's victory in Pakistan IANS. Bhatia, who now heads the (of fostering bilateral relations). major factor in Pakistan," Nihal
and his declaring that he would Questioning Sharif's "sympathy" Indian Council of World Affairs (But we should) test him a little Singh told IANS.
work for warmer ties with New with the Taliban, which did not tar- (ICWA), said Sharif has had a good
Delhi, but experts caution that one get PML-N cadres during the cam- history of relationships with India.
should wait and see how he plans
to deliver on his assurance, given
paigning but staged murderous
attacks on other parties like the
But, there was need for "some cau-
tion before we start drawing con-
No proposal of PM visiting Pak: MEA
his past role of playing "consort" to PPP, the Awami National Party and clusions as the Pakistan and South New Delhi: There is no specific He, however, said the prime
the Taliban. the Muttahida Qaumi Movement Asia of 1999 and of now are quite proposal of Prime Minister minister did call up Pakistan's
According to Rajiv Dogra, for- (MQM), Dogra said it was a cause different". Manmohan Singh visting prime minister-designate
mer Indian consul general in of worry for India. He said Sharif should first be Pakistan as no formal invite has Nawaz Sharif on his victory in
Karachi, Sharif is aware of the "The question we have to ask allowed to settle down, form his been received, the external the May 11 general elections
facts that have hurt India in the past ourselves is how much sympathy government, announce his policies affairs ministry said. and congratulated him.
- right from the 1993 Mumbai seri- does he has for them? Getting sym- and get support from parliament "There is no specific proposal According to the spokesper-
al bombings, the 1999 Kargil War pathy from the Taliban is bad "and then we will see how he plans to visit Pakistan. No formal son, the prime minister asked
to the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. enough and having sympathy for to approach India. To imagine he invite has been received," Sharif to visit India at a mutu-
"He knows what the faults are the Taliban is even worse. It should will immediately start working on external affairs ministry ally convenient date.
and he knows whose faults they be a point of worry for India, for the India dossier would be a little spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin During the same conversation
are...that have hurt India. It is to be then all his good words will not unrealistic," Bhatia told IANS, told reporters adding "India Sharif extended an invite to
hoped he also knows how to fix the mean much," said the former adding that given Sharif's approach and Pakistan have well-func- Manmohan Singh to visit
faults and order the same within his envoy. and the past record "we should tioning diplomatic channels." Pakistan, Akbaruddin said.

Seeing Sharif comments with 'Silent voters catapulted

'cautious optimism': BJP
PML-N to power'
Islamabad: The Pakistan Muslim
League-Nawaz (PML-N) was nearly
reaching the majority mark in the
National Assembly all thanks to
"silent voters who turned out in
droves to catapult the party to power
once again", said a leading daily.
An editorial in the Dawn
described the poll verdict as "stun-
"This was supposed to be the era
of coalitions, of parties and voters
New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata League-Nawaz (PML-N) emerged
too divided to allow any one voice
Party (BJP) said it viewed the winner in the general elections of
to rise above all others. And this
friendly approach of Pakistan's Pakistan, securing the largest num-
was the election and campaign in
prime minister probable Nawaz ber of seats in the National
which Imran Khan and his PTI
Sharif with a "cautious optimism". Assembly.
(Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) threat-
Welcoming the "democratic tran- "Mr. Sharif's statement on
ened to turn electoral logic on its
sition" in the neighboring country, rebuilding relations with India is a Once the dust settles, both winner and loser - the PML-N
head and make unprecedented
BJP president Rajnath Singh positive one. Since Mr. Sharif has and PTI - will have much to be proud of
expressed "hope" the agenda for publically started to pick up the
"Extraordinarily, none of that "First, the media, dominated by dent manner and backed by impres-
peace was not hijacked. peices of 1999 peace process, we
materialised and it is the PML-N and representative of urban, middle- sive turnouts at his many rallies in
"Democratic transition of gov- hope that the agenda for peace and
that has produced a wave of its own class Pakistan, drank a bit too much the last days of the campaign.
ernment in Pakistan is a welcome stability of the region is not
on the back of silent voters who of the PTI Kool-Aid, warming to a "Third, the PML-N's solid cam-
development. I want to congratu- hijacked by the vested interest
turned out in droves to catapult the message that resonated with a large paign both protected its base and
late Nawaz Sharif for this," operating from Pakistan," said
party to power once again," it said. section of the media and overlook- appears to have achieved an impor-
Rajnath Singh said in a statement Rajnath Singh.
The daily wondered why the pre- ing, or perhaps just cut off from, tant breakthrough for the party - the
released here. "We hope Mr. Nawaz Sharif is
dictions were so far off, "with no other important sections of the less well-to-do and poorer sections
"Keeping in view our past expe- able to walk the talk." The BJP had
one, barring the most partisan of Pakistani electorate. of the electorate."
riences from Pakistan, the BJP earlier criticised when Prime
PML-N supporters, predicting the "Second, Imran Khan himself Once the dust settles, both winner
views Mr. Sharif's statements with Minister Manmohan Singh went
scale of Saturday's success?" helped build the hype with his soar- and loser - the PML-N and PTI -
cautious optimism," he said. ahead to invite Sharif to India, say-
Three reasons seem to be respon- ing promises of unprecedented suc- will have much to be proud of, it
Sharif's Pakistan Muslim ing it was a hasty response.
sible. cess delivered in a brazenly confi- said.
22 May 18-24, 2013 SUBCONTINENT

Gayatri Pariwar set to clean Sri Lanka to Sherry Rehman quits

Nepal river, temple probe war video
Colombo: Sri Lanka will
probe a controversial video on
the final stages of the war
as Pak envoy to US
between the Tamil rebels and Islamabad: Sherry Rehman has
the military, an official said. quit as Pakistan's ambassador to
The video, titled "Killing the US, it was reported here.
Fields" and released by a Rehman, a Pakistan Peoples Party
British TV station, showed sol- (PPP) leader, has resigned as
diers allegedly killing unarmed Pakistani ambassador to
rebels. Washington with immediate effect
Sri Lanka will celebrate four owing to the fact that her appoint-
years since the end of the civil ment was a political one, Geo
war and the defeat of the News reported from Washington.
rebels but the government She sent her resignation to care-
remains haunted by allegations taker Prime Minister Mir Hazar
of having committed human Khan Khoso.
The Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu
rights abuses during the final Rehman, a former information
Haridwar: Having worked for Tamil Nadu three years back. battle. and broadcasting minister, was
three years to clean rivers within It has since taken up the clean- A Sri Lankan government appointed as envoy to the US on
the country, the All-World Gayatri ing of about 10 Hindu pilgrimage statement quoted the Head of Nov 23, 2011.
Pariwar (AWGP) will launch a centres and nine rivers across Mission of Sri Lanka to the Sherry Rehman
Known for her outspoken views,
program on May 18 for cleaning India. Among the rivers it has European Union, P.M. Amza she was made the envoy after Mullen.
the Bagmati river and the been involved in cleaning are as requesting the British chan- Husain Haqqani quit over a secret Ijaz alleged that Zardari feared a
Pashupatinath temple in Narmada and Tapti in Madhya nel to provide original materi- memo that claimed President Asif military takeover following the US
Kathmandu. Pradesh and Gujarat, and the als available with them to help Ali Zardari feared a military coup. raid that killed Osama bin Laden
Gayatri Pariwar, a religious and Banas in Rajasthan. the probe process. Pakistani businessman Mansoor in his hideout in Pakistan town of
cultural organization based in The Gayatri Pariwar has also He also refuted allegations Ijaz had alleged that a senior Abbottabad May 2, 2011.
Shantikunj, Haridwar, with started the "Nirmal Ganga on the killing of a 12-year-old Pakistani diplomat asked for help Rehman had resigned as infor-
branches across the world, started Abhiyan" (Clean Ganga boy identified as the son of in getting a message from Zardari mation and broadcasting minister
the Teerth Shudhhi Abhiyan (pil- Campaign) to clean the entire slain Tamil Tiger leader to then chairman of the US Joint in 2009 due to differences over the
grim spots purification process) length of River Ganga, of about Velupillai Prabhakaran. Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike government's media policy.
from Rameshwaram Temple in 2,525 km. INTERNATIONAL May 18-24, 2013 23

