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(Stamp duty Advolerum as per Art. 6 of Bombay Stamp Act)

MEMORANDUM RELATING TO DEPOSIT OF TITLE DEEDS This Memorandum is executed on this........ day of May 2013 by Shri Ramesh Mithalal Jain age 46 Years and Shri Suresh Mithalal Jain age 43 Years both residing at..................................... (hereinafter called the mortgagor/s which term shall include his/her/their heirs, executors, legal representatives and administrators or successors and assigns and their respective heirs, executors, legal representatives, administrators and assigns, as the case may be) in favour of Union Bank of India, Banking Company constituted under the Banking Companies ( Acquisition and Transfer of Undertaking) Act , 1970 having its Head Office at 239, Union Bank Bhavan , Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai and carrying on business in banking among other places at Bhiwandi (Hereinafter called as "Mortgagee" which expression shall include its successors and assigns). 2. The Borrower/Mortgager is a constituent of Union Bank of India Bhiwandi Branch. In pursuance of the request made by the Borrower, Union Bank of India has sanctioned credit facilities for Rs.70,00,000/(Rupees Seventy Lacs only). One of the conditions of the credit facilities is to mortgage the immovable property of the Mortgagers Mr.Ramesh Mithalal Jain Property bearing N.A lot along with the Structure bearing House No. 1871/1 admeasuring area 2140 Sq.Ft. situated at Mouje Khoni Taluka Bhiwandi Distt. Thane in the Registration Sub-District Bhiwandi and District Thane and within the Limits of Grampanchayat Khoni Taluka Bhiwandi Distt. Thane and Mr. Suresh Mithalal Jain Property bearing N.A lot along with the Structure bearing House No. 1871 admeasuring area 2140 Sq.Ft. situated at Mouje Khoni Taluka Bhiwandi Distt. Thane in the Registration Sub-District Bhiwandi and District Thane and within the Limits of Grampanchayat Khoni Taluka Bhiwandi Distt. Thane as security for the repayment of the said credit. 3. The mortgager/s have guaranteed the repayment of the credit facilities granted and to be granted by Union Bank of India to the borrower and in his/her/their capacity as guarantor/s/mortgager/s he/she/they am/are showing his/her/their intention to deposit the title deeds as security for repayment of the loan /credit facilities together with interest, additional interest in case of default, exchange fluctuation, cost etc.

4. The Mortgagor/s has attended the Thane West Branch of the mortgagee on ..................., and deposited the documents of title mentioned in the Schedule I hereunder relating to his/her/their property/properties described in Schedule II (hereinafter referred to as the "Scheduled property") with the Mortgagee with intention to create extension of mortgage in favour of the Mortgagee over the schedule property for the purpose of securing repayment to the Mortgagee of all the amounts owing to the Mortgagee under advances made and continued to be made and/or to be made from time to time to M/s Simco Life Style Pvt Ltd ( Earlier Known as M/s Simco Silk Pvt Ltd ) by the Mortgagee by way of loan/cash credit/overdraft and other type of facilities not exceeding Rs70,00,000/- (Rupees Seventy Lacs only) together with interest, additional interest, exchange fluctuation, costs, charges and expenses thereon and also to secure all other indebtedness of M/s Simco Life Style Pvt Ltd ( Earlier Known as M/s Simco Silk Pvt Ltd ) to the Mortgagee that may arise in the future. 5. .and had further stated that he was duly authorised to create equitable mortgage by deposit of title deeds in favour of the mortgagee as aforesaid pursuant to the resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the Company at its Board Meeting held on .. and produced a certified copy of the said resolution to mortgagee Bank and further stated that the said resolution has not been modified or rescinded and the same is in full force and effect. (Applicable in case of mortgage by Company) 6. The Mortgagor/s declared that mortgager/s is/are the sole and absolute owner of the property mentioned in Schedule II and no other person has any share , right title or interest of any kind or nature whatsoever in the said property. Mortgager/s has/have further declared that the documents mentioned in Schedule I and deposited with the Mortgagee are the only documents of title of the Mortgagor/s relating to his/her/their Scheduled property and that there are no other documents of title to the Scheduled property. The Mortgagor/s has/have further declared that the Schedule property is not charged or encumbered in any way whatsoever and the scheduled property is free from all encumbrances, claims or demands of any kind or nature whatsoever. There are no claims from revenue/tax authorities and that there are no attachments in respect of the property. The Mortgager has purchased the property from his/their own funds and not from the funds of HUF and no minor interest is involved in the said property. The mortgager/s declared that as an absolute owner of the said property the mortgagor/s has full power and absolute authority to deal with and dispose of the same in any manner whatsoever and as such

