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Carlos Drews I
ild A nimals and O the r Pe ts Kept in Co sta Rican
Households: Incid ence , Spe cie s and Num bers
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Once registered, yo u can use the Brill Subscription Activation Form to set up ABSTRACT
electronic access to yo ur j ourn a l(s). This can be done by selec ting from the title
list on Brill's e-journa l web page (http://www.brill.nlJejourna ls/Ejo urnals.html) A nationwide survey that included personal interviews in 1,021
the j ourn al you subscribe to and clicking on the Brill Subscription Activation households studied the incidence, species, and numbers of non­
Form. Please then follow the appropriate link (either Individual Subscribers or
human animals kept in Costa Rican households. A tot al of 7 1%
Institutional Subscribers). Please fill out the form and click on the "enable
acces s" button . of households keep animals.The propor t ion of households keep­
ing dogs (53%) is 3.6 higher t han the proportion of households
3. Ga ining ac cess keeping cats ( 15%). In addition to the usual domestic or com­
After havin g enab led yo ur onlin e access, please select the journal yo u subscr ibe panion animals kept in 66% of the households, 24% of house­
to from Brill's titles list on http ://www .brill.nlJejourn alslEjournals.html and
holds keep wild species as pets.Althoug h parrots are the bulk of
browse the volumes and issues available.
wild species kept as pets, ther e is vast species diversity, including
=> An alternative method might be the website of your subscri p tion agent. other birds, rept iles, mammals, amphibians, fishes, and inver teb­
rates - typically caught in their natural habitat to satisfy the pet
market. The extract ion from the wild and the keeping of such
animals is by-and-Iarge illegal and o ften involves endangered
species. Costa Ricans, in a conserv ative estimate , keep about
Please brow se throu gh the e-j ournals title list on the Brill website 151,288 parro ts as pets. More than half the respondents have
(http://www.brill.nIlejourna lslEj ournals.html) and select the j ournal of yo ur kept a psitta cid at some point in th eir lives. Pet keeping is a
cho ice. Th en click on the app ropri ate volume and select the article you are
commo n practice in Costa Rican society, and its incidence is high
interested in. You will then automatically be guided throu gh the purchasing
by international standards
KEYWORD S: captivity. pet, psitt acid, w ildlife, cult ure, illegal,
biod iversity, conservation, animal prot ection, welfare

Pet keeping hab its are one manifestati on of the re­

lationship between socie ty and nature. Nonhum an
ani mals commo nly are kep t as com p an ion animals
(do mestic pe ts) in many societies, but dat a abo ut
Society & Animals 9,2 (2001)
© Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2001
the incidence of this habit and the species involved are available for just a The majority of non-domestic species kept as pets are birds, mostly parrots.
few of them. Surveys conducted in the United States suggest that a little more Captive-bred parakeets, such as budgerigars and cockatiels, commonly are
than half of the households keep a pet. Good Housekeeping Consumer Panel kept as pet birds (Nilsson, 1981). In 1962, 13% of American households were
Report (1962) notes 58% of Americans; AVMA (1997), 59% of households. reported to keep a pet bird (Good Housekeeping Consumer Panel Report,
Similarly, about half of Dutch households keep at least one pet (Vinke, 1998). 1962). Almost all were psittacids (81% parakeets and 2% parrots), and the
In a German sample of 1 484 attendants to an adult education program, Schulz rest were canaries (17%). In 1978, 10% of American respondents of a nation­
(1985) found that in the preceding two years 47.5% owned a companion wide survey reported owning a pet bird during the preceding two years,
animal, excluding birds or horses. About 64% of Australian households own whereas 42% owned a pet bird at some point in life (Kellert, 1980). In that
pets (McHarg, Baldock, Heady, & Robinson, 1995; INEC, 1999). study, the majority of bird species ever owned were parakeets (60%), fol­
Although the vast majority of pets are domestic animals - typically dogs, cats, lowed by canaries (19%), and parrots and cockatoos (5%). A preference shift
or captive-bred birds, and fishes - there is a proportion of wild animals among among Americans from psittacids bred locally toward exotic parrots can be
them. Numerous wild animals are the subjects of legal and illegal interna­ inferred from a more than ten-fold increase in the number of imported macaws
between 1970 and 1978 (Nilsson, 1979).
tional trade to satisfy the market of exotic pets (Inskipp, 1975; Nilsson, 1977,
1979,1981; Nilsson & Mack, 1980; Poten, 1991; Fitzgerald, 1989; AWl & EIA, Similarly, Kellert (1980) finds that species kept by Connecticut children also
1992; Hemley, 1994). Most of these species are native to tropical countries and suggest a shift from parakeets toward exotic parrots and mynahs (genus
wild caught (Clapp & Banks, 1973; Clapp, 1975). Some are kept as pets in Acridotheres, Gracula or Ampeliceps). The majority of such exotic birds are typ_
their countries of origin as well, but the incidence of this habit is much more ically taken from the wild (Clapp & Banks, 1973; Clapp, 1975). A bird was
poorly documented there than in the importing countries. International
kept by 30% of the German respondents during the two years preceding the
wildlife trade has been the focus of attention from the perspective of species survey (Schulz, 1985), whereas 18% of Australian households owned a pet
conservation and animal protection considerations. The same concerns apply
bird at the time of the study (!statistics.html. 17.3.2000).
to trade of animals for the pet market within tropical countries, but the evi­
dent lack of data has obscured thus far the magnitude of the phenomenon There are no nationwide studies about pet- keeping habits in the countries
(Perez, 1999). that supply most wild species for the international pet market (Fitzgerald,
1989). Although Costa Rica traditionally has not been an exporting country
The occurrence of wild species among pets has been studied, at least in the for wildlife (Cedeno & Drews, 1999; G6mez & Drews, 2000), many of the
United States, Germany, and England. In a sample of Ll.S. students, 22.5% Central American species that enter international trade occur there. This study
reported keeping wild animals at home (Pomerantz, 1977; Kellert, 1980). Aney aims at a characterization of pet keeping habits in Costa Rican society, with
and Cowan (1974), cited in Kellert (1980), report that 8% of Oregonians keep
an emphasis on wild animals. In this report, I present the incidence of pet
a wild animal native to the United States as a pet. In a nationwide survey of keeping for various species of wild and domestic animals.
American adults (Kellert, 1980), 13.3% reported owning a wild animal pet
other than a bird during the 10 years preceding the study. In Germany, 9.2%
of the interviewees reported having kept a wild animal at home at some point
during the preceding ten years (Schulz, 1985). In a survey of 2530 school stu­ The nationwide sample consisted of 1021 Costa Rican adults and their house­
dents from South East England, 10% reported having kept reptiles or amphib­ holds. The primary sampling unit was the census segment, a predefined set
ians as pets, 60% of which had been caught from the wild rather than bought of about 40-60 households used as the basic unit for the logistical planning
from a pet shop (Smart & Bride, 1993). of a national census. A total of 278 (2.6%) such segments were randomly

