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4.1DEFINITION AND PURPOSE ....................................................................................... 4.2 PERMITTED USES ....................................................................................................... 1 1

4.3 DESIGN CRITERIA ....................................................................................................... 1 4.3.1 General ....................................................................................................... 1 4.3.2 SiteLayout and Servicing .............................................. : ............................. 2 4.3.3 Structural ..................................................................................................... 3 Flow Capacity .............................................................................................. 3 4.3.4 4.3.5 Pumps ......................................................................................................... 4 4.3.6 Channels ..................................................................................................... 5 Pump Controls ............................................................................................. 5 4.3.7 4.3.8 Valves and Fittings ...................................................................................... 5 4.3.9 Flow Measurement ...................................................................................... 6 4.3.10 Wet Wells .................................................................................................... 6 4.3.11 Ventilation ..................... : .............................................................................. 7 4.3.12 Water Supply ............................................................................................... 8 4.3.13 Access .......................................................................................................... 8 4.4SUCTION-LIFT PUMP STATIONS ................................................................................ 4.5SUBMERSIBLE PUMP STATIONS ............................................................................... 4.6ALARM AND MONITORING SYSTEMS ...................................................................... 4.7 EMERGENCY OPERATION ........................................................................................ Emergency Power ...................................................................................... 4.7.1 4~7.2 By-pass Overflows ...................................................................................... Instructions and Equipment ........................................................................ 4.7.3 4.8 FORCEMAINS ............................................................................................................. 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 11

4.9 SAFETY .......................................................................................................................12

Environmental and EngineeringServices Department TheCorporation of the City of London Updated: December 2005


DEFINITION AND PURPOSE A pumping station is a component of the sanitary sewage collection systemthat conveys domestic and other suitable sewage to a sewage treatmentfacility. Theneed for pumping sewage arises when: Theexisting topographyand required minimum sewergradescreate deepsewers that have high construction costs. The sewage is raised and then conveyed by gravity. Basements are too low to dischargesewage to the mainsewer. Sewage must be conveyed over a ridge. Thesewage mustbe raised to get head for gravity flow througha treatmentplant. Discharge outlets are below the level of the receivingbodyof water. Anexisting gravity systemis not yet available. A pumping station will enable development andgrowthin accordance with the applicable Community Plan.


PERMITTEDUSES Discharges to sanitary sewersystems shall comply with: The City of LondonWasteDischarge By-law WM-2 The City of LondonDrainage By-law WM-4

DESIGNCRITERIA General The design of the pumpingstation must conform to the current City of London standard, SEWAGE PUMPING STATION PHILOSOPHY, as described in the SCADA standard on the Citys website,andall other related standards, codes andregulations, unlessauthorizedandapproved by the City Engineer andother approvalauthorities.

Environmental and Engineering Services Department The Corporation of theCityof London Updated: December 2005


Providea pre-start health andsafety reviewas per OHSA, NFPA-820, and the Ontario Electrical SafetyCode. Provide a plastic laminate fact sheet with information such as lowest basement elevation, hydraulicgrade line, andoverflowinvert elevation. Overflow pipe information shall include pipe size, location, and flow rates at 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent capacities, at 1 metre aboveoverflow pipe obvert. Include other pumping station information as required by the City Engineer.Thefact sheet shall be a minimum size of 1 l"x 17" andmounted adjacentto the control panel. A plastic laminatewith a processflow diagramindicating valves andkey interlocks shall also be included. 4.3.2 Site LayoutandServicinq Pumping stations are to be located outside the 100-yearflood limits unlessapproved by the City Engineer and other regulatory agencies. The site shall have good vehicular access and maneuvering area, and minimize potential adverse environmental impacts. Thefacilities layout shall allow for future expansion,and comply with front, rear andside yard set backsaccording to the applicablezoningand site plan standard andrequirements, andconvenient location of portablegenerator. Building construction shall be architecturally pleasing, in relation to surrounding community, and low maintenance. Permanent structures shall be masonry or concrete construction. Temporary structures shall not be of wood frameconstruction. Cladding for temporary structures shall be of pre-formedFRP or pre-finished metal. Include provisionsto protectthebuilding fromvehicles. Building insulation requirements,interior finish, and minimum interior building temperature shall be as directedby the City Engineer. Buildingdesign, layout andconstructionmaterialsshall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.Facility designandlayout shall haveregardsto making confinedspace entry user friendly, optimizing sight and retrieval lines and complywith OHSA regulation. Landscaping of the site shall be low maintenance andarchitecturally pleasing, wellgraded,minimalgrass areasandlandscaped to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Site drainage shall not drain ontoadjacent private property. Fencingshall be 1.8mhigh chain link fence with Iockable gates that are sized appropriately. Include warningand municipal addresssignageas per current City standards. Barbed wire fence shall be usedas per current City fence by-law PS-1, andas directed by the City Engineer.