he/she/they is/are entitled to create a valid equitable mortgage in favour of the mortgagee of the Scheduled property. 7. The mortgager/s has/have further declared that the only title deeds documents or writing to the said property which are in mortgagers possession are those specified and mentioned in the First Schedule hereunder written and that mortgager/s do not have in mortgagers possession any other title deeds, documents or writings in respect of the said property. Mortgager/s has/have further declared and say that mortgager/s have/has not at any time deposited any of the title deeds relating to the said property with any person or persons whomsoever as and by way of security, equitable mortgage by deposit of title deeds, charge, lien or trust or in any manner whatsoever and that the said property is free from all encumbrances, claims and demands. No claim has ever been made against mortgager or against the said property on the ground of any deposit of all or any of the title deeds, documents or writings or any one or more of them as security or on any other ground whatsoever. 8. Mortgagers has further declared that mortgagers are the absolute owners of the plants, engines, boilers etc. which are affixed to and/or installed in/or the said property (hereinafter referred to as the said plant) and that the said plant is free from any mortgage, charge or encumbrance of any kind or nature whatsoever and mortgagers are entitled to deal with to dispose of the said plant in any manner as the Company likes. 9. Mortgagers has further declared that there are no land revenue assessment, income tax, wealth tax, expenditure tax or any other taxes, cesses, dues, assessments due and payable by mortgager/s for which the said property and/or the said plant is/are liable to be attached nor have mortgager/s received any notice under the payment of Taxes Act, The Transfer of Property (Amendment) Act, The Income Tax Act, the Wealth Tax Act, The Expenditure Tax Act, The Gift Tax Act, MVAT Act, Sales Tax Act, Provident Fund Act , FEMA, Foreign Trade ( Development & Regulation) Act 1992 or any other Act issued or pending against mortgager/s over the said property and/or the said plant. 10. Mortgager/s has further declared that the said property and/or the said plant is/are not subject matter of any suit or legal proceedings nor any attachment before or after judgement nor has any trust secret or otherwise, been created in respect of the said property and/or the said plant. The mortgager undertakes to keep the said property free from all encumbrances and attachments till the entire dues are fully paid. 11. Mortgager/s has further declared that Union Bank of India has given and has agreed to continue to give mortgager/s various banking and financial facilities to enable mortgager/s to carry on mortgager/s business on

the faith of the assurances which are hereby given viz. that mortgager/s will not sell, exchange, partition, mortgage, charge, encumber, lease, dispose off or deal with any of mortgaged property and or create any right of whatsoever nature including subletting the same and giving the same on leave and license basis or alienating the same in any manner whatsoever which will prejudice the interest of the mortgagee in the said property/plant in any manner whatsoever until such time all the liabilities under the various facilities granted to mortgager/s have been paid in full by me/us/the Company and mortgager/s have got the discharge confirmed in writing by the Bank. 12. Mortgager/s has further declared and say that mortgager/s have/has agreed and undertaken to indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank fully and effectually against all claims demands charges and expenses whatsoever in respect of our properties and the said plant. The mortgager has/have further declared that mortgagor(s) is/are in actual possession of the property mentioned in Schedule II here under.

13. The mortgager/s are aware that the Registration of Memorandum relating to deposit title deed is compulsory in the state of Maharashtra and the mortgager/s undertakes to get the Memorandum duly stamped and registered with the concerned SRO at mortgagers cost. This Memorandum relating to deposit of title deeds will be presented for registration as per the Registration (Maharashtra Amendment) Act, 2010 (Mah X of 2012) notified under Government of Maharashtra Notification No: RGN-2012/C.R.20/M-1 dated 07.03.2013.

THE SCHEDULE I REFERRED TO HEREINABOVE *Description of title deeds and writings with dates and registration number and parties names. **List of Documents being deposited for EM as per title clearance/legal search report.

THE SCHEDULE II REFERRED TO HEREINABOVE (Full Description of the immovable properties with boundaries and other description to properly indentify the property)

Property bearing N.A lot along with the Structure bearing House No. 1871/1 admeasuring area 2140 Sq.Ft. situated at Mouje Khoni Taluka Bhiwandi Distt. Thane in the Registration Sub-District Bhiwandi and District Thane and within the Limits of Grampanchayat Khoni Taluka Bhiwandi Distt. Thane and Property bearing N.A lot along with the Structure bearing House No. 1871 admeasuring area 2140 Sq.Ft. situated at Mouje Khoni Taluka Bhiwandi Distt. Thane in the Registration Sub-District Bhiwandi and District Thane and within the Limits of Grampanchayat Khoni Taluka Bhiwandi Distt. Thane

The Mortgagor/s has/have set his/her/their hand the day, month and year first above written.

Mortgagor (s) Accepted the mortgager/s title deeds abovementioned deposited by the

Mortgagee Bank Officer Shri ...................... Designation:

Mortgagee Bank Officer Shri ...................... Designation :

( PA NO: .......................) ( PA NO: .......................)

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