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Nathan was born on April 8, 1974 to Carol Jones Rochelle.

Nathan never met his biological father, Jerome Lang. Carol married Jerry Dunlap when Nathan was a few months old.

Nathan and his older sister, Adinea, lived with the Williams family until Nathan was a young toddler. During Carols visits, she often berated her children for no reason. She also was physically violent towards them. Nathan was terrified of her. Carol ultimately severed ties with the Williams family and took back custody of her children.

Both Carol and Jerry Dunlap abused the children. Jerry Dunlap who had played professional football and weighed over 300 pounds was most violent towards Nathan. Jerry would throw Nathan against walls, hurl him down the hallways, hit him with objects, and punch him.

Throughout the years, Carol Dunlap had manic episodes that terrorized her children. She would become hyper-religious and hyper-sexual. After many years of mis-diagnoses, she was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1987. Nathan was then 13 years old. Nathan, who was the most afraid of his mothers illness, vigilantly monitored Carols daily compliance with her medication.

When Nathan was in high school, he discovered Jerry raping Adinea in the basement. After Nathan discovered the sexual abuse, Jerry began beating Nathan more frequently and more severely than ever before.

In September 1993, Nathan began exhibiting signs of hypomania. He stopped eating and sleeping, and became progressively more wild-eyed and unkempt. He committed a series of armed robberies. This period of escalating violence and criminality culminated on December 14, 1993, in the tragedy at Chuck E. Cheeses.

Nathans behavior immediately after the murders revealed his mania and delusional thinking. Soon after his arrest, his behavior became so bizarre that he was placed in a suicide-watch observation cell at the Arapahoe County Jail and was later sent to the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo for a competency evaluation.

There was significant evidence to indicate that Nathan suffered from severe mental illness, but his trial attorneys chose not to investigate. Nathans jury was not privy to the fact that Nathan suffers from bipolar disorder with psychosis. Three jurors have signed affidavits stating that if they had known about Nathans mental illness, they may have voted for a sentence of life without the possibility of parole.

Nathan Dunlap at Sterling Correctional Facility

The DOC finally diagnosed Nathan with bipolar disorder in 2006. He has received no disciplinary actions since that time. He takes 1500mg of lithium daily. Nathan knows he has inflicted immeasurable suffering on his victims and their families. He has always taken, and continues to take, full responsibility for his actions. He deeply regrets the pain he has caused.

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