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pedestrian route

0- Welcome to the House of Arts & Culture, car-service route

My House is your House
from now on, “The House”... main entrance

+ 6.00


+ 8.00 + 32.00 + 10.00 + 0.00




0m 5m 10m 25m 50m

Night view of The House from the ring

1- Horizontal and vertical 2- An elevated plaza and a big billboard 3- One for all or all for one
The House can work as one single
building with a main entrance hall from
where you can take the entrance to each

Ladies and gentlemen! function: exhibition, café, shop, library,

performance halls, etc… But it can also
work as seven independent elements with
The Magic Box and the direct access from the outside.

Active Plinth... main entrance

independent entrance

The Box is magic because it can host hundreds of different

event configurations (Italian, kabuki, No theatre, techno party,
mega banquet, exhibitions, conferences, lectures, dance eve-
How to position the Magic Box and the Active Plinth?
The Magic Box will be placed on top of the plinth facing the ring road. Its close façade will protect from the noise of the cars and from
4- Connections
nings, poetry recitals, fashion shows, concerts, markets, fairs…)
the South sun while it becomes a large billboard for the ring. The free space is an elevated Plaza for the users and pedestrians in front
The programme is grouped according to its qualities. By dividing The big and the small performance halls, as well as the meeting
of the existing square. The fact that from 10m height upwards, just 50% of the site is occupied will help to liberate a bit of space in the
the functions into two categories according to their requirements rooms can be used independently from each other or the division
very compact future situation of the area.
on height and interaction, we obtain two volumes: a tall box and wall can be opened to create a common event that runs in all exhibition hall: visual connection between
Urban context
three areas. East and West streets
a low plinth. In the box, we place the programme that requires big The Plinth is active because it hosts all the programmes on two
-South: the facade facing the ring is the only one that enjoys a long distance view. It will be visible from thousands of cars and pedes-
trians in the ring. The box is the announcement of The House and its activities. It can project a movie or be rented for adds on certain foyer performance halls: visual connection
heights and vertical circulation, while in the plinth we accommodate levels, physically and visually connected, in this way allowing for between ring road and Plaza
occasions to generate extra funding.
the programme that could enjoy a direct connection to the street. By the maximum interaction of the functions inside and the maxi-
-North: At a height of 10 m higher the Plaza becomes a podium for concerts, a platform for exhibitions… a lively space. plaza: real connection between public spaces
keeping the plinth as low as possible, we Eensure YRE
DE S maximum urban mum urban relation with the outside. By concentrating the entire
-East: The exhibition hall, the lounge, and the café are placed along the pedestrian route once the tunnel under the ring is open
RU programme in two levels, we minimize the use of the elevator so
conditions, in the surroundings and within the plinth itself. -West: The service entrance and the delivery zone will be on this side.
the functions can be continued without interruptions.

South elevation 1:250

West Morning Afternoon

South Sun-Shade in the Plaza:
West Morning Afternoon

East North
East North
morning afternoon

36.1 m

+32 m
22 m
Extending, annexing, adding, including…it is all possible
26.9 m In order to avoid mono-functional spaces, the distribution of the programme is such that one programme may be extended into the next. For example:
32 m
-The restaurant-café of The House is placed next to the lounge area of the exhibition space so both can be enlarged and work together for a big banquet
10 m
+10 m that can be extended into the exhibition hall.
±0.00 m -The exhibition space is connected with the reception hall so the surface area for exhibitions could be increased at a certain point by 50%.
-The foyer of the performance halls can be opened entirely to the elevated Plaza during the warm months.
63 m 55 m
-The big and small performance hall, as well as the meeting rooms, are placed together so on some occasions they may host the same event (see dia-
grams, Panel 3) resulting in a spectacular configuration. In the warm months, this event could even be continued into the elevated Plaza.
Area: -7783 m2 above ±0.00 -The art workshops may continue in the patio at +6m, like an outside exhibition...
-8594 m2 below ±0.00

