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Media Interview Training Delegates learn how to: Remain calm and in control Deliver good and bad

ad news Get a message across effectively Control media interviews, whether they are down the line, recorded or live on air Understand and manage the sound bite Avoid going off the point Choose what to wear and what to avoid wearing when on camera Become a useful contact COURSE CONTENT PR and the Broadcast Media Understanding the common ground between the media and the public relations industry. How to identify clearly the boundaries where interests diverge. An overview of radio and television interview techniques. How each forum can be used to align your agenda with that of the interviewer. Down-the-line and Radio Interviews Specially prepared scenarios teach delegates how to prepare for interviews and then to think on their feet during downthe- line interviews. Mistakes are made in private, where most can be learned from them. The TV Interview An examination of the particular problems and power of the television interview, both live and recorded. Delegates role-play specially prepared scenarios to give a "live, on-site television interview". Performances are analysed by both the tutor and the group. Bringing Them Back for More How to ensure that the media comes back for more. Building the discipline of learning from each performance and cultivating your contacts in the broadcast media. SuitabilityA one-day workshop for PR professionals who either speak for their company/clients on broadcast media or advise the line managers who do so Course objectivesDelegates get a framework for handling live and recorded interviews in front of a camera, and behind a microphone. The course also covers personal appearance, how broadcast media are organised, delivering key messages and bringing the media back for more. Interviews are recorded on camera and tape on a series of specially prepared scenarios.

EVERYONE this is a warning. We are now at WAR, the corporate media can not be listened to or trusted, they are waging a neuro linguistic programming war upon us. NUMEROUS major news outlets including Yahoo at the end of the weekend reported that the final talks are finishing up as the bill is expected to pass early monday. In fact the bailout bill was never truly that definitively close to passing. What the media is doing is they are programming your mind to think that it's a done deal so that YOU WILL CEASE RESISTANCE AND FACILITATE THEM IN THEIR HEINOUS THEFT. Let me repeat it again for those uncertain of what I'm saying, the media is using

neuro linguistic programming techniques MORE and MORE to make you think certain events are either a done deal or others never occurred. NUMEROUS NEWS OUTLETS reported that the bill will easily pass on monday and in fact it was brutally rejected. These zionist corporate illuminati ruled outlets are attempting to brainwash all of you to think it's a foregone conclusion so that you will cease your resistance in the form of calling your representatives and basically panicking and raising all hell. In fact it was the last minute outrage, outcries, and droves of FURIOUS CONSTITUENTS that stymied their HEINOUS theft by BOMBING the living hell out of their representatives with emails and phone calls, issuing threats of NO Re-election for anyone daring to vote for this bill. But what the absolutely DISGUSTING media is attempting to do is force everyone to stop calling in by making them think they have a lost cause. They already did this many times with Ron Paul by portraying him as already having been defeated, they are making many of us think "'s not worth it to consider supporting him because he's already a goner" when in fact he was UTTERLY DESTROYING the other candidates and outraised them all financially with all of our support. EVERYONE MUST BE AWARE of this truly heinous and disgusting neural programming that is OCCURING RIGHT NOW. Everyone needs to STOP WATCHING THE MEDIA and realize we are literally now at war. There is a war being waged AS I WRITE THIS for your minds and your souls by some of the most evil and sinister forces on this planet. STOP WATCHING and LISTENING to this disgusting media they are no longer on our side they are on the side of the dark forces now, they are not human beings any longer as they have already sacrificed their humanity for the rapacious agenda of the evil ones that are propagating as I write this the most fraudulent and heinous crimes in history upon all of humanity. WE ARE NOW AT WAR people, arm your minds and arm yourselves and prepare for ANYTHING. Do not let them use their techniques on you and never ever ever listen to their articles when they "PREMATURELY" report on something as they are now doing more and more TO BRAINWASH YOU and program you using tried and true neural linguistic programming techniques.

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