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UNIT 11 Strategies 1 1.Various people all over the world have practiced different fors of marriage 2.

The number is of victims of the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia so many. 3.Home life is influeanced by the way a family is organiszed. 4.In ancient Rome had absolute authority over his children. 5.Our continuous dependency on fossil fuel can bring more hazards to the environment. Strategies 2 1.To curb waste of time at meetings, some excutive they have resorted to the use of stopwatches, whistles, and uncomfromtable chairs. 2.Repeated studies have shown that the length, texture and coarseness of ones hair they are not determined by how often it is cut. 3.Noisy toys register more than 100 decibles harm kids hearing. 4.For many people, gardening can provide contentment in life. 5.Changes in earhts atmosphere and oceans caused by humans have contributed to more frequent and more severe natural disasters. Strategies 3 1.All the flower in the garden are watered every day. 2.Many student in room 204 come from different parts of the world. 3.Most information from the articles is inaccurate. 4.In this university, students with a lot of work experience have a greater chance of getting a part time job. 5.Farmers in this country still work by hand or with the help of animals. Strategies 4 1.The Adams-Omnis Trety, a transcontinental treaty, is an agreement between the United States and Spain. 2.The Capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, is an important convention center for international African confrences.

3.Joseph Addison is best known for his collaboration with Sir Richard Steele in writing abd publishing The Spectator, is a series of popular essay in 1712. 4.Joy Adamson, was an author and painter, became famous for her book Born Free:A Lioness of Two Worlds. 5.A Welsh politican and trade union leader, William Abraham was elected to Parliament in 1885. Strategies 5 1.The furniture made by the carpenter is exported to many countries. 2.The lady teaching English in this school is my aunt. 3.The first lesson taught by Profesor Green was very difficult. 4.The fried noodle taughting in this restaurant is one of the most delicious dishes. 5.The report written by Dr.Browns secretary has many spelling mistakes. Exercise 1 1. (B) a fisherman 2. (A) is the subject 3. (B) inhabiting 4. (A) is famous 5. (A) suspended 6. (A) ultrasound 7. (B) incineration 8. (C) associted 9. (B) A protection 10. (B) published 11. (D) A light silver-colored metal 12. (C) the throne 13. (A) An animal bite 14. (A) Ahandsomeand passionate lover 15. (A) shared

Exercise 2 1. GeorgreVancoiver, he is a British expoler, was born at Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England. 2. Unconscious is a term used to describe such mental processes as thoughts, ideas, and feelings that go on in peoples minds. 3. Weather reports they warn people in the path of a hurricane, so that they can do something to protect themselves. 4. Two kinds off bear-like mammls live in asia are called pandas. 5. Paraguay is a South American country surrounded by other countries, so that it has no sea cost.

Review 1 1. (A) it 2. (C) was referred 3. (C) a word 4. (A) 350 acres 5. (A) longlest 6. (B) various saltwalter fishes 7. (B) The invention of writing 8. (C) amoebas 9. (A) high 10. (A) strong Review 2 1. Andre ,arieampere, aFrench mathematician and scientist, was born at Polemiux, near theLyons, Frence. 2. In 1820, Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish Scientist, discovered that an electricity current can ove the needle of a compass. 3. A sheashell range in value from a few cents to houndreds, or even thousand, of dollars.

4. Acadia is a region in eastern North American thet became a site of the first European colony in Canada. 5. Roman sculptors copied many of their statues from theGreeks, but they also made some remarkable handsome portrait sculpture. 6. The Japanese value calligraphyas high as do the Chinese. 7. The word acoustic refers to the quality of sound as hearing in a room or building. 8. The syllabi for the courses this semester is in the packet of the materials. 9. There have been dramatic decline in the number of wild salmon moving up stream to spawn. 10. Acrylic plastics ar less breakable than glass but being more easily scratched.

Supplementary Exercise 1 1. (C) celebrated 2. (B) sleeps 3. (A) that ranges 4. (B) theirs 5. (B) the 6. (A) that migrate regulary 7. (D) Downy mildew 8. (A) has 9. (D) appears 10. (D) No millipede having Supplemetary Exercise 2 1.For a dangerous situation, every creature has some kindly of defense. 2. Greek philosophers wondered about the nature of a universe. 3. Two straight line meet at a point to from the angel. 4. Plants produce their own food, using energy direct from the sun.

