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How to configure Outlook 2007 manually. 1. Click on Start and go to Control Panel of your desktop. 2. Click on Mail Icon in Control Panel of your desktop. 3. Please click on Show Profiles and select Add [Type in the desired name you would like to give for the profile]. 4. Select Manually Configure Server Settings and hit Next. 5. Select Microsoft Exchange and hit Next. 6. Type in the Microsoft Exchange server name EXMBX01. 7. Ensure Use Cached Exchange Mode is enabled. 8. In the user name section type in the complete email address 9. Do not hit Check Name. 10. Click on More Settings. 11. Goto Connections Tab. 12. Put a check mark on Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP. 13. Click on the button Exchange Proxy Settings. 14. In connection settings type in the box 15. Put a check mark on Connect using SSL Only. 16. Ensure there is a check mark on Only connect to proxy servers that have this principal name in their certificate. 17. Type the following in the below box: 18. Ensure both the boxes below for fast and slow network is checked. 19. Under Proxy authentication settings select NTLM Authentication from the drop down list then hit OK. 20. Do a Check Name and it would prompt for the login credentials [Username: complete email address / Password]. 21. Once it gets authenticated; server name and username would have an underline. 22. Hit Next and Finish the setup process. 23. Open Outlook and it would again prompt for the login credentials for authentication. 1) What is Active Directory? A central component of the Windows platform, Active Directory directory service provides the means to manage the identities and relationships that make up network environments. For example we can create, manage and administrator users, computers and printers in the network from active directory. 2) What is DNS? Why it is used? What is "forward lookup" and "reverse lookup" in DNS? What are A records and mx records? DNS is domain naming service and is used for resolving names to IP address and IP addresses to names. The computer understands only numbers while we can easily remember names. So to make it easier for us what we do is we assign names to computers and websites. When we use these names (Like the computer uses DNS to convert to IP address (number) and it executes our request. Forward lookup: Converting names to IP address is called forward lookup. Reverse lookup: Resolving IP address to names is called reverse lookup. 'A' record: Its called host record and it has the mapping of a name to IP address. This is the record in DNS with the help of which DNS can find out the IP address of a name. 'MX' Record: its called mail exchanger record. Its the record needed to locate the mail servers in the network. This record is also found in DNS. 3) What id DHCP? Why it is used? What are scopes and super scopes? DHCP: Dynamic host configuration protocol. Its used to allocate IP addresses to large number of PCs in a network environment. This makes the IP management very easy. Scope: Scope contains IP address like subnet mask, gateway IP, DNS server IP and exclusion range which a client can use to communicate with the other PCs in the network. Superscope: When we combine two or more scopes together its called super scope. 4) What are the types of LAN cables used? What is a cross cable? Types of LAN cables that are in use are "Cat 5" and "Cat 6". "Cat 5" can support 100 Mbps of speed and "CAT 6" can support 1Gbps of speed. Cross cable: Its used to connect same type of devices without using a switch/hub so that they can communicate. 5) What is the difference between a normal LAN cable and cross cable? What could be the maximum length of the LAN cable? The way the paired wires are connected to the connector (RJ45) is different

