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Dragon Divination

Dragon Magick
Introduction to Dragons

Accordlng to the teuchlngs of the Anclents, unythlng unexlulnuble ln
everyduy terms, or so funtustlc thut lt lnvokes feellngs of curloslty,
suslclon, or feur whlle stlll seemlng luuslble, wus suld to come from u
luce of Creut Mystery, u luce where the Slrlt ltself llved, und where
dreums und vlslons orlglnuted. 1hls luce ls suld to be where
Crundmothers und Crundfuthers of the chlldren of Lurth wutch over the
eole from, und where the creutures of the Shudow Lunds und the
reulms of funtusy ure suld to reslde. 1hls luce relles on our
uncondltlonul fulth und trust ln order to exlst, und ls know by the vlse
Cnes us "1he vold'. lt ls urt of the Astrul Reulm, where we cunnot
truvel on our own unless we ure lnvlted ln und shown the wuy.
lt ls belleved thut when we slee, our dreums ure sent to us from 1he
vold. vhen we consult our guldes, they unswer us from 1he vold, und
when we recelve vlslons und foreslght, lt ls reluyed to our Elgher Selves
from 1he vold. 1hls shudowy world of untold mystery ls where much of
our lnner knowledge comes from, but lt ls ulso u luce where muny
thlngs huve gone. 1he vold, belng where the Slrlt llves, ls llke u glunt
sufe huven for those thlngs we ure lncuuble of seelng ln toduy's
"clvlllzed' world. Creutures such us Unlcorns, luerles, Centuurs, luuns,
Lryuds, und Lrugons flnd refuge ln thls other world, und ure felt ln the
resence by some und "seen' by even fewer us they contlnue to go
ubout thelr lnvlslble hyslcul llves here on Lurth.
1hroughout hlstory, from cultures us dlstunt us the Aborlglnes und thelr
Lreumtlme, the vlklngs und the eole of Chlnu, 'uun, und Lnglund,
Lrugons huve been mentloned ln one form or unother. vhy ls thls? Lld
these eole uctuully see these beusts, or dld they slmly mlstuke u
glunt llzurd, or some other retlllun creuture thut hud folds of skln
under lts foreurms und could fly, such us glunt buts, or the flylng
dlnosuurs, Archueoteryx or the Pterosuurs? vere there dlnosuurs stlll
roumlng the Lurth only u few thousund yeurs ugo? Loch Ness Monster,
lt ls belleved, ls one such creuture. 1here ls even u constellutlon of
stures ln the nlght sky numed "Lruco', us lts generul shue ls thut of u
vyverns, trudltlonully delcted on shlelds und bunners ln heruldry for
hundreds of yeurs, ure consldered u slgn of strength to those who beur
the symbol. Luroeun Lrugons ure unutomlcully dlfferent to most
drugons, huvlng the usuul two wlngs, but only huvlng two legs,
sometlmes shown us huvlng hundllke cluws on the tls of lts wlngs und
u ruzor shur stlnger fllled wlth olson on the end of lts tull. 1oduy the
velsh flug stlll hus u red drugon on u green und whlte buckground, und
the red drugon ls thelr nutlonul symbol.
ln the Chlnese und 'uunese culture the Lrugon symbollzes llfe und
growth und ls suld to brlng the flve blesslngs: hurmony, vlrtue, rlches,
fulflllment und longevlty. Chlnese Lrugons ure stlll shown ln urudes
uround the world celebrutlng the Chlnese New Yeur wlth the Lrugon
Lunce. ln Chlnu there ure four muln klnds of drugons: the Celestlul
Lrugons who rotect the luces of the Cods, the Slrltuul Lrugons who
control the wlnd und the ruln, the Lurth Lrugons whlch control the
rlvers und wuter on the Lurth, und the Underworld Lrugons whlch
guurds reclous metuls und gems. Seurute drugons ulso control the
rlvers of the North, South, Lust, und vest. 1he communder of ull the
Rlver Lrugons ls blood red ln color, hus u flery mune, und ls cc feet
long from the tl of lts nose to the end of lts tull.
1he Lrugon becume u symbol of evll und the devll only ufter Chrlstlunlty
gulned ower. ln un uttemt to crush the unclent bellefs of Puguns, the
Chrlstluns sreud thelr rougundu of thelr devll, culllng hlm the
Lrugon. 8y lnstllllng thls feur of eternul dumnutlon the church gulned
control of muny royul houses. vlth thls they chunged or ussed luws
thut rohlblted the Pugun bellefs, und wlth thls cuused humunklnd to
feur Lrugons lnsteud of resectlng them, us they should. Also from thls
cume lnlghts, luter culled "Lrugon Sluyers', thut were euger to rove
thelr fulth to thelr Cod und country by huntlng the Lrugons down. Not
comletely un unselflsh uct becuuse of the uyments of gold they
recelved for thelr "bruvery'. vhether the 'drugons' they hunted were
strunge beusts or slmly those who followed unother rellglous uth ls
8ecuuse of humunklnd's ucts of the ust, toduy Lrugons ure forced to
mostly llve thelr llves ln the vold wlth llttle to no contuct wlth those of
us who llve on thls slde of the vell. 1hose wlth qulck eyes und un oen
mlnd occuslonully cutch u gllmse out of the corner of thelr eye, un
lnsubstuntlul form thut ls drugonlsh. 1he more trudltlonul, lurger
Lrugons, however, must be seen wlth the lnner eyes und heurd wlth
the lnner eurs before they cun become u reullty for most eole. 1o see
them, you flrst huve to belleve cc thut they ure there, not just lmuges
ln your mlnd, but reully there! You must leurn to feel them, welcome
them, und honor thelr resence by glftlng them wlth offerlngs.
sure to be greut beneflts urlslng to hel us ull.
/).#%$0*%1*#23* /).#%$0*%1*#23*+$,-%" /).#%$0*%1*#23* /).#%$0*%1*#23*+$,-%" +$,-%"* +$,-%"*
Muny sources suy thut the eurllest forms of drugons ure llnked wlth the
Mother Coddess, vuter Cods, und vurrlor Cods. ln these cuucltles
they were both beneflcent und destructlve. Lrugons were often
belleved to be seu dwelllng creutures, jeulously guurdlng vust treusures
of gold und eurls. Ruln, clouds, thunder, und llghtenlng were ull
belleved to be the breuth of the drugon, lt's flre beglnnlng ln llghtenlng.
ln Lrugon muglck we llnk the drugon to ull elements but understund
thut lt hus lt's orlglns ln the rlmevul seus, just us we do.
A common fuctor of unclent myths ls the slgnlflcunce of the drugon wus
ln lts control over munklnd. As the vestern myth of the drugon grew,
these belngs cume to reresent the chuos of orlglnul mutter. vlth
mun's uwukenlng, und every growlng, consclousness u struggle urose
und we creuted order to constuntly chullenge the drugon's ower. 1hls
ls ulso where we get our need for bulunce, understundlng thut leunlng
too much to one slde or the other wlll only cuuse strlfe ln our llves.
1he most common bellef on the orlgln of the drugon ls thut they huve
exlsted slnce retlme, they were the flrst forms thut cume out of the
swlrllng mlsts of u coulesclng unlverse. vhether they begun us
monsters or deltles, thelr exlstence wus tuken us fuct untll the ,th
century. Lurlng thut tlme wus when 'sclentlsts' begun to debunk the
myth of drugons by exoslng museum drugon leces us fukes. 1hese
fuux drugons were usuully fosslllzed ruys or buts. 1hen cume the
Lrugons do truvel constuntly between our world und the vold to
determlne lf humunklnd hus mutured, meunlng thut we huve outgrown
our need to domlnute unythlng dlfferent from ourselves. 1here ure
some who belleve thut they ure connected wlth the mysterlous llghts ln
the nlght sky whlch ure reorted us UlC's. Cthers belleve thut mlrucles
und other unusuul huenstunce should be uttrlbuted to drugon
ln the Clun l studled wlth, we belleve thut we ure contucted by, und ure
uble to muke contuct, wlth those drugons who wlsh to bulld u brldge of
understundlng. Lrugons uren't 'bldlng thelr tlme' wultlng to return to
thls lune of exlstence, they ure erfectly huy where they ure.
Eowever, just us we ure ulwuys seeklng to further ourselves, to grow
slrltuully, so ure they. 8y worklng together we cun leurn vuluuble
lnformutlon not only ubout our slrltuul uths but ulso whut mukes us
'humun'. As understundlng grows between our two secles there ure
sclentlflc leu thut drugons were the wuy thut suerstltlous mun,
unenllghtened by sclence, cume u wlth funtustlc storles to exluln
uwuy dlnosuurs.
Almost ull of our uncestors belleved thut the eurth wus lnhublted by
these greut creutures. vhere dld the ldeu come from? lt hus been suld
thut drugons stem from u unlversul humun lmuglnutlon, thut they ure
merely lnherlted memorles of dlnosuurs, or thut they ure slmly
flgments creuted by our subconsclous ln un uttemt to exluln uwuy
the unexlulnuble. Cbvlously, ructltloners of drugon muglck don't
belleve thls but lt ls lmortunt thut we understund the stereotyes thut
we wlll need to fuce.
So, lf there ls no one hlstorlcul sturtlng olnt, whut ure we to do? As u
hoeful drugon muglcklun we must huve u flrm bellef ln drugons. lf you
do not, then you should wulk uwuy from thls ureu of study us you wlll
never move beyond the theoretlcul. You cunnot hoe to contuct u
drugon ln the hoes thut they wlll rove thelr exlstence to you.
l wus tuught thut drugons once exlsted on thls lune, us u wltch l reully
wunt to belleve thls but the sketlc ln me wunts roof. As lt ls, l choose
to belleve thut they muy huve exlsted und l kee un oen mlnd ubout lt.
My Clun teuches thut erhus ln retlme or lf there were u few drugons
who remulned behlnd lnto the current eru, they once shured thls level
of exlstence wlth us. 1hey dld not dlsueur, or dle out, or flee from the
cruelty they found lnherent ln munklnd. ve belleve thut they evolved
beyond thls lune lnto ure slrltuul belngs, thelr home ls now on u
level of the ustrul lune. Loes thls muke them better thun us? No. vhut
lt does meun ls thut they ure ln u unlque osltlon to hel us evolve lnto
better belngs. 1hey ure more ln tune wlth the unlverse thut ls beyond
our ken und cun hel us to better understund the world we llve ln.
vhut we do know ls scuttered frugments thut my muglster trled to tle
together lnto coherency. 1he word drugon ls derlved from the Lutln
'drucon' whlch meuns serent. Lrucon orlglnuted ln the Creek word
'sukov' (serent) whlch ln turn wus derlved from the Creek verb
'sukelv' (to see cleurly). lt ls reluted to other words, most of whlch
deul wlth slght. 1hey ure the Sunskrlt 'durc' (see), Avestlc 'durstls'
(slght), und the Cld lrlsh 'derc' (eye). lrom the old Lngllsh there ls
'tohrt', Cld Suxon 'torht', und Cld Elgh Cermun 'zoruht', ull of whlch
meun cleur or brlght. lrom thls we tle drugons ln wlth the greut
serents und becuuse of lts tle to slght und seelng lt becume u
recetucle of knowledge und vlslons.
themselves lnto humun form.
most fumous belng the Llc of Cllgumesh.
who ulded Eultzlloochtll.
rlmul energy thut they reresent.
wlth gold.
+$,-%".*,"&*4()3"(35 +$,-%".*,"&*4()3"(35* +$,-%".*,"&*4()3"(35 +$,-%".*,"&*4()3"(35*
Lrugons were mentloned ln both ulchemy und medlclne durlng the
Medlevul 1lmes, eseclully ln the fleld of medlclne. 1he eole ln the
fleld of medlclne sought Lrugons not for thelr unclent wlsdom but for
thelr orguns. 1hey hoed to flnd u mlrucle cure or tonlc to hel
humunklnd, so they told the "Lrugon Sluyers' thut they uld to hunt
down und klll Lrugons. 1hey were only looklng to llne thelr ockets
1he blood of Lrugons wus suld to muke u erson lnvulneruble to stub
wounds lf buthed ln lt, und uble to understund the seech of blrds und
unlmuls lf drunk. Lutlng u Lrugons heurt would muke one strong und
bruve beyond comurlson. Lutlng the tongue would glve eloquence ln
1he eurllest recorded drugons ure from Sumerlu und Chlnu, both lunds
huve storles of drugons thut dute buck to uround ,ccc 8CL. lndeed,
the Chlnese belleve thut they were the descendunts of drugons. 'uun
ulso hus eurly tules of drugons but most of those relute drugons to
nuturul dlsusters. 8oth Chlnese und 'uunese drugons could trunsform
Lgytlun drugons ueur uround ,ccc z,ccc 8CL und for the most
urt, Lgytluns suw drugons us u slgn of evll. 1hls ls becuuse Ae wus u
drugon und Ae's greutest deslre wus to overthrow Ru. Eowever, Ru
ulso hud u guurdlun drugon Mehen who rotected the 8out of the
Sun. 8ubylonlun myths of drugons ulso ueured uround z,ccc 8CL, the
Around zc CL the Aztecs begun worshllng Quetzulcoutl, u feuthered
serent Cod. Ee wus ulso known us lulkulkuu, Lhecutl, und the Lord of
the Luwn. lt ls suld thut Quetzulcoutl left when he could not get the
Aztecs to chunge thelr wuys. 1he Aztecs ulso hud other drugons,
Coutlcue u hydru wlth two drugon heuds und u sklrt of snukes who wus
the symbol of nuture. 1here were ulso luhcoutle, smull flreserents
1oduy we must rely on the old storles ln order to leurn ubout drugons.
Eowever, we should confuse the drugons of myth und legend wlth
whut we wlll be contuctlng. 1hese storles wlll glve us un ldeu of the
ower thut these belngs hold us well us how curlclous they cun be.
1hey ure not u blue rlnt for how our deullngs wlll be wlth them.
lmmerslng ourselves ln thelr legends wlll hel us to connect wlth the
seech und the ublllty to wln uny urgument. 1he llver cured certuln
dlseuses, us dld vurlous other orguns. 1he scules would be used us
shlelds or urmor becuuse of belng reslstunt to flre und stronger then
most metuls.
ln ulchemy, the Lrugon wus consldered to be mutter, metul und
hyslcul body. Cften mentloned ln conjunctlon wlth the Lrugons were
the Lrugon's slster slrlt, metulllc mercury, und the soul. Anclent
Alchemy used the lcture of u Lrugon or wlnged serent us one of lts
muny secret symbols. A common symbol of slrltuul ulchemlcul work
wus u Lrugon or u serent holdlng lts tull ln lts mouth, un unendlng
clrcle of eternlty.
Lrugon's blood ls mentloned by both medlclne und ulchemy ln hlstory.
Slnce Lrugons would not wllllngly glve thelr blood und most hud
ulreudy gone lnto hldlng they turned to other sources. 1here were suld
to be severul sources of thls muterlul, other thun from uctuul Lrugons.
1he "bloodstone' hemutlte, un ore rlch ln lron, und the mlnerul
clnnubur, u comound of mercury, wus both culled forms of Lrugons
Eowever, the most wldely used Lrugon's blood wus u gum resln. lt wus
suld thut trees, whlch orlglnully grew from uctuul sllled Lrugon's
blood, roduced u reddlshbrown su of greut vulue. 1hls secles of
tree ls stlll culled Lrucuenu Lruco by botunlsts. lnclslons were mude ln
the burk und the su collected us lt congeuled lnto resln. Most of these
trees ure found ln the Lust lndles, southern Arublu, und the Cunury
lslunds. 1oduy the resln ls stlll known us Lrugons blood und used ln
muglcul rocedures.
others ructlce.
thut ls how lt wus resented und tuught to me.
other uges ln thls sectlon.

whether we ugree wlth thelr ructlces or not, even lf we don't thlnk
thut thelr uth ls u rellglon. Pleuse kee ln mlnd thut thls doesn't
endorse thut ull rellglons ure good nor thut we huve to ugree wlth whut
l choose to kee the selllng of 'muglck' us lt ls, flrstly becuuse thut ls
how thls brunch ls best known. Secondly, l kee lt thut wuy becuuse
So, whut the Lruconlc uth? lt teuches you to work ln hurmony wlth
drugons und wlth druconlc energles, how to befrlend druconlc entltles,
und how to blend thls wlth your current wuy of worshl. You don't huve
to chunge your uth but you do huve to be wllllng to udut lt ln order to
work wlth drugons. Lrugons become more thun just 'comuglcluns',
they ure vuluuble worklng urtners thut should be treuted us equuls.
1here ls, of course, more to lt thun thut und lt wlll be covered on the
Much of whut wlll be on these uges ls whut wus tuught to me. 1uke lt,
use whut you cun, und lf you're feellng generous let me know how lt
works for you or how your trulnlng dlffers. l stlll huven't found u wuy to
work lt lnto druldry becuuse l um stlll leurnlng the roes there. lf you
ure just beglnnlng on u muglcul or rellglous uth, l would suggest
leurnlng thut system thoroughly flrst before udutlng lt.
l've trled to sllt u the lnformutlon ln wuys thut wlll kee lt coherent
but stlll be retty eusy to uccess. Eoefully l've been successful, there ls
u fulr umount here (l thlnk) und wuy too much for just one uge. You
cun uccess the other uges on Lrugon Muglck from the menu below.
!"#$%&' !"#$%&'( !"#$%&' !"#$%&'()#$*+ )#$*+ )#$*+( )#$*+(
1uken from u letter wrltten by 1homus 'efferson 86