5. In about 3000 B.C., the Egyptians developed a writing system called hieroglyphics, or sacredly carving. 6. Before the discovery of modern anesthetics, patients were told to drink wine or take drugs to make their sleepy before operations. 7. After years of voice training, Marian Anderson entered a contest to sing with a New York Philharmonic Orchestra and won first place among 300 contestans. 8. Northern tribes invading Rome in A.D. 476, thus ending the Western Roman Empire. 9. During winter, the arctic fox and the weasel change color from brown to pure white, so them can hardly be seen against the snow. 10. Every years North American robins, wild goose, and many songbirds escape the cold of winter by flying south to Florida or Mexico. UNIT 12 Strategies 1 a. 1.The jury is finally come to a decision. 2.The class are doing an exam. 3.The board is agreed on the proposal. 4.The majority is opposing the new government policy on income tax. 5.The badminton team was one of the best in the worls. b. 1.The family have been arriving from different towns. 2.The band are now tuning their musical instruments. 3. A second group are now rehearsing their parts in the play. 4.The committee have been blaming each other for the fatal decision. 5.The government have worked on various projects. Strategies 2 1.Most of the students know that there are going to be a test. 2.None of the workers want to quit their jobs. 3.All of the water has been used for the plants.

4.Hardly any of the magazines countain good articles. 5.Some of the journey was done by night. Strategies 3 1.Somebody is knocking at the door. 2.Nobody want to be treated unfairly. 3.Everything seems to be working as planned. 4.Nothing in this wold are certain. 5.Each student in all off the classes is to write at least two papers in one semester. Strategies 4 1.The buildings behind our school are old. 2.The participiants of the seminar are all teachers. 3.The students in the next classroom are all present. 4. The population off many towns is growing too fast. 5.The data off the pool show that many people still believe in the current goverment. Strategies 5 1.Theere is no car in the parking lot. 2.There remains no doubt of his integrity. 3.There were a lot of campers on the site. 4.There were long lines of people when we arrived to buy the concert tickets. 5.You could see that there was grief in his face. Strategies 6 1.From the ceiling dangle a mass of spider webs. 2.In the box are the thisngs needed by the students. 3.At the end of this street lies the church that is centuries old. 4.After winning the beauty contest comes endless activities for Miss Indonesia. 5.In between the rocks grows lichen. Exercise 1

1.(B) is caused 2.(A) They are 3.(B) as it stand 4.(A) are 5.(A) have Exercise 2 1.Plant genetics is now exploited to create new hybirds that enrich the plant species. 2.New Mexico is known as the Land of Enchantment and some of its other nicknames give the same impression. 3.Since the prehistoric times, the family has been an impotant body in the society. 4.of the tribes of the Peublo Indians are the Zuni and the Hopi who had an advanced civilization. 5.The three largest cities in New Jersey, in order of size, are Newark, Jersey City, and Peterson. 6.There were thirteen British colonies that founded the United States of America in 1776. 7.Everybody believes in the law of gravity as it is evident. 8.New York, the northernmost Mid-Atlantic state, is bordered by five other states. 9.The reading public have various interests that are catered to by different kinds of books. 10.There is much more I a newspaper other than are news reports, such as editorials of feature stories. 11.On the eastern part of Nicaragua on the Carribean Sea Lies the Mosquito Coast. 12.Journals, on of the many types of publications, carrie little or no advertising. 13.In the northwest of the U.S. is located the home of the Nez Perce Indians, so called because they pierce their noses to wear ornaments. 14.There are many fish such as swordfish and sharks, which normally live in salt water, in Lake Nicaragua. 15.The Russian peasants during Czar Nicholas rule was so poor the Czar took some measures to improve Their welfare. Review 1 1.(C) often

2.(D) is 3.(C) many 4.(D) important 5.(B)the chestnut shell is brown 6.(A) knows 7.(A) industralized 8.(A) have the most nutrition 9.(C) A country 10(B) made Review 2 1.Football as it is called by the rest of the world outside the united are surely a most popular sport in the world. 2.Everyone needs two servings of protein found in meat, fish, eggs or nuts every day. 3.Some od the most commonly abused drugs are alcohol, cocaine, and amphetamines. 4.With the right training,every puppies eventually learned not to dirty its owners floor. 5.Spanish is the main language of Panama, but English is also wide spoken. 6.The titanic sank in April 1912 and send abaout 1,500 passengers of the ocean liner to its deaths. 7.Water in the Earths oceans differ in temperature and salinity. 8.Chlorophyll is the green coloring matter that makes it possible for the most plant to make its own food. 9.Paris is often called the city of light because of much greatly ideas begin from this city. 10.The ancient Egyptians had to play hugely sums of money to be entombed in a sarcophagus. Supplementary Exercise 1 1.(D) the wind must blow pollen. 2.(A) pours into 3.(A) the migration of the arctic tern

