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Teacher Professional Development Department Summer Term FCE FINAL EXAM June 22, 2012

Teacher Professional Development Department 2012 f FCE FAST 1

Full Name: ____________________________

School: ____________________________ City: ______________________________

FEZALAR EDUCATIONAL Teacher Professional Development Department 2011/-2012 ACADEMIC YEAR

Summer Term

June 22, 2012

Duration: 90 min.


(8x2=16) _________

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C. 1) You are in a supermarket when you hear this announcement about a lost child. He last saw his mother A. in the butcher's area. B. in the pet food area. C. in the fruit and vegetable area. 2) You are in an electrical shop when you overhear this woman speaking to the shop assistant. She is complaining because A. she was charged the wrong amount. B. the same item is cheaper elsewhere. C. the item was damaged. 3) You overhear a woman talking on the telephone. Next Thursday the woman is going to A. travel by coach. B. travel by plane. C. travel by train. 4) Listen to a policeman talking to a householder. He wants to A. speak to another member of the household. B. speak to the householder. C. speak to a neighbour.

5) You are listening to the host of a radio phone-in programme speaking. Mary, the first caller, is A. a married woman with a child. B. a single woman with a child. C. a regular listener. 6) You have joined a four-day sailing course in Britain. Listen to your instructor giving some important information. He is talking about A. drinking water. B. salt water. C. running out of water. 7) You overhear two people talking at a bus stop. The two speakers A. are both familiar with the war memorial. B. are taking different buses. C. are going to the same place. 8) You overhear a man chatting on the telephone about a form he has to fill in. The man is speaking to A. his wife. B. his mother.


C. his daughter.



You are going to read an article about an unusual artist. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. (8x2=16) _________ What is art? And what is an artist? These are common questions in the world of modern art, where a pile of bricks or a pool of oil can become works of art when they're placed in a gallery Traditional sculpture, for example, refers to images, often of people, frequently made from stone or metal; but modern sculpture can be a very different thing. The British artist, Andy Goldsworthy makes sculptures in the open air out of sticks, stones, leaves and even ice. Currently, Goldsworthy is setting up the largest exhibition he has ever produced in a special sculpture park in Yorkshire, in the north of England. The show features some important new and previously unseen works and some reworkings of sculptures he first created some years ago. Outdoors there are sculptures made from fallen oak trees, enclosed by neat stone walls. Inside there are enormous egg-shaped sculptures made from tree branches and a curtain made from more than 10,000 chestnut leaves pinned together. The sculptures are designed for people to get close to them. They are quite unlike works of art in a traditional gallery where the public are obliged to keep a respectful distance. Here people are encouraged to touch the sculptures, climb inside them, and even lie on them. For this particular artist, art is something very physical and one of the things he enjoys most is getting his hands dirty. From the age of 13 Goldsworthy lived and worked on a farm, so he's no stranger to tough, and messy, outdoor work. He always wanted to be an artist, but the farm work had a significant effect on the type of art he chose to produce. The stone walls, the lines of the ploughed fields, huge bales of straw stacked high - all these shapes and textures figure prominently in his sculptures. And in everything he produces there is a close connection to the land and to nature. In the 1970s, Goldsworthy left art college to make sculptures on a windswept sandy beach. He describes this as a new awakening: 'I splashed in water, covered myself in mud, went barefoot and woke with the dawn.' His early works involved arranging piles of stones into neat towers and bringing huge snowballs down to London from Scotland and letting them melt. In the years that followed he made sculptures from human hair and mud, from ice and sand, from practically anything he found. The use of colour and light is an interesting feature of the artists work. Rather than squeezing colours out of a tube, as a painter does, Goldsworthy collects his colours directly from the natural materials he finds around him. The effect can be very striking, as for example when he filled a rock pool with bright red leaves. In another case he built a three-kilometre path through a forest, using white limestone. During the day it looked quite ordinary but at night under the moonlight it suddenly became brightly illuminated. The choice of working tools is another area which makes Goldsworthy unusual. Whereas some sculptors use heavy machinery to work stone or metal, Goldsworthy mostly uses his bare hands, his teeth, or sometimes a stick that he finds lying nearby. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the work, and one which makes it quite unlike the work of traditional sculptors, is that it can be extremely temporary. Some pieces made from leaves or other soft materials last until they rot away, unless they are blown away first. Others made from frozen ice may only last for a few minutes. Often they are created wherever Goldsworthy finds the materials - out in a field, on a beach or up a mountain. The only lasting record of many of these works is the photographs he takes of them. Art galleries have shown increasing interest in Goldsworthy's work, but most of his sculptures have been made specifically for the great outdoors. He has created artworks in places as varied as the Australian outback, the Northern Territories of Canada, New York, Japan and the North Pole. But for now het come home to Yorkshire; back to the place where he grew up, a landscape he really deeply understands, and a place where his unique sculptures are truly at home.


