Chennai White Marble - Kishangarh Marble - A Marble Mandi

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chennai white marble chennai white marble

Agaria chennai white marble
We are rec ognize d as a leading Manufacturer and Expo rte r of Agaria c hennai white marble in wo rldwide markets. The A gar ia c hennai white marble that we o ffe r is widely apprec iated for pro viding high luste r and v isual appeal to the area. We hav e re ached the pinnac le in the field of manufacturing A gar ia c hennai white marble.These marb les inlay the floor s, walls, r ooms in a wonder ful way . We are o ne of the paramo unt pr efe rred Agaria white mar ble manufacture rs in India. Intric ate manufacturing proc ess is c onside red in pro duc tio n o f Agaria c hennai white mar ble which per fec tly me ets inte rnational standar ds. This b eige Agaria c hennai white mar ble is widely demanded in o ffic es, industries, sc hoo ls, hotels, and o the r industrie s because of the ir r ioto us appear anc e, long lasting luste r, and wear

r esistance. This A garia che nnai white marb le is av ailable in v ar ious sizes, designs, and patte rns. We o ffer the se mor wad marb les within stipulated time pe rio d matc hing to the budge t lines of o ur esteemed clie nts. We are mines owner and supplier o f A gar ia c he nnai white marble. if yo u have any que stion in y our mind than pls ask us. we will definite ly give yo u a batter re ply . 1 . what is A gar ia che nnai white marb le & ho w it loo ks ? A ns:- A gar ia white marb le is b asic ally a god quality of marble. it also kno wn as Agaria chennai white mar ble. this marb le have white color and milky lo ok. . actually Agaria white is the name o f village. whic h mar ble pro duce from he re. that known as Agaria c hennai white mar ble . Starting prize range of this marb le q uality is 20 Rs. per sq. feet up to 80 Rs. per sq. feet of mo rwad marb le tiles. basic size av ailable in this r ange are 2 4*9, 2 1*9, 18*9, 15 *9. 12* 9, 2 4* 6,2 1*6, 18*6, 15* 6, 12* 6 . 2 . Whic h sizes are av ailable in A garia che nnai white marb le ? A ns :- I n A gar ia c hennai white marble, we c an get too many size s but the aver age size o f marb le slab is 6 Sq. fee t * 5 Sq . fe et. other size depends on custo me r re quirement . manufacture c an pro vide all on c ustomize req uir eme nt but the y should less than 5 0Rs.up to 200 0 Rs. . sq. feet * 6 sq. fee t. 3 . whic h marb le floo ring pattens are availab le in Agaria c hennai white marble ? A ns :-basic ally Agaria c hennai white marble is a stone so that all marble floo ring pattens c an use with q uality. i am showing below few pho tographs o f marb le floo ring de signed A garia che nnai white marb le, Agaria chennai white marb le tiles, Agaria c hennai white marble slab, Agaria c hennai white marble mines c henn ai white marble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai whit e m arble agaria ch en nai whit e m arble agaria ch en nai m arble agaria ch en nai m arble agaria ch en nai whit e m arble agaria ch en nai whit e m arble agaria ch en nai whit e m arble agaria ch en nai wh ite m arble agaria ch en nai whit e m arble agaria ch en nai whit e m arble 0 5. how Agaria c hennai white marble loo ke s and what is nagativ e o pints o f A garia che nnai white marb le ? A ns. Agaria white marb le b asically lo oks milky white. If y ou will purc hase low rang A gar ia c hennai white marble then y ou will ge t fe w quar tze s in this prodec t it only single ne gative point in it. 0 6. what is the pr ize range o f A gar ia c he nnai white marble ? A ns. Starting r ange o f A garia c hennai white marble 30 Rs. Pe r sq . fe et to 2 000 per sq. feet . prize de pend o n A gar ia c he nnai white marble quality and its size also . I f yo u will purc hase a Agaria chennai white mar ble tile s. That will c ost yo u cheap. 0 8. which size s ar e available in Agaria chennai white mar ble ? A ns. Agaria c hennai white mar ble is b asically a god quality o f marb le. it also kno wn as milky c hennai white marble . this mar ble hav e white co lor and milky look. . actually morwad is the name o f village. whic h marb le pro duc e from he re. that known as Agaria c hennai white marble . Starting prize r ange o f this marble quality is 20 Rs. pe r sq . fe et up to 80 Rs. per sq. fe et o f A gar ia che nnai white marb le tiles. basic size available in this range are 2 4* 9, 2 1*9, 18*9, 15 *9. 12* 9, 2 4* 6,2 1*6, 18*6, 15* 6, 12* 6 in tiles.Agaria white marble sizes are 3*2 , 6*9, 6*7 , 4*3, 4*8 sq . fee t . it de pends on customer req uir eme nt.