108 • Carlos Drews

W ild Anim als and O t her Pets Kept in Co sta Rican Households • 109
selected from the natio nal total of 10,535 segm ents of the 1984 population The qu esti onnaire included ques tions ab out kn ow ledge, attitudes, an d prac­
cens us wit h a probability p rop ortional to their size. The secondary sam pling tices wi th respect to various top ics related to wil dlife. Sociologists, Emilio
units we re the hou seh old s w ithin each segment. The int erviewer visited these Vargas and Isabel Rom an and personnel fro m Unime r Research In ternationa l
sys tematically and clockwi se from a rando m starting poi nt until th e sex and revie wed th e content, form, and structure of the que sti onnaire. The draftin g
age quota for that segment was covered. Th is sys tem usually yield ed five stage in clu ded several trials and a pil ot stu dy by the intervi ewers w ho were
households sampled by each intervi ewer per seg ment in a day. O nly one to collect the field data. The final version of the questionnaire w as applied
ad ult w as interv iewed in ea ch hou sehold. The m aximum sa m p ling error
th rough p erson al interviews w ith ad ults of the na tional sa mp le of house­
associated to th e 1021 adu lts or househ old s w as 3.1% for a 95% confid enc e
hold s. Most of the ques tions we re close d. In some of th e qu esti ons, cards
inter val. were used to visualize the op tions availa ble to the respondent.
The source of dem ographic information about Costa Rica for the va lida tio n
For th e purposes of this stu dy, w ildlife was defined to th e respondents as
of the samp le wa s th e 1999 population proj ecti on of th e Cen tral American
any an imal that usually live s in the forest, rivers, lake s, or the sea : mammals,
Popul ation Program of the Univ ersity of Costa Rica (http ://
birds, reptiles, am p hibia ns, fishes, an d inver tebrates. The respondent wa s
Prop ortion s of dem og raphic gro ups among the Costa Rican population are
asked to say w hich speci es from a list of dome stic and wild anima ls were
shown in bracke ts n ext to th e prop orti on of that g ro u p in th e sa mple.
kept currently or previou sly at hom e. The domestic spec ies read out by thei r
Ho use h olds representing ur ban and ru ral segments were chosen according
vern acular nam es were dog, chicken, cat, catt le, budger igar or cockatiel, horse,
to a qu ota based on th e national d istribution of the se chara cteri stics, yield­
pi g, canary, rabbit, duck, goose, turkey, ham ster or gu ine a-pi g, goa t, phea s­
ing 47.8% (48.3%) urb an and 52.2% (51.7%) rural ho usehold s.
ant, sheep, pe acock, can ary bird, an d goldfish. The w ild spe cies listed w ere
A pre-est ablished qu ota for sex and age classe s contributed to the simil arity m acaw, p arrot, tou can, green p arakeet, "o ther wild bird," snake, iguana or
between the sam ple an d the national dem ography. Quo tas for ad u lts were cten osaur, ra ccoon, coatimundi, ago uti, w hite-face cap uchin monkey, spide r
balanced with res pe ct to sex ratio in each age class. The resulting overall sex monkey, howle r m onkey, squirrel m onk ey, felids, de er, turtles in aquarium,
rati o among ad u lts inter viewed w as 48.8% (50.0%) ma le and 51.2% (50.0%) tortoises, fishes other th an goldfish, frogs or toad s in terrarium or aquarium,
femal e. Age classes were di stributed as follows: 35.7% (36.3%) of 18-29 years, and "other wild spe cies". Color plates wi th Costa Rican species of psi ttaci ds
51% (47.6%) of 30-49 years, an d 13.3% (16.1%) of 50 years or m ore . The d is­ and felids were shown to respondents for sp ecies level identification if any
tribu tion of age classes dep arted sligh tly, but significan tly, from the n ation al of the se were kept at home. In addition, resp ondents we re as ked to na me the
1999 population projection . Ana lyses discrim inating betw een age classes w ere species of the other wild bird, the fish es, and the other wild sp ecies kept.
we ighe d according ly.
Personnel fro m Unimer Research Int ernational collected th e data in the field,
The socioeco nomic level of each hou seh old was determi ned from a modi fi­ prepared the di gital database, and performed some of the analyses under th e
cation of Duncan' s socioeconomi c index, which integrates informa tion about su per vision of the author. Before departing to the field for the pil ot study,
the adult interviewed - appliances and the total number of light bulbs found the 16 in terviewers and 5 group supervisors alloca ted to th is project under­
in the hou seh old (c. Garda, January 1999, personal communicat ion ). Th is we nt a tra ining session led by th e autho r and Unim er 's project m an ager.
study d istingu ished th ree levels with the following representation in the sam­ Teams composed of four interview ers and a gro up supe rv isor visited house­
ple: 57.9% low / middle -low, 35.3% middle, and 6.9% mi ddle-hig h/ high. There holds in the locations pred etermined in the sam p le. This investiga tion wa s
is no comp arab le estima te of the na tion w ide Costa Rican distrib u tion of these intro d uced to the p otential resp ondent as a st udy abou t the relation ship
fl •• •