in cross cable and normal LAN cable. The theoretical length is 100 meters but after 80 meters you may see drop in speed due to loss of signal. 6) What would you use to connect two computers without using switches? Cross cable. 7) What is IPCONFIG command? Why it is used? IPCONFIG command is used to display the IP information assigned to a computer. From the output we can find out the IP address, DNS IP address, gateway IP address assigned to that computer. 8) What is APIPA IP address? Or what IP address is assigned to the computer when the DHCP server is not available? When DHCP server is not available the Windows client computer assigns an automatic IP address to itself so that it can communicate with the network computers. This ip address is called APIPA. ITs in the range of 169.254.X.X. APIPA stands for Automatic private IP addressing. Its in the range of 169.254.X.X. 9) What is a DOMAIN? What is the difference between a domain and a workgroup? Domain is created when we install Active Directory. It's a security boundary which is used to manage computers inside the boundary. Domain can be used to centrally administrator computers and we can govern them using common policies called group policies. We can't do the same with workgroup. 10) Do you know how to configure outlook 2000 and outlook 2003 for a user? Please visit the link below to find out how to configure outlook 2000 and outlook 2003. IT: Help Desk: Quick Guide: Configuring Outlook 2003 for Exchange Server 11) What is a PST file and what is the difference between a PST file and OST file? What file is used by outlook express? PST file is used to store the mails locally when using outlook 2000 or 2003. OST file is used when we use outlook in cached exchanged mode. Outlook express used odb file. 12) What is BSOD? What do you do when you get blue screen in a computer? How do you troubleshoot it? BSOD stands for blue screen of Death. when there is a hardware or OS fault due to which the windows OS can run it give a blue screen with a code. Best way to resolve it is to boot the computer is "Last known good configuration". If this doesn't work than boot the computer in safe mode. If it boots up than the problems with one of the devices or drivers. 13) What is RIS? What is Imaging/ghosting? RIS stands for remote installation services. You save the installed image on a windows server and then we use RIS to install the configured on in the new hardware. We can use it to deploy both server and client OS. Imaging or ghosting also does the same job of capturing an installed image and then install it on a new hardware when there is a need. We go for RIS or imaging/ghosting because installing OS every time using a CD can be a very time consuming task. So to save that time we can go for RIS/Ghosting/imaging. 14) What is VPN and how to configure it? VPN stands for Virtual private network. VPN is used to connect to the corporate network to access the resources like mail and files in the LAN. VPN can be configured using the steps mentioned in the KB: How to configure a VPN connection to your corporate network in Windows XP Professional 15) Your computer slowly drops out of network. A reboot of the computer fixes the problem. What to do to resolve this issue? Update the network card driver. 16) Your system is infected with Virus? How to recover the data? Install another system. Install the OS with the lates patches, Antivirus with latest updates. Connect the infected HDD as secondary drive in the system. Once done scan and clean the secondary HDD. Once done copy the files to the new system. 17) How to join a system to the domain? What type of user can add a system to the domain? Please visit the article below and read "Adding the Workstation to the Domain" /directory/ 18) What is the difference between a switch and a hub? Switch sends the traffic to the port to which its meant for. Hub sends the traffic to all the ports. 19) What is a router? Why we use it? Router is a switch which uses routing protocols to process and send the traffic. It also receives the traffic and sends it across but it uses the routing protocols to do so.

