Importance of Tree Plantation

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National Importance of Tree Plantation

Introduction: Without oxygen we cannot live for a moment even. Without oxygen, the animal world will die away. Trees make the oxygen and spreads it in the air. While inhaling air we take the oxygen with it into our bodies and live in life. Carbon dioxide makes our atmosphere or rather our environment poisonous for us. Trees consume this carbon dioxide and thereby makes our environment safe for us. Trees also give us many other benefits. We get fruit and flowers from the trees. Trees provide us with fuel and timbers. In summer, they bear the scorching rays of the sun and give us cool shade under them. Trees in our forests draw the rain from the clouds floating in the sky. Trees in our forests check the quick flow of rain-water and thereby check the occurrence of high flood in our rivers. On the other hand, this slow process of water-flow gives us good water all throughout the year through streams and streamlets with their sweet melodious music. Trees conserve our soil. This soil-conservation is very important for our corn-fields. Trees make own land fertile by their fallen leaves. By their fallen leaves they make new soil for us. Most of the forest-products are the products from the trees in the forests, absentee of trees will cause a lot of harm to us and to our life. So the number of trees should be multiplied by the tree-plantation by us. We should plant trees near our houses and near our villages for a forestation with a view to raising new forests. We should plant trees on the two sides of the roads and paths and on the four sides of our corn-fields. We should plant trees on all the vacant places in our village on towns where we live, and we should advise all to do so. National Importance of Tree Plantation. Humanity has always exploited the benevolence of nature. For self-gain, they have been milching natural resources be it minerals, be it oil, they have gone to the limit where the world is now apprehensive about the quality and quantity of resources to be inherited by future generations. The extremely negligent manner of using appliances and the energy used, have left our atmosphere totally polluted. Trees are a gift of nature which naturally recycles the air we exhale, absorbing Carbon Dioxide and releasing fresh Oxygen. The importance of forests cannot be belittled ever. They help in preserving our soil from erosion, attract water-laden clouds for rain, provide valuable timber and are responsible for retention of Subterranean

water. In days of yore the importance of shady trees and forests was taken seriously. They provided shade to weary travelers and small plants together with being an invaluable source of nitrogenous manure. This deserves equal recognition today. The hillsides and valleys were full of thick forests, earlier, which have been literally denuded today. The result is constant landslides creating problems for road transport. This affects the water absorption too and rain water just flows away and goes a waste. The awareness of locals resulted in the Bahuguna led Chipko movement in Uttar Kashi. A movement for which they deserve kudos. A similar movement Aapiko was launched in Kanara, Karnataka but these isolated efforts have made o perceptible difference. Our government and bureaucracy continue to slumber whilst corrupt contractors and even state agencies continue to denude forests. Our law enforcement is lax when it comes to earning illegal money by destroying the protectors of our environment. We hear of policies and drives of tree plantation but all these are just for the day and a good ploy to get media attention. Instead of this single inning drama, this should be a continual process as demonstrated by the literate and conscientious people of Kerala. They had decided to plant trees in the memory of their dead. What greater honor to the departed soul than a strong upright tree providing fruits, fresh air and shade. Their efforts initiated in the Nineties have continued to improve the ecology. The result of indiscriminate felling of trees has been a total change in the laws of nature too, with rise in temperature, lower ground water level and lesser, irregular seasonal rainfaill. Examples of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarachal, Himachal Pradesh specially the Doon Valley and Shimla come to the mind. Soils are being washed away and the mountain ecology devastated. Similar is the state of Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra, Mahendgragiri in the sourth and the Bengal-Bihar-Orissa belt. The latter areas have several reasons at its core, including mining, both state and illegal, and for tourism. Thousands have been displaced due to forest land going under water due to construction of huge hydro-electric projects. This together with huge dams constructed for water control has laid waste thousands of square kilometers of valuable forests. Hillsides are laid waste of tress in the name of tea plantation and forest lands claimed by the burgeoning population, all this while government agencies look on as impassive spectators. The felling of trees by the organized mafia is another headache. They have laid private roads for easy access to logging and removal of precious timber and the forest department officials who are paid handsomely, to preserve the ecology are not even aware of this illegal felling nor the kilometers of road laid. This was brought to the notice by the print media and television coverage.

