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P.O. Box 631, Station A Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1K 5E9 T 416-289-5000 F 416-289-5063 centennialcollege.


June 1, 2012 Dear UTSC Paramedicine Student: Congratulations on your admission to the Joint Paramedic Program between the University of Toronto and Centennial College. You are part of a high standard of paramedic education in the only Paramedicine degree program in Canada. As part of this joint program you will be completing courses both at UTSC and Centennial Science and Technology Campus. The Paramedic Program Faculty at Centennial and I, welcome you and look forward to meeting you in the first week of the upcoming fall semester. Courses offered at the Centennial campus begin the week of Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at the Centennial Science & Technology Center (CSTC) located at 755 Morningside Ave. (north east corner of Ellesmere and Morningside, across from UTSC). In preparation for the upcoming semester, and to ensure a smooth transition into year 2 of your Paramedicine degree, we have enclosed a few items you should be aware of and/or be reminded about.


If you have not already done so you will need to register for your courses through ROSI. The courses you are required to take for the fall term (year 2) as part of the Joint Paramedicine program are the following: Fall 2012 BIOB33 - Anatomy (to be taken at UTSC BIOB1O Cell Biology (to be taken at UTSC) PMDB22 - Pre-Hospital Care 1 Theory and Lab (taken at Centennial College Science and Technology Campus) PMDB41 - Professional Issues, Research and Leadership (taken at Centennial College Science and Technology Campus) PMDB25 - Therapeutic Approaches to Behaviours in Crisis (taken at Centennial College Science and Technology Campus)
Please note that all of the above are pre-requisites for Winter courses.

Winter 2013 BIOB11 - Molecular Aspects of Cellular and Genetic Processes (taken at Centennial College Science and Technology Campus) PMDB30 - Alterations of Human Body Function I (taken at Centennial College Science and Technology Campus) PMDB32 - Pre-hospital Care 2: Theory, Lab and Clinical (taken at Centennial College Science and Technology Campus) PMDB36 - Pharmacology for Allied Health (taken at Centennial College Science and Technology Campus) Your schedule for courses taken at Centennial will be available on ROSI, similar to all other UTSC courses. You may elect to complete additional courses at UTSC at your discretion. However, you should verify any revisions to the suggested course sequence ( with the Centennial College Paramedic Program Coordinator Walter Tavares at or your UTSC program supervisor Stephen Reid at before doing so. Please note that PMD course schedules are traditionally released later than other UTSC courses, but the suggested course sequence ensures no scheduling conflicts. As a joint program student, you will have all the rights and privileges associated with being a Centennial student, which includes: A Centennial College student number and student ID Card Access to parking 1536 Campus floor plan Access to lockers Access to computer labs Access to learning platforms Access to my.centennial at (the equivalent to UTSC intranet) instructions included in this package Access to the Centennial College Resource Centre / Library Participation in student association activities Access to the Centennial College learning centre And much, much more Please note all payments and registration are to be completed through UTSC / ROSI.


Your guide to completing placement requirements can be found at the following link You are required to review the Clinical Placement Requirement Handbook

We recommend that you begin this process as soon as possible to avoid missing deadlines. All original documentation along with photocopies must be submitted at the time of your appointment with the Requisite Nurse (ParaMed staff please see handbook for more information) by November 15, 2012.

Police Checks: Please note that we do not accept any third party police checks and they must be valid for one year ending May 1, 2013. Please keep a record of any receipts given to you by the Police Department in the event we need to track them down. Students living in the Metro Toronto Area: Police checks can take up to 16 weeks to be completed. Please visit our office located in Room 352, Morningside Campus, 755 Morningside Avenue, Scarborough to collect and fill out the application form and have it witnessed by our Program Information Officer. Students living in Durham Region: An original letter is required to have your police check done to receive the student/volunteer rate. Please email us at for a letter. Please include your full name, student number and program. Students living in York Region: Please visit the York Regional Police web site at and follow instructions on applying for a vulnerable police check. Students living in Peel Region: Please visit the Peel Regional Police office located at 7750 Hurontario Street, Brampton, ON. Students living in other areas: Please contact your local police headquarters for instructions.

Attached to this email/letter, there is a file titled Clinical Pre-Placement Health Form, please complete. It guides you through what needs to be done. You are encouraged to begin completing the requirements as some will take time to complete [like Hep B].

Any and All questions regarding Police checks and immunizations should be emailed to: Mask fit testing will be done at the College at the beginning of the semester and you will be notified of dates in September. Please use the email address above to have your questions answered.


UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT Throughout the program you will be attending labs, clinical and field placements. For these educational settings you will require the following no later than September 21, 2012: LAB, CLINICAL AND FIELD EQUIPMENT 1 Blood Pressure Cuff 1 Stethoscope 1 Pen Light 1 Pair of Super Shears 1 Holster (optional) 1 CompTracker Software Registration* (per semester) - Information to be
provided during first week of class.

UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS1 Paramedic Pants with reflective tape Button Uniform shirts (short sleeve, navy blue) Black CSA approved safety boots or shoes. Black uniform belt Centennial College Paramedic Student crests The items below will be required for year 1 winter semester and all of year 2 Winter parka or jacket (navy blue with reflective tape) Navy blue paramedic sweater (optional)

All of the equipment listed above (with the exception of the safety boots) can be purchased directly from the Science and Technology Campus Bookstore starting the week of August 28, 2012. It is highly recommended that you purchase this equipment prior to the start of the semester and you are required to have it by September 22, 2012. Crests are to be applied to both shoulders of all shirts, sweaters, and jackets. Get to the bookstore early to ensure orders are completed in time. We will arrange for bookstore staff to come to your class for measurements and order placement to facilitate this process if you do not do so prior to week #1.

You are encouraged to purchase a new uniform and shoes/boots so that it looks professional during your time in the program. Old/worn out uniforms or footwear are unacceptable in lab, hospital visits and in field rotations. Please contact the Centennial Science and Technology Center campus bookstore at 416-2895000 ext. 8180 or visit for more information on uniforms, crests and medical equipment.

It is highly recommended that students purchase their uniforms from the Centennial College Bookstore. If students elect to purchase uniforms outside the college they may do so, but uniforms must be identical to what is provided in the college bookstore.


Due to the nature of the career you have chosen, overall excellent physical fitness is a must for all Paramedic Students. While we do not make strength testing a program admission requirement, we do make lifting evaluations a course and program requirement. Lifting ability is also a requirement for all placements. This is in direct support of the Ministry of Health program standards, National Occupational Competency Profile and affiliated EMS agency requirements. Please be aware that students are required to demonstrate satisfactory lifting ability prior to the end of each semester and for promotion to the next semester. Below is a brief overview of the lifting requirements for the program. Semester 1 170lbs Semester 2 190lbs Semesters 3 and 4 210lbs All lifts are performed in pairs, using a variety of pre-hospital equipment. More detailed information about the lifting requirements and evaluation process will be discussed during the 1st week of class. In preparation for September, we strongly recommend that you begin (or continue) a rigorous program of fitness training with a particular focus on core body, upper and lower extremity strength development. Cardiovascular fitness and flexibility training is beneficial as well.

Orientation Day: Centennial Welcomes

There is an orientation day, Centennial Welcomes, tentatively scheduled for Wednesday August 29, 2012. Check in at this link over the summer to current information regarding the fall orientation as well as other useful information, . This page will be updated over the summer months, so check back often. This is a great opportunity to meet most of your faculty and meet some of the second year students who can help to answer any questions and to make you feel welcome here, so we hope you can make it that day. If you cannot make it, not to worry! Important program information is repeated again on the first day of the program

Once again, welcome to the Paramedic Program at Centennial College. If you have any questions regarding the requirements listed above or the program in general, please contact Walter Tavares, Coordinator of PreHospital Programs and Research at 416-289-5000 ext. 8018 or via e-mail at . You are encouraged to revisit your Centennial Joint Programs Student Manual to guide you through the program when you have questions. You can access that student manual online by visiting . We wish you great success in the program and look forward to working with you in late August for the Orientation day or early September. Sincerely,

Walter Tavares, ACP, PhD (c) Coordinator of Prehospital Programs and Research Email: T 416-289-5000 ext. 8018

School: Program Title: Delivery Mode: Intake: Cours e Code Cours e Ti tl e
Co -Op No n - Co -Op

School of Communi ty and Heal th Studi es Paramdic

Program Number:

Grad uate Certificate Ad vanced Diploma 4 6 8 Deg ree 9 Dip loma 2 3

Fas t Track

Duration (Semesters): Fall Co/Pre Requi s i te (Cours e Code) PARA 122-C PARA 128-C 4

Lab Hours

Lecture Hours

Total Cours e Hrs (Lab + Lecture ) 4 7 3 3 3 3 0

Weeks (15)

Total Hours

Semester 1 *PARA 128

*PARA 122 *PARA 126 *PARA 127 *GNED 129

Anatomy Prehos pi tal Care 1: Theory and Lab Profes s i onal and Legal Is s ues , Res earch, Res pons i bi l i ti es and Leaders hi p Therapeuti c Communi cati on and Cri s i s Interventi on Pri ni cpl es of Human Behavi our

4 3 3 3 3 3

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Total

60 105 45 45 45 45 0 345

COMM 170/171 Col l ege Communi cati ons 2

Semester 2 *PARA 130

*PARA 132 Al terati ons of Human Body Functi ons 1 PARA 128-P PARA 132-C PARA 130-C P-Al l PARA Semes ter 1 cours es PARA 128-P PARA 130-C COMM 170 4 4 15 60

Prehos pi tal Care 2: Theory, Cl i ni cal and Fi el d Pharmacol ogy for Al l i ed Heal th Gl obal Ci ti zens hi p


3 2 3

13 2 3 0 0 0 Total

15 15 15 15 15 15

195 30 45 0 0 0 330

*PARA 136 GNED 500

Semester 3 *PARA 240

*PARA 242 Al terati ons of Human Body Functi ons 2 PARA 130-P PARA 242-C P-Al l Semes ter 2 cours es PARA 240-C P-Al l Semes ter 2 cours es PARA 242-C 4 4 15 60

Prehos pi tal Care 3: Theory, Cl i ni cal and Fi el d






Medi cal Di rected Therapeuti cs and Paramedi c Res pons i bi l i ti es Col l ege Communi cati ons 3 El ecti ve

3 3 3 0 0 Total

15 15 15 15 15

45 45 45 0 0 390

Semester 4
P-Al l Semes ter 3 cours es PARA 256-C P-Al l Semes ter 3 cours es PARA 255-C P-Al l Semes ter 3 cours es

*PARA 255
*PARA 256

Prehos pi tal Care 4: Theory and Fi el d





PCP Integrati on & Deci s i on Maki ng *PARA 257 EMS Res earch Methods



2 0 0 0 0 Total

15 15 15 15 15

30 0 0 0 0 390

Minimum Grade Required: *All courses require a minimum 'C' Total Program Hours: C = Co-Requisite; P = Pre-Requisite Notes:



Please note: the most recent editions will be used.

1) Course Code / Name: PARA127 Therapeutic Communication Text Book : Tamparo, Carol & Lindh, Wilburta. Therapeutic Communications for Health Professionals, (3rd ed), Delmar Thomas Learning, 2007. ISBN-13- 978-1-4180-3264-7 ISBN- 10-4180-3264-6

2) Course Code / Name: PARA122 Prehospital Care 1 Textbook: Sanders, M.J. (2012). Mosby's Paramedic Textbook (4th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier ISBN- 0-323-07275-5 Text Book : (2007) Basic Life Support Patient Care Standards. Toronto, ON. Emergency Health Services Branch, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Publications Ontario ISBN: 1424921228 Textbook : Campbell, J. (2012). International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers (7th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Pearson Education ISBN- 13-978-0-13215-724-7 ISBN- 10-0-13215-724-1

3) Course Code / Name: PARA126 Professional and Legal Issues, Research and Leadership Textbook : Theriault. The Canadian Paramedic an Introduction (A supplement to Mosbys Paramedic Textbook) Mosby / Elsevier ISBN- 0-7796-9928-9


FALL Semester is September to December Timetable Will be available on My Centennial, late July, upon payment of fall semester fees; See enclosed instructions on How to Access My Centennial. UTSC students will have their schedule posted on ROSI. UTSC students will also get access to My Centennial. To be allocated from Enrolment Services upon payment of fall semester fees, look on My Centennial timetable for locker number. UTSC Students must contact enrolment services for lockers. Booklist enclosed (see freshman letter) Times for Photo I.D./Library Card will be posted, please watch for signs around the campus, first two weeks of the fall semester. All students (including UTSC students) must obtain Photo I.D. / Library Card. Parking costs and information is provided at the following website:


Textbooks Photo ID/Library card


Mask Fit Testing Dean School of Applied Arts & Health Sciences Chairperson Collaborative and Joint Programs Centennial College Paramedic Program Coordinator UTSC Paramedicine Coordinator Health Sciences Office Room 352

You will be scheduled in for a mask fit test when you begin classes in September, cash only payment due at time of booking Sandra Murphy, Room 352-A, ext. 8070 Ellen Bull, Room 352-D, ext. 8031 Wendy McGillis, Room 352-Q, ext 8034 for Year 1 Diploma students. Walter Tavares, Room 352-Q, ext. 8018 for Year 2 and UTSC students. Stephen Reid, U of T, Scarborough; 416-287-7410 for UTSC students. Health Sciences Department (416) 289-5000 ext. 8068 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Email:

Thank you for choosing Centennial College as your choice of study. We wish you success in your program this fall.

START OUT STRONG An Invitation To Get Ready For Your Program

Learn Critical Study Skills That You Will Use Right Away Highly Recommended By Your Coordinator Taught By Experienced Counsellors Sign up for the START OUT STRONG workshop where: Counsellor, Eric Dunn, will help you learn the study skills most useful for health studies students. Learn how to prepare for health studies exams Learn techniques for understanding and remembering more material Learn how to improve concentration and avoid cramming Learn how to manage your time and beat procrastination You will also find out about other resources to help you succeed and have an opportunity to meet students in your program. REGISTER NOW Pick ONE of the following dates and times: Date Time Tuesday August 28, 2012 10:00am to 12:00pm Wednesday August 29, 2012 10:00am to 12:00pm Thursday August 30, 2012 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Room No. 405 405 405

You MUST call (416) 289-5000 Ext. 8068 to register We look forward to seeing you there! Centennial HP Science and Technology Centre. 755 Morningside Avenue Scarborough, ON, M1C 5J9

Accessing My Centennial
Go To:
The screen below is the Home or Login page to My Centennial. USER NAME AND PASSWORD USER NAME: is your CENTENNIAL STUDENT ID NUMBER (9 DIGITS) PASSWORD: Students Date of Birth (mmddyy), i.e. January 5th, 1980 = 010580

******************* Problems Logging in - Call the HELPDESK @ 416-289-5280 press 2, then 1 again.


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