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EFFECT OF BOLLYWOOD MOVIES ON SOCIETY IN INDIAThe Hindi movies that relate to the audience are generally watched by the

people and movies that reach the peoples heart, are made ahit by the audience. Today all watching real life matches played byIndian teams, have in their minds the movie Chak De India. This isthe effect of movies on societyThere have been many movies made by the directors and producersin the Indian cinema. It is many times said by inconsiderate actorsand actresses that movies should be watched by the audience justfor entertainment and not to get prejudiced by the story andcharacters in the movie.In 50s many directors like Bimal Roy and Satyajit Ray wereefficient enough to use the medium of movies like Bandini, DoBigha Zameen etc, to aware people of the social norms and practices and also to fight against the wrong practices in society.People watched the movies seriously and such movies worked as amedium to create the current society of India.In 70s the movie Guddi tried to bring to light the art of moviemaking and characters in movies, to inform audience about moviemaking techniques and distinguish it from the real life.Today almost everybody knows that movies made are unrealisticand should just be watched for entertainment but even today wefind that the movie are taken seriously by the audience. You findthe effect not only in social structure but also other areas.Like you find India playing matches well after watching the Chak De India or the family functions are marked by the songs anddances played in Sooraj R.Barjatya movies. The college goingstudents watch the movies to copy the hair styles or dresses. Manytimes we find the way of talking is effected by the moviedialogues.

From many examples it can be conclude that movie makers carry aresponsibility on their shoulders towards the society and theyshould try to deliver ideas or concept that affects peoples lives for betterment and

not just make money by entertaining peopleshowing unrealistic superseded stuffs.EFFECT OF MOVIES ON PEOPLE Now, the experience of a good movie is being engrossed.How does it keep you there?There are answers to do with the nature of the medium, and thetype of meditation.And a much cruder answer is this: a good film gives you oneinterest after another or one pleasure after another. And here thelist of what can fascinate and/or pleasure is endless, just as the listof what people are curious about and what makes them react isendless. Surprise, tears, fear, laughter; sexual, aesthetic, psychological interests; morbid interests; interests of particular objects, events, activities; interests in seeing a story through tocompletion, in seeing justice done, in being supplied with usefulinformation...***What of the afterwards? What does it mean to digest a movie?A complete answer would be as manifold as the actual movie-watching, and the digestion would involve replaying scenes in your head, looking for plot holes, returning to mysteries, contemplatingmoments, objects, ideas... But there are two aspects of the process I want particularly tomention.One is that every movie has the potential to condition you. Moviescan colour your experience of the world -- with feelings andthoughts, with reference. Ill never look at an x the same wayagain. And this can happen whether you want it or not. And youcan force this on other people. Youre supplied with material youcan use, especially in conversation, especially to amuse, or to assistwith difficult thoughts, or as shorthand for complex or extendedthoughts.The second is that there's a continual ethical element to watchingfilms, and to the digestion. Ethical in a broad sense: how doesthis movie change your life, and how should you change your life?What is the best way for you to live? What do you think of theclaims the movie is making -- about people, about whats good and bad, about the consequences of a thing? And what were the bestchoices in the movie's particular situations?It might even be the case that a religious upbringing prepares people to treat all texts as parables, with lessons to be learnt.***These ethical questions, throughout the film and afterwards, areanswered -consciously and unconsciously.Perhaps one sign of the mode's

prevalence is that people imitatewhat they see in movies, even in speech pattern or dress. And inthe course of watching, they engage with the decisions thecharacters make, they actively think about the choices. The fact that we have such a mode, and continually ask and think about choice, and ingest answers, can be taken to suggest threegeneral features of human ethics:-- That we dont get all our rules of conduct and values fromscripture or parents or any other authority: we get a lot of it, perhaps most of it, from the world generally, from conversation,from meetings of ideas, from the hypothetical of art;-- That broad ethical principles are founded on experience of many particulars (though some particulars will be more striking, morevivid in the memory, than others);-- And that our natural inclination is unabstract -- that Is it right tokill? and What haircut would suit me? are the same sort of question -- that, when the time comes, all problems boil down tochoice in particular situations, to real, practical, things.ARISTOTLEAN THEORY OF DRAMAPurpose of tragedyAristotle felt that in Tragedy the plight of the central character should invoke fear and pity within an audience. A tragic character would evoke pity because the audience would see him as anunwitting victim of undeserved misfortune. Fear would be evoked because the audience could relate to the character and seethemselves in his plight.Catharsis in TragedyThe conclusion of a tragedy should result in a catharsis.Catharsis is defined as, the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music some scholars have found the term purge morefavourable in the context of tragedy.Balance of the UniverseAristotle believed that Tragedy was rooted in the cause and effectnature of the universe and that is why people could easily relate to it. Tragic stories therefore should not be rooted in coincidence or happenstance. The plot of a Tragedy is the result of actions taken by the protagonist.According to many in our society today, there is a huge amount of violence on television, in the movies, in songs, on the Internet, athome, and on the streets. Many feel that the younger

