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An Unforgettable Dream

I m supposed to write about an unforgettable dream in my life, so one day that I will never forget, was the day I woke up with tears on my face I was very tired and get to bed early. That day, I had just gotten back from school and was lying on the sofa watching TV, my little sister was in bathroom having a shower, my mum was in the kitchen preparing dinner. My dad was still at work. Suddenly, our house started shaking violently as if it were a small wooden boat being tossed by giant waves in the ocean. At first, none of us realized what was happening. Then my mum yelled, Earthquake! Get under something! I was too stunned to move but the shaking was so strong that I soon fell off the sofa onto the floor. I half rolled, half crawled across the floor to the dining table and got under it. My mum was sitting on the floor in the kitchen, holding her arms over her head to protect it from falling dishes. She yelled at my little sister, she wanted to be with us. The earthquake lasted less then a minte, but it seemed like a year for me. At last, the shaking stopped. For a minute or two, we were to scared to move. I was crying my mum cautiously got up and went to help my little sister, who was crying too. There was no electricity. Next, we checked the house for damage, it was horrible. We started worrying about my dad. My mum tried to call him at work, but the phone lines were busy. Two hours later my dad still dont arrived home. We were so worried about him. Then I started to cry very hard and yelled for my dad, and woke up. When I realized that its just a dream I was so happy. Whenever you got to sleep you dream something, but some of them could be

unforgettable some of them you even dont remember. You can dream everything but you need to know that is just a dream and as it says Dreams never come true
Made by Ersana Miftaroska

The School I Would Like to Study

Schools are required to provide appropriate career education from Year 7 upwards. There is also an emphasis on equipping young people who are at risk of leaving school early with the necessary skills for work. Because of this requirement, students will have access to career education and guidance in their school. The ultimate goal is for young people to leave school with:

Made by Ersana Miftaroska

a developed sense of self-awareness an awareness of opportunities the ability to make decisions and plans the ability to take action.

As a child I started to get to school in my 7th year. I remember from my childhood, everyday I get to my beautiful school in spite of rain or shine, spending a whole day in school. In the morning we came to school, most of us was getting up earlier to avoid our names to be listed, but of course there were few students who had no time concept and were always late. . I know that I had certain duties and responsibilities. I liked them. I never tried to shrink them. I toke pleasure in doing what my parents bid to me. My father always encouraged me to study, and I used to study. I remember my parents never having too much money but somehow my father got by on the little they had and made sure we had enough to eat clothes to wear and books to read. I was reading and writing a lot. I was always trying to please my teacher with my work, conduct and behavior. I was never going against their wishes. I was doing my duty diligently for the sake of duty and I had nothing to fear, I know that my parents and teacher was my wellwishers. They were ready to made every sacrifice for me. Their lives are living examples for me. The set before me certain guiding principle, I followed them faithfully and there was no reason to be unhappy. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to obey my elders and do my duty honestly. I enjoyed certain rights and privileges which emanate from my duty well done. The love of my parents and teacher was a rare thing for me. I feel proud of it. I was free from the cares and worries of life. I was regular and methodical in my work. I was working hard and I
Made by Ersana Miftaroska

was never absent myself from school. I was reading books, magazines, I was thinking there were no reasons to be afraid of my teachers and examination. My life is disciplined and well regulated. School live prepared me for a better and a fuller life ahead. I was prepared for the battle of my life. The punishment for my sins of omission and commission was not painful to me. It was strengthening my character and leading me on to the right path. I had take great pleasure and pride in all that my school life provided me and stood for. School days are the best part of my live, till today my closet friends are those from my school days. My most favorite items were ice creams and chocolates, and my favorite subject was English. Besides sport, my favorite activities were to read books, cartoons and fiction. When the bell for class was ringing, we were getting back to the classroom and waiting for the teacher. In class, we pay much attention to the teacher and take notes. If we had problems and cannot find the correct answers, we will rise up our hands and ask the teacher. When the teacher was asking us some questions about the lesson, we were thinking about them carefully and trying to answer the questions actively. Sometimes we dont know the answer, we used to listened to what the teacher was explained carefully. Anyway we cannot waste a bit of time in class, otherwise we will not learn anything or passed the exam. My classroom was situated on the second floor. It was a big spacious room. There were table and chair for students in pairs, they were very comfortable, there was a big table and chair for the teacher. There was a blackboard, the walls were white. I liked my classroom very much. I need to mention the toilets, they were dirty, smelly and neither the chains nor the locks worked. There were pleas for paper and soap But if I have the chance to design my own school it would look amazing. In the school I'd like, a teacher who could walk into a classroom and be in the mood to teach. When the teachers are in a good mood the children benefit and learn more.
Made by Ersana Miftaroska