The huge dams, that have already submerged thousands of acres, have necessitated shifting of mass population, residents of the peripheral areas. This necessity has further resulted in thousands of acres of forest land, further, cleared of trees for their resettlement. These are only for their residence. One can imagine the future consequences because these are persons who owe their livelihood to cattle and farming. They will naturally, illegally graze their cattle in the surrounding forest area and further denude forests to create clearings for their safety from the wild animals of the forest. The reduction in size of the surrounding forest area will create an imbalance in the wildlife population who due to this will be forced to attack human settlements for food. The North Eastern Areas of the country which have seen settlements and tree plantation, after clearing forests are already bearing the brunt. Due to this shrinking of their inhabited area, the wild animals find food scarce and attack human settlements. Our army has further aggravated the woes of forest denudation. They have created their cantonments by clearing forests and felling trees. Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland have seen a definite rise in terrorist activities from across the border with the result that permanent army installations needed to be established with the consequence being faced by forestry. Catastrophic landslides have been the bane of Uttaranchal and Garhwal. The trees were the main grippers of loose soil on the hillsides and the felling of this benevolence of nature indiscriminately due to commercial value and road construction, have left the soil loose together with the rocks. Heavy showers act in further loosening this up with the result that soil and rock mass tumbled blocking roads and even rivers. Some of the worst landslides in the areas are the Dhauliganga landslide in 1956, Rishi Ganga in 1967, Patal Ganga in 1970, the river Bhagirathi blockades of 1978 and 1992 and the Madhyameshwar landslide of 1998. The rock masses tumbled into the rivers creating huge blockades resulting invariably in a lake behind the dammed river. Either the impounded water overflowed the dam or the loose barrier gave a way. The net result was flash floods, and heavy destruction of life and property, downstream. The Bhagirathi blockade of 1978 saw a 30 meter dam formed which later breached and caused major flash floods. The 1992 blockade saw the Uttar KashiGangotri road severely damaged and closed to traffic for nearly a month. This is quite a regular phenomenon and needs to be studied for permanent solutions so that sustainable development of the mountain terrain and hill slopes result. A useful exercise would be to train local villagers into the benefits of ecology and planting trees. Of course, just plantation will not do and regular grooming needed. The tribals of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa have the forestry as their lifeline and their cooperation in keeping a vigil on indiscriminate destruction of trees could be helpful. They should be

provided incentives to maintain the forest cover. Unfortunately, they are being forced to seek refuge elsewhere in areas of Palamau and Gumla districts of Bihar. These tribals numbering about 50000 are being forced to resettle elsewhere to make way for a firing range, for the army. The ultimate bottomline is that we need trees for healthier lives and to remain alive. They are of primary importance- heredity to be guarded and treated of National Importance.

Importance of tree plantation in maintaining ecological balance

Afforestation or planting of tress is of vital importance. It helps in maintaining the right balance in environment and nature not to mention our ecosystem or ecological balance..The following is a first hand experience of this very importance of planting trees , narra ted by a Tibetan who has migrated to India and lives in settlement zones. I have remarked on several occasions about the importance of tree planting both in India, our current home, and in Tibet as well. Today, as a symbolic gesture we are having a tree planting ceremony here in the settlement. Fortunately, the movement towards a deeper commitment to environmental protection through planting new trees and taking care of the existing ones, is rapidly increasing all over the world. At the global level, trees and forests are closely linked with weather patterns and also the maintenance of a crucial balance in nature. Hence, the 'task of environment protection is a universal responsibility of all of us. I think that is extremely important for the Tibetans livin g in the settlements to not only take a keen interest in the cause of environmental protection, but also to implement this ideal in action by planting new trees. In this way, we will be making an important gesture to the world in demonstrating our global c oncern and at the same time making our own little but significant, contribution to the cause. If we look around, we can now see that those houses in the monasteries and in various camps where people have planted fruit trees, now enjoy great benefit as a consequence of their action. First of all, if there is a tree in your courtyard it creates around it an atmosphere of natural beauty and serenity. It is also obvious that you can eat the fruits from the tree, sit under it and enjoy the cool shade. What was required on your part was a little patience to allow some time for the tree to grow up. Finally, I would like to make a suggestion regarding the use of your farmland

