Beatles Not For Sale - by Belmo (Part 1)

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The Beatles' Musical Legacy As Archived On Unauthorized Recordings

By Belmo
THE HOT WACKS PRESS PO Box 544, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 5R1, CANADA Fax 519 376 9449 E-Mail Web-Page THE BEATLES NOT FOR SALE 1997 The Beatles' Musical Legacy As Archived On Unauthorized Recordings By Belmo is a copyright 1997 protected publication of ROBERT W. WALKER and THE HOT WACKS PRESS PO Box 544, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 5R1, CANADA Fax 519 376 9449 E-Mail Web-Page and SCOTT 'BELMO' BELMER and BELMO PUBLISHING PO Box 17163, Ft. Mitchell, KY, 41017 USA Cover design by Jim Blake, Precision Studios, Owen Sound, ON, Canada PRINTED IN CANADA by WEBCOM the printer of HOT WACKS books for over 10 years. ISBN 9698080-9-7 All rights reserved. Copyright 1997. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic, digital or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.



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One afternoon during the early 1980s, I wandered into one of the used record stores I eventually came to haunt on a regular basis, and began my customary browse through the Beatles bin. I was confused, but pleasantly surprised, upon discovering an album called BEATLES BROADCASTS, which sported an attractive cover with an embossed color photo of the Fab Four. I was puzzled by the album's track listing, which included such unfamiliar song titles as Clarabella, Soldier Of Love, Lend Me Your Comb, and Hippy Hippy Shake. I was even more baffled by another album in the bin, which seemed at first a black parody of the celebrated WHITE ALBUM, right down to the Beatles' name stamped on the cover. The track listing inside the ebony gatefold was even more exotic than the one on BEATLES BROADCASTS, containing song titles like Tennessee, Commonwealth, and Hi Ho Silver. Only later would I realize that these were not authorized Beatles releases, but underground bootleg records that contained material otherwise unavailable to fans of the Liverpudlians. BEATLES BROADCASTS featured songs that the group had recorded exclusively for BBC Radio programs, while the gatefold I had opened proved to be the entrance to THE BLACK ALBUM, a collection of outtakes recorded during the January 1969 filming of LET IT BE. During the years that followed those initial discoveries, hundreds of new Beatles bootleg records and CDs would appear, affording listeners a chance to hear dozens of live Beatles concert performances, radio and television appearances, and studio outtakes that were never officially released. While the sound quality on many early discs were often dicey, many later releases featured astonishingly good sonics, including improved reissues of earlier material. Underground sound took a giant leap forward with the advent of the compact disc, a format that bootleggers were quick to co-opt. Bootlegs presented a less-varnished Beatles portrait in sound than the group's official releases could. Here were hours of studio trial-and-error, including conversations among the Beatles, that provided firsthand insight into the creation of the most influential music of the 1960s. Other bootlegs captured the hysteria and unpolished performances that characterized most of the group's Beatlemania-era concerts, or the jocular fun they enjoyed on BBC Radio in their early years. The Beatles themselves took a dim view of this illicit use of their material, which afforded them no control over the releases or income from their sale. They steadfastly insisted that the material was below Fab standards for public release, and had thus remained in the can. After fighting the bootleggers for decades, with virtually no success, the Fabs finally gave in and released three ANTHOLOGY albums filled with the very recordings they had previously found unfit for human consumption. ANTHOLOGY'S release was an acknowledgement of public interest in recorded Beatles 'rough drafts', a point brought home when each of the three albums reached number one on Billboard's album chart, all within a twelve-month period. More than a quartercentury after their breakup, the Beatles became the first recording artists in history to accomplish that feat, and they did it with the kind of material that bootleggers had been marketing for decades, over their objections. As both the scope and quality of bootleg material escalated, Beatles collectors found it increasingly difficult to keep up with it all. It was not always clear where the recorded material had come from since bootleggers often misrepresented dates and sources. Collectors were sometimes lured into purchasing material that had simply been recycled from earlier releases, and some bootleggers were not above pawning off non-Beatles recordings as the genuine article. It wasn't long before books and newsletters devoted to this forbidden fruit began to spring up. Among the few that provided both useful information and an entertaining format was Belmo's Beatleg News, a fanzine that offered reviews and descriptions of new bootlegs, amusing observations on the bootleg

scene, inside intelligence on new underground discoveries, and clever original art work. Unlike its competitors, Belmo's Beatleg News refused to take itself too seriously, and it never lost sight of the need to preserve the joy and fun that had originally kindled interest in these recordings. Thus, it seems both logical and inevitable that this comprehensive Beatles bootleg reference should be produced by Belmo himself. As his avid readers would expect, the volume is an extensive compilation of Beatles underground titles, including recordings made during their solo years, an era often ignored by Beatles scholars and discographers. In describing more than 1,000 Beatles bootlegs, it provides valuable additional guidance to collectors by distinguishing worthwhile from disposable discs. In short, it is the reference that most long-time Beatles collectors have wished for, and it is indispensable to newcomers lured into those forbidden Beatles record bins. It is certain to become one of the most dogeared, frequently-thumbed volumes on Beatles bookshelves everywhere. *Allen J. Wiener is the author of The Beatles: The Ultimate Recording Guide . He has written on a variety of topics for The Washington Post, People, American History, Musician, Goldmine , and other publications. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank the following people who have helped to make this book possible (either directly or indirectly) through their moral support, suggestions and invaluable information: Terri Gauck Belmer, Allen J. Wiener, Jim Berkenstadt, Jeff Jerdon, John Dougherty, Ted Greenwald, Mike Hockinson, Pete Howard, John Waters, Warren Melnick, Joe Pope, Jeffrey Ressner, Randy Short, Andy Wallace, L.R.E. King,The Biedenbenders, Lori Hartzler, Brian Davis, Robin Imaging Services, Doug Sulpy, Steve Loveless, Massimo Meregalli, Renato Facconi, Tom Jones, Nick Kocz, Woody Jones, Michael Papelian, Masato Nogami, Harald Gernhardt, Ian Gumming, Garry Marsh, Robert Ballard, Gary Read, Arno Guzek, Randy Hall,Yvon Marie, Roger McGuinn, Stan Hertzmann, Evelyn Schwarz, Garry Marsh, Michelle Pate & Ken Smith, Terry Toner, Ken Kessler, Ian Drummond, Andy Davis, Mark Lewisohn, Frank Badenius, Cheryl Winslow, Matt Hurwitz, Guy Ridley, Mr. Tripnip, Charles Reinhart, Michael Solof, Metro Fritz, Michael Jasinski, Mark Sokolski, Mike Seller, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Bear, Molly Rubin, Adrian Belew, Eric Gregnoli, Russ & Denice, Ed Wood, Bilbo & Frodo (the Hobbits), Mr. Spock, Data, Stevie Nicks, Phil's Records, Steve Miller, Billy Peterson, the guys from Liverpool, Stan, Gary at FOX-FM, 'Breakfast With The Beatles' gals, Keith, Howie, Mary Jane, Bettie Page, Betty Boop, Bob Adamonis, Bill Nienaber, Janet Wilson, Tessla Rhu, Tom Conner, Fred Schumacher, Rick Wollman, Deborah Kiech, Bill Hall, Dave Allen, Yellow Dog Records, Swingin' Pig, Mr. Vigo, Great Dane, George Martin, The Beatles, The Monkees, Dr. Pepper, Dr. Demento, Little Debbies, Cosmo, Fred, Mickey Kat and anyone else I inadvertently forgot. Thanks. I love you! And a super BIG THANKS to Scott 'Dog' Dailey for the terrific artwork he sketched for Belmo's Beatleg News 10 those many years! You are magnifique! SPECIAL THANKS My very special thanks to my friend Bob Walker of The Hot Wacks Press for all his support, ideas and the immense database which made the preparation of this book a great deal easier. Without Bob's Beatles information I would probably be working until the next millennium to compile all the data found in Not For Sale. If the readers of this book are not familiar with Bob's Hot Wacks books, then I would highly recommend you search them out because the information on bootlegs (by hundreds of rock artists) compiled within their pages is invaluable.


This book is dedicated to my wife, Terri - the love of my life.