Putin to continue efforts to US tight-lipped on Russia ‘spy’ arrest

resolve Syria crisis Washington: US officials were
tight-lipped over the arrest of US
diplomat Ryan Fogle in Moscow
who has been accused of trying to
recruit an agent for the CIA.
"We can confirm that an officer
at the US embassy in Moscow was
detained briefly and was released.
We've ... no further comment,"
State Department spokesperson
Patrick Ventrell said.
Fogle, a third secretary in the
political department at the US
embassy, was detained May 13
Russian President Vladimir Putin with Israel's night as he allegedly attempted to US diplomat Ryan Fogle
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recruit an officer from one of "We have a very broad and deep released by FSB.
Sochi (Russia): Russia and Israel of the armed conflict in Syria is Russia's special services, said relationship with the Russians Fogle was taken to FSB and,
will continue cooperation in an fraught with pernicious conse- Russia's Federal Security Service across a whole host of issues and after "necessary procedures" were
effort to resolve the situation in quences both for that country and (FSB). we will continue to work on our completed, handed over to US
Syria, Russian President Vladimir the entire region. Putin urged all the Russia quickly declared Fogle diplomacy with them directly," he embassy officials.
Putin said following talks with parties concerned to try not to persona non grata and called for said. Relations between Moscow and
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin aggravate the situation in Syria. him to be deported. According to FSB, the diplomat Washington have been strained
Netanyahu. "We agreed to continue "A negative scenario may only be Asked if the arrested man was was found to be in possession of during US ambassador Michael
contacts - both on the personal level prevented by the earliest termination still in Russia and if he was a spy, "special technical devices, written McFaul's tenure, with bones of
and between our organizations, spe- of the armed conflict and transition Ventrell said: "I really have no fur- instructions for the Russian citizen contention including US criticism
cial services," Putin said. to a political settlement," Putin said. ther information for you." being recruited, a large sum of cash of Russia's human rights record.
The talks also involved Russian "It is particularly important to The spokesperson played down and means of changing his appear- The FSB released photographs of
Foreign Intelligence Service chief avoid any actions that may sway the speculation that the diplomat's ance". the diplomat's detention, including
Mikhail Fradkov and defense min- situation," he added. arrest could put a damper on recent Fogle purportedly offered the pictures of the man identified as
istry representatives. It was not immediately clear joint efforts by the US and Russia Russian officer up to $1 million a Fogle, his IDs, two floppy wigs,
The Russian president said he and whether the two leaders discussed to organise an international confer- year for his cooperation, according three pairs of glasses, a map of
Netanyahu agreed that continuation arms deliveries to Damascus. ence on Syria. to a letter he was carrying that was Moscow and a folding knife.

France slides into recession, Germany ekes out growth

Paris: Germany's economy crept Statistics Office said in a statement. act again if the economy worsened.
Punish Berlusconi hard:
back into growth in the first quarter
of the year after a sharp contraction
at the end of 2012, while France
"The extreme winter weather
played a role in this weak growth.
France entered a shallow down-
For Italy, the euro zone's third
biggest economy, the situation is
far worse.
Italian prosecutors
slipped into recession, data turn - its first in four years - after It shrank by more than expected
showed. contracting by 0.2% in the first in the first quarter, by 0.5%,
Italy, the euro zone's third largest three months of the year, as it did extending the country's recession to
economy, reported its seventh con- in the last quarter of 2012. seven straight quarters and making
secutive quarter of decline. The euro fell to a six-week low it the longest since quarterly
Germany grew by a weaker than against a buoyant dollar, hurt by records began in 1970.
expected 0.1% on the quarter, just the anemic figures which traders Elsewhere in the currency area,
skirting recession itself as a harsh said kept alive chances of more the Dutch reported a 0.1% contrac-
winter prevented a stronger monetary easing by the European tion in GDP, remaining in reces-
rebound and also hampered by the Central Bank. sion, Austria's economy flatlined in
ills of its euro zone peers. The ECB cut rates to a record the first quarter and Finland shrank
"The German economy is only low earlier this month and its head, by 0.1%, entering a technical reces-
slowly picking up steam," the Mario Draghi, said it was ready to sion in the process.

'Ahmadinejad will not be flogged'

Tehran: An Iranian government spokesman has dis-
Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi
Rome: Prosecutors have urged a
Milan court to hand a six-year
between February and May 2010
when he was prime minister.
missed a media report that claimed President prison sentence and life ban from "He knew the girl was under
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad could face 74 lashes for office to former prime minister 18," said Boccassini.
breaking the country's election rules. Silvio Berlusconi for having sex "Several witnesses in the case
A British daily reported that Iran's Guardian with a minor and for abuse of were forced to lie," she told the
Council, a constitutional watchdog run by senior power. court, a claim that Berlusconi's
clerics, would seek possible charges against the pres- Prosecutor Ilda Boccassini lawyer Piero Longo disputed.
ident, after he accompanied his chief of staff asked the court to give Berlusconi Berlusconi is also charged with
Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei when Mashaei registered five years in jail for corruption abuse of office for getting el-
as a candidate for Iran's June 14 presidential elec- and one year for paying an under- Mahroug released from police
tion. age prostitute for sex. custody for an unrelated petty
The Council claims that by doing so, Ahmadinejad Moroccan belly dancer Karima theft offence in order to cover up
tried to promote his protégé Mashaei as his succes- el-Mahroug, nicknamed "Ruby their liaison.
sor. Iran's constitution bans the incumbent president the Heart Stealer", was 17 at the Berlusconi faces up to three
from supporting a successor. time she allegedly slept with years in prison for the sex charge
Footage of the two men together during Mashaei's Berlusconi. and up to 12 years for allegedly
registration was broadcast by Iranian state television. Berlusconi and Ruby deny they pressuring police to release el-
If convicted, Ahmadinejad could face 74 lashes or Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had sex, although Boccassini Mahroug. The defence will start
six months behind bars, the British daily said. president did not break election rules as he attended claims the Moroccan teenager arguing its case June 3 and a sen-
However, according to the official IRNA news the registration of candidates as an individual and stayed overnight at Berlusconi's tence is expected June 24, judicial
agency, spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham said the not as the country's leader. mansion near Milan 10 times sources said.
24 May 18-24, 2013 BUSINESS

Same-day U.K. visa for India to grow at 6 pc in current fiscal: S&P New Delhi: Standard & Poor's has said that India is pro-

