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Mc090403758 Muhammad Shahzad Qamar Assignment No.

02 Information Systems CS507

Q No.1 Suppose an orthopedic hospital wants to develop a special computer based system for the diagnosis of disease according to the symptoms of disease in patient. You are required to identify the most suitable type of computer based system for the given scenario. Also list its four major components. [10 Marks] In this scenario Expert System is the most suitable type of computer based system for the medical diagnosis. Expert System is a computer base program that provide the out put according to the knowledge of human experts in the form of Heuristics. We can also call it artificial intelligence that converts the knowledge of specialist in the specific field.


The Knowledge Base Information stored in this section in the form of facts and rules. This is where the programmer writes the code for the expert system. A declarative representation of the expertise based on IF THEN rules. It stores all the facts and rules about a particular problem domain. It makes these available to the inference engine in a form that it can use. Working storage : The data which is specific to a problem being solved. Inference engine: This applies the facts to the rules and determines the questions to be asked of the user in the user interface and in which order to ask them. This is the 'invisible' part of the expert system, which is active during a consultation of the system. The code at the core of the system which derives recommendations from the knowledge base and problem specific data in working storage. User interface : The code that controls the dialog between the user and the system. Communication between user and the expert systems problem-solving processes. A good expert system is not very useful unless it has an effective interface. It has to be able to accept the queries or instructions in a form that the user enters and translate them into working instructions for the rest of the system. It also has to be able to translate the answers, produced by the system, into a form that the user can understand. Careful attention should be given to the screen design in order

to make the expert system appear friendly to the user. Q No.2 Marketing managers of different companies often need to make an analysis of large amounts of data / information stored in database for getting trends of sale purchase etc, for making marketing strategies for their products. You are required to identify the specific procedure / technique along with its three main steps that can help managers for this purpose. [5Marks] Strategy is defined in terms of the four ps: Plan, Pattern, Position, and Perspective. Decision making is concerned with deciding on the objectives, resources and policies of the organization. A major problem during decision making is predicting the future of the organization and its environment, and matching the characteristics of the organization to the environment. This process generally involves a small group of high-level managers who deal with very complex, non-routine problems. To meet the demand of global market it is necessary for the managers to rely on highly specialized information to survive in pressure of competition and demanding clients. In this regard, Marketing Information Systems (MKIS) may guide and support the managers for decisions. Marketing Decision Making Support System, MDMSS ?? ?? ?? ?? Analysis of demand Sales forecast Analysis of price through models Financial analysis of the marketing mix

Answer Strategy:

The marketing decision making support system (MDMSS): It deals with the data collection, tools and coordinated techniques, with supporting hardware and software, through which an organization gathers and interprets relevant information for the business and environment and thus becomes the basis for action taken on marketing decisions.

Marketing Research System, MRS

?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Testing of concepts and products Research on attitudes Research in stores Studies on advertising efficacy Studies on client satisfaction Studies on service quality Launching a product Evaluation of packaging Buying and consumption habits Consumer behavior

?? ?? ??

Loyalty to trademark Client preferences Perception of promotion campaigns

The marketing research system (MRS): This system gathers information that is not generated by other marketing information systems; the system consists of studies purposely designed to meet the needs of the organization; they have a beginning and an end, and they are translated into a research report
Internal Record System, IRS ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Buying orders Prices Inventories Report of sales orders Client database

The internal record system (IRS): This system gathers information generated by the internal records on the buying orders, prices, costs, inventory levels, and others.

Steps Step 1 Formulating the Marketing Research Problem

Formulating a problem is the first step in the research process. In many ways, research starts with a problem that managers are facing. These problem needs to be understood, the cause diagnosed, and solutions developed. However, most problems are not always easy to research. Problem must first be translated into a research problem. Once a manager approach the problem from a research angle, manager can find a solution. Research problems, on the other hand, focus on providing the information you need in order to solve the management problem.

Step 3: Research Method

In addition to formulate the marketing research problem, manager must select a research method. There are two basic methodologies that can be used to answer any research question: experimental research and non-experimental research. Experimental research gives you the advantage of controlling extraneous variables and manipulating one or more variables that influence the process being implemented whereas,

non-experimental research allows observation but not intervention. And simply observe and report on findings.

Step 3: Analysis and Interpretation

In order for data to be useful, manager must analyze it. Analysis techniques vary and their effectiveness depends on the types of collected information, and the type of measurements use. Because they are dependent on the data collection, analysis techniques should be decided before this step.

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