5- Programme -1 Level, -4.50 m, 1:500 Ground floor ±0,00 1:250

Meeting I. Storage areas

Magic Box
spaces K. Deliveries access
Waste storage
Large perfor-
mance and con- Shelves

ference hall

Small multimedia Delivery area for

performance hall equipments, sets, etc

E. Library
Adjoining rooms J. Technical rooms
common to both

K. Parking

Plaza Boutique

Active Plinth Public Public

rest- rest-
Parking and Reserved rooms rooms
space for W for M
Exhibition hall

Movie theater Workshop

Reception Bookshop
Miscellaneous -2 level (and -3 level), -7.60 m (and -10.70), 1:500 restrooms

G. Shop

Work and t
raining rooms

Technical rooms
Security room Tickets office Information desk

centre C. Exhibition spaces
Parking A. Reception
Cafeteria and Reception Hall
K. Parking


Entrance Hall,
Kitchen and related facilities
information Public

Hall Butlery

Lounge Restaurant A. Cafeteria


10- Reinvention of the performance hall: the Magic Box My House is your House
The performance hall of The House in Beirut demands a large number of possible configurations each of different character and with different -Modular lift floor: (used in the big performance hall) -Roll back chairs: (used in the small performance hall and under the balco-
The big performance hall enjoys a free height of 20 metres. In this way, we do no
requirements. None of the existing theatre models can accommodate such a range of events; therefore, we need to look for a new one. We call it longer distinguish between fly tower stage, and the stalls, as the three of them The entire floor of the performance hall is divided into 2m wide stripes, parallel nies of the big hall)
The Magic Box. Just a few changes in the traditional box will be enough to make it flexible and much more useful: can be placed in different locations and have different sizes. The small perfor- to the rows of seats that can be lowered or lifted depending on the event. The The seats in the small performance hall can be stored in total or in part in the
A- Keep the fly tower height all over the room, to liberate the position of the stage. mance hall and the meeting room are adjacent to the large performance hall and system to elevate the stripes is composed of stainless steel columns that rotate back of the room depending on the show. This system is also used under the
B- Lift floor system all over the room, not just the stage. can open into it, thus taking part in the same event. using a motor. They are stored below the level of the theatre. The transformation balconies of the main hall - parallel to them to allow for catwalk shows, arena
The big and small performance halls use two systems to accommodate the differ- from the Italian configuration, with an inclined floor and orchestra pit, to flat floor configuration, or kabuki theatre.
C- Provide the hall with the possibility of enlargement by placing the other rooms in a suitable position around it. space, takes less than 15 minutes.
ent configurations.

Comparison Magic Box: Configurations (10 from hundreds...)

Traditional performace hall Vs. Magic Box

fly tower Italian opera theatre Nô theatre Arena Fashion show Double-facing stage
A 1
( 826 seats )
( up to 546 seats )
( up to 606 seats )
( up to 618 seats )
( up to 844 seats )

Traditional: 20m
Rigid section stalls

Magic Box:
Uniform section


fly tower + stalls +stage



Fix floor:

Magic Box:
Modular lift floor:

Impossibility Fixed room
to enlarge

6 7 8 9
Magic Box: Possibility to enlarge 10
Symphonic orchestra Flat floor Disco-party Mega-auditorium Flat floor including the Plaza
small perf. hall ( 826 seats ) ( 1000 m2 ) ( up to 2000 m2 ) ( up to 1290 seats )

meeting rooms

North elevation 1:250 Section BB’ 1:250

Small Multimedia
performance hall

V.I.P. Foyer Big meeting room

Large Performance and Conference Hall

Foyer hall


Exhibition hall




Level 4, +15.9 m 1:250 Level 5, +20 m 1:250 Level 6, +23.6 m Level 7, +27.2 m 1:250

Individual dressing room
dressing Staff office Staff office
room Clean- Secretariat
ing the
copies Curator

Manager of
Double dress- Individual distribution
ing room dressing room
Collective Reception and
dressing room sorting space
dressing for W
for M
Manager of techni-
Double dress- Individual Workshop
cal services
ing room dressing room for copies