4.((D) that Cacti grow 5.(A) which discovered Supplementary Exercise 2 1.Venus is often mistaken for a star in an night sky. 2.Decicous trees are those that have leaves that all off once a year, typical before the advent of winter. 3.Lapland, the home of the lapps, is a bleak, barren region of Europe, north of the Arctic Circle. 4.In very ancient times, people began to build their houses over water. 5.Almost everybodyin Europe and America using Latin in his or her speech every day. 6.A lens are atransparent object that has one or curved surfaces. 7.Located between San Fransisco and Marin Country are the Golden Gate Bridge. 8.A kind of dry clean were used several thousand years ago in Greece and Rome. 9.In Laos, people can sometimes see elephants walking along city streets. 10.The human body needs a steady supply off water to remain healtly. 11.John Hancocks signature on the Declaration of Independence is known for its large size. 12.The United Nations uses simultaneous translator to make speech understandable to all its member. 13.Charles Lambs amused eassays brought him his greatest fame. 14.Koalas is very shy and hard ever leave their trees. 15.The piano probabl the best known of all Western music instruments. UNIT 13 Strategies 1.Human beings are often ignorant, pitiless and show brutal. 2.A healthful diet should be rich in vegetables, fruit, and cereals. 3.She wanted to do two to work part time and to finishing her studies. 4.Before acquiring language, babies detect diffrences in musical tones and charge in the tempo and the rhythm of the music.

5.Women should exercise regulary but not excessively because hard physical workouts can trigger hormone production. Exercise 1 1.(C) fights 2.(B) available in food 3.(C) collection 4. (D) resembled 5.(B) continual Exercise 2 1.Choosing a diet low in fat and cholesterol is necessary to mountain health and reduct the risk of heart disease. 2.The nile was very important for stimulating both religion and science in ancient Egypt. 3.The Earth is the only planet known to have abundant liquid water and lives. 4.The uppers layers of Venus clouds are full of sulfuric acid, but the lower layers are full of phosphoric acid solution. 5All cultures have developed their own myths, consisting of narratives of their history.their religion, and their heroes. 6.Excesses or imbalances in a particular diet can have a negative impact on ones health. 7.The touching and manipulating of muscles are the mainstream manual healing methods which make up chirpractic. 8.In the past 40 years, acupuncture has become a famaous and widely available treatment in both developed and developing countries. 9.Despite its bad reputation, cholesterol is needed to build cell membranes, proctec nerve fibres, and produce vitamin D and some hormones. 10.General atmosphere and oceanic circulatin systems redistribute heat and moisture, preventing overheating in the tropics and intenses cold near the poles. 11.Demography covers the study of the size, structure and distribution of populations. 12.The helipause is a dynamic region that expansion and contracts due to the constantly changing speed and preesing of the solar wind. 13.Wrought iron has a soft, fibrous structured and can be hammered, twisted or stretched when hot or cold and made into a variety of using or decorative objects.

14.Adults experience the progressive loss of bone mass if they lack the mineral calcium, which plays a critical role in building and sustaining strong bones. 15.When the body is not given enough essential nutrients over a period of time, it becomes weak and less able to fight infection. Review 1 1.(A) an influential Greek 2.(C) range 3(B) cold 4.(B) pointless 5.(D) excretes 6.(D) outflow 7.(C) excessive 8.(C) is 9.(D) combined 10.(A) originated Review 2 1.Amon, a god in Egyption mythology, was worshipped mainly in the city of thebes. 2.While much of Asia consists of vast plains with little relief, there are towering volcanic peaks and large rift valley systems. 3.One study argued that famine can be caused by the changes in the regions politics and economics. 4.Central and southern Africa produce a large quantity of diamonds. 5.Sea small animal, the Amphioxus , has a noto chord , which is a rod of cartilage that cerves as a backbone. 6.Composed of silica and a metallic element, hydrated silicates are minerals that consit of chemicals combined with waterned. 7.As the low-density and very low density lipoproteins transport cholesterol from the liver to the cells, they leae plaque forming cholesterol in the wals of the arteries. 8.Chemistry is the science abaout how atoms and molecules share,shuffle, and excharge electrons to make or brake bonds.

9.Fringing reefs, one of the coral reef form, are located close to shore, separated from land by shallow water. 10.Except the sun, all stars are too far from the earth for their distances to be conveniently measured in miles or kilometers. Supplementary Exercise 1 1.(D) The solar system is 2.(C) less severe 3.(D) Tenochtitlan of the Aztec Empire 4.(B) they are the largest. 5.(A) climate continental 6.(D) it my last 7.(A) an Australian sculptor 8.(C) strong 9.(A) there is 10.(B) depend Supplementary Exercise 2 1.The sun is composed mainly of the hydrogen, as well as about 5 percent helium and heavier elements. 2.The fertile soil of the nile valley supported some of the earlist and richlest farming communities in Africa. 3.Shifting cultivation, an ancient farming method, it is widely used on the grasslands and in the forests of central Africa, northeastern South America, and part of Southeast Asia. the late 1700s, an English farmer named Robert Bakewell showed how livestock could be improved by intensived breeding animals with desirable traits. 5.The troposphere, the layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth, is usually warmest because the sunlight that passes through the air heat the land and sea. 6.Electrostatic precipitators are among the most important air cleaners because they run very effecience and have so many difference uses. 7.Acid rain results drom the reactions of water vapor with chemical compounds produced by motor vehicles or a factoried.