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Provideadequate exterior lighting of the pumping station facilities suchas access, parking, provide security hardware and alarmsfor all exterior doors, windows and exterior equipment to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Exterior lighting may be controlled by motionsensoror photo-eye as directed by the City Engineer. All control equipmentand panels shall be indoors unless approvedby the City Engineer. All utility meterssuch as gas, hydro, water meterreader, shall be mounted on the exteriorof thebuilding. Access to the site shall include provision for parking of maintenance vehicles and standby/emergency equipment. Roadsshall be asphalt surfaced in parking and maneuvering areas and provide convenient removaland storage of snow, and turn aroundfor trucks, tankers andheavyequipment. All utilities including phone andcomputer communications servicing the site shall be underground unlessauthorizedby the City Engineer.Design,installation andplanning of servicesshall be according to requirements of applicablecodes,regulationsandthe localutility authority. 4.3.3 Structural Thepumping station shall be evaluatedfor uplift andresistance to all combined or single Ioadings considering soil conditions,ground waterlevel, andfrost action. Uplift shall be determined whenthe structure is completely empty and dry, free of equipment, roof slab removed, andthe structure watertight. Designthe baseslab to withstandall earth Ioadingswhen the structure is completely filled to maximum level, roof slab on, andall equipment installed. Providecrane andhoist design including appropriately sized hatchesfor convenientpump andequipment removal. Location of crane, hoist, and hatches, and arrangementof piping, pumps and equipment shall be suchto facilitate ease of removal andinstallation of equipment. 4.3.4 Flow Capacity The pumpingstation flow capacity shall be basedon the peak hourly flow rate determinedfrom the peak flow calculation as outlined in Section 3.0, SANITARY SEWER DESIGN and consider low flow conditions, as approved by the City Engineer. Theflow capacity of the pumping station should be able to maintain a desirable cleansing velocity of 0.9m/s with a minimum velocity of 0.60m/s, and a maximum velocity of 3.0m/sin all piping. Thedesign of newpumping stations shall allow for future modificationor expansion to meet the requirements of the tributary areaof the pumping station.

Environmental andEngineering Services Department The Corporation of theCityof London Updated: December 2005



Pumps Multiple pumps shall be provided and sized to provide firm capacity. When two pumps are used, firm capacity shall be maintainedby one pump andshall be of the same size. When multiple pumps are used, firm capacity shall be maintainedby the remaining pumps when the largest pump is out of service. Thecapacityof the largest pump will be equal to the required firm capacity. All pumps mustundergoa hydrostatic and operating test performed by the manufacturer prior to installation. All pumping stations that are required to handle screeningsshall be designedto handle the screenings in a methodthat is in keeping with the low maintenance philosophy of the pollution control operation. Pumping stations shall be equipped with in-channelgrinders upstream of pumps andshall be installed so that sewage flow bypasses the grinders throughcoarsescreensin the event the grinders fail or require maintenance. Pumping stations equippedwith chopperpumps or inline grinders and screens shall match the model and manufacturer of equipmentcurrently being installed in the Citys sanitarycollectionsystem. Pumps handling raw wastewater shall be capableof passingspheresof at least 76mm diameter. Pump suction anddischargeopenings shall be at least 100mm in diameter. Pumps shall be positionedso that undernormal operatingconditions, they will operate undera positive suction head.When the pump is a suction-lift type, it shall be a selfpriming or a vacuum-priming type pump. Electrical equipment andcomponents suchas motors,lights, cables, conduits, switch boxes,control circuits, etc., shall comply with the Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC),CSA approved, and comply with the City SCADA Standards. A copy of the SCADA standardcan be foundon the City website. Equipment located in wet wells, or in enclosed or partially enclosed spaces where there may be hazardous concentrations of flammable gases, vapours,or in the wet shall also be suitable for use undercorrosiveconditions. Provideeachflexible cablewith a watertight seal and separate strain relief, A fused disconnect switch located aboveground shall be provided for the main powerfeed for all pumping stations. Equipment exposedto weather shall be weatherproof, with lightning andsurgeprotection. Includea 110-volt 15 amp receptaclefor maintenance inside the control panelfor lift stations that have control panelsout of doors. Ground fault protectionis requiredfor all outlets located outdoorsandin wet areas, on separate circuits with GFCI breakerfor monthlytesting andlogging. Eachpump shall havea separateintake. Theconfiguration of the wet well and pump intakesshall preventvortexformation andair locking.