strata; hence, validation of these proport ion s is no t possible. be tween Costa Ricans and nature" . In 5.7% of cases, the interview was refus ed
up-front. Eight in terv iews (0.7%) were int errupted an d, therefore, exclu ded

I I 0 • Carlos D rew s
W ild A nimals and OtherPet s Kept in Costa Rican Ho useho lds • I I I
from the sample. In 9% of cases, no one opened the door (a ma ximum of Table 1. Incidence of various species of domestic animals in Costa Rican households.
three revisits were made in such cases) . Substitute, additional households Percentages do not add up to 100 since a given household may have more than one
were visited to complete the target sample. The intervie ws lasted on average of the listed species. Statistical significance levels of chi-square tests for the associa­
34 minutes (range 20-55 minutes) as established from a random sub-sample tion between domestic species and the occurrence of wildlife pets in the same house­
of 55 cases. The data were collected over a 52-day period, between March 16 hold are shown by * (** = p < 0.01, *** = P < 0.001). Significant, positive association
(+) indicates that theproportion with wildlife was significantly higher among house­
and May 6, 1999.
holds keeping the particular domestic species than among those without it.
The filled questionnaires were subject to an initial revision by the group super­
visor in the field . The project manager, through telephone calls to respon­ Animal % households (n = 1021) Association with wildlife pet
dents, confirmed about one third of the interviews. Open questions were Dog 53.0 + (***)
codified and the questionnaire checked again for completeness and consi s­ Chicken 20.3 + (**)
tenc y before their entry into a digital database in SPSS Inc. form at. The data­ Cat 14.8 + (**)
base was checked both for outlying and extreme values and inconsistencies. Cattle 6.2 n.s.
In addition, the contents of the database and th e questionnaires were cross­ Budgerigar or 4.8 + (**)
checked in a random sub -sample of 30 cases. The statistics software pack­ cockatiel
Horse 4.5 n.s.
age SPSS Version 8.0 w as used for the an aly ses. A confidence interval of 95%
Pig 4.4 n.s.
w as used in all tests (alpha = 0.05). Confidence intervals were not calculated
Canary 4.1 + (***)
for percentag es based on number of mentions because the se were not statis­
Rabbit 3.2 n .s,
tically independent - given that some respondents contributed with sev eral
Goldfish 2.7 + (***)
mentions to the sample. Duck 2.5 + (***)
Results Goose 1.8 + (**)
Turkey 1.6 n.s.
Incidence is expressed as percentage of the 1021 sam p led households unless Hamster or 1.1 n.s.
oth erw ise indicated, and the corresponding 95% confidence interval is shown guinea-pig
in brackets. The incidence of household s th at kept some animal (domestic, Goat 1.1 n.s.
wild, or both) was 70.6% (67.8-73.4%). In 721 households with animals, 92% Pheasant 0.6 n.s ,
kept domestic species, whereas 33.3% kept w ild sp ecies. Respondents in Sheep 0.4 n .s,
Peacock 0.3 n.s.
68.3% (65.4-71.2%) of all household s reported keeping a pet (domes tic or
wild). The incidence of households th at kept exclusively domestic species
was 47.1% (44.0-50.2%). The incidence of households that kept exclus ively A littl e m ore than half th e households kep t do gs or cats (Table 2). The pro­
wild sp ecies w as 5.0% (3.7-6.3%). The incidence of households that kept both portion of households keeping do gs is 3.6 higher than the proportion of house­
domestic and wild species was 18.5% (16.1-20.9%). At the tim e of the stu dy, holds keeping cats. The proportion of households that keep an y species of
65.6% (62.7-68.5%) of the households kept domestic animals. The mo st com­ livestock (cattle, horses, pigs, goats, sheep, chick ens, geese, ducks, or turkeys)
monly kept domestic sp ecies are dogs, chickens, and cats (Table 1). w as 25.5% (22.8-28.2%). Mammals account for 69.6%, birds for 28.2%, and
goldfishes for 2.2% of the 1,300 mentions of domestic species kept.