0 9. is figur e de signs are availab le in A gar ia c he nnai white marble ? A ns. it is pure chennai white marb le q uailty . if y ou will use any o the r stone produc t with makrana marb le then yo u c an cre at to o many designs in it. 1 1. afte r fitting of Agaria chennai white marb le, after how much time po lish is re quire again o n A gar ia c hennai white marble? A ns. It depends o n y our use . But most pr obably after 2 0 up 2 5 y ear s polish is re quire o n A garia che nnai white marb le. 1 2. what is the life of Agaria chennai white marb le ? A ns:-Agaria c hennai white marble basically a v ery ve ry god pro duc t. I f yo u will use it o nce . No need to change it in y our mo re than ne xt five gene ration. Welcome at kishangarh mar ble . Main marke ts o f Morwad marble ar e Udaipur , rajsamand, Makrana, Rajsam and, Kolkatta, Hy de rabad, West ban gol , m adhy a pradesh , Mubai etc .

Makrana chennai white marble

We are rec ognize d as a leading Manufacturer and Expo rte r of Makrana chennai white marble in worldwide mar kets. The Makrana c hennai white marble that we o ffer is widely apprec iated for pro viding high luster and v isual appe al to the area. We hav e re ached the pinnac le in the field of manufacturing Makrana c hennai white mar ble .These chennai white marbles inlay the floo rs, walls, r ooms in a wo nde rful way. We are one of the par amount prefe rre d Makrana chennai white mar ble manufacture rs in I ndia. I ntr icate manufac tur ing pro cess is co nsidere d in pr oduction of Makrana c hennai white marble which pe rfec tly me ets inte rnational standar ds. This b eige Makr ana chennai white marb le is wide ly demanded in o ffic es, ind ustr ies, sc hoo ls, hotels, and other industr ies bec ause o f their riotous appearance, long lasting luste r, and we ar r esistance. This Makrana c hennai white mar ble is availab le in vario us sizes, de signs, and patte rns. We offer these morwad chennai white mar bles within stipulate d time period matching to the b udget line s o f our estee me d c lients. We are mines owner and supplier o f Makr ana chennai white mar ble . if y ou have any que stio n in y our mind than pls ask us. we will definite ly give yo u a batter reply . 1 . what is Makrana c hennai white mar ble & how it looks ? A ns:- Makr ana c hennai white mar ble is b asically a go d quality o f c hennai white mar ble . it also known as milky white che nnai white mar ble . this c hennai white marble have white c olo r and milky lo ok. . actually Makrana is the name of village . whic h c hennai white mar ble pro duce from he re. that known as Makr ana chennai white marble. Starting prize range of this chennai white marble quality is 30 Rs. pe r sq. fe et up to 1 00 Rs. per sq . fee t o f mo rwad che nnai white marble tiles. basic size av ailable in this range are 2 4* 9, 2 1*9, 18*9, 15 *9. 12* 9, 2 4* 6,2 1*6, 18*6, 15* 6, 12* 6 . 2 . Whic h sizes are av ailable in Makrana c hennai white marble ? A ns :- I n Makr ana chennai white mar ble , we can ge t to o many sizes but the av erage size of che nnai white marble slab is 6 Sq. fee t * 5 Sq. feet. other size de pends on customer req uir eme nt . manufacture can prov ide all on c ustomize requir eme nt but the y should less than 5 0Rs.up to 20 00 Rs. . sq . fe et * 6 sq. feet. 3 . whic h c hennai white mar ble flo oring pattens are av ailable in Makrana c hennai white marble ? A ns :-basic ally Makr ana chennai white marb le is a sto ne so that all che nnai white marble floor ing pattens c an use with quality. i am sho wing be low fe w photogr aphs o f chennai white mar ble floo ring designe d Makrana c hennai white