INTRODUCTION By Belmo You were standing at the station with a bootleg in your hand...* Bootlegs have been given a bum rap. For over twenty years the media and members of 'official' Beatledom have castigated bootlegs and those who manufacture and sell these underground records. These people (who should know better and probably do) have done everything in their power to make 'bootleg' a dirty word. I am here to tell you different. Because if you love Beatles music, then you cannot help but love the music on Beatles bootlegs (well, most of it anyway). Sure, I know bootlegs are illegal to manufacture and sell. I know the pros and cons of bootlegging can be argued for hours. And I understand why the artists and their record labels are opposed to bootlegs of their music. As an artist myself I can even sympathize with them. However, as a collector I see a tremendous value in bootlegs. The most obvious value is the preservation of musical artifacts for collectors and historians for this and future generations. I openly thank the bootleggers for saving the hundreds of hours of music (and thousands of songs) which would have been lost otherwise. This historically important music can now be studied and enjoyed for many years to come. Additionally, it is my belief that had it not been for the popularity of 'Beatlegs', The Beatles would not have released the BBC and ANTHOLOGY series in the 1990s. This is true for many other artists and record labels as well, and is evidenced by the proliferation of boxed sets filled with 'rarities' and of the reissued albums complete with 'bonus tracks'. Heck, Frank Zappa even reproduced actual bootlegs right down to the artwork in his series of releases called BEAT THE BOOTS. In recent years, new laws in Europe, the United States, the Far East, Canada and Australia have forced bootleg manufacturers even further underground. Distributors and retailers have been the victims of crackdowns, shakedowns and arrests. Still, the flow of bootlegs continue and probably always will. Why? Because music fans and collectors demand them. And until the record companies and their artists give the buying public what they want, bootlegging will exist at some level. There was a time not so very long ago when bootlegs and traders' tapes were in the possession of only a few persistent collectors and hard core fans. That era encompassed the years of the late Sixties and into the late Seventies. But in the early Eighties something extraordinary occurred when amazing outtakes started popping up on finely produced vinyl records (such as the NEMS Records series) and later on compact discs (ULTRA RARE series from Swingin' Pig). This time is now referred to as "The Golden Age of Bootlegs." This period culminated in the mid-Nineties when The Beatles released the six compact discs in their highly successful ANTHOLOGY series of 'official' outtakes, demos and live tracks. Millions of fans who had previously been ignorant of the existence of bootlegs or who had believed all that misinformation about the supposed 'nas-tiness' of bootlegs had suddenly come around to the pleasures of Beatles outtakes. Bootlegging The Beatles had come full circle. I fear that most of the significant and available (in the hands of private individuals) Beatles unreleased music has been bootlegged. By 1997 the Beatlegs being produced were mostly of previously released music and (with a few notable exceptions) offered little in the way of new music. Unhappily, the

bootleggers had reverted to their old methods of reissuing material with new titles and packaging. However, solo outtakes and concert material were still coming to light but at a snail's pace. Since the beginning of 1970 when I purchased my first Beatles bootleg (KUM BACK), I have acquired an additional 900 Beatlegs at an investment of nearly $15,000. In the years since there have been well over 1800 group and 600 solo titles released to a ravenous public hungry for new Beatles music. Certainly there is no way a collector can hope to collect all those titles - and there is really no reason you'd want them all. Much of the music is repeated on discs and sometimes the sound quality on many of the records is just plain awful. In 1987 I first began publishing my Beatles bootleg newsletter which I called Belmo's Beatleg News. It's purpose was to make sense of the new 'Beatleg' releases which had begun to pop up at an ever increasing rate. Hot Wacks bootleg discographies (see page 438 in book) also tried to decipher bootleg releases of nearly all the major rock artists. It was a daunting task. L.R.E. King authored two Beatles bootleg discography books (Do You Want To Know A Secret? and Fixing A Hole) in the late 1980s and Charles Reinhart wrote You Can't Do That in the early 1980s. All three books are good but have since become outdated. And in 1995 Jim Berkenstadt and I coauthored Black Market Beatles - a history of bootlegging and an in depth look at Beatles bootlegs (see page 437 in book). And while that book touched upon some of the major Beatlegs, detailed analysis was left for the book you are now holding in your hands. The purpose of this book is to fill the gaps left by those books and others like them. Should you attempt to locate the bootlegs reviewed herein, you may find it difficult as production runs were generally limited to a few hundred per title or to maybe several thousand copies of the more successful titles. Also, I cannot tell you where to find bootlegs. This book is a discography - not a catalog. I neither manufacture nor sell bootlegs. So please do not ask. I am aware that when writing a book of this magnitude errors and omissions may sometime occur, so feel free to write me with corrections and additions (include documentation!) so that I can correct the mistakes before the next printing. Thanks and keep on Beading! *HI HI HI (Paul McCartney) DISCOGRAPHY: AN EXPLANATION Not For Sale has been divided into categories and chronologically (where possible) to make it easier to access the information. For instance, if you want to look up The Beatles' 1965 Paris performances, you need only go to TOUR YEARS: PARIS 1965 to find the bootlegs relating to those performances. In the sections where a chronology is not feasible (such as COLLECTIONS, DEMOS & ODDITIES), I have arranged the titles alphabetically or in sub-categories. In some cases there is crossover of titles for which I could find no way around, so you will find a few titles listed more than once. It is not uncommon for a bootleg to have one side BBC songs and the other GET BACK sessions. There are no rules when it comes to compiling a bootleg. A number of past bootleg discography books arranged the titles just alphabetically. While that makes it easy to find the bootlegs when you know their names, it serves little purpose when you need to locate comparable subject matter (such as ABBEYROAD outtakes). So I have followed my own sense of logic as to how the discography should be organized. It seems to work. If it doesn't work for you, just remember the words of that great philosopher as preserved forever on Melvin's BEATLES VS DON HO: "If we haven't done everything we could have done, we tried".

Not For Sale is arranged in the following manner:


THE EARLY YEARS: This chapter focuses on the releases relating to and including the recordings of the Quarry Men, The Beatles with Pete Best, Cavern Club material, Tony Sheridan sessions, The Star Club and the Decca Audition Tapes. The bootlegs of this period illustrate how The Beatles grew and evolved and eventually found their own sound which became the worldwide phenomenon known as Beatlemania. RADIO SHOWS: The most famous and possibly most bootlegged performances by The Beatles originate with the Fab Four's appearances on the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) in the early 1960's. Perhaps more than any of their live performances, these radio shows capture the excitement of Beatlemania (without the screaming fans!) as our heroes sing and perform rare rock and roll tunes as well as Beatles originals. Happily, the sound quality of the surviving tapes are quite good and have been preserved on disc by such far-seeing labels as Great Dane and BEEB Transcription Records. TELEVISION APPEARANCES: From 1963 to 1968 The Beatles performed live and mimed on numerous television programs in England, Europe and the United States. In those days television exposure was quite important to the career of an artist and spots on television music programs were at a premium. It was The Beatles performances on the Ed Sullivan Show that brought the Fab Four to the attention of the world and led the way for the British Invasion. For the most part I have only reviewed the bootlegs that featured actual 'live' performances by The Beatles. THE TOUR YEARS: The Beatles first real city-to-city tours began in 1963 and ended at Candlestick Park in San Francisco in 1966. During that time they performed in over 100 cities and their concerts were recorded by various people using a wide range of recording devices (some of which were nowhere near soundboard quality). The Beatles' concerts typically lasted less than 30 minutes and the shows changed very little from one date to the next. Consequently, many of the live concert bootlegs are boring and unlistenable; however, there are some pleasant surprises out there. STUDIO OUTTAKES: There is nothing as exciting as 'listening in' on The Beatles while they are in the studio working on a song. Hearing the outtakes is like being a fly on the wall as The Beatles' creative process is exposed. It is thrilling and entertaining to 'be there' when lyrics are muffed or guitar lines are experimented with. And to hear the working demos and alternate mixes of songs is akin to finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is impossible to be unmoved when you hear the outtakes. GET BACK SESSIONS: For many collectors this is the most painful period in The Beatles' musical career. The seemingly endless and often uninspired rehearsals offered up very little in the way of great music. However, there would occasionally be sparks of greatness and The Beatles would actually rock. To relieve the boredom they would play old rock and roll standards or break into long jams. Sometimes they would argue among themselves or Yoko Ono would screech to John's guitar feedback. Youch! The bootlegs of this period mostly originated from the film footage shot of The Beatles at Twickenham's sound stage in London. Some of it comes from the Apple studio or the Apple rooftop. About thirty hours of this material is available and another sixty hours is rumored to be floating around in the hands of a few collectors. (Bootleggers are still threatening to release these sessions.) COLLECTIONS, DEMOS & ODDITIES: This chapter brings together the bootlegs that contain a hodge podge of material. Unlike a concert bootleg, for example, which has a set theme and location, the bootlegs in this section may have live material, studio outtakes, radio shows and spoken word all mingled together on one disc (such as STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER on NEMS) or on a multidisc set (ARTIFACTS on Big Music). Also included are those collectible 'oddities' that could only find a home in this section.

JOHN LENNON: Lennon's solo career lasted only ten years, but thanks to Yoko Ono Lennon this career extended well into the Nineties. The ground-breaking radio series, 'The Lost Lennon Tapes,' ran for more than four years on the Westwood One network from 1988 to 1992. With Yoko's blessing and her active participation in the program, listeners were treated to many rare home recordings, studio session tapes and concert material. The program had its flaws but for the most part it was a treasure trove for collectors. Bootleggers quickly pressed albums of the material and the fans eagerly bought everything that came their way. Lennon, a fan of bootlegs himself, would have been proud. PAUL McCARTNEY: It is only natural that there are more bootlegs of McCartney's music than of the other three Beatles. McCartney has played more tour dates, made more television appearances and recorded more albums than his former bandmates. When you look at the type and quantity of McCartney bootlegs ('McBeatlegs'?!), it is truly amazing that there is so much rare music that has slipped through the cracks and found its way to collectors. Concert bootlegs are one thing but studio outtakes and home demos are a totally different story. Plenty of rarities exist that will keep McCartney historians busy for years to come. GEORGE HARRISON: Not as prolific as McCartney and Lennon, Harrison was still one hell of a songwriter. George's studio outtakes and home recordings illustrate the workmanship behind his songs. Just give a listen to the outtakes from ALL THINGS MUST PASS and you'll be amazed by his skill and intuition when it comes to song writing. Harrison's 1974 concert tour was a very unpleasant experience for him (illness and bad reviews), so he avoided touring until his pal Eric Clapton convinced him to tour Japan in 1991. Consequently, Harrison concert bootlegs are naturally small in number. And although his concert presence was not as strong as Paul's or John's, his musicianship was exceptional (as many bootlegs show). RINGO STARR: Ringo may be a great drummer, but he is not a notable songwriter. This fact is evidenced by the lack of outtakes and home recordings of his music. The studio outtakes we do have are generally uninteresting and uninspired. He was always content to be a sideman to The Beatles and even after the end of that group he was often called upon by others to play drums at studio sessions and conceit gigs. He even tried his hand at acting in movies and on television (with some success). Who can forget his role as a Neanderthal in Caveman or as the train conductor on Shining Time Station! Ringo's best album was Ringo and he had a respectable number of solo hits (such as Back Off Boogaloo). He even made a bit of a comeback in the 1990's with the nicely produced Time Takes Time and several years of touring with his ALL STARR BAND. But the fact is that Ringo's career never really went very far after The Beatles and so bootleggers didn't invest much time or effort in producing underground recordings of Richard Starkey. COLLECTIONS: This section gathers together those bootlegs that feature outtakes by some or all of The Beatles from their solo years. There are titles to be found in the Group Beatles that might also be appropriate here, but which I did not list for repetition sake. Most of these collections were put together at the whim of bootleggers and generally made little sense. The exception to this was ARTIFACTS III, which collected rare solo material and arranged it chronologically. And, on occasion, a collection surprised us with a rare tidbit or two not available anywhere else. So read closely. For the bootlegs that I deem to be of major importance, collectible or of some significant interest, I have written a detailed description of the record, which includes TITLE, LABEL, MATRIX #, FORMAT, YEAR MANUFACTURED, SOURCE, SOUND QUALITY and a RATING. Additionally, I offer a brief analysis of the bootleg, historical background information, song listings, timings, packaging information, data on related titles and other tidbits, which might be useful to the collector. Minor