in the settlement. In this settlement you have already initiated a project of planting fruit trees on farmlands. I think it is a very good plan. By planting fruit trees on your land we can not only ensure that the farmland remains productive, but also you will have fruits to eat. In short, I would like to again emphasize that it is extremely important to plant new trees and protect the ones already growing around you.

ICPS agenda has a priority to make India green and clean and also as environment is a global concern right now so we want that people in India get educated about the environment problems around the world. We encourage people to do tree plantation in their respective areas in different states of India. Moreover tree plantation is the cheapest and simple way to make our environment clean and greener. Fundamentally, a plantation is usually a large farm or estate, especially in a tropical or semitropical country, on which cotton, tobacco, coffee, sugar cane, or trees and the like are cultivated, usually by resident laborers. A plantation is an intentional planting of a crop, on a larger scale, usually for uses other than cereal production or pasture. The term is currently most often used for plantings of trees and shrubs. The term tends also to be used for plantings maintained on economic bases other than that of subsistence farming. The importance of trees in purifying the air, as natural resources, maintaining the ecological balance, preventing soil erosion, as medicines, habitats for faunal species, providing nutrients to the soil etc. is well known. The present forest and tree cover in the country according to the State of Forest Report 2001 of the Forest Survey of India is 23.03 per cent. According to the National Forest Policy, the country is required to achieve a forest cover target of 25 per cent by 2007 and 33 per cent cover by 2012. Again, against the National Forest Policy requirement of 33 per cent forest cover in every State, Delhis figure is 10.2 per cent. The involvement of people particularly at the grassroots level and agencies outside the Government is crucial for achieving these targets. Development Alternatives through its CLEAN-India program has long been involved in plantation activities across the country. The Delhi Unit of CLEAN-India Program organized a Tree plantation drive in Delhi in August-October 2004. The drive was conducted in collaboration with the Dept. of Environment, Government of NCT Delhi and agencies like the Forest Depts., NDMC, MCD & CPWD. About 300 students from CLEAN-Delhi partner schools participated in the drive that saw the plantation of over 1500 trees in various localities of Delhi. Crops may be called plantation crops because of their association with a specific type of farming economy. Most of these involve a large landowner, raising crops with economic value rather than for subsistence, with a number of employees carrying out the work. Often it referred to crops newly introduced to a region. In past times it has been associated with slavery, indentured labour, and other economic models of high