I 12 • Car los Drews W ild A nimals and O t her Pet s Kept in Costa Rican Households • I 13
Table 2. Incidence of various species of pet animals among households in Costa mammals, and 0.1% (0-0.3%) kept invertebrates at the time of the study.
Rica, Australia and U.s.A., expressed as percentages of aU households. There were no households with amphibians in the sample. The proportion
of households that kept pet birds, including canaries, budgerigars, cockatiels,
Animal Costa Rica l Australia 2 U.s.A.
and wild species was 23.3% (20.7-25.9%), poultry excluded. The incidence
"a pet" 68.0 64.0 58-593 and numbers of wild animals kept by Costa Ricans from the list of species
dog 53.0 39.7 32-394
in the questionnaire (ef Methods) are shown in Table 3.
cat 14.8 26.5 27-32 4
dog or cat 57.2 52.9 46-55 5 The median number of individuals kept per species in each household, the
bird 23.3 17.6 5-136 proportion of all households that keep the species as a pet (Table 3), the
Sources: sampling error of ±3.1%, and the number of Costa Rican households allow
I this survey (± 3.1% maximum sampling error) a rough calculation of the national pet population of each species. The esti­
2 17.3.2000 mated number of Costa Rican households in 1999 is 835.848 (INEC, 1999).
3 Good Housekeeping Consumer Panel Report (1962), AVMA (1997) For example, since 18.1% (15.7-20.5(1<,) of households kept psittacids, the
4 AVMA (1997), APPMA (2000) national population of pet parrots in Costa Rica is in the order of at least
5 AVMA (1997), Wilbur (1976) 151.288 individuals (95% confidence interval: 131,228-171,348 parrots). This
6 AVMA (1997), Good Housekeeping Consumer Panel Report (1962)
is a conservative estimate given that 13.3% of households with psittacids keep
more than one individual, but the median used for the calculation was 1.0
The probability that wildlife was kept at home was significantly higher in
individual per household. The total number of parrots kept accounts for 27.5%
households that kept domestic species than in those that did not (Chi-square =
of all wild animals kept as pets in Costa Rica (Table 3). Birds and fishes, in sim­
23.9, DF = 1, P < 0.001). At the time of the study, 28.2% (24.8-31.6%) of 670
ilar proportions, make up about 87.3% of all pets kept at the time of the study.
households with domestic animals, kept wildlife, whereas only 14.5% (10.8­
18.2%) of 351 households without domestic animals kept wildlife. Several
Of the 292 mentions of wildlife kept in households (see Table 3) 75.7% were
domestic animals were significantly, positively associated with the keeping
birds followed by reptiles (12.3%), fishes (9.2%), mammals (2.4%), and inver­
of wild species in the same household (see Table 1).
tebrates (0.3%). Among households with wild bird species, the mean num­
At least one wild animal was kept in 23.5% (20.9-26.1%) of the 1021 house­ ber of birds kept was 1.7 and the median 1.0. Psittacids corresponded to 83.2%
holds at the time of the interview. The proportion of households in which of mentions of birds kept in households. Thirteen species of native psittacids
the respondenl kept wildlife at some point was 43.8% (40.8-46.8%). In the were found in the sample (Table 4). The genus Amazona accounted for 47.9%
sample of 1021 adults, 64.7% (61.8-67.6%) said they had kept a wild animal of all mentions of psittacids kept as pets, followed by Brotogeris jugularis and
at some point in their lives. Among 240 adults who kept wildlife at the time Aratinga nana. These three genera account for 87% of all mentions of psittacids
of the study, 98% (97.1-98.9%) reported that the animal was kept as a pet, kept. The proportion of households with captive-bred psittacids, such as
whereas only 2% (1.1-2.9%) kept the animal for consumption, to give as a budgerigars and cockatiels (considered as "domestic species" in this study),
gift, or to sell. This coincides roughly with the finding that upon being asked, was less than one third of the proportion of households with wild- caught,
"Is there a pet in this household?" only 5% responded "No," when later in native parrot species (Table 1 d. Table 3). Turtles were the most commonly
the interview it was documented that they did keep wildlife at home. kept reptiles. Deer, agoutis, and monkeys represented the majority of mam­
malian species kept, but the sample size of mammals was too small to assess
At least 18.7;1;, (16.3-21.1%) of the 1021 households kept wild species of birds, their corresponding, relative importance. Less than 1% of the Costa Rican house­
3.3% (2.2-4.4%) kept reptiles, 2.6% (1.6-3.6%) kept fishes, 0.4% (0-0.8%) kept holds kept wild mammals or invertebrates as pets at the time of the study.