Environmental and Engineering Services Department The Corporation of theCityof London Updated: December 2005


Design a sumpwith two pumps in the dry well to remove leakage or drainage and dischargeabovethe maximum high water level of the wet well. Provide dual check valves and gaugeson discharge and suction lines for each sumppump. Do not connectwater ejectors to a potable water supply. Providedrainagefor all floor and walkwaysurfaces. Pump-seal leakage shall be piped or channeleddirectly to the sump.Size the sumppump to conveythe maximum pump-sealwater discharge that would occur in the event of a pump-sealfailure and provide necessary alarm activation. Thepumps and controls of pumping stations, and pumping stations operatedas part of treatmentfacilities, shall be selected to operateat varying delivery rates and designed to deliver as uniforma flow as practicable in order to minimizehydraulic surges. Theminimum efficiency, duty life, type andmaterials of construction for pump and impeller shall be approved by the City Engineer.Preferredvoltageis 600VAC, 3PH. 4.3.6 Channels Dualchannelswill be utilized andequipped to allow isolating andde-watering each unit. Thechannelinvert shall be 75-150mm below the inlet of the sewerand the entranceto channels shall be designed for equal flow distribution. Designguardsto protect maintenance personnelfrom equipment anddrainageto prevent slippery floor areas. Pump Controls All controls shall comply with the City SCADA Standards that are located on the Citys website 4.3.8 Valves andFittin.qs Providesuitable shut off valves on the suction line of dry pit pumps. Pump suction o lines shouldbe designed using 90 short radius down-turned flared elbows;wall pipe shall be flangedwith waterstop collar; all valvesincluding eccentricreducershall be flanged; all flanges welded;minimum pipe size shall be NPS-4. All isolation valves shall be locatedinside chambers for access. Shutoffandcheckvalveswith suitable guards are requiredon the discharge line of all pumps except screwtype pumps. Locatecheckvalves between the shut off valve and pump. Useappropriatecheckvalves andinstall horizontally on the dischargepiping. Ball checksmay be installed vertically on the discharge pumping. All valves shall be capable of withstanding normal pressure and water hammer. All valves shall be operablefrom the floor level andbe readily accessiblefor maintenance. Useoutside levers for swingcheck valveswith suitable guarding. All valves, valve operators,


Environmental and EngineeringServices Department TheCorporation of the City of London Updated: December 2005


fittings, concentric increasers, elbows,doublebranchelbows,and risers shall be flanged, all flanges welded.Spacersshall be 150-300mm long with oneflanged end andonegrooved endfor Victaulic coupling. Valves, checkvalves, drains, fittings andheaders shall be of stainless steel, 316or better, construction. Pipe materials shall be approvedby the City Engineer. Identification includingflow directionof all pipingis required.Paintingof non-stainless pipingis alsorequired. 4.3.9 Flow Measurement Flowmeasurement devicesare required for all pumping stations andproperly located for accurate readings with valving and fittings for maintenance with minimum downtime. Flow monitoring equipment shall be able to determineand record rate of flow, duration, volumetric sum,and frequencyfor eachpump and each bypass, and interface with City SCADA requirements. Providea spool piece for eachmag meterandprovide a spool piece for eachbypass as directed by the City Engineer.Thespool piece depends on forcemain location and wetwell retention time. If it is determined that enough time is availableto remove the forcemainand install a spool piece safely, then a forcemainby-passwouldnot be required. 4.3.10 Wet Wells All pumping stations with a capacitygreater than100 litres/sec shall havedivided wet wells that are properly interconnected.Thewet well shall haveprovisions suchas a shear or sluicegate or knife valve to facilitate continuous operation during maintenance andto allow dewatering of oneportion of the wetwell. Thevolume of the wetwell shall be based on the designaverage flow with a filling time not to exceed30 minutes unless the pumping station is designedto provide flow equalization. When the wet well is designedfor flow equalization, provisions to preventsepticity shall be included.Factorsto considerwhen determining the size are: the volumerequired for pump cycling basedon the pump manufacturersduty cycle recommendations; appropriatedimensions to minimizeturbulence; vertical separation between pump control points; sewerinlet elevation; capacity required between alarm levels, basement flooding andoverflow elevations; and the number, spacingandsize of pumps. Thehigh waterlevel shall be set 300mm belowthe invert of the inlet sewer andthe low water level shall be 300mm minimum or twice the pump suction diameter above the centre line of the pump volute. Thewet well floor shall haveadequate slope to the intake hopper andthe horizontal areaof the hopper shall be kept to a minimum. Provisionfor air displacement in wetwells shall be made by natural means consisting of 0.10% of the well cross-sectional area, or a minimum two 100mm diameterinverted "j" or gooseneck pipes with insect screensextending900mm above finished grade.

