Philosophy and Education in Malaysia

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PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCATION IN MALAYSIA REVISION 1 STRUCTURE QUESTIONS 1. a) Give 5 basis in educational policy based on Islamic view.

* Believe in God * Believe in Prophet/Messenger * Believe in wisdom (wahyu) * Believe in individual potential and development in morality. * Each and every individual responsible for their actions. b) Give 3 implications and examples of Eastern philosophy of education towards Malaysian education system. * Implication towards individual/student/human capital * Develop human behaviour to become/ have high, oral based on rules/regulation and love for the country and rulers. (Confucius) * Implication towards educational aim * To develop harmonious society to enhance individual human behaviour and love to the rulers and country. (Confucius) * Implications towards education objective * To produce human being who are able to succeed in all aspects of life-physical, intellect, moral and spiritual. (Rabrinath Tagore) * Implication towards implementing education. * Implementation of subjects such as maths, history, literature and geography. (Confucius and Tagore) * Implication towards educational curriculum. * Mastering mother tongue (BM) * Integrating moral values in life. * Teaching of maths, account, history, literature, and geography.

* Mastering oration and numeric. 2. a) Give 4 main principles of progrevist. * Children are free to develop naturally. * Interest and motivation by experience is the best stimulus for learning. * Teachers are the resource staff. * Teachers are the guide for learning activity. * Good cooperation between school and parents is needed. * Humanistic education. (moral value and spirituality) b) Give 3 roles of a teacher based on parenialisme thought. * Teachers are assumed as expert and knowledgeable person. * Teachers are assumed as guide. * Teachers are assumed as discipliner. * Teachers are assumed as cultivator of moral. 3. a) Eastern philosophy of education discussed on Confucious, Ravindranath Tagore, explain 5 principles that become basis of Eastern philosophy of education. * Human life will improve if they are willing to change. * Human attitude towards the life is the main factor in achieving prosperity. * Human learn through natural observation. * Every human wants intellectuality and attain nirvana (no rebirth) * Every human search for the real part of life. b) Awang Had Salleh is academician who has directly involved in educational development in this country. He has committed himself in developing our educational system and proven through his contribution. Give 5 contributions of Awang Had Salleh in developing our education system. * Became a language teacher in Sultan Abdul Hamid College (SAHC) * Became a lecturer in Maktab Bahasa Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur.

* Became a lecturer in Faculty of Education in University of Malaya. * Director of Institut Teknologi Mara. * Vice Chancellor of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. * Author of several stories, dramas, essays and novels. 4. National Philosophy of Education (FPK) is formed to produce holistic and balanced individual. a) Give 4 skills need to be possessed by a teacher to produce a holistic and balanced individual. * Mastering critical thinking skills * Good effective * Possessed good teaching skills. * Good at managing teaching and learning surrounding environment. b) Teacher Philosophy of Education (FPG) outlines the type of teachers needed for this country. Give 3 roles of teacher in bringing FPG into realization. * Teacher as a changing agent. * Teachers consistently develop themselves to keep them updated. * Teacher as a role model. ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. a) Give the suggestion forwarded in Cabinet Committee Report in the context of developing education to fulfil the future needs of our country. * Focus was given in achieving 3 basic skills (3M) * Focus was given to strengthen spiritual education. * Producing well discipline student. * Opportunity to continue education was increase from 9 to 11 years old. * Focused on Malaysian oriented curriculum. * The position of English as the second language was maintained. * Priority given for co-curriculum activity.

b) Define the implementation strategies by Ministry of Education under the thrust of development of human capital in the effort to form a united country and to achieve world class education. * Provide more choices of education to parents and students. * Increase the achievement and acquisition of knowledge. * Cultivate skills and abilities among the students. * Improve evaluation and assessment holistically. * Enhance discipline. * Improve solving complains regarding disciplinary problems. * Improve cooperative among KPM and various agencies. 2. a) Give the characteristics of a great teacher based on FPG. * Highly knowledgeable. * Possess high morality and good characteristics. * Responsible. * Various skills. * Contribute for the prosperity of own self , family and country * Scientific and progressive oriented * Individual b) Give the ways on how a teacher can play the role in achieving the above statement. * Carrying out duty dedicatedly * Showing a genuine interest in development of their student * To possess high pedagogical skill * Involve in professional development programs * Guide all the students equally without considering their gender, ethnicity/social class.

* Collaborate with cliques, administrative staff, and parents in resolving problem concerning student. * Help to develop generic skills. * Becoming a good role model to be followed. 3. a) Define the activities and examples of Stenhouse Model components to produce a successful teaching and learning in classroom. * Activity that gives opportunity for students to make their own decision and self reflection. * Activities that need student use activity that use student to concentrate observe a situation or new idea and apply them in intellectual process. * Activities that involve teacher and students in facing the consequences of the risks of success and failure. b) Describe how a teacher could help a child to develop holistically and balanced in in physical, emotional, spiritual and intellect. * Providing learning spaces which are neatly arranged. * Providing learning corners, filled with interactive and manipulative learning materials. * Exhibition corners to display students work. * Preparing teaching and learning materials which are challenging to the students. * Teachers are well-mannered in their communication and behaviour. * Teacher aware of the various students needs from time to time. * Motivate and cultivate high spirit among students. * Active participation of student in curricular activities. * Gives the opportunity to the student to make rational decisions.

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