B. Artists facilities F. National cinematheque

F. National cinematheque

Interpretation Interpretation
booths booths

H. Administration
Projection copies
B. Movie theater Foyer for the Private
artists rest-

B. Artists facilities

Double dressing
room Individual Conservation of printing
dressing room elements General secretary

Waiting room
Double dressing
room Individual
dressing room

Double dressing
room Individual Director office
dressing room

Conservation of positive room

Double dressing Individual dressing

Projection room room room

B. Meeting rooms

Projection room

Small meeting room Big meeting room

B. Small multimedia
performance hall
Interpretation booths Interpretation booths
Control rooms

V.I.P. Foyer
6- Green hair is not enough… Sustainability Revisited. My House is your House
Sustainability should be divorced from its well-known “trees-on-the-roof” image but understood globally, beyond the usage of removable
energies alone. Sustainability must go hand in hand with durability. We provide the design within an environmentally friendly strategy and
with the possibility of adaptation to new, future circumstances so The House does not become obsolete and inadequate.

event allowing the creation of all kinds of configurations.

-The building places most of the programme horizontally so it may
be extended whenever necessary (i.e; the exhibition hall could run
Open-close facades:
through the entrance hall, or the restaurant could be hosting a big
banquet in the exhibition hall)

3-Low consumption of energy

West South
Morning -SeparationAfternoon
of systems according to areas in order to regulate
energy needs separately.
-Closed South and West façade and very open East and North
sides. (6)
-Part of the soil from the excavation will be layered on the roofs. In
(11) East North this way, we strengthen the isolation of the building and simultane-
ously prevent the emission of CO2 that a truck would generate to
(7) transport it away from the site. (7)
(8) -Double and triple glazing in the northern facade will reduce the
View of the main entrance hall from the entrance ±0.00 View of the main entrance hall from first floor +6m
(9) loss of heating in winter.

4-Bioclimatic systems
-The glass façade of the foyer will act as a chimney where the hot
±0.00 m air from all the floors will escape through the top perforations. In
winter, when these openings are closed, the air will remain iside. (8)
-4.50 m
-The air will flow horizontally through The House through the nu-
(4) merous openings in the façade, allowing for a quick and complete
ventilation of the building and a comfortable feeling. This will be
given special attention in rooms where more heat is produced
(3) (dance and theatre workshops). (9)
-The entire programme enjoys natural light through the facade or
through patios.

1-Materials 5-Renewable energy

-The House uses ecologically certified and natural materials. -Solar panels on the roof facing south will help to cover the demand
-The non-fixed interior partitions are made of recyclable materials such as reinforced for warm water in the building. (11)
cardboard, allowing for easy transportation and fixing. (1) -Photovoltaic panels in the roof or in the South and West facade will
-The surfaces of the Plaza reuse materials such as shells, broken tiles, etc... cover a big part of electricity needs. (12)
-The vegetation in the Plaza will be autochthon so we minimize watering needs. (2)
6-Economically sustainable
2-Flexibility in space and time -A “100%” adaptability to the future extends the useful life of The
-More than 800 m2 of extra space at the -1 level that may be used in the future for House.
further needs, either as storage or as workshops by replacing some parts of the exist- -There is nothing in the construction technique that requires an
ing floor with glass. (3) extra increase in the budget.
-1500 m2 of public space where each function of the building (exhibition, performan- -The way the different programmes are organized allows for a very
ces, workshops…) can take place outside. (4) easy common use of them at all levels.
-1200 m2 of surface for art, advertisements, or projections in the South façade. (5) -The South façade to the ring could be rented out temporarily to
-Over-dimensioned height all over the Grand performance Hall (20 m height) that advertisers in order to get extra funding for the activities of the
becomes itself a fly tower and therefore the position of the stage could change in each building. (5)
View of the exhibition hall ±0.00 Foyer hall of the performance halls +10m

