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Bel Air

Newsletter August 2005

B el A i r C h i l d r e n ’s H o m e , C al l i s t e , G r e n a n d a , We s t I n d i e s w w w. s p i c e i s l e . c o m / b e l ai r h o m e
b e l a i r h o m e @ c a r i b s u r f . c o m Ph o n e 1 - ( 4 7 3 ) 4 4 4 - 5 1 0 0 ; F a x 1 - ( 4 7 3 ) 4 4 4 - 5 2 2 0

President’s Notes
By Paddy Ross

INSIDE THIS ISSUE It would be nice to be able to say that, six months after the previous
newsletter, all was back to normal. Alas, life is not that straightforward.
1 President’s Notes
After a false start on the repairs to the home, which saw only the
1 Manager’s Matters perimeter fence completed, we found ourselves without a contractor.

2 Resident’s Experiences Fortunately, USAID took on the rehabilitation of the child care homes in
Grenada. Other homes suffered structurally more than Bel Air and it was
3 Picture Gallery
appropriate that these residential homes were repaired before Bel Air.
3 To Share As I write, our turn has come at last and work has started on the roof of
Bel Air. Thank you, USAID.
4 Questionnaire
Our good fortune continued as Johnson & Johnson, through the good
offices of UNICEF in Barbados, made a generous donation to Grenada to
refurbish four child care homes. It is being used to replace beds,
“As I write, our turn has mattresses, sheets, fabrics etc. Bel Air is proud that it was appointed
come at last and work has Please see President’s Notes on page 2
started on the roof of Bel
Air. Thank you, USAID”
Manager’s Matters
By Sharon Davis
Well we are back in the hurricane season and unfortunately, Bel Air is still
without a proper roof and all the accessories that go with it. But let's not
talk of doom and gloom.

Since the passage of Ivan we have had a few successes. Top of list is our
resident who had surgery on both her club feet. Surgery was a success
and she is due to return to Trinidad in September for another operation.

We had two Common Entrance passes, one current resident and one who
left a short time ago. Three residents were discharged, one to a foster
From the Nursery carer in Carriacou and two reunited with family. One of our past
residents who we support and are very proud of will be graduating from
the New Life Organization.
Please see Manager’s Matters on page
Last but not least ten of our older residents accompanied by four staff2
members and myself will be going to St. Lucia's Christian Youth Festival.
This was made possible by faithful donors and fundraising efforts. Watch
this space for pictures and details about our trip.
Page 2 Bel Air Newsletter

Resident’s Experiences
On April 28, I Anaisa, Nathalie and I visited the Royal Navy Ship, HMS
Liverpool together with students from Westmorland Private School. We
walked to the boat, said good afternoon and they took our names. The
lady could not spell my name so I had to spell it for her. We were taken
on a tour of the ship, they showed us how the rocket is operated, some
photographs were taken then we were split up into three groups.
“..we were then taken down
I went to see where the captain controls the ship, I spoke to the children
a long flight of stairs to the
downstairs, watched where the light will stop for signal on the ship and
Anti-submarine room where
we were then taken down a long flight of stairs to the Anti-submarine
they keep defense weapons room where they keep defense weapons etc, then the operations room
etc.” where they measure degrees etc. We looked at the map and saw the
Caribbean, and then they asked if we had any questions, we said no.

We were taken back outside where they showed us how to use a gun,
there were no bullets in it. They also showed us the helicopter and where
the pilot and other persons will sit in it. We got lots to eat and drink like
chips, sausages, fried dumplings, orange juice and ice cream. When we
were leaving they gave us a plastic bag with sweets, chocolate, a pen and
a key holder. We then said goodbye and thank you and left the ship. The
other children went to their parents and we were taken back to Bel Air
by Mrs. Grey. It was a nice trip.

By: Shennel Frederick - Resident

Please see more Resident’s Experiences on page 4
President’s Notes from page 1

the management partner in this project to oversee the distribution of

finances and to submit appropriate accounts to the donors. Thank you,
Johnson & Johnson.

CFLI, Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, gave to Bel Air a significant
donation which has been used to replace the post-Ivan malfunctioning
freezers, washing machines etc. as well as the directional signs that
traveled west north west with Ivan. Thank you, CFLI.

So, as so often in the past, we are in the fortunate position of being able

Manager’s Matters from page 1

With two new feet and a big smile
(See Manager’s Matters on Page 1)
Bel Air Newsletter Page 3

Picture Gallery

The New Roof The Nursery Wall Site of the New Fire Escape

The lady in the middle of the children is a

volunteer, Mrs. Anne Meinema from Canada.
She was really good with the kids, they love

Her husband, Jake, was working here for a

couple months and she came to us a couple
days a week.