inequity. However, arable and dairy farming are both usually (but not always) excluded from such definitions. A comparable economic structure in antiquity was the latifundia that produced commercial quantities of olive oil or wine, for export. Probably the single most important factor a plantation has on the local environment is the site where the plantation is established. If natural forest is cleared for a planted forest then a reduction in biodiversity and loss of habitat will likely result. In some cases, their establishment may involve draining wetlands to replace mixed hardwoods that formerly predominated, with pine species.If a plantation is established on abandoned agricultural land, or highly degraded land, it can result in an increase in both habitat and biodiversity. A planted forest can be profitably established on lands that will not support agriculture or suffer from lack of natural regeneration.The tree species used in a plantation is also an important factor. Where non-native varieties or species are grown, few of the native fauna are adapted to exploit these and further biodiversity loss occurs. However, even non-native tree species may serve as corridors for wildlife and act as a buffer for native forest, reducing edge effect. Once a plantation is established, how it is managed becomes the important environmental factor. The single most important factor of management is the rotation period. Plantations harvested on longer rotation periods (30 years or more) can provide similar benefits to a naturally regenerated forest managed for wood production, on a similar rotation. This is especially true if native species are used. In the case of exotic species, the habitat can be improved significantly if the impact is mitigated by measures such as leaving blocks of native species in the plantation, or retaining corridors of natural forest. In Brazil, similar measures are required by government regulations. Thus, mere planting of trees will not help. Proper care has to be taken of the saplings planted. Following points should be noted while doing tree plantations, anywhere in the country.1. As far as possible, native trees should be planted. Trees like Eucalyptus, Australian Acacia, Lantana, Lucena, Mast tree (False Ashoka) should be avoided. 2. Tree guards should be provided for roadside plantations. 3. Saplings should be watered regularly during times of a dry spell. 4. Well-drained deep sandy loams are best suited for plant growth. 5. Soil or plantation area should be free of construction waste, debris etc. 6. Compost manure should be applied during plantation and during the initial growth phase of the plants. Fertilizers should not be added. 7.Schools and colleges should adopt one child one plant scheme, where the responsibility of growing the plant lies with the student. This will be a learning experience for the student as well.

Selection of trees for plantation: We should make good selection of trees to be planted, in consideration of the nature of land and the kind of climate. Cocoanut trees grow well in the sea-coasts. Plantain trees grow well near the ponds. We should know which place is fit for which tree. To know this we should get our soil tested by the experts and plant the kinds of trees accordingly. Collection of plants to be planted should be made from the Government nurseries in consultation with the experts there. Time for tree-plantation: Generally, rainy season is the best time for tree-plantation. Most of the tree-plants thrive well in rainy season. Still then, we should seek advice from the Government agricultural experts about the appropriate time for the plantation of a particular kind of tree. After-care: Only planting the trees is not enough. Because, planted trees may be destroyed by animals or otherwise, or may die for regular service of water. So we should be particular about the after-care of the planted trees. We should be very careful about the newly-planted trees.

Importance of Trees in our Life

Trees are very essential to our environment. They provide us many things which are useful for our daily lives. Essential component The most essential and major component provided by the trees is Oxygen. The trees utilize the Carbon dioxide released by us and in turn they provide us Oxygen which keeps us lively, healthy and active. Edible products We get all the minerals and vitamins needed for our proper health and growth from the fruits and other plant products like vegetables, cereals, grains, grams etc. Around the world every one is opting for the vegetarian diet as it provides a wholesome and balanced diet. The balanced diet keeps the people healthy and prevents many diseases.

Environment friendly The roots of the trees hold the soil firmly and prevent soil erosion. This leads to the increase in the ground water level and the continuity of water cycle gets balanced resulting in good rains. Ultimately trees prevent the drought and provide greenery to the environment. Apart from taking care of the soil and water, the trees provide shelter to many animals and birds in the forests which ultimately help in the ecological balance of the nature. Having more number of trees around will reduce the hazardous effects of global warming. Other uses We are taking the trees for granted and felling them mercilessly. This will lead to a treeless environment which can not be even imagined. But the woods from cut trees also help us to make beautiful furniture and other things required for the house. The wood is used as a fuel even now in many rural areas. The trees provide us shade and the breeze will be so cool in the places where there are number trees. Many people who suffer from chronicle ailments are said to feel better when they were put in a beautiful tree surrounded areas. We must remember that the trees are very essential and we must start growing more trees in our surroundings for the sake of next generation to give them a beautiful and healthy environment. We should keep in mind that the deforestation will lead to the extinction of many animals.