Indian business travelers

New Delhi: Britain has launched a Business Express Programme
jected to grow by 6 per cent in the current fiscal while
growth is expected to be steady in most of the Asia
Pacific economies.
"For India, a downside scenario featuring a combina-
tion of weaker global risk appetite and a poor monsoon
new “super priority” same-day managed by UK Trade and
seasons would pull growth down to around 5 per cent in
visa service for Indian business Investment in India and are travel-
2013 ... Upside growth would reach 6.5 per cent in
travelers and cash-rich frequent ing on official business.
2013," S&P said in its report. It also said that there is
flyers. The visa, announced by Prime
softer traction in some Asia Pacific economies but
Described as the “first of its Minister David Cameron during
growth expected to hold steady.
kind”, the service will be initially his visit to India, was “designed
The global rating agency, however, cautioned that a
available only in Delhi and with frequent and valued business
weaker global risk appetite and a poor monsoon would
Mumbai, but there are plans to travelers in mind.” Using the serv- S&P's growth projection is lower than the
pull down growth to around 5 per cent in 2013-14 fiscal.
extend it to Chennai over the next ice, however, did not guarantee a government's estimate of 6.1-6.7 per cent
S&P's growth projection is lower than the govern-
few weeks. visa, officials said.
ment's estimate of 6.1-6.7 per cent. It is, however, high- Citing positive economic trends in the Asia Pacific in
A visa will cost £600 (Rs. Immigration Minister Mark
er than RBI's projection of 5.7 per cent. the second half of 2012, the rating agency said that how-
51,000). The Home Office said the Harper said the British
For 2014-15 and 2015-16 fiscal, S&P projected the ever India was an "outlier" as the country saw falling
service would be available only to Government was “committed to
economic growth to pick up at 6.7 per cent and 7 per growth during that period.
those applying for a six month or encouraging international business
cent respectively. "... growth and exports generally picked up in the sec-
two- year multiple entry visitor to invest in Britain.”
"India's growth forecast has been lowered to 6 per ond half of 2012 on the back of more positive global
visa excluding student visit visas; “India and Britain have a long
cent in 2013 and 6.7 per cent in 2014 on weaker con- developments, especially in the US.
those who have traveled without history of trade and we run our
sumption and exports," it said. S&P also said the euro zone's debt crisis continues to
difficulty in the last five years to largest visa operation in the world
"S&P's base case outlook for Asia Pacific is that be a key risk for global credit conditions in 2013 and
one of the following countries: there. We are delighted to be able
growth in most of the region will hold steady or pick up 2014 as the European economic engine continues to fal-
UK, USA, Australia, New to launch our first same day visa
slightly in 2013 and 2014, after having slowed sharply ter.
Zealand, Canada or a Schengen service in Delhi and Mumbai, and
in 2012. The upside potential for the region is character- "We now forecast that the euro zone stays in recession
country; and employees of compa- make our world class visa service
ized by a stronger than expected global recovery, boost- this year followed by anaemic recovery in 2014, instead
nies which are members of the even better,” he said.
ing trade and growth in Asia," the report said. of in the second half of this year," the report added.

Boeing 787 Dreamliners to fly now Nasscom targets $10 bn from the six Dreamliners and AI will
deploy them on domestic flights
between the hub Delhi to
Bangalore and Kolkata.
software products by 2020
International flights will start
from next Wednesday.
Making this announcement, avi-
ation minister Ajit Singh said
Boeing will rectify all the six
Dreamliners in AI fleet by the
month-end and the airline will get
eight more B-787s by this
December on which new flights
will be launched.
"AI will start flights on the
Dreamliner to Birmingham,
Sydney and Melbourne in August.
In October, it will start flights to
International flights will start from next week
Italy (Rome and Milan). And,
New Delhi: Grounded since mid- to again take to the skies from early next year will see flights to
January, the Boeing 787 May 15. The US aircraft major Moscow. These flights will be to In 2012-13, Indian software products notched up
Dreamliners of Air India was set has carried out changes in two of and from Delhi," Singh said. around $2.2 billion (Rs 12,000 crore) in revenue
Bangalore: India's information In 2012-13, Indian software
technology industry body products notched up around $2.2

L&T in race for Rs 2,000 crore howitzer tender Nasscom has created a separate
unit to drive its newfound enthusi-
asm for software products, and has
billion (Rs 12,000 crore) in rev-
enue, of which 30% came from the
domestic market. The aim is for
New Delhi: An Indian private company is for
set a target of increasing by nearly $10 billion (Rs 55,000 crore) in
the first time in direct competition with a for-
five-fold revenues from products sales by 2020.
eign vendor to supply 100 self-propelled
by 2020. "Product companies and startups
howitzers to the Indian Army in a deal expect-
The product council of the are the next growth engines for the
ed to be worth over Rs 2,000 crore.
National Association of Software industry," said Krishnakumar
Indian L&T and Russian Rosobornexport
and Services Companies will be Natarajan, Nasscom chariman and
are in a straight contest to supply the 100 self-
chaired by Ravi Gururaj, a serial CEO of software firm Mindtree.
propelled tracked howitzers to the Army and
entrepreneur who is the cofounder Nasscom, which represents India's
the trials of the two guns are slated to begin in
of a seed-stage angel fund $108 billion (Rs 5.9 lakh crore)
June-July time-frame this year, defense min-
Frictionless Ventures. The forma- software services sector, has been
istry sources said.
tion of a product council is one of facing criticism from smaller and
The guns are being procured by the Army as
the measures proposed by a com- newer members for its inability to
part of its more than Rs 20,000-crore artillery
mittee headed by NR Narayana adequately address the aspirations
modernization program, which has been stuck
on its "K9 Thunder" self- propelled howitzer. Murthy, the chief mentor of of software product companies. In
after the bofors gun deal scandal, they said.
Under the contract between the two firms, the Infosys. February, around 30 product com-
The gun being offered by the Indian firm is learnt
Korean firm will provide key technologies to L&T The panel was established to panies formed a separate grouping
to have been built and developed in collaboration
for local production of the howitzer. bring Nasscom up to date with the called Indian Software Product
with South Korean Samsung Techwin and is based
current needs of the industry. Round Table (iSpirt). SPORTS May 18-24, 2013 25

IPL: Sreesanth, two others held for spot fixing

New Delhi: India fast bowler on this matter. We will fully coop-
Sreesanth as well as his Rajasthan erate with the authorities to ensure
Royals colleagues Ankeet Chavan a thorough investigation. The man-
and Ajit Chandila were arrested in agement at Rajasthan Royals has a
Mumbai for alleged spot fixing in zero-tolerance approach to any-
the Indian Premier League (IPL). thing that is against the spirit of the
Besides the three players, Delhi game," the statement added.
Police also arrested seven bookies Last year, the Board of Control
from Delhi, Mumbai and for Cricket in India (BCCI) had
Ahmedabad in connection with suspended Shalabh Srivastava,
spot fixing, which includes bowl- Mohnish Mishra, T.P. Sudhindra,
ing no-balls at pre-determined Amit Yadav and Abhinav Bali for
times. spot-fixing in the IPL that was
"The arrests were made on the revealed in a sting operation by a
basis of phone tapping," a Delhi TV channel.
Police source said. While Spot fixing came to light in 2010
Rajasthan Royals didn't name the Besides the three players, Delhi Police also arrested seven bookies when three Pakistani cricketers
players, Delhi Police sources con- from Delhi, Mumbai and Ahmedabad Mohammad Asif, Mohammed
firmed that Sreesanth, Chavan and three of our players have been pletely taken by surprise. We do thing," said Rajasthan Royals in a Aamir and then skipper Salman
Chandila were the three players. called in for investigation on spot not have the full facts at this point statement. Butt were arrested during the Test
"We have been informed that fixing in matches. We are com- and are unable to confirm any- "We are in touch with the BCCI series in England.