1he ubove quote wus the very flrst thlng l recelved from my teucher
when l sturted leurnlng Lrugon Muglck. l choose to kee lt here us u
remlnder thut thls ls how we ure suosed to urouch other rellglons,
Lrugons cun be very dlfflcult to deul wlth ut tlmes. 1hey cun be very
urrogunt, stubborn, und ull mlghty, yet ut other tlmes very nlce, co
oerutlve, und resectful. lt cun become frustrutlng,
but we must kee ln mlnd thut they ure golng to huve
moods und moodswlngs much llke we wlll. ve ure
worklng wlth unother entlty, they ure not golng to do
exuctly whut we wunt ull of the tlme. Much of thelr
uttltude wlll deend on how you urouch u Lrugon us
to how they wlll reuct to you.
Another lmortunt fuctor ls whut tye of relutlonshl
you huve bullt wlth them, how long you huve been
worklng wlth them, und lf you ure resectful or not.
Slnce they huve come to be very cuutlous of humuns,
eurnlng thelr trust und resect ure the flrst thlngs you
need to do. 8y dolng so, you wlll end u wlth u very
close relutlonshl wlth them us well us un lmroved
understundlng of thelr moods. Eere ure some thlngs to
kee ln mlnd when deullng wlth them.
Cne thlng l huve leurned ln worklng wlth these entltles
ls thut they ure often curlclous und uct ln u seemlng
rundom munner. 1hey seem to huve u greut cuuclty
for humor, somethlng thut usuully umuses me but cun
be ruther frustrutlng when you ure trylng to do
somethlng thut ls serlous to you or hus emotlonul
welght. ln order to coe wlth thls l've hud to sturt
tuklng u mentul ste buck und 'count to ten', otherwlse
l'd be ulllng my own hulr out.
Lven though l huve been dolng thls for u whlle, l stlll
feel very new to the uth. l um ulwuys humbled und uwed when l cull
uon the Lrugons und they unswer. Eonestly, thls uth lsn't for
everyone becuuse you reully do huve to ut u lot of tlme und effort lnto
lt, not just leurnlng und ructlclng but ulso ln flndlng out how to work
wlth these greut beusts. vorklng wlth Lrugons ls very dlfferent from
culllng uon slrlts or elementuls. 1uke your tlme, feel out your uth
und lt wlll be very rewurdlng.
Llsted below ure the olnters thut my Muglster hunded out. l thlnk thut
most of them ure fulrly common sense ltems, but lt never hurts to go
over them uguln.
!! !"#$%&' !"#$%&' "#$%&'( "#$%&'()%*+(!,#'-&. )%*+(!,#'-&. )%*+(!,#'-&.( )%*+(!,#'-&.(
Lon't ever cull u Lrugon lnto your sucred suce und sturt orderlng
them uround. 1reut them llke you llke to be treuted. Clve them the
resect us equuls und not servunts, und they wlll work wlth you.
Lon't show them thut you feur them. 1hey huve very helghtened
sense und cun uctuully smell feur. lf they detect uny feur whutsoever
they won't resect you us un equul und conslder unythlng you do u
wulst of tlme und energy on thelr urt.
Lon't ever uttuck u Lrugon you huve culled. You culled them, they
dldn't cull you.
Lrugons ure very lntelllgent. Lon't try und ull u fust one over on
Lrugons tend to seuk ln rlddles und symbollsm. At leust untll you
huve worked wlth them for u whlle.
1he only tool u Lrugon resects (not feurs) ls the AthumejSword,
but only when wlelded by u confldent ructltloner who ls reured
to stund hls ground.
lf you feel uncomfortuble wlth u certuln Lrugons resence, curefully
und olltely exluln your wlshes und deslres concernlng them. 1hey
wlll understund you und elther work ulong wlth you or leuve you be.
8efore rejectlng u Lrugons hel or resence, flrstly flnd out whut
they huve to show or teuch you. 1hey won't hung uround where
they ure not wunted.
Alwuys glve them un offerlng. 1hey won't do somethlng for nothlng.
Most Lrugons tend to be subtle ln thelr flrst few contucts wlth you.
8e sensltlve und extru uwure of whut ls occurrlng uround you for lf
there ls unythlng thut would endunger them they won't muke thelr
resence known.
vutch whut you usk for, they tuke thlngs llterully und wlthout mercy.
Lon't leuve uny looholes ln uny etltlon you resent to them.
!"#$%& '(')& *+,,& +& !)+-"#& .#%"& /"0)& *.)*,'& +#1& 2%+)%& ")1').#-& %3'4& +)"0#15
1hls ls just good luln udvlce for uny belng thut you choose to deul wlth.
vhenever you ure lnvoklng somethlng, you ure usklng them lnto your
suce. 1ry to be u gruclous host or you wlll flnd thut no belng wlll ever
unswer you.
!"#$%&23"6&%3'4&%3+%&/"0&7'+)&%3'45 As lt wus tuught to me, l uss on to
you. My teucher belleved thut thls wus somethlng thut wus lncluded ln
the teuchlng to lmress on the ull thut you ure deullng wlth un
uwesome energy, our wlll glves energy shue und dlrectlon, lf you cull
u drugon energy und ure terrlfled of lt you wlll never uccomllsh
unythlng. Your muglck wlll be scuttered und dlsslute wlthout huvlng lts
deslred effect becuuse you ure too scured to wleld lt. Plus, druconlc
energy does huve lts own qulrks und ersonullty, feurlng lt lsn't golng to
hel you bulld u bond wlth lt.
!)+-"#2& %'#1& %"& 28'+9& .#& ).11,'2& +#1& 2/4:",.245 1hls ls un excellent
reuson to sturt keelng u journul of whut symbols meun to you. vhlle
you cun sometlmes extruolute u ersonul meunlng from the unlversul
one thut ls found ln books, flrst hund knowledge ls ulwuys the best.
;7& /"0& 7'',& 0#*"47")%+:,'& 6.%3& +& *')%+.#& !)+-"#2& 8)'2'#*'<& *+)'70,,/& +#1&
8",.%',/& '=8,+.#& /"0)& 6.23'2& +#1& 1'2.)'2& *"#*')#.#-& %3'45 lf you huve un
lmmedlute, negutlve gut reuctlon, slmly devoke und dlsmlss. lt's better
to be sufe thun sorry. As lt stutes luter on, u Lrugon wlll not stuy where
he ls not wunted.
>'7")'& )'?'*%.#-& +& !)+-"#2& 3',8& ")& 8)'2'#*'<& 7.)2%,/& 7.#1& "0%& 63+%& %3'/&
3+('&%"&23"6&")&%'+*3&/"05 1hls slmly meuns, lf you ure worklng wlth u
Lrugon und lt suggests somethlng thut muy seem to go ugulnst your
moruls, usk for u clurlflcutlon. Lrugons uren't humun, thelr thought
rocesses ure dlfferent thun ours und we muy slmly be not
understundlng whut they ure rooslng or they muy be worklng on u
dlfferent morul system. lf you stlll do not ugree, then klndly thunk them
but flrmly tell them no. You muy glve un exlunutlon lf you wlsh, by
dolng thls you wlll not hurm your relutlonshl wlth them. Lrugons vulue
honesty, whlch lncludes belng honest wlth yourself.
As you robubly huve notlced, these ure generul rules of thumb thut
rely heuvlly on common sense. ln my exerlence, drugons don't exect
us to kowtow to them, they slmly wunt good hosltullty und to be
treuted wlth resect. Some ure more recetlve when we urouch wlth
humlllty whlle others resond best when we treut them us good
frlends. As ulwuys, be oen to udututlon und llsten lntently to whut
they huve to suy.
!"#$%&'$($%)*(%+(,%&%" !"#$%&'$($%)*(%+(,%&%" !"#$%&'$($%)*(%+(,%&%" !"#$%&'$($%)*(%+(,%&%"
1he Lruconlc 1rudltlon hus u Code of Eonor thut ls followed by ull of lts
ructltloners. 1he Code ls followed ln muglckul worklngs und ln everyduy llfe.
1here ure tlmes when we cun't follow the Codes to the exuct word, but to
comletely lgnore them would be foollsh. Lrugons wlll not work wlth u
ructltloner thut lgnores them. 8ut one who follows the Codes to the best of
thelr ublllty eurns the resect of the Lrugons und wlll huve no roblem
worklng wlth them.
ln ull thut you do conslder lts beneflt or hurm to yourself, your fumlly, und
your Clun.
Your duty ls ulwuys to yourself, your fumlly, und your Clun.
8e honest wlth yourself und others und let them know you wlll not uccet
unythlng but honesty ln return. You should ulwuys strlve to be ubove
rerouch or crltlclsm ln the eyes of the world.
You should ulwuys strlve to be klnd to others, or, should klndness rove
lmosslble, strlve ulwuys to be just.
Clve your bond only ufter greut conslderutlon us to how lt muy uffect your
dutles to yourself, your fumlly, und your Clun. And when you do glve your
bond lt should curry the welght of u slgned blood outh.
Pledge frlendshl und your usslstunce only to those who ure worthy und
honoruble. vork to strengthen those of your fumlly, frlends, und your
Clun, und they wlll strengthen you.
Lo not uss on unythlng you huve not ersonully wltnessed or verlfled.
Never glve unroven heursuy the welght of truth.
vhut you huve, hold. Let no one tuke from you, your fumlly, or your Clun
thut whlch ls rlghtfully und legully yours.
1he luws of the lund should be obeyed whenever osslble und wlthln
reuson for the rotectlon of yourself, your fumlly, und your Clun, for ln the
muln they huve been chosen wlth wlsdom.
Never reveul the secrets entrusted to you by your fumlly, your Clun, or your
frlends wlthout ermlsslon. Possesslon of u wugglng tongue murks you us
u fool. Lxcetlons to thls ure when keelng the secret would endunger un
lnnocent, brlng unjustlfled dlshonor to unother, brlng shume or dlshonor
to your fumlly, your Clun, or frlends, ullow u crlmlnul to go ununlshed, or
serlously vlolute the luws of the lund. ln thls mutter let common sense
Never neglect your fumlly, your Clun, or your frlends. Euve the flerceness
of u Lrugon ln thelr defense und ulwuys be certuln they ure rovlded for
before sturtlng uny endeuvor.
Cffer forglveness only to those who ure truly reentunt of wrongs
commltted ugulnst you, your fumlly, your Clun or your frlends. And when
you offer forglveness, do so wlth honesty, for to do so grudglngly ls not
forglveness but decelt.
Alwuys remember thut the fury und excltement of the moment cun luy
huvoc wlth the truth. 1o kee one's heud ln uny sltuutlon ls u vlrtue.
Euve resect und honor for ull Lrugons und the Lrugons of the Lund. lor
they wlll usslst you ln your endeuvors lf you do.
Llgnlty, u gruclous munner und u good humor ure to be udmlred und
cultlvuted. 1hey wlll uld you to brlng honor to your fumlly, und your Clun.
1ry ulwuys to be reured for whutever the future muy brlng. Llfe wlth ull
of lts joys, sorrows, und secrets ls to be embruced und exerlenced to the
fullest, for thls ls how one gulns wlsdom.
Resect yourself us u chlld of the Lrugons. Euve rlde, but not urrogunce,
ln yourself, your ueurunce, und your osltlon ln the Clun. Lo your best ln
ull thlngs. 8e gruclous wlth selfrulse, wlthout brugglng, und self
forglveness when wurrunted.
vhen you guln uuthorlty, use lt curefully und wlth wlsdom. Remember thut
uuthorlty wlll grow wlth exerlence, und us u PrlestjPrlestess of u Clun you
should exerclse lt wlth cure und dlgnlty.
Power does not come wlth uuthorlty, but cun be glven. 8e wury of how
you use uny ower glven to you, for ower over somethlng does not
ulwuys glve you the uuthorlty to control lt.
vhen your tlme ln thls llfe ls done, return to the Lrugons, und stund before
them wlth rlde, not urrogunce. lor u llfe llved wlth dlgnlty, resect, und
honor ls one to be rldeful of.
!"#$%&'$(!'-'&#.'%& !"#$%&'$(!'-'&#.'%& !"#$%&'$(!'-'&#.'%& !"#$%&'$(!'-'&#.'%&(
Llvlnutlon ls the urt of seurchlng out lnformutlon thut ls hldden or not
lmmedlutely obvlous, lt cun ulso be used us u tool to hel shed llght on
whut the future ls golng to brlng. vhlle lt cun see lnto the future,
dlvlnutlon ulso looks lnto the ust to see whut cuused the current
sltuutlon ln order to redlct whut wlll huen luter. 1he lnformutlon
thut we guln through dlvlnutlon ls generully thought to be from u
'suernuturul' source. Lrugon ructltloners see thls source us the
energy uround us, energy from our gods und from drugons. Most
cultures develoed thelr own forms of dlvlnutlon, robubly the best
known forms toduy (und thus the most used) ure the runes und turot.
Llvlnutlon ls belleved to be successful becuuse lt druws on the
energetlc connectlon between ull thlngs. lt ulso hus u hlgh success rute
thut ls obvlous to eole, both the ructltloners und those who huve
reudlngs done for them. lt dlffers from sclentlflc methods, whlch cun
redlct future nuturul henomenon llke weuther und ecllses. 1he
redlctlons from dlvlnutlon ussumes thut there ls un outslde, unknown
fuctor whlle sclentlflc methods ure ull well lotted out und bused ln
roven formulus. Llvlnutory redlctlons don't rely on the emlrlcul luws
of nuture llke the sclentlflc methods do.
1he hurdest urt of leurnlng u dlvlnutlon system ls flndlng one thut
works best for you. 1heoretlcully, no one system ls better or more
uccurute thun unother, however, there wlll be systems thut lnteruct
wlth your subconsclous better und glve you more uccurute reudlngs. 1o
do thls you need to flnd u system thut culls to you, thut hus wlsdom thut
you cun leurn from lt, und one thut ls eusy for you to understund. 1hen
you must leurn the dlvlnutory meunlng for your urtlculur system und
how the symbols lnteruct wlth euch other. You should ulso be uwure
thut us you become roflclent wlth your system of dlvlnutlon thut you
wlll contlnue to leurn new meunlngs und deeer luyers of the system
oen u to you.
Lrugon muglck udvocutes the use of dlvlnutlon becuuse lt uts us ln
tune wlth our lntultlon. 1hut ls whut we ure develolng when we
emloy u dlvlnutlon system und us we become more ln tune wlth whut
our lntultlon ls uwure of our redlctlons wlll become more exuct. 8elng
ln touch wlth our lntultlon ulso meuns thut we wlll be more uwure of
the messuges thut the drugons send to us. vhen we reuch thut level we
cun emloy drugons us guldes when we erform dlvlnutlons to hel
boost our reudlngs und hel us to better understund whut we ure
8ecuuse most eole use elther the runes or turot for dlvlnutlon
uroses, there ure druconlc luy outs for both of these dlvlnltory tools. l
huve ulso lncluded the turot dlvlnutlon for u muglckul nume ln thls
sectlon, lt trunslutes the curds lnto sounds, then you comblne those
sounds to form u nume. l know thut muny eole ln the cluss l wus ln
found lt helful, but my dlvlnutlons never cume u wlth u nume l wus
huy wlth.
'ust cllck on uny one of the llnks below to see the sreud und
lnstructlons for thut dlvlnutlon system.

Dragon Tarot


. !"#$"#%&!$'($!"#$)*#+!,'-. 1hls curds lucement ls the one thut
reresents the core of the questlon or roblem osed to you,
consclously or unconsclously.
z. /"%!$ 0&'++#+$ !"#$ )*#+!,'-. 1hls curds lucement reresents
obstucles thut muy munlfest themselves to oose your objectlve.
Eere ls where the Lrugon us un untugonlst rulses lts mlghty heud.
1uke heed! 1hls curd ls to show you the roblem ln obtulnlng your
objectlve. Recognlze lt! Understund lt! 1hut ls the only wuy you cun
overcome whut the curd ls showlng you.
. !"#$('*-1%!,'-. vhy thls objectlve (the questlon) ls even resent
ln your llfe. 1hls curd cun be ulmost hurder to uccet then #z. Most
eole wunt to know why thlngs ure huenlng (or not huenlng)
to them ln thelr llfe, but they full to reullze thut they ure more often
then not the cuuse of such obstucles. 1he curd ln thls lucement
should clurlfy thls.
. '*!+,1#$ ,-(2*#-0#+. vhere lucement # usuully reresents the
questloner's own lnfluences (or obstucles) on the questlon, here we
huve uny osslble lnfluences thut muy ertuln to the questlon.
. !"#$ +"%1'/!%,2$ 0%&1. Eere, unknown, unseen events
surroundlng the questlon ure mude known (osslbly for the flrst
tlme). Usuully u very surrlslng curd for the erson.
6. 3'*&$ "'4#+. Now we move onto the vlngs of the Lrugon. Cne
wlng (the vlng of Llght) sturts wlth the erson's dee felt hoes
regurdlng the questlon. Pretty strulght forwurd.
,. 3'*&$(#%&+. And here on the other wlng (the vlng of Shudows) we
begln wlth the erson's feurs towurds the questlon or sltuutlon.
8oth lucement 6 und , should be regurded us the questloner's
feellngs on the mutter, whether they ure reullstlc or not (und usuully
ure not ln both cuses).
8. !"#$/,-5$'($2,5"!. 1hls osltlon reveuls the best osslble solutlon
the questlon could ever hoe to recelve. lf you don't see lt here, lt
lsn't golng to huen.
. !"#$ /,-5$ '($ 1%&6-#++. 1hls curd wlll reveul the worst osslble
solutlon the sltuutlon cun offer. 8oth osltlon 8 und reresent the
sectrum of the outcome thut wlll be reveuled ln the remulnlng
curds. Sometlmes thls cun be u comfortlng curd. Most eole's
greutest feur ls the worst thlng thut could huen. Usuully thls curd
ls never us bud us most eole thlnk.
c. !"#$4%+!. 1hls curd wlll show the questloner's ust thut hus beurlng
on the questlon und muy be lnfluenclng lt.
. !"#$ 4&#+#-!. 1hls shows how the erson feels ubout the questlon
und how lt relutes to thelr llfe now.
z. & . !"#$(*!*&#. Eere we huve two curds to reresent the most
llkely outcome of the osed questlon. 1hese curds (consldered to be
the Lrugon's Lyes, or erhus the Lrugon's Eorns) ure to be reud
together, glvlng u more detulled, lndeth vlew towurds the
questlon. More tlmes then not, the flnul outcome usuully fulls
somewhut lnbetween whut the two wlng curds huve shown.


. "'/$'!"#&+$+##$7#. 1hls rune lets you know the domlnunt energy
thut others notlce ln you. 1hls ullows you to see how you resent
yourself to others und lf lt ls fuvoruble or unfuvoruble.
z. 73$ (#%&+. 1hls ls exuctly whut lt suys lt ls - lt reveuls our feurs,
elther hldden or unhldden.
. /"%!$ ,$ +##6. 1hls rune sheds llght on whut you ure looklng or
strlvlng for. 1hls ls ulso muy be somethlng thut you ure uwure of or lt
mlght reveul somethlng thut ls unknown, ln whlch cuse thls muy be
cuuslng frlctlon us you ure subconsclously yeurnlng for somethlng
und mlght be worklng ugulnst lt.
. 73$8#+!$%44&'%0". lt wlll glve you un ldeu of whut you need to do
to reuch whut you seek, however thls rune ls only temorury ln lts
udvlce. vhut lt tells you toduy muy chunge wlth the course of
. 73$5'%2. vhut your ultlmute ls ulong thls uth.
6. '8+!%02#+$ !'$ '9#&0'7#. 1hls ls un lnternul obstucle thut you
must overcome before you cun work towurds your goul.
,. '*!+,1#$ ,-(2*#-0#+. 1hls ls how others reuct to you und lf they
wunt to hel you succeed or wlll try to hlnder you.
8. !"#$/%3$!'$73$!&*#$+#2(. 1hls rune lets you know whut you must
develo wlthln yourself ln order to reuch you goul.
. 73$ !&*#$ +#2(. 1hls ls your 1rue vlll, your ldeul self thut ls
comletely ln tune wlth the world. 1hls rune wlll let you know whut
uttrlbutes your lnner self hus. 1hls rune wlll chunge us you grow.
c. 8#+!$4'++,82#$'*!0'7#. 1hls ls the best outcome to the sltuutlon
thut ls bused on the erson thut you ure now. lf you chunge, your
outcome wlll ulso chunge.
!"#0%&10'2 !"#0%&10'2 !"#0%&10'2 !"#0%&10'2#$10#3'4#5,'!161&#)1%& #$10#3'4#5,'!161&#)1%& #$10#3'4#5,'!161&#)1%& #$10#3'4#5,'!161&#)1%&'
1hls form of flndlng u nume hus you use your turot deck. Shuffle the curds, relux,
und concentrute. Cut the deck und dlscurd the to seven curds. Pull three curds
from unywhere ln the deck. Note the honetlc vulues ln order.
llng of vunds of vunds of Swords
"LL" "LA" "Rl"
"LLLARl', or other comblnutlons muy be used such us "LARlLL'. You muy udd
more curds one ut u tlme, not to exceed thlrteen curds totul. lf you flnd thut the
nume you huve lcked ls not the one you wunt, you cun try uguln or tuke u nume
from unother source.
You do not huve to use thls system to flnd u muglckul nume, ln fuct you muy
ulreudy huve one. Muny ructltloners wlll choose elther unother nume thut ls just
for worklng wlth drugons or wlll udd thelr 'drugon' nume to thelr exlstlng
muglckul nume. 1he declslon ls u to you.

!161&#)1%&'7%"'#'2#$10#3'4#5, !161&#)1%&'7%"'#'2#$10#3'4#5, !161&#)1%&'7%"'#'2#$10#3'4#5, !161&#)1%&'7%"'#'2#$10#3'4#5,'
0;<=$ 4>?@ABCD$9;EFA$
1he Muglclun shul
Elgh Prlestess shun
Lmress jun
Lmeror shl
Elgh Prlest run
1he Lovers shur
1he Churlot sun
Strength the
Eermlt kum
vheel of lortune tun
1he Eunged Mun ken
'ustlce sher
Leuth shu
1emerunce nen
1he Levll lun
1he 1ower she
1he Stur omu
1he Moon uur
1he Sun dlu
'udgment tho
1he vorld tho
1he lool rlu