I 14 • Carlos Drews Wild Animals and Other Pets '<ept in Costa Rican Households • I 15
: .~ Table 4. Relative proportions of various parrot species among the sample of parrots
g ~ kept in Costa Rican households, for cases in which an identification with color
'"0 '"0 ~• plates was made by the respondent.


~ '0
.~ ...c ~ I
,......, .....-I
1;!J Q)
'-0'-" Q)
(fj ~ ~
,.-.., ,.-.,
","'- ~ ~ --..
--- --.. ---
~ b--< ~ ~ ~ ~
--- --.. ,.-.., --- --.. --..
6--< ~
--.. ...-.. - ­
6-'2. ~ Species Cases Percent (%)
........ ..- '"0
Vca l!"la;a;~0j\!:!l!"l~"C'"l"""OOO
'0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 'S: /IJ \0 ,....; ~ ~
/IJ 'i' ;:::: ,....; N ,....; ,....; ,....; ,....; ~ Orange-chinned parakeet (Brotogeris jugularis) 48 29.1
.;!J ~ ~ cc:J :J< ~ ~~~ ~ "Parrot" (Amazona sp.) 27 16.4
,......, ("Q: co L"' ;..,..I..i.,.....,
: .-s .-s ..., Red-lored parrot (Amazona autumnalis) 16 9.7
8 (5 (5"S
Q.., Q)
Olive-throated parakeet (Amtinga nana) 16 9.7
'-" S ~S ~
'-:>'. Q)
..., ~§ '-0'-" ,5!l§ ::z:j ~ ~ ~ White-fronted parrot (Amazona albifrons) 15 9.1
'"0 >.~
E 1l p. .;:1~ .9c '?iii '"O...c
'S: 35 ~ ~
c;:) 0 0
t:. 80 ~
c;:) 0t:. Yellow-naped parrot (Amazona auropalliata) 14 8.5
s '2
..s ~ ~ S ~ .5 1
>-,Q) i;j ~~;::J ""';N'i'''''';'''''' ,....,
Mealy parrot (Amazona farinosa) 7 4.2
'0 '"0 .~ Red-fronted parrotlet (Touit costaricensis) 5 3.0
<UO ...c ~ ~ ~---"0 c:::l
Q) Barred parakeet (Bolborhynchus lineola) 5 3.0

.- 635 -.8~ ~ 35 ,....;
""""....r:::: 0
White-crowned parrot (Pionus senilis) 4 2.4
..... ...c~ i!:~
.-s ~0 1;:i -5II ~
" ,....;
N \!:!
N a;
,....; ~
,....; 00j 0j
0 '"'!
0 "0 "0 0" "0 ,....,
c:i 'i'
,....< Scarlet macaw (Am macao) 2 1.2
~<tl .2:Q) -5i0 Q) Brown-hooded parrot (Pionopsitta haematotis) 2 1.2
~ ~
1,......, b.O ::s;g
~ <....I-i
Sulfur-winged parakeet (Pyrrhum hoffmanni) 2 1.2
Q);g .5::g
u ~ i!: ~
O~O Blue-headed parrot (Pionus menstruus) 2 1.2
1~...c 'O;g.-s /I "l'-:C'"la;C'"l0C!0C!0C!~~~~~00
~ °~ g
~ 35 ~...c
0 0 .~ ~
i!: ~ ~ 00 ;:::: t'.. \0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° Lri I Total mentions of species 165 99.9
._ -+-0 ~

~ Q.., '0 (fj

(1j;J~ C/):9
Uo ,.,..,v ..... o...cQ)
Q.., 1:: .~

.5 .:::2 ~Q) ~ 0 .-;