20) What are manageable and non manageable switches? Switches which can be administered are called manageable switches. For example we can create VLAN for on such switch. On no manageable switches we can't do so. IT Technician takes care of user networks by diagnosing and repairing technical issues, as well as planning, designing, implementing and administering user networks for companies. Job opportunities for IT Technicians are found everywhere. Majority of todays businesses are highly dependent on computers and automation which steadily increases the demand for IT Technicians. Listed below are some of the most common IT Technicians interview questions. 1. What desktop operating systems are you familiar with? Well! I am familiar with Windows operating system on my desktop computer. Basically I am using Windows 8 on my desktop pc and this version of windows is the latest and best version of Windows operating system. 2. Have you used any software distribution tools? If so, which ones and how were they used? Yes I use WinInstall the latest software distribution tool for my windows operating system. Basically WinInstall provides latest features for better and consistent user interaction. It is a perfect easy to use windows application that can package .exe files (Executable Files) for distribution. 3. Can you describe to me the extent of your experience, if any, as a desktop support? What do you like most about desktop support? What do you like the least about it? If you do not have desktop support experience, what do you think are the important skills one must have in order to be successful in it? By having the access to the company whom computer products we are using like it may be software or hardware etc. is called desktop support. What really the good thing about desktop management for me is to perform all the challenging tasks impressively like working with new people in different domains and to understand their problems and the environment where they are working. Also through this we can be able to learn new operating systems and their configurations. What I feel a least thing about desktop management is the following: Sometimes we totally understand the users system configuration, operating system and the fault in the system but suddenly we fail to resolve the systems fault or trouble just because of any hardware failure like assume the hard disk of the system will be heat up and cant be able to load anything on your PC. 4. When you solve a desktop problem, do you prefer to work with the end-user, your peers, or on your own? Well! Definitely Ill first of all prefer myself to solve the desktop problem as I will apply all my experience and skills to solve that specific desktop issue and I believe that a person should first try his/her best to solve the desktop problem if he/she really knows how to solve the matter? But when Ill feel that now I cant solve it myself then Ill prefer to work with a group with end users, vendors and peers. 5. How important is lifelong learning to you and how do you apply this in learning new technologies? Lifelong learning is always of real importance for a technical person who wants to become successful in his field. So for me its always of 100% importance. And I dont only learn new technologies but more importantly I apply all my new learning technologies in solving various matters and issues of peoples desktop pc. For me theory is nothing without practical so I prefer practical work with new learning. 6. If you receive three simultaneous calls from three Senior Vice Presidents of the company needing immediate IT assistance, how will you handle this situation? Which one will you prioritize? Well as a matter of fact I am always a good time manager. I always perform all my dailys task by prioritizing my daily activities. So definitely Ill look at all 3 Senior Vice Presidents issues then I will prioritize all three tasks in a way so that I can save time and in a better way I can solve the problems of all these 3 people. But it depends upon the problems. Like my 1st priority is to solve an easy and trivial task, then 2nd slightly tough task then as compare with the 1st one and similarly Ill do the 3rd one which Ill think that it will take much time. IT Technician7. How do you deal with users who keep on misdiagnosing their PC issues? In this situation I will need to be extremely attentive while acknowledging the users diagnosis. Then I will ask them to produce the same problem again and this way judging my user very carefully I will surely find a meaningful and definite solution that perfectly works. 8. When isolating or troubleshooting a users PC problem, what questions do you usually ask? Well based on my skills and previous practice I usually ask the following described some of the questions: - Who uses this system? - When the problem did exactly starts? - Did the system work properly before the problem occurred? - What new hardware or software you have installed recently?

9. What kind of virus issues have you encountered before? What did you do to prevent these virus attacks? Well based on my previous work experience I have encountered with different viruses like some virus affect the system by means of inserting a flash drive usb (universal serial bus), infected memory card reader, internet downloads and such other factors etc. To overcome such troubles I always use an anti-virus program. I have separate antivirus for u.s.b and card readers and also for secure internet download. I always update my antivirus software so it can not only detect the viruses but also remove all those viruses which causes great disturbances for our computers. 10. If I were to ask you to come up with a set of guidelines for implementing security at user level, what would be your suggestions? Well then there will be many suggestions from my side like to maintain the user level security there should be strong mechanisms for storing the password and there should be finger print sensors as well within the users pc. Only authorized operating system user can logged in to use the system and there will be many others etc. Remember that aside from your technical know-how, your ability to work with others and your customer service skills will also be evaluated. IT Technicians interview questions may also include behavioral questions and questions intended to determine your attitude towards working others. Do not memorize your answers as it will come out contrived. How to Set Up Outlook 2003/2007/2010 for Exchange Email Connection Page Contents > Introduction Requirements Configuration and Connection Troubleshooting Using Outlook Offline Introduction This document describes the use of Microsoft Outlook to remotely connect to the School's Microsoft Exchange Email system via an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or direct connection from School laptop plug-in points. This type of connection synchronises your email, calendar, task list and provides access to the global address list and public folders. Synchronisation allows you to: Work with your mailbox at home in the same way as you do in School, keeping your mailbox view at work and at home virtually identical. By default only the Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, Deleted Items, Sent Items, Calendar, Tasks, Contacts and Journal are synchronised. Enable folders you have created yourself for synchronisation. Use filters to limit the messages collected (by size, subject, name etc.) Access public folders while online. This can be a lot of information and connection times may be lengthy. Requirements You should be familiar with Windows and Outlook before following this document. You will need a computer with access to the Internet via dial-up, broadband, wireless or wired network. Configuration and Connection Connecting from an LSE plug-in point: If you are setting up your Outlook from a plug-in point in Residences or on campus, please follow the instructions under LSE Plug-in Point below. Connecting from off-site: Windows 2000/XP: You can set up Outlook using VPN (Virtual Private Network) or RPC over HTTPS (Outlook over a web link). Windows Vista/7: You can set up Outlook using RPC over HTTPS only Note: RPC over HTTPS (Outlook over a web link) VPN Required if accessing H: Space and U: For accessing Email only. It is simpler to set up and requires Outlook 2003 Space in addition to Email. or Outlook 2007 running on Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista. Basic Steps: LSE Plug-in Point Off-Site VPN Setup (Windows 2000/XP RPC Over HTTPS Setup (Windows XP/Vista/7 only) only)