Status quo for IOA, until fair No pullout from Mumbai Indians beat Rajasthan Royals
Mumbai: Mumbai
elections are held
Lausanne: It's status quo for the The IOC Executive Board sus-
Trophy: BCCI
Indians consolidated
their position at the
top of the table with a
14-run win over 2008
Indian Olympic Association pended the IOA Dec 4 last year New Delhi: The Indian cricket champions Rajasthan
(IOA) as the International due to its failure to comply with board refuted charges of flexing Royals in the Indian
Olympic Committee (IOC) the Olympic Charter and as a pro- its muscles in the International Premier League (IPL)
refused to lift its suspension until tective measure against govern- Cricket Council (ICC) to get at the Wankhede
free and fair elections are held. ment interference in IOA's elec- Laxman Sivaramakrishnan Stadium.
The IOC held a meeting with tion process. elected in the cricket committee Rajasthan Royals
the Indian delegation headed by "The main purpose of meetings and ruled out pulling out of next skipper Rahul Mumbai Indians consolidated their
month's Champions Trophy in Dravid's decision to position at the top of the table
the Minister of State for Sports was to explore the possibility for
Jitendra Singh and representatives the suspended IOA to hold free, England. Board of Control for bowl backfired as Aditya Tare starred order they managed 152 for seven in
from the National Sports fair, democratic and transparent Cricket in India (BCCI) with a 37-ball 59 and Glenn Maxwell 20 overs.
Federations (NSF), who are also elections on the basis of a revised spokesperson Rajeev Shukla, struck 23 off 17 balls as Mumbai With both the teams assured of their
members of the suspended IOA. A IOA constitution and the Olympic who is also chairman of the Indians posted a competitive 166 for places in the IPL play-offs, the battle
representative of the Olympic Charter, with no outside interfer- Indian Premier League (IPL), eight in 20 overs. was for the top-two position since
Council of Asia (OCA) was also ence, that could pave the way for refuted rumors of India pulling With Sachin Tendulkar dropped Mumbai Indians, Chennai Super
in attendance. the IOC to consider lifting its sus- out of the Champions Trophy due to an injury in his left palm, Kings and Rajasthan Royals were
It was agreed that the election pension of the IOA," said an IOC being held on June 6-23. Mumbai Indians included Tare while tied on 20 points each before the
process would be closely moni- statement. "We are not going to pull out of giving Maxwell another chance. starts of the match. But with the win,
tored and supervised by the IOC, The IOC added that it was con- Champions Trophy. India will be Rajasthan Royals failed to recover Mumbai Indians consolidated their
which will issue a roadmap for the sidering necessary measures to be participating in the Champions from the poor start 58/5 and despite position at top with 22 points fol-
suspended IOA and all its mem- taken by IOA for getting the sus- Trophy and BCCI is always there valiant knocks from Stuart Binny (37) lowed by Super Kings (22) at second
bers to follow. pension removed. to support cricket," said Shukla. and Brad Hodge (39) lower down the and Rajasthan Royals (20) at third.

Dalai Lama's abode chock-a-block with IPL fans

Dharamsala: The Himachal with the season's first IPL match et fan can mix game with the leisure
Pradesh hospitality industry is gear- here May 16 and ends with a T-20 and pleasure in the hills," Anurag
ing up to welcome IPL fans at charity match between MPs' XI and Thakur, HPCA president and Lok
Kings XI Punjab's last two home Mumbai Heroes May 20, tourism Sabha member, told IANS.
matches at a stadium in industry experts said. He said the added attraction to the
Dharamsala, the abode of Dalai "Almost all our hotels are full IPL season is the charity match
Lama, plus a galaxy of stars in the from Wednesday to next Monday. being organized by the Constitution
extended cricket season. Of course, the cricket craze is Club of India between parliamen-
The Himachal Pradesh Cricket always a holiday hit," Himachal tarians and stars here May 20.
Association (HPCA) stadium, one Pradesh Tourism Development Others who want to mix cricket
of the newest venues in the country, Corporation (HPTDC) general with spiritualism can visit Kangra,
is situated nearly 4,000 feet above manager Yogesh Behl said. Baijnath and Jwalaji, known for
sea level and surrounded by majes- He said even the nearby tourist prominent Hindu shrines.
tic Dhauladhar ranges that make it destinations are packed to capacity. Most of these towns are within a
one of the most beautiful grounds in Match organizers said the HPCA 40 km radius of the stadium.
the world. stadium's popularity soared with the McLeodganj, the uphill quaint town
Over 20,000 tourists, mainly from success of seven IPL matches in the where the Dalai Lama resides, is
the plains of north India are expect- past three seasons. known for its Tibetan artifacts and
ed to visit Dharamsala during the "This time we have got matches traditional recipes like Tibetan Over 20,000 tourists are expected to visit Dharamsala
five-day cricket bonanza that starts allocated in such a way that a crick- dumplings. during the five-day cricket bonanza
26 May 18-24, 2013 HEALTH

This summer, stay in shape without

a gym membership
out,” says Wendy Froehlich of aren’t using it. even those in temporary home, one of the nation’s top • Flat Abs: For minimal move- rentals can target their biceps and
online real estate listing and ment with maximum impact, try back muscles with a few sets each
lifestyle resources. bicycle crunches. You’ll target your day.
Whether you live in a mansion core -- specifically your obliques -- • Every day activity: Make sim-
or efficiency, you can stay fit with without disturbing the neighbors. ple lifestyle changes to burn extra
these great moves: • Push it with a plank: Simply calories throughout the day. If you
• Get Zen with yoga: All you push off your mat as though you’re live in a multi-story building,
need is a yoga mat and a little floor doing a push up and rest on your become a more active apartment
space to practice yoga; a quiet and elbows and toes. Keep your back dweller and take the stairs. Did you
relaxing way to wind down, stay flat and maintain the pose for two know that you can burn about 300
flexible and gain strength. Try the sets of two minutes. It’s a challeng- calories per hour of housework?
poses on your back deck, balcony ing but rewarding fitness move that Get a great workout while vigor-
porch or even your living room. provides a full body workout and ously cleaning your apartment once
Likewise, Pilates moves can be especially targets your core. a week.
t’s not as easy to hide under lay- apartment, no matter how small it done on a yoga mat as well. • Classic moves: Some of the More lifestyle tips for maximiz-

I ers of clothing during the sum-

mer. You’ll want to look your
best in those shorts, t-shirts and
is. And during the warmer months
of the year, you can also make great
use of your home’s outdoor spaces.
• Easy Equipment: Get toned
with free weights, exercise bands,
ankle weights and stability balls.
best moves require no equipment
whatsoever. Pushups, crunches,
squats and floor lunges are all clas-
ing life in small apartments and
homes can be found at
bathing suits; as such, staying in “Not everyone can designate an You can do your reps right in front sic fitness moves that will help you Drop the excuses! No matter your
shape is key. entire room of their apartment, of the television. And the beauty of tone and tighten in your very own budget or space limitations, you can
Many lifestyle experts say you condo or home to exercise; but as this inexpensive equipment is that it home. look great this summer by design-
have more than enough space for a long as you have some floor space, doesn’t take up much space inside • Pull ups: A pull-up bar is sim- ing a workout routine for your
makeshift gym inside your home or you can get a great full-body work- your home or apartment when you ple to install in any doorway, so home.