1) According to the text, modem sculpture a) is often made from metal or stone. b) always uses natural materials like stones or leaves. c) is often nothing like traditional sculpture. d) is never found in an art gallery 2) The exhibition in Yorkshire a) is a special outdoor event in a former park. b) includes items that have never been displayed before. c) features sculptures made from stone, cloth and food. d) is the largest ever shown in a sculpture park. 3) What is different about this type of exhibition? a) The public can talk to artists about their work. b) The public are encouraged to get their hands dirty. c) The public are allowed to handle the works of art. d) The public have to get close in order to see the sculptures. 4) How did working on a farm affect Goldsworthy later in life? a) He disliked the tough work and so he decided to become an artist. b) His art was influenced by the physical features of the landscape. c) He chose to produce a series of sculptures made from straw. d) The messy work made him realize he should take up painting. 5) How does Goldsworthy view the time he spent working on a beach? a) He didn't enjoy it because he got so wet and dirty. b) It was a new experience because he stayed awake all night. c) It wasn't a good idea to leave art college early. d) It was the start of something completely different in his life. 6) How does Goldsworthy work with colour and light? a) He gets all his colours out of a paint tube. b) He shines bright lights on the sculptures to illuminate them. c) He works with what nature provides. d) He avoids using bright colours like red or orange. 7) According to the write a very significant aspect of Goldsworthy work is that a) it often doesnt last for a long time. b) it always gets blown away by the wind. c) it is made of ice and snow. d) it is preserved in the form of a photograph. 8) Why does the writer suggest that Goldsworthys sculptures are 'truly at home' in Yorkshire? a) because the artist has brought the sculptures back to his home town b) because the artist has always lived and worked in Yorkshire c) because the sculptures have a strong connection with the environment of Yorkshire d) because the sculptures arent suitable for exhibition in other countries




1. For questions 115, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. (15x1=15)_________ Most adults in the UK now 0 __C__ a mobile phone. Mobile phones have given us the ability to communicate with friends, family and colleagues anytime and anywhere, and as a 1 _____ they have changed our social behaviour. While some people believe that they are reducing human contact and have a negative impact 2_____ our lives, others feel that they are an indispensable part of daily life and that they encourage people to 3 _____ in touch and communicate more frequently with each other. There are many obvious advantages to mobile phones. They 4 _____ us to chat to people anywhere in the world. If you are travelling in the middle of nowhere you can call home and 5 _____your loved ones know where you are. They can also help to save lives as they enable users who 6 _____be in 7_____ to make calls to the emergency services 8_____ of where they might be. Many people depend on text messaging or SMS texting, which is a quick and fairly inexpensive 9_____ to relay messages to other people without having to get into long conversations. 10 , texting does have its downsides. Too much texting can 11 _____ repetitive strain injury. 12 _____ to a recent report that looks into the effects of mobile phone use on childrens health and social development, the number of children suffering from muscle strain as a result of frequent texting is increasing rapidly. The report also 13_____ that there has been a 14_____ in the use of mobile phones for bullying so called cyber bullying. So while mobile phones are a very useful invention with many benefits, our incr easing reliance on them 15 _____ be seen as a cause for some concern. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A are A effect A on A keep A do A let A should A risk A in case A mean A Because A make A As A writes A raise A would B having B result B with B be B make B allow B might B difficult B in spite B type B So B cause B In B insists B increasing B need C own C use C at C remain C give C should C can C accident C although C way C However C create C According C recommends C rise C must D buy D such D in D try D allow D leave D will D danger D despite D path D While D develop D About D suggests D rising D could