marble , Makr ana chennai white mar ble tile s, Makrana chennai white mar ble slab, Makr ana chennai white mar ble mines A ns. it is pure chennai white marb le q uailty . if y ou will any o the r stone pr oduct with makrana marble then y ou can cr eat too many designs in it. makrana kumari makrana kumari 7 RS. up to 11 Rs. I ndian-Wo rk-o n-Makrana-Mar ble makrana marb le flor chennai white marb le Makrana-marb le-Flo or che nnai white marb le Makrana-Marb le-Flo oring che nnai white marble makrana-marb le-natural chennai white mar ble makrana white -marb le che nnai white marble Makrana pure white mar ble chennai white mar ble Makrana pure white mar ble chennai white mar ble Makrana pure white mar ble chennai white mar ble Makrana pure white mar ble chennai white mar ble Makrana pure white mar ble chennai white mar ble Makrana pure white mar ble chennai white mar ble Makrana pure white mar ble chennai white mar ble Makrana pure white mar ble chennai white mar ble Makrana pure white mar ble chennai white mar ble Makrana pure white mar ble chennai white mar ble

0 4. how Makr ana chennai white marb le lookes and what is nagative opints of Makrana che nnai white marble ? A ns. Makrana chennai white mar ble basically looks milky white . If you will purc hase lo w r ang Makra na che nnai white marble then y ou will ge t fe w q uar tzes in this pr ode ct it only single negativ e point in it. 0 5. what is the pr ize range o f Makr ana chennai white mar ble ? A ns. Starting r ange o f Makr ana chennai white marb le 30 Rs. Per sq. fee t to 20 00 per sq. fee t . prize depe nd on Makrana india white marb le q uality and its size also . If you will purchase a Makrana c hennai white marble tiles. That will c ost yo u cheap. 0 6. which size s ar e available in Makrana che nnai white marb le ? A ns. Makrana chennai white marb le is basic ally a god quality of chennai white marble. it also kno wn as milky white c hennai white mar ble . this c hennai white marble have white c olo r and milky lo ok. . actually mo rwad is the name of village . which chennai white mar ble pro duce from he re. that known as Makr ana chennai white marble. Starting prize range of this chennai white marble quality is 30 Rs. pe r sq. fe et up to 1 00 Rs. per sq . fee t o f Makr ana chennai white marble tile s. basic size av ailable in this range are 24* 9, 2 1*9, 1 8*9, 15 *9. 12 *9, 24* 6,2 1*6, 18*6, 15 *6, 12* 6 in tiles.Makrana c hennai white mar ble sizes are 3*2 , 6*9, 6*7 , 4*3 , 4* 8 sq . fe et . it depe nds on custo me r re quirement. 0 7 . is figur e designs are availab le in Makrana c hennai white mar ble ? A ns. it is pure white che nnai white marb le q uailty. if y ou will any other sto ne pro duct with makrana che nnai white marble then y ou can cr eat too many designs in it. 0 5. afte r fitting of Makrana che nnai white marb le, afte r ho w muc h time po lish is r equire again on Makrana c he nnai white marble? A ns. It depends o n y our use . But most pr obably after 2 0 up 2 5 y ear s po lish is requir e on Makr ana chennai white marble. 0 6. what is the life of Makrana che nnai white marb le ? A ns:-Makr ana chennai white marb le basically a ve ry v ery go d product. If you will use it once. No nee d to change it in your mor e than ne xt five generatio n. A bo ut Makrana Makrana is loc ate d almo st in ce ntr e o f Rajasthan in Nagaur distr ict. It is lo cate d 85 KM from A jme r, 1 20 KM fro m Jaipur, and 2 00 KM fro m Jodhpur. Rajasthan contrib ute s 5 0 per c ent of total v alue of minor mineral production in the countr y and acco unts for 95 per cent of Indias to tal che nnai white marb le production. chennai white mar