here may be some credence
to the old saying that “beauty Workplace stress heightens diabetes risk
comes from within.”
Scientific research shows that the
appearance of your largest, most
visible organ -- your skin -- can be
Better diet can S cientists in Israel have linked
development of diabetes to
stress at the workplace, made
term -- even in employees who appear
to be healthy otherwise.
Published in the Journal of

improve your looks

worse by low social support. Occupational Health Psychology, the
directly affected by the vitamins,
Cases of type 2 diabetes continue to study contributes to an ongoing body
nutrients and minerals you feed rise in the US. And while the develop- of research linking work conditions to
your body. ment of the disease is more commonly physical and mental health, reports
Do you crave a healthy glow? associated with risk factors such as Science Daily. Toker says these find-
Before you cough up cash for that obesity, high blood pressure, and ings paint a grim picture, with a wor-
pricey spa treatment, try improving physical inactivity, research has rying rise in the rate of diabetes in the
your skin woes from the inside out. shown that stress can also have a sig- researchers' middle-aged study cohort,
Best of all, you’ll benefit your over- nificant impact. which had a mean age of 48.
all health and wellness at the same Now, Sharon Toker of Tel Aviv "You don't want to see working pop-
time. University's Faculty of Management ulations have an increasing rate of
Here are three ingredients for has found that low levels of social diabetes. It's costly to both employees
healthy skin: support and high levels of stress in the and employers, resulting in absen-
workplace can accurately predict the teeism and triggering expensive med-
Vitamin E development of diabetes over the long ical insurance," she explained
Vitamin E works as an antioxidant
and is important for healthy skin.
Luckily, it’s found naturally in some
of the tastiest foods, such as kiwi,
Indian American surgeon to discuss
eggs, nuts, and green leafy vegeta-
bles. Cooking with olive oil is
another easy way to get a dose of
'Obamacare' impact on India
oted Indian American sur- Obama's 2nd Term, Business

vitamin E. So in lieu of French fries,
try sautéing some spinach in olive geon Mukesh Hariawala Implications on Indian Healthcare
oil for a healthful complexion- will discuss the business System" will focus on opportunities
friendly side dish. Chief Scientific Officer of Nutrex mote a healthy inflammation bal- implications of President Obama's offered to Indian healthcare profes-
You may also consider taking a Hawaii, a nutritional supplement ance. second term on the Indian health- sionals by Obama's signature
vitamin E supplement. manufacturer. More information about the bene- care system at a leadership conclave Affordable Care Act, also known as
Unfortunately, you can’t find fits of astaxanthin can be found at in Mumbai in June. "Obamacare".
Astaxanthin astaxanthin by taking a simple trip http://www.nutrex- A Harvard trained cardiac sur- Hariawala has stressed how
What is astaxanthin? Astaxanthin down the produce aisle in your gro- geon, who is also a healthcare econ- friendly retail FDI policies could
is a powerful antioxidant that pro- cery store. There are only two main omist, Hariawala will deliver the help India get a larger share in med-
tects cells, organs and body tissues natural sources -- the microalgae Vitamin B Complex keynote address at the 4th annual ical tourism
from oxidative damage more pow- that produce it, and the sea creatures For a thorough beauty treatment, India leadership Conclave & Indian revenues,
erfully than many other members of that consume the algae (such as be sure to get plenty of vitamin B. Affairs Business Leadership Awards increased IT
its carotenoid chemical family, salmon, shellfish, and krill). Biotin, which is found in vitamin B 2013 on June 21. contracts,
including beta-carotene, lycopene Whether you dislike fish, or you complex, is necessary for healthy More than 300 businessmen, generic drug
and lutein. simply need a break occasionally, skin, hair and nails. You can source diplomats, politicians, social company rev-
“Astaxanthin supports healthy look into incorporating astaxanthin it naturally by including liver, Swiss reformers and delegates from enues and
skin, especially during sun expo- into your diet through supplements, chard, whole grains and soybeans in Middle East and Europe are expect- overseas
sure, acting as a force field to pre- such as BioAstin, which is available your diet. ed to attend the conclave with the insurance
vent toxic, unstable free radical in different doses. Beyond support- With a few tweaks to your diet, theme of "New India, Agenda for company
molecules from attacking your skin ing healthy skin, a daily dose of 4 you can finally put down the beauty Change" organized by Network 7 investments in
and causing premature aging,” says mg may also improve cardiovascu- magazine and start dishing out your Media Group. Indian health- Dr Mukesh
Dr. Gerald R. Cysewski, Ph.D, lar health, boost immunity, and pro- own advice. Hariawala's lecture on "Barack care. Hariawala LIFESTYLE May 18-24, 2013 27

Sachin Tendulkar now embossed on gold coins

he heart throb of millions, coin bearing his visage. and manufacturer of gold bullion,

T master blaster Sachin

Tendulkar is
embossed in gold on the auspi-
He has also entered into an asso-
ciation with Valuemart to promote
a unique range of commemorative
bars and coins.
The coins are packed in a tamp-
er-proof, blister packs with a cer-
cious occasion of Akshaya Trittiya products involving use of his tificate and carry the assayer's sig-
Monday. image, photos and logo. nature and purity certificate guar-
A leading gold retail chain "Valuemart is celebrating the anteeing its weight and purity.
Valuemart Gold & Jewels Ltd. many golden moments that Sachin The 100,000 limited coins shall
unveiled a limited edition 'Sachin has given us to cherish with these be available at Rs.34,000 per
Tendulkar Gold Coin' of 10 gm gold coins and is in many ways, a piece, online or through leading
with his image embossed on it. real tribute to the true legend of retailers in the country.
"I have always enjoyed the time the game," said Valuemart manag- A part of the proceeds from the
spent on the cricket field which ing director C.K. Vasudevan. sale of Sachin Tendulkar Gold
has given me some of the most Each Tendulkar gold coin is Coins will be contributed to
precious memories of my life. made from the finest 24-karat Valuemart's new foundation,
However, this occasion is a differ- gold and manufactured at a Swiss Golden Dreams, supporting
ent golden moment of my life," Mint by Messrs. Valcambi s.a., a underprivileged children across
Tendulkar said, launching the gold leading international gold refiner the country. Sachin Tendulkar at the event

To Mom Over the weekend, the social media was abuzz with posts,
photos and tweets dedicated to all the moms around
the world. Here are some cartoon picks....

with love

Cartoon by
Mahendra Shah

Kitesurfing to be unveiled in India

n exciting pulse-racing event, Fort event, entitled "Red Bull Quila

A kitesurfing, awaits adventure

lovers in the coastal district
of Raigad next weekend.
Surf", will travel to Tuticorin Port for
an exclusive two-day training with
Ines Correia. There, Correia will
It is for the first time in India that teach them how to enhance their kite
as many as 70 Indian kite-surfers will surfing techniques, details on cross-
take part in the showpiece event,
which will be guided by 20-year old
Ines Correia, the 2011 Women's
shore and on-shore winds, safety, fit-
ness regimen and other aspects of the
tough adventure sport.
Vidya Balan stuns in Sabyasachi's Vidya Balan

