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MARMARIA Technology 1st E.S.O.

Technology Department Project report




Name Group

Picture of the group and their project

MARMARIA Technology 1st E.S.O. Technology Department Project report



1 Index
1 Index..................................................................................................................2 2 What is the need or problem?............................................................................3 3 Sketches and plans............................................................................................4 3.1 Individual idea.............................................................................................4 3.2 Best solution................................................................................................5 3.3 Plans............................................................................................................7 4 Process sheet....................................................................................................8 5 Estimate.............................................................................................................9 6 Changes to the original design..........................................................................9 7 Evaluation........................................................................................................10

MARMARIA Technology 1st E.S.O. Technology Department Project report



2 What is the need or problem?

A precise definition helps you to create an appropriate solution. Think about the details and try to follow these steps: Find information about previous solutions Consider technical aspects: o What types of solutions are there? o What materials are most appropriate? o What materials have we got? o Where can we build it? o How can we build it?

MARMARIA Technology 1st E.S.O. Technology Department Project report



3 Sketches and plans

3.1 Individual idea
If the project design is free, each member of the group must draw his own design and show it to the rest of the groupmates. Here you must include all these individual designs.

MARMARIA Technology 1st E.S.O. Technology Department Project report



3.2 Best solution

Now its time to choose the best design in your group in terms of usefulness, simplicity, cost or aesthetics. You can create a table to help choose. This table has five categories. You can give points for each aspect of the design and choose the design with the higher mark. Member 1 Usefulness Simplicity Cost Aesthetic Total Member 2 Member 3 Member 4

MARMARIA Technology 1st E.S.O. Technology Department Project report



MARMARIA Technology 1st E.S.O. Technology Department Project report



3.3 Plans
Here you must include the project plans. The plans include the three main elevations or the pieces separately. Ex:

MARMARIA High School Technology Department

Technology 1 st E.S.O. Project report

4 Process sheet
Plan the construction process and decide: What you are going to do. Who is going to do it. How you are going to do it: what materials or tools you are going to need. How long it is going to take. Complete the following table with the operations, tools and materials you are goint to need to build the project. NUMBER PIECE OPERATIONS TOOLS AND RESPONSIBLE OF MATERIALS PIECE TIME

MARMARIA Technology 1st E.S.O. Technology Department Project report



5 Estimate
Make an estmate of the constructions cost in advance. You need to know the price and quantities of the materials you are going to use. N. Quantity Material Unit price Total price


6 Changes to the original design

Compare the project you have finally done with the original you designed by analyzing the problems and changes you have done. PROBLEM SOLUTION

MARMARIA Technology 1st E.S.O. Technology Department Project report



7 Evaluation
Questions to help your evaluation: Appearance: Is it appropriate for the environment that it is designed for? Could you improve it? Will people use it? Use: Does it work? Is it easy to use? Materials: Are they recyclable? Can you reuse them? Durability: Is it likely to get broken easily? Maintenance: What do you need to keep the object in good condition? Safety: Are there any risks in using this object?

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