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Indian Institute Of Management, Kozhikode

Business Research Methods

Case Analysis Pilgrim Bank (B) To, Prof. Anandakuttan Unnithan

Name Neelesh Kamath Amit Pratap Raheja Roll Number EPGP -04C-060 EPGP -04C-008

Pilgrim Bank (B): Customer Retention

The effect of Online customers New (off-On)that were added in year 2000 were coded along with Old (On-On)1999 customers from the datasheet .The Profitability of the bank has an established relationship with the Online customers which when increased by creating a dummy variable due to the Nominal type of data that could not be used directly as Independent variable in Multiple Regression techniques. The gross effect was found between the Profitability in 2000 and Customer Retention which covered

Variables Entered/Removed Variables Model 1 Entered on_on, age_missing, on_off, dummy_1100, off_on, @9tenure, dummy_1200, inc_missing a. All requested variables entered. Variables Removed Method . Enter

Model Summary Adjusted R Model 1 R .142


Std. Error of the Estimate

R Square .020

Square .020


a. Predictors: (Constant), on_on, age_missing, on_off, dummy_1100, off_on, @9tenure, dummy_1200, inc_missing

ANOVA Model 1 Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 81204441.831 3.933E9 4.015E9 df

Mean Square 8 10150555.229 149064.556

F 68.095

Sig. .000

26387 26395

a. Predictors: (Constant), on_on, age_missing, on_off, dummy_1100, off_on, @9tenure, dummy_1200, inc_missing b. Dependent Variable: @0profit

Business Research Methods

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Pilgrim Bank (B): Customer Retention


Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 (Constant) age_missing inc_missing dummy_1100 dummy_1200 @9tenure off_on on_off on_on a. Dependent Variable: @0profit B 31.946 3.171 25.943 -19.850 27.291 5.926 24.423 12.716 36.278 Std. Error 8.856 12.933 12.953 10.091 7.144 .280 8.551 21.625 7.619 .003 .026 -.015 .029 .130 .018 .004 .029 Coefficients Beta t 3.607 .245 2.003 -1.967 3.820 21.135 2.856 .588 4.762 Sig. .000 .806 .045 .049 .000 .000 .004 .557 .000

Profitability= 31.946+ 3.171 age (miss) + 25.943 Income (miss) 19.850 dummy _1100 + 27.291 dummy 1200 + 6.926 tenure + 24.423 Off_On + 12.716 On_Off + 36.278 On_On

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