World Kitesurf champion and current

top-ranked in Kite Surf Pro World
Ranking and Wave Riding World
Situated around 170 kms south of
Mumbai on Konkan coast, the
Murud-Janjira Fort was built around
lehenga-choli at Cannes
ooking gorgeous in a maroon-black combi-
Ranking. Next Thursday-Friday, she
will take to the sea at Mandwa, in
Raigad and judge the participants
based on speed, manoeuverability
1490 by the Siddis of Abyssinia.
It remained unconquered during its
heydays and till India's Independence
despite efforts by the Portuguese,
L nation lehenga-choli and dupatta, Bollywood
actress Vidya Balan wowed with her desi
look at a cocktail at the 66th Cannes International
and attitude, before eliminating 20 Marathas and British. Film Festival that kickstarted Wednesday.
kitesurfers on both days. The marine fort, standing tall and Sabyasachi Mukherjee seems to have done a great
The remaining shall travel to the imposing even today with 19 bas- job in styling Vidya, who looked prettier then ever
famous Murud-Janjira Fort for the tions, is in a relatively good condition in the outfit. She accessorized it with a bindi,
final round Saturday (May 25), in the even after five centuries of battering
jhumkis and a watch. Not to forget, the "Kahaani"
event organized by Maharashtra by natural and human forces.
Tourism Development Corporation, According to the organisers of Red
actress' center-parting hairstyle suited the costume.
Red Bull and Quest Adventures Pvt Bull Quila Surf, the ancient fort is She chose to wear full-sleeves and looked elegant
Ltd. ideal for kitesurfing as it allows the in the Indian attire.
"This is a one of its kind kitesurfing wind to curve off the fort walls and This is Vidya's first stint at Cannes. She has been
event which is hardly known in India enhances the windsurfing experience. invited as a jury member at the fest, where India is
and will enable the kitesurfers to cir- Presently, lovers of windsurfing in the guest country. Apart from other films and
cle the skies above the Murud-Janjira India have to spend huge amounts screenings, the prestigious event will see screenings
Fort, situated nearly a kilometer in and travel to certain countries like the of three Indian films - "Bombay Talkies",
the Arabian Sea off Raigad," said a US, Australia, South Africa where
"Monsoon Shootout" and "Lunch Box" - in differ-
spokesperson. The final lot of partici- there are strong winds, for the enjoy-
pants selected after the Murud-Janjira able experience.
ent sections.
28 May 18-24, 2013 HUMOR

Funny Bone by Nury Vittachi

Your essential cut-out-and-keep guide to modern laughter

oday, we're going to answer the Probably the least snappy way of saying

T much-asked question: How can

adults communicate with young
people? The answer is: They can't. So
LOL is in Afghanistan, where Taliban
insurrectionists write "Ma khanda
mikonom" ("I emit laughter") after their
we'll move right along to another question one-liners.
of global importance, received from a Also vital is getting the CORRECT
reader named Suchin: "My dad said he laugh for each joke. Here's a guide. 1)"Ha
once ate a curry so hot it burned through ha ha": Regular laugh. 2) "Bwahaha":
his body and set his chair on fire. Could Bigger, somewhat explosive laugh. 3)
this really happen?" "Mwahahah": Bad guy laugh. 4) "Har
Answer: This is scientifically impossible har": Ironic laugh. 5) "Heh-heh-heh":
unless the curry was from Bangladesh, in Naughty laugh. 6) "Ho ho ho": Bearded
which case I totally believe it. man in red suit laugh. 7) "Tee hee": child-
Wait. I see a hand going up. You REAL- ish giggle, usually with hand over mouth.
LY want an answer to the first question? 8) "Yuck yuck yuck": Stupid person laugh-
So does a friend of mine, a guy whose ing. Note: If there is only a single "yuck"
attempts at humor triggered only two baf- as in "Eww, yuck!" this means "disgust-
fling responses: "555" and "jejeje." ing" as in: "I tasted what I thought was
Being an expert in modern international Mainland Chinese netizens respond to Many used "ha ha ha" but the cleverclogs soup but were the underpants you were
communications ("gibberish"), it was easy jokes by writing da xiao, which means Big Malaysian used Ha3. boiling, ewww, yuck."
for me to translate. The number five is Laugh. The Japanese said that when he reads Also worth noting is "badump-tish"
"ha" in Thai, so people from that country Tweets from the premier of China almost something funny, he thinks LOL, but he which represents a drum flourish identify-
write 555 for "ha ha ha." definitely go like this: "The glorious writes "W", which is short for wara, the ing a punchline.
In the Philippines, jejeje is pronounced dialectics of Marxist-Leninist English transliteration of the kanji charac- Wikipedia says the first written digital
he-he-he. "They WERE laughing at your Communism will triumph over imperialist ter for the Japanese word for "Laughter". laugh took place more than 100 years ago,
jokes," I said, explaining that Asians rarely dogs of capitalism. Big laugh." Wow: he does more thinking for a one- when the people who invented Morse code
use LOL, as many of our languages lack To help the questioner, I asked readers of letter response than I did in my entire included a word for laughter: "di-di-di-dit
an "L" sound. various backgrounds to laugh in print. school career. di-dit, di-di-di-dit di-dit". (Not a joke.)
Other countries think people laughing Anyway, whenever I say something
make a "k" sound. Koreans write kkkkk funny, my daughter now says "LoL,"
for LOL while Brazilians do the same but instead of actually laughing.
laugh much longer, writing When this generation grows up, nobody
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. will laugh at comedians. They'll sit grim-
Bizarrely, a British guy said he writes faced, waiting for him to say "badump-
"titter-titter" or "chortle". (The damp tish", so they can all chant: "LoL" I can
weather rots their minds, it's very sad.) hardly wait.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

आज की
ताजा खबर

by Mahendra Shah
Mahendra Shah is an architect by education, entrepreneur by profession, artist and humorist,
cartoonist and writer by hobby. He has been recording the plight of the immigrant Indians for
the past many years in his cartoons. Hailing from Gujarat, he lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ASTROLOGY May 18-24, 2013 29

Chandigarh, India: +91-172- 256 2832, 257 2874

By Dr Prem Kumar Sharma Delhi, India: +91-11- 2644 9898, 2648 9899;