generation,which refers to ages including newborn to teenager, is exposed tomore than their share of violence. The younger generation hasmany false conceptions about violence, thanks to the mass media.Most think that violence is a quick way to solve problems and isalso a hero's way to solve problems, not usually as a last resort.The National Coalition on Television Violence states in a recentreport that three things determine a violent act: the act mustinvolve an agent and a victim, it must contain an expression of overt force, and it must be committed with a deliberate and hostileintent. According to the same report from the National Coalitionon Television Violence, a violent act is not any violence that isinvolved in accidents, emotional outbursts, slapstick comedy,horseplay, or sports. The two largest kinds of media that containviolence today are the movies and television. The violence in thesetwo forms of media have a very large impact, due to widespreadmovie theaters, and ninety-nine percent of homes having at leastone television.INFLUENCE OF FILMS ON YOUNG PEOPLEThe popular film industry of India is second to that of America inthe world. Our film industry makes hundreds of films every year.Both of the films in Hindi and other regional languages are equally

popular in our country. The films telecast on Television their videoversions and those screened in pitcher halls are a craze.Among the young people the cinema far go to the cinema halls andsee their favourite films a no. of times. Some young people see adifferent film quandary. The do not see the film for the sake of addition in their general knowledge. The rather see it just to killtheir time. Some young people leave all the other activities andview the films frequently on the T.V. sets.Excess of every thing is bad. Though the films are cheapest and themost popular means of entertainment yet they often do a greatharm to the young people in India Most of the films are cheap andlow in standards. Social religions, educational and cultural filmsare

very few and for between. The film industry is run only oncommercial lines. They keep in mind the box office only and produce formula films.Most of the films the are produced three day are devoid of realityof life. They show such deviations as are not convincing at all theyare full of violence made sex, irrelevant song and vulgate and spicydances. They are also full of cheap romance, foreign imitation,catchy and silly songs. Such films have a very harmful influenceon the modern youth of India because they are full of artificiality.They mislead the immature and inexperienced young boys andgirls. Indiscipline, unrest and lawlessness have been increasedamongst the modern young boys. They imitate the fashion and pseudo adventures and misadventures of the film heroes andheroines. As a result they get into trouble sooner or later.There has been a rapid increase in the cases of our teasing andassault on ladies etc. Such events and incidents can be attributed toa large extent to the films. The immature youth fails to distinguish between stunts and genuine adventure.It is an unpleasant matter that the villainous adventures shown onthe cinema screen leave a bold and bad influence on the younggeneration. The cinema has eroded the human and their ethicalvalues to a very large or can say upto very huge extent commonfeatures of the film that we find are only dacoits kidnapping, rapes, molestations, murders, bloodshed guj- battles and made dances arethe most common care money is the only thing which attract theyoung ones to the film industry next we can say is the filmmagazines and periodicals which are also playing an important rolein spoiling the moral values and ethical of the youth. They teachthose gimmicks deception and fashion.Cinema leaves a deep and lasting impact on the young brains. Itcan play a strong education and constructive role as a significantinstrument of creaking communal harmony, national integrationand a sound sense of public morals. It is a matter of concern andregret that the film makers dodge the censor board and get their pornographic and ill- deserved films approved. Some young menand women get ruined out of their ambition to become film hero or heroine. Greed reigns supreme in out film world. As a result, thefilm industry has given rise to a lot of unaccounted and black money. The censor board

should not issue a certificate of approvalto those illogical and bad films which are full of erotic and censer concerning women and sex. Only the Educational aesthetic andinteractions films which depict human values and true heroism inlife- like situations should meet their approval. Such film wouldwiden public awareness and understanding and strengthen thenational character and public morals.

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