Lord Kuthumi HealingYourselfthroughYourHigherSelf Kuthumi 04-03-2003FREE

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ASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI Healing yourself through your Higher Self


All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 04 March 2003

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you, as the information in timeless. You will energetically be linked with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given in the live channelling, if any. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.
This transcript has been published free of charge by Intellectual Property owner Michelle Manders and Palace of Peace in support of people seeking clarity, healing and peace. Therefore, we appreciate the Law of Integrity being honoured and ask that no person, group, organisation, or any body of any sort under any circumstance alter any part of this document or publish it in part or in full for personal financial gain. You are welcome to publish an excerpt with the link to the downloadable full transcript on our website.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time and to bring unto you endless blessings of love. Greetings, beloved ones. Allow your energy to become sensitive to the Beings that are around you, and allow your heart to open to healing and messages to be shared with you today. Greetings be with you this day. It is with great joy that we gather here today. Allow the energy that is moving through you at this time to focus in your crown centre, for this is the chakra that connects you with the Universal White Light, allowing the energy to move through you, activating, cleansing, clearing, and charging you with new vision, once again connecting and grounding you through your base chakra with the Mother Earth. Allow the Universal White Light to clear all fogginess and tension within your head area. Feel any aches within your head dissipate. Allow your jaw to relax. Allow any stuffiness around your nasal area to clear, and allow your inner vision to be cleared. You have with you your Master, also known as a Spirit Guide standing behind you. Some of you may feel a tingling within your head area or a ringing within your ears, or you may just simply feel at peace and comfortable. Become aware of this presence which stands with you, and allow your old feelings of recognising this presence guide you. You are unique and individual so your experience of sensing this Being is unique and different. Today your guide shall assist you in making a direct link with your Higher Self. For the following eleven days, you need to work closely with your Higher Self, for your Higher Self shall be working directly with you on all levels - whether it be physical healing, emotional, mental or spiritual healing. Any healing that needs to take place shall be assisted through your own Higher Self and your Master. Your Master now places his/her hands upon your head and projects into you an electric blue light, flowing through your crown chakra, down the back of your skull, through your medulla oblongata, down your spine, and connects with your base chakra. You are each being reminded of your blueprint, and those of you who feel you need to reconnect with a specific part of yourself - this is
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now being activated for you. Whether you have been walking this path for many years, or whether it is new to you, this memory of self you wish to reconnect with shall come to you, for this is what you shall be needing in order to focus upon in your immediate future, but you need the healing first in order to work with this energy. Allow the electric blue light to flow through each vertebra of your spine, where it forms electric blue coils throughout and around your body in an anti-clockwise direction. As this energy works through your body, so it is connecting with the parts within you which need healing. Whilst this happens, bring your attention back to your crown chakra, and once again, feel the presence of your Master or Guide. You shall spontaneously be given a name, which is the name of your Guide or Master whom you shall be working with, along with your Higher Self, for the following eleven days. Therefore, wherever you need assistance or guidance, call upon this Being to assist you with whatever it is that is required. The name may be very simple, for you shall be given a name that is familiar to you - that you are comfortable with - so take whatever comes to you spontaneously. It need not be a fancy name or a name that is difficult to pronounce. Allow it to come to you. Now repeat this name to yourself four times and place it within your heart. Now take your focus to your inner eye, and see standing before you your Higher Self - that glorious being whom you are. See the beauty and the love that stands before you. Look into your eyes and see the unconditional love, compassion, the peace, and the joy of recognition. This is you. Now see your Higher Self sitting before you and take your Higher Selfs hands and hold them tight. Your Higher Self shall now speak to you and give you guidance as to what it is you need in your present moment to assist you. It may be one word, or it may be a symbol. It may be a sentence. Be open to the message that is sent to you, for this shall assist you. Open your heart and allow the energy to flow from your Higher Self to you. Do not doubt your message place your message within your heart. Allow the flow of energy from your heart chakra to that of your Higher Self to remain connected. See the energy moving backwards and forwards, smoothly and continuously. Now bring your focus back to the electric blue light working through your body. You shall now be shown where it is within your body that healing is needed at this time. Remember, this healing may be on any level. It shall be shown to you in the form of a red spot upon your body. Sense whether this is physical or whether it is emotional, mental, or whether it is a