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DNS/DHCP/IP Address/ OSI Layers SSL Certificates Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security are used for web

security You can use TLS/SSL to authenticate servers and clients and then use it to encrypt messages between the authenticated parties. In the authentication process, a TLS/SSL client sends a message to a TLS/SSL server, and the server responds with the information that the server needs to authenticate itself. The client and server perform an additional exchange of session keys, and the authentication dialog ends. When authentication is completed, SSLsecured communication can begin between the server and the client using the symmetric encryption keys that are established during the authentication process.

Strong authentication, message privacy, and integrity Interoperability Algorithm flexibility Ease of deployment Ease of use

VeriSign Protocols HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Server POP3 and IMAP Mail Server

Explain POP3/IMAP & Mail FAQs


There are two main ways that users can access their email. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) is the standard way which has been around for decades. It is very similar regular mail. Messages are delivered to your computer, put in your mailbox, and are then your responsibility. The other, newer, method is IMAP (Interactive Mail Access Protocol). As you might guess by the name, it is not like the mailbox on your house. With IMAP mail is delivered to the server, and you connect to the server to see your mail. The mail is not stored on your machine. When a message is marked as read, it is marked as read on the server, not on your computer. At first this may seem kind of backwards, but what IMAP lets you do is access your mail from different programs, different computers, or even via a web page and your mail will always reflect all your changes.

Advantages of POP3

Email is available when you are offline Email is not stored on the server, so your disk usage on the server is less

Just about any email client (software) supports POP3

Advantages of IMAP

Email is available from any machine you happen to use Email is stored on the server, so your email cannot be deleted/destroyed if your computer should happen to crash, be stolen, or destroyed

You can access IMAP mail via the web, without even needing a mail client installed. This means you can check your mail from someone else's machine or even a public terminal and not have to worry about the security of your passwords.

Some IMAP clients can set up rules for "server side" filtering. This means that you could put all the emails from current customers into

one mailbox, and filter other mail (potential new customers) to another mailbox. This can be done automatically by the server instead of setting up manual filters in whatever software you happen to have. This also means that in most IMAP clients you can subscribe to only certain mailboxes. For example, at work you could subscribe to only client mail, at home only to personal mail, and on your laptop to all your mail. All with a single account.

If you read a message on one computer, it is read on any other computer you use to access your mail. If you reply to an email on one computer, that reply is available on any computer you use.

Disadvantages of POP3
o o o

Can be much slower to check mail Much harder to do server-side filtering Mail is inaccessible from other machines

Disadvantages of IMAP

Mail is not usually available if you are offline.

Proxy Servers A proxy server is a server which serves client requests by forwarding them to other servers, and then forwarding the responses back to the client. Because the proxy server handles all the communication between the client and the other servers, the proxy server may modify the requests or responses. Web browsers can be set up to use proxy servers, or there are public proxies available via websites. Proxy servers can be used for many different purposes. - Organizations such as businesses, libraries or universities might choose to implement a proxy server to block offensive web content. Public proxy servers available via websites allow users to bypass these restrictions and access blocked content. - Proxy servers can be used to modify content for browsing on mobile phones or PDAs, or to enlarge text sizes etc. for the benefit of disabled users.

- On websites which automatically detect the location of a user and modify their content accordingly, a proxy server can be used to access other location-specific sites. For example, the Gmail account registration page detects if a user is in the UK or Germany, and automatically assigns those residents an address ending in rather than This can be avoided by visiting the site via a US proxy server. - Proxies can be used to maintain anonymity on the web, as they usually hide the user's IP address. Web users who are concerned about IP address logging, or suspect that their data is being tracked or recorded, might choose to use a proxy. - Occasionally users of particular internet service providers (ISPs) might have difficulties accessing certain high-traffic websites such as search engines or email accounts. In this case, proxy servers can be useful ways to get around the problem. - Malicious proxies can be used to intercept and record data passing between clients and servers.

Joins/Inner/Outer/Views/Indexes/Primary Key/Foreign Key/Referential Integrity/DML, DDL, DCL, TCC/Sequences/Normalization/Normalization forms/Functions like date, time, logical and mathematical/Create, Insert, Update and Delete Queries Testing/Website Compatibility Testing/Load Testing/Performance Testing/Test cases for a website login page/Security Testing DNS Domain Name Space a Domain Name system is used to convert the names of the website on the internet to IP addresses. The domain names for each IP addresses are stored in a database that is distributed across different servers DNS is used to organize computers and networks services in a hierarchy of domains. It is used to locate services and computers via user friendly names in TCP/IP Networks. It makes the use of network origins easier. It helps in mapping user friendly name for a service or a computer for another information related with it like an IP address. It helps in using name to identify the remote hosts. DHCP is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. DHCP is used to control the network configuration of a host through a remote server. DHCP functionality comes installed as a default feature in most of the contemporary operating systems. DHCP is an excellent alternative to the time-consuming manual configuration of network settings on a host or a network device. DHCP Discover DHCP Offer DHCP Request DHCP ACK ( DHCP NAK -) DHCP Decline DHCP Inform DHCP Release