/;@=G$ 0FHG$ +I?<=G$ 4A@B;DEAG$
Ace bu Ace be Ace su Ace co
z cu z ce z dl z do
du de tu go
fu ge hl lo
gu he vu no
6 hu 6 je 6 ml 6 o
, ju , ke , nl , so
8 ku 8 le 8 l 8 to
lu me rl yo
c mu c ne c sl c thu
Puge nu Puge te Puge tl Puge rum
lnlght u lnlght ve lnlght bl lnlght thl
Queen ru Queen un Queen fl Queen lyn
llng el llng mur llng ll llng ur
!"#0%&10'2%%&'89#:,: !"#0%&10'2%%&'89#:,: !"#0%&10'2%%&'89#:,: !"#0%&10'2%%&'89#:,:'
(9,'2%%&:';&73/,&0, (9,'2%%&:';&73/,&0, (9,'2%%&:';&73/,&0, (9,'2%%&:';&73/,&0,'
An lmortunt conslderutlon, some suy the most lmortunt, when
determlnlng the best tlme for muglckul worklng ls the Moon or Lunur
Phuses. 1he Lunur Phuses ure on u z8duy cycle, golng from New Moon
to lull Moon und buck to New Moon uguln. Some modern ructltloners
oerute strlctly uccordlng to ustronomlcul culculutlons, tlmlng thelr
worklngs to the lust second. Some refer to go by slmle observutlon,
whlch mlght be more trudltlonul method. 8ut lt mlght be best to use u
1he vuxlng Moon ls the erlod from the New Moon to
und consecrutlon of tools, excet for the Athume.
1he vunlng Moon ls the erlod of tlme from lull Moon
to New Moon, whlch lusts ubout duys. lt beglns just
ufter the lull Moon untll lust vlslble crescent dlsueurs
becomlng the New Moon. 1hls ls the tlme for study,
lnfluences und energles, to breuk bud hublts, to end
hurmful relutlonshls und to reconclle wlth the ust. lt ls u tlme of
endlngs und to brlng thlngs to u concluslon. 1hls ls the tlme to
consecrute your Athume.
hel lncreuse sychlc ubllltles.
erlod between the vunlng und the vuxlng of the
medltutlon und decreuslng muglck, to remove unwunted
comblnutlon of both, uslng un ustrologlcul culendur for buslc ldeu when
thlngs ure golng on und by slmle observutlon of the Lunur Phuses.
the lull Moon, whlch lusts ubout duys. lt beglns ut the
flrst vlslble crescent und ends when the Moon ls lull.
1hls ls consldered the ldeul tlme for muglck geured
towurds druwlng thlngs to you, for lncreuslng of thlngs,
huve been worklng on lnto full blossom. 1lme to do heullngs, blesslngs
und growth of thlngs, the best tlme to brlng thlngs you
A duy erlod when cc of the Moon ls ueurs fully
vlslble. 1he duys ure the duy before und the duy ufter
ustronomlcul full und the duy of ustronomlcul full. 1hls ls
when the Moon ls ut lts full strength, the uex of her
ower. 1hls ls the tlme of strongest work. lt ls the
erfect tlme to do sells for fertlllty or those thut wlll
Some ructltloners don't deul wlth or even mentlon the
erlod of the NewjLurk Moon. 1hls ls when there ls no
vlslble slgn of the Moon ln the sky, whlch ls u duy
Moon. 1hls ls when the energles of the Moon ure ut lts
weukest, trudltlonully u tlme of llttle to no muglckul
worklngs ure done. Leendlng on lf you wunt to work wlth the New
Moon energles or the Lurk Moon energles wlll determlne whut tye of
work you would do. lf you work wlth the New Moon energles you wlll
do worklngs to brlng ubout new thlngs lnto your llfe. lf you work wlth
redlscoverlng yourself.
lull Moon.
thls tlme for muglckul worklngs.
the Lurk Moon energles should do worklngs for dlscoverlng or
1hls occurs durlng the lull Moon und uverugely huens twlce u yeur.
1hls occurs when the Lurth usses between the Sun und the Moon,
cuuslng the Moon to go through lts monthly cycle wlthln u coule of
hours. lrom the sturt to the euk ls llke the vunlng Moon, from the
euk to the end ls llke the vuxlng Moon, und ut the euk ls llke the
NewjLurk Moon. 1he udvuntuge ls thut durlng thls tlme you cun work
wlth the dlfferent huses of the Moon whlle huvlng the strength of the
1he current common bellef ls thut u blue moon ls the second full moon
ln u slngle culendur month. 1hese moons ure thought to be urtlculurly
lucky und huve the double the ower of u normul full moon.
1hls ls un uncommon occurrence but comes uround every ten to
thlrteen yeurs. lt ls elther when there ls u second NewjLurk Moon ln u
culendur month, or u second NewjLurk Moon ln u 2odluc Slgn. 1hls
moon ls thought to huve twlce the strength of u normul Lurk Moon und
ls the best for removlng thut whlch ls unwunted ln your llfe.
1hls huens when the Moon ls movlng between 2odluc Slgn. 1he
energy durlng thls tlme ls chuotlc und unfocused. 1rudltlonully thls ls u
tlme when you would not sturt uny muglckul worklng, but thls doesn't
uly ln Lruconlc Muglck. 8ecuuse of thelr nuturul ublllty to work wlth
chuotlc energy, the Lrugons of Chuos und Lestructlon cun be used ut
As lt wus tuught to me by my Muglster, very few eole ln the world
toduy follow the true Lruconlc or Lruconlun 1rudltlon. lt ls not thut lt
hus neurly become extlnct, but thut generully when lt ls tuught, lt ls
orully from teucher to ull. Rurely ls unythlng wrltten down, lt wus
chosen to chunge thls usect so thut lt would not be lost ultogether. My
muglster dld not clulm to huve lost knowledge of u 'true' 1rudltlon,
whut wus tuught to me, und whut ls resented here, ls whut hus been
!"#0%&10'8"#0)10,: !"#0%&10'8"#0)10,:' !"#0%&10'8"#0)10,: !"#0%&10'8"#0)10,:'
hunded down from teucher to student, us such thls ls only the thlrd
tlme lt hus been ut lnto rlnt.
1he teuchlngs of the Lruconlc 1rudltlon cun be used, us lts own
trudltlon or un uddltlve to un exlstlng one. lf lt ls used ln conjunctlon
wlth other 1rudltlons you should never luce other deltles ubove
drugons, or exect the drugons to be subservlent to your utron gods.
1he drugons should be treuted wlth the sume resect thut you grunt to
Lelty, thls meuns thut you glve the drugons the sume level of honor
thut you glve to your Cod(s). 1here ure muny deltles who ure drugons
or huve druconlc forms, you muy work wlth them us well us other
drugons und deltles.
lf you do work wlth other Leltles, lt ls ulwuys best to lntroduce the gods
to the drugons und vlceversu. ve recommend tuklng tlme to reseurch
lf the god(s) ln questlon wlll reuct fuvorubly or unfuvorubly to drugons.
lf your utron ls ulso the Cod of Lrugonsluylng, lt muy not be such u
good mutch. ln thut cuse, you cun stlll work drugon muglck, you wlll just
need to kee the Lruconlc 1rudltlon seurute from your normul
worklngs. Eowever, lf they wlll get ulong, you should creute sucred
suce, lnvoke both the drugons und your gods, und then ullow
medltutlve tlme for lntroductlons.
Unllke other trudltlons those who ure solely Lrugon Muglck
ructltloners don't refer to u grou of ructltloners us u Coven or un
Crder. 1hey refer to lt us u Clun. As such, u Clun ls buslcully the fumlly
thut you choose, lnsteud of belng reluted by blood you ure reluted
through the drugons. Some ructltloners comblne terms us well, some
vlccuns work ln ClunCovens und l huve ulso seen ClunCroves und Clun
1he slmlest deflnltlon of Lrugon Muglck or Lruconlc Muglck ls the
culllng uon of Lrugons to uld you ln your muglckul worklngs. 1here ure
some schools of thought thut suy thut Lrugon Muglck must be ket
strlctly us Elgh or Ceremonlul Muglck, but thut ls not the cuse. Lrugon
muglck cun und does work wlthln uny muglckul system. lt cun be
ructlced us lts own 1rudltlon or ln conjunctlon wlth unother muglckul
trudltlon. Lrugons cun hel to emower your rltuuls no mutter whut
trudltlon you ructlce.
ln the Clun l wus trulned ln, we do not belleve thut there ls only one wuy
to work wlth Lrugons. You wlll flnd these gruceful belngs ln ulmost
<9#)'1:'!"#$%&'2#$10=> <9#)'1:'!"#$%&'2#$10=>' <9#)'1:'!"#$%&'2#$10=> <9#)'1:'!"#$%&'2#$10=>'
suffer bucklush from such un uctlon.
whlch few huve done.
humuns ln generul llke they dld ln old tlmes.
every muglcul system throughout the world, where they ure usuully
delfled or vlllfled. Luch system looks ut drugons ln u dlfferent wuy und
hels us to leurn ubout dlfferent fucets of thelr ersonulltles. 1here ure
some who see them only us elementul energles wlthout lndeendent
exlstence, whlle others seem them us symbols of thut energy und
huvlng no true exlstence ut ull. My bellef, und thut of the Clun l trulned
wlth, ls thut Lrugons ure ustrul belngs, huvlng form und exlstence but
they do not huve the ublllty to munlfest on the hyslcul lune thut we
llve ln. 1helr bodles ure mude of energy, but the wlll und ersonulltles
thut we connect wlth ure very reul und lndeendent of us.
Lrugons do not only exlst when we cull uon them. 1hey do not wult,
susended ln tlme, untll we remember to lnvoke them. 'ust us we do
not llve only ln rltuul, the drugons thut we work wlth wlll huve other
thlngs to do und thelr own llves to leud. vhut muy be convenlent for
you muy not be for them. As ustrul belngs tlme muy flow dlfferently for
them, but they ure ln no wuy bound to our wllls nor must they obey our
communds. ln fuct, thut ls u sure wuy to drlve them off und osslbly
Some cull uny muglckul ructlce wlth Lrugons ls to "Lunce wlth
Lrugons', but they cun be more then just u dunce urtner. As teuchers
of unclent knowledge thelr grus of lt ls dee und rofound. 1helr
ublllty to hel ln dlvlnutlon ls ustonlshlng und qulte uccurute. As
rotectors durlng rltuuls und everyduy llfe there ure no equuls. And lf u
Lrugon chooses to tuke you under thelr wlngs you wlll huve the
oortunlty of leurnlng knowledge und evolvlng your muglckul ublllty,
A llfelong ructlce wlth Lrugons cun form u bondlng comunlonshl
wlth them und they cun become the best comunlons you could ever
huve. Although thls comunlonshl cun seem extremely demundlng, ut
tlmes, lt ls ulwuys ln your best lnterests. 1hls comunlonshl und
ructlce wlth Lrugons ls never borlng. lf lt ls ructlced dully lt cun be u
joyful uddltlon to your llfe not to mentlon the beneflt thut both secles
guln ln thelr evolutlon und slrltuul growth. 1he more thut you seek
them out, work wlth them, und eurn thelr trust the more Lrugons wlll
be encouruged to once uguln huve u closer, osltlve relutlonshl wlth
Lrugon Muglck ls not for everyone. 1hose thut choose to ructlce lt
must be selfdlsclllned lndlvlduuls who ure serlous ubout chunglng
thlngs ln thelr llves und the world uround them. You must be wllllng to
huve belngs be brutully honest wlth you und be wllllng to turn thut
ultlmutely rewurdlng.
owerfully greut belngs, known us Lrugons.
wlll ulso be ucceted.
deul wlth them.
sume honesty uon yourself. vorklng wlth drugons ls u hurd uth, but
Cn old mus, mumukers would use the lcture of u Lrugon wlth
wrltlng under lt suylng, 'Eere 1here 8e Lrugons' denotlng unexlored
reglons of our world thut hud unknown dungers. Lrugon Muglck oens
u the unknown mentul und sychlc reulms to us, showlng us where
the drugons lle. 1he ones who ure true exlorers of the unknown und
seekers of knowledge wlll be chullenged, not frlghtened, by these slgns
und forge on uheud ln thelr contlnulng seurch for knowledge. 1hey wlll
undertuke und creute frlendshls und urtnershls wlth these
!"#$%&'2#$10='1:'4%)'<100# !"#$%&'2#$10='1:'4%)'<100#' !"#$%&'2#$10='1:'4%)'<100# !"#$%&'2#$10='1:'4%)'<100#'
1here ls often u generul mlsconcetlon when beglnnlng ln drugon
muglck thut lt ls u vlccun trudltlon. lt ls not. Lrugon muglck does not
requlre thut you follow the Rede, nor does lt suy thut you cunnot work
hurm. 1he only ethlcs ln lt ure the ones of your clun und Lruconlc Codes
of Eonor. ln fuct there ure muny cluns who only use the Lruconlc
Lrugon muglck does not huve uny seclul hollduys thut lts ructltloners
must follow. As you flnd comunlon drugons to work wlth, they muy
lnform you of feustduys of holyduys thut they wlsh you follow. vhen
or lf, thls huens you muy elther ructlce these duys ln conjunctlon
wlth your current uth or you muy celebrute them us seurute entltles.
Lrugons do not requlre eluborute rltuuls for thelr celebrutlons, however
they understund thut humuns often need such trulng und ure
uccetlng of lt. lt ls not un offense to try to celebrute wlth u drugon,
just kee ln mlnd thut you muy ulso choose to medltute quletly und thut
1here ls no monthly or yeurly cycle thut must be followed ln drugon
muglck. vorklng wlth drugons ls exuctly thut, you ure formlng u bond
und u relutlonshl wlth them. 1here ls no seclul lunguuge or wrltlng
system thut you must leurn to communlcute wlth them. You must work
ut oenlng yourself sychlcully to them und feellng out how to best
lt hels to huve ut leust some trulnlng ln unother muglckul system
before beglnnlng drugon muglck. 1hut ls why for thls cluss you must
huve comleted ut leust the flrst slx lessons of the Cueun 1rudltlon, so
thut you ut leust huve u buckground to druw from. 1hls course ls ubout
follow unother uth.
or drugons, not ubout domlnutlon.
uround the wulst.
gulned knowledge.
heud of u Clun wlthln your trudltlon.
.#&=:'1&'!"#$%&'2#$10= .#&=:'1&'!"#$%&'2#$10=' .#&=:'1&'!"#$%&'2#$10= .#&=:'1&'!"#$%&'2#$10='
teuchlng you to shure your llfe wlth unother belng, not to force you to
1hls does not meun thut you cunnot ructlce vlccu und drugon muglck
together, ln fuct they ure u hlghly effectlve teum. Eowever, too muny
eole muke the mlstuke of equutlng the two whlch ls erroneous.
Lrugon muglck ls ubout worklng ln hurmony, be lt wlth u slrltuul uth
1he hlerurchy system for the Clun l trulned wlth ls not the sume for
every drugon Clun. 1he tltles thut ure llsted here muy or muy not
trunslute over lnto unother trudltlon of drugon muglck.
A note on the sushes: not everyone cun sew or even owns u sewlng
muchlne. lf thls ls the cuse for you, you muy reluce the sush wlth u
cord. 1hls cord ls worn drued over the shoulders for rltuul, not tled
1hls ls un lnltlute, u erson who hus comleted ull the lessons of
the Clun und hus dedlcuted themselves to thls uth. 1hey weur the
whlte sush, whlch ls colored for the element Alr showlng thut they huve
A Prlest or Prlestess of the Clun, there ls only one word for
lt und not one for euch sex. Sucerdotls weur u red sush showlng thut
they huve mude lt through the flre, the trluls und trlbulutlons, of thelr
flrst yeur. You must be un uctlve ructltloner of drugon muglck through
thls tlme, whlch meuns lnvoklng drugons ln your rltuul work und
worklng wlth them us necessury. Your yeur beglns the duy thut you
begln studylng, so thut your tlme us coel ulles towurd your
sucerdotls stutus. After you become u sucerdotls, you muy become the
1hls ls u runk thut not ull ructltloners choose to tuke, lt ls
the level of 1eucher. Not ull sucerdotls feel the need to uss on the
knowledge thut they huve leurned. ln order to teuch the Clun lessons
you must be u sucerdotls und recelve ermlsslon from the heud of the
Clun. 1he sush color thut muglsters weur ls blue for wuter, showlng the
flowlng of knowledge from one to unother. 1hls sush ls worn ln
conjunctlon wlth whutever other level you ure currently ut. 1he tltle ls
ulso used ln conjunctlon wlth the others Sucerdotls Muglster, Lomlnus
uly the Muglster tltle to thelr nume however.
As wlth most muglckul systems, Lrugon Muglck hus symbols thut cun be
used ln lts ructlce. 1hese could be curved on cundles to hel glve them
ower, stltched onto robes, used ln rltuuls, thelr use ls ructlcully
llmltless. 1hese ure by no meuns the only symbols thut you cun use
when worklng wlth drugons, they ure the most common for the Clun
thut l trulned wlth.

%B>;MA trudltlonully thls ls the bluck hundled knlfe of the wltches. As lt
ls the muln tool ln the drugon trudltlon, lt stunds for the strong
relutlonshl between humuns und drugons, one thut ls bullt on strength
und resect. 1hls cun be u detulled druwlng or u vertlcul llne wlth u
curved horlzontul llne neur the bottom (thls would reresent the hllt of
the knlfe).

1<;L?@$#OA lt ls druwn to lmurt slght lnto the unknown or thut whlch
ls hldden. lt ls ulso used for rotectlon, ensurlng thut whutever lt ls
druwn on ls under the 'drugon's guze'.

Muglster, und Mujores Muglster. A ructltloner muy choose to only
1hls runk ls u Muster ructltloner ln the drugon Cruft, one
who hus been un uctlve ructltloner for ut leust flve yeurs. lt ls ut the
tlme thut one muy brunch off und creute thelr own Clun und trudltlon.
1he color sush thut u domlnus weurs ls green for eurth, showlng thut
they huve roven themselves to be steudy und stuble.
1hls ls the flnul runk thut druconlc ructltloner cun recelve, lt
ls the stutus of Llder. 1hls ls u erson who hus been un uctlve
ructltloner for ten yeurs. You do not huve to huve been u muglster or u
heud of u Clun ln order to reuch thls stutus, druconlc ructltloners honor
those who huve mude u long term study und devotlons to the Lrugons.
1he sush u mujores weurs ls bluck, for Chuos und for the energy of the
!"#0%&10'* !"#0%&10'*? !"#0%&10'* !"#0%&10'*?? ?5@%3: 5@%3: 5@%3:' 5@%3:'

deends on how you uly lt.

"?<@A=$ 7??@


hurmony wlth slrlt.




thls reresents the ower of the drugon's breuth. lt ls useful for
heullng und renewul us well us destructlon. lt ls u owerful tool, lt ull
thls cun reresent the horns thut some drugons huve
but lt ulso shows the connectlon thut we ure ull u urt of delty.
reresents the unlverse und the ldeu thut there ls no end.
shows ull flve elements of drugon muglck ln bulunce und
thls ls u erfect clrcle und ls unother reresentutlon of lnflnlty
the ldeu thut some thlngs huve no beglnnlng und no end. lt cun ulso
reresent u mlrror whlch shows thut drugons reflect buck our true
1hls ls they symbol for flre und cun be used to reresent the
flre of drugons whlch ls thelr breuth. lt ls used mulnly us u symbol for
rotectlon, burnlng uwuy unythlng thut mlght cuuse you hurm.
thls ls the symbol of the drugon on eurth us lt ls the drugon's
neur cousln. lt ulso reresents new beglnnlngs, renewul, und
uku Solur Cross

!"#$%&' (%)*
thelr muglck works ln u nonllneur uttern.

osltlons murked ln order thut lt ls druwn ln.
uctlvlty of the femlnlne.
thls shows the drugon's nuturul energy utterns und how
!"#$%&'( !"#$%&'()$*+,#-$.+/00 !"#$%&'( !"#$%&'()$*+,#-$.+/00 )$*+,#-$.+/00$ )$*+,#-$.+/00$
1he Lquul Armed Cross ls for blesslng of food und cun ulso be used to
unolnt your brow before rltuul. lt ls culled thls becuuse the urms of the
cross ure both the sume length. 8elow ls u dlugrum of one wlth the
dlrectlons. lts energy ls uctlve, klnetlc und vlbrunt, yet eucefully
bulunced. 1hls cross ls not reluted to the Chrlstlun cruclflx ln uny wuy, lt
ls older thun the Chrlstlun one und ls belleved to be elther Celtlc or
Nutlve Amerlcun ln orlgln. Uslng the equul urmed cross ls wuy to brlng
bulunce to the ltem thut you ure murklng wlth lt, the vertlcul beum ls
the uctlvlty of the muscullne ln creutlon, whlle the horlzontul llne ls the
Llke the entucle, the equul urmed cross muy ulso be enclosed ln u
clrcle, showlng erfect bulunce wlth no beglnnlng und no end. You do
not enclose thls symbol ln u clrcle to contuln lts energy, lt ls enclrcled to
show the lnflnlte exunslon of whut lt symbollzes.
lt ls ulso known us the Solur Cross und reresents the sun und the four

of Slrlt when not uslng the element of Chuos.
1he Pentugrum ls u flveolnted stur reresentlng the flve elements ln
bulunce wlth Slrlt. 1he center of the Pentugrum relutes to the element
of Slrlt us the domlnunt force, holdlng the other elements ln form und
bulunce. 1he uermost olnt (when urlght) corresonds to element
of Chuos, the uer rlghthund olnt to vuter, the lower rlghthund
olnt to llre, the lower lefthund olnt to Lurth, und the uer lefthund
olnt to Alr. 1he uer most olnt cun ulso corresond to the element
vhen truclng the entugrum ln the ulr, un energy flow ls creuted wlth
the flrst stroke. An evoklng entugrum ls begun wlth the flrst stroke
golng towurds the element you ure culllng forth. lor exumle, to druw
un Lurth evoklng entugrum, you sturt ut the uermost olnt of
ChuosjSlrlt, come down to the lower left olnt of Lurth, then u to the
uer rlght olnt of vuter, over to the left olnt of Alr, then down to
the lower rlght olnt of llre, und conclude wlth the flnul stroke u to
the uermost olnt of ChuosjSlrlt. At the sume tlme thut you ure
druwlng un evoklng entugrum, you should try to vlsuullze the center of
the entugrum ulsutlng wlth energy of lts urorlute color.
1o bunlsh the entugrum requlres thut you reverse the flow of the
energy. A bunlshlng entugrum ls begun wlth the flrst stroke golng
uwuy from the element you culled forth. lor exumle, to druw un Lurth
bunlshlng entugrum, you sturt ut the lower left olnt of Lurth und go
1#23(4+(,$(2-$1#23(5)#0 1#23(4+(,$(2-$1#23(5)#0$ 1#23(4+(,$(2-$1#23(5)#0 1#23(4+(,$(2-$1#23(5)#0$
u to the uermost olnt of ChuosjSlrlt, then down to the lower
rlght olnt of llre, u to the uer left olnt of Alr, then over to the
uer rlght olnt of vuter, und conclude by golng down to the lower
left olnt of Lurth.
1he buslc symbol ls often seen wlth u clrcle encomusslng the entlre
entugrum, touchlng euch of the olnts. 1he clrcle serves the urose
of both contulnlng und focuslng the energles, und ls used whenever u
entugrum ls lnscrlbed on un object such us un umulet or tullsmun. 1he
clrcle ls eseclully useful when evoklng un element or the Llementul
Lrugons. 1he muln reuson ls to contuln the energy so thut lt lsn't
uncontrolled und won't huve u chunce to cuuse huvoc. An exumle
would be llke u wuter le burstlng becuuse you dldn't contuln the
energles or lncorrectly bunlshed the Pentugrum.
* entucle ls the hyslcul reresentutlon of u entugrum, usuully
mude of bruss, coer, sllver, gold, wood, wux, or cerumlc. lt ls
sometlmes lnscrlbed wlth certuln symbols or glyhs for dlfferent tyes
of muglcul uroses. lt ls the centerlece of the ultur, on whlch objects
ure consecruted. vhen worn lt ls wlth the Chuos end olntlng u.
Pentucles ure sometlmes hung over doors und wlndows to uct us
rotectlve devlces.
vhen we weur jewelry thut hus the sucred stur ln u clrcle lt ls u entucle
thut we weur, we do not weur our worklng tools for everyduy

%6/7824$(2-$9(280"824$1#23(4+(,0 %6/7824$(2-$9(280"824$1#23(4+(,0 %6/7824$(2-$9(280"824$1#23(4+(,0 %6/7824$(2-$9(280"824$1#23(4+(,0$