Tree plantation needs for the world

Since the dawn of civilization man has a close relation with nature. Man has made friendship with the trees. They are our friends. Trees play an important role in our life and economy. Bangladesh is a lower riparian country. Upper levels are the best suitable places to plant trees. Sea beaches and low lying unused lands van be used for tree plantation. There are many roads and highways in our country. We can plant on the both sides of these roads and highways. Again in the villages there are many proper places which can be used for tree plantation. The sides and areas that are lying unused can be used, too. June and July are the best time for tree plantation. Tree plantation programme should be extended to the remote corner of the country. Attempt should be made to make the illiterate aware of the importance of the trees.

Trees are our best friends. They are a great source of food and vitamins. As a result people can keep their body fit and sound by taking fruits. Again we export fruits to many other countries and earn a lot of foreign exchanges. Trees are our constant companions in our day to day life. We use them for various purpose. We can not think of our homes, houses, residences etc. without trees. Trees bear a great impact on the climate. If we destroy trees at random, one day the country will turn in to a great desert. Again there will be no rain and as a results our will face a great crises because ours is an agricultural country and our economy is dependent on agriculture. Again our agriculture is dependent on rain. So trees play an important role in our climate. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us from flood and many many other natural calamities. It is needless to speak of the importance of trees. It is not possible to describe the importance and uses of trees in words. They are part and parcel in our day to day life. We cannot think of our existence without them. Rabindronath says :Back the forest, take your town. Our government has also launched a massive and ambitious programme regarding tree plantation. We should not use and destroy trees at random. Rather we should plant trees more and more for a better , happier and healthier life.

The Importance of Tree Planting

Trees have always played an important part in people's lives, from providing shade and maintaining the beauty of the place to fruits and flowers that attract fauna! Whenever you are around trees you feel a sense of peace and calm and more importantly, protection. If you are concerned about saving the planet, then tree planting is what you should be considering on top priority. Making the most of a spacious yard around your home for planning fruiting and flowering trees, helps the property to look attractive and pricey. In spacious gardens, woody plants enhance the look when supported in visual appeal by shrubs, shorter flowering plants and bushes. For any landscape, an essential part of planning is the choice of trees. Planting the right kind of trees in the garden is pivotal. By following a few suggestions it is possible to narrow down on the right tree types to invest in. Shape and size is very important while selecting a half or full-grown tree. Many of the trees become a permanent part of your garden and heirlooms. Big trees cannot be transported easily, so make sure you plant them at the right place in the beginning itself. Check on and plan the drainage system in the yard when the landscaping endeavor is being executed. The type of soil and selection of the right kind of trees is very essential to get the best out of the outdoor space around the home. Undesirable results cause a loss to time, money and effort when the trees are planted in an improper way. To ensure that your plants enjoy a healthy life, space them well in the outdoor space around the home so that they get sufficient sunlight. In time, proper

spacing will give you, your family as well as your guests enough shade. After a period of years, when the trees grow to their full size and branch out, trimming on regular basis is necessary. Value of your property increases with a well-maintained garden, developed with exotic trees. There are a number of real-time and online resources you can tap for assistance to source the best trees. You can shop for them online and have them delivered and even re-planted in your garden area. Planned tree planting is the key to a healthy garden. Though plants and trees grow on their own, they do need a lot of care and concern initially. Mulching, fertilizing, pruning, trimming, etc. help in enhancing aesthetic value, and in turn the overall look and functionality of the garden. If you look after trees well, the future generations too get to enjoy the beauty of the flowering and fruit bearing natural wonders. Plants and trees do get affected by harsh environmental factors, so make sure you take care of them according to the impacting factors identified. Trees play a very important role in the garden landscape. Shop wisely and only after you have done your homework on the factors that will impact their growth, in your region on the planet. Conclusion: Trees should be regularly planted to save the mankind and the animal world. Tree plantation and its after-care is a pleasing work too. We can get much pleasure in planting trees and in taking care of them. Students should plant trees in their schoolcompounds and in the front-yards, backyards and side-yards of their schools and near their own houses and in other places wherever possible. They should explain to their neighbours the goodness of tree-plantation and encourage them to plant and care new trees.

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