It's been proven that when you feel threatened that your brain stops learning and no one improves. Teachers will serve as mentors and coaches, not as direct instructors, while student pose questions and find ways to answer them. The teachers should recognize students need for fulfillment as well as the fact that such fulfillment stems in large measure from understanding with other and thus obtaining mutual understanding and appreciation. The teacher is the primary source in the learning, he / she creates a classroom atmosphere that should be interesting, friendly and in which there is a low affective filter for learning, not demanding speech from students before they are ready for it, not correcting their mistakes. The teacher must choose and orchestrate a rich mix of classroom activities. The relation between teacher and students should be like parent-child, they should be positive and tend to the students, so that this will make them feel comfortable to say whatever they know and whatever they fell to say. I think it should have a quiet time for the last half hour in school ? Where you just sit down and talk to the teacher about problems you are having at school. Teacher would help you whenever you got stuck. They should use every kind of exercises, which include the use of visual images, music rhythmic patterns, which are undertaken in relax and informal settings. Teachers need to be skilled in acting, singing and psychotherapeutic. Most people want to change the school uniforms to look more fashionable. But for me I would prefer to gain more experience in practicing than theory. I will give the following reasons to explain why I want to change the ways. First of all, I feel that the students in my school are taught mainly in theory and less practice. Consequently the students do not receive fully in learning experiences. For example in English class, we learn listening, speaking, reading, writing just only in the classroom but have never used this knowledge in reality. In my opinion the school
Made by Ersana Miftaroska

should arrange trip to tourist expression in order to give opportunity to speak with native English speaker. Second of all practice can fulfill theory and any results included mistakes from practice can make students understand thoroughly, all even gain new knowledge. For instant scientists use theory and practice in laboratories to create, improve, and adapt their researchers. Most practices are interesting and exciting. Therefore students can remember and recall the knowledge better than study in theory. Meaningful practices improves fluency and secures its attention over a period of time, it promotes the students the qualities of independence, autonomy and responsibility, meaning that every student must work with his inner resources, emotions experience, knowledge of the world, to absorb learning through the environment. The students work with these resources, as they are responsible for what they learn. The teacher role is to guide the students. I would buy the dome and make it the world's best school. My school would have blue wallpaper with silver mirror stars on it and flower clocks. The feel of the wallpaper is velvet. The school would smell like Angel perfume. When it's absolutely pouring with rain, out of the roof blossoms a ginormous umbrella and the whole school sort of caves in and moves one floor down into the ground. When it's shining brightly with a hot golden sun, the roof opens out, there's piles more room and all the windows swing open. In the cool spell of winter, the walls let out a hot, sweetscented steam which rushes out through hundreds of pipes into the classrooms. There would be rules, but they would guide students, not confine them. There would be punishments, but these punishments would matter to the student. Respect for people and for the world around you, would be taught before anything else. All the children respected the teachers and the teachers respected the children so altogether they managed
Made by Ersana Miftaroska