7- Circulation 8- Icon?? Who said icon...? 9- Structure


After studying the brief of the competition, it was a pleasant sur- The structure of the House will be made out of laminated
+32 m
Documentation centre prise not to encounter the word icon once. The brief talks about steel profiles.
internal circulation a strong presence, a recognisable character, an exceptional The structure will be divided into two parts: the box and the
Performance Halls and architecture …but also about banning words such as: rigid- northern part of the plinth.
Movie theatre circulation ity, routine, or static. Icons are rigid and static, and somehow -(1) The Box is covered with a 2m beamed roof of trusses.
quickly become part of the routine. Some of the elements of the box will hang from this struc-
Plinth circulation (2)
+20 m The architecture of The House should not impose, restrict, limit, tural roof. The big and small performance halls and the
Staff circulation or confine any potential of creativity. It should allow maximum cinema box will determine the structural grid. The exhibition
+10 m flexibility and it should represent the dynamism of the Art and hall in the plinth is placed under the Grand Performance
Service circulation and Culture in Beirut day after day. It should allow for an active and hall. At the level of the plinth, more pillars are added to
+10 m
+6 m
+6 m stage delivery vibrant image. share the loads in order to minimize their section in the
Let’s escape from the conventional icon, from the megaloma- parking garage. The circulation of the parking lot was care-
Parking garage circulation
±0.00 m niac frozen gesture, and reinvent the way a city and its culture fully designed to work with this grid.
are represented! The House of Arts and Culture cannot be a -(2) The programme of the North part of the plinth is flexible
Fire escape circulation
-10.70 m
static depiction of a single moment in time. It must be dynamic, in shape and does not have the structural requirements of
changeable; like a machine, it should reflect transformation. the Box. A grid of pillars will accommodate this part.
Public access circulation

Section AA’ 1:250 East elevation 1:250

Small Multimedia
performance hall

Small meeting room Big meeting room

Elevated plaza

Foyer hall

Theater and music workshop

Dance workshop

Exhibition hall Tickets office Information desk Reception hall




Level 1, +6 m 1:250 Level 2, +10 m 1:250

Office Office Office

Reception Desk
Computer Listening and
room viewing stations

Sound Sound
E. Audiovisual service
Storage B. Large performance and conference hall

Sound ing and
studios viewing

D. Workshops

Cinema / Video
D. Workshops editing

Classroom Cinema
/ Video
editing Cinema / Video

B. Movie theater

Restrooms Restrooms
for M for W

Arts workshop


Photo laboratories

Theater and music Theater and music

workshop workshop

Printing room
for W
D. Training rooms Lockers

Elevated Plaza
Dance workshop

Theater and music


rooms Area for reprography Archives
Foyer hall
H. Administration

Admin- Offices for

istrative Offices Offices for programme
Secretarial pool
offices x4 for leasing planning
trainees managers managers
x4 x2 x6

Meeting room Bar and butlery

0- Welcome to the House of Arts & Culture of Beirut, from now on, “The House”…

1- Horizontal and Vertical. The programme is grouped according to its qualities. By dividing the
functions into two categories according to their requirements on height and interaction, we obtain two
volumes: a tall box and a low plinth. In the box, we place the programme that requires big heights and
vertical circulation, while in the plinth we accommodate the programme that could enjoy a direct
connection to the street. By keeping the plinth as low as possible, we ensure maximum urban conditions,
in the surroundings and within the plinth itself.

2- A 1000m2 billboard and an elevated plaza. How to position the Magic Box and the Active Plinth?
The Magic Box will be placed on top of the plinth facing the ring road. Its close façade will protect from the
noise of the cars and from the South sun while it becomes a large billboard for the ring. The free space is
an elevated Plaza for the users and pedestrians.
A very busy road, a quiet plaza, and two as yet unknown future buildings (40m and 150m height) form the
immediate surroundings to The House.
-South: the façade facing the ring is the only one that enjoys a long distance view. It will be visible from
thousands of cars and pedestrians in the ring. This fact leads us to place the box next to the highway.
The box is the announcement of the building. It will become a billboard that may announce the activities
of the house, or project a movie, or be rented for advertisements on certain occasions to generate extra
funding… However, we have to take the noise from the cars and the sun radiation from the south into
consideration, and therefore we propose a very closed façade, with just a few openings that answer the
big scale demands of the façade.
-North: Protected from the noise and the afternoon heat - and enjoying the morning sun - the elevated
Plaza will be facing the existing square in front of the site. At a different level (10 m higher), this Plaza
becomes a podium for concerts, a platform for exhibitions… a lively space.
-East: After the opening of the tunnel under the ring, the pedestrian route to the north will be established.
The exhibition hall, the lounge, and the café are placed along this route.
-West: The service entrance and the delivery zone will be on this side. The façade will contain very little
openings in the box so we minimize the strong sun radiation from the west.
The fact that from 10m height upwards, just 50% of the site is occupied will help to liberate a bit of space
in the very compact future situation of the area.