8.Every kind of ammunition contain a propellant, explosive or fuel that provides a force to send the projectile to its target. 9.In the 1920s, while animators in the United States concentrated on develop cartoon characters, others elsewhere experimented with new techniques animation such as puppet animation. 10.Often dwscribed in some science fiction stories, anti gravity, a hypothetical forcr of repulsion, have been observed by scientists.

UNIT 19 Exercise 1 1. 2. 3. 4. (C) enclosed (B) Presented (D) Picures (B) Sticky

Exerccise 2 1. (B) Large 2. (A) Pushing 3. (D) Lasting Exercise 3 1. (D) Sees 2. (B) Tuisted 3. (A) Looks Like Review 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (A) Damaging (A) Isunamis (D) Ocean Floors topography (D) Signal sinyal (C) lines 8-9 (B) Level

Review 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (D) It is a blood substance in most human (A) Paragraph 1 (C) Strong (C) Impact (A) The recipient will from anti-Rh agglutinins

6. (D) Rh-Positive red blood cells 7. (A) Stays alive

Supplementary Exercise 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (B) Uncontrollable (D) Children are inattentive (D) Lines 6-7 (B) Suitable (C) In 1902 (C) Education (C) Disorder

Supplementary Exercise 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (C) Fruits and Vegetables (B) Free Radical (B) When the Immune system attacs viruses and bacteria (D) Dey neutralize The bodys immune system (D) Disturbance (D) Lines 20-22 (C) In fresh Fruits and vegetables (A) Eaten

Unit 20 Exercise 1 1. (A) Insects and birds migrate to keep alive 2. (B) Food insufficiencys Exercisa 2 1. (C) The uniqueness of DNA fingerprints 2. (A) DNA fingerpriting Exercise 3 1. (B) There are two kinds of hibernators 2. (C) Hibernator Classifications

Review 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (B) How human eyes she objects in three dimensions (A) The separation of the eyes (D) Brain (B) Faint (C) Lines 7-9 (A) When the eyes are closed

Review 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (C) The most important film awords in the united states (A) Effect (D) The Oscar (C) Admitted (B) In 19-29 (A) lines 7-9

Supplementary Exercise 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (A) The third world (C) Described (D) Lines 4-5 (A) Arose (B) in 1961 (C) The term third world (C) The third world now has both rich and poor members

Supplementary Exercise 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (A) Hara-kiri has been a respectable from of suicide in japan (A) They were landholders (A) Dagger (A) Around 1500 (B) To behead the condemned man (C) it has been practiced as a preferred way of swicide (D) Occupied

Unit 21 Exercise 1 1. (B) He was persistent in his experiments 2. (B) Invented dynamite to be used in war Exercise 2 1. (B) The canal has commercial and strategic values

2. (A) Needed more time then planned 3. (B) It may pass through regardless of the ships nationality Exercise 3 1. (C) The water course starts from the karakoram mountain ranges 2. (C) The indus plays han important role for both pakistan in india Review 1 1. (A) The olympics as an international spors event 2. (C) 1998 and 2002 3. (B) In a metropolitan area 4. (C) Watch a competition 5. (D) a Sport 6. (B) Hi enters the stadium after all the athletes arrive 7. (D) lines 14-16 8. (A) striking 9. (D) doves 10. (D) paragraph 4 Review 2 1. (B) How rabbits move 2. (D) Jump 3. (A) Rabbits are valuable to man 4. (B) In north, Central and south america 5. (D) Skins 6. (B) Line 7 7. (B) Some types of rabbits 8. (C) Their tail 9. (B) Friendly 10. (C) Cottontail rabbits Supplementary Exercise 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (A) The use of vaccines and serums in immunization (D) Vaccines and serums (C) a vaccine containing living but harmss germs (D) line 6 (C) Patients (B) Fight (D) Active immunization lasts longer than passive immunization (C) When patients have no time to make their own antibodies

Supplementary Exercise 2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

(C) Reasons for becoming immigrants (A) Immigrants face various problems in their new land (C) fitted in (D) newcomers (B) take low-paying jobs (C) Lines 15-16 (B) developing countries needed immigrants to expand their economy (D) Paragraph 4

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