to have a very pleasant time of it. If the students respect the teacher, they will try to pay attention both to please you and because they trust you if the teacher think something is worth knowing, the students are ready to believe. The problem is that students and teachers have only limited control over their own minds. In a normal day, the children would be able to choose one subject, and keep at it for the rest of the day. At lunchtime they would be able to read a book or use the internet. The teachers would also have the internet so that children could email them with their problems. The students tend to be very pleased with control they have over they learning. They tend to be impressed with the mutual assistance provided by peers and the mutual trust and respect that develops among and between the students and teacher. In the end, the children would learn because they would want to learn. In schools pupils still sit in rows. You can only talk to the person next to you ? This means that in discussion work, which is extremely important in today 's society, ideas and suggestions don 't come as quickly. In my school the students will be put in a quiet room, full of light and fresh air, posters on the walls about the subjects they are going to be taught and the comfortable chairs arranged in a semi-circle. The students feel relaxed. School building would be open to anyone who wanted to use it. Perhaps there could even be a universal language that everybody could learn at school. But I need to mention that there are some reasons why children go to school. First and foremost education. You really can 't have a society advance if each generation has to re-invent language and math etc. Secondly socialization. You can get education from your parents via homeschooling, but you lose the social aspect. Learning to get along with peers and adults (authority). There are ways that homeschooling can cover those topics, but it is harder, to prepare them for life; to give them the tools they need to make it in
Made by Ersana Miftaroska

life. This school will be particularly aware of the needs of the growing numbers of non-traditional learners who do not function well in a didactic environment and who often think faster than they read, write, spell or do number work. Therefore there would be a house style, evident in every classroom, in which children will required to explore ideas, concepts and strategies within the framework of their preferred learning approaches. They would be also actively encouraged to present evidence of their learning and understanding within these preferences. An interesting aspect of this school it would be the calm, confident way in which all children could approach their learning. Even the most vulnerable learners will be set up to succeed because they could effectively work within their comfort zones for much of the time and operate from a secure platform of strength and competence. When challenged to move outside their comfort zones they would be able to respond with confidence because of their platform of previous success. One consequence of this confidence and emotional security could be the positive way in which all children may approach assessments, even some of those national assessments which seem to be carefully engineered to marginalize children who learn in non-traditional ways. Although this school will be very successful in terms of results, it values this success less than it values its eclectic, confident and independent learners who will developed across the full range of ability and social, emotional and intellectual need.

Made by Ersana Miftaroska

My Body Hurt After

In life, many things are taken for granted on a customary basis. For example, we wake up in the morning and routinely expect to see and hear from certain people. Most people live daily life with the unsighted notion that every important individual in their lives at the moment, will exist there tomorrow. However, in actuality, such is not the case. When I started my job as a teacher, I was still in shock I had hired. One month after I graduate from universities I was searching a job. I d been dreaming to be a teacher my whole life. I did the best to be excited to start my professional career. When I was on an interview the director of the school gave me a job, we made a deal everything was cool I was supposed to start working next day I was so happy and satisfaied. Till I get back home he had phoned to my father and told that there is no place for me, and some kind of excuses. That was the most traumatic event in my life. I was really hurt, for this reasons I felt very strange, because I even not started I was fierd from work. It had been the worst month of my life, every few minutes my heart would jump out of my chest, I had gotten no sleep those night and had not talk to anyone, refsing to eat, I hated everithing around me. I was so annoyed and destroed, this world was looking such a disaster for me. Everyone feels unreal from time to time. It may happen after a traumatic event, while in a new or foreign surroundings, or in times of severe stress. As a defense mechanism, depersonalization serves a purpose-to mentally distance an individual from horrific or overwhelming circumstances. But this mechanism can go awry and exhibit a darker side,
Made by Ersana Miftaroska

which manifests itself as depersonalization disorder. Imagine thinking without feeling, devoid emotional connection to past or present. Imagine a heightened awareness of the thoughts parading through your head, or always watching yourself a step removed, interrupted by a single emotion-the real fear of losing you mind. You know that something is wrong, but you may not know what it is, so your live often become mask to cover the unreality.

Made by Ersana Miftaroska

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