Stars Foretell: May 18-24, 2013 Annual Predictions: For those born in this week
ARIES: Your creativity will amaze people full of natural beauty and ravishing. You might apply May 18 : life. You like privacy and will go all out to maintain
around you besides enhancing career prospects. for bank loan as to get back the possession of your You are governed by the number 9 and dominated it at any cost. You tend to become suspicious at
Take your parents into confidence regarding your new mortgaged property. A week of great achievements by the planet Mars. You are also influenced by the times. This may result in a rift with your friends and
projects and plans. Romance will be exciting provided when no obstacles are in your way.
Moon. You are born with an aggressive personali- loved ones. June, September, December and March
you contact partner to make it the best week. A week SCORPIO: You are likely to face some tense
ty. Courage and alertness, will allow you to face will be eventful.
when smile will perpetually be on your face and moments at professional front. You achieve
strangers will seem familiar. Minor preparations before success in personal work with the timely help & sup- any obstacle without much difficulty, in the year May 22:
you travel overseas will make your trip a lot smoother. port provided by family members. Successful execution ahead of you. You will be enterprising and will un- You are governed by the number 4 and the planet
Ready to purchase a plot consider your priorities first, of brilliant ideas would help in earning financial profits. dertake new ventures, in your professional field. Uranus. You are also influenced by the Moon.
don’t be too fast. Traveling fails to bring immediate Highly demanding behaviour of romantic partner will From the start to the finish of a project, you will be Those of you in your 40th year and above, should
results but will lay a good foundation for future benefits. force romance to take a backseat. Health will be fine sincere and dedicated. Travel will be an important expect to reach the height of your professional ca-
TAURUS: Professional success depends on despite some mental pressures. Stressful trip is part of part of your life, in the coming year. This will bring reer, in the year ahead of you. Most of you will be
how well you can negotiate. Good advice from your traveling. Your plan to buy a plot, may lead to more opportunities for you and also help you to lucky in money as well as love matters. You will
family members will help in reducing mental bankruptcy. You might fail to assess & understand the broaden your outlook. You are fond of children and benefit by your friendship with the opposite sex.
tension/pressure. You succeed in making some extra situation as what it is really demanding from you.
enjoy spending time with them. But, you are short Some of you may get into a special relationship
cash on playing your cards well. Romantic partner SAGITTARIUS: To bring a bloom in profes-
tempered and get irritated over small matters. You which may turn out to be everlasting. Your domes-
would try innovative methods to catch your attention. It sional life you will have to formulate new
is time for you to enjoy a short pleasure trip to recharge strategies. You must restraint yourself from nagging the will have to learn to control your temper, otherwise tic front, will be peaceful and full of harmony. You
body Traveling with kids can be a challenge, try to child to save him/her. Crucial decisions regarding you will find your friends drifting away from you. like to avoid disputes and keep those around you
reduce the stress and nerves. Your plan to own a house investment should be put off for another week. You The months of June, September, December and happy. Your introvert nature will not allow you to
is ought to be in the right way. You get a good opportu- need courageous efforts to turn love-at-first-sight into a March would be significant. express your sentiments and because of this, you
nity to get involved in some interesting conversation. strong romantic bond. Channelising energy for self- May 19: will have limited friends around you. You do not
GEMINI: Handling subordinates might be a improvement would immensely benefit you. Time for a You are dominated by the number 1 and the Sun. like to mingle easily with all persons. The months
little tough during this week. Domestic affairs vacation, sit back and relax. Making investment in real The planet Moon, also has a strong influence on of June, July, October and January to be highly
clouding the mind could affect your enjoyment. This estate is not a good deal to focus on. Shared activities in you. Happiness, prosperity and fame, is what most eventful.
week there will be an uncertainty in financial matters. friend circle will bring immense pleasure.
of you can expect in the coming year. Your me- May 23:
Infatuation fails to buy real love. Losing temper would CAPRICORN: Success in completing diffi-
thodical approach to work, coupled with your sin- You re governed by the number 5 and the planet
affect health. Therefore control yourself to save health. cult assignments brings a lot of laurels at work.
Pack your bags and some eatables and go out for a pic- A week when you should not force your opinion on oth- cerity, will take you to newer heights in your pro- Mercury. You are also dominated by the Moon. You
nic. Reduce your property loans otherwise you will be ers in the family. Avoid investing money in speculations fessional career. You will be able to go to the depth have a fascination for anything that moves fast. You
in great trouble. The going gets tough on suffering from based on rumours. You need to make a proper planning of any project that you undertake. Your quest for like your projects and plans to move in double
certain inferiority complexes in friend circle. before embarking on love journey. Charity work under- knowledge and research, will help you immensely quick time. You will be able to achieve success and
CANCER: New job opportunities for some taken will bring mental peace & comfort. If you are in your field of work. But, sometimes you tend to that too in a short time, in the year ahead of you.
will be better than expected. Sudden good thinking of escaping from the hectic daily routine- plan get a little restless and this results in your taking Honour, fame and recognition, will be yours in the
news in the evening will bring cheers for the entire fam- a trip. There are chances of getting good amount from hasty decisions. Weigh the pros and cons, before coming year. Financially too, it will be a good year.
ily. An auspicious week to invest money on items that an older property of yours. A surprise gift especially taking any important decision. Hasty actions, will Some of you can expect to inherit property from
would grow in value. Initiatives in love bring positive later in the week could come your way.
not only result in wrong decisions, but will also your ancestors. Those of you in the field of writing,
results as you catch the desired attention. Your energy AQUARIUS: Self-confident would enable to
lead to unpleasantness with colleagues and friends. or teaching, can expect it to be an exceptionally
level will be high. Better to channelise it in a positive convey your point of view with ease a work-
direction. Many people want to fly international and place. To avoid conflicts give an ear to family Your warmth nature, will make friends around you, good year. Your extensive vocabulary and commu-
you are one of them. Lending a plot to an unknown per- members. Be prepared to say no to people who expect confide in you, and look towards you for help, nication skills, will take you to greater heights of
son might create a problem in future. You will be too much in financial matters. Avoid raising controver- when they are in distress. July, September and Jan- success. Because of your devotion and loyalty, you
attracted to the materialistic needs, but do not let this sial issues in love rather enjoy the company. Meditation uary will be significant. will be able to gather many admirers and friends
ruin happiness. and self-realization prove beneficial. Your travel experi- May 20: around you. You will be the centre of attraction at
LEO: At work you are likely to win apprecia- ence is going to be an extent of sharing your knowledge You are dominated by the planet Moon. You are social gatherings. The months of May, July, Sep-
tion and awards for past efforts. Good time to and communication. The plot you were looking for can also governed by the number 2. Your warm nature tember and December will be important.
get involved into activities that include children. be profitable from investment point of view. and your helpful attitude, draws people towards May 24:
Investment on long-term plans would pave the way for Interactions with youngsters will be an enriching expe-
you. You will have a large circle of friends around You are governed by the planet Venus and domi-
earning financial gains. You will be in a loving mood, rience.
you, in the coming year. For those of you, who are nated by the Moon. You are also influenced by the
therefore make special plans for romantic partner. PISCES: Mental clarity gives a decisive edge
Knowing your calories would enable to keep yourself over all competitors at professional front. going to be married, can expect to achieve success number 6. You are full of confidence and do not un-
fit. By traveling you’ll learn about new places and cul- Misunderstandings with near ones in the fami- and prosperity in their married life. Those of you, derestimate you capabilities. In the coming year,
tures, which is ultimately a great deal about yourself. ly will get cleared. A very successful week as far as who are in the field of journalism or teaching, can you will try to impose your ideas on others. This
Go through all the legal papers before you purchase a monetary position is concerned. Extremely supportive expect to reach newer heights of excellence, in the may not be liked by your colleagues, who tend to
plot. Postponing group activities for a while would be & loving partner would help in withering away your year ahead of you. For most of you, proximity to a drift away. You will achieve success in your pursuit
in your interest. troubles. You might face tensions and difference of water body, will bring you prosperity. You should, of knowledge. Gaining an imparting knowledge to
VIRGO: Timely and swift action would give opinions that could make you feel irritated & uneasy. therefore opt for a posting near a river or a seaside. others, is what you enjoy doing. You will spend a
an edge over others at professional front. It’s time for a vacation after a long and hard year at Most of you will be associated with charitable in- lot of time in collecting donations for charitable in-
Looking after the needs of children would be essential. work.
stitutions, and you will be spending a lot of your stitutions. Your warmth nature draws you to those
Make sure you do not overspend on household luxuries. It is better to try for your office accommodation as soon
spare time, in doing social work. July, November who need help. This gives you ultimate satisfaction.
Those engaged will find their fiancée a source of great as possible. You can expect friends to support you
happiness. Positive outlook impresses those around you through an ordeal. and February will prove highly significant. A word of advice for the coming year – keep away
besides keeping you fit & fine. You and your loved May 21: from speculation and gambling. Overindulgence in
one’s been busy for quite sometimes and have finally Before you consult... You are governed by the number 3 and by the plan-
et Jupiter. You are also influenced by the Moon.
these may lead to losses. The months of June,
August, January and February to be important and
decided to go on a vacation. Plan to invest in cafeteria
i) Accurate Data: Please make sure Date,
or a bakery shop; it might create new opportunities for You are courageous by nature and are not afraid to significant.
you. Controlling and channelising hidden powers Time and Place of birth is accurate.
overcome any obstacle which may come your way.
would make life comfortable. ii) Careful: Did you check background of the The coming year, will see you achieve honour and
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in this week. Time to understand body and at the same
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spending thousands on cure/remedies.
30 May 18-24, 2013 SPIRITUAL AWARENESS

