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BeRacing Naturalpoint Megane Trophy. Championship's Team winners interview. Interviewed person :Damian D.

Damian's details : Damian Dainhumain,(DH),22, Nottigham,England, Driver pictures to be included. Short career descriptions : Raced in Portuguese Bskilled for 3 event's in GTR,just completed my 1st full sea son in beracing Rfactor Megane's.

Dear Robin and Damian, First of all, sincere congratulations from BeRacing and Naturalpoint for winning the Team's title in the BeRacing Naturalpoint Megane Tr ophy Cup ! Q : How are your feelings towards winning this title ? Damian :Im very very happy to have won the teams championship with Robin especia lly when its DH-Racing's 1st full season,our commitment and hard team work has p ayed of. Q : Did you expect to compete for the title when you entered the championship wi th your team? Damian :Before the season started i thought we would have a good chance,but afte r the first race at Zolder where Robin did not finish in both heats and i only f inihsed in one i thought it was going be hard to win it,but i managed to win the 2nd heat at Zolder which gave us confidence going into the next event's. Q : A season always has ups and downs. What are you're best memories from this s eason and what was the worst? Damian :My best and worse memory's where at Zolder where i had a really poor hea t1 and did not finish but won heat2 from the back of the grid,it was very close and action packed racing,it felt so good to get my 1st win of my belt and even b etter after having such a bad first heat. Q : The fight for the team title was close and intense, Did you guys use any spe cial team tactics to make sure you won the title? Damian :We dident really have any special tactic's expect to finish each race an d have fun. Q : With 2 people in the Top 4 of the drivers championship, team DH racing was c ertainly the strongest one in this season. Is there any way to further improve this strength for future seasons ? Damian :I think we can improve,i would say making less mistake's,like a few unne cessary spin's and making sure our race setup is perfect. Q : You both where competing for the drivers title until the last race. Which ti tle had your priority ?

Damian :I would say a bit of both because i was allways going to try and win the driver's title but at the same time i knew we could win the team's title if we both finished in the top 6 each race. Q : Simracing is still in the early stages of becoming professional appreciated by the big audience. Alot of people still think that it is just about picking a car and race. Do you think that league's like ours who try to simulate the real thing as close as possible will help in changing this ? Damian :Yes i do,you guys are doing a great job with beracing,very well run and i should think people can see the effort you guys and others are making to give people realistic online racing. Q : Naturalpoint has been supporting BeRacing heaps. How are your feelings towar ds of them ? Damian :I can only say good things about them supporting Beracing,i think there should be more people like Naturalpoint willing to support league's. Q : Will you enter the next BeRacing trophy, and what are the future plans? Damian :Yes i will be entering the next BeRacing trophy with Robin,our plans are to go for another Team's title. Q : Naturalpoint is now sponsoring the BeRacing dedicated server. This server is exclusive for BeRacing and Naturalpoint members and gives you and many other people the chance to have online simracing at its best. How do you feel about this initiative, and will you make use of it ? Damian :I think its great that Naturalpoint are sponsoring the BeRacing dedicate d server,its good for the future,i plan on using the server very often. Thank you both for your time and see you on track !

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