bootlegs are listed and include brief descriptions of their contents. Generally, I listed the song titles as the bootleggers reported them; but common sense will help the reader when determining the actual titles. If it wasn't immediately obvious, I noted it as such. For the most part the bootlegs are identified as either being on vinyl or on compact disc. If it is not clear to you, just see if there are 'sides' listing the tracks. Since a CD has only one side, then the boots with more than one side must be vinyl recordings! OK? And, of course, with over 2400 titles manufactured over the years, I had to be somewhat selective as to what should be included (or not) in this book. What are generally not covered here are common interview discs, CDR's, tapes traded by collectors, bootleg videos, official imports, and legitimate releases.

ACETATE: A one-sided disc which is heavier than commercially pressed records. Distribution is usually restricted to the artists, producers, management and publishing sectors of the industry. Oftentimes the acetate features a pre-final mix of the record and is therefore highly sought after by collectors. ALTERNATE: Refers to a different version, take, or mix of a song that is commercially released. BEATLEG: A bootleg of music by The Beatles. The word is a hybrid of 'Beatles' and 'bootleg' - the origin of which is lost somewhere in the mists of time. BOOTLEG: Bootlegs or underground recordings include unreleased material, such as demonstration and rehearsal tapes, studio outtakes and alternate takes, TV/radio performances and concerts. COUNTERFEIT: Unauthorized recordings that attempt to completely reproduce an officially released album, including the music, album artwork and label graphics. DEMO: A demonstration disc or tape used by artists, producers, music publishers and record companies for a variety of purposes. Usually consists of a rough version of a song yet to be formally recorded and produced. FORMAT: How the title was released - LP (vinyl), CD (compact disc), EP (extended play), 45, etc. LABEL: The name of the company which is printed on the label or disc - though it may not necessarily be the same company manufacturing the disc. It may say SWINGIN' PIG on the label, but the bootleggers may have used that name as a cover or as an effort to give their product legitimacy. Also, some manufacturers have subsidiary labels (PEG-BOY is a sub label of VIGOTONE). MATRIX #: This is the identifying code (usually in the form of numbers and/or letters) printed on the cover or disc by the manufacturer to identify the disc or its sequential place in a catalog. Oftentimes different bootlegs will have the same matrix numbers. MONITOR MIX: An off-line (not tape-to-tape direct) recording taped from the studio monitors during the preliminary mixing of a song. Often done when the artist needed a quick copy of a session to take home for later use. OUTFAKE: An 'outtake' created by a bootlegger(s) with the purpose of passing off a re-mixed legitimate take as an alternate take. OUTTAKE: Refers to a finished track that is usually left off of a commercial release -relegated to the studio vaults.

PIRATE DISC: Unauthorized recordings that reproduce legitimately released music, with no attempt made to reproduce the legitimate album cover artwork or labels. RATING: This is highly subjective and is determined by these requirements: 1) The HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE of the material. Is it rare? Is it collectible? Does it add to our knowledge of the Beatles? 2) SOUND QUALITY. Is it crisp, clean and free of pops and snaps? Is it distinguishable from the screams of the fans? Is it soundboard quality? 3) ENJOYABILITY. Is it a disc I would listen to a number of times? Is it fun to listen to? Is it easy to dance to? 4) PACKAGING. Does it come with accurate liner notes? Is it nicely packaged? Does it have a printed color cover or a black and white xeroxed cover? Is there a picture disc? Are there unique photos or artwork? All of these factors were taken into consideration when I rated the featured discs using the 'five star' rating system. Hence: * (One Star): Poor. Don't bother. No redeeming value. Horrid sound and poor packaging. ** (Two Stars): Fair. Just passable. Only for the serious collector. Maybe an item or two worth having. *** (Three Stars): Good. An above average bootleg which should satisfy most collectors. **** (Four Stars): Very Good. Has a lot going for it. The material is worthy and it has very nice packaging. For both the casual collector and the hardcore fan. Highly recommended. ***** (Five Stars): Excellent. It doesn't get any better than this. Superb sound quality. Excellent packaging. And the music itself is a MUST HAVE for all Beatles fans. SOURCE: Signifies if the music was from a recording studio, television or radio broadcasts, home recordings, audience concert tapes, soundboard concert tapes, monitor mixes, alternate mixes, or legitimate cover versions. I also state whether the songs are stereo or mono - though sometimes it is not always that clear cut with some of the bootlegs and so I've made a 'best guess' on those. SOUND QUALITY: From 'poor' (unlistenable), 'fair' (barely listenable), 'good' (average quality), 'very good' (above average) to 'excellent' (as good as any legitimate release). TITLE: The actual title of the bootleg as found on the front cover or the spine. 'A', 'An', and, 'The' are dropped for the purpose of alphabetizing. YEAR: The year (when known) when the title was made available to the public, NOT the year the music was recorded. You will find the date the music was recorded in the description of the material.


Abbreviations have been used in order to save space and to make Not For Sale easier to use. These are as follows: R = Recording: Ex = Excellent, Vg = Very Good, G = Good, s = stereo, m = mono. S = Source. C = Comments, Eb = European bootleg, Dec = deluxe color cover, Dbw = deluxe black & white cover, GF = gatefold, cv = commercial version. CV = colored vinyl, MCV = multi-colored vinyl, SS = song separation, LP = vinyl long-playing album (33 & 1/3 rpm), PD = picture disc, CD = compact disc, EP = extended play vinyl record or compact disc, 2LP = a number placed in front of LP, CD, etc.- indicates the release is a multi-unit set, BX = a multi-unit set packaged in a box, CASS = cassette, CDR = recordable compact disc - CD recorded using a computer. Okay. That is it for the technical side of understanding this book. Now sit yourself down in front of the stereo, put on your headphones, place your bootleg on the turntable or in the CD player, and follow along with Not For Sale as you once again discover the wild and wonderful world of BEATLEGS!


The Quarry Men / Cavern Club / Decca Audition THE BEATALS: WILDCAT! MADMAN RECORDS (13-14) 2CD 1996 Source: Home rehearsals 1960 Sound Quality: Very good mono Rating: ***** CD1: Wild Cat #1 (1:24)/ Wild Cat #2 (2:24)/ I'll Always Be In Love With You (2:19)/ You'll Be Mine (1:42)/ Matchbox (0:53)/ Some Days (1:32)/ Cayenne (2:28)/ One After 909 (1:28)/ Well, Darling (3:19)/ You Must Write Everyday (2:32)/ That's When Your Heartaches Begin (1:14)/ Hello Little Girl (1:51) The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (2:30)/ I Don't Know (improvisation) (5:52) I Don't Need No Cigarette Boy (improvisation) (5:53)/ That's An Important Number (improvisation) (7:49)/ Improvisation (4:56) CD2: I'll Follow The Sun (1:46)/ Hallelujah, I Love Her So (2:12)/ One After 909 (2:25)/ Movin' And Groovin'/Ramrod (3:45)/ Improvisation (11:44)/ Improvisation (7:42)/ Improvisation (11:06)/ Improvisation (17:40) This two-disc set contains all of the known 1960 rehearsal recordings by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Stuart Sutcliffe (Pete Best was not present) known then as The Quarry Men or THE BEATALS. This spelling of the group's name is from a letter written by Paul to Butlin's nightclub in an attempt to procure a playing gig. (Thus the title for this set.) As we all know The Beatals would eventually become The BEATLES. The songs on these two compact discs feature the only known recordings made with Stuart Sutcliffe and their historical importance cannot be overemphasized. Here we have The Beatles in their embryonic stages as they musically search for an identity. Old standards, blues, improvisational jams and originals are all explored. Three of these songs (Matchbox, One After 909 and I'll Follow The Sun) would appear on Beatles albums. Although the music on these discs have appeared on numerous bootlegs in various quality and form, this is the best one available. The music has been digitally remastered, the songs are logically arranged, the liner notes are thorough and accurate, and the booklet features nice photographic reproductions from this time period. This bootleg comes in a color slipcase and is complemented nicely with a 28-page booklet.