2. Complete the compound adjectives 15 with the words ae. a. nail b. fun c. hard d. kind e. second 1. ______________ -hearted 2. ______________ -hand 3. ______________ -biting 4. ______________ -loving 5. ______________ -working





1. For questions 110, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. (10x1=10)_________ PERFECT EXPENSE DISAPPOINT LUXURY WILLING DETERMINE LIKE FORGET FORTUNATE SATISFY ENTHUSIASM Its hard to find a place to eat which satisfies the whole family. _ Perfection _ 0 is not an easy thing to find when it comes to restaurants. I remember my parents taking me as a child to the most 1________________ restaurant they could find. They didnt think it was worth spending a lot of money on someone who had no table manners! Today the choice of restaurants is so great, however, that total 2 ________________ is rare. Its difficult to explain exactly what Im looking for in a restaurant. Its certainly not 3 ________________ surroundings, although I must admit that Im usually 4________________ to go into a place which looks dirty or dingy. In these days of fast food, it takes a lot of 5 ________________ to persuade my own children that a bowl of salad is every bit as tasty as a burger and chips! Some parents I know 6 ________________ taking their children to fast food restaurants, but Ive always made an effort to go and see just whats available in those places. I cant honestly say that some of the experiences were so good that they were 7 ________________ , but at least I feel I have given the fast food chains a try. I would like to be able to say that we go out to dinner once a week. 8________________ , this is not the case. We either seem to be too busy, or decide that its more 9________________ to have a family meal at home, which is probably for the best! But one thing is certain, I am still as 10 ________________ about food as I ever was, and intend to remain so!

2. Replace the words in bold in 16 with the words in ae. There is one extra word. (5x1=5)_________ a. postponed b. annoyed c. terrific d. keen on e. work out f. mind 1. The film was great and the special effects were amazing. ______________ 2. Ive always been interested in new technology. ______________ 3. I was very angry when someone stole my mobile phone. ______________ 4. None of the students could understand the final question in the exam. ______________ 5. My sister and her boyfriend have delayed their wedding for a few months. ______________ 3. Write link words which mean the same as those in 15. The first letter of each word is given. (5x1=5)_____ 1. because s ______________ 2. nevertheless h ______________ 3. in order to s ______________ t ______________ 4. during the time when w______________ 5. moreover I ______________ a______________



(8 points)_________

Formal letter Read the exam question, then write your answer in 120-150 words in an appropriate style in the text box on the right. Your college is organizing a variety show to raise money to buy more books for its library. Read the letter sent out to students who might be interested in taking part in the show and the notes you have made. Dear students, I am writing to inform you about an interesting event which will take place this term.

(Need to know when)

The college is organizing a variety show to raise money to buy more books for its library. The show will be performed entirely by college students. If you would like to audition to take part in the show, (Say yes) let us know what you can do by completing the reply (Explain what) slip and handing it in to the college secretary. In addition, please send in your ideas for what might be included in the show. If you have any questions, (Make suggestions) please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, Brian Sutherland College Principal Exam Question: Write your letter. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.

Evaluation Criteria

Total: ______/8 ________/2 ________/3 ________/3

1. Organization (logical and well ordered information) 2. Language (vocabulary usage, grammatically correct sentences, accurate spelling) 3. Content ( notes covered, style appropriate for the given situation)


Full Name: ____________________________________


(8 points)_________

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C B C B D C A C

4. C 5. B 6. A

7. B 8. A


1 2 3 4 5 B A A D A 6 7 8 9 10 B D B C C 11 12 13 14 15 B C D C D

2. Compound Adjective 1d2e3a4b5c


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 inexpensive disappointment luxurious unwilling determination dislike unforgettable Unfortunately satisfying enthusiastic

2. Word Matching 1 c terrific 2 e keen on 3 b annoyed 4 f work out 5 a postponed 3. Linking Words 1 since 2 however 3 so that 4 while 5 in addition




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