!"#$%&'$()%%*+ !"#$%&'$()%%*+( !"#$%&'$()%%*+ !"#$%&'$()%%*+(
)%%*+(%,( )%%*+(%,(-./(!"#$%&'$(0#-. )%%*+(%,( )%%*+(%,(-./(!"#$%&'$(0#-. -./(!"#$%&'$(0#-.( -./(!"#$%&'$(0#-.(
A rltuul tool ls u sychologlcul uld to concentrutlon. lt ls the tunglble
reresentutlon of unseen forces. 1he mlnd works muglc und the tools
enhunce the ower of u trulned mlnd. Stlll, us such, they ure very
lmortunt. 1hese llsted ure the buslc tools thut ure used ln drugon
muglck. Muny of them you wlll ulreudy own und cun be used ln your
work wlth drugons. You muy choose to double consecrute them, thut ls
consecrute them uguln so thut they ure fllled wlth both dlvlne und
druconlc energy.
2&)%$'3%,4&+/: Llement - llre
1hese ure the cundles thut ure ket on the ultur for Cod, Coddess, und
the elements. 1hey ure used us sentlnels to brlng blesslngs to the ultur.
1hey muy be reused euch tlme, slmly reunolnt wlth Power Cll before
beglnnlng euch rltuul.
2&)%$'3&5)*: Llement - All slx elements
1rudltlonully bluck or urle- lt should be cotton und wushuble Cun be
other colors for urtlculur uroses, such us Creen for un Lurth or
money rltuul, etc.
2)*%.+: Llement - llre
1rudltlonully lt ls u bluck hllted, doubleedged blude, rojects force of
wlll, lt ls the uggresslve, muscullne rlnclle, und ls used to dlrect flre
energy. Used to lnvoke Lrugons. Used to evoke & bunlsh elements und
druw the boundury of u clrcle. Aggresslve ruther then ussertlve. Alwuys
held ln your domlnunt hund. Never used to cut.
6+&&: Llement - Slrlt but ulso Alr
Used to uttruct the uttentlon of the Lrugons, to summon Lrugons, und
to dlsmlss them. Usuully rung tlmes - rlng once then wult for the tone
to sto before rlnglng uguln.
6557'58'!*%459/ (8oS): Llement - Lurth
1rudltlonully u bluck bound, unllned book thut ls used to record sells,
muglcul & herbul recles, lnvocutlons, etc. ln the Clun l studled wlth lt
wus subtltled the 'Lruconls Llbrl Umbru' meunlng Lrugon 8ook of
65&#,+: Llement - Lurth
1rudltlonully u whlte hundled, slngle edge blude. Used for cuttlng
wunds, herbs, lnscrlbe on cundles, etc.
659&: Llement - vuter und Lurth
Used to hold wuter for cleunslng und consecrutlons
3%,4&+'!,:88+$: Llement - Lurth
Used to extlngulsh cundles (NLvLR 8LCv 1ELM CU1)
3*%&#1+: Llement - vuter
Eolds wlne for the rltuul llbutlons. 8russ should not be used for wlne
unless lt's seuled.
3*%$15%&: Llement - llre but ulso Lurth
Used ln thurlble or censer to burn owdered lncense. Use selfllghtlng
coul not burbequlng coul.
;:%$4#%,'3%,4&+ Llement Chuos
1rudltlonully red lt reresents the drugon(s) thut we cull lnto rltuul. lt ls
ulso used to honor thelr resence.
;$#.5#$+: Llement - Lurth
Used us u dlury or journul.
(+,'<'=,7: Llement - Alr
Pen 1rudltlonully u feuther qulll en, but lt cun ulso be u gluss en. Also
known us u Pen of Art.
lnks - Lrugons 8lood, whlch ls uggresslve for ower. Should be
consecruted durlng the hour of Mercury. lnks ure mlxed wlth three
dros of your own blood to llnk them to you, but no one else cun use
the lnk lf you do thls und dolng thls ls not requlred.
(+,)%1&+: Llement - Lurth but ulso ull slx elements ln bulunce.
Cun be used to lnsulute ultur from the heut cuused by the thurlble.
Personul entucle - Used us un umulet for rotectlon. All tools ure
consecruted uon the Pentucle.
>5?+: Llement - Lurth
1rudltlonully bluck wlth hood mude from nuturul muterluls. Some
trudltlons work "skyclud' (nude).
!%/*: Llement - Lurth
Eels kee you grounded durlng rltuuls und ulso shows your runk ln the
Lruconlc Clun by the color. lt ls worn ucross the shoulders, not uround
the wulst. Mude from nuturul muterluls und hemmed ut the end und
edges to kee from fruylng. Should meusure nlne feet long und three
lnches thlck.
!)%88: Llement - Alr
1rudltlonully mude from nuturul woods - vlllow for women und Cuk for
men. Used ln luce of the vund when worklng ln u grou.
!)%):+/: Llement Slrlt
Used to reresent the Lrugon(s) belng lnvoked on the ultur, the stutue
should be druconlc or serentlne ln nuture. 1hls stutue does not huve to
be on your rltuul ultur, but should huve u romlnent luce ln the room
thut you do rltuuls.
!95$4: Llement - llre
1rudltlonully lt ls u bluck hllted, doubleedged blude thut ls used ln luce
of the Athume when worklng ln u grou.
@%$5)'3%$4/: Llement - All flve elements, excludlng Chuos
Used to uld ln medltutlon, ln concentrutlon durlng sells, ln
reresentlng elements, dlvlnutlon, etc.
@*:$#?&+'5$'3+,/+$: Llement - llre, but ulso Alr from the vuors glven
off und Lurth from the resldue left.
Used to burn lncense, etltlons, etc.
A%,4: Llement - Alr
1rudltlonully mude from nuturul woods - vlllow for women und Cuk for
men. Eeld ln the submlsslve hund whlle lnvoklng Lrugons. Assertlve
ruther thun uggresslve. A symbol of knowledge.
%;<)(2(38/2$/=$3"#$%)#,#230 %;<)(2(38/2$/=$3"#$%)#,#230 %;<)(2(38/2$/=$3"#$%)#,#230 %;<)(2(38/2$/=$3"#$%)#,#230$
Accordlng to the unclent teuchlngs, creutlon wus founded on flve
forces, or elements, thut were jolned together by the slxth usect of
slrlt. 1hese elements ure Lurth, Alr, llre, vuter, und Chuos.
1he element of eurth reresents form und stublllty. 1he element of ulr
reresents lntellect, objectlvlty, thought, und udutublllty. 1he element
of flre rovldes force und generutes uctlvlty. 1he element of wuter
lends chunge und mutublllty. 1he element of chuos brlngs ubout ruld
chunge, removlng of obstucles or unwunted sltuutlon, und to get thlngs
movlng when stutlc.
Lurth, Alr, llre, und vuter elements wlthln muglcul symbollsm ure the
buslc comonents of ull thut exlsts. 1hey ure ut the sume tlme vlslble
und lnvlslble, us well us hyslcul und slrltuul. lrom these four elements
ull thlngs huve been creuted uccordlng to muglcul bellef.
Chuos comes ln were the beglnnlng of Creutlon sturted. lts elementul
energy wus used to remove everythlng ln the Unlverse to muke wuy for
the other four elements to begln formlng everythlng we know toduy.
ve wlll dlscuss the uses und ubllltles of the element ln u seurute
hundout slnce we need to go over lt to understund lt. ve wlll contlnue
to go over the remulnlng four elements ut thls tlme.
lt ls unwlse to vlew the four elements ln urely hyslcul terms. vhen
we seuk of the elements, we do not meun llterully the forms thut we
ure used to referrlng to them. lor exumle, vuter cun meun unythlng ln
llquld form or Alr cun meun uny guseous substunce. 1hese numes cun
be used to reresent the unformed, nonmuterlul substunce of the
1he elements ure even consldered ln the sychologlcul dlvlslons of buslc
humun ersonullty. Lveryone ls llnked to u comblnutlon of elementul
forces ut the tlme of thelr blrth und usuully one element redomlnutes.
lor exumle, those who ure lnfluenced by vuter seem to be ruled by
thelr emotlons whlle Alr eole ure more detuched, lntellectuul, loglcul,
or ubstruct. Lurth eole ure usuully ructlcul und muterlullstlc whlle
llre eole ure the most qulckly bored lf thelr lnterest lsn't feed.
1he elements ure found ln the very heurt of the Cruft, whether
urouched from u muglcul or devotlonul dlrectlon. 8ecuuse thls ls the
muglc of nuture, uslng nuturul owers, tools, und symbols, lt ls
lmortunt to understund the uttrlbutes of the elements. An
understundlng of the elements wlll uld your muglcul work greutly.
Lurth doesn't necessurlly reresent the hyslcul Lurth, but thut urt of
lt whlch ls stuble, solld, und deenduble. lt ls the foundutlon of the
elements, the buse. lt ls the domuln of ubundunce, roserlty, und
weulth. ln muglcul worklngs, Lurth "rules' ull sells und rltuuls lnvolvlng
buslness, money, emloyment, und roserlty ln ull lts forms, stublllty,
fertlllty, und more.
Lurth ls u femlnlne element. lt ls nurturlng, molst, frultful, whlch ure the
quulltles thut muke lt femlnlne. 1hese uttrlbutes ure the reusons thut
muny clvlllzutlons envlslon the Lurth us u greut Mother Coddess, the ull
fertlle Creutress of nuture.
Lurth rules the Northern olnt of the comuss, becuuse thut ls the
luce of greutest durkness und of wlnter. lts color ls the green of the
flelds und lunts. lt governs stone, lmuge, und tree muglc.
Alr ls the element of lntellect, the reulm of thought, whlch ls the flrst
ste towurd creutlon. lt ls the cleur, uncluttered, ure vlsuullzutlon,
whlch ls u owerful tool for chunge. lt ls ulso movement, the force thut
sends the vlsuullzutlon out towurd munlfestutlon. lt rules sells und
rltuuls lnvolvlng truvel, lnstructlon, freedom, obtulnlng knowledge,
dlscoverlng lost ltems, uncoverlng lles, und more. lt cun ulso be used to
develo the sychlc fucultles.
Alr ls u muscullne element, belng dry, exunslve, und uctlve. lt ls the
element thut excels ln luces of leurnlng, und whlch ls ut work whlle we
lmuglne, thlnk, und conslder.
Alr rules the Lust becuuse thls ls the dlrectlon of the greutest llght, und
the llght of wlsdom und consclousness. lts color ls yellow, the yellow of
the Sun und of the sky ut duwn und lts seuson ls srlng. Alr governs the
muglc of the four wlnds, most dlvlnutlons, concentrutlon, und
llre ls the element of chunge, wlll, und usslon. lt ls most rlmul und for
thls reuson ls much used ln muglc. lt ls the reulm of sexuullty und
usslon. lt ls not only the "sucred flre' of sex, but ulso the surk of
dlvlnlty, whlch shlnes wlthln us und ln ull llvlng thlngs. lt ls one of the
most hyslcul und slrltuul of the elements.
llre rltuuls usuully lnvolve energy, uuthorlty, sex, heullng, destructlon
(of negutlve hublts, dlseuse), urlflcutlon, evolutlon, und more. lts
muglc ls qulte often ructlced neur the heurth, or beslde flres llt ln
wllderness cleurlngs, or beslde the flume of u slngle cundle.
llre ls muscullne. lt rules the South, the luce of greutest heut, the color
red, und the seuson of summer. All cundle muglc comes under llre's
vuter ls the element of urlflcutlon, the subconsclous mlnd, love, und
the emotlons. lt ls the element of ubsortlon und germlnutlon. 1he
subconsclous ls symbollzed by thls element becuuse lt ls rolllng, ulwuys
movlng, llke the seu whlch rests nelther nlght nor duy.
vuter muglc lnvolves leusure, frlendshl, murrluge, fertlllty,
hulness, heullng, slee dreumlng, sychlc ucts, urlflcutlon, und
more. A rltuul of vuter usuully ends wlth un object belng tossed or
luced ln or on u body of wuter.
vuter ls u femlnlne element, und lts color ls the blue of dee, dee
wuter. lt rules the vest und uutumn months of the yeur, when ruln
showers wush the Lurth. 1he muglc of vuter ls full of mlrrors, the seu,
fog, und ruln.
%)#,#23()$."(/0 %)#,#23()$."(/0 %)#,#23()$."(/0 %)#,#23()$."(/0$
ln Lrugon muglck, chuos ls seen us un element, u force thut we cun tu
lnto to hel roel und form our muglck. Chuos ls the dlvlne surk thut
lles wlthln euch of us, lt lets us know thut chuos ls found wlthln und
wlthout und lt hels to ut us ln touch wlth the flrst Lelty. lt ls how
drugon muglckluns tu lnto the rlmordlul energy thut exlsted before
the Coddess wus formed, lt ls sometlmes culled the flrst muglck. 1here
ls the common mlsconcetlon thut becuuse we use chuos thut our
muglck ls confused und dlsordered. 1hls lsn't so, our muglck stlll hus
structure lt just tends to reuct und munlfest ln unusuul wuys.
Chuos, ln und of ltself, lsn't u system or hllosohy. lt ls u brldge
between our world und drugons, we tu lnto thelr energy when we
choose to work wlth chuos. ve ulreudy know thut we shue our muglck
out of the trudltlonul four elements, blnd our muglck together wlth
slrlt, then ln drugon muglck we trunsmlt lt through chuos. 8y lnvoklng
drugons lnto our rltes we ure consclously druwlng on the element of
chuos. Chuos ls the busls for our muglck wlth drugons, lt ls how they cun
udd thelr energy to our works und chuos ls seen us the rlmul creutlve
vhut confuses muny ls thut chuos doesn't come wlth u set of rules or
ethlcs und becuuse of lt some huve deemed lt the "left hund uth",
equutlng lt wlth evll. 1here ure no set sells for chuos, lt works wlth the
sells of uny trudltlon or those thut the ructltloner wrltes. Chuos'
ublllty to blend ltself wlth uny method, uny bellef system mukes lt fulrly
unlque und often u mystery. lt ls not evll, just us muglck ls not lnherently
evll, but lt cun be shued to sult uny need. 'ust llke electrlclty, chuos ls
nelther good nor bud, lt ls how we choose to uly lt thut glves lt u
osltlve or negutlve uttltude.
8ut whut ls chuos? lt ls deflned us "the lrregulur, unredlctuble behuvlor
of determlnlstlc, nonllneur dynumlc systems". vhut thls meuns ls thut
we cunnot ulwuys guess how chuos wlll munlfest or whut lts outcome
mlght be. 'ust becuuse sell A comleted ln munner 8 thut doesn't
meun lt wlll huen thut wuy every tlme. Sell A mlght turn lnto C or L,
or lt mlght do some thlng comletely unexected und glve us . Chuos
chullenges us to conslder ulternutlve uvenues of thought, to ubundon
loglc us our only wuy of rovlng un exerlence. lor most muglckluns
thls ls the lurgest stelng stone, lt ls often hurd to not try to flnd u
loglcul munner to exluln uwuy whut we ure dolng.
8ecuuse chuos ls nonllneur, lt ls not bound by the construlnts of tlme.
Alylng thls to sell work meuns thut we cun uffect events ulreudy
ust or those thut huven't huened yet. lf you took the Cueun
1rudltlon flrst degree course, you muy remember ln the one lesson lt
wus brlefly touched uon we don't ulwuys know how muglck works.
1he exumle used there wus wlth weuther muglck, erformlng u ruln
sell. Loes the muglck work ln the resent tlme to uffect current
weuther utterns to brlng ruln? Cr does lt work retrouctlvely, movlng
buckwurd ln tlme to set u the weuther thut we need to brlng the
storm thut we deslre? Chuos muglck tells us thut lt cun do elther one of
those, or lt cun do both, or nelther.
vorklng wlth chuos meuns thut we ure tulng lnto u owerful und
strong energy thut ut lts core ls rlmul. lt cun overwhelm some und
muny flnd thut they feel llke the energy could hyslcully knock them
over. lts unudulteruted ower mukes lt ueur dungerous und
threutenlng but wlth tlme und ructlce you cun get used to the rush of
energy, but even then lt wlll stlll retuln lts 'unch' so thut we don't
forget whut we ure deullng wlth. Chuos ls ukln to the slrlt of drugons
und we must leurn to work wlth chuos, to "thlnk outslde the box", und
through the key of bellef to tume the elementul force of lt. ve cunnot
domlnute chuos, just us we cun't domlnute drugons, nor cun we hoe to
over ower lt but we cun work wlth lt und huve lt work our wlll. 1o try
to hurness lt ln u wur of domlnutlon wlll only frustrute ourselves und
wur our muglck.

%)#,#23()$:+(4/20 %)#,#23()$:+(4/20 %)#,#23()$:+(4/20 %)#,#23()$:+(4/20$
1hese greut drugons ure ruled by the Sulrys (ronounced Sulrlss), thelr
elementul color ls ure yellow, und where they lnhublt ls often wurm
und molst. Alr drugons often huve u very euceful nuture und they llke
to shure whut they know, ln fuct they feel thut ull knowledge ls worth
huvlng. As thelr nume suggests, they control the wlnds und cun
munlulute ulr wlth umuzlng dexterlty. 1hey cun even remove ull ulr
from un ureu creutlng u vucuum thut ls next to lmosslble to flll. 1hese
drugons ure often long und slender, some huve guuzy wlngs und thelr
scules often huve u feutherllke quullty und muy huve uctuul feuthers
uround thelr heuds, necks, und uws. 1hey govern the Lustern quurter
of the Clrcle und you cun uly Lustern ussoclutlons to these drugons.
Posltlve ussoclutlons of these drugons ure new beglnnlngs, the Srlng,
breuth, otlmlsm, joy, lntelllgence, mentul qulckness und renewul.
Negutlve ussoclutlons of ulr drugons ure frlvollty, gossl, flckleness,
lnuttentlon, stugnutlon, brugglng, und forgetfulness.
1he muglck thut these drugons control ls often used to control
weuther, us one would exect. 1hey ure ulso useful ln sells thut blow
uwuy the old und ure excellent ln rotectlon rltuuls us well us muglck
thut works for mentul flexlblllty und oenness to new ldeus. 1euchers
und students both wlll flnd u weulth of lnformutlon wlth these drugons
us they cun teuch us how to better lmurt our wlsdom us well us
shurenlng our mlnds so thut we cun leurn better.
Cther forms of drugons thut full under thls cutegory ure llghtenlng
drugons, storm drugons, wlnd drugons, und weuther drugons.
1he Ruler of these drugons ls lufnlr (ronounced fufneur), thelr
elementul color ls ure red, und they tend to llve ln wurm und dry ureus.
1hese drugons huve u flery dlsosltlon but cun be very gentle und
understundlng, lt ls ulso true thut they cun be unredlctuble und
dlfflcult to work wlth untll they get to know you. Cnce you guln u flre
drugon's loyulty they ure unwuverlng und owerful frlends. 1helr bodles
ure often thlck und heuvy wlth u long snukellke necks und tulls. 1hey
often huve wlcked looklng horns on thelr heud und thelr mere resence
cun muke u room wurmer. llre drugons ure flerce rotectors und ure
often herulded by thelr loud rour. 1hey govern the Southern Quurter of
the clrcle und Southern corresondences cun be ulled to flre
Posltlve ussoclutlon for flre drugons ure summer, the sun, blood, uny
klnd of helful flre, enthuslusm, uctlvlty, chunge, usslon, couruge,
durlng, wlll ower, und leudershl.
Negutlve ussoclutlons for these drugons ure hute, jeulousy, feur, unger,
wur, ego, confllcts, und lrrltublllty.
1he muglck of flre drugons ls often used for ersonul urlflcutlon on
uny level, for energy or couruge, und for the stumlnu needed to ursue
your dreums und flnlsh lmortunt rojects. You cun ulso use thelr
otent muglck to hel remove burrlers, but once they ure set on u
course they ure very dlfflcult to hult und wlll go through or over
unythlng or unyone to uchleve thelr goul. lf you don't huve u good
worklng relutlonshl wlth these drugons und you emloy them they cun
turn your sell lnto somethlng destructlve thut wlll 'burn' through ull
obstucles und leuve ruln ln thelr luce.
Cther forms of flre drugons ure steum drugons, heut drugons, luvu
drugons, und desert drugons.
vuter drugons ure ruled by Nuelyon (ronounced nullyuwn), thelr
elementul color ls ure blue und they llve ln cold und molst ureus. vuter
drugons huve u very soothlng lnfluence und ure druwn by strong
emotlons but wlll not contuct unyone who lets thelr emotlons
constuntly run uwuy wlth them. A room muy feel u few degrees cooler
when wuter drugons vlslt or you muy notlce un lncreuse ln the humldlty.
1hese drugons ure long und serentlne und rurely huve legs or wlngs.
1helr scules wlll huve u sllvery or shlmmery hue to them und they tend
to huve u feuthery frlnge uround thelr mouths. Muny tlmes they ueur
looklng llke Crlentul drugons und thelr eyes muy huve u glowlng quullty
to them. vuter drugons govern the vestern quurter of the Clrcle und
vestern ussoclutlons muy be ulled to these drugons.
Posltlve wuter drugon ussoclutlons ure culm wuter, comusslon,
eucefulness, forglveness, love, lntultlon, culmness, euce of mlnd, und
Negutlve ussoclutlons for these drugons ure floods, storms, luzlness,
lndlfference, lnstublllty, luck of emotlonul control, lnsecurlty, und
overwhelmlng grlef.
1he muglck of these drugons ls generully used for deullng wlth
emotlons, elther culmlng them or stlrrlng them u. You cun ulso use
thelr energy to hel wlth movement or to hel kee thlngs fluld und
oen. You cun cull on these greut drugons to hel oen u your sychlc
centers und lend thelr uld to your dlvlnutlon skllls. vuter drugons ure
ulso useful for culmness ln ull sltuutlons und on ull levels, when you
huve to deul wlth unythlng thut wlll tux your emotlons you should usk
wuter drugons to lend thelr uld.
Cther tyes of wuter drugons ure lce drugons, mlst drugons, und ruln
1hese drugons ure ruled by Cruel (ronounced grull), thelr elementul
color ls ure green, und thelr homes ure ln cold und dry luces. Lurth
drugons ure very qulet belngs, they wlll observe from u dlstunce untll
they ure reudy to urouch you. Cnce you huve befrlended un eurth
drugon they ure very strulght forwurd und wlll be blunt und honest wlth
you but ure very lovlng und nurturlng. 1hey tend to huve u rldge of
shur scules down thelr necks und buck, thelr body scules ure often very
remlnlscent of urmor. Cf ull the drugons, these ure the ones thut llke
treusure und ln order to bulld u strong relutlonshl you should kee u
jur or dlsh full of colns. 1he eurth drugon's bodles tend to be very heuvy
und most of them huve four legs, when they huve wlngs thelr wlngsun
ls enormous. Lurth drugons govern the Northern Quurter of the Clrcle
und Northern ussoclutlons muy be ulled to them.
Posltlve ussoclutlons for eurth drugons ure resect, endurunce,
strength, resonslblllty, stublllty, roserlty, thoroughness, und huvlng
u urose ln llfe.
Negutlve eurth drugon ussoclutlons ure rlgldlty, unwllllngness to
chunge, stubbornness, und luck of consclousness, vuclllutlon, und
Lurth drugon muglck ls good form bulldlng long lustlng foundutlons, for
hellng to comlete longrunge gouls, und for lnvoklng stublllty lnto
your llfe. You cun ulso cull on them for hyslcul und mentul endurunce
us well us the strength to uccet resonslblllty. lf you ure lunnlng to do
u sell for endurlng roserlty und success, eurth drugons ure excellent
for thls but they exect you to work towurds your gouls und not
demund thut they dellver lt to you.
Cther klnds of eurth drugons ure stone drugons, nuture drugons,
mountuln drugons, und forest drugons.
1hese drugons don't huve u ruler, thelr color ls ure bluck, und thelr
homes ure ln elementul chuos. 1hese drugons ure ulwuys durk colors
thut blend lnto bluckness, often lt wlll look llke they huve sturs cuught ln
thelr scules. 1helr bodles ure heuvy und huge, ln fuct they tend to be the
lurgest of ull drugons. 1hey huve wlde, wedgeshued heuds und thelr
long tulls often ure burbed or slked. Chuos drugons huve huge wlngs
thut often blend lnto the nlght sky und muy be hurd to muke out, they
ure musters of cumoufluge ln slte of thelr lurge bulk und ure rurely
seen lf they don't wlsh lt. 1hese drugons ure not evll or mullclous, they
work wlth us und thelr muglck ls often lncomrehenslble to us und they
go beyond our llmlted vlew of huenlngs. 8ecuuse of thls thelr ucts
muy seem cruel, but they ure worklng for our greuter good. 1hese
drugons ure ure reresentutlons of chuos und we ure to cull on them
when we reullze thut not every roblem or sltuutlon cun be resolved
wlth order und reusonlng. vhen worklng wlth these drugons they wlll
go strulght to the source of your roblem or questlon und force you to
confront lt. 1hls cun be ruther uncomfortuble for us us we wlll need to
deul wlth hldden usects of ourselves thut we muy not be reudy to fuce,
so be sure thut you ure reured to uccet the consequences of
lnvoklng u chuos drugon.
Chuos drugon muglck ls mulnly concerned wlth the recreutlon of llves,
relutlonshls, und cureers. You cun emloy them to hel breuk through
burrlers, wlth chunglng luck, und ln brlnglng ubout vust chunges. You
cun work wlth them to exlore ust llves und thelr muglck ls urtlculurly
owerful ulds ln dlvlnutlon. 1helr muglck ls ulso used to conflne
unythlng thut wlll hlnder you ln forwurd growth und movement, lf you
lnvoke thls usect of them be reured to huve everythlng thut ls
holdlng you buck leuve you llfe whether you wunt lt gone or not. 1hls ls
the tye of drugon thut we work wlth when we tulk ubout 'rldlng the
drugon', eventuully durlng thls rltuul we wlll huve to confront our worst
enemy ourselves. Chuos drugons cun ulso be herulds wurnlng of
cutustrohe, to lgnore whut they huve to suy muy brlng ubout
destructlon ln our llves.