The Madman label is a subsidiary of Vigotone. It should be noted that there has been a lot of discussion and debate as to when these recordings were made. In an interview with Mark Lewisohn, Paul McCartney stated that they were recorded in his home in Liverpool in 1960. This is certainly true for some of the songs but not all of them. A number of the songs were recorded in Hamburg in the fall of 1960 as the playing of I'll Follow The Sun on a 1966 German TV show proved out. No matter what the exact dates were, there is no question that these songs are truly golden artifacts. The earliest appearance of these tracks were on THE QUARRYMEN REHEARSE WITH STU SUTCLIFFE SPRING 1960 (Pre Beatle Records) LP, THE QUARRYMEN AT HOME (Blackshop Records - BS 007) LP, LIVERPOOL MAY 1960: JOHN PAUL GEORGE AND STU (Indra - M56001) 2LPs. THE QUARRY-MEN: THE DAWN OF MODERN ROCK PILZ (449830-2) CD 1993 Source: 1960 Home Recordings Sound Quality: Good mono Rating: *** Hallelujah, I Love Her So (2:23)/ The One After 909 (2:29)/ I'll Always Be In Love With You (2:22)/ You'll Always Be Mine (1:46)/ Matchbox (1:02)/ You Just Don't Understand (2:30)/ Somedays (1:37)/ Thinking Of Linking (instrumental) (2:32)/ I'll Follow The Sun (1:49)/ The One After 909 (1:32)/ Hey Darling (3:23)/ You Must Lie Everyday (2:34)/ Guitar Bop (instrumental) (2:20)/ That's When Your Heartaches Begin (1:19)/ Hello Little Girl (1:55)/ That'll Be The Day (0:45) An incomplete collection of the 1960 rehearsals released to the general market as a legitimate release. A few of the larger department stores in the United States carried this disc for a short time and at a discounted price. The titles given to the instrumental jams were contrarily chosen by the bootleggers though Thinking of Linking may be the real thing. The last track, That'll Be The Day, is a snippet of the complete Quarry Men acetate which later appeared in its entirety on ANTHOLOGY 1. THE QUARRYMEN: 58 TO 62 MIDDLE RECORD COMPANY (QMCD593) CD 1993 Source: 1960 Rehearsals & 1962 Cavern Club Rehearsals Sound Quality: Good Mono Rating: *** Hallelujah I Love Her So (2:22)/ One After 909 (2:29)/ I'll Always Be In Love With You (2:24)/ You'll Be Mine (1:45)/ Matchbox (1:02)/ Wildcat (2:31)/ Some Days (1:36)/ Looking Glass (2:26)/ I'll Follow The Sun (1:48)/ One After 909 (1:31)/ Well Darling (3:23)/ You Must Write Every Day (2:35)/ Movin' And Groovin' (2:20)/ That's When Your Heartaches Begin (1:16)/ Hello Little Girl (1:56)/ The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (1:30)/ That'll Be The Day (1:04)/ Instrumental Jam 1 (7:44)/ Instrumental Jam 2 (7:56)/ Instrumental Jam 3 (5:53)/ I Saw Her Standing There (3:08)/ One After 909 (3:12)/ One After 909 (3:17)/ Catswalk (1:23)/ Catswalk (1:23) Tracks one through sixteen and eighteen through twenty are the Quarry Men rehearsals from 1960. Track seventeen is a portion of the 1958 Quarry Men acetate. The last five tracks are the Cavern Club rehearsals from early 1962 in Liverpool. WILDCAT (Pegboy) and THE SILVER BEATLES/THE ORIGINAL DECCA TAPES (Yellow Dog) renders this disc obsolete.


JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE AND STU - LIVERPOOL 1960 FU207 CD I'll Follow The Sun (first version) (1:47)/ Long Rambling Blues (7:30)/ Blues & Roll Expectations (instrumental jam) (11:47)/ Hallelujah, I Love Her So (2:32)/ That's Not A Banjo, It's Blues Guitar (instrumental jam) (4:49)/ Dreaming Old Mississippi Blues (instrumental jam, some vocal) (7:39)/ Cold As Ice/ Elvis' Nightmare (unreleased) (5:45)/ Oh Pretty Darling (unreleased) (5:42)/ One After 909 (first version) (2:21)/ Brown-Eyed Handsome Man (instrumental jam) (3:43)/ Screaming Guitar Blues (instrumental jam) (11:28)/ Shuffle Boogie Blues (instrumental jam) (17:11)/ Won't You Try (unreleased) (1:46) R: G. S: Don't be fooled by the titles. This CD is a copy of LIVERPOOL MAY 1960 (Indra M5-6001) which first featured these historical tracks on a two-LP set with extensive liner notes. Some of the same songs are found on various Quarry Men bootlegs -albeit in edited form. C: ECD. Dcc. THE QUARRYMEN AT HOME GEMA947CD Hallelujah (2:15)/ One After 909 (2:21)/ I'll Always Be With You (2:16)/ You'll Be Mine (1:41)/ Matchbox (:57)/ You Don't Understand (2:25)/ Some Days (1:34)/ Thinking Of Linking (2:23)/ I'll Follow The Sun (1:42)/ One After 909 (1:25)/ Hey Darling (3:13)/ You Must Lie Everyday (2:28)/ The Guitar Bop (2:10)/ When Your Heartaches Begin (1:13)/ Hello, Little Girl (l:49)/ That'll Be The Day (:43) R: Gm. C: Dbw & brown insert. Disc is red & lists 'The Carpenters' as the artist. THE QUARRYMEN AT HOME CHAPTER ONE CD 25190 Hallelujah I Love Her So (2:21)/ One After 909 (Version 1 - 2:34)/ I'll Always Be In Love With You (2:56)/ You'll Be Mine (1:44)/ Matchbox (1:05)/ Wildcat (2:32)/ Some Days (1:39)/ Looking Glass (2:28)/ I'll Follow The Sun (2:28)/ One After 909 (Version 2 - 1:31)/ Well Darling (3:28)/ You Must Write Every Day (2:38)/ Movin'N Groovin (2:18)/ That's When Your Heartaches Begin (1:24)/ Hello Little Girl (1:59)/ The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (1:30)/ That'll Be The Day (1:06)/ Sweet Georgia Brown (2:03)/ I Saw Her Standing There (3:40)/ Red Hot (0:59) R: Tracks 1-16 G. Track 17 poor. Track 18 Ex. Tracks 19-20 G. S: Tracks 1-16 Quarrymen rehearsal, Liverpool May '60. Track 17 Quarrymen acetate '58. Track 18 first version with original Tony Sheridan vocals Hamburg Apr. '62. Tracks 19-20 The Star Club, Hamburg Dec. '62. C: ECD. Dcc. THE REAL EARLY BEATLES STARLIGHT RECORDS S1: That'll Be The Day (recorded as The Quarrymen, London '58)/ I'll Always Be In Love With You/ You'll Be Mine/ Matchbox/ You Just Don't Understand/ Some Days/ I'll Follow The Sun/ Hey Darling/ You Must Lie Every Day/ When Your Heartaches Begin/ One After 909/ Thinking Of Linking/ Hello Little Girl S2: I Saw Her Standing There/ One After 909 #!/ One After 909 # 1/ Catswalk/ Love Of The Loved/ Like Dreamers Do/ Hello Little Girl/ Some Other Guy (Cavern Club Aug. 22 '62) R: Tracks 1 -4 poor - Gm. Tracks 5-8 Vgm. S: S1 Tracks 2-13 Liverpool, England May '60. S2 Tracks 1-4 rehearsals from The Cavern Club '61 or '62. Tracks 5-7 Decca audition - Decca Studios, London Jan. 1 '62. C: Dbw slicks pasted on white jacket. REINTRODUCING THE BEATLES SAPCOR28 S1: I'll Follow The Sun/ Hallelujah, I Love You So/ One After 909/ Thinking Of Linking/Gonna Move Out Of Town/ Winston's Tale S2: That'll Be The Day (first studio recording - Aug. '58)/ My Bonnie (long original German intro - Apr.