;g ...c·0
~ ::2
c:::l t'.. 0\ /IJ
N N N ,....; ,...., ,...., ,...., ,...., 'i'
Ri Table 5 illustrates the species richness of wild animals kept in Costa Rican
-+-0 .::2
§ ~ ~ ? rJ)
households, listing the species kept by the respondents either in childhood
~ ~:~ '"0 (fj ~ ~
'" or in the sampled household. Table 5 includes amphibians, snakes, felids,
"u~ ~~ ""0
.S .~
.Et ~.!§
. .t:: ~ raccoons, coatimundis, and white-faced capuchin monkeys who were not
::s til ~
rJ)U <....I-i
~ U~ s
'S:, .E
J!j c mentioned in the sample of animals kept at the time of the study (Table 3).
._ P-. ill
i!: ;, ~
:§ ~ ~
~ ~
·6~ In addition, Table 5 breaks up the category, "other wild birds," by species. It
1 g :?
~ u
~ ~
§ v ",,,, ~
illustrates that, next to psittacids, the list of bird species kept as pets includes
~ ~('Ijc:u;:S
~ ~
§ % -5 ~
~ S 9- 11 11 ~ ~ .5 "'" -+-0
the families Emberizidae, Ramphastidae, Turdidae, Fringillidae, Thraupidae,
~ ~
.9 '"0
'0 "2 ;::J'6 ~.:- ~ 1l(fj~~"'CJJ'"
';:, ~ ;g t "§; Anatidae, Strigidae, Icteridae, Phasianidae, Accipitridae, Picidae and Cracidae,
B ~
iiiu .-- S .~
.8 ~ § &.
0"'" 'C ('Ij
§ ~ '"0 ~ "2 ~
~ ~ '""0 CL
§ '8~ .5?i ki::
in that order. In total, the sampled Costa Ricans at some point kept at least
'"0 ] ';;'~
<tl .5 Q) ~ ~ 'ca ~ S ..., ::::- 0 ;::: 45 species of native wildlife.
~ § ~ -0 ~ .S ~ .~ ~ 0.0 t § bJ 2 ~ ~ .~
rei Q..,
~ 1....... ...c
('Ij IJJ
.....~ .8~ ;:::s<tl g .~ ~ '"0 0::: .~;:::s "0
b.O...c .-
~ ~ F2 OJ) <t: > F2 Q..,::r:: 0"' Q.., '"
,..J • ..-:
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I 16 • Carlos Drews Wild Animals and Other Pets Kept in Costa Rican Households • I 17
Table 5. Wild species kept at home by Costa Rican respondents either during the
Table 5 (cont.)
study, previously or during childhood. * = species or genus uncertain.
Species Mentions % within % of
Species Mentions % within % of taxonomic total
taxonomic total group
Mammals: 142 100.0 10.7
Birds: 894 100.0 67.4 Agouti (Agouti paca) 41 28.9 3.1
Parrots (Psittacidae)! 776 86.8 58.5 Racoon (Procyon lotor) 23 16.2 1.7
Other wild birds: 118 13.2 8.9 Coatimundi (Nasua narica) 17 12.0 1.3
Seed eater (Sporophila sp.) 20 2.2 1.5 White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) 16 11.3 1.2
Yellow-faced grassquit (Tim"is olivacea*) 19 2.1 1.4 Red-backed squirrel monkey
Toucan (Ramphastidae) 18 2.0 1.4 (Saimiri oerstedii) 15 10.6 1.1
Black-faced solitaire (Myadestes melanops) 10 1.1 0.8 Central American spider monkey
Siskin, goldfinch (Carduelis sp.) 9 1.0 0.7 (Ateles geoffroyi) 10 7.0 0.8
Euphonia (Euphonia sp.) 7 0.8 0.5 White-faced capuchin monkey
Whistling-duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis*) 4 0.4 0.3 (Cebus capllcinus) 9 6.3 0.7
Owl (Strigidae) 3 0.3 0.2 Mantled howler monkey
Cacique, oriole (Cacicus sp./Amblycerclls
(Alouatta palliata) 8 5.6 0.6
p./Icterus sp.*) 3 0.3 0.2 Felids (Felidae) 3 2.1 0.2
Robin (Turdus sp.) 2 0.2 0.2 Amphibians (frogs or toads in
Bobwhite, quail (COlil1US sp./
terrarium or aquarium): 4 100.0 0.3
Odontophorus sp.*) 2 0.2 0.2 Fishes (other than goldfish)2: 75 100.0 5.7
Wood-partridge, quail (Dendrortyxl
Invertebrates (spiders or
ellcophrys* / Odontophorus sp.*) 1 0.1 0.1 insects in terrarium): 4 100.0 0.3
Yellow-eared toucanet (Selenidem
Total of mentions: 1327 100.0
spectabilis) 1 0.1 0.1 Base (respondents who mentioned
Raptor (Accipitridae) 1 0.1 0.1 at least one species): 661
Woodpecker (Picidae) 1 0.1 0.1
Blue-gray tanager (Thmllpis episcopus*) 1 0.1 0.1 1 see Table 4 for a list of species of psittacids.
Chachalaca (Ortalis sp.) 1 0.1 0.1 2 see text for a list of species of fishes.
Other 15 1.7 1.1
Reptiles: An estimated 6% (4.5-7.5%) of the 1021 households kept an aquarium with
208 100.0 15.7
Tortoise 89 fishes and/ or turtles. Fishes were kept in 55 cases corresponding to 5.4% (4.0­
42.8 6.7
Turtle in aquarium (Trachemys scripta) 76 36.5 5.7 6.8%) of the households. Turtles - the majority probably Traclzemys scripta -
Iguana, ctenosaur (Iguana iguana, were kept in 19 cases corresponding to 1.9% (1.1-2,7%) of the households.
Ctenosaum simi/is) 30 14.4 The mean numbers of fishes and turtles kept per household were 13 and 1.8,
Snake (Ophidia) 13 respectively. Goldfish (Caracinidae, Cnrassius iluratus) were kept in 51% of
6.3 1.0
the cases reporting fishes in a tank, whereas the remainder included Old