Environmental and Engineering Services Department The Corporation of theCityof London Updated: December 2005


Onevent pipe should extendto within 300mm abovethe obvert of the inlet sewer. Theother ventpipe shouldextendto the underside of the wetwell roof slab. 4.3.11 Ventilation Adequate ventilation, as per O.H.S., Building Code andNFPA shall be providedfor all pumping stations. Underground dry wells and wet wells with screensor mechanical equipment require mechanical ventilation. Theventilating fan shouldbe orientated to direct fresh air into the wet well at a point 900mm above the alarmlevel rather than just exhaustfrom the wet well. Interconnectionbetween the wet well anddry well is not allowed and vents shall not openor be connected to any building ventilation system. Wherecontinuous ventilation is required, air shall be pre-heated. Consideration for the installation of air scrubbers shall be made as directedby the City Engineer. For dry wells, over 4.6mdeep, multiple air inlets and outlets should be used. Dampers, fine screens or other obstructionsare not to be usedon exhaust or fresh air ducts. Switches andcontrols to operateventilation equipment shall be convenientlylocated andmarked. All intermittently operatedventilation equipment shall be interconnected with the respectivelighting system.Consideration shouldalso be given to automatic controls whereintermittent operation is used. Themanual lighting and ventilation switchshall overridethe automatic controls. Thefan blades shall be fabricated from non-sparking material. Automatic heating and dehumidification equipmentshal! be designedfor all dry wells. The electrical equipment and components shall meetthe requirementsfor electrical equipment in Section4.3.5. Wet well ventilation maybe either continuous or intermittent. Continuousor intermittent ventilation shall meetor exceed the number of complete air changes per hour as required by NFPA 820. Air shall be forced into the wet well by mechanical means rather than solely exhausted from the wet well. Theair change requirements shall be based on 100percentfresh air. When permanent ventilation equipment is not practical, portable ventilation equipment shall be designedfor use at submersible pump stations andwet wells. Drywell ventilation may be either continuous or intermittent. Continuous or intermittent ventilation shall meetor exceedthe number of completeair changesper hour as required by NFPA 820. A two-speed ventilation system maybe used to conserve heat. Theair change requirements are based on 100percentfresh air. Locate the fan switchfor ventilation equipment to the satisfactionof the City Engineer.

Environmental and EngineeringServices Department TheCorporation of the City of London Updated: December 2005



WaterSupply Watersupplyshall be potableunlessauthorizedby the City Engineer. Watersupplyshall be equipped with back-flowpreventersto preventcontamination of the water system andall plumbing shall conform to the OntarioBuilding Code.


Access Accessshall consider the Citys Confined SpaceEntry procedures and policy. Provisionshall be made to facilitate easyandefficient removal of pumps, motors,and other mechanical and electrical equipment.A suitable and safe means of accessfor persons wearingself-contained breathing apparatus shall be providedto wet anddry wells andvalve chambers. Stairs shall be provided for vertical heightsgreaterthan 1.2 metres.Maximum vertical distancebetween workplatformsandlandingsshall be 3 metres.Safetylandingsshall be constructed as workplatforms. Provide davit base anchorswhererequired for DBI Sala standard equipmentthat complies with City confinedspacestandards. Equipment such as accesshatches, ladders, service platforms, guards, grates and handrails, shall be constructedof a suitable material when exposed to wet/andor corrosiveconditions.


SUCTION-LIFT PUMPSTATIONS Suctionlift above. pumps shall also meetthe applicable designrequirements of Section4.3 .