spiritual healing that is required. Allow your Higher Self to feed unconditional love into this area. Your Master is doing the same, placing their hands upon the pain. For all dis-ease on any level is created by some form of pain, so know now that it is safe for you to release this pain, for you no longer need it. You are able to assist yourself with this healing. Your Master is with you to assist you, so know that you do not need to do this alone. You are never alone when you are experiencing anything upon your path. We are always with you. You are never, ever, alone. There is no reason any longer for you to carry this pain within your bodies. Your master is now filling your base chakra with Universal White Light. Each day, visualize the Universal White Light entering the part of you that requires healing, and allow your Higher Self to feed Universal Love to this part of you. Allow yourself each day to communicate with your Higher Self and your Master or Guide, or whomever it is you feel at one with whom you feel can assist you with your process, your healing, and your evolution. This is very real, brothers and sisters. You need to consciously acknowledge the Beings assisting you at this time, for it is important that you begin to ground this energy within yourselves and realise that what you are working with is
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not a fantasy. It is not something that is created from your imagination. It is very real. Because you cannot physically see us, or because there is no tangible proof that we are about, does not mean we do not exist. What is real for you in what you can touch and can see is often illusion. Realise the truth of this. For most of that which is real for you - the chair that you sit upon, and the bed that you lie upon - are three-dimensional illusions. They are created by man and because it is created by man you accept it as part of your reality. But now we say to you it is time to go beyond that, to see beyond and begin to see with your heart; begin to see with your inner eye what is truly around you, what is truly assisting you at this time, for the time shall come when you shall realise that the material things around you cannot heal you or fulfil your souls desires. We love you all so dearly. When you begin to see beyond your three-dimensional reality, you will begin to see true love; the purity of love, for you are all in so much need of this. We are here to offer this to you. By allowing yourself to be healed, you allow yourself to be loved, for lack of love causes pain. Any part of you not being loved is in pain. It creates a disease, it creates discomfort, and creates illness. It is a negative energy within your body, for it is not being nurtured with love. This electric blue light will remain with you for the following eleven days, working through your body, releasing imbalances. Allow yourself to work through the processes that you shall be releasing, and know that you have us with you and that you have your Higher Self with you, too. Call upon your Master or Guide by their name. Look into the eyes of your Higher Self and feel the presence of love before you, within you, surrounding you, embracing you and supporting you. You are now filled with the Universal White Light, which is expanding, holding you, your Master and your Higher Self in a bubble of White Light. Allow the White Light to move through your body, balancing each of your energy bodies and chakras, allowing you to feel whole, bringing back harmonious balance to your body and re-activating all your energy centres. Be gentle with yourself. Hold yourself in love as we hold you in the love. When you look into your eyes each day, see the love. Do not see your faults; do not see the imperfections. See all of that which is right with you. Allow yourself to focus upon the rights and the beauties within you, for then you are not feeding the imbalances or negativities which lie within you. For as you see yourself, so will others see you if that is all you focus upon. So, see yourself as you wish yourself to be, for you are that. Remember - your physical vehicles are not permanent. It is what is inside that is permanent. Your soul; that light that shines, is who you are, and that is what you need to show the world. We bless you with much love. We bless you with the strength and courage to see your healing processes come to completion. Know that you are always divinely protected and guided, and know that you are very much loved. Know this, brothers and sisters: feel it within your heart. Trust the invisible arms that hold you, for when in times of strife you look to your feet and see but only one set of footprints - these are not yours; these are ours - for we are holding you. Know that we are only but a thought away. Peace be with you. I am Kuthumi and I greet and bless you in love. ADONAI. If you have access to Face Book, you can join our Palace of Peace Group for guidance and support from the community. You can also join our Thrive Hive - Abundance Mini-Course Support Group, Aquarian Rising 2020 Earth Grid and Portal Activations Worldwide Group, or visit our website www.palaceofpeace.net for more teachings and messages such as this one to help you along.
Copyright Notice - We ask that you honour the Laws of Trust and Integrity and acknowledge that none of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, reproduced, digitally recorded or
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deleted in part or whole or built upon in any way whatsoever. The Palace of Peace has assigned translators for the channellings and may not be translated by anyone other than these people. Please contact us michelle.palaceofpeace@gmail.com if you would like this channelling in another language, or if you would like to translate this material into your language. This information remains the sole intellectual property of Michelle Manders at all times.

Michelle Manders All rights reserved


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