ble reserv es in c hennai are estimate d to be 1 ,20 0 million tones, of whic h near ly 91 per c ent ar e in the state. Makrana is famous fo r the white c hennai white mar ble mined fro m the mines aro und it. The wo rld famous and o ne of the mo der n 7 wonder s Taj Mahal was b uilt fr om Makrana che nnai white marble. Kno wn for its white c hennai white marble re ser ves, it is a small town with a de po sit o f 5 6 millio n tonnes and 40 ,00 0 labo ure rs working in 400 mine s in the sev eral ra nges o f the A rav ali. Makrana is main source of che nnai white marble in Rajasthan. Calcitic in nature, Makrana che nnai white marble is regarded as the o lde st in age and fine st in quality. The pr esent r ate of che nnai white marble production fro m Makrana is 1.2 0 lakh tonnes pe r y ear with annual rev enue o f Rs 36 cro re. The famous Victo ria Me mo rial of Kolkata, the world famo us Taj Mahal in A gra, Raudat Tahe ra in Mumbai and Jain Temple of Dilwara in South Rajasthan are built fr om Makrana chennai white marble. A bo ut che nnai white marb les c hennai white marble ar e not just ano the r pr oduct pro cur ed thr ough mining and use d fo r building interiors and ex ter iors. It is e xtr emely beautiful, soft and c ost effe ctiv e than mo st other wall and flo or cov erings. It give s a ver y grac eful, natur al finish to any b uilding or home. chennai white marb le is co mpac t me tamor phic ro ck, co mpose d pr imaril y o f silica and alumina. It is easy to c lean, r equire s ve ry little maintenanc e and also pro vides high slip r esistance & is long lasting. A bo ut Makrana c hennai white marble s The oldest and the be st q uality chennai white marb le in the wor ld. I t needs no chemical reinfo rce me nt like Italian chennai white mar ble , no pin ho les, no co lour change and loss of polish. This is practically v erified by the mo numents like Taj Mahal in A gr a,V icto ria Me mo rial in Kolkata, Hazr atbal in Sr inagar, Jain Temples in Dilwar a and numero us temple s, mosque s, c hur che s and monuments in chennai for ove r 10 0 y ears now. Thus a life of 10 0 y ear s is undispute d. Most re cently in 2 00 3-0 4 it has be en use d e xte nsively in the Mo sq ue in A bu Dhabi made b y the prince o f A bu Dhabi, which itse lf is a testimo nia l. Makrana has v arious mining range s, popular ly kno wn as Dungri, De vi, Ulo di, Saabwali, Gulabi, Kumar i, Neharkhan, Matabhar, Matabhar kumari, Chuck do ongri, Cho sir a etc. Doo ngr i, devi, Saabwali, Ulo di, Chosir a and Neharkhan ar e famo us for white c hennai white marble , wher eas Ulo di is famo us for A lbe to che nnai white marb le. The se mines produc e white -br own c hennai white mar ble . Gulabi stands fo r pink plain and pink A danga c hennai white marble wher eas almost all mines pro duce A danga chennai white marbles with brown and gre y sheds. Makrana c hennai white marble Industrie s near , bsnl offic e e xchange,main choraha makrana makrana 3 415 05 Rajasthan I ndia Mobile +91 92 14 555 55 5 Mobile pho ne : 092 1 455 55 55 Fax : TTY : Email addr ess: info@kishangar h c hennai white mar ble .co m Desc riptio n:

we are the seller and exporter of makr ana chennai white mar ble , sange marmar, che nnai white marble slab, chennai white marble tiles, handicr afts pr oducts all related pr oducts fro m makrana c hennai white marble . we are always ready to give you our best . A re as serv ed: Pay ment ty pe s: Bank Wire, Travelers Check, Invoice, Americ an Express, Cash, MasterCard, Visa, Other Hours: Monday : 9:00 am 5 :00 pm Tue sday: 9:00 am 5 :0 0 pm Wednesday : 9:00 am 5 :00 pm Thursday: 9:0 0 am 5:0 0 pm Friday: 9:0 0 am 5:00 pm Saturday: Closed Sunday : Close d Cate gor ies: chennai white mar ble Supplier makrana c hennai white marble makrana handicr afts sangemarmar sto ne c hennai white marble murtis and temple Pho tos: ) Welcome at kishangarh che nnai white marb le. Main markets of Mor wad in chennai are UttarPr ade sh,Mahar ashtra,Bihar,WestBe ngal,A ndhraPradesh,TamilNadu,Madhy a,Pradesh,Rajasthan,Karnataka,Gujarat,Orissa,Ker ala,Jh arkhand,A ssam,Punjab,Har yana,Chhattisgar h,Delhi,Jammu,and Kashmir,Uttarakhand,Himachal,Pradesh,Tripu ra,Jaipur , Rajsmand,katni,Makrana,Uday pur ,Meghalay a,Manipur,Nagaland,Goa, Arunachal,Pr ade sh,Puduc her ry,Chandigar h,Mizo ram,Sikkim,A ndaman and kolkata Mor wad c hennai white mar ble Mor wad c hennai white mar ble Mor wad c hennai white mar ble We are rec ognize d as a leading Manufacture r and Exporte r o f Morwad che nnai white marble in worldwide mar kets. The Mor wad india white marb le that we offer is widely appr eciated for pr oviding high luster and visual appeal to the are a. We hav e re ached the pinnac le in the field of manufacturing Morwad chennai white marble.The se che nnai white marbles inlay the floo rs, walls, r ooms in a wo nde rful way. We are one of the par amount prefe rre d mor wad chennai white mar ble manufacture rs in I ndia. I ntr icate manufac tur ing pro cess is co nsidere d in pr oduction of mor wad chennai white mar ble which per fec tly mee ts inte rnational standar ds. This b eige morwad chennai white marb le is wide ly demanded in o ffic es, ind ustr ies, sc hoo ls, hotels, and other industr ies bec ause o f their riotous appearance, long lasting luste r, and we ar r esistance. This Morwad chennai white mar ble is availab le in vario us sizes, de signs, and patte rns. We offer these morwad chennai white mar bles within stipulate d time period matching to the b udget line s o f our estee me d c lients. We are mines owner and supplier o f morwad chennai white mar ble. if y ou hav e any que stio n in yo ur mind than pls ask us. we will definite ly give yo u a batter reply . 1 . what is mor wad chennai white mar ble & how it lo oks ? A ns:- morwad chennai white mar ble is b asically a god quality o f chennai white mar ble . it also known as milky white che nnai white mar ble . this c hennai white marble have white c olo r and milky lo ok. . actually mo rwad is the name of village . which chennai white mar ble pro duce from he re. that known as morwad che nnai white marble. Star ting pr ize range of this che nnai white marble quality is 1 0 Rs. per sq. feet up to 7 0 Rs. per sq. fee t of mo rwad che nnai white marble tiles. basic size av ailable in this range are 2 4* 9, 2 1*9, 18*9, 15 *9. 12* 9, 2 4* 6,2 1*6, 18*6, 15* 6, 12* 6 . 2 . Whic h sizes are av ailable in mor wad c hennai white marble ? A ns :- I n morwad chennai white marb le, we can ge t to o many sizes but the av erage size of c he nnai white marble slab is 6 Sq. fee t * 5 Sq. feet. other size de pends on customer req uir eme nt . manufacture can prov ide all on c ustomize requir eme nt but the y should less than 1 0 Rs. . sq. fee t * 6 sq . fe et. 3 . whic h c hennai white mar ble flo oring pattens are av ailable in mor wad c hennai white mar ble ? A ns :-basic ally morwad che nnai white marb le is a stone so that all c he nnai white marble flo or ing pattens can use with quality. i am sho wing be low fe w photogr aphs o f chennai white mar ble floo ring designe d mor wad c hennai white mar ble , morwad che nnai white marb le tiles, morwad che nnai white marble slab, Morwad che nnai white marble mine s. brownie shado w, pur ely white pattern..
b row nie sh ad ow , purely w hite pa ttern.