Suction-lift pumps shall be of the self-priming or vacuum-priming type. Suction-lift pump stations usingdynamic suction lifts exceeding the limits outlined in the following sections maybe approved upon submission of factory certification of pump performance and detailed calculations indicating satisfactory performance underthe proposed operatingconditions. Such detailed calculations mustinclude static suctionlift as measured from"lead pump off elevationto centerlineof pump suction, friction, andother hydrauliclossesof the suction piping, vaporpressure of the liquid, altitude correction,requirednet positive suctionhead,anda safety factor of at least 1.8 m. Self-primingpumps shall be capableof rapid priming andre-primingat the "lead pump on" elevation. Suchself-priming andre-primingshall be accomplished automatically

Environmental and Engineering Services Department The Corporation of theCityof London Updated: December 2005


underdesignoperating conditions. Suctionpiping shouldnot exceed the size of the pump suctionandshall not exceed 7.6 min total length. Priming lift at the "lead pump on" elevation shall include a safety factor of at least 1.2 m from the maximum allowablepriminglift for the specific equipment at designoperatingconditions. The combined total of dynamic suction-lift at the "pump off" elevation andrequired net positive suction head at designoperatingconditionsshall not exceed 6.7 m. Vacuum-priming pump stations shall be equippedwith dual vacuum pumps capableof removingair from the suction-lift pump automatically and completely. Thevacuum pumps shall be adequatelyprotected from damage due to wastewater.Thecombined total of dynamic suction-lift at the "pump off" elevationandrequired net positivesuction head at designoperatingconditionsshall not exceed 6.7 m. The pumpequipment compartmentshall be above grade or offset and shall be effectively isolated from the wet well to prevent a hazardous and corrosive sewer atmosphere from entering the equipment compartment. Wetwell accessshall not be throughthe equipment compartment andshall be at least lm by lm clear openingwith spring-loaded,shockassist hatches.Gasketted replacement plates shall be provided to cover the openingto the wet well for pump units removed for servicing. Valving shall not be located in the wetwell.


SUBMERSIBLE PUMPSTATIONS Submersible pumps shall meetthe applicable requirements underSection 4.3, except as modified in this Section. Submersible pumps and motorsshall be designed specifically for raw wastewater use, including totally submerged operationduring a portion of eachpumping cycle andshall meetthe requirements of the Ontario HydroElectrical Safety Code andCSA for such units. Aneffective, method to detectshaft seal failure or potential seal failure shall be provided. Submersible pumps shall not exceed30 Hp unless authorized by the City Engineer and be readily removableand replaceable without dewatering the wet well or disconnecting any piping in the wet well. Locationof crane, hoist, andhatches,and arrangement of piping, pumps and equipmentshall be such to facilitate ease of removal andinstallation of equipment. Electrical supply,control, andalarmcircuits shall be designed to providestrain relief andto allow disconnection from outside the wet well. Terminals andconnectors shall be protected from corrosion by location outside the wet well or through use of watertight seals. Controls shall be designed in accordancewith City SCADA Standards.

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Themotorcontrol center shall be locatedoutsidethe wet well, be readily accessible, and be protected by a conduit seal or other appropriate measures meeting the requirements of the Ontario HydroElectrical Safety Code,to prevent the atmosphere of the wetwell fromgainingaccess to the control center. Theseal shall be so located that the motormaybe removed and electrically disconnected without disturbing the seal. Pump motorpowercords shall be designed for flexibility and serviceability under conditionsof extra hard usage.Theyshall meet the requirements of the OntarioHydro Electrical Safety Code standardsfor flexible cords in wastewater pump stations. Ground-fault interruption protectionshall be used to de-energize the circuit in the event of anyfailure in theelectrical integrity of thecable.Power cordterminal-fittingsshall be corrosion resistant andconstructed in a manner to preventthe entry of moistureinto the cable. Theyshall also be provided with strain relief appurtenances and be designed to facilitate field connecting. Valvesrequired under Section 4.3.8 shall be located in a separatevalve chamber. Provisionsshall be made to remove or drain accumulated water from the valve chamber. Thevalve chamber maybe dewatered to the wet well through a drain line with a gas andwatertight valve. Check valves that are integral to the pump neednot be located in a separate valve chamber if the valve can be removed from the wet well in a convenient andefficient manner. Separate valve chambers shall be insulated andheatedto preventfreezing.


ALARMAND MONITORINGSYSTEMS Pumping station alarmsand equipment shall complywith the pumping station control philosophyas describedin the City SCADA Standards. Integration to the SCADA systemincludes the alarm and operator interface screens. All doors, windows and building security alarms shall complywith the City SCADA Standards.


EMERGENCY OPERATION Theobjective of emergency operationis to preventthe dischargeof raw or partially treated wastewater to any watersandto protect public health by preventingbackup of wastewaterand subsequent discharge to basements, streets, and other public and privateproperty.