With her in the picture are Anaisa; Anica;

Antanja; Brittany; Camella; Clinton; George;
Jason; Joel; John; Josh; Kisha; Orian; Ralan;
Rayon; Saran; Scottie; Shakeem; Shakera;
Shanie; Shennel; Tamica; Tania; Tevin; Tori
Ann; Wendy Ann; Yarkidah;

To Serve
By Barbara Regis - Adolescents Development Project Worker
For me to serve makes life worthwhile, “We went outside in the
When we care for each little child. yard played for some time
The love, the warmth, is what they need, then came inside and
To help them in life to succeed. played musical chairs after
which we had a lovely
You see, to be a staff in Bel-Air,
A mixed experience to share. dinner. It was great.”
You may not know just how to start,
But you'll get through with a loving heart.
From Resident’s Experiences
Page 4 Bel Air Newsletter

Resident’s Experiences from page 2

It all started one sunny day on Thursday 26th May after
I visited the Royal Navy ship, HMS Liverpool in the month of our sleep over party. It was our big day for sports. On
April. We had a tour around the ship and saw the defense our way to Gouyave we dropped some children in Grand
weapons, the Lynx Helicopter, the operations room and the Anse Valley. When we got there the people in charge was
command and control room. There were 28 crew members on still organizing so we went to sit in the pavilion. We
board. We met the Captain and also the Chef. It is a big ship, waited until two minutes were up, then the people in
we had fun. We also had ice cream, chicken, chips and snacks. charge called us to pray and say National Anthem. After
the Anthem we took part in different events e.g. thread
We also went on a Child Abuse March during the month of the needle, apple in a bucket, sack race etc. My three
April. We marched from Tanteen to the Melville Street Fish friends and I were winners.
Market. There were children from many different schools,
churches and other organizations. We had lots of eats and By: Markidah Mason - Residents

By: Anaisa Phillip - Resident I went to the sports in Gouyave. I was put in red house
and ran a lot, I also did apple in a bucket and ran in the
boy's race. After the races we had lunch then did some
During the Easter break all of the adolescent girls and the skipping. I had a lot of fun.
nursery children went to the movies. The adolescents saw the
movie "Son of the Mask" and the nursery children saw "Winnie By: Tania Simon - Resident
the Pooh". We ate popcorn and drank juice before the movies
started. After the movies we came home changed our clothes
and went out in the yard and played baseball. We had lots of It was a Wednesday afternoon my friends came over to
fun then had a very good supper afterwards. have a sleepover. They arrived at 6.30 p.m. It started at
7.30 p.m. and ended at 9.00 p.m. That night we had a
By: Sarana Bernard - Resident lot of fun and games and a lot to eat and drink. We then
went upstairs, brushed our teeth, changed our clothes
and came back downstairs and watched a movie, "Are we
On Wednesday 25th May we had a sleepover for some of our there yet". While we were watching the movie we got
friends from school. I showed my friend around the building, popcorn and ice cream. When the movie was finished we
and then introduced her to the senior staff on duty. We went did devotion and we all went to bed. It was my first
outside in the yard played for some time then came inside and sleepover and I enjoyed it.
played musical chairs after which we had a lovely dinner. It
was great. By: Shakeira Davidson - Resident

By: Wendy-Ann - Resident

1. What year was Bel Air built?
2. Who wrote the Bel Air pledge?
3. Where in St. George's is Bel Air located? B - Best home in Grenada.
4. How many children were there in the 1st year? E - Everyone is happy here.
5. Who is Bel Air run by? L - Loving staff.

Answers A - we Appreciate donors, parents and friends.

1. 1998. I - we Interact well with each other.
2. Residents. R - Respect is our watch word.
3. Calliste.
4. 54. By: Anika Phillip & Melissa Joseph
5. A Board of Directors. Residents

B e l A i r C hi l d r e n ’s H o m e , C a l l i s t e , G r e n a n d a , We s t I n d i e s w w w. s p i c ei s l e . c o m / b e l a i r h o m e
b e l a i r h o m e @ c a r i b s u r f . c o m Ph o n e 1 - ( 4 7 3 ) 4 4 4 - 5 1 0 0 ; F a x 1 - ( 4 7 3 ) 4 4 4 - 5 2 2 0

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