1. Set up an email 1. Connect to the VPN server profile 2. Connect to the server 2. Set up an email profile 3. Connect to the server 1. Set up an email profile 2. Connect to the server

Set up an email profile: 1. Click Start | Control Panel. The Control Panel window will be displayed 2. Double click the Mail icon The Mail Setup dialog box will be displayed. Please note that the Mail icon WILL NOT appear unless you have Outlook installed 3. Click on Show Profiles... 4. Add a new profile If you already have a profile: (as shown below) Select Prompt for a profile to be used. This will allow you to choose from the available profiles when starting Outlook.

If you do not have an existing profile or you are setting up Outlook for the first time: Ensure that the option Always use this profile is selected

5. Click Add... 6. Enter a friendly name (e.g. your LSE username) for the new profile This is the name that you will see when starting Outlook if you configure Outlook to prompt you for a profile to use 7. Click OK 8. Open the Mail Setup dialog once more by repeating steps 1 and 2. Select E-mail accounts... The Account Settings dialog will pop up 9. In the E-mail tab, click the New... icon. The Add New Account dialog will pop up. 10. Tick Manually configure server settings or additional server types and then click Next

11. Select Microsoft Exchange or compatible service, then click Next. 12. In the Microsoft Exchange server box, type 13. Select an option for Cached Exchange Mode To use Cached Exchange Mode: Ensure that the check box Use Cached Exchange Mode is ticked

If you do not need Cached Exchange Mode or if in doubt: Untick Use Cached Exchange Mode If you use a dial-up connection: Ensure that the check box Use Cached Exchange Mode is ticked Note: Cached Exchange Mode is similar to offline folders in previous versions of Outlook. It stores a copy of your exchange mailbox on your computer in order to reduce the network traffic to the Exchange server. This feature is great for remote users with limited network capacity or slow connections 14. In the User Name box, enter your mailbox name in the form Surname,IJ This example is for a student with the email address Note: There is no space between the surname and initials If you are using RPC Over HTTPS, follow steps 1 to 13 below, otherwise go straight to step 15. 1. Click on More Settings... Wait for this process to complete. There may be a delay, please be patient 2. If you see the following error message, click OK

3. If a logon box appears click on Cancel 4. Click on the Connection tab 5. Tick Connect to Microsoft Exchange Mailbox using HTTP

6. Click on Exchange Proxy Settings... The Microsoft Exchange Proxy Settings dialog box will be displayed

7. In the textbox Use this URL to connect to my proxy server for Exchange: , enter 8. Tick Connect using SSL only 9. Untick Only connect to proxy servers... 10. Tick On fast networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP 11. Tick On slow networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP 12. From the drop-down list select NTLM Authentication 13. Click OK Now go to step 15 below 15. Click Check Name You will be asked to logon

16. Enter your username preceded by LSE\ e.g LSE\surnameij 17. Enter your password and click OK After a few seconds your name should be underlined to show verification by the exchange server 18. Click OK, and/or Next, Finish and OK or Close buttons until you are back to the desktop and the Control Panel window Connect to the server:1. Open Microsoft Outlook and click on the Connect button if necessary