I I8 • Cal-los Dl'ews
Wild Animals and Other Pets Kept In Costa Rican Households· 119
World species, such as tilapia (Ciclidae, probably Tilapia rendalIi), Siamese 10% of German respondents raised livestock in the preceding two years
fighting fish (Anabantidae, Betta splendens), and koi (Caracinidae, Cyprinus (Kellert, 1980; Schulz; 1985), at the time of the survey every fourth house­
carpio), in addition to Neotropical species such as catfish (Loricaridae, prob­ hold in Costa Rica kept livestock. The proportion of households that keep
ably Pseudoplatystoma fascilltum), guppies (Poecilidae, Poecilia retieulata), kiss­ horses in Costa Rica is three times higher (1.5%) than in the United States
ing gourami (Anabantidae, Helostoma temmineki), oscar (Ciclidae, Astronotus (AVMA,1997).
oeellatus), tetra (Caracidae, probably Paraeheirodon axelrodi), cory (Calictidae,
probably Corydoras narcissus), and angel fish (Ciclidae, Pterophyllum sealare). Keeping wild animals as pets is common practice in Costa Rica. At some
In the 240 households with wildlife at the time of the study, 18 (7.5%) Corre­ point, almost half the families have kept wildlife. Wild species are rarely kept
sponded to cases in which the only wild animals in the house were fishes in for consumption or business. The majority of wild animals kept in Costa Rica
a tank. are birds, mostly wild-caught parrots. The thirteen species of native parrots
found in the sample correspond to 81.3% of all Costa Rican psittacids (Stiles
Discussion & Skutch, 1989). The preference for parrots as pet birds in Costa Rica is in
line with such preference in other societies. In the United States, for exam­
Animals at home are part of Costa Rican culture. More than two thirds of
ple, psittacids correspond to 65% of species of pet birds kept (Kellert, 1980).
'I I Costa Rican households keep at least one animal. Almost all these house­
More than half the Costa Rican respondents have kept a psittacid at some
"" I holds keep domestic species. By international standards, the incidence of
point in their lives. Other wild birds ever kept by Costa Ricans include at
,1,1 households with pets in Costa Rica is high. It is higher than in Australia and
least 17 species of passerines, toucans, ducks, raptors, chicken-like birds, and
1 the United States (Table 2), as well as in the Netherlands and Germany, where
woodpeckers. In contrast to the prevalence of mammalian species among
only about half the households keep at least one pet (Vinke, 1998; Schulz,
domestic animals, mammals are but a small minority among wild animals
1985). The proportion of households that keep pet birds in Costa Rica is higher
kept as pets. These have included monkeys, deer, agouti, squirrels, raccoons,
than in Australia and in the United States. (Table 2). Every fourth Costa Rican
coatimundis, and felids.
I household keeps wild animals, typically extracted from their natural habitat.
By contrast, the overall rate of specialty and exotic pet ownership in the Turtles are, after birds, the most commonly kept wild animal in Costa Rican
United States is only 11% (AVMA, 1997). This includes rabbits, hamsters, households. About 14% of households with wildlife keep a turtle in an aquar­
guinea pigs, pigeons, poultry, and livestock species. Therefore, the rate of ium or a tortoise (calculated from Table 3). Although the mean number of
ownership of wild species in the United States is expected to be even lower. turtles kept in Costa Rican households is the same as in American house­
holds, fewer households (only 0.5%) keep a turtle in the United States than
Dogs, followed by chickens and cats, comprise the majority of domestic species
in Costa Rica (AVMA, 1997). In a Costa Rican sample of 1,000 secondary
kept in Costa Rican households. Costa Ricans have a stronger preference for
school pupils, Castillo (1986) found that 17% kept turtles at home. The major­
dogs over cats than do Americans or Australians (Table 2). Dogs are kept 1.2
ity (61%) kept just one individual. In 88% of the cases, the turtles were kept
to 1.3 times more often than cats in American househOlds (AVMA, 1997;
as pets, for fun, or for their aesthetic appeal.
APPMA, 2000), and 1.5 times more often than cats in Australian househOlds
(!statistics.html). In Costa Rica, however, the proportion In this study, the turtles were not identified to species level. Acuna-Mesen,
of households keeping dogs is 3.6 higher than the proportion of househOlds (1998) reports at least four of eight species of continental turtles that occur
keeping cats. in Costa Rica as pets: the majority are Traehemys (syn. Chrysemys, Pseudemys)
scripta [Emydidae], a species typically kept in an aquarium and captive-raised
The proportion of households that keep livestock is higher in Costa Rica than in this country for commercial purposes (J. Rodriguez, personal communi­
in the United States or Germany. While 6.4% of American respondents and cation). But other species, such as Chelydra serpentina aeutirostris (Chelydridae),
I20 • Carlos Drews
Wild Animals and Other Pets Kept in Costa Rican Households • 121
Kinostemon leucostormmz postinguinole (Kinosternidae), and Rhinoclemmys pul­ tic animals, a large proportion of pet animals belongs to wild, native species,
I. cherrima manni (Emydidae), are wild caught and also commercialized as pets typically caught in their natural habitat to satisfy the pet market. The extrac­
I within the country. Other reptiles kept as pets include iguanas and, to a lesser tion from the wild and the keeping of such animals is by-and-large illegal
II degree, snakes. and often involves endangered species. Although parrots are the bulk of wild
species kept as pets, there is considerable species diversity, including other
The proportion of households keeping fishes is similar in Costa Rica and the birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, fishes, and invertebrates. The inci­
United States. Fishes are kept as pets in 6.3% of U.s. households, with a mean dences reported for Costa Rica cannot easily be related to other tropical coun­
number of 8.9 fishes per household (AVMA, 1997). By definition, all fish tries for lack of similar studies.
species other than goldfish were considered in this study as wild. Nevertheless,
some of the wild fish species kept by respondents in Costa Rica are com­ Acknowledgments
monly bred in captivity for the pet market, and most are not native to this
I am grateful to Humane Society International (HSUS!HSI, Washington, D.C.),
which funded and encouraged the survey. Emilio Vargas and Isabel Roman
The bulk of wild, terrestrial vertebrates kept as pets - mostly birds - typically provided helpful comments on earlier versions of the questionnaire. Gerardo
are caught illegally in the wild. In this respect, the only exceptions are Abadfa matched common names of fishes mentioned by respondents with
iguanas and some turtles, who were, until recently, captive bred in Costa Rica their scientific nomenclature and provided information about fish- keeping
for authorized local sale and export. If we subtract from the total of 240 habits. Personnel from HSUS !HSI were helpful in providing additional lit­
households with wildlife the 32 cases in which the only wild animals in the erature. The Regional Wildlife Management Program of the National University
house were probably captive bred (iguanas, fishes, or turtles in a tank), then of Costa Rica provided logistical support throughout the study. Personnel
20.4% of Costa Rican households keep at least one wild animal taken from from Unimer contributed greatly to the success of the survey and, in partic­
natural habitat, in most cases illegally. At least 87% of households with wild­ ular, Gerardo Fonseca to the rigorous completion of the analyses. My sincere
life never have tried to obtain a permit to keep the animal (Drews, 1999). At thanks to the people of Costa Rica who were interviewed and shared their
least half the Costa Rican wild pet population has been wild caught, since the practices, attitudes, and knowledge about wildlife in a most unconditional
sum of fishes, aquarium turtles, and iguanas represents 49.9% of the total luanner.
of wild pets of the sample (Table 3). This is a conservative estimate, given
* Carlos Drews, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
that not all fishes, turtles, or iguanas necessarily come from captive breeding
I Note
All psittacids, primates, and felids mentioned as pets in this study are endan­
II 1Correspondence should be sent to Carlos Drews, Programa Regional en Manejo
gered or vulnerable under IUCN criteria or national legislation (Solis, Jimenez,
de Vida Silvestre, Universidad Naeional, Apartado 1350-3000 Heredia, Costa Rica.
Brenes, & Strusberg, 1999). With the exception of white-faced capuchin mon­
keys, these species are listed in the CITES appendices, indicating interna­
tional concern about the potential harm to their wild populations from References
international trade. This study documents that some of this species commonly
Acui\a-Mesen R. A. (1998). Las tortugas continentales de Costa Ric/7 (Continental turtles
are traded 10caUy to satisfy the illegal pet market. from Costa Rica, 2nd ed.). Editorial de la Ul1iversidad de Costa Rim, San Jose, Costa