'61)/ Sweet Georgia Brown (outtake)/ Red Hot (live in Hamburg '62)/ Dream Baby (first BBC appearance - '62. Pete Best on drums)/ Hello Little Girl*/Love Of The Loved*/ Like Dreamers Do*/ Three Cool Cats*/ September In The Rain*/Sheik of Araby*/ Take Good Care Of My Baby* (*Decca Auditions, Jan. 1 '62) S3: First Radio Interview (Oct. 27 '62)/A.F.N. Radio (interview '62)/ Beatleviews S4: Side By Side (complete version)/ Pop Goes The Beatles/ From Us To You/ Happy Birthday, Saturday Club/ Beautiful Dreamer/ Carol/ Clarabella/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Don't Ever Change/ Glad All Over/ Sure to Fall R:Vg-Ex. C:Dcc. DL. YOUNGBLOOD THE MASTER WORKS CD PCS-1960 One After 909/ Waiting For The Sunrise/ What'd I Say/ Some Other Guy/ Some Other Guy/ Twist And Shout/ Please Mr. Postman/ PS. I Love You/ Besame Mucho/ Picture Of You/ From Me To You/ Ticket To Ride/ All My Loving/ Seventeen/ Kansas City, Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!/ Simmy Simmy/ Unknown Song/ Roll Over Beethoven R: Poor to G. S: Cover says 'Lost BBC tapes, lost Star Club tapes and more'. C: Japanese CD. Unflattering drawings of the band. Yellow background. Red Type. Pic CD. Time 39:11. THE SILVER BEATLES: THE ORIGINAL DECCA TAPES & CAVERN CLUB REHEARSALS YELLOW DOG RECORDS (YD Oil) CD 1991 Source: Decca Studios & Cavern Club Sound Quality: Excellent Stereo & Mono Rating: ***** Time: 46:30 Like Dreamers Do/ Money/ Till There Was You/ The Sheik Of Araby/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ Take Good Care Of My Baby/ Memphis/ Sure To Fall/ Hello Little Girl Three Cool Cats/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Love Of The Loved/ September In the Rain Besame Mucho/ SearchinV I Saw Her Standing There/ The One After 909/ The One After 909/ Catswalk/ Catswalk Any Beatles fan worth their salt knows the background of the Decca Tapes, but for those who want their memories refreshed here is a brief history lesson: On January 1, 1962, The Beatles performed 15 songs at their audition for Decca Records in London. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Pete Best played their hearts out but the group was ultimately turned down by Decca's A& R man, Mike Smith. (I am sure Decca has forever regretted that decision!) Semi-legitimate releases of the Decca Tapes have appeared through the years; however, the sound quality was never as good as we have here. Also, the three Lennon-McCartney titles (Like Dreamers Do, Hello Little Girl and Love of the Loved) were usually omitted for the obvious copyright reasons. The last five tracks are from a Beatles rehearsal at the Cavern Club on Mathew Street in Liverpool. It is believed these songs were recorded sometime in early September 1962. MARCH 5,1963 PLUS THE DECCA TAPE VIGOTONE (VT-123) CD 1994 Source: EMI Studio/Decca Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: ***** Time: 73:23 This disc will be reviewed in depth later in the book. But it is important now to note here that the Decca Tape songs on this disc have been speed-corrected and the sound is the best you will find. And though the Decca Tapes are also speed-corrected on Yellow Dog's ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. I, the


sound quality is not nearly as clear and vibrant. Related Titles: SILVER BEATLES: LIKE DREAMERS DO (Backstage Records - BSR 2-201) 2LPs (PD), THE DECCA TAPES (Circuit Records - LK 4438-1) LP, DAWN OF THE SILVER BEATLES (PAC Records - VDL 2333) LP. And in 1977 a series of colored vinyl singles were released by a Beatles' fan magazine of the Decca songs. These were: Besame MucholTo Know Him Is To Love Him, Crying Waiting Hoping/'Till There Was You, Hello Little Girl/Three Cool Cats, Like Dreamers Do/Searchin', Love Of The Loved/Memphis, Money/Sure To Fall, September In The Rain/Sheik Of Araby. THE CAVERN CLUB REHEARSALS THE EARLY YEARS 02-CD-3333 I Saw Her Standing There (2:50)/ One After 909 (version 1 - 2:42)/ One After 909 (version 2 - 2:40)/ Catswalk (version 1 -1:35)/ Catswalk (version 2 - 1:20)/ From Me To You (1:12)/ I Saw Her Standing There (2:35)/ All My Loving (2:06)/ Roll Over Beethoven (2:14)/ Boys (2:03)/ Till There Was You (2:10)/ She Loves You (2:16)/ This Boy (2:13)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand (2:19)/ Money (2:43)/ Twist & Shout (2:16) R: Tracks 1-5 Gm. Tracks 6-16 Poor - Gm. S: Tracks 1-5 afternoon rehearsal at The Cavern Club Sept. '62. Tracks 6-16 Liverpool Empire Dec. 22 '63. C: ECD. Dcc. THE DECCAGONE SESSIONS SE 7701 S1: SearchinV Like Dreamers Do/ Three Cool Cats/ Hello Little GM/ How Do You Do It ('62 outtake)/ Dig It (from 'Sweet Apple Trax'7 Crying, Waiting, Hoping; Bound By Love; There's Nothing Shaking (Vgm) S2: Love Of The Loved/ Memphis/ September In The Rain/ Sheik Of Araby/ Revolution (original soundtrack '68)/ Some Other Guy (Cavern Club '62, Gm)/ Everyone Wants Someone/ Gonna Sit Right Down; Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (Vgm) R: Exm. C: Dcc. SS. THE DECCA TAPES POD LK 4438 S1: Hello Little Girl/ Three Cool Cats/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Love Of The Loved/ September In The Rain/ Besame Mucho/ Searchin' S2: Like Dreamers Do/ Money/ Till There Was You/ Sheik Of Araby/ To Know Him Is To Love Him/ Take Good Care Of My Baby/ Memphis/ Sure To Fall R: Exm. C: SS. Reissued as a b&w pic disc on Circuit Records LK 4438, later as a brownish tint pic disc. A copy with sides reversed available as a color pic disc. THE ROAD TO FAME STAR CLUB RECORDS (HADCD241) CD 1994 Source: Tony Sheridan sessions & the Decca sessions Sound Quality: Excellent Mono & Stereo Rating: **** My Bonnie (2:41)/ My Bonnie (2:41)/ When The Saints Go Marching In (3:18)/ Why (2:58)/ Cry For A Shadow (2:23)/ If You Love Me Baby (2:53)/ Sweet Georgia Brown (2:04)/ Nobody's Child (3:54)/ Ain't She Sweet (2:11)/ Like Dreamers Do (2:34)/ Money (2:22)/ Till There Was You (2:58)/ The Sheik Of Araby (1:40)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (2:34)/ Take Good Care Of My Baby (2:26)/ Memphis, Tennessee (2:20)/ Sure To Fall (2:01)/ Hello Little Girl (1:38)/ Three Cool Cats (2:23)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (2:00)/ Love Of The Loved (1:50)/ September In The Rain (1:53)/ Besame Mucho (2:38)/ Searchin'(3:02) This is a nice collection of early Beatles material. Included are the German and English versions of My


Bonnie, the original version of Sweet Georgia Brown and the re-recorded version with changed lyrics by Tony Sheridan from 1963. The Beatles' sessions with German pop star Sheridan were recorded at Freidrich Ebert Halle in Hamburg, Germany in June 1961. The Decca Tapes have been 'speed-corrected' here and are excellent stereo. LIVE AT THE STAR CLUB DESPERADO RECORDS (DPS) CD 1995 Source: Star Club, Hamburg, Germany, December 1962 Sound Quality: Fair mono Rating: *** Intro (0:24)/ I Saw Her Standing There (2:36)/ Roll Over Beethoven (2:16)/ Hippy Hippy Shake (1:52)/ Sweet Little Sixteen (3:19)/ Lend Me Your Comb (2:00)/ Your Feets Too Big (2:23)/ Twist And Shout (2:20)/ Mr. Moonlight (2:24)/ A Taste Of Honey (2:10)/ Besame Mucho (2:46)/ Reminiscing (2:05)/ Kansas City (2:56) Ain't Nothing Shaking Like The Leaves On A Tree (1:25)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (3:23)/ Little Queenie (3:57)/ Falling In Love Again (2:13)/ Ask Me Why (2:33)/ Be Bop A Lula (2:29)/ Hallelujah, I Love Her So (2:06)/ Red Sails In The Sunset (2:11)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (3:05)/ Matchbox (2:36)/ Talkin' 'Bout You (2:06)/ Shimmy Shake (2:20)/ Long Tall Sally (1:46)/ I Remember You (1:56)/ Where Have You Been All My Life (2:09)/ Till There Was You (2:02)/ Sheila (1:59)/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry Over You (2:43) The Hamburg songs were released as a legitimate two-LP set by Lingasong Records in 1977. The legality of the records have been questioned ever since. However, the historical importance of this material cannot be questioned. These raw Beatles performances (from two or more sets) from December 1962 were captured on tape by Adrian Barber at 'King Size' Taylor's request. They sat in a box for ten years until Allan Williams finally had them released to the general public. They have been edited in various forms by numerous manufacturers. No release to date has the entire uncut versions of these rare performances. This disc is notable in that the songs have been digitally remastered and are the best we are likely to hear of these performances. It is not, however, complete (most notably it is missing Red Hot). It has been rumored that FOUR shows were taped and feature numerous songs not listed above. Hopefully these will come to light someday. Related Titles: THE BEATLES VS. THE THIRD REICH (Boxtop Records) LP, MACH SHAU (Savage - SC 12620) LP, LIVE AT THE STAR CLUB (Overseas - 38CP-44) CD, THE STAR CLUB (unknown, TSC-1962, Japanese CD - a copy of the Teichiku CD, STARS OF '63 (SUPER LIVE CONCERT SERIES) on Gamma Alpha Records (Shalom 474974750) 2LP, BEFORE THEIR TIME (Shalom 4749 DJ6) LP.