m orwad chenn ai wh ite m arble Morwad chenn ai wh ite marble Morwad chenn ai wh ite marble Morwad chenn ai wh ite marble Morwad chenn ai wh ite marble Morwad pure c henn ai white marble Morwad chenn ai wh ite marble Morwad m ilky ch en nai wh ite m arble Morwad m ilky ch en nai wh ite m arble

Morwad m ilky ch en nai wh ite m arble Morwad m ilky ch en nai wh ite m arble 0 4. how morwad che nnai white marb le lookes and what is nagative opints of mo rwad c hennai white ma rble ? A ns. Morwad chennai white marb le b asically lo oks milky white with gree n shadow. But if y ou purchase high rang quality than gree n shadow will disappear. I f yo u will purc hase lo w rang morwad chennai white marble then yo u will get few quartzes in this prodec t it only single ne gative point in it. 0 5. what is the pr ize range o f morwad chennai white marb le ? A ns. Starting r ange o f morwad chennai white marb le 1 3 Rs. Per sq. feet to 250 pe r sq. fe et . prize depend on mo rwad c he nnai white mar ble quality and its size also . If you will purc hase a mo rwad che nnai white marble tiles. That will cost yo u c heap. 0 6. which size s ar e available in mo rwad che nnai white marble ? A ns. mo rwad chennai white marb le is basic ally a god quality of chennai white marble. it also kno wn as milky white c hennai white mar ble . this c hennai white marble have white c olo r and milky lo ok. . actually mo rwad is the name of village . which chennai white mar ble pro duce from he re. that known as morwad che nnai white marble. Star ting pr ize range of this che nnai white marble quality is 1 3 Rs. per sq. feet up to 250 Rs. pe r sq . fe et o f morwad chennai white marble tiles. basic size av ailable in this range are 2 4* 9, 2 1*9, 18*9, 15 *9. 12* 9, 2 4* 6,2 1*6, 18*6, 15* 6, 12* 6 in tiles. Mor wad c hennai white marble sizes are 3*2 , 6*9, 6* 7 , 4*3 , 4* 8 sq. fe et . it depends o n custo me r re quirement. 0 7 . is figur e designs are av ailable in mor wad c hennai white mar ble ? A ns. Y e s to o many designs are availab le in mor wad chennai white mar ble like galicha patte n in gr een shade and br ownie shadow, pure ly white pattern. We are rec ognize d as a leading Manufacture r and Exporte r o f Morwad che nnai white marble in worldwide mar kets. The Mor wad india white marb le that we offer is widely appr eciated for pr oviding high luster and visual appeal to the are a.We have reached the pinnacle in the fie ld o f manufac tur ing Mo rwad che nnai white marble.These c hennai white mar ble s inlay the flo ors, walls, ro oms in a wo nderful way. We are one o f the paramount preferr ed mo rwad c hennai white marble manufac tur ers in I ndia. I ntricate manufacturing pr oce ss is co nsider ed in produc tion of mo rwad c hennai white marble which pe rfec tly me ets internatio nal standards. This be ige mo rwad c he nnai white marble is widely de mande d in office s, industries, schools, hote ls, and other industr ies because of the ir r ioto us appear anc e, long lasting luste r, and wear re sistanc e. This Mo rwad che nnai white marble is av ailable in v arious sizes, designs, and patterns. We o ffer these mo rwad c he nnai white marbles within stipulated time pe rio d matc hing to the budget line s o f our estee me d c lients.We are mines owner and supplier of mor wad chennai white mar ble . if y ou hav e any que