Basics of Transmission Network Planning

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BASICS OF TRANSMISSION NETWORK PLANNING The Scope of Transmission Network Planning Elements in a Transmission Network - BTS, BSC, TCSM

TRANSMISSION NETWORK PLANNING PROCESS One PCM Connection PCM Requirements on the Abis and Ater Interface Equipment Location Network Topology Site Selection and Line-of-Sight Survey Line-of Sight Survey Radius of the Fresnel Zone Microwave Link Planning - Link Budget Calculations 4. DETAILED TRANSMISSION NETWORK PLANNING Frequency Planning Time-slot Allocation Planning 2 Mbps Planning Synchronisation Planning Synchronisation Planning Principles 5. TRANSMISSION NETWORK OPTIMISATION SDH and PDH are two digital hierarchies in which different line speeds (e.g. E1, T1, STM1) are categorized. PDH (plesiosynchronous digital hierarchy) was replaced by SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy) due to its drawback in synchronisation where plesio refers to nearly synchronous. E1, T1 and J1 are generally categorized under PDH. STM1, OC3, STM4, OC12 etc. are categorized under SDH. E1 is used worldwide nowadays in 2G technologies except North America and Japan (who are using T1 and J1 respectively). It is the line speed of 2Mbps. But how this speed comes along? The derivation is as follows. The audio signals were sampled and converted to digital signal at 64kbps, since 1960s for digital transmission of voice calls. When 32 channels (30 assigned for voice channels and 2 channels for framing and signaling), with each having speed of 64kbps are put together (or we call multiplexing), a line speed of E1, i.e. 2Mbps is produced by having 32 x 64kbps = 2.048Mbps. T1 line, which transmits at 1.544 Mbps can be interconnected with E1 for international use. Having 3 different speeds (E1, T1 and J1), PDH was later replaced by SDH in order to standardize the speed, making only 1 standard speed worldwide, which is STM1 having the speed of 155.52Mbps. GSM uses GMSK modulation scheme. GPRS also uses GMSK modulation scheme. EDGE and UMTS uses 8-PSK. Antenna diversity, also known as space diversity, is any one of several wireless diversity schemes that uses two or more antennas to improve the quality and reliability of a wireless link. Often, especially in urban and indoor environments, there is no clear line-of-sight(LOS) between transmitter and receiver. Instead the signal is reflected along multiple paths before finally being received. Each of these bounces can introduce phase shifts, time delays, attenuations, and distortions that can destructively interfere with one another at the aperture of the receiving antenna. Antenna diversity is especially effective at mitigating these multipath situations. This is because multiple antennas offer a receiver several observations of the same signal. Each antenna will experience a different interference environment. Thus, if one antenna is experiencing adeep fade, it is likely that another has a sufficient signal. Collectively such a system can provide a robust link. While this is primarily seen in receiving systems (diversity reception), the analog has also proven valuable for transmitting systems (transmit diversity) as well. Inherently an antenna diversity scheme requires additional hardware and integration versus a single antenna system but due to the commonality of the signal paths a fair amount of circuitry can be shared. Also with the multiple signals there is a greater processing demand placed on the receiver, which can lead to tighter design requirements. Typically, however, signal reliability is paramount and using multiple antennas is an effective way to decrease the number of drop-outs and lost connections.

BSS interfaces

Image of the GSM network, showing the BSS interfaces to the MS, NSS and GPRS Core Network Um The air interface between the mobile station (MS) and the BTS. This interface uses LAPDm protocol for signaling, to conduct call control, measurement reporting, handover, power control, authentication,authorization, location update and so on. Traffic and signaling are sent in bursts of 0.577 ms at intervals of 4.615 ms, to form data blocks each 20 ms. Abis The interface between the BTS and BSC. Generally carried by a DS-1, ES-1, or E1 TDM circuit. Uses TDM subchannels for traffic (TCH), LAPD protocol for BTS supervision and telecom signaling, and carries synchronization from the BSC to the BTS and MS. A The interface between the BSC and MSC. It is used for carrying traffic channels and the BSSAP user part of the SS7 stack. Although there are usually transcoding units between BSC and MSC, the signaling communication takes place between these two ending points and the transcoder unit doesn't touch the SS7 information, only the voice or CS data are transcoded or rate adapted. Ater The interface between the BSC and transcoder. It is a proprietary interface whose name depends on the vendor (for example Ater by Nokia), it carries the A interface information from the BSC leaving it untouched. Gb Connects the BSS to the SGSN in the GPRS core network. In telecommunications and computer networks, multiplexing (also known as muxing) is a method by which multiple analog message signals or digital data streams are combined into one signal over a shared medium. The aim is to share an expensive resource. For example, in telecommunications, several telephone calls may be carried using one wire. Multiplexing originated in telegraphy in the 1870s, and is now widely applied in communications. In telephony, George Owen Squier is credited with the development of telephone carrier multiplexing in 1910. The Universal (Of worldwide scope) Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is a third generation mobile cellular system for networks based on the GSM standard. Developed and maintained by the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project), UMTS is a component of the International Telecommunications Union IMT-2000 standard set and compares with the CDMA2000 standard set for networks based on the competing cdmaOne technology. UMTS uses wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA) radio access technology to offer greater spectral efficiency and bandwidth to mobile network operators. UMTS specifies a complete network system which uses, covering the radio access network (UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, or UTRAN), the core network (Mobile Application Part, or MAP) and the authentication of users via SIM (subscriber identity module cards). A core network, or network core, is the central part of a telecommunication network that provides various services to customers who are connected by the access network. One of the main functions is to route telephone calls across the PSTN. An access network is that part of a telecommunications network which connects subscribers to their immediate service provider. It is contrasted with the core network, (for example the Network Switching Subsystem in GSM) which connects local providers to each other. The access network may be further divided between feeder plant or distribution network, and drop plant or edge network. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) began studies on globalization of personal communications in 1986 and identified long term spectrum needs for future third generation mobile wireless telecommunications systems. These 3G mobile telecommunications systems are expected to provide worldwide access and global roaming for a wide range of services. This paper describes the proposed 3G air interfaces of Europe, Japan, and North America. This paper highlights ETSI activities in the 3G arena (a particular environment) and provides a brief description of the FRAMES (future radio wideband multiple access) multiple access (FMA) mode 1 and mode 2 air interfaces. Evolution of GSM and North American TDMA (TIA-IS-136) to wide-band code division multiple access (W-CDMA) via the EDGE system is also presented, as well as a discussion on industry trends. An analog or analogue signal is any continuous signal for which the time varying feature (variable) of the signal is a representation of some other time varying quantity, i.e., analogous to another time varying signal. For example, in an analog audio signal, the instantaneous voltage of the signal varies continuously with the pressure of the sound waves. It differs from a digital signal, in which a continuous quantity is represented by a discrete function which can only take on one of a finite number of values. The term analog signal usually refers to electrical signals; however, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and other systems may also convey analog signals.

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