THE COMPLETE BBC SESSIONS GREAT DANE RECORDS (GDR-9326/9) 9CDBX 1994 Source: BBC Radio 1963-65 Sound Quality: Fair to excellent mono/stereo Rating: ***** CD1: Dream Baby, Memphis, Tennessee, Please Mr. Postman ('Teenager's Turn' Mar. 8 '62)/ Ask Me Why, Besame Mucho, A Picture Of You ('Here We Go' June 15 '62)/ Some Other Guy, Keep Your Hands Off My Baby, Beautiful Dreamer ('Saturday Club' Jan. 26 '63)/ I Saw Her Standing There, Misery, Too Much Monkey Business, I'm Talking About You, Please Please Me, The Hippy Hippy


Shake ('Saturday Club' Mar. 16 '63)/ From Me To You (Apr. 7 '63)/ Twist And Shout, From Me To You ('Swingin' Sound' Apr. 18 '63)/ Side By Side Theme, Long Tall Sally, A Taste Of Honey, Chains, Thank You Girl, Boys ('Side By Side' May 13 '63)/ I Saw Her Standing There, Do You Want To Know A Secret, Boys, Long Tall Sally, From Me To You, Money (That's What I Want) ('Saturday Club' May 25 '63)/ Please Please Me, I Saw Her Standing There ('Steppin' Out' June 3 '63) CD2: Pop Go The Beatles, Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, Do You Want To Know A Secret, You Really Got A Hold On Me, Misery, The Hippy Hippy Shake, Pop Go The Beatles ('Pop Go The Beatles' (1) June 4 '63)/ Too Much Monkey Business, I Got To Find My Baby, Youngblood, Baby It's You, Till There Was You, Love Me Do ('Pop Go The Beatles' (2) June 11 '63)/ A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues, Memphis Tennessee, A Taste Of Honey, Sure To Fall (In Love With You), Money (That's What I Want), From Me To You ('Pop Go The Beatles' (3) June 18 '63)/ Some Other Guy, A Taste Of Honey, Thank You Girl, From Me To You ('Easy Beat' June 23 '63)/ Too Much Monkey Business, Boys, I'll Be On My Way, From Me To You ('Side By Side' June 24 '63)/ Anna (Go To Him), I Saw Her Standing There, Boys, Chains, P.S. I Love You, Twist And Shout ('Pop Go The Beatles' (4) June 25 '63) CD3: I Got To Find My Baby, Memphis, Tennessee, Money (That's What I Want), Till There Was You, From Me To You, Roll Over Beethoven ('Saturday Club' June 29 '63)/ A Taste Of Honey, Twist And Shout ('The Beat Show' July 4 '63)/ That's Alright Mama, There's A Place, Carol, Soldier Of Love (Lay Down Your Arms), Lend Me Your Comb, Clarabella ('Pop Go The Beatles' (5) July 16 '63)/ I Saw Her Standing There, A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues, There's A Place, Twist And Shout ('Easy Beat' July 21 '63)/ Sweet Little Sixteen, Nothin' Shakin' (But The Leaves On The Trees), Love Me Do, Lonesome Tears In My Eyes, So How Come (No One Loves Me) ('Pop Go The Beatles' (6) July 23 '63)/ Memphis, Tennessee, Do You Want To Know A Secret, Till There Was You, Matchbox, Please Mr. Postman, The Hippy Hippy Shake ('Pop Go The Beatles' (7) July 30 '63) CD4: I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You), Crying, Waiting, Hoping, Kansas City, HeyHey-Hey-Hey, To Know Her Is To Love Her, The Honeymoon Song, Twist And Shout ('Pop Go The Beatles' (8) Aug. 8 '63)/ Long Tall Sally, Please Please Me, She Loves You, You Really Got A Hold On Me, I'll Get You, I Got A Woman ('Pop Go The Beatles' (9) Aug. 13 '63)/ She Love You, Words Of Love, Glad All Over, I Just Don't Understand, (There's) A Devil In Her Heart, Slow Down ('Pop Go The Beatles' (10) Aug. 8 '63)/ Long Tall Sally, She Loves You, Glad All Over, I'll Get You ('Saturday Club' Aug. 24 '63)/ Ooh! My Soul, Don't Ever Change, Twist And Shout, Anna (Go To Him), A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues ('Pop Go The Beatles' (11) Aug. 27 '63) CD5: From Me To You, Money (That's What I Want), There's A Place, Honey Don't, Roll Over Beethoven ('Pop Go The Beatles' (12) Sept. 3 '63)/ Too Much Monkey Business, Love Me Do, She Love You, I'll Get You, A Taste Of Honey, The Hippy Hippy Shake ('Pop Go The Beatles' (13) Sept. 10 '63)/ Chains, You Really Got A Hold On Me, Misery, Lucille, From Me To You, Boys ('Pop Go The Beatles' (14) Sept. 17 '63)/ She Loves You, Ask Me Why, (There's A) Devil In My Heart, I Saw Her Standing There, Sure To Fall (In Love With You), Twist And Shout ('Pop Go The Beatles' (15) Sept. 24 '63)/ I Saw Her Standing There, Memphis, Tennessee, Happy Birthday Saturday Club, I'll Get You, She Loves You, Lucille ('Saturday Club' Oct. 5 '63) CD6: I Saw Her Standing There, Love Me Do, Please Please Me, From Me To You, She Loves You ('Easy Beat' Oct. 20 '63)/ She Loves You ('The Ken Dodd Show' Nov. 3 '63)/ All I Want For Christmas, This Boy, I Want To Hold Your Hand, Till There Was You, Roll Over Beethoven, She Loves You, Crimble Medley ('Saturday Club' Dec. 21 '63)/ From Us To You, She Loves You, All My Loving, Roll Over Beethoven, Till There Was You, Boys, Money (That's What I Want), I Saw Her Standing There, Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport, I Want To Hold Your Hand, From Us To You ('From Us To You' Dec. 26 '63)/ All My Loving, Money (That's What I Want), The Hippy Hippy Shake, I Want To Hold Your Hand, Roll Over Beethoven, Johnny B. Goode, I Wanna Be your Man ('Saturday Club' Feb. 15 '64)


CD7: From Us To You, You Can't Do That, Roll Over Beethoven, Till There Was You, I Wanna Be Your Man, Please Mr. Postman, All My Loving, This Boy, Can't Buy Me Love, From Us To You ('From Us To You' (2), Mar. 30 '64)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, I Call Your Name, I Got A Woman, You Can't Do That, Can't Buy Me Love, Sure To Fall (In Love With You), Long Tall Sally ('Saturday Club' Apr. 4 '64)/ From Us To You, Whit Monday, I Saw her Standing There, Kansas City, Hey-HeyHey-Hey, I Forgot To Remember To Forget, You Can't Do That, Sure To Fall (In Love With You), Can't Buy Me Love, Matchbox, Honey Don't ('From Us To You' (3) May 18 '64) CD8: Top Gear Spot, Long Tall Sally, Things We Said Today, A Hard Days Night, And I Love Her, I Should Have Known Better, If I Fell, You Can't do That ('Top Gear' July 16 '64)/ From Us To You, Long Tall Sally, If I Fell, I'm Happy Just To Dance With You, Things We Said Today, I Should Have Known Better, Boys, Kansas City, Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey, A Hard Day's Night, From Us To You ('From Us To You' (4) Aug. 3 '64)/ From Us To You (wrong words), From Us To You (complete take, without voice-over), I'm Happy Just To Dance With You (basic track), I Should Have Known Better (false start)/1 Should Have Known Better (track without harmonica) ('From Us To You' (4) recording session July 17 '64) CD9: I'm A Loser, Chat, Honey Don't, She's A Woman, Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, I'll Follow The Sun, Chat, I Feel Fine ('Top Gear' Nov. 26 '64)/ Rock And Roll Music, Chat, I'm A Loser, Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, I Feel Fine, Kansas City, Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey, She's A Woman ('Saturday Club' Dec. 26 '64)/ I Feel Fine (false start and take without overdubbed vocals), She's A Woman (complete take, studio chats) (recording session for 'Top Gear' and 'Saturday Club')/ Ticket To Ride, Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, I'm A Loser, Chat, The Night Before, Honey Don't, Dizzy Miss Lizzie, She's A Woman, Ticket To Ride ("The Beatles Invite You To Take A Ticket To To Ride' June 7 '65) Off and on for nearly three years The Beatles performed live on a number of British radio programs. Of the 288 performances recorded, Great Dane rescued and preserved on disc 247 of these. An amazing feat considering that a number of the shows had been erased by the shows' producers and only existed in the collections of a few historically-minded fans. Sadly, some are lost forever. While the sound quality varies due to the numerous tape sources, the overall quality is quite good. The 247 songs are chronologically arranged and the set comes with a beautiful, full-sized color book with excellent liner notes and BBC sessions information. The Beatles' live performances were captured best during then- BBC sessions - no screaming fans, just great rock and roll performed by the world's most exciting band. In a number of cases even a lot of the chat between The Beatles and their radio hosts is included. Certainly, this is the BEST BOOTLEG EVER. This fantastic bootleg preserves these important shows with style and respect. A must have for any serious Beatles collector. (Note: Some collectors have reported 'CD rot' on some of their discs on this set. If caught in time, the discs can be cleaned and the CDs will play as normal. If not, the discs will be beyond repair and will cause the collector much distress!) Bootlegs of various BBC material are probably more numerous than any other period of The Beatles' careers. Some are excellent - many are not. The Beatles themselves released a two disc set (69 songs) of BBC material in 1994 called LIVE AT THE BBC, but it was woefully incomplete. For those of you with a computer and a CD Rom drive, LQE Productions has a disc (THE COMPLETE BBC SESSIONS CDC 9117) with the music and liner notes from the entire Great Dane Box Set as well as from HERE WE GO and THE BEATLES AT THE BEEB - TV. It is quite an amazing disc. Should you not want to opt for the Great Dane set I would recommend you search out some of the following:


FROM US TO YOU (The Swingin' Pig - TSP 015-2) 2 CD, AT THE BEEB VOL. 1-13 (BEEB Transcription Records - 2171/2185) 13 LPs, AT THE BEEB (aka: RADIO ACTIVE) VOL. 1-13 (Pyramid - RFT CD 005/033) 13 CDs. Read on for more information on these discs. HERE WE GO GREAT DANE RECORDS (GDRCD 9326/10) CD 1995 Source: BBC Radio Sound Quality: Very good mono Rating: **** The Trad Lads: Instrumental/ The Beatles: Misery/ The Beatles: Do You Want To Know A Secret/ The Beatles: Please Please Me/ Ben Richmond: Warmed Over Kisses The Northern Dance Orchestra: Waltz In Jazz Time/ The Trad Lads: unknown song. HERE WE GO was recorded March 6,1963 in Manchester at the Playhouse Theatre and was broadcast by the 'BBC Light Programme FM' on March 12, 1963. The show was thought to have been lost, but when the collector holding the tape saw Great Dane's THE COMPLETE BBC SESSIONS he quickly contacted the Italians who immediately rush released it. The tape features three Beatles numbers: Misery, Do You Want To Know A Secret and Please Please Me totaling 13:46. The rest of the show features two songs by The Trad Lads, Ben Rishmond performing Warmed Over Kisses and The Northern Dance Orchestra playing Waltz In Jazz Time. The Beatles had also recorded I Saw her Standing There but the song was not aired. This was the first time the public got to hear Misery and Do You Want To Know A Secret. Their album debut would be released on March 22,1963. This material is included on a Japanese compilation called MOD! SING THE BEATLES. This disc also includes tracks from 'Ready Steady Go' and The Music of Lennon & McCartney' television special. AIR TIME SUBWAY MX-4729 S1: I Saw Her Standing There*/ From Me To You*/ Money*/ Roll Over Beethoven*/ You Really Got A Hold On Me*/ She Loves You* / Twist & Shout*/ Nothin' Shakin'**/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes**/ So How Come (Nobody Loves Me)** S2: Please Mr. Postman **/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (BBC Aug. '63)/ Ticket To Ride (BBC June '65)/ Rock & Roll Music (BBC Dec. '64)/ Kansas City (BBC Dec. '64)/ This Boy+/ Can't Buy Me Love+ R: *Exm. Rest G-Exm. S: *Karlaplann Studio, Stockholm Oct. 24 '63 directly off master tapes. **BBC July '63. +BBC Mar. '64. C: Paper insert or deluxe brown cover that says JOHNNY & THE MOONDGOS - SILVER DAYS (Warwick M16051). SS. AS SWEET AS YOU ARE CBM 3316 S1: I Got A Woman/ Glad All Over/I Just Don't Understand/ Slow Down/ Please Don't Ever Change/ Shot Of Rhythm And Blues/ Sure To Fall S2: Nothing Shaking But The Leaves On A Tree/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes/ Everybody Wants Someone/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry Over You/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ Bound By Love R: Exm. S: BBC Radio '63. C: Also on Dittolino Discs (D-l) & as YELLOW MATTER CUSTARD (TMOQ 71032). AT THE BEEB EMI-PARLOPHONE CDP 7 48002 2 I Saw Her Standing There+/ Do You Want To Know A Secret*/ Boys+/ Long Tall Sally+/ From Me To You+/ Money+/ Side By Side*/ Too Much Monkey Business*/ Boys*/ I'll Be On My Way*/ Some


Other Guy/ A Taste Of Honey/ Thank You Girl/From Me To You/ Pop Go The Beatles (P3)/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (P3) / Memphis, Tennessee (P3) / Happy Birthday Paul (P3)+7 Sure To Fall (P3)/ P.S. I Love You (P4) / Twist And Shout (P4) / That's Alright Mamma (P5)/ There's A Place (P5)/ Carol (P5)/ Soldier Of Love (P5)/ Lend Me Your Comb (P5)/ Clarabella (P5) / I Got To Find My Baby (P2)/ Youngblood (P2)/ Baby It's You (P2) R: Exm. S: BBC Radio recording dates: + Saturday Club May 21 '63. * Side By Side Apr. 4 '63. Easy Beat June 19 '63. (P3) Pop Go The Beatles June 1 '63. (P4) Pop Go The Beatles June 17 '63. (P5) Pop Go The Beatles July 2 '63. (P2) Pop Go The Beatles May 24 '63. C: Eb. Cover same as AT THE BEEB VOL. 1. AT THE BEEB VOL.1 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2172/S S1: Saw Her Standing There+7 Do You Want To Know A Seciet+7 Boys+/ Long Tall Sally+/ From Me To You+/ Money+/ Side By Side*/ Too Much Monkey Business*/Boys*/ I'll Be On My Way*/ From Me To You* S2: Some Other Guy/ Taste Of Honey/ Thank You Girl/From Me To You/ Twist & Shout++/ From Me To YOU++/ Please Please Me**/ Saw Her Standing There** R: Vg & Exm. S: BBC radio +Saturday Club May 21 '63; * Side By Side Apr. 4 '63; Easy Beat June 19 '63; ++ Swinging Sound '63 Apr. 18 '63; Steppin' Out May 21 '63. C: Eb. Deluxe cover. AT THE BEEB VOL.1 PYRAMID 1 RFT CD 005 C: Eb. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources. AT THE BEEB VOL. 2 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2173/S S1: I Got To Find My Baby (SC)/ Memphis, Tennessee (SC)/ From Me To You (SC)/ Roll Over Beethoven (SC)/ Long Tall Sally (S)/ Taste Of Honey (S)/ Chains (S)/ Thank You Girl (S)/Boys (S) S2: Too Much Monkey Business (P3)/ I Got To Find My Baby (P3)/ Youngblood (P3)/ 'Till There Was You (P3)/ Baby It's You (P3)/ Baby It's You (P3)/ Love Me Do (P3)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (P2)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (P2)/ Really Got A Hold On Me (P2) R: Vg & Exm. S: BBC radio: (SC) Saturday Club June 24 '63; (S) Side By Side Apr. 1 '63; (P3) Pop Go The Beatles, rec June 1 '63; (P2) Pop Go The Beatles rec May 24 '63. C: Eb. Deluxe cover. AT THE BEEB VOL. 2 PYRAMID 2 RFT CD 006 C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources. AT THE BEEB VOL. 3 BB 2174/S S1: Pop Go The Beatles (P3)/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (P3) / Memphis, Tennessee (P3) / Happy Birthday Paul (P3) / A Taste Of Honey (P3) / Sure To Fall (P3) / Money (That's What I Want) (P3) / I Saw Her Standing There (P4)/ Anna (Go To Him) (P4) / Boys (P4) / Chains (P4) S2: P.S. I Love You (P4) / Twist And Shout (P4) / That's Ahight Mamma (P5)/ There's A Place (P5)/ Carol (P5)/ Soldier Of Love (P5)/ Lend Me Your Comb (P5)/ Clarabella (P5) R: Exm. S: BBC radio: (P3) Pop Go The Beatles, rec June 1 '63; (P4) Pop Go The Beatles, rec June 17 '63; (P5) Pop Go The Beatles, rec July 2 '63. C: Eb. Dbw. AT THE BEEB VOL. 3 PYRAMID 3 RFT CD 007 C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources.


AT THE BEEB VOL. 4 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2175/S S1: Sweet Little Sixteen (2:20) (F)*/ Nothin' Shakin' (3:01) (F)*/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes (2:41)*/ So How Come (No One Loves Me) (1:45)*/ Memphis (2:16)+/ Do You want To Know A Secret (1:48)+/ 'Till There Was You (2:17)+,/ Matchbox (1:59)+/Please Mr. Postman (2:17)+/ Hippy Hippy Shake (1:51)+ S2: Pop Go The Beatles (0:18)/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down & Cry (2:03)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (2:10)/ Kansas City; Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey (2:41)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (2:54)/ The Honeymoon Song (1:42)/ Twist & Shout (2:30)/ Pop Go The Beatles R: Vg-Exm except (F) fair mono. S: *Pop Go The Beatles #6 July 23 '63. + #7 July 30 '63. S2 Pop Go The Beatles #8 Aug. 6 '63. C: Eb. Dcc. AT THE BEEB VOL. 4 PYRAMID 4 RFT CD 008 C: ECD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources. AT THE BEEB VOL. 5 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2176/S S1: Pop Go The Beatles (0:18)*/ Long Tall Sally (1:53)*/ Please Please Me (1:55)*/ She Loves You (2:19)*/ You Really Got A Hold On Me (2:57)*/ I'll Get You (2:00)*/ I Got A Woman (2:46)*/ Pop Go The Beatles (0:22)*/ She Loves You (2:17)**/ Words Of Love (1:53)** S2: Glad All Over (1:50)**/ I Just Don't Understand (2:44)**/ Devil In Her Heart (2:20)**/ Slow Down (2:35)**/ Ooh! My Soul (excerpt 1:29)+/ Don't Ever Change (2:02)+/ Twist & Shout (2:27)+/ There's A Place (1:48)++/ Honey Don't (2:10)++/ Roll Over Beethoven (2:17)++ R: * ++ Exm. ** + Vgm. S: *Pop Go The Beatles #9 Aug. 13 '63. **Pop Go The Beatles #10 Aug. 20 '63. +Pop Go The Beatles #11 Aug. 27 '63. ++Pop Go The Beatles #12 Sept. 3 '63. C: Eb. Dcc. AT THE BEEB VOL. 5 PYRAMIDS RFT CD 014 C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources AT THE BEEB VOL. 6 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2177/S S1: Too Much Monkey Business (2:05)/ Love Me Do (2:24)/ She Loves You (2:11)/ I'll Get You (2:01)/ A Taste Of Honey (1:55)/ Hippy Hippy Shake (1:43)/ Chains (2:14)*/ You Really Got A Hold On Me (2:49)* S2: Misery (1:48)*/ Lucille (2:26)*/ From Me To You (1:49)*/ Boys (2:08)*/ She Loves You (2:09)/ Ask Me Why (1:51)/ Devil In Her Heart (2:19)/ I Saw Her Standing There (2:35)/ Sure To Fall (2:18)/ Twist & Shout (2:31) R: Exm. S: S1 Pop Go The Beatles #13 Sept. 10 '63 except *Pop Go The Beatles #14 Sept. 17 '63. Rest of S2 Pop Go The Beatles #15 Sept. 24 '63. C: Eb. Dcc. AT THE BEEB VOL. 6 PYRAMID 6 RFT CD 015 C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above. AT THE BEEB VOL. 7 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2178/S S1: I Saw Her Standing There/ Memphis/ Happy Birthday/ Fools Rush In - Rick Nelson/ Sally Ann; Autumn Leaves - Joe Brown & His Bruvers/ Take Good Care Of My Bay - Bobby Vee/ Walk Right Back; All I Have To Do Is Dream - Everly Brothers/ A Picture Of You - Joe Brown & His Bruvers/ Bye