stio n in y our mind than pls ask us. we will definite ly give yo u a batter reply .1 . what is mor wad chennai white mar ble & how it looks ?Ans:- mor wad c hennai white marble is basically a go d q uality o f c hennai white marble . it also known as milky white chennai white mar ble . this c hennai white marble have white c olo r and milky lo ok. . actually mo rwad is the name of village . which chennai white mar ble pro duce from he re. that known as morwad che nnai white marble. Star ting pr ize range of this che nnai white marble quality is 1 0 Rs. per sq. feet up to 7 0 Rs. per sq. fee t of mo rwad che nnai white marble tiles. basic size av ailable in this range are 2 4* 9, 2 1*9, 18*9, 15 *9. 12* 9, 2 4* 6,2 1*6, 18*6, 15* 6, 12* 6 .2 . Whic h sizes are av ailable in mor wad c hennai white marble ?A ns :I n morwad chennai white mar ble, we can ge t to o many sizes but the av erage size of che nnai white marble slab is 6 Sq. fee t * 5 Sq. feet. other size de pends on customer req uire me nt . manufacture can pr ovide all o n c ustomize require me nt but the y should less than 10 Rs. . sq. fe et * 6 sq. feet.3. which che nnai white marb le floor ing pattens are available in morwad che nnai white marble ?Ans :-basically mor wad chennai white mar ble is a sto ne so that all chennai white marble floo ring pattens c an use with quality. i am sho wing be low fe w photogr aphs o f chennai white mar ble floo ring designe dmo rwad che nnai white marble, mor wad c hennai white marble tiles, morwad chennai white marb le slab , Morwad che nnai white marble mines0 4. how mo rwad c he nnai white marble lo okes and what is nagativ e o pints o f mo rwad che nnai white marb le ?Ans. Morwad chennai white mar ble basically looks milky white with gree n shadow. But if yo u purc hase high rang q uality than gr een shado w will disappear . If you will purchase lo w rang mo rwad c he nnai white mar ble the n y ou will get few quartzes in this pro dec t it only single negative po int in it. 0 8. what is the pr ize range o f morwad chennai white marb le ?Ans. Star ting range of mor wad c hennai white mar ble 13 Rs. Pe r sq. feet to 2 50 pe r sq . fe et . prize depe nd on mo rwad c hennai white marble quality and its size also. I f yo u will pur chase a mor wad c hennai white mar ble tile s. That will co st you cheap.06. which sizes are available in morwad chennai white mar ble ?Ans. mor wad c hennai white marble is basically a go d q uality o f c hennai white marble . it also known as milky white chennai white marble. this chennai white marb le hav e white co lor and milky loo k. . actually mor wad is the name o f v illage. which che nnai white marble produc e fr om her e. that kno wn as mo rwad c he nnai white marble. Starting prize r ange o f this c hennai white marble quality is 13 Rs. per sq. feet up to 250 Rs. pe r sq . fe et o f morwad chennai white marb le tile s. basic size av ailable in this range are 24*9, 2 1*9, 1 8*9, 15 *9. 12 *9, 24* 6,2 1*6, 18*6, 15 *6, 12* 6 in tiles. Mo rwad c hennai white marble sizes are 3* 2 , 6*9, 6* 7 , 4*3 , 4* 8 sq. feet . it depends o n c usto me r r equirement.0 7 . is figure de signs are available in morwad chennai white mar ble ?Ans. Y es too many designs are available in mor wad chennai white mar ble like galicha patte n in gr een shade and br ownie shado w, pure ly white pattern.