How DHCP Works? Before learning the process through which DHCP achieves its goal, we first have to understand the different messages that are used in the process. 1. DHCPDISCOVER It is a DHCP message that marks the beginning of a DHCP interaction between client and server. This message is sent by a client (host or device connected to a network) that is connected to a local subnet. Its a broadcast message that uses as destination IP address while the source IP address is 2. DHCPOFFER It is DHCP message that is sent in response to DHCPDISCOVER by a DHCP server to DHCP client. This message contains the network configuration settings for the client that sent the DHCPDISCOVER message. 3. DHCPREQUEST This DHCP message is sent in response to DHCPOFFER indicating that the client has accepted the network configuration sent in DHCPOFFER message from the server. 4. DHCPACK This message is sent by the DHCP server in response to DHCPREQUEST received from the client. This message marks the end of the process that started with DHCPDISCOVER. The DHCPACK message is nothing but an acknowledgement by the DHCP server that authorizes the DHCP client to start using the network configuration it received from the DHCP server earlier. 5. DHCPNAK This message is the exact opposite to DHCPACK described above. This message is sent by the DHCP server when it is not able to satisfy the DHCPREQUEST message from the client. 6. DHCPDECLINE This message is sent from the DHCP client to the server in case the client finds that the IP address assigned by DHCP server is already in use.

7. DHCPINFORM This message is sent from the DHCP client in case the IP address is statically configured on the client and only other network settings or configurations are desired to be dynamically acquired from DHCP server. 8. DHCPRELEASE This message is sent by the DHCP client in case it wants to terminate the lease of network address it has been provided by DHCP server.

Now as we know about the various DHCP messages, its time to go through the complete DHCP process to give a better Idea of how DHCP works. Note that the steps mentioned below assume that DHCP functionality is enabled by default on the client side. Here are the steps:

Step 1: When the client computer (or device) boots up or is connected to a network, a DHCPDISCOVER message is sent from the client to the server. As there is no network configuration information on the client so the message is sent with as source address and as destination address. If the DHCP server is on local subnet then it directly receives the message or in case it is on different subnet then a relay agent connected on clients subnet is used to pass on the request to DHCP server. The transport protocol used for this message is UDP and the port number used is 67. The client enters the initializing stage during this step.

Step 2: When the DHCP server receives the DHCPDISCOVER request message then it replies with a DHCPOFFER message. As already explained, this message contains all the network configuration settings required by the client. For example, the yaddr field of the message will contain the IP address to be assigned to client. Similarly the subnet mask and gateway information is filled in the options field. Also, the server fills in the client MAC address in the chaddr field. This message is sent as a broadcast ( message for the client to receive it directly or if DHCP server is in different subnet then this message is sent to the relay agent that takes care of whether the message is to be passed as unicast or broadcast. In this case also, UDP protocol is used at the transport layer with destination port as 68. The client enters selecting stage during this step Step 3: The client forms a DHCPREQUEST message in reply to DHCPOFFER message and sends it to the server indicating it wants to accept the network configuration sent in the DHCPOFFER message. If there were multiple DHCP servers that received DHCPDISCOVER then client could receive multiple DHCPOFFER messages. But, the client replies to only one of the messages by populating the server identification field with the IP address of a particular DHCP server. All the messages from other DHCP servers are implicitly declined. The DHCPREQUEST message will still contain the source address as as the client is still not allowed to use the IP address passed to it through DHCPOFFER message. The client enters requesting stage during this step. Step 4: Once the server receives DHCPREQUEST from the client, it sends the DHCPACK message indicating that now the client is allowed to use the IP address assigned to it. The client enters the bound state during this step.

It uses UDP protocol for communication between servers Telnet is the main Internet protocol for creating a connection to a remote server SMTP - Short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers A VPN is a service that offers secure, reliable connectivity over a shared public network infrastructure such as the Internet MAC (Media Access Control) addresses are globally unique addressed that are written into hardware at the time of manufacture Whereas MAC addressing works at the data link layer, IP addressing functions at the network layer (layer 3). It's a slight oversimplification

