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Mitchells Plans for 1-28 to 2-1 Monday



7:45-8:00 Calendar 8:00-8:30 Daily News 8:30-9:30 Journals 9:30-11:20 Theme Development -review castle facts and add them to our class castle web -introduce and discuss our math journal castle problem that will be solved during centers Centers -workjob: small groups of children will write castle facts in their individual France fact books -castle project with Mrs. Mitchell: children who asked the castle research questions will continue constructing our favorite France castle (Chateau de Chenonceau) -workjob: small groups of children will solve our math journal castle problem 11:20-12:10 P.E. 12:10-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:15 Recess 1:15-1:45 Shared Reading -Old Favorite Chant -Introduce Dr. Seuss Authors Study: discuss factual information about Theodore Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) -New Text: And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street-review and, to, I, it, & on, sound out and read the words think, that, saw, Mulberry & street, during the reading of the story focus on and discuss the vocabulary that describes how the main character changes the events in the story (ex. instead of, add, take away, change, better, etc.) -Extension Activity: children will listen to a story written by Mrs. Mitchell and make changes to drawn illustration on the smartboard, the changes that the children will make to the illustration will be according to the vocabulary used in the story (ex. instead of, add, take away, change, better, etc.) -Old Favorite Chant 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas

7:45-8:00 Calendar 8:00-8:30 Daily News 8:30-9:30 Journals 9:30-11:20 Theme Development -review castle facts and add them to our class castle web Centers -workjob: small groups of children will write castle facts in their individual France fact books -castle project with Mrs. Mitchell: children who asked the castle research questions will continue constructing our favorite France castle (Chateau de Chenonceau) -workjob: small groups of children will solve our math journal castle problem

7:45-8:00 Calendar 8:00-9:30 Daily News 8:30-9:30 Journals 9:30-11:20 Theme Development Centers -no projects or workjobs

11:20-12:10 P.E 12:10-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:15 Recess 1:00-1:45 Shared Reading -Old Favorite Chant -Continue to discuss factual information about Theodore Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) -New Text: The Cat in the Hat-review all of the words in the title, review the rhyming words cat and hat, brainstorm other words that rhyme with them, focus on the rhyming words in the story, predict and discuss the events in the story -Old Favorite Chant

11:20-12:10 Media 12:10-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:15 P.E. with Classroom Teacher 1:00-1:45 Shared Reading -Old Favorite Chant -Continue to discuss factual information about Theodore Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) -Old Favorite Text: The Cat in the Hatbriefly review the events in the story by taking a picture walk -New Text: The Cat in the Hat Comes Back-sound out and introduce the words come & back, introduce what a sequel is, make predictions and discuss what we think the cat may do in the sequel -Old Favorite Chant

1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas

1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas

Thursday 7:45-8:00 Calendar 8:00-8:30 Daily News 8:30-9:30 Journals 9:30-11:20 Theme Development -review castle facts and add them to our class castle web Centers -workjob: small groups of children will write castle facts in their individual France fact books -castle project with Mrs. Mitchell: children who asked the castle research questions will continue constructing our favorite France castle (Chateau de Chenonceau) -workjob: small groups of children will solve our math journal castle problem 11:20-12:10 Music 12:10-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:15 P.E. with Classroom Teacher 1:15-1:45 Shared Reading -Old Favorite Chant -Through the use of a van diagram begin to compare and contrast The Cat in the Hat and The Cat in the Hat Comes Back -Old Favorite Chant 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas

Friday 7:45-8:00 Calendar 8:00-8:30 Daily News 8:30-9:30 Journals 9:30-11:20 Theme Development -review castle facts and add them to our class castle web Centers -workjob: small groups of children will write castle facts in their individual France fact books -castle project with Mrs. Mitchell: children who asked the castle research questions will continue constructing our favorite France castle (Chateau de Chenonceau) -workjob: small groups of children will solve our math journal castle problem 11:20-12:10 P.E. 12:05-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:15 Recess 1:15-1:45 Shared Reading -Old Favorite Chant -Complete our van diagram comparing and contrasting The Cat in the Hat and The Cat in the Hat Comes Back -Old Favorite Chant 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas

Monday -Dr.Suess facts and picture -story and illustration for smartboard -math journal castle problem Tuesday Wednesday -sub plans Thursday -van diagraph Friday -Feb. calendar -Feb.journals -typed Nov. and Dec. journal stories Other

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