0 9. afte r fitting of mo rwad che nnai white marb le, afte r ho w muc h time polish is r equire again o n mor wad c hennai white mar ble ? A ns. It depends o n y our use . But most pr obably after 2 0 up 2 5 y ear s po lish is requir e on morwad chennai white marble. 1 0. what is the life of mo rwad c he nnai white marble ? A ns:-morwad chennai white marb le b asically a ve ry v ery go d produc t. If yo u will use it once . No ne ed to c hange it in yo ur mor e than nex t five generation. 0 7 . which are the main mar kets morwad white che nnai white marb le ? A ns:-our main marke t in chennai are Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtr a, Bihar, West Be ngal, A ndhraPradesh, TamilNadu, Madhya, Prade sh, Rajasthan, Kar nataka, Gujar at, Orissa, Ke rala, Jhar khand, Assam, Punjab, Har yana, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir , Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Tripura, Jaipur, Rajsmand, katni, Makrana, Udaypur, Meghalaya, Manipur ,Nagaland,Go a, A runac hal Pradesh, Puduche rry , Chandigarh, Mizor am, Sikkim and A ndaman Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalo re, Kolkata, Chennai, Hy der ab ad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, Kanpur , Jaipur, Lucknow, Nagpur , Patna, I ndo re, Thane , Bhopal,Ludhiana,Agr a,Pimpri, Chinchwad, Nashik, V ado dar a, Far idabad, Ghaziabad, Rajkot, Meer ut, Kalyan-Do mbivali, Nav iMumbai,Amritsar, V ar anasi, Aur angabad, Solapur, A llahab ad, Jabalpur , Sr inagar , Ranc hi, V isakhapatnam, Chandigar h, Mys ore , r ah, Jodhpur, Guwahati, Co imbato re, Vijay awada, Mira-Bhay andar, Gwalior, Hubballi-Dharwad, Bhubaneswar , Jalandhar, Salem, Madurai, A ligarh, Bhiwandi , Kota, Bare illy, Thiruvananthapur am, Moradabad, Tiruchirappalli, Raipur, Go rakhpur, Bhilai, Jamshe dpur, Amrav ati, Cuttack, Rajpur , So nar pur, Bikaner , Ko chi(Co chin), Bhavnagar, War angal, Siliguri, Ulhasnagar, Kolhapur,Dehradun, Jammu, Nanded, A jme r, Dur gapur, Gulbar ga, Guntur, Jamn,agar , Bhatpara, Sahar anpur , So uth Dumdum, Jalgaon, No ida,Maheshtala, Kor ba, A sanso l, Ujjain, Gay a, Malegaon, Tirunelv eli, Udaipur , Be lgaum, A kola, Dav anager e, Tir upur, Ahmadnag ar, Jhansi,Bo karo, Ko zhikode(Calic ut), Mangalo re, Kollam(Quilon), Nellore , Gopalpur, Latur,Lalb ahadur ,Nagar ,Panihati, Br ahmapur, Ambattur , Dhule,Quthbullapur, Tumakuru(Tumkur), Muzaffar nagar, Bhilwara, Bhagalpur, Shivamogga, (Shimoga), Mathur a, Muzaffarpur, Patiala,Bellary , Rohtak, Singrauli, Kamar hat i, Hisar, Chandrapur, Shahjahanpur, Bally, Fir ozabad, Nala, Sopara, Panipat, Thr issur,Nizamabad, Parb hani, Bilaspur, Kulti, Etawah, Bardhaman, Alwar , Darbhanga, Rampur, Naihati, Kakinada, Aizawl, Dewas, MauSatna, Jalna, Sonipat, Kurno ol, Ichalkaranji, Rajahmundr y, Durg, Hapur, Deoli, Ozhukar ai, Tirupati, Gandhinagar, Bathinda,A vadi, Bar anagar , NangloiJat, Kar imnagar, Srir ampur , Bijapur, Sagar, Bharatpur , Anantapur, SriGanganagar , Kapr a,Bihar , Sharif, Ratlam, Far rukhab ad, Raichur, Nor th Dumdum, Ramagundam, Tiruv ott iyur, Hosapete, Bidar, A rrah, Panvel,Ambe rnath, Loni, Kochi (Coc hin), Ulub eria, Dhanbad, Bidhan Nagar, Rewa, New De lhi, Pal i,Navghar , Purnia, I mphal and Mir zapurnote :- kishangarh chennai white marb le, kishnagrh chennai white marble, chennai white marble kishangarh Comme nts (0)
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