2. When you connect to the Exchange server you will need to log in with your LSE username and password. Enter your username preceded by LSE\ e.g LSE\surnameij 3. Enter your password and click OK Note: After your login details are verified, Outlook will connect to the LSE Exchange server and display your server Inbox. This may take some time particularly if your Inbox has many messages. Wait for this process to complete 4. Exit from Outlook in the normal way. Outlook will now synchronise all of the default folders. This can take some time if your mailbox is large. When synchronisation is complete, Outlook will close Troubleshooting The LSE has a number of Exchange servers, for staff and students. The following server name routes you to the correct connection If you receive an error message saying that the exchange server cannot be found, it is likely that you need to manually select your server; select the server corresponding to the first letter of your surname: Staff with surnames starting A - F Staff with surnames starting G - P Staff with surnames starting Q - Z Students with surnames starting A - F Students with surnames starting G - P Students with surnames starting Q - Z The rest of the guide provides information for people who use a dial-up connection and those who wish to work when they are not connected to the Internet. Using Outlook Offline When you are working offline, you are working with a copy of your Outlook files on your computer. This allows you to keep working while travelling or away from your desk. People who find performance unacceptable when using a slow connection, such as dial-up connections, also need to set up their Outlook so that they can work offline and then synchronise when online. In order to work offline you need to set up Outlook to use Cached Exchange Mode or Offline Folder. Cached Exchange Mode is a feature similar to offline folders in previous versions of Outlook. It enables you to work offline and frees you from having to set up Send/Receive groups, picking folders you want available offline, and keeping those folders synchronised; it's all handled by Outlook automatically. Setting up Outlook to work offline for the first time can be a slow process if you have a large mailbox and a slow network connection. The best way to avoid the delay is to take your computer to a location that has a fast Internet connection (e.g. LSE plug-in point, broadband) and enable offline settings at that time. To set up Cached Exchange Mode: Outlook 2003: Open Outlook Click Tools | Email Accounts..., or Tools | Account Settings... Select View or change existing e-mail accounts and click Next Select Microsoft Exchange Server Click Change Tick Use Cached Exchange Mode Click Next | Finish Exit and restart Outlook Outlook 2007/2010: Click the File tab Click Info | Account Settings | Account Settings... On the E-mail tab, select the Exchange account and then click Change. The Change Account dialog will pop up

Under Server, select the Use Cached Exchange Mode check box

Click Next and then Finish Exit and restart Outlook How to change the Cached Exchange Mode connection setting: 1. Outlook 2003: Click File | Cached Exchange Mode Outlook 2007/2010: On the Send/Receive tab, click Download Preferences 2. Select one of the following: Download Full Items: Outlook downloads the header, body, and attachments of e-mail items at the same time. Use this option when you have a fast network connection with the Exchange server Download Headers and then Full Items: Outlook downloads all the headers first and then the complete items, including attachments. Use this setting to quickly see all the item headers. When you click a header, the full item is downloaded immediately. Download Headers: Outlook downloads the headers only. The full item, including attachments, is available on demand when you preview or open the item. Use this setting when you want the amount of data that is transferred to be as small as possible. If you would like Outlook to download both headers and full items even when a slow connection is detected, untick On Slow Connections Download Only Headers. To manually control connection state: By default Outlook will use whatever connection is available to the Internet, but this behaviour is configurable. 1. Open Outlook 2. Outlook 2003: 1. Click Tools | Email Accounts... 2. Select View or change existing e-mail accounts and click Next 3. Select Microsoft Exchange Server Outlook 2007/2010: 1. Click the File tab 2. Click Info | Account Settings | Account Settings... 3. Select Microsoft Exchange Server 3. Click Change 4. Click More Settings... 5. From the General tab select Manually control connection state 6. Tick Choose the connection type when starting 7. If you use a dial-up connection: under Default connection state, select Work offline and use dial-up networking 8. Click OK, and/or Next, Finish and OK or Close buttons 9. Exit and restart Outlook Synchronising your mail manually: Outlook gives you the option of synchronising all available folders or the current folder. If a folder has not been made available offline (see below) and you are not using Cached Exchange Mode (see above) the option will not be shown. Manual Send/Receive actions are not necessary in Cached Exchange Mode. Outlook 2003: 1. Click Tools | Send/Receive 2. Select All Folders or This Folder. Outlook will send your messages. It will then synchronise all the available folders or just the current folder according to your selection