3-Green hair is not enough… Sustainability Revisited. Sustainability should be divorced from its well-
known “trees-on-the-roof” image but understood globally, beyond the usage of removable energies alone.
Sustainability must go hand in hand with durability. We provide the design within an environmentally
friendly strategy and with the possibility of adaptation to new, future circumstances so The House does
not become obsolete and inadequate.
-The House uses ecologically certified and natural materials.
-The non-fixed interior partitions are made of recyclable materials such as reinforced cardboard, allowing
for easy transportation and fixing.
-The surfaces of the Plaza reuse materials such as shells, broken tiles, etc...
-The vegetation in the Plaza will be autochthon so we minimize watering needs.
3.2-Flexibility in space and time:
-More than 800 m2 of extra space at the -1 level that may be used in the future for further needs, either
as storage or as workshops by replacing some parts of the existing floor with glass.
-1500 m2 of public space where each function of the building (exhibition, performances, workshops…)
can take place outside.
-1200 m2 of surface for art, advertisements, or projections in the South façade.
-Over-dimensioned height all over the Grand performance Hall (20 m height) that becomes itself a fly
tower and therefore the position of the stage could change in each event allowing the creation of all kinds
of configurations.
-The building places most of the programme horizontally so it may be extended whenever necessary (i.e;
the exhibition hall could run through the entrance hall, or the restaurant could be hosting a big banquet in
the exhibition hall)
3.3-Low consumption of energy
-Separation of systems according to areas in order to regulate energy needs separately.
-Closed South and West façade and very open East and North sides.
-Part of the soil from the excavation will be layered on the roofs. In this way, we strengthen the isolation of
the building and simultaneously prevent the emission of CO2 that a truck would generate to transport it
away from the site.
-Double and triple glazing in the northern facade will reduce the loss of heating in winter.
3.4-Bioclimatic systems
-The glass façade of the foyer will act as a chimney where the hot air from all the floors will escape
through the top perforations. In winter, when these openings are closed, the air will remain iside.
-The air will flow horizontally through The House through the numerous openings in the façade, allowing
for a quick and complete ventilation of the building and a comfortable feeling. This will be given special
attention in rooms where more heat is produced (dance and theatre workshops).
-The entire programme enjoys natural light through the facade or through patios.
3.5-Renewable energy:
-Solar panels on the roof facing south will help to cover the demand for warm water in the building.
-Photovoltaic panels in the roof or in the South and West facade will cover a big part of electricity needs.
3.6-Economically sustainable:
-A “100%” adaptability to the future extends the useful life of The House.
-There is nothing in the construction technique that requires an extra increase in the budget.
-The way the different programmes are organized allows for a very easy common use of them at all
-The South façade to the ring could be rented out temporarily to advertisers in order to get extra funding
for the activities of the building.

4- Icon? Who said icon?? After studying the brief of the competition, it was a pleasant surprise not to
encounter the word Icon once. The brief talks about a strong presence, a recognisable character, an
exceptional architecture …but also about banning words such as: rigidity, routine, or static. Icons are rigid
and static, and somehow quickly become part of the routine.
The architecture of The House should not impose, restrict, limit, or confine any potential of creativity. It
should allow maximum flexibility and it should represent the dynamism of the Art and Culture in Beirut day
after day. It should allow for an active and vibrant image.
Let’s escape from the conventional icon, from the megalomaniac frozen gesture, and reinvent the way a
city and its culture are represented! The House of Arts and Culture cannot be a static depiction of a single
moment in time. It must be dynamic, changeable; like a machine, it should reflect transformation.