Bye Love - Everly Brothers/ Lucille S2:1 Saw Her Standing There/ Love Me Do/ Please Please Me/ From Me To You/ She Loves You/ From Me To You/ She Loves You/ 'Till There Was You/ Twist & Shout/ Twist & Shout (from an Easy Beat broadcast) R: Exm. S2 6-9 Vgm. S: S1 Saturday Club Oct. 5 '63 Fifth Birthday Show. S2 1-5 Easy Beat Oct. 20 '63, 6-9 Royal Variety Performance Nov. 10 '63. C: Eb. Dcc. AT THE BEEB VOL. 7 PYRAMID 7 RFT CD 016 C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources. AT THE BEEB VOL. 8 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2179/S S1: This Boy/ All I Want For Christmas Is A Bottle/I Wanna Hold Your Hand/ Till There Was You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Christmas messages/ She Loves You/ Beatle Crimble Medley/ From Us To You/ roll call/ She Loves You/ All My Loving/ Roll Over Beethoven/ 'Till There Was You/ Boys S2: Money/ I Saw Her Standing There/ Tie Me Kangaroo Down (with Rolf Harris)/ I Wanna Hold Your Hand/ *report from Malcolm Davis in NY on Beatlemania in the U.S.A.: Murray The K; WINS Radio sweatshirt plug; Kennedy Airport interview with fans & arrival of Beatle plane; Fans in front of Plaza Hotel; Beatle chat R: Exm. *Gm. S: S1 cuts 1-8 Saturday Club Dec. 2 '63. S1 cuts 9-14 & S2 1-4 From Us To You Dec. 26 '63. * Saturday Club Feb. 8 '64. C: Eb. Dcc. DL. AT THE BEEB VOL. 8 PYRAMID 8 RFT CD 016 C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources. AT THE BEEB VOL. 9 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2180/S S1: All My Loving/ Money/ Hippy Hippy Shake/1 Wanna Hold Your Hand/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Johnny B. Goode/1 Wanna Be Your Man S2: From Us To You/ You Can't Do That/ Roll Over Beethoven/ 'Till There Was You/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Please Mr. Postman/ All My Loving/ This Boy/ Can't Buy Me Love/ From Us To You R: Vg-Exm. S: S1 Saturday Club Feb. 15 '64. S2 From Us To You Mar. 30 '64. C: Eb. Dbw/red. DL. AT THE BEEB VOL. 9 PYRAMID 9 RFT CD 017 C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above. AT THE BEEB VOL. 10 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS BB 2181/S S1: Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/1 Call Your Name/1 Got A Woman/ You Can't Do That/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Sure To FaU/ Long Tall Sally S2: From Us To You/ Whit Monday To You/ I Saw Her Standing There/ Kansas City; Hey-Hey-Hey!/1 Forgot To Remember To Forget/ Can't Do That/ Sure To Fall (In Love With You)/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Matchbox/ Honey Don't/ From Us To You R: Ex. S: S1 'Saturday Club' recorded Mar. 31 '64. S2 'From Us To You' recorded May 1 '64. C: Dbw, blue & red cover. AT THE BEEB VOL. 10 PYRAMID PY CD 024


C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources. AT THE BEEB VOL. 11 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS BB 2182 S1: Long Tall Sally/ Things We Said Today/ A Hard Days Night/ And I Love Her/ I Should Have Known Better/ If I Feel/ You Can't Do That S2: From Us To You/ Long Tall Sally/ If I Fell/ I'm Happy Just To Dance With You/ Things We Said Today/1 Should Have Known Better/ Boys/ A Hard Days Night/ From Us To You R: Ex. S: S1 'Top Gear' July 14 '64. S2 'From Us To You' July 17 '64. C: Dec. AT THE BEEB VOL. 11 PYRAMID PY CD 025 C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources. AT THE BEEB: VOL. 12 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS TR 2183 S1 I'm A Loser/ (Beatle talk)/ Honey Don't/ She's A Woman/ (Introduction) Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ I'll Follow The Sun/ (Beatle talk)/1 Feel Fine S2: Rock And Roll Music/ (Beatle talk)/ I'm A Loser/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ (Beatle talk)/ I Feel Fine/ (Introduction) Kansas City: Hey-Hey-Hey!/ (Introduction) She's A Woman R: S1 Vgs. S2 Exs. S: S1 - 'Top Gear', Nov. 26 '64. Recorded Nov. 17 '64, 7:30 - 11:30 p.m., The Playhouse Theatre, Manchester. Emcee, Brian Matthew. S2 - 'Saturday Club', Dec. 26 '64 (Special Boxing Day edition). Recorded Nov. 25 '64, 7:00-10:30 p.m., Number 1 studio BBC Aeolian Hall, 135-137 New Bond Street, London. Emcee, Brian Matthew. C: Deluxe purple/black/white cover. DL. AT THE BEEB 12 PYRAMID RECORDS PY CD 032 C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources AT THE BEEB: VOL. 13 BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS TR 2184 S1: (Signature tune) Ticket To Ride/ (Introduction)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ I'm A Loser/ (Beatle talk and Introduction)/ The Night Before/ Honey Don't/ (Introduction) Dizzy Miss Lizzie/ She's A Woman/ (Introduction) Ticket To Ride S2: She's A Woman/ (Introduction-John) Ticket To Ride/ Introduction-Paul Long Tall Sally/ Introduction-Murray the K)/ She Loves You/ You Can't Do That/ (Introduction-Paul) Twist And Shout/ (Introduction-Paul) Long Tall Sally R: S1 Exm. S2 Gm. S: S1 'The Beatles Invite You To Take A Ticket To Ride' June 7 '65. Recorded May 26 '65, 2:30-6:00 PM Number 1 studio Piccadilly Theatre, London. Emcee Denny Piercy. S2 1-3, 'New Musical Express '64-'65 Annual Poll-winners' All-Star Concert' Apr. 11 '65 Empire Pool, Wembley, England. 4-8 'NME '63-'64 Annual Poll-winners' All-Star Concert' Apr. 26 '64, Empire Pool, Wembley. C: Dec. DL. AT THE BEEB 13 PYRAMID RECORDS PY CD 033 C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above. BEATLES BROADCASTS CIRCUIT RECORDS LK 4450 S1: Pop Goes The Beatles (:56)/ Long Tall Sally (1:53)/ Carol (2:29)/ Soldier of Love (1:56)/ Lend Me Your Comb (1:43)/ Clarabella (2:32)/ Memphis (2:10)/1 Got A Woman (2:25)/ Sure To Fall (2:08)/ Do


You Want To Know A Secret (1:43) S2: Hippy Hippy Shake (1:47)/ Till There Was You (2:11)/ Matchbox (1:55)/ I'm A Loser (2:28)/ She's A Woman (3:03)/ I Feel Fine (2:05)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:17)/ I'll Follow The Sun (1:46) R: Exm. S: BBC Radio '63 & '64. C: Dec. SS. One of the nicest packages at the time. A vinyl classic. Re released by Box Top on CV. BEATLES BROADCASTS R: Exm. C: Color pic disc copy of BEATLES BROADCASTS (LK 4450) using front & back cover of original. SS. BEAUTIFUL DREAMER NEM 61842 S1: Some Other Guy/ Talkin' About You/ Youngblood/ Too Much Monkey Business/ I Got To Find My Baby/ Johnny B. Goods/ Keep Your Hands Off My Baby/ Beautiful Dreamer/ Glad All Over S2: That's All Right Mama/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down & Cry/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ Sweet Little Sixteen/ Oh My Soul/ There's A Place/ I'll Get You/ Words Of Love/ The Honeymoon Song R: Gm. S: '63 BBC. C: Dec. SS. FROM US TO YOU THE SWESfGIN' PIG TSP-CD-015-2 CD 1: From Us To You/ Hippy Hippy Shake/ Memphis/ Too Much Monkey Business/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ Crying Waiting Hoping/ Don't Ever Change/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ CaroV Soldier Of Love/ Lend Me Your Comb/ Clarabella/ A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues/ The Honeymoon Song/ Nothin' ShakinV So How Come/ I Got A Woman/ Roll Over Beethoven/ 'Till There Was You/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Can't Buy Me Love/ That Boy/ Long Tall Sally/ And I Love Her/ A Hard Day's Night/ She's A Woman/1 Feel Fine/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy/ Ticket To Ride. CD2: Too Much Monkey Business/ Thank You Girl/ From Me To You/ I'll Be On My Way/1 Saw Her Standing There/ Long Tall Sally/ Some Other Guy/ Boys/ Memphis/ I'll Get You/ She Loves You/ Lucille/1 Got To Find My Baby/ Money/ Young Blood/ Tears In My Eyes/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down/ Matchbox/ Please Mr. Postman/