Making additional folders available when offline: By default only the Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, Deleted Items, Sent Items, Calendar, Tasks, Contacts and Journal folders are synchronised. Any additional folders you may have created will be visible but may be empty. To make a folder available offline: Outlook 2003: 1. Select the folder in the folder list 2. Click Tools | Send and Receive | Send/Receive Settings | Make This Folder Available Offline

Synchronising your mail automatically: Outlook 2003: 1. Click Tools | Send/Receive | Send/Receive Settings | Define Send/Receive Groups 2. Tick Perform an automatic Send/Receive when exiting or choose to schedule every few minutes if you have a high speed connection.

3. Click Close To make a group of folders available offline: Outlook 2003: 1. Click Tools | Send/Receive | Send/Receive Settings | Define Send/Receive Groups 2. Click Edit 3. Select the folders you wish to make available 4. If you use a slow connection, Untick Download offline address book and click OK

Use filters to limit the messages collected: When synchronising, filters (restrictions) can be applied to each folder by size, name, subject, category and field. Outlook 2003: 1. Right click on the folder and select Properties 2. Select the Synchronization tab 3. Click on Filter... 4. Select the required filters from Messages, More Choices and Advanced 5. Click OK twice Working offline using Synchronised Mail: If you are not using Cached Exchange Mode, when opening Outlook offline for the first time only the contents of the default folders will be visible (Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, Deleted Items, Sent Items, Calendar, Tasks, Contacts and Journal). To view the contents of other folders see the instructions under Making additional folders available when offline above. To work offline: 1. Start Outlook 2. Outlook 2003: Click Work Offline at the prompt to use your offline folders, or click File | Work Offline You can prepare messages as normal using your contact list but unless you have downloaded the offline address book (see above) you will need to use full Internet email addresses, even for internal LSE recipients, for example Create or reply to messages in the normal way. When you click Send, messages will be stored in your Outbox until you synchronise.

Access public folders while online: 1. Start Outlook 2. Outlook 2003: Select Connect if prompted Outlook will connect to your Exchange server and synchronise folders 3. Browse through the public folders to find the folder you need Note: Although public folders can't be synchronised, if you have been granted access, messages can be read online or copied to your own folder and then read offline 4. Exit from Outlook and allow it to synchronise 5. Disconnect from your ISP if necessary Desktop Engineer Technical Interview Questions and Answers : 1) What is Active Directory? A central component of the Windows platform, Active Directory directory service provides the means to manage the identities and relationships that make up network environments. For example we can create, manage and administrator users, computers and printers in the network from active directory. 2) What is DNS? Why it is used? What is "forward lookup" and "reverse lookup" in DNS? What are A records and mx records? DNS is domain naming service and is used for resolving names to IP address and IP addresses to names. The computer understands only numbers while we can easily remember names. So to make it easier for us what we do is we assign names to computers and websites. When we use these names (Like the computer uses DNS to convert to IP address (number) and it executes our request. Forward lookup: Converting names to IP address is called forward lookup. Reverse lookup: Resolving IP address to names is called reverse lookup. 'A' record: Its called host record and it has the mapping of a name to IP address. This is the record in DNS with the help of which DNS can find out the IP address of a name. 'MX' Record: its called mail exchanger record. Its the record needed to locate the mail servers in the network. This record is also found in DNS. 3) What id DHCP? Why it is used? What are scopes and super scopes? DHCP: Dynamic host configuration protocol. Its used to allocate IP addresses to large number of PCs in a network environment. This makes the IP management very easy. Scope: Scope contains IP address like subnet mask, gateway IP, DNS server IP and exclusion range which a client can use to communicate with the other PCs in the network. Superscope: When we combine two or more scopes together its called super scope. 4) What are the types of LAN cables used? What is a cross cable? Types of LAN cables that are in use are "Cat 5" and "Cat 6". "Cat 5" can support 100 Mbps of speed and "CAT 6" can support 1Gbps of speed. Cross cable: Its used to connect same type of devices without using a switch/hub so that they can communicate. 5) What is the difference between a normal LAN cable and cross cable? What could be the maximum length of the LAN cable? The way the paired wires are connected to the connector (RJ45) is different in cross cable and normal LAN cable. The theoretical length is 100 meters but after 80 meters you may see drop in speed due to loss of signal. 6) What would you use to connect two computers without using switches? Cross cable. 7) What is IPCONFIG command? Why it is used? IPCONFIG command is used to display the IP information assigned to a computer. From the output we can find out the IP address, DNS IP address, gateway IP address assigned to that computer. 8) What is APIPA IP address? Or what IP address is assigned to the computer when the DHCP server is not available? When DHCP server is not available the Windows client computer assigns an automatic IP address to itself so that it can communicate with the network computers. This ip address is called APIPA. ITs in the range of 169.254.X.X. APIPA stands for Automatic private IP addressing. Its in the range of 169.254.X.X. 9) What is a DOMAIN? What is the difference between a domain and a workgroup? Domain is created when we install Active Directory. It's a security boundary which is used to manage computers inside the boundary. Domain can be used to centrally administrator computers and we can govern them using common policies called group policies.