A gateway is a network point that provides entrance into another network. On the Internet, a node or stopping point can be either a gateway node or a host (endpoint) node A firewall is a hardware or software installed to provide security to the private networks connected to the internet. They can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both. All data entering or leaving the Intranet passes through the firewall which allows only the data meeting the administrators rules to pass through it. NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/output System) Protocol allows applications on separate computers to communicate over a LAN. It runs over TCP/IP giving each computer in the network a NetBIOS name and IP address. E.g. It can be used for computers running Windows 2000 (or before) to join a computer network running Windows 2000 (or later). Internet Group Management Protocol, allows internet hosts to multicast. i.e. to send messages to a group of computers. There may be a group of internet hosts interested to multicast. IGMP allows router to determine which host groups have members on a given network segment. It helps to establish group memberships. It is commonly used for streamlining videos and gaming. The protocol can be implemented both as a host side and router side. The host side is responsible to notify its membership in a group. The notification is made to a local router. This local router (router side) in turn sends out queries. Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol: - It is a family of protocols used for communication and connection between hosts on the internet. It is the most widely used standard for transmitting data over the internet. The four layers in the protocol are (from bottom to top):- Physical layer, Data link layer, Network layer, transport layer and application layer, also called as the OSI model. In TCP/IP, IP is responsible for forwarding packets while TCP ensures the correct delivery of data from client to server. TCP detects loss of data as well. HTTP or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is provides a set of rules to transfer files, videos, images over the World Wide Web. When the web browser is opened, a HTTP request call is made. A web server contains a HTTP daemon. This daemon is used to wait for HTTP requests and handle them when they arrive. The web browser from where HTTP requests are made is called as a client. These requests are sent to the server. It uses a reserved port no 80. NNTP or Network News Transfer Protocol is used to manage the notes posted on unset newsgroup (a collection of posted notes on a subject posted by different users). NNTP servers are responsible for managing Usenet newsgroup collected

globally. A NTTP client is a part of the web browser also called as a news reader. It uses a reserver port no 119. POP3 or Post Office Box 3 is used for receiving emails. It is a client server protocol which holds the email. Once the email is downloaded from the server, POP3 deletes it from the server. Ordinal numbers are used to identify specific messages. SNMP or Simple Network Management Protocol is typically used for managing the network. Managing the network includes managing the nodes present in the network. These nodes may be server, routers, bridges and hubs. SNMP agents are used to achieve this. Managing the network is essential because it helps to monitor network performance, detect network faults or failures, audit network usage etc. the SNMP messages like TRAP, GET or SET may be invoked by network elements or network management system. 400 Bad Request 500 Internal Server Error 403 Forbidden Error 404 Not Found List of Common HTML Error Codes Code 100 101 Description Continue Switching Protocols OK Created Accepted Action completed successfully Success following a POST command The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. Response to a GET command, indicates that the returned meta information is from a private overlaid web. Comment

200 201 202


Partial Information


No Content

Server has received the request but there is no information to send back.

205 206

Reset Content Partial Content The requested file was partially sent. Usually caused by stopping or refreshing a web page.

300 301

Multiple Choices Moved Permanently Requested a directory instead of a specific file. The web server added the filename index.html, index.htm, home.html, or home.htm to the URL.


Moved Temporarily See Other Not Modified The cached version of the requested file is the same as the file to be sent.

303 304

305 400

Use Proxy Bad Request The request had bad syntax or was impossible to be satisfied. User failed to provide a valid user name / password required for access to file / directory.




Payment Required Forbidden The request does not specify the file name. Or the directory or the file does not have the permission that allows the pages to be viewed from the web. The requested file was not found.



Not Found


Method Not Allowed Not Acceptable Proxy Authentication Required Request TimeOut Conflict Gone Length Required Precondition Failed Request Entity Too Large Request-URL Too Large Unsupported Media Type Server Error In most cases, this error is a result of a problem with the code or program you are calling rather than with the web server itself. The server does not support the facility required.

406 407


409 410 411 412






Not Implemented

502 503

Bad Gateway Out of Resources The server cannot process the request due to a system overload. This should be a temporary condition.


Gateway TimeOut

The service did not respond within the time frame that the gateway was willing to wait.


HTTP Version not supported

Security Loopholes in mobile devices Discuss Why this position? Discuss about your leadership Skills? What is IP address and what is its purpose? What do APNs do? APN stands for Access Point Name and it identifies the data access services associated with your account. Technically, an APN is the exit point from the 3G or GPRS network into either the public Internet or a private customer gateway. The APN must match the user authorization settings. In particular, some corporate customers are only authorized to access their specific corporate APN and are blocked from accessing via another APN. Describe a challenging technical project where you significantly contributed to solution. What's the difference between an IP address and a MAC address?
An IP address is the location of a given computer or other network device on an IP network. It tells other devices where to go to "talk" to that computer/device. Think of it like a phone number. A MAC address is kind of a serial number for network devices like Ethernet cards - the first half of the MAC address tells what brand/model the card is, and the second half is a unique identifier specific to that card.

Here's a scenario where a customer has an issue with their mobile device. What steps would you take to troubleshoot it? A logic test to divide various shapes into smaller shapes of equal size. What is the difference between KSH and SSH? What are basic commands in UNIX? Website and Mobile testing scenarios test cases? Select * from table where 1=1 is true difference is the on performance. INSERT INTO Table_Name (X, Y, Z) where VALUES (v1, v2, v3)

View is used as a virtual table it is used to restrict access to a database. A sub query is used along with the where clause. To search a value using the select statement but do not know the exact value. Index is created to retrieve the rows quickly. CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name(coloumn_name1, coloumn_name2) CREATE TABLE employee

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