>26/5(38/20 >26/5(38/20 >26/5(38/20 >26/5(38/20$
*2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$*8+ *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$*8+ *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$*8+ *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$*8+$$

Choose muslc LhaL elLher represenLs Lo you elLher sLorms or llghL, breezy wlnds. uanclng and slnglng
should make you Lhlnk of wlnd blowlng across Lhe land.
use candles or oLher ob[ecL of a pure yellow color. Choose herbs and olls LhaL are of Lhe elemenL of Alr.
8epeaL Lhls chanL Lree Llme:

uragon ruler of wlnd and cloud,
l call your secreL name aloud.
Salrys (salr - lss)! (rlng gong once).
Culcken my mlnd, renew my llfe.
CranL me [oy free from sLrlfe.
Salrys! (rlng gong once)"

Muslc should be slower, and perhaps heavler, and danclng should be more sLaLely.
use candles of green color, and herbs and olls from elemenL of LarLh.
8epeaL Lhls chanL Lree Llme:

lrom your mounLaln caverns deep,
8lse norLhern uragon, from your sleep.
Crael (grall)! (rlng gong four Llmes).
Lead me Lo rlches, purpose Lrue,
Lndurance sLrong. l call you.
Crael! (rlng gong four Llmes)."

ln your dance and slnglng, lmlLaLe Lhe movemenL of flames.
Choose muslc LhaL reflecL Lhls lmagery.
use candles or oLher ob[ecL of a pure red color.
1he herb and oll should be of Lhe elemenL of flre.
8epeaL Lhls chanL Lree Llmes:

ln your cavernous, flre - fllled hall.
Lchoes Lhe name LhaL l now call.
lafnlr (faf' - near)! (rlng gong Lwlce).
SLlr my blood wlLh wlll power bold.
CreaLe new changes from Lhe old.
lanflr! (faf' - near)! (rlng gong Lwlce)."

*2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$%(+3" *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$%(+3"$ *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$%(+3" *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$%(+3"$
*2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/ *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$?8+# *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/ *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$?8+# =$?8+# =$?8+#

lck some muslc LhaL remlnds you of sea, llke harp muslc, or recordlng of Lhe ocean. LeL
?ourself be waLer as you dance and slng. use candles or oLher ob[ecL of pure blue color.
Choose herb and olls LhaL are of elemenL of waLer.
8epeaL Lhls chanL Lree Llmes:

Calm waLer, novlng waLer, seas and lake,
l call upon Lhe waLer drake.
naelyan! (nall'- yon) (rlng gong Lree Llmes).
1each me Lhe psychlc. CranL me calm
and peace of mlnd, compasslon warm.
naelyan! (nall'- yon) (rlng gong Lree Llmes)."

?(,/'0$:+(4/20 ?(,/'0$:+(4/20 ?(,/'0$:+(4/20 ?(,/'0$:+(4/20$
!@<#0$/=$:+(4/20 !@<#0$/=$:+(4/20 !@<#0$/=$:+(4/20 !@<#0$/=$:+(4/20$
2."*#/?%+,% An Afrlcun drugon wlth two heuds, one ut the end of lts
long tull und ut the heud end. lt hus u curlously blrd llke body wlth the
feet of u rooster, und by gruslng the tull heud wlth the other ls uble to
truvel by rolllng uround ln thls hoo. Usuully ortruyed us huvlng u sculy
body und u ulr of feuthered wlngs. 1he modern duy llzurd wus numed
for thls known drugon.
2."*#)+$+ 1hls tye of drugon cun be found ln 8rltuln, the Mlddle
Lust, Lgyt, und severul Lutln Amerlcun countrles such us Peru. 1helr
ueurunce ls slmllur to thut of u glguntlc judecolored snuke wlth multl
colored feuthered wlngs, und some ulso ossess u slngle ulr of front
legs. ln Luroeun und Mlddle Lustern countrles, the Amhltere ls
known to ossess ull the secrets of the world suve one, und ure born
wlth such funtustlc owers us hynotlc eyes, whlch ure usuully lnvested
ln guurdlng the treusures of the lund, llke myrrh trees, gold, und other
ussorted rlches. Lven the body urts of un Amhltere ure seclul. lf lts
teeth ure lunted, un urmy of buttle reudy undeud wurrlors wlll srlng
u, euger to hel, lts blood, when drunk, wlll glve one the ower to
*2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/= *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$ *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/= *2$>26/5(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$A(3#+ A(3#+ A(3#+ A(3#+$
understund unlmuls, und u otlon of drled Amhltere eyes mlxed wlth
honey wlll cure the consumer's heuduche, even the vllest of mlgrulnes.
1he most fumous of the Lutln Amerlcun Amhltere ls "Quetzulcoutl,"
whose nume meuns "most reclous serent." 1he quetzul blrd, whlch
hus u beuutlful multlcolored tull of ulmost two feet long, wus numed for
thls well known drugon. 1he Lutln Amerlcun Amhltere hus only u ulr
of wlngs und u jude, feuthered serentlne body.
6%/#&#/7 1he klng of snukes und ull other retlles, und even the word
8uslllsk ls contrlved from the Creek word for klng, buslleus. 1hey ure
reresented us u llzurd u llttle less thun three feet long wlth u lurge tuft
on lts nurrow heud reresentutlve of u crown, und thlck blrdllke legs.
1hls beust ls lncredlbly venomous, suvuge und destructlve, und even lts
eyes curry the lncredlble ower of belng uble to klll u full grown mun
lnstuntly ut u glunce. 1he only three creutures thut cun klll u buslllsk ure
u cock, whose crowlng sends lt lnto un unnuturul und futul flt, the
weusel, whlch cun blte lt to deuth und ltself lf lt huens to glunce lnto
u mlrror or confront unother buslllsk.
6:,F#" An Austrullun drugon, the 8unyl ls consldered one of the
lurgest tyes of drugons und muy be one of the strungest looklng us
well. lt hus the body of u cow, the tull of u whule, und the heud of u
bulldog ~ wlth horns!
3517%)$#1+ A very smull drugon thut runges ln slze from ubout the
length of one's flnger to just under u foot. 1hey beur u remurkuble
resemblunce to the newly hutched drukellngs of the western vurlety,
but ossess wlngs und ure lncredlbly beuutlful. 1hey ulso cun slt flume
or breuth flre should they choose, und some declde to tuke un eusy llfe
by dlsgulslng themselves us one of the chlldren of un unwlttlng drugon
E$%7+ A drugon resembllng the trudltlonul western tye thut
ossesses no wlngs. lt looks u greut deul llke the wyrm excet for the
fuct thut lt retulns lts fore und buck legs. 1hey cunnot fly, und runge
from to c feet ln length, deendlng on thelr envlronment.
B%/)+$,' E$%-5, 1he Lustern drugon ls reresentutlve of weulth und
good luck, unllke lts western couslns. As to ueurunce, the drugon
deltles of Chlnu ure belleved to huve u cumel heud, cow eurs, lerclng
und owerful eyes, u snuke neck, clum belly, tlger feet, eugle cluws, und
ls covered wlth one hundred seventeen cur scules ln whlch elghty one
ure of yung essence und thlrty one of ylng. Mules ure often reresented
us huvlng extru scules on the neck, u eurl under the skln und severul
smull wlngs. 1he eustern drugon ls ulso belleved to go through seven
forms ln thelr llfetlmes of three thousund yeurs, und the most
commonly seen of these forms ls the slxth. Muny of these drugons wlll
freely bless the rlghteous erson wlth hulness und weulth, und ure
reresented us guurdluns of the wuter. 1here ls u drugon ln every blt of
wuter, from the tlnlest ruln dro to the lurgest oceun. 1hey ure often
lnvlslble to mortul eyes, ulthough one cun sense thelr resence or heur
thelr volces through gongs und the jlngllng of colns. 1hey ulso
sometlmes tuke the shue of u newt or snuke so us to vlslt our world
wlthout cuuslng unlc. Most fly by uslng the eurth's mugnetlc current to
sour, und ure reresentutlve of these currents much llke the lrench
voulve. Cnly the Royul Celestlul Chlnese drugons huve flve cluws on
euch uw, und llve ln und guurd the uluces of deud noblllty und the
B&+.+,)%&' E$%-5,/ 1here ure severul dlvlslons of dlfferent tyes of
elements, numely wuter, flre, stone, eurth, wlndjulr, energy,
sturjlnflnlty, shudow und trlnlty (comblnutlon of uny three elements).
D%+$#+'E$%-5, A very smull drugon of only u coule lnches long wlth u
ulr of multl colored butterflyllke wlngs. 1hey ulso huve lurge eyes for
thelr fuce, und some huve u long, uurdvurk shued nose wlth u long,
struw llke tongue. 1he fuerle drugon ls very rure, but the dlllgent true
bellever muy flnd them dee wlthln the forests, usuully wlthln glens und
gludes. luerle Lrugons, us the nume suggests, wlll be found neur fuerle
mounds, fuerle rlngs und only the most beuutlful luces of the forests.
CF4$% 1he Eydru ls usuully reresented us un lmmense drugon wlth
thlck legs und u even thlcker tull wlth multlle heuds. 1hls drugon ls u
llvlng symbol of the fertlllzlng owers of wuter due to lts ublllty to
regenerute ltself when hurt or even kllled. 1he eurllest uccounts of the
Eydru cun be seen on u Syrlun seul whlch dutes buck to the fourteenth
century 8CL. Accordlng to Anclent Creeks, the Eydru ossesses nlne
heuds uto nlne snuklng necks, one of whlch ls lmmortul. vhen uny of
the other elght ure cut off, unother two wlll grow ln lts luce. 1he
second lubor of Eercules conslsted of huvlng to klll the Eydru of the
Lernu swum, und flnully succeeded only ln huvlng hls nehew lolus
seurlng euch neck ut the buse wlth u burnlng stlck us lts heud wus cut
off, und burylng the lmmortul heud under u rock. Ee then cut u the
remulnder of the Eydru's body to revent regenerutlon, und dled hls
weuons ln lts gull so the leust wound from one of them would be futul.
1he Chrlstlun 8lble seuks of robubly the most lnfumous hydru ln
hlstory, whlch ls ortruyed ln 1he Aocryhu us u huge red drugon wlth
seven heuds wlth u crown tolng euch heud, und ten horns. 1hls
drugon fought u wur wlth Mlchuel und hls ungels, und wus then cust,
wlth hls followers, out of Eeuven und buck onto Lurth. 1he oen mouth
of thls drugon ls ortruyed ln Chrlstlun myth us the gutewuy to hell.
G#,495$. 1he Llndworm ls belleved to be un offsrlng of the clusslc
wyrm. 1hls ls one of the few drugons nutlve to the Amerlcus,
dlscovered by Murco Polo, who wrote of them ln greut detull ln hls
journuls. 1hey huve owerful forelegs whlch they use to ush
themselves ucross the soll, und u long, musculur tull thut cun be used
llke u whl us u weuon. Cne of the dungers of the Llndworm ls they
lmmensely enjoy eutlng horses, und wlll often klll u rlder ln the slmle
uttemt to muke the horse buckle to lts knees. 1hese reslde ln streums
und under the eurth, und huve very shur eyes whlch enuble them to
see ln the durk us well us uny cut. 1he Llndworm ls u semldrugon whose
uncestors conslst of both llzurds und wyrms.
H%-% 1hese ure thought to be huge snukellke drugons wlth humun
fuces whlch llve ln Putulu, un under wuter reglon beneuth the eurth.
1hls tye of drugon orlglnutes from Puklstun, from the legend of the
Nugu Aulu, u god who wus uble to kee evll drugons uwuy ln exchunge
for offerlngs from the loculs. Eowever, when they gruduully forgot to
do thls, he chunged hlmself lnto u olsonous drugon und becume the
lugue of the countryslde hlmself ln unlshment to the humuns of the
ureu for ubundonlng thelr god.
(+&:4% A wlngless neodrugon wlth u buck llke u orculne.
!%&%.%,4+$ ln medlevul tlmes, the Sulumunder wus known to be urt
drugon und therefore lmmune to flre. Some belleved thut the hlsslng
und olng of the flre wus u Sulumunder slnglng to them, or erhus
even custlng u sell over thelr house. 1hrough thls, the Sulumunder
soon becume ussocluted wlth wltches, und u true wltch wus belleved to
be uble to escue the flre by turnlng lnto u Sulumunder und esculng to
hlsjher gods where shejhe wus glven u new form.
!+$"+,)' A*%&+ A wuter dwelllng drugon thut ls slmllur to the
legendury Loch Ness monster, but does not ossess u neck. 1hey runge
from dolhln to whule slze und ure found only ln the oen oceuns.
@%)I+&95$. 1hls drugon hus the ueurunce of u snuke wlth the
foreurms of u cut. Muny Slclllun furmers suy they huve seen the
1utzelworm, und u few even clulm to huve kllled one. 1hey conslder lt u
threut to both themselves und the overull well belng of thelr furms.
A+/)+$,' E$%-5, vhen most eole thlnk of drugons, thls ls whut
comes to mlnd. 1he trudltlonul western drugon ls u fourlegged,
wlnged, glguntlc flrebreuthlng retlllun drugon wlth u nusty temer
und un ufflnlty for chuos und gold. Llke humuns, some huve been the
scourges of the country slde, demundlng trlbute for thelr rotectlon,
but others ure fulr und just. Some klngs, such us Uther Pendrugon of
legend, llng Louls lv, und muny others, huve chosen to muke these
drugons thelr symbols. 1he western drugon ls thought to symbollze
soverelgnty, unclent wlsdom und knowledge.
AF$. 1he most unclent of drugons, the wyrm looks buslcully llke u
huge snuke wlth no legs or wlngs, wlth u bushy heud resembllng the
mune of u llon. 1hey orlglnute ln Lnglund, und erhus the most fumous
of these ls the Lumbton vyrm.
AFJ+$, 1he vyvern ls u drugon wlth u slngle ulr of wlngs (whlch
sometlmes uct us urms), u tull, und u ulr of forelegs. 1he word
"vyvern" orlglnuted from the lrench word wyvere whlch meuns both
serent und llfe. 1he lrench vyvern ls known us voulvre or voulve, ls
ortruyed us u serent wlth the heud und body of u beuutlful womun
wlth u ruby or gurnet set between her eyes. 1hls jewel ls used to gulde
her through the mortul underworld. She ls the rotector of the eurth
und ull llvlng thlngs, und us one uuthor oetlcully ut lt, she ls 'the slrlt
thut breuthes or lnslres." 1he voulve ls u ersonlflcutlon of the
mugnetlc currents thut, whlch even then the unclents knew, sun the
eurth. (1hese currents ure known to the exerlenced muglck user us ley
1he CreaL uragon of uarkness
1he CreaL uragon of LlghL

CreaL uragons of LarLh,llre,WaLer and Alr
CreaL uragon of LarLh C8ALL
CreaL uragon of llre lAlnl8
CreaL uragon of WaLer nALLCn
CreaL uragon of Alr SAl8?SS

uragons of laneLary or LlemenLal aspecLs
Lesser" uragon of Sea u8CCL
Lesser" uragon of MounLalns C8AnA1P
Lesser" uragon of loresLs S?LASS
y:ln A 1lML 1PA1 lS nC1 A 1lML
Lesser" uragon of SLorms PAvAS
Lesser" uragon of ueserLs CPu8un
Lesser" uragon of llres lA8An

Cuardlan uragons
1he Llder uragons of uarkness and LlghL -Lhey lncludlng prlnclples of Lhe darkness and Lhe llghL .1hey
are slmllar Lo ln and ?an. 1hey can be lnvoked for helplng our work or brlng as balance.

"LlghL of Lhe SplrlL, Symbol of Lhe Sun
8e wlLh me now 'Llll Lhe spellwork ls done.
Pelp me balance all karma and force
'Llll l reach Lhe end of my llfe on Lhls LarLh
Culde me and Leach me, C' uragon of LlghL
Lend my maglc your ower Lhls nlghL!"

"uragon of uarkness, ?our ower wlll run
unLll Lhe Llme my maglc ls done
Leach me your secreL, Lhe dark noL Lo fear
lor dark ls recepLlve, noL Lerror or Lear
ureams of Lhe SplrlL soar wlLh Lhe nlghL
wrap me ln guldance, ?ou, balance of LlghL"


S1Anu A1 1PL CLn1L8 Cl 1PL Cl8CLL. CALM Anu CLn1L8 ?Cu8SLLl 8LlC8L 8LLA1lnC 1PL CLn1L8
Anu ln A LACL 1PA1 lS nC1 A LACL
1C 8LA8 Wl1nLSS 1C Cu8 8l1LS.
C8ACL Cu8 Cl8CLL Wl1P ?Cu8 8LSLnCL
!Cln uS Cn 1PlS MCS1 SAC8Lu Cl nlCP1S!
ALL PAlL 1C 1PL SlLvL8Lu CuLLn Cl 1PL nlCP1!
ALL PAlL 1C 1PL CCLuLn LC8u Cl 1PL uA?!
CPA8CL 1PlS 8? ?Cu8 CWL8S CLu CnLS!
nLx1 MCvL 1C 1PL nC81P Cl 1PL Cl8CLL Anu SLAk 1PL
nC81P CPAn1 :
q : WL S1Anu A1 1PL CA1L Cl M?S1L8?
Anu CALL 1C 1PL AnClLn1 CWL8 Cl 1PL nC81P:
l8CM ?Cu8 MCun1Aln CAvL8nS uLL
8lSL nC81PL8n u8ACCn l8CM ?Cu8 SLLL
1C LLnu uS ?Cu8 WlSuCM Anu ?Cu8 MlCP1
C8LA1 nC81PL8n u8ACCn Alu uS 1PlS nlCP1
8CCLLu 1C 1PL LAS1-MCS1 Cln1 Cl 1PL Cl8CLL
Anu SLAk 1PL LAS1 CPAn1 1PL8L:
r: WL S1Anu A1 1PL CA1L Cl M?S1L8?
Anu CALL 1C 1PL AnClLn1 CWL8 Cl 1PL LAS1:
1PL LAS1L8n u8ACCn 1AkLS 1C 1PL Sk?
PA8kLn 1C Cu8 CALL Anu 1AkL lLlCP1
LLnu 1C uS ?Cu8 WlSuCM Anu MlCP1
1PLn 1C 1PL SCu1P MCS1 Cln1 Cl 1PL Cl8CLL 8AlSL
?Cu8 vClCL 1C 1PL Sk? Anu SLAk 1PL SCu1P CPAn1
e: WL S1Anu A1 1PL CA1L Cl M?S1L8?
Anu CALL 1C 1PL AnClLn1 CWL8 Cl 1PL SCu1P:
l8CM uLL ln ?Cu8 CAvL8nCuS ll8L-llLLLu PALL
ll8L u8ACCn A11Lnu Cu8 8lCP1
Anu LLnu 1C uS ?Cu8 WlSuCM Anu MlCP1
lAlnl8, WL CALL 1C 1PLL!
8CCLLu 1C 1PL WLS1 MCS1 Cln1 Anu SLAk 1PL WLS1
CPAn1 1PL8L:
w: WL S1Anu A1 1PL CA1L Cl M?S1L8?
Anu CALL 1C 1PL AnClLn1 CWL8 Cl 1PL WLS1:
WL nCW CALL uCn 1PL WA1L8 u8AkL!
Alu uS Wl1P ?Cu8 WlSuCM Anu MlCP1
C8LA1 WLS1L8n u8ACCn A11Lnu 1CnlCP1!
1PLn 8L1u8n 1C 1PL CLn1L8 Cl 1PL Cl8CLL Anu 8LLA1
ln 1PlS LACL WPL8L M?S1L8lLS A8L lCunu
1PLl8 CClLS 8LACP 8LnLA1P 1PL C8Cunu
8Cunu A8Cu1 1PL u8ACCnS A8L WCunu
1PLl8 AnClLn1 CWL8 uCLS A8Cunu
ln ?Cu8 nAMLS C8LA1 u8ACCnS
C8ALL! SAl8?SS! lAlnl8! nALLCn!
SC MC1L l1 8L!


Lesser" uragon of Sea u8CCL
Lesser" uragon of MounLalns C8AnA1P
Lesser" uragon of loresLs S?LASS
Lesser" uragon of SLorms PAvAS
Lesser" uragon of ueserLs CPu8un
Lesser" uragon of llres lA8An

:+(4/20$$ :+(4/20$$ :+(4/20$$ :+(4/20$$(2-$ (2-$ (2-$ (2-$:+(4/25+(=3 :+(4/25+(=3 :+(4/25+(=3 :+(4/25+(=3

1he volce of uragons
1he volce of uragons rlngs ln my ears. 1he ears LhaL
do noL hear human words, buL hear only Lhe Lhlnly
whlspered LruLh of Lhe cosmos.
Would lL be LhaL elLher Lhey were louder and more easlly
dlscerned, or sllenL, noL Lo be heard aL all.
lor lL ls Lhe sound of Lhe CreaLlon and Lhe passlng away
of Lhe All LhaL l hear buzzlng ln my lnner ears. lL ls
Lhe Lnergy LhaL brlngs CreaLlon lnLo 8elng LhaL ls Lhe
uragon's Lrue volce.
1he uragons uance, Lhe moLlon and movemenL of All 1haL ls,
mlngles wlLh Lhe rapLurous volce of a mllllon bllllon
sLars cradled ln Lhe arms of CreaLlon, LhaL l hear ln
Lhe quleL of Lhe nlghL, LhaL LhreaLen Lo drlve me mad.
1he volce of uragons who know me by name, who call me Lo
Lhe uance. 1hey call, buL l do noL know Lhe sLeps. l
do noL know Lhe movemenLs. 1he maglck of CreaLlon has
moved beyond me ln all buL Lhe mundane world. 1he spark
has all buL dled.
1he volce of uragons speak Lo me of llfe and deaLh and
movlng beyond Lhe physlcal Lo a lreedom un-dreamed of.
lL ls Lhe volce of uragons whlch allows me Lo hold Lhls
gem of greaL wonder ln Lhe palm of my powerless hand. lL
ls only ln Lhe surrender LhaL l flnd vlcLory, ln apaLhy
LhaL l flnd wonder, ln helplessness LhaL l flnd courage.
1he volce of uragons, Lhe sLory of worlds, Lhe dreams
beyond Lhe volce of uragons.
1he dreams LhaL llve ln 1ruLh and Lhe 1ruLh LhaL llves
ln dreams, Lhls Loo ls Lhe volce of uragons. noL so
sllenL. noL so close Lo hand. 1he shlnlng red apple,
sweeL, buL Loo sweeL Lo be 1ruLh. A web of paradox.
An enLanglemenL of Lrylng.
8uL l am Llred and Lhe volce of uragons rushes ln hushed
gusLs ln my mlnd, Loo llLLle Lo hear, Loo much Lo
undersLand. A greaL slgh as my hearL Lramples on down
Lhls dusLy road of volces.
volces. volces. 1he llLany drags me on . Lo anoLher day.
And Lhen a maLrlx of movemenL, Lhe very meanlng of llfe
lLself, scuLLles close, as a bug upon Lhe ground, a bug
of llLLle slgnlflcance, a bug of llLLle lmporL. And lL
ls all so clear for one shlnlng momenL, Lhen gone as Lhe
bug scurrles under Lhe rug.
A hlvlng ln Lhe volce of uragons, harmonlc and dlscordanL,
a paLLern wlLhln a paLLern, so [ewel-llke LhaL lL ls
bllndlng Lo behold, lmposslble Lo comprehend unLll LhaL
bug scuLLles across Lhe Loe of my shoe, Lhen ls gone
once more.
1he volce of uragons roars wlLh laughLer aL Lhe cosmlc
[oke LhaL ls [usL Loo slmple for me Lo comprehend,
Loo complex for me Lo grasp ln lLs slmpllclLy.
1he sanlLy of oLhers means noLhlng, lL belongs only Lo Lhe
dead LhaL llve and breaLh and never dream. Whose lnner
ears are closed Lo Lhe volce of uragons.