We can't do the same with workgroup. 10) Do you know how to configure outlook 2000 and outlook 2003 for a user? Please visit the link below to find out how to configure outlook 2000 and outlook 2003. 11) What is a PST file and what is the difference between a PST file and OST file? What file is used by outlook express? PST file is used to store the mails locally when using outlook 2000 or 2003. OST file is used when we use outlook in cached exchanged mode. Outlook express used odb file. 12) What is BSOD? What do you do when you get blue screen in a computer? How do you troubleshoot it? BSOD stands for blue screen of Death. when there is a hardware or OS fault due to which the windows OS can run it give a blue screen with a code. Best way to resolve it is to boot the computer is "Last known good configuration". If this doesn't work than boot the computer in safe mode. If it boots up than the problems with one of the devices or drivers. 13) What is RIS? What is Imaging/ghosting? RIS stands for remote installation services. You save the installed image on a windows server and then we use RIS to install the configured on in the new hardware. We can use it to deploy both server and client OS. Imaging or ghosting also does the same job of capturing an installed image and then install it on a new hardware when there is a need. We go for RIS or imaging/ghosting because installing OS every time using a CD can be a very time consuming task. So to save that time we can go for RIS/Ghosting/imaging. 14) What is VPN and how to configure it? VPN stands for Virtual private network. VPN is used to connect to the corporate network to access the resources like mail and files in the LAN. VPN can be configured using the steps mentioned in the KB: 15) Your computer slowly drops out of network. A reboot of the computer fixes the problem. What to do to resolve this issue? Update the network card driver. 16) Your system is infected with Virus? How to recover the data? Install another system. Install the OS with the lates patches, Antivirus with latest updates. Connect the infected HDD as secondary drive in the system. Once done scan and clean the secondary HDD. Once done copy the files to the new system. 17) How to join a system to the domain? What type of user can add a system to the domain? Please visit the article below and read "Adding the Workstation to the Domain" /directory/ 18) What is the difference between a switch and a hub? Switch sends the traffic to the port to which its meant for. Hub sends the traffic to all the ports. 19) What is a router? Why we use it? Router is a switch which uses routing protocols to process and send the traffic. It also receives the traffic and sends it across but it uses the routing protocols to do so. 20) What are manageable and non manageable switches? Switches which can be administered are called manageable switches. For example we can create VLAN for on such switch. On no manageable switches we can't do so.

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