The empowered soul

Chapter excerpt from the book: Empowering Your Soul through Meditation
There are two ways through experiences have been recorded in
which to view ourselves with history and, in some cases, a reli-
regard to the soul. gion has been created from their
The first is to view ourselves pri- teachings. Other realized souls
marily as a body and mind. When have come and gone but have left
we see ourselves in this manner, behind no records because they did
we say that we are a mind and body not found a religion or leave
By Sant Rajinder Singh that “have a soul.” behind any scriptures.
Ji Maharaj The second is to see ourselves Some of them we know of
primarily as a soul. When we through references by other people
ithin us are riches

change perspective and identify who wrote about them. One thing
greater than any we can with the soul, we say that we are a is clear: these realized souls have
ever accumulate on soul who “has or wears a mind and the ability to teach us how to real-
earth. We have inside us a source body.” To assess how we look at ize ourselves. If we find such a
of knowledge from which all other ourselves is one of our goals. If we being, we can learn how we, too,
knowledge flows. think we are a mind and body, then can discover our soul and its attrib-
A love far greater and fulfilling ours is a journey to find the soul. If utes. True knowledge comes from
than any we can know in the outer we realize that we are the soul, seeing and experiencing on our
world is waiting to embrace us which has been given a mind and own. We may read what others
with open arms within. At our core body to maneuver through the write or listen to what others say,
is a strength and power that can physical world, then our goal is to but we cannot be fully satisfied
enable us to overcome any fear. further empower the soul. By ever realizing the full power and Many people pass through life until we experience it for our-
Underlying our separateness as empowering the soul we recover its potential of their soul. At some never realizing who they are and selves.
individuals is a connectedness and natural control over the mind and time in their life, they may begin to never certain about the purpose of This book touches on the two
oneness to all life. Awaiting us senses. wonder about the soul, about God, their existence. In times of trouble aspects of spiritual knowledge that
inside is a bliss and joy so fulfilling The aim of Empowering Your and about the purpose of their exis- or in the face of death, they may can help us realize our soul: the
that we need no other outer intoxi- Soul through Meditation is to help tence. This search for meaning and raise these questions but may not theoretical knowledge, and the per-
cants to make us happy. All these reacquaint us with the qualities of purpose—the spiritual quest—is follow them through to a fulfilling sonal or practical knowledge. The
gifts lie within us in the empow- the soul and provide direction for one that people pursue in individ- conclusion or else may abandon theoretical side consists of what
ered soul. its empowerment. ual ways. Some seek answers in the process when the bad times other realized people have said
The soul is a source of tremen- The soul’s power has been for- scripture while others search in pass. But those who have a burning about the soul (such as what are
dous wisdom, love, and power, yet gotten. The mind, the senses, the places of worship. Some go beyond desire to find the answers to the some of the qualities—wisdom,
we remain ignorant of its treasures body, and the pulls of the physical their own religion to find the mysteries of life can find them. immortality, fearlessness, love,
when we allow it to be overpow- world have placed the soul in a answers offered in other faiths. Fortunately, there are people in connectedness, and bliss). The per-
ered by the mind, the senses, and state of forgetfulness from which Whichever method one adopts, the the world who have found spiritual sonal or practical side consists of a
the physical body. When the mind we must awaken. When we direction one follows to find the fulfillment and can guide us. If we technique that I learned from a
and body assert power over the empower our soul, its wisdom, answers to life’s questions is look through history we find that in fully realized being. I wish to share
soul, the soul forgets itself. But the immortality, love, fearlessness, known as the spiritual path. It is the every generation there have been this technique to help others realize
empowered soul is our true nature, connectedness, and bliss add a new spiritual path that leads us to the people who have realized them- their soul on their own.
and it is time we reclaim the soul dimension to our life. realization of our inner self, to the selves as soul and have realized
so that its gifts can enrich our life. Many people live and die without soul. God. Some of their wisdom and (To be continued...)

Meditation makes us more alive 'Tap into source of eternal

Concluding part of the discourse 'Inner peace through meditation'
ll religions teach us that tain a balanced life in the world. better far all around us. By devel-
happiness within'
A we are children of God and
that we should have love
in our hearts for each person we
While attending to our spiritual
progress, we lead a productive life,
fulfilling all our responsibilities.
oping our inner and outer life, we
will become complete human
beings. We will find fulfillment I
n his most recent Sunday talks,
His Holiness Sant Rajinder
Singh Ji Maharaj spoke of the
perpetual state of happiness and
find the stability we need to weath-
er all storms of life and remain in a
state of bliss and happiness, for all
times to come.
treat. If we realize the Light of We need to earn an honest living. and peace for ourselves and help
God within us, if we experience it We must care for our family. We others achieve it as well. bliss we all seek. He said if we are Explaining how the physical
for ourselves, then we will see the should contribute to the needs of We may not be able to eliminate to achieve permanent happiness, it world, which we take to be real, is
same Light of God shining in oth- our neighbors, our community, our all the problems of the world, but is essential that we tap into the several reflections away from true
ers. When peace fills our heart, it society, the nation, and the world. through meditation we can attain Source of eternal happiness within. reality, he said we must strive to
radiates from us. If each person Whatever task we undertake, we peace and happiness. We can make This can happen only when we transcend its myriad distractions if
has this realization, there will be perform it to the best of our capa- our family life more peaceful, lov- learn to experience God’s love we are to experience the reality of
true peace on this planet. bilities, The spiritual path is ing, and caring, We can help within us and all around us. our existence. Just as the waves
By gaining inner peace, we can twofold. We achieve inner enlight- change the society in which we If we can comprehend this truth, and the froth of the ocean are no
also achieve outer peace. Some enment and peace for ourselves. live. We can be a source of peace we will realize the presence of the different from the ocean, when we
people mistakenly think that the Then, we use our talents and skills to all those around us. By leading a Lord in our lives and know that the realize that we too, as souls, are no
path of meditation is one of and the gift of our human life to life in which we are caring and hand of the Lord is always guiding different from God, the Oversoul,
escapism. They feel that it requires make the world a better place, a loving to others, we will develop us. Just as an author is aware and in it helps us begin to recognize God
one to sit in a cave or on a moun- more peaceful place. If we are a into ideal human beings. Sant control of all the minute details of in everyone. We see the world as a
tain top like a recluse. But medita- doctor, we should be the best pos- Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj used to a book they have written, so too is play of God, where we each have a
tion does not lead to escapism; sible doctor. If we are a carpenter, say that it is difficult to become a God aware of all of God’s creation. role. This higher angle of vision
rather, it makes us more alive. It is we should be the best carpenter. If human being in the true sense of As we learn to commune with God, helps us detach from the attractions
one of the most effective ways to we are a musician, we should be the word, but once we do so, it is through the technique of medita- and illusions that bring pain and
actively work towards outer peace. the best musician that we can be. not so difficult to find God. And tion, we will learn to see God all suffering in the physical world, so
The teachers of Science of In this way, we make improve- that is the highest goal of human around us, in every soul, in every we may take steps steadily toward
Spirituality encourage us to main- ments in our society and make life existence. blade of grass. If we can but firmly our life’s supreme goal of becom-
anchor ourselves in God, we will ing one with God. May 18-24, 2013 May 18-24, 2013

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