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MAY 18, 2013

Hi Everybody! I thank the Lord for what will about to take place this JULY, AUGUST and SEPTEMBER 2013 at His Life Ministries! The LORD led me to call everyone (those who would like to participate) in an honest to goodness BIBLE STUDY program on the Parables of JESUS. Holy Spirit led me back to one of the BEST materials I saw in the late 1980s called MASTERING THE BASICS. It is a BIBLE BASED Program that suggests a 3 FOLD INVITATION to dive into Scripture: 1) YOU Alone; 2) WITH a Group; 3) In a Expository Preaching Event! WONDERFUL! I DREAM to see hundreds of Groups started NATION-WIDE and beyond! I believe that we have to let the BIBLE TEXT be read, studied and applied for lives to be truly changed. This experience can come to pass as we together PRAY and PREPARE to Launch REVEAL Campaign 2013 BIBLE STUDIES on the PARABLES of JESUS. I invite you to come to one of our Orientation Meetings [WEDNESDAYs & THURSDAYs pm this month of JUNE]. I will show you the MATERIAL (10 to 12 Week STUDY GUIDE on the PARABLES); the Group Agenda Format (where anyone can lead!!! Even a 10 Year old kid can USING the Group Agenda Guide). ATTACHED is the 3-PART PROGRAM OVERVIEW of the MTB material* Here is what I am waiting for TO SEE: WHEN NEW PEOPLE START NEW GROUPS right there and then in one of their meetings!!! This will be made possible through the 4n4 idea FOUND in all MTB Materials, PLUS the empty-chair principle. Another miracle I am waiting to see is this:

When Coaches, Mentors, Trainors and Disciple-Makers will be abundant in our Sites, Churches and Groups!

COME and feel THE WIND OF THE SPIRIT BLOW stop "believing" in human expertise, rather START believing in a GOD who breaths life into dry bones. Lets also believe in the power of Gods Holy Word - it will be doing what its suppose to do (cf Isaiah 55:10, 11). A MOVEMENT HAS BEGUN! Will you be an OBSERVER of it? A CRITIQUE of it? A REPORTER of it? Or will you BE A PART of it coz YOU ARE MOVEMENT? pastor jr here :-) ----------Isaiah 55:10, 11 (esv) For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

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