In conclusion, pet keeping is a common practice in Costa Rican society, and Rica.
its incidence is high by international standards. In addition to the usual domes­

122 • Carlos Drews Wild Animals md Other Pets I<ept in Costa Rican Households • 123

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Inskipp, T. P. (1975). All heaven in a rage: A study of the importation of birds into the United
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AVMA. (1997). U.S. pet ownership & demographics sourcebook. Schaumburg, IL: Center the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
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Costa Rica (Ecological and marketing factors in the breeding of Rhinoclemys pul­
McHarg M., Baldock c., Heady, B. W., & Robinson, A. (1995). National people and pets
I ! : cherrima y Kinosternon scorpioides [Testudines: Emydidae y Kinosternidae] in Costa
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Nilsson, G. (1977). The bird business: A study of the importation of birds into the
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Iii III: American between 1992 and 1996). Unpublished technical report, Programa Regional
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en Manejo de Vida Silvestre, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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cal attitudes (pp. 3-9). Proceedings of the National Conference on Dog and Cat
\ II'I Control, Denver, Colorado. 17.3.2000


Questions on "animal rights" in a cross-national survey conducted

in 1993 provide an opportun'lty to compare the applicability to
this issue of two theories of the socio-politlcal changes summed
up in "postmodernity": Inglehart's (1997) thesis of "postmate­
rialist values" and Franklin's (1999) synthesis of theories of late
modernity. Although Inglehart seems not to have addressed
II human-nonhuman animal relations, it is reasonable to apply his
theory of changing values under conditions of "existential secu­
rity" to "animal rights," Inglehart's postmaterialism thesis argues
that new values emerged within specific groups because of the
achievement of material security. Although emphaSizing human
needs, they shift the agenda toward a ser'les of lifestyle choices
that favor extending lifestyle choices, rights, and environmental
conSiderations, Franklin's account of nonhuman animals and mod­
ern cultures stresses a generalized "ontological insecurity:' Under
postmodern conditions, changes to core aspects of social and cul­
tural life are both fragile and fugitive, As neighborhood, commu­
III nity, family, and friendship relations lose their normative and enduring
qualities, companion animals increasingly are drawn in to those
formel-Iy exclusive human emotional spaces,Wlth a method used
by Inglehart and a focus in countries where his postmaterialist
effects should be most evident, this study derives and tests dif­
ferent expectations from the theOries, then tests them against
data from a survey supporting Inglehart's theory. H,s theory is
not well supported, We conclude that its own anthropocentrism
limits it and that the allowance for hybrids of nature-culture In
Franklin's account offers more promise for a social theory of ani­
mal rights in changing times,

Society & Animais 9:2 (2001)

© Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2001

126 • Cal-los Drews

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