5-Come into The House.

5.1-Ladies and gentlemen! The Magic Box and the Active Plinth. The Box is magic because it can
host hundreds of different event configurations (Italian, kabuki, No theatre, techno party, mega banquet,
exhibitions, conferences, lectures, dance evenings, poetry recitals, fashion shows, concerts, markets,
fairs…). The big and the small performance halls, as well as the meeting rooms can be used
independently from each other or their division wall can be opened to create a common event that runs in
all three areas.
The Plinth is active because it hosts all the programmes on two levels, physically and visually connected,
in this way allowing for the maximum interaction of the functions inside and the maximum urban relation
with the outside. By concentrating the entire programme in two levels, we minimize the use of the elevator
so the functions can be continued without interruptions.
5.2-Extending, annexing, adding, attaching, including…it is all possible. In order to avoid mono-
functional spaces, the distribution of the programme is such that one programme may be extended into
the next. For example:1-the restaurant-café of The House is placed next to the lounge area of the
exhibition space so both can be enlarged and work together for a big banquet that can be extended into
the exhibition hall.2-The exhibition space is connected with the reception hall so the surface area for
exhibitions could be increased at a certain point by 50%. 3-The foyer of the performance halls can be
opened entirely to the elevated Plaza during the warm months. The big and small performance hall, as
well as the meeting rooms, are placed together so on some occasions they may host the same event
(see diagrams, Panel 3) resulting in a spectacular configuration. In the warm months, this event could
even be continued into the elevated Plaza. 4-The art workshops may continue in the patio at +6m, like an
outside exhibition. 5-…
5.3-One for all, all for one. The House can work as one single building with a main entrance hall from
where you can take the entrance to each function: exhibition, café, shop, library, performance halls, etc…
But it can also work as seven independent elements with direct access from the outside.
5.4-Structure. The structure of the House will be made out of laminated steel profiles.
The structure will be divided into two parts: the box and the northern part of the plinth.
-The Box is covered with a 2m beamed roof of trusses. Some of the elements of the box will hang from
this structural roof. The big and small performance halls and the cinema box will determine the structural
grid. The exhibition hall in the plinth is placed under the Grand Performance hall. At the level of the plinth,
more pillars are added to share the loads in order to minimize their section in the parking garage. The
circulation of the parking lot was carefully designed to work with this grid.
-The programme of the North part of the plinth is flexible in shape and does not have the structural
requirements of the Box. A grid of pillars will accommodate this part.
**About the Magic Box features…
The performance hall of The House in Beirut demands a large number of possible configurations each of
different character and with different requirements. None of the existing theatre models can
accommodate such a range of events; therefore, we need to look for a new one. We call it The Magic
Box. Just a few changes in the traditional box will be enough to make it flexible and much more useful:
A-Keep the fly tower height all over the room, to liberate the position of the stage: The big performance
hall enjoys a free height of 20 metres. In this way, we do no longer distinguish between fly tower stage,
and the stalls, as the three of them can be placed in different locations and have different sizes.
B-lift floor system all over the room, not just the stage. The big and small performance halls use two
systems to accommodate the different configurations.
-Modular lift floor: (used in the big performance hall). The entire floor of the performance hall is divided
into 2m wide stripes, parallel to the rows of seats that can be lowered or lifted depending on the event.
The system to elevate the stripes is composed of stainless steel columns that rotate using a motor. They
are stored below the level of the theatre. The transformation from the Italian configuration, with an
inclined floor and orchestra pit, to flat floor space, takes less than 15 minutes.
-Roll back chairs: (used in the small performance hall and under the balconies of the big hall)
The seats in the small performance hall can be stored in total or in part in the back of the room depending
on the show. This system is also used under the balconies of the main hall - parallel to them to allow for
catwalk shows, arena configuration, or kabuki theatre.
C-Provide the hall with the possibility of enlargement by placing the other rooms in a suitable position
around it. The small performance hall and the meeting room are adjacent to the large performance hall
and can open into it, thus taking part in the same event.

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