Environmental and EngineeringServices Department TheCorporation of the City of London Updated: December 2005



Emer.qency Power Emergency poweris required for all pumping stations. There shall be sufficient capacity of emergency powerto start up and maintain the total confirmedpumping capacity of the station, the SCADA system andall other electrical equipment, unless the City Engineer states otherwise. All pumping stations shall be equippedwith an onsite generator. A genset plug compatiblewith existing City generatorsmay be installed as directed by the City Engineer. Generators shall be powered by natural gas or diesel as directed by the City Engineer. Thedesignof generators shall meet all applicableregulations.


By-passOverflows By-pass overflowshall be providedby gravity to existing stormsewersystem or allow for emergency pumping to other gravity outlet. Emergency sanitary seweroverflow (SSO) outletting upstream of the SWM facility or directly to a SWM facility is not permitted. By-pass andoverflowmonitoring andtotalization is requiredandshall comply with City SCADA Standards.


Instructions andEquipment Wastewaterpumpingstations and portable equipmentshall be supplied with a minimum of five completesets of operational instructions, including emergency procedures, maintenance schedules (1 Consultant,2 Operations,1 pumping station, Wastewater Division), andsuchtools andspareparts as maybe necessary.


FORCEMAINS At designpumping rates, a desired cleansingvelocity of at least 0.90 m/s) shall be maintained. Theminimum force maindiameterfor raw wastewater shall not be less than100 mm. Anair relief valve shall be at high points in the force mainto preventair locking. Vacuum relief valves may be necessary to relieve negativepressureson force mains. Theforce mainconfiguration andheadconditions shouldbe evaluatedas to the need for andplacement of vacuum relief valves. Fittings and isolation valves shall be stainless steel.

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Forcemain designshall include transient analysis andconsiderthe provision of water hammer relief. Forcemainsshould enter the gravity sewersystemat a point not morethan 200 mm above the flow line of the receivingmaintenance hole. Pipe and joints shall be equal to water mainstrength materials suitable for design conditions. Theforce main,reaction blocking, andstation piping shall be designed to withstandwater hammer pressures andassociatedcyclic reversal of stressesthat are expected with the cycling of wastewater lift stations. Theneedfor surgeprotection chambers shall be evaluated. Forcemain pipe materials shall be approved by the City Engineer. Forcemainconstruction near streamsor water works structures and at water main crossingsshall meet applicablerequirements. Friction losses through force mainsshall be basedon the Hazen and Williamss formula or other acceptablemethods.When the Hazen andWilliams formula is used, the followingvaluefor "C" shall be usedregardless of pipematerial: Pipe Diameter C-Factor 100-150mm 200-250mm 300-600mm Over 600mm 100 110 120 130

When initially installed, force mains may havea significantly higher"C" factor. Theforce mainshall be appropriatelyidentified when they are constructed of material that may cause the force mainto be confused with potable water mains. Forcemainshall be tested to ensure there is no leakage.Specifymethod of testing.


SAFETY Thedesignof the pumping station shall give dueregardto safety for the protectionof maintenance personnel andvisitors from hazards:


Enclose the station site with 1.8mchainlink fence, Iockablegates, designed to discourage entry by unauthorized persons and animals; provide safety, unauthorized entry andmunicipaladdress signage,as per City standards;

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b) c) d) e) f) g)
h) i)

Handrails andguards are to be installed around tanks, trenches,pits, stairwells, and other hazardous areas; Gratingsare to be installed over areaswhere access for maintenance is required; Confinedspaceentry shall comply with the Pollution Control OperationandOHSA regulations. Facility design andlayout shall havedueregard to make confined space entry userfriendly, optimizing sight andretrieval lines; All personnel mustbe trained to operateandmaintain pumping station equipment andfacilities to the satisfactionof the PollutionControl Operation; Gasdetection and monitoring equipment whererequired. Where gas alarms are provided,install an indicator light outsidethe building so that the operatorcan check gaslevels beforeenteringthe building Portable ventilation andblowerequipment, intrinsically safe, with sufficient hose, where required; Portable lighting equipment intrinsically safe, where required; Appropriately placedwarning signs for slippery areas, non-potable water fixtures, low headclearance, openservice maintenance holes, hazardous material storage areas,flammable fuel storageareas,etc.; Adequate ventilation in pumping chambers; Provisionsfor lockoutandtag-out of mechanical andelectrical equipment; Eyewash fountains and safety showers wererequired;

J) k) m)

Fire extinguishers andemergency lighting.

Environmental and EngineeringServices Department TheCorporation of the City of London Updated: December 2005


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