10-1-12 To 10-5-12

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Mitchells Plans for 10-1-12 to 10-5-12 Monday Tuesday 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Miss Boutwell 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Miss Boutwell 8:00-9:00 Journals/Miss Boutwell 8:00-9:00 Journals/Miss Boutwell 9:00-10:50 9:00-10:50 Theme Development/Miss Theme Development/Miss Boutwell Boutwell -children will share information -briefly review the main parts of that they found at our research an airplane and airport center relating to the parts of an -discuss how we will be voting airport, parts of an airplane, jobs during centers for which part of at the airport and on the airplane the plane and which part of the -introduce and discuss our Have airport we think are the most you ever flown on an airplane? important and that the parts that graph during centers have the most votes are the ones that we will be constructing for the Centers/Miss Boutwell blue pods airplane and airport -workjob: children take turns completing the following graph, Centers/Miss Boutwell Have you ever flown on an -assess children with Kindergarten airplane? checklist -workjob: children will take turns completing the following graphs What part of an airplane is the most important? What part of an airport is the most important? 10:50-11:20 Shared Reading/Miss 10:50-11:20 Shared Reading/Miss Boutwell Boutwell -New Chant: Sound MatchingOld Favorite Chant: Sound children take turns choosing a Matching-children take turns letter and give a word that begins choosing a letter and give a word with that letter that begins with that letter -Old Favorite Book: Winnie the -New Text: Old Black Fly (BB Poohs A to ZZZZ- read pages Uu EAYL)-/0/, /bl/, /f/l, listen for to Zz, refer to illustrations to rhyming words, review ABC order, predict what item represents those listen to alliterations that letters represent the letters of the -New Text: So Many Bunniesalphabet, predict the ending of the so, /m/, /b/, count from 1 to 26 the story letters of the alphabet, listen for -Old Favorite Chant rhyming words -Old Favorite Chant 11:20-12:10 P.E. 11:20-12:10 P.E. 12:15-12:45 Lunch 12:15-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:15 Recess 12:45-1:15 Recess 1:15-1:45 Rest Time 1:15-1:45 Rest Time 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas Pod Areas

Wednesday 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Miss Boutwell 8:00-9:00 Journals/Miss Boutwell 9:00-10:50 Theme Development/Miss Boutwell -review the most important parts of an airplane and airport graphs from yesterday ( cabin of plane, ticket counter at airport) -introduce and discuss that during centers we will be signing up for either the cabin or ticket counter project Centers/Miss Boutwell -assess children with Kindergarten checklist -workjob: children will take turns signing up for either the cabin or ticket counter project

10:50-11:20 Shared Reading/Miss Boutwell -Old Favorite Chant: Sound Matching-children take turns choosing a letter and give a word that begins with that letter -New Text: Q Is For Duck (411 Elt)- /d/, predict why Q is for duck and how the letters of the alphabet relate to the other animals in the story -Old Favorite Chant

11:20-12:10 Media 12:15-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:15 Recess 1:15-1:45 Rest Time 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas

Thursday 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Miss Boutwell 8:00-9:00 Journals/Miss Boutwell 9:00-10:50 Theme Development/Miss Boutwell -review which project the children signed up for yesterday, either the cabin of the plane or the ticket counter at the airport Centers/Miss Boutwell -project with Miss Boutwell: children that signed up to make the ticket counter will make a plan and begin constructing their project -project with Mrs. Mitchell: children that signed up to make the cabin will make a plan and construction their project begin

Friday 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Miss Boutwell 8:00-9:00 Journals/Miss Boutwell 9:00-10:50 Theme Development/Miss Boutwell -review progress of cabin and ticket counter projects -introduce and discuss how we will be earning money/pennies to buy our plane ticket with, tickets cost 50cents (for each completed project/job you will earn 10cents) Centers/Miss Boutwell -project with Miss Boutwell: children that signed up to make the ticket counter will continue constructing their project -project with Mrs. Mitchell: children that signed up to make the cabin will continue construction their project begin 11:30-12:05 Shared Reading -Old Favorite Chant -illustrate and write our class version of Q Is For Duck(ex. P is for Mrs. Mitchell because I like pasta. T is for Sam because I like turtles. Etc.) -Old Favorite Chant 11:20-12:10 P.E. 12:15-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:15 Recess 1:15-1:45 Rest Time 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas

Monday -plane graph -October journals -October calendar -AMSTI training Tuesday -plane parts graph -airport parts graph -big book Wednesday -project chart -book Thursday Friday -Newsletter -pgs. for class book -money page for smartboard -money pg. for math journals -pennies -name on safety deposit boxes (shoe chart) Other -big boxes -small pizza boxes -October poems

12:00-12:30 Shared Reading -Old Favorite Chant -Old Favorite Book: Q Is For Duck review how the letters of the alphabet relate to the characters in the story, discuss ideas of how we can make our own version of the story using us as the characters -Old Favorite Chant 11:20-12:10 Music 12:15-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:15 Recess 1:15-1:45 Rest Time 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas

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