A rayer ln Lhe volce of uragons
1hls ls Lhe prayer LhaL l hear ln Lhe volce of uragons.
lL rlngs as lf lL were LhaL clear slngular volce of 1ruLh.
"C cosmlc 8lrLher of all radlance and vlbraLlon!
SofLen Lhe ground of my belng and carve ouL a space
wlLhln me where your resence can ablde.
llll me wlLh your creaLlvlLy so LhaL l may be empowered
Lo bear Lhe frulL of your mlsslon.
LeL each of my acLlons bear frulL ln accordance wlLh my deslre.
Lndow me wlLh Lhe wlsdom Lo produce and share whaL each
belng needs Lo grow and flourlsh.
unLle Lhe Langled Lhreads of desLlny LhaL blnd me, as l
release oLhers from Lhe enLanglemenL of pasL mlsLakes.
uo noL leL me be seduced by LhaL whlch would dlverL me
from my Lrue purpose, buL lllumlnaLe Lhe opporLunlLles
of Lhe presenL momenL.
lor you are Lhe ground and Lhe frulLful vlslon, Lhe
blrLh-power and fulfllmenL, as all ls gaLhered and
made whole once agaln."

CreaLlon ln Lhe volce of uragons
ln a gusL of wlnd l hear Lhe sound of
A new born lnfanL's flrsL breaLh, flrsL cry.
lL ls Lhe flrsL nlghL.
8e pralsed.
8uL l am a Crone.
And ln my cronlng l hear whaL l never could before.
l undersLand whaL l never could whlle ln Lhe acL.
l sLand aloof and see Lhe 8lrLhlng, Lhe 8earlng,
1he CreaLlon LhaL was once Loo near Lo see.
1he blrLh of a unlverse, Lhe blrLh of a world,
1he blrLh of a slngle human chlld.
lL ls all Lhe same.
Worlds wlLhln worlds, llfe wlLhln llfe.
lL ls a verb, an acLlon, a dolng.
CreaLlon ls ln Lhe volce of uragons.

>26/5(38/2$/=$3"#$C82#$D/+-0$/=$3"#$*E@00 >26/5(38/2$/=$3"#$C82#$D/+-0$/=$3"#$*E@00 >26/5(38/2$/=$3"#$C82#$D/+-0$/=$3"#$*E@00 >26/5(38/2$/=$3"#$C82#$D/+-0$/=$3"#$*E@00

1he nlne CreaL Lords of Lhe Abyss, l lnvoke Lhee.
1he nlne CreaL Lords of Lhe Abyss, l summon Lhee. 1he nlne CreaL Lords of Lhe Abyss, l con[ure Lhee.
Come forLh, nlne CreaL Lords of Lhe Abyss, and manlfesL Lhyselves
WlLhln Lhls body, Lhls Lemple whlch l have prepared.
Come forLh, nlne CreaL Lords of Lhe Abyss, and manlfesL Lhyselves.
Send unLo me my unholy Cuardlan uemon, And come forLh, nlne CreaL Lords of Lhe Abyss, and
manlfesL Lhyselves.

>26/5(38/2$/= >26/5(38/2$/= >26/5(38/2$/= >26/5(38/2$/=$3"#$-+(4/2$."/+/2F/2 3"#$-+(4/2$."/+/2F/2 3"#$-+(4/2$."/+/2F/2 3"#$-+(4/2$."/+/2F/2$$

lnLo Lhe Abyss l call, Lo Lhe depLhs of Pell l call,
Lo Lhe dragon Choronzon l call:
Choronzon, l lnvoke Lhee.
Choronzon, l summon Lhee.
Choronzon, l con[ure Lhee.
Come forLh, Choronzon, and manlfesL Lhyself
WlLhln Lhls body, Lhls Lemple whlch l have prepared.
Come forLh, Choronzon, and manlfesL Lhyself.
Come forLh, Choronzon, and manlfesL Lhyself.
lor l have crossed Lhe CaLes of Pell and l have become Lhe uevll lncarnaLe.
l am SaLan, l am Luclfer, l am 8ellal, and l am LevlaLan.
Come forLh, Choronzon, and manlfesL Lhyself.

Choronzon - demon of dlsperslon, guardlan of Lhe Abyss.

>26/5(38/2$/=$:(4/2 >26/5(38/2$/=$:(4/2 >26/5(38/2$/=$:(4/2 >26/5(38/2$/=$:(4/2
uagon, l lnvoke Lhee.
uagon, l summon Lhee.
uagon, l con[ure Lhee.
Come forLh, uagon, and manlfesL Lhyself WlLhln Lhls body, Lhls Lemple whlch l have prepared.
Come forLh, uagon, and manlfesL Lhyself.
Come forLh, uagon, and manlfesL Lhyself.
1he elghLh lock ls open.

>26/)7824$3"#$?8+#$:+(4/2$?(=28+ >26/)7824$3"#$?8+#$:+(4/2$?(=28+ >26/)7824$3"#$?8+#$:+(4/2$?(=28+ >26/)7824$3"#$?8+#$:+(4/2$?(=28+$
Calling Fafnir
Visualize great swirrls of fire with a great red dragon swirrling inside the flames, as if a part of
the flames. Do this for about 2 minutes, then chant the following repeatedly:
"Oh, Fafnir
Oh, Great Dragon Of Fire
Your Heat So Warm
Oh, Great Dragon,
Royal Ruler Of Flame
I Call Ye From
A Place Of Warmth
Oh, Fafnir
I Call Ye Forth
Fafnir,Fafnir Fafnir!"

:#-85(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/2 :#-85(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/2 :#-85(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/2 :#-85(38/2$3/$3"#$:+(4/2$
uedlcaLlon Lo Lhe uragon [or any oLher enLlLy/delLy] ls sacred and serlous. 8evelry should ensue, buL
should noL be presenL durlng Lhls rlLe.
uedlcaLlon oll and lncense ls prepared. 1here are a Lhousand reclpes ln a Lhousand books. lck one
whlch sulLs you and your dragon. lf you do noL flnd anyLhlng Lo your llklng, perhaps some dragon's
breaLh and/or dragon's blood wlll sufflce.
1he peLlLloner Lo be dedlcaLed should be fully consecraLed flrsL. 1hls rlLe ls Lherefore Lo be performed
lnslde Lhe clrcle already casL, ln Lhe company of Lhe quarLers, guardlans/waLchers, enLlLles/delLles
already presenL.
l don'L llke glvlng rlLes Lo do because l feel LhaL all rlLes should be wrlLLen by Lhe pracLlLloner who ls
conducLlng Lhe rlLe. 1hose who are more experlenced someLlmes have a beLLer experlence when Lhey
[usL leL Lhe proper words come Lo Lhem aL Lhe Llme of Lhe rlLe. 8uL [usL for Lhe sake of geLLlng you
sLarLed, here goes.
WlLh Lhe dedlcaLlon oll, a solar cross ls marked upon Lhe hearL of Lhe dedlcanL, Lhen a clrcle ls drawn
around lL, and a klss placed above Lhe clrcle on Lhe forehead, by Lhe P/s.
1he dragon gong ls sLruck Lhree Llmes, and when Lhe vlbraLlons are agaln sLlll, Lhe P/s beglns...

"Comes ________, a chlld of Maglck, a chlld of ureams. lor as we are chlldren of Maglck, we undersLand
LhaL wlLhouL Lhe ablllLy Lo lmaglne and dream, Maglck could noL exlsL. We could noL exlsL as we are. All
Lhlngs would falLer and dle, as Lhe human body and psyche wlll wlLher and dle wlLhouL dreams. As Lhe
human splrlL wlll wlLher and dle wlLhouL dreams.

uragon ls ln hls/her hearL, as he/she ls parL of Lhe uragon. uragon ls ln hls/her mlnd as he/she medlLaLes
on Lhe uragon. uragon ls ln hls/her soul as he/she ls one wlLh Lhe uragon.
_________, a chlld of Maglck, a chlld of ureams, beseeches Lhose of uragonklnd Lo accepL hls/her
pledge of devoLlon and sLudy of Lhe uragon and Lhe ways of uragonklnd. lease, we enLreaL, accepL
hlm/her as a chlld of Lhe uragon for Lhe beLLermenL of all who would know Lhe ages old wlsdoms of
As you wlll lL, So MoLe lL 8e!"

1he gong ls sLruck once more, and when Lhe vlbraLlons are agaln sLlll, Lhe flrsL adornmenL of Lhe
dedlcanL ls placed on hls/her brow [or abouL Lhe neck, wrlsL, flnger, whaLever] by Lhe P/s.
1he uelLles are Lhanked, Lhen Lhe quarLers and oLher enLlLles/belngs/delLles who aLLended, are Lhanked
and dlsmlssed, and Lhe clrcle ls gaLhered LogeLher and earLhed.
. .. .())824$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$3"#$G'(+3 ())824$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$3"#$G'(+3 ())824$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$3"#$G'(+3 ())824$3"#$:+(4/20$/=$3"#$G'(+3#+0 #+0 #+0 #+0$
When calllng Lhe uragons of Lhe CuarLers, you are asklng for a wllllng uragon Lo waLch over and dlrecL
Lhe elemenLal energles assoclaLed wlLh LhaL parLlcular quarLer/dlrecLlon.
AL flrsL you wlll probably geL several dlfferenL uragons sLandlng ln as CuarLer Cuards each Llme you casL
a clrcle. LvenLually, you may flnd LhaL Lhe same four are answerlng your call each Llme (you'll be able Lo
Lell by Lhe "feel" of Lhe energy each brlngs). lf/when Lhls happens, you can elLher walL unLll Lhe uragon
chooses Lo reveal hls or her name, or you can choose a name by whlch you wlll call each one (don'L
worry, lf you plck a name Lhe uragon doesn'L llke, you'll know!).
Many uragons acLually prefer Lo work Lhls laLLer way, Laklng Lhe name as a glfL. ln elLher case, you can
Lhen subsLlLuLe Lhose names for Lhe phrases "Cne who ls wllllng" and "CreaL ______ uragon" aL Lhe
approprlaLe quarLer.
LasL: lrom Lhe lands of Lhe LasLern uragons comes Lhe glorlous powers of Alr! l call upon Cne Who ls
Wllllng Lo guard Lhe LasLern CaLe. Lend me (us) masLery of Lhe powers of Alr. Ald me (us) ln developlng
my (our) lnLellecL and wlsdom. Come waLch over Lhls clrcle LhaL Lhere may be wlsdom ln all LhaL l (we)
(ralse your hand hlgh ln greeLlng)

CreaL LasLern uragon, hall and welcome!

SouLh: lrom Lhe lands of Lhe uragons of Lhe SouLh, comes cleanslng power of llre! l call upon Cne Who
ls Wllllng Lo guard Lhe SouLhern CaLe. Lend me (us) masLery of Lhe powers of llre. Ald me (us) ln
developlng my (our) free-wlll and creaLlvlLy. Come waLch over Lhls clrcle LhaL l (we) may creaLe [oy and
(ralse your hand hlgh ln greeLlng)

CreaL SouLhern uragon, hall and welcome!

WesL, lrom Lhe lands of Lhe uragons of Lhe WesL, comes Lhe purlfylng power of WaLer! l call upon Cne
Who ls Wllllng Lo guard Lhe WesLern CaLe! Lend me (us) masLery of Lhe powers of WaLer. Ald me (us) ln
developlng my (our) lnLulLlon and conLrol over my (our) emoLlons. Come waLch over Lhls clrcle LhaL l
(we) may have Lhe courage Lo llsLen Lo my lnner volce and acL as needed!
(ralse your hand hlgh ln greeLlng)

CreaL WesLern uragon, hall and welcome!

norLh: lrom Lhe lands of Lhe uragons of Lhe norLh, comes Lhe susLalnlng power of LarLh! l call upon Cne
Who ls Wllllng Lo guard Lhe norLhern CaLe. Lend me (us) masLery over Lhe powers of LarLh. Ald me (us)
ln developlng sLrengLh of body, mlnd and splrlL. Come waLch over Lhls clrcle LhaL l (we) may have Lhe
sLrengLh Lo delve lnLo Lhe mysLerles of Lhe unlverse!
(ralse your hand hlgh ln greeLlng)

CreaL norLhern uragon, hall and welcome!
H83'()0 H83'()0 H83'()0 H83'()0$
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uragons are powerful creaLures LhaL can alde ln heallng, spells, and oLher rlLual worklngs. 1hls ls a full
moon rlLual honorlng and uLlllzlng Lhelr ower for Peallng.
lLems needed:
CuarLer Candles: ?ellow for LasL, 8ed for SouLh, 8lue for WesL and Creen for LarLh
Cod and Coddess candles and holders
AlLar Llle, 8owl of fresh waLer for WaLer, 8owl of sea salL for LarLh, WhlLe or black candle for llre
lncense (loose, cone or sLlck) for Alr (myrrh, franklncense, sandalwood, [asmlne and wlllow are good for
Lhe lull Moon)
lcLures or sLaLues Lo represenL each LlemenLal uragon you wlll call upon (colors can correspond Lo Lhe
elemenLs, or whaLever feels comforLable Lo you)
Cauldron or flre proof conLalner, MaLches, aper and pen (preferably consecraLed), ALhame, Wand or
ower flnger
Cfferlng dlsh and offerlng cakes/graln/wlne/[ulce
SeL up:
SeL up your alLar as usual, addlng paper and pen and cauldron or flre proof conLalner
lace CuarLer candles and Lhe LlemenLal uragon represenLaLlon ln each corner
CasLlng Lhe Clrcle:
CasL Lhe Clrcle once, saylng:
l casL Lhls Clrcle beneaLh Lhe lull Moon, beneaLh Lhe LlghL of Lhe MoLher, beneaLh Lhe waLchful eyes of
Lhe uragons. 1hls space ls sacred and proLecLed, So MoLe lL 8e!"
Calllng Lhe CuarLers:
Co Lo Lhe LasL CuarLer and llghL Lhe candle. Pold Lhe uragon sLaLue upwards, and say:
l call upon Lhee, C MlghLy Alr uragon of Lhe LasL, Lo Cuard and roLecL Lhls Clrcle. Welcome, and
8lessed 8e!"
Co Lo Lhe SouLh CuarLer and llghL Lhe candle. Pold Lhe uragon sLaLue upwards, and say:
l call upon Lhee, C MlghLy llre uragon of Lhe SouLh, Lo Cuard and roLecL Lhls Clrcle. Welcome, and
8lessed 8e!"
Co Lo Lhe WesL CuarLer and llghL Lhe candle. Pold Lhe uragon sLaLue upwards, and say:
l call upon Lhee, C MlghLy WaLer uragon of Lhe WesL, Lo Cuard and roLecL Lhls Clrcle. Welcome, and
8lessed 8e!"
Co Lo Lhe norLh CuarLer and llghL Lhe candle. Pold Lhe uragon sLaLue upwards and say:
l call upon Lhee, C MlghLy LarLh uragon of Lhe norLh, Lo Cuard and roLecL Lhls Clrcle. Welcome, and
8lessed 8e!"
Lvoklng Lhe Coddess and Cod:
LlghL Lhe Coddess candle, ralse your arms, palms up, and say:
CreaL Coddess of uragons, MoLher of All, l lnvlLe you Lo Lhls rlLe LonlghL, Lo honor you and Lo work your
maglck. Welcome, and 8lessed 8e!"
LlghL Lhe Cod candle, ralse your arms, palms up, and say:
CreaL Cod of uragons, laLher of All, l lnvlLe you Lo Lhls rlLe LonlghL, Lo honor you and Lo work your
maglck. Welcome, and 8lessed 8e!"
lace a plece of cake or some of Lhe gralns ln Lhe offerlng dlsh, Lhen pour Lhe wlne or [ulce over lL, and
May ?our Chlldren never hunger, may ?our Chlldren never LhlrsL, and may ?ou be pleased wlLh Lhls
offerlng of bread (graln, cakes) and wlne ([ulce). 8lessed 8e!"
:+(5/285$I(23+( :+(5/285$I(23+( :+(5/285$I(23+( :+(5/285$I(23+($
Wah-Coom - Mah-Coom
Comm-Wah - Mooo-Pa-hw

Wah-Cmm Wah-Cmm Wah-Ay-?ah
Wah-Cmm Wah-Cmm Wah-kay-Ah
:+(5/285$,#-83(38/2 :+(5/285$,#-83(38/2 :+(5/285$,#-83(38/2 :+(5/285$,#-83(38/2$
1o allgn yourself beLLer wlLh Lhe CreaL uragon, whlch ls Lo say wlLh Lhe flow of ulvlne Lnergy, use Lhls
medlLaLlon ofLen.
lace yourself ln a comforLable poslLlon, and begln as always by clearlng and releaslng. lmaglne yourself
before a fllghL of sLalrs. lmaglne LhaL you cllmb Lhese sLalrs, one sLalr aL a Llme, counLlng each as you go.
WlLh each of Lhe sLalrs you wlll go deeper lnLo yourself. 1here are Len sLalrs ln all.
AL Lhe Lop of Lhe sLalrs you come Lo a hallway. lL ls a long hallway, wlLh many doors on elLher slde. noLe
Lhe deLalls of Lhls hallway-whaL colour are Lhe walls? ls lL clean? uo you llke Lhe hallway? lmaglne
yourself walklng down Lhls hallway unLll you come Lo a door LhaL ls marked wlLh an x." 1hls ls your
door. Co ln.
lnslde Lhe door you wlll flnd a beauLlful landscape. LnLer lL. leel Lhe Lhlngs around you-make Lhe
vlsuallsaLlon as real as you can. As you look around Lhe landscape you wlll see a large uragon. Co Lo lL.
Clve Lhe uragon greeLlngs. WhaL does lL look llke? ls lL male or female? Cllmb on Lhe uragons back.
lmaglne lL Laklng off and flylng Lhrough Lhe alr. lmaglne Lhe feel of Lhe wlnd agalnsL your face, Lhe smell
of Lhe alr, Lhe feel of Lhe dragon's back beneaLh you.
LeL Lhe uragon carry you. As you fly, look down aL Lhe world below. Ln[oy Lhe rlde-geL used Lo Lhe feel.
1hen, when you're ready allow Lhe uragon Lo land. 1hank lL, and glve lL your love. 1hen go back Lo Lhe
hallway, and Lhrough Lhe hallway Lo Lhe sLalrs.
Come down Lhe sLalrs one by one. WlLh each sLalr you wlll come back more lnLo yourself, and your
ordlnary consclous mlnd. When you are back, clear and release as always.
When you have faclllLy wlLh Lhls medlLaLlon, you wlll wanL Lo lnLroduce Lhls varlaLlon, lnsLead of [usL
rldlng Lhe uragon, become Lhe uragon. As Lhe uragon carrles you Lhrough Lhe alr, feel yourself merge
lnLo lL. 8e Cne wlLh Lhe uragon. leel lLs body as your body. lmaglne Lhe feel of Lhe wlngs as Lhey beaL, of
Lhe Lall -emmerse yourself ln Lhe uragons form, and 8L lL. When you have flown long enough, separaLe
yourself from Lhe uragon agaln, and compleLe Lhe medlLaLlon as usual.
Set up your altar so that it faces east. Make sure that it is known that you are not to be dist
: By dragon power, this circle is sealed. Return to the altar. Point the sword at the dragon
Dragons of Spirit, highest of dragons and most powerful, bless this altar with your fire. Let us be
one in magick, O dragons great and wise. old the chalice up, and say :
Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!
Sprinkle the water from the chalice lightly around the Circle, beginning and ending in the east.
Set the dish of salt on the pentacle. Circle it three times clockwise with the wand and say :
Water, Air, Fire, hear my desire. Salt of Earth and sea, purified be.
Sprinkle a few grains of salt to each corner of the altar. Circle the incense burner three times with
the wand, and say:
Fire of dragons, fire of Earth,
You are purified. Bring power forth.. Say :
Incense magickal, incense bold, Awake the dragons, as of old. I call you purified.
Draconis! Draconis! Draconis! Continue this for several minutes. Then rise, point the sword at
the dragon pentacle, and say :
Behold, all dragons and rulers of dragons, I am (magickal name), a magician who seeks dragon
magick. With (name of sword) in my hand, I enter the realms of the dragons, Not for physical
battle, but for knowledge and power. I greet you, O dragons ancient and wise, And await your
blessing and guidance. ntagram with the sword. Say :
From Sairys, ruler of the eastern dragons fair, Comes now the wondrous power of Air. entacle
again. Draw an invoking pentagram with the sword and say :
From Fafnir, ruler of dragons of the south, Comes cleansing Fire from dragon mouth. gain hold
up the pentacle, and draw an invoking pentagram with the sword. Say :
From Naelyan, ruler of dragons of the west, Comes the power of Water, three times blest.
nvoking pentagram with the sword. Say :
From Grael, ruler of dragons of the north, The power of Earth does now come forth. finished
with the spellworking, tap the staff three times and chant :
I thank you, dragons old and wise, Of Earth and Fire, Water, Skies, For sharing wisdom here
with me. As we will, so shall it be.
: Cup of power, cup of might, Dragon magick, be here this night.
: Go in peace, dragons of the East. And return again in the ritual hour.
: Go in peace, dragons of the South. And return again in the ritual hour.
Go in peace, dragons of the West. And return again in the ritual hour.
Go in peace, dragons of the North. And return again at the ritual hour.
turn to the altar. Raise both arms and say :
Farewell to you, O dragons fair,
Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.
Together we make magick well
By power deep and dragon spell.
In peace go now. Return once more
To teach me magick and ancient lore.
Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!
:+(4/2$9)#00824$H83'() :+(4/2$9)#00824$H83'() :+(4/2$9)#00824$H83'() :+(4/2$9)#00824$H83'()$
Return to altar and place a small amount of Frankincense on the burning charcoal in the incense
burner,point forefinger to burner and say:
By Dragon Power ,I Call You Purified
Lift up the burner and carry it around the edge of cast Circle clockwise beginning and ending in
the East. Return burner to the altar and slowly pass the Pentacle Disk through the incense smoke
and say:
Element of Spirit,By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified
Lay the Pentacle Disk upon altar and place Salt Dish upon it. With forefinger of power hand
circle the dish three times clockwise and say:
Out Of The Darkness Of Earth And Sea Comes The Blessed Salt, By Dragon Power, I Call You
Sprinkle a few grains of Salt on all four corners of the altar,this purifies it and can be done at any
time during ritual or as a cleansing if someone has messed about with the altar. Once altar is
purified pick up Dragon Pentacle,pass it slowly through the incense smoke and say:
Element Of Spirit,By Dragon Power,I Call You Purified
With Dragon Pentacle in Power Hand go to Eastern Quarter,face East and say:
Dragons Of Air Behold Your Symbol and Ally
Move clockwise to the South,hold up the Dragon Pentacle,say:
Dragons Of Fire Behold Your Symbol And Ally
Go to the West,hold up the Dragon Pentacle ,say:
Dragons Of Water Behold Your Symbol And Ally
Finish by going North, hold up the Dragon Pentacle,say:
Dragons of Earth Behold Your Symbol And Ally
Return to the altar,lay aside the Dragon Pentacle and take up the Sword.Touch it briefly to the
Pentacle Disk,pass through incense smoke,say:
Sword Of Fire, O name of Sword By Dragon Power,I Call You Purified
Hold Sword a few moments before Dragon Pentacle.Put Sword down pick up the Dagger ,touch
it to Pentacle Disk,pass thrugh incense smoke,say:
Dagger Of Fire,O name of Dagger By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified
Hold Dagger a few moments before Dragon Pentacle. For each tool I set it briefly on the
Pentacle Disk,pass it through the incense smoke,when finished with the Call, hold tool before
Dragon Pentacle before returning it to altar.
Water Chalice:
Chalice Of Water By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified Wine Chalice:
Chalice Of Earth By Dragon Power,I Call You
Dragon Bowl:
Bowl Of Earth,You Holder Of Lands Far Distant And Near, By Dragon Power ,I Call You
Gem Bowl:
Bowl Of Earth,You Holder Of Gems Bright And Powerful,By Dragon Power I Call You Purified
Wand Of Air,Wielder Of Might And Magick By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified
Staff Of Spirit,Authority And Power Are Yours,By Dragon Power,I Call You Purified
Water bottles:
Containers Of Water,Holder Of Great Seas And Rivers,By Dragon Power I Call You Purified
Gong,finger cymbals,or bell:
You Element Of Air,Whose Musical Notes Reach To The Dragon Worlds,By Dragon Power I
Call You Purified
Eye Of The Dragon,You Element Of Earth,By Dragon Power I Call You Purified
Herbs and Oils consecrate them by circling three times with wand ,say:
Herbs ( Oils ) Of Earth,Given By Dragons Of Light And Darkness,By Dragon Power I Call You
After the calls are made it is an excellent time to chant and use free-form dancing.Invite the
Dragons to share in raised Energy and joy of being a Magician. Talk to them about hopes and
dreams and listen to see if they have any thoughts or suggestion and words of encouragement
,this is a opportunity to forge close friendships with the Dragons.
Closing the Ritual:
Take Sword in Power Hand,wand or staff in the other.Hold Sword up in salute,go to
Dragons Of Air,Behold The Tools Of Magick,Consecrated By Dragon Power. Let Us Be One In
Magick.Farewell,O Dragons Great And Wise.
Clockwise to the South,say:
Dragons Of Fire,Behold The Tools Of Magick,Consecrated By Dragon Power. Let Us Be One In
Magick.Farewell O Dragons Great And Wise.
Go to the West,say:
Dragons Of Water,Behold The Tools Of Magick,Consecrated By Dragon Power. Let Us Be One
In Magick.Farewell,O Dragons Great And Wise
Go to North,say:
Dragons Of Earth,Behold The Tools Of Magick,Consecrated By Dragon Power. Let Us Be One
In Magick.Farewell ,O Dragons Great and Wise.
Return to altar,point the sword at the Dragon Pentacle,say:
Dragons Of Spirit,Highest Of Dragons And Most Powerful,Bless This Altar With Your Fire.Let
Us Be One In Magick.Farewell,O Dragons Great And Wise.
With a backward sweep of the Sword across the boundary of the circle ,cut the circle.Extinguish
the altar candles.Leave the ritual tools on or around the altar overnight to be further
empowered.The Dragons may inspect them during this time and add special blessings to them. It
is important to realize that I work with Dragons as partners and Co-magicians and I have to be
firm in my intentions but willing to listen to their point of view.A magician tries to gain control
over Dragons at his/own peril.
!"#$%&'()*++,&$ !"#$%&'()*++,&$ !"#$%&'()*++,&$ !"#$%&'()*++,&$'

Items needed: white candle, patchouli oil.
Cast Circle.
Inscribe the name of the person you wish to bless on the candle. Then hold the candle in both
hands while concentrating on this person being blessed, put this energy into the candle. Anoint
candle with the patchouli oil (start in center and go outward, away from you) once you feel that it
is charged. Say:
"(Name of Person) May peace and harmony come to you
(Name of Person) May nothing harm you
(Name of Person) May your heart be light
(Name of Person) May your travels be safe
(Name of Person) May your health be good
(Name of Person) May your mind be sound
(Name of Person) May your friendships sustain you
(Name of Person) May you be blessed in every way
(Name of Person) May the dragons shelter you and keep you protected.
You are blessed by the shadow of their wings."
Light the white candle. Say:
"Flame of candles
Wrought of dragon fire
Burning bright,
Bring peace to (Name of Person)
Good fortune is theirs
For all to see;
As I do will, So mote it be."
Ring bell three times, then say:
"Ancient Dragons please hear my call
Please watch over _______ and guide them as they need
Keep them safe and warm in your embrace
Guard them against danger and harm and bring them peace."
Perform Simple Feast. Open Circle.

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Salt and Water Purification
Place your bowl with water on the pentacle, touch the water with your athame (or
fingers) and say:
"With the blessings of the dragons I cleanse you, O creature of water, be free of all impurities
and uncleanliness. As I do will, so mote it be!"
Leaving the bowl on the pentacle, place three measures of salt into the vessel and
"Purity into purity, O creature of Earth, Salt is free from hindrance and pure by nature, I mix
this salt and water so that whatever it touches, May be free of all hindrances and impurities, And
may be mighty in the way of the Dragons of Old."
Take the bowl and beginning in the East, sprinkle first above the altar then below it
(repeat this for other altars that you might have in the room, such as elemental altars or if you
have a separate altar for dragons in your sacred space). Continue in an outward deosil spiral,
sprinkling around the room. As you walk around the sacred space say three times:
"Salt and water by casting thee, No spell or unknown hindrance be, Except in true accord with
me. As I do will, so mote it be!"
If working with a group everyone should repeat the final 'As I do will, so mote it be' in a loud
and strong voice.
Fire and Air Purification
Place the incense you are going to be using on the pentacle and tap it three times with your
athame (or fingers) and say:
"With the blessings of the dragons, I cleanse you, O creature of Air, be free of all impurities and
uncleanliness. As I do will, so mote it be!"
Remove the container of incense and place the censer on the pentacle. Light the coal and place
your athame on the charcoal or touch your fingers to the edge of the censer and say:
"Purity onto purity, O creature of Fire, Fire is free from hindrance and pure by nature, I mix this
fire and air so that where it goes May be free of all hindrance and impurities and may be mighty
in the way of the Dragons of Old."
Take the censer and beginning in the East, wave the smoke first above the altar and
then below it, again repeating for any other altars that you might have. Then continue in an
outward deosil spiral, wafting the smoke around the room and say three times:
"Creature of Air, this charge I give, No evil in your presence live! Creature of Fire, this charge I
lay, No evil in your presence stay! As I do will, so mote it be!"
If working with a group everyone should repeat the final 'As I will, so mote it be' in a
loud and strong voice.
Calling the Watchtowers
Go to the Eastern part of the Circle and light the white candle. Draw an air evoking pentagram
with your athame or fingers, the color of the pentagram should be yellow. Say:
"From the lands of the Dragons of the East,
Comes the glorious powers of Air!
I call upon One Who is Willing to guard the Eastern Gate.
Sairys, lend us mastery of the winds,
Aid us in developing our intellect and wisdom.
Your tongue is a sharp sword, cutting with the knowledge of the arcane.
Your spirit flows as graceful as a bird in flight.
Purify us with truth,
Watch over this Circle that there may be wisdom in all that we do.
Please act as our witness and guide,
Hail and welcome!"
Go to the Southern Quadrant and light the red candle. With your athame or fingers
draw a fire evoking pentagram, the color of it should be red. Say:
"From the lands of the Dragons of the South,
comes the cleansing power of Fire!
I call upon One Who is Willing to guard the Southern Gate.
Fafnir, lend us mastery of the powers of flame,
Aid us in developing our free-will and creativity.
Your breath is aflame with the fires of inspiration and passion.
Your spirit is searing and fervent.
Purify us with love,
Watch over this Circle that we may create joy and beauty!
Please act as our witness and guide,
Hail and welcome!"
Go to the Western Quadrant and light the blue candle. With your athame or fingers,
draw a water evoking pentagram, it's color should be blue. Say:
"From the lands of the Dragons of the West
comes the purifying power of Water!
I call upon One Who is Willing to guard the Western Gate!
Naelyon, lend us mastery over the power of sea.
Aid us in developing our intuition and control over our emotions.
Your coils are the cleansing, healing waves that nurture the soul.
Your spirit lunges, leaps and splashes like a dolphin at play.
Purify us with everlasting emotions,
Watch over this Circle that we may have the courage to listen to our inner voice and act as
Please act as our witness and guide,
Hail and welcome!"
Go to the Northern Quadrant of the Circle and light the green candle. With your
athame or fingers, draw an earth evoking pentagram whose color should be green. Say:
"From the lands of the Dragons of the North,
comes the sustaining power of Earth.
I call upon one who is willing to guard the Northern Gate.
Grael, lend us mastery over the powers of stone,
Aid us in developing strength of body, mind, and spirit.
Your talons run like roots into the earth, giving you infinite strength.
Your spirit is hard and pure like a clear crystal,
Purify us with persistent wisdom.
Watch over this Circle that we may have the strength
to delve into the mysteries of the Universe.
Please act as our witness and guide,
Hail and welcome!"
Starting in the East, draw a Circle around the perimeter of the area with your athame or fingers.
See bright orange-red dragon fire following the tip of your tool creating a flaming barrier. Say:
"By dragon fire and the power of my will, the Circle is cast."
Use your tool to trace a ring of fire above and below you so that you have created a
sphere for your sacred space. Say:
"As above, so below."
Use your athame or fingers to salute the sky, then briefly touch the earth. Say:
"I conjure you, O Circle of Power,
That you will be a boundary between
The world of Man and the Realm of Dragons.
Between the worlds and beyond the bounds of time,
This Circle is created.
As I do will, so mote it be!"
In the air above the altar draw an infinity sign with your fingers to tie the Circle
Ring the Bell three times then say:
"Now the Circle is sealed and the boundary made. Through dragon magick and the power of my
will, Let nothing but beneficial energy enter, And nothing but beneficial energy emerge For the
betterment of myself and my Clan. So mote it be."
Light the Goddess candle and invoke the Goddess as you usually do.
Light the God candle and invoke the God as you normally do.
Light the Guardian Candle, then say:
"Draconis! Draconis! Draconis! Hear our call, three time we hail you, listen all! This candle
flame is like you fire, help us in our rite and lend your power to us. Come to us and hear our
words, help us to achieve our goals. With our humblest thanks we welcome thee! Draconis!
Draconis! Draconis!
Continue with your ritual or spell.

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"Our Circle is a place where hearts and minds can meet and share in the wonder and
empowerment of a living and loving Goddess. We are a coven of friends, but above all things we
are Family. Our Love and our Magick binds us together and our Circle keeps us and nurtures us.
We are blessed. Blessed Be!"
The Dragon Guardians are then invoked.
Mighty Dragon, Guardian of the realms of the East. Your tongue is a sharp sword, cutting with
the knowledge of the arcane. Your spirit flows as graceful as a swift in flight. Purify us with
truth. Blessed Be.
Mighty Dragon, Guardian of the realms of the South, your breath is aflame with the fires of
inspiration and passion. Your spirit is searing and fervent. Purify us with Love. Blessed Be.
Mighty Dragon, Guardian of the realms of the West, your coils are the cleansing healing waves
that nurture the soul. Your spirit lunges, leaps and splashes like a Talbot at play. Purify us with
pulsing tides. Blessed Be.
Mighty Dragon, Guardian of the realms of the North, your talons run like roots into the earth,
giving you infinite strength. Your spirit is substantial, hard and pure like a clear crystal. Purify us
with persistant wisdom. Blessed Be.
Each of these Dragons has a secret name that they are also invoked with. A suggestion is that
anyone using these invocations meditate to find an appropriate name for each Guardian and use
it along with or instead of the words "Mighty Dragon".
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Ring the bell three times to devoke the dragons that you called upon earlier, saying:
"Draconis, draconis, draconis!
Again, three times we hail you, listen all.
This candle flame that held your fire
Has shed your light upon our ritual
and lent your awesome power to us.
We thank you for attending us,
Go if you must, stay if you will,
May there peace between us now and forever.
You have our humblest thanks as you depart!
Draconis, draconis, draconis!"
Snuff the Guardian Candle.
Devoke the God in your usual manner, then snuff His candle.
Devoke the Goddess in your usual manner, then snuff Her candle.
Over your central altar, undraw the infinity symbol that you created when casting the Circle.
With your athame or fingers, salute the sky then briefly touch the earth. Spread your arms wide
and see the energy from the Circle sinking into the ground, being reabsorbed and dissipating.
"By my will, I release you, O Circle of Power.
To return to the ground once more,
As we return to the world of Man.
May the Work we have performed tonight
Be for the greater good of all and for our Clan.
As I do will, so mote it be!"
Go to the Northern Quadrant, with your athame or fingers trace the earth banishing pentagram,
see it fading away. Say:
"Hail to you, Dragons of the Northern Quarter.
I thank you for acting as witness and guide to our ritual.
Grael, may there be peace between us,
Now and forever.
We wish you farewell and safe journey until we meet again.
Go in power, blessed be."
Snuff the green candle.
Go to the Western Quadrant, with your athame or fingers trace the water banishing
pentagram and see it fading away. Say:
"Hail to you, Dragons of the Western Quarter.
I thank you for acting as witness and guide to our ritual.
Naelyon, may there peace between us,
Now and forever.
We wish you farewell and safe journey until we meet again.
Go in power, blessed be."
Snuff the blue candle.
Go to the Southern Quadrant, with your athame or fingers trace the fire banishing pentagram and
see it fading away. Say:
"Hail to you, Dragons of the Southern Quarter.
I thank you acting as witness and guide to our ritual.
Fafnir, may there peace between us,
Now and forever.
We wish you farewell and safe journey until we meet again.
Go in power, blessed be."
Snuff the red candle.
Go to the Eastern Quadrant, with your athame or fingers trace the air banishing
pentagram and see it fading away. Say:
"Hail to you, Dragons of the Eastern Quarter.
I thank you for acting as witness and guide to our ritual.
Sairys, may there be peace between us,
Now and forever.
We wish you farewell and safe journey until we meet again.
Go in power, blessed be."
Snuff the white candle.
If you have any other candles lit, snuff them unless they are to burn out. Then say:
"Our Circle is open, yet unbroken
May the blessings of the God, the Goddess, and the Dragons
be with all of us until we meet again.
Blessed be!"
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I make thee now, circle of light,
Dragon strong with dragon might.
Within thy glowing orb shield us all,
A safe stronghold to meet those i call
Black dragon, red dragon, white dragon, grey
I call on thee; come ye that may.
Circle around and about
Inside and out
Protect from within
Or protect from without.
The circle is bound with dragon might,
Nothing may enter save love and light.
This circle is sealed, Dragons, do me heed!
Thus i speak and so mote it be.
Circle of might, dragon made,
Open are ye, thy light to fade.
Dragons, to thee i bid thanks and farewell.
Safe journey home. By the Lord and Lady do well.
This circle is done and now open.
Its light faded but never broken.

You cannot force a dragon to befriend you, nor can you chose what your companion will look
like or what their personality will be. All you can really do is invite dragons into your life and
make them feel welcome. The dragons chose who they work with rather than the other way
around. If you have been interested in dragons for a while and have collected some dragon
images, toys, statues etc., there is a chance that there is already a dragon or two hanging around
your room or house.
Inviting a Dragon Companion
Choose a time when you will not be disturbed, disconnect the phone, if possible disconnect the
doorbell. Being interrupted during any ritual is really annoying and can cause for energy to be
Sit on the floor and imagine and stress or worry flowing out of you and through the floor (or into
the ground if you are doing this outside). Once you feel that it has all drained out of your body,
imagine a protective bubble forming around you. One of the easiest ways to do this is to imagine
a small bubble just in front of your chest then let it expand to surround you. You might not be
able to see this bubble, especially if its the first time of using it, but know that it is there
protecting you.
The next step is to invite a dragon to be your companion. Mentally project the desire to contact
and make friends with a dragon. Be confident but dont shout your intention. Then either in your
mind or out loud say this, or something similar, I am (name), I walk the path of dragons. In
love, trust, and friendship I invite you into my life and into my home. Add anything else you
wish to say and keep projecting welcoming thoughts.
Dont expect to feel a companion right away, it can take quite a while before they feel you are
ready for them. Sit for a while longer incase they do wish to make their presence known. If you
wish to keep the protective bubble around you imagine new energy flowing though it and the old
energy going back into the ground. Then you can slowly get up and carry on as normal. You can
repeat this ritual as you like until you feel the dragons are in your life.

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Cast Draconic Circle Meditate upon dragon attributes: their size, their ability to see in the dark,
their intellegence, their quickness and grace, their independance, etc.
Ring your bell three times and say:
"Marvelous Dragons,
Invisible in form
Casting light and darkness
I have come before you I have opened the path
May we be at peace."
Take a moment to extend your metaphysical senses. See if you notice any dragons. Say:
"O great Dragons,
Soul of spirit
Heart of chaos
Hear my call
I ask your aid
In reaching the source of you.
Blessed be to you,
You have passed beyond the horizon,
Your physical manifestation
Lives now only through the sunset
May your spirit endure
And it's shadow seek my light."
For a moment allow yourself to fill with the desire for contact with a dragon. Say:
I am (name),
I walk the path of dragons.
In love, trust, and friendship
I invite you into my life
and into my home.
Add anything else you wish to say and keep projecting welcoming thoughts.
When finished, bow your head and say:
"May I be blessed with the friendship of Dragons."
Make an offering to the dragons. Have the simple feast.
Close Circle.

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Dragon Call
Oh, Hear Me Dragon
Of Crystal Bright.
Oh Great Dragon
Teach Of The Light.
Be Truth
Show The Way Light Of Youth
Dragon Plea
Oh Dragon Here,
Of Purest Fire, Full Of Love
Lifting Higher, And Higher
Come To Me,
Oh, Dragon Of Light
Oh, Thou Of Truth
Lift Me Higher, This Hour
Let This Be Our Desire
To Be As One, To Work Together
Deep In Love
And Happy Forever.

!"#$%&'2"%.*0.,%& !"#$%&'2"%.*0.,%& !"#$%&'2"%.*0.,%& !"#$%&'2"%.*0.,%&'
Great Sairys, Ruler of the East
Of dragons soaring in the dawn
The golden lihgt of faith and hope
That cheers us when the might is gone
Please see me from the golden fair
And lend the wonderous power of air.

Great Fafnir, Ruler of the South
Of dragons of the warmth of life
The ruddy, cheerful glow of strenght
That bears us up in mordly strife
For Good to which I dare aspire
Please breathe on me your cleaning fire.

Great Naelyan Ruler of the West
Of dragons of the restless sea
The blue light of the world to be
Of visions of the world to be
Please let the power of Water flow
To feed a blessing make it grow.

Great Grael, Ruler of the North
Of dragons of the solid earth
The white light come shine on me
And purify my little worthy
The strenght of Earth beneath my feet
Please send to make the four complete.

Earth and Fire, Water, Air
Stone and light and sea and sky
I call on you to ward my friends
Because they need you more then I
But if there still is something left
When you have done these other things
Come live, so welcome in my home
Come shelter me beneath your wings.

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8y uragon wlng and uragon claw,
My(hls/her) uefense ls wlLhouL flaw."
"Shrouded by uragon mlghL
8emove me(hlm/her) from Lhelr(hls/her) slghL."
"lly before me (hlm/her) uragon brlghL,
And bllnd my(hls/her) foe wlLh 1hy llghL"
"lull of rage and Lerrlble lre,
8urn Lhem(hlm/her) wlLh 1hy uragon llre!"
"uark and Lerrlble be 1hy wraLh,
uragon, proLecL me (hlm/her)on my(hls/her) paLh!

AfLer Lhe perlod or when Lhe Lask ls flnlsh:

Cuardlan uragon Lhanks be Lo you,
My frlend boLh sLeadfasL and Lrue!'
8efore Lhe spell ls good Lo make some medlLaLlon and when you speak you musL vlsuallzed Lhe LargeL
and Lhe perlod.

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CenLle Cuardlan wlse and sLrong
keep lL(me, hlm/her) as lL (l, he/she) doLh belong.
Safe wlLhln Lhy charge and care,
Lhe currenL problem Lo fare.
no harm Lo come or lll Lo befall
Cuarded and safe Lhrough lL all!"'
8efore Lhe spell ls good Lo make some medlLaLlon and when you speak you musL vlsuallzed Lhe LargeL
and Lhe perlod.

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uragon brave and uragon wlse,
leL noLhlng escape your eyes.
l summon your from your hldden lalr,
(name ob[ecL here) ls enLrusLed Lo your care.
ermlL no harm Lo come Lo ( named ob[ecL) wlLhln your slghL,
ln your presence leL all evlls Lake fllghL.
no baneful creaLure born of flesh or splrlL,
may Louch (name ob[ecL) nor even come near lL.
LeL Lhose LhaL would brlng harm,
be fllled wlLh frlghL and alarm.
8efore Lhe spell ls good Lo make some medlLaLlon and when you speak you musL vlsuallzed Lhe LargeL
and Lhe perlod.

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Items needed: A green or gold candle, Cinnamon oil or another money- or luck-drawing oil, a
green stone that you like, and a piece of pyrite.
This spell should be done on a Sunday (Prosperity/Money) or Monday (Luck) during
the Waxing Moon.
Dress the candle, the green stone, and pyrite with the oil.
Cast the circle.
If you use Runes, carve the Rune Fehu on the candle along with other symbols of luck and
prosperity. If you don't use Runes, just leave it out.
Place the stones beside the candle.
Light the candle and say:
"Mighty Dragon of the North, Keeper of all Treasures
Please help me to bring to me
All that I need for prosperity.
I ask not in greed,
Not for wealth overflowing,
Only for enough to aid me."
Visualize yourself with money, shopping, balancing your check book, anything that
shows you being prosperous and with enough money. Do this for as long as you wish.
Tap the green stone and the pyrite with your athame, then say:
"Green and gold,
Is what I call to me,
With the aid of dragons,
And for the greater good,
With harm to none,
As I do will,
So mote it be!"
Thank the Dragons.
Close the circle as normal.
Let the candle burn out and, if there is any wax left, bury the candle in your yard.
Carry the stones with you have enough money to be comfortable, then bury them as well.
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To be honest I've never done this ritual for myself, mainly because I tend to shy away from
prosperity rituals. I have a Sagittarian's luck with money, so I don't often find myself in dire
With that said, I have been part of a groups that have performed it. We did it for two different
members of the one group and they both went off without a hitch. From that I would recommend
it if you need a good prosperity spell. However, I can't tell you exactly how it worked since it
was done for others and not myself. Sorry!
F/*'!"#$%&'G#.0/*" F/*'!"#$%&'G#.0/*" F/*'!"#$%&'G#.0/*" F/*'!"#$%&'G#.0/*"'
A watcher servitor designed to protect person/s and place. I placed mine on Table Mountain
charged with the intent to protect the mountain from unscrupelous land developers and to
broadcast justice energys into the city. I plan on making more so as to make a viral network of
You will need:
A modell of a uragon, make lL yourself ouL of clay or buy one eLc. A box Lo puL lL ln.
1he servlLor`s slglllsed lnsLrucLlons and name, Lhls can be on or ln Lhe uragon, or ln Lhe box. (l
comblne Lhe name wlLh Lhe lnsLrucLlons)
uragons blood
8ed lanLerns or any oLher sulLable llghLlng.
Cak leaves and bark
lron flllngs
Sword or symbollc represenLaLlon of one.
The Rite
On the altar: the ingredients above.
1. 8anlsh and open
2. S.C.l: "lL ls my wlll Lo lnfuse Lhls Lhls vessel wlLh Lhe forces of proLecLlon, and LhaL lL be a
senLlenL belng charged Lo proLecL n and Lo safeguard Lhe vlclnlLy whlch ls Lo be lLs home.
3. LlghL Lhe suffumlgaLlons and llghLlng.
4. 1ake up lron flllngs ln hand and walk Lo flre quarLer, clrcumambulaLe Lhe clrcle sunwlse (maybe
flve Llmes) sprlnkllng Lhe lron flllngs on Lhe clrcle, lmaglnlng Lhem falllng as red gold sparks,
vlsuallse Lhe clrcle as belng composed of red gold flame.
3. Pavlng reLurned Lo Lhe place of flre, lnvoke Lhe flre elemenLals
Call Lhe lferyllL:
Pere me now breLhren of Lhe lferyllL, you secreL ones who dwell ln Lhe hlghesL peaks of Lhe
8renln Llywd (a name l gave Lo Lhe mounLaln - welsh for Crey klng) Coverners of Lhe MlghLy
uragons whlch guard Lhe lands.
now ls a Llme of need!
8e ye presenL ln Lhls worklng.
6. lnvokaLlon Lo Cu Chulaln:

l lnvoke you Cu Chualln! MlghLy one!
Masslve llmbed and Aureoled wlLh seerlng flames!
l ask LhaL your heroe`s salmon leap be upon me,
LhaL you lend your greaL sLrengLh unLo me,
Lo burn ouL all LhaL ls un[usL ln me,
and Lhls make of me a purer vehlcle so as Lo carry ouL
Lhe forces of !usLlce.
Cu Chualln l call on you!

llerce hound!
1hunderlng charrloL!
Spear of sunllghL!
WraLhfull sword of flames!
Salmon leap!
ueadly Warp Spasm!
Culcker Lo Lhe fleld of blood Lhan Lo a weddlng!
Culcker Lo Lhe ravens feasL Lhan Lo a burlal!
Come anger of llre
llre of Cak
Cak of knowledge
Wlsdom of WealLh
Sword of Song
Song of Searlng Ldge!
lo Cu Chulaln!
lo! lo! eLc
7. 1hen do Lhe LlghLnlng llash exerclse by hll Plne, buL lnsLead of brlnglng Lhe force ouL of your
head, brlng lL Lo your hearL cenLer ln a sphere of red gold, do Lhls flve (or slx) Llmes, and each
Llme you do lL Lhe sphere geLs brlghLer and hoLLer, on Lhe flfLh (or slxLh) Llme pro[ecL Lhe force
from your hearL cenLer ouL Lhe palms of your hands ln one exhalaLlon so LhaL lL converges on
Lhe uragon.
8. WlLh weapon or hand, Lrace Lhe slgll of Lhe dragon above lL whllsL lnLonlng lLs name, Lhen abouL
lL a sunwlse clrcle flve Llmes Lo sLlr Lhe pro[ecLed eLher, Lhen wlLhln Lhe clrcle Lrace an lnvoklng
hepLagram of mars, vlbraLlng: SA8AC! (Creek)
9. now Lake up Lhe uragon ln your hands and address lL.
"Wake Lo Lhese words C Warrlor uragon n:
l command you ln Lhe name of MlghLy Cu Chulaln and Lhe lferyllL who are lords of flerce
uragons and ln my own name for ouL of greaL need have l creaLed Lhee.
l decree LhaL you shall cause all Lhose Lo deparL who have Laken evll lnLo Lhelr hands.
Cr have buL ln Lhelr own hearL been moved Lowards lL and LhaL Lhey harm none as Lhey leave
Lhe place whlch l shall make Lhy home.
Wake Lo Lhese words C creaLure of flames, and be Lhou a Lrue and unfalllng regenL of defence."
10. roclalm your deed unLo Lhe powers:
"And Lhe prlesLs ralsed Lhelr shlelds and shook Lhem, shook Lhem wlLh a sound as of Lhunder!
And Lhey danced Lo Lhe loud walllng fluLes.
1hls was Lhe deed of Lhe prlesLs!
11. uL servlLor ln box, add whaLever lLems you deem aproprlaLe . 1race a large banlshlng
hepLagram of Mars. Clve Lhanks Lo Lhe powers you called on, banlsh Lhe elemenLals, do Lhe
qaballsLlc cross. Lnd.
Notes: In welsh myth the Fferyllt are the lords of the dragons that guard the lands, and are said to
dwell on Mount Snowdon. The invocations are a mixture of my own and other stuff from various
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To be done on a Wednesday nearest a full moon.
Items needed: A purple candle, a blue candle, lavender oil, and sandalwood incense.
Cast Circle.
Inscribe the purple candle with a Dragon's Eye, then dress it with the lavender oil.
Light the purple candle and say:
"Let this flame
Open my third eye
To be wise
Of the past and future
Let this flame
Open my minds eye
To the energies."
Inscribe your name on the blue candle, then dress it with the lavender oil. Hold the
candle and feel yourself connect with it.
Use the lavendar oil to draw a solar cross on your forehead.
Take a deep breath, and visualizing a blue cone of light around you, starting from
there you raise your hand, a ball of blue light starts to descend upon you, covering you in the
relaxing color of wisdom; blue, blue like the eternal oceans, the blue of the sky, the deep blue
that conforts you and bathes you with wisdom.
Once the cone of power and wisdom is around you, say:
"All mighty Dragon Lords, Blessed be!
Your presence is needed so to me come!
Hear me for this is what I want to see...
...Enhance my knowledge and banish my doubts
so I may learn, that wisdom may come to me
In perfect love and perfect trust and with harm none
As I will,
So Mote It Be."
Take a few minutes to let the feeling of well being sink in, think of all of the wise
people in your life and how you would like to become one of those persons.
Perform the simple feast.
Open the Circle.
Remember to release the excess.
Let the candle burn out completly.
6%.*+E 6%.*+E 6%.*+E 6%.*+E'
This is another ritual from my magister that I absolutely love! I don't always feel wiser after
performing it, but I do find that I am more focused on my studies and on uncovering the facts. In
a spiritual setting, it really helps me to zone in on where I want to go and to see how to get there.
The energy for this ritual seems fairly low key while you're doing it, but afterwards it really
packs a punch. I notice the dragons lingering around, often for weeks, after I've done this spell.
Don't do this if you don't seriously want pushed along your path, the dragons that I've gotten
have all been pretty rough task masters. If I try to be lazy after doing this I definitely get a kick to
the butt!
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To be performed on a Sunday (for dragons of fire, healing) during a waxing moon
(also for healing).
Items needed: blue candle, a piece of hematite, and a healing oil such as lotus.
Purify self and cast Circle.
Invite dragons with:
Silent Dragons of healing might,
Descend, I pray, to my Circle tonight.
Lend me your aid in healing this man
As I offer you welcome and blessings.
As we do will, so mote it be
Hail and Welcome!
Face the South for the element fire and also to become more in tune with the dragons of the day.
Cleanse and purify the blue candle.
Once cleansed, inscribe it with the name of the person to be healed as well as any
healing symbols that call to you such as runes, kanji, etc.
Anoint the candle with the healing oil.
Visualize the person healed, and they are happy and healthy. Continue the visualization until the
candle is filled with healing energy and hums in your hand.
Call on dragons of healing (raise athame to salute the sky, and allow the point to
touch the earth) and say:
Dragons, ethereal patrons of healing,
Hear my plea and lend your energy and aid
to help heal my husband and ease his pain.
Lend your presence to this work I do
that he may once again enjoy life to fullest.
Light the blue candle and place the hematite stone near the base of the candle
(hopefully some of the candle will drip onto the stone). Take a few moments to infuse the stone
with healing energy.
State your intention of allowing the spell to do its work:
After this Circle is opened, I release the healing energy gathered here tonight to run its course.
I place no expectations on it other than to its job to the best of its ability, aided by the Dragons
and my Will. So mote it be
Thank the gathered elements and dragons.
Offer food and drink in thanks and honor to the Dragons for the help that they have
bestowed and open Circle.
Allow the candle to burn down. When it has burnt itself out give the stone to the
person to carry as a charm. Once they healed bury the stone or drop it into running water to
return it and any remaining energy to the earth.
6%.*+E 6%.*+E 6%.*+E 6%.*+E'
I wrote this as part of my training and for my husband because he needed to have an operation.
I've only used it once, but it seemed to help him a lot after the operation and the surgeon
remarked on how quickly he healed. I haven't really had a chance to use it again, its something
that I would employ for close family members. I say that because the dragons really seem to
'inspect' the person that you're doing it for. I think that our feelings toward them help to influence
the dragons in whether or not they choose to help or they choose to ignore the patient.
Michael kept the stone near the bed while he was recovering and after the drugs from the
hospital wore off he was able to manage his pain mainly with an ice pack. After he was healed I
buried the stone near a small grove of trees near our old apartment in Pottstown.
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General Healing, Asking Dragons To Heal
Oh, Dragons Of Earth, Wind, Water, And Fire
Heal "Place Or Person, To Be Healed"
In Thy Purifying Light, Be Gone All Pain
Dragons True, Oh Dragons Bright
Creator Be With You.
Burn Healing Spell
Oh Dragon, Oh He Of Ice
Cool Mine Pain,
I Bless Thee Thrice
May I Heal Clear And True
Oh, Dragon, May The Light Blesseth You
*****Spell / Charm For Snakebites*****
Oh, Kings Of Dragons. Hear My Words
May This Poison Be Gone From Me
Oh, Mighty Dragon Protect Me.

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Items needed: the tool you will be consecrating, Power or Dragons Blood Oil, and a small bowl
filled with salt, sand, or dirt.
Cleanse the ritual area and yourself with smudging.
Anoint your forehead with oil with either a pentagram or a horned moon.
Ground and Center.
Cast Circle.
You do not need to invoke God and Goddess, but if you wish to you may. You should
call on your patrons if have any.
Invoke the dragons.
Stand with arms stretched and upraised. Say:
Gathered elements,
Earth and Fire
Water and Earth
Spirit and Chaos,
May whatsoever touches you
Be charged with the
Energies inherent in you as well as
That of the Ancient Dragons
So mote it be.
Pick up the tool you are consecrating and hold it in front of you at eye level. Say:
(Tool) of the element of (element),
I have washed you of all impurities.
Blessed be thou, O Creature of Art.
Pass the tool through the incense smoke several times and visualize the energy of air charging it.
When done, face eastward and hold up the tool. Say:
By the dragons of air,
Ruled by the knowledgeable Sairys,
May this (tool)
Be dedicated in its service to me,
And be devoted to purity
This (tool) of (element)
Is now consecrated in the East.
So mote it be.
Pass the tool through the flame of the Guardian Candle. If this will damage the tool in any way,
you may simply pass the tool above the flame so that it will not be harmed. Visualize the energy
of fire charging the tool.
When done, face southward and hold up the tool. Say:
By the dragons of fire,
Ruled by the powerful Fafnir,
May this (tool)
Be dedicated in its service to me,
And be devoted to passion.
This (tool) of (element)
Is now consecrated in the South.
So mote it be.
Sprinkle a few drops of water (this can be the purified salt water) onto the tool, or if
this will harm it get one of your fingertips damp and touch the tool somewhere inconspicuous.
Then visualize the tool being charged with the energy of water.
Turn to face westward and then hold up the tool. Say:
By the dragons of water,
Ruled by Naelyon of the Depths,
May this (tool)
Be dedicated in its service to me,
And be devoted to emotion.
This (tool) of (element)
Is now consecrated in the West.
So mote it be.
Touch the tool to salt, sand, or soil and visualize it being charged with the
energy of earth.
When done, face northward and hold up the tool. Say:
By the dragons of earth,
Ruled by mighty Grael,
May this (tool) be devoted in its service to me,
And be devoted to stability.
This (tool) of (element)
Is now consecrated in the North.
So mote it be.
Stand before you altar and hold the tool out in front of you like you are offering it to
someone. Say:
Mighty Dragons, I offer this humble thanks
That you have helped me
To charge and consecrate this (tool).
Sanctify this instrument that
Has been prepared in your honor.
Use a drop or two of either the Power Oil or the Dragons Blood Oil and draw a
personal symbol on the tool. If the oil will stain or harm the tool, the use a very small amount
and rub it between your forefinger and your thumb until most of it has evaporated, then draw
your symbol somewhere fairly hidden. Then breathe on the tool three times and envision your
personal power flowing into the tool.
When done (be careful if the tool is large and/or sharp) touch the tool to your heart,
lips, then raise it to the sky in a salute.
Place the tool on your altar, hold your hands over it and say:
Round and around
Power be bound
Dragon blessing revealed
Now be sealed.
If you wish to give a name to your tool do it now.
If you have any other tools to consecrate, you may do it now if you arent too drained.
Pick up the chalice with wine in it (juice, milk, etc.) and the plate with the cakes for
your simple feast. Hold them up in offering and say:
Mighty dragons and assembled deities,
I offer this wine and feast in your honor,
Bless this humble offering
And grand me the wisdom
To notice your presence in all of nature.
Blessed be.
Make an offering of wine and a cake to the Dragons, if you invoked God and Goddess make an
offering to them as well.
Eat the simple feast.
Close the Circle.

6%.*+E 6%.*+E 6%.*+E 6%.*+E'
The first thing I'd like to note here is that you don't have to have seperate tools for working
dragon magick. My magister taught that you may choose to do so if you will doing very
intensive work with them and will still be doing rituals where you don't want to mix in draconic
energy. You may double consecrate tools if you already have some and wish for them to have
dragon blessing as well as the normal consecration that you would have already done.
I actually have a seperate athame for draconic work because that felt right to me. Not everyone
likes to work with dragon energy as it can be rather overpowering and since I tend to work in
groups that have a fairly mobile population I thought it best to have a seperate tool. However, my
sword and wand were both double consecrated. I have noticed that those seem to feel heavier
than what they did, as if the dragon consecration has a tangible weight.
The consecration that my magister gave to me didn't strike a chord with me so I re-wrote it and
this is the result. I'm very happy with it and it really packs a kick!
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As lL ls, Lhe ma[esLlc dragons, alLhough sllenL and paLlenL, sLlll dwell wlLhln Lhe caves of our dreams,
walLlng Lo be called forLh Lo carry ouL Lhelr exalLed LlLles.

C Lord, who made Lhe dragon, and Lhe dragon's open sky,
And gave Lo me a dragon's soul, a dragon's urge Lo fly--
LeL me uence wlLhln your cloudscapes far beyond LarLh's chaln,
LeL me re[olce ln my grandeur,
LeL me noL grow valn!
LeL me vlndlcaLe my honor wlLh my fang and claw,
LeL my raglng hearL show mercy,
LeL LhaL show no flaw!
LeL me have Lhe [oy of all Lhe shlnlng gold l've sLored,
LeL no pauper-dragon go forLh sLarvlng from my hoard.
And, Lord, should Lhe need arlse and l be called Lo flghL,
uragon-Maker, make me vlcLor, and, Cod--help LhaL knlghL!'

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needed lLems: 3 llghL blue (or whlLe) candles (voLlves are good for Lhls) ,3 pleces of llghL blue (or whlLe)
paper .eace Cll (or ollve oll or vanllla exLracL) .eace lncense (or vanllla or sandalwood) .A blue lnk pen
A flre-proof recepLacle (such as an empLy [ar wlLh a lld)
SLep 1: lnscrlbe each candle wlLh 2 of Lhe followlng runes:
nled: 1o help calm dlsLressed emoLlons
Clfu: 1o resLore one's menLal equlllbrlum and perspecLlve
8eorc: 1o brlng harmony back lnLo Lhe household
Slgel: 1o brlng heallng Lo all effecLed
kenaz: 1o renew peace wlLhln Lhe famlly
lng: 1o brlng a poslLlve endlng Lo Lhe slLuaLlon
Whlle carvlng Lhe candles, be sure Lo vlsuallze Lhe person who ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe spell as belng happy,
calm and relaxed. See any problems beLween Lhe Lwo of you as havlng already been resolved ln a way
LhaL promoLes growLh, muLual respecL and undersLandlng (noL necessarlly agreemenL whlch may noL be
posslble... [usL agreelng Lo dlsagree and leLLlng Lhe maLLer drop).
SLep 2: AnolnL each candle wlLh Lhe eace Cll, agaln vlsuallzlng Lhe oLher person and you llvlng ln
harmony wlLh all quarrels forglven and forgoLLen. As you do so, chanL:

uragons of hearLh, uragons of home,

SLable as LarLh, SLable as sLone,

Lend me your sLrengLh, lend me your calm

Pelp me Lo make Lhls maglcal balm.

SLep 3: LlghL Lhe peace lncense and llghL Lhe candles. WrlLe Lhe person's name on each plece of paper ln
blue lnk, and pass each one Lhrough Lhe smoke of Lhe lncense and say:

As smoke fades Lo noLhlng, so does Lhe anger LhaL lles beLween [name] and me.

LeL no harsh word or lll feellng remaln LhaL may cloud our hearLs or mlnds.

LlghL each plece of paper from a dlfferenL candle and place lL ln Lhe flre-proof recepLacle. As you llghL
each one, chanL:

eace l send from me Lo you,

Love l send Lo follow Lhrough.

lrom Lhls anger be seL free,

As l wlll, so moLe lL be!

LeL Lhe candles burn Lhemselves ouL lf posslble. lf noL, Lry Lo burn Lhe candles for Lwo hours each
day/nlghL unLll Lhey burn ouL. lf you casL a formal clrcle close lL as usual.

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During the new/waxing/full moon (full moon being the strongest) annoint a green candle with
patchouly, think of money being drawn to you. Place candle in holder and place on altar. Now
put a new penny in front of the candle. Now put 4 malachite stones around the candle and penny.
Chant 3 times:
"by dragon powers of air, fire, water
and earth money come forth to me,
and (amount) is what i need at this time.
harm come to none, multiply now this new penny."
Light the candle and gaze into the flame, see the money coming to you, let the candle sit on the
altar until it has burned down all the way. When the candle has burned all the way down, take the
wax and bury it on your property. Take the penny and carry it in your wallet with a malachite
stone to increase money being drawn to you. note: this spell works best if you really have a need
for this money, this is not a become a millionaire spell.
!"#$%&'1,)+ !"#$%&'1,)+ !"#$%&'1,)+ !"#$%&'1,)+'
Dragons Blood Oil
14 drops carnation e.o.
5 drops cinnamon e.o.
5 drops allspice e.o.
1 ounce (30 mls) base oil
Dragon Protection Oil
5 drops Amber e.o.
3 drops Jasmine e.o.
9 drops Dark Musk e.o. (may replace with regular musk)
7 drops Rue e.o.
1 ounce (30 mls) almond oil for the base
small pinch of sea salt
1-2 small pieces of dragons blood resin
1 small piece of amber
Dragon Shield Oil
12 drops Patchouli e.o.
8 drops Sandalwood e.o.
2 drops Lilac e.o.
1 ounce (30 mls) base oil
Dragon Hoard Oil
4 drops Clove e.o.
4 drops Patchouli e.o.
12 drops frankincense e.o.
4 drops Pine e.o.
4 parts Bergamot e.o.
35 mls of base oil (this works out to 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon)

These last two aren't strictly dragon oils, but you may find them useful in your
practice so they are included here.

Power Oil
14 drops Orange e.o.
5 drops Ginger e.o.
5 drop Pine e.o.
1 ounce (30 mls) base oil
Initiation Oil
9 drops Frankincense e.o.
9 drops Myrrh e.o.
3 drops Sandalwood e.o.
1 ounce (30 mls) base oil
6%.*+E 6%.*+E 6%.*+E 6%.*+E'
When making oils be aware that there are two types, essential oils (e.o.) and fragrance oils.
These recipes call for essential oils which are the pure oils from herbs and flowers, their scents
are very strong which is why only a few drops are called for. These are to be blended together
into a carrier or base oil. Fragrance oils are often synthetic and while they cost less may not
blend together as well or may have a strange after scent.
Carrier oils are mild, pure oils that are used to dilute and increase the amount of oil made from
the concentrated essential oils. They are used to make oil blends cost less and last longer. The
most common and preferred carrier oils are Jojoba, Almond, Grapeseed, and Apricot Kernel oil.
Jojoba oil is actually a liquid form of wax, and resists aging and oxidization better than any other
carrier, but it is also one of the most expensive carriers. Both Almond and Apricot Kernel are
high quality and relatively inexpensive. You can also use mineral oil or olive oil, but only use the
latter if you don't mind it lending an extra note to your scent.
To blend the oils together, use a clean dark glass bottle and add the essential oils to it then swirl
the bottle to blend the oils. You can measure the oil by using glass droppers which can be bought
at a pharmacy or drug store. Be sure to use a clean dropper for each oil then clean the droppers
thoroughly after each use. Then add the appropriate amount of carrier oil. Cap the bottle and
gently roll it between your palms. Uncap the bottle and add any required herbs or crystals. When
done, be sure to label the bottle with the name of the blend and the date it was made.
When measuring ounces or milliliters, be sure to use an accurate tool. Normal household spoons
are never accurate; you should either ask your pharmacy for a dosing spoon that will have mls
and teaspoons clearly marked or invest in an inexpensive teaspoon/tablespoon measuring set.
If you are to add any herbs or crystals be sure to cleanse and charge them before adding them to
the oil. Stones can be cleansed with salt water then letting them soak in sun- or moonlight. Herbs
can be charged with your personal power or they can also be left to bathe in sun- or moonlight.
When recipes call for precious or semiprecious stones you can always use the less expensive
chip bead necklaces or bracelets. Unstring the chips and they should be right size to add a small
chip or two to your bottle.

Thanks for reading
Dragon Magick

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