BioBulletin Rubric

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Biology 10 Mr.


Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________

BioBulletin Rubric Total: ___________/36

Presentation 3 2 Exceeds Meets expectations expectations
1 Approaches expectations 0 Does not meet expectations Little to no eye contact throughout the presentation

Eye contact is Eye contact is maintained maintained for Eye contact is Eye contact throughout the majority of sparse and all/most of the the minimal presentation presentation Minimal Notes/reading reading and Some reading Heavy reading reliance on and reliance and reliance on notes on notes notes Presentation is Presentation is logically Presentation is illogically Fluency ordered, ordered and organized and coherent, and easy to follow difficult to easy to follow follow Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is lacking details Thoughtfulness detailed and detailed and and does not thoroughly mostly sufficiently summarizes summarizes summarize the the article the article article Accurate Mostly Incomplete or Accuracy summary of accurate mostly article summary of inaccurate article summary of article Presentation is Timing under 3 N/A N/A minutes

Presenter fully reliant on notes Presentation is unorganized and difficult to follow Presentation is cursory and does not summarize the article Completely inaccurate or incomplete summary of article Presentation is over 3 minutes

Section total: ____________/18

Biology 10 Mr. Abrams

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________

Written summary
3 Exceeds expectations Turns in written summary on day of presentation Summary is thorough, complete, and correct Summary is thoughtful, reflective, and interesting 2 Meets expectations N/A 1 Approaches expectations Turns in written summary after day of presentation Summary is incomplete or missing important information Summary is somewhat thoughtful 0 Does not meet expectations

Turned in

Does not turn in written summary Summary is incorrect and/or incomplete and obviously rushed Summary is not thoughtful

Thoroughness (article information)

Summary is detailed and correct

Thoughtfulness (your ideas)

Summary is thoughtful

Section total: ____________/9 Article & Preparedness

1 Approaches expectations Turns in copy of article Copy of article Turns in copy of article after day of on day of presentation presentation Article choice Article is appropriate Article is too short Presenter is ready to Preparedness go at the beginning of N/A class 3 Meets expectations 0 Does not meet expectations Does not turn in copy of article Article is inappropriate Presenter is not ready to go in the beginning of class

Section total: ____________/9

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