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Ethernet Converter SETUP utility

This program is the setup utility for Ethernet - RS-232 converters and similar Ethernet devices from the HW Group company. UDP Mode UDP mode can find devices on the network. Since it uses UDP broadcast, it can be function only on a local segment of your network. How to use it: Run the "Ethernet Converter SETUP". Choose the "UDP folder". In the empty window "Modules MAC list", press the "Find modules" button. If there are any reachable modules on the network, they will be displayed as a list of MAC addresses. You can compare a MAC address in the list with the label on the Ethernet device. Clicking on the MAC address item from the list allows you to edit the basic settings of the module. "Set module" will upload the new settings and automatically reset the module. You must then wait a minimum period of 5 seconds prior to accessing the module again. "TEA Key" can be used with UDP setup. It is disabled by default. PS: If you are unable to find a Charon module, even if it's connected to the network, make sure you removed the SETUP jumper and reset the device. If you have a box converter, check the jumper JP3 (remove it for data mode). If JP3 is in the "PC" position, choose "DATA mode" in the serial terminal window or set the DTR output to log.1 on your serial terminal. Remove the power from the unit, wait a minimum of 3 seconds and then reapply power. Serial Mode Serial mode is a simple terminal interface to the serial port. It's useful for configuring devices over RS-232. Default configuration mode is 9600 8N1 for all HW Group devices. The SETUP mode / DATA mode switch controls the DTR output pin (SETUP = log. 0). TCP mode TCP mode provides a "raw" TCP/IP connection. The "Module IP" address can be default loaded from UDP mode. Port 99 is the default TCP port number used for configuration of Charon modules and other box devices. Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) command line mode NVT command line mode is for easy sending of NVT commands in HEX to the TCP connection, but it's useful to use the "Test mode" for the working with the NVT. The "TEA Authorization" box is necessary for TEA authorizing if there is TEA %A: TCP authorization On" in the SETUP.

How to perform a TEA connection When TEA is enabled, the device opens a connection and sends data as a random number. Clients need to use it to generate a key, using a password (16 bytes). A 12-digit number in the base64 represents the random number and key. To test communication with the TEA secured device, you have to cut 12 digits to your clipboard and paste it into "Authorization code" form. Click the button with the picture of the padlock; the result will be send to the connection If you have the correct password, you are now connected to the serial or TCP port setup. The source code for the TEA algorithm is located in the Examples archive (example is the Javascript code included in the HTML page). Test mode Test mode is a most useful application. You can work with the TEA calculator, similar to TCP mode. The "NVT" box is useful to store previous commands you want to send to an open connection. You can use the HEX data format "FF FA 2C 32 16 FF F0" if the HEX checkbox is checked. The "Data I/O pins" box uses NVT commands to control the I/O pins of the Charon module. Make you have switched on NVT! V: NetworkVirtualTerminal On With NVT enabled, checking/unchecking any D0..D7 button will set/unset the appropriate I/O bit. The "Read" button will read the inputs and update each virtual LED to the actual bit state read. In basic mode, there are combined output and input ports, but on the "I/O Controller" or the "Charon I&II Development Board" are used SHIFT registers and there are separate input and output bytes. Other parameters: NVT CR/LF checkbox will insert a newline after every finished NVT command in the received and transmitted data. This makes the display more readable for the user. Show I/O Commands makes visible all NVT commands for the "Data I/O pins" menu. Keep connection on makes visible/invisible the NVT keep-alive sequence "FF F1". It is used for keeping a connection open. It is issued every 5 seconds. Without "K: Keep connection On" function in the SETUP, Charon will close the connection after 50 seconds of inactivity. Related software

Programming Ethernet Applications - Detailed how-to for Ethernet application programming. Documented examples of the source codes supplied with our devices. Description and examples of the NVT and the TEA algorithms. Example routines provided for Borland C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, JAVA, Javascript and PHP. HW Virtual Serial Port - Application for serial port redirection to a TCP/IP network. RFC 2217 compatible with Win 2000/NT/XP. Freeware. METEX measurement utility - Monitor, control and continuous measurement with your METEX Multimeter over a TCP/IP network. Database data storage, graphic interface. Freeware. SNMP JAVA Interface - Control Charon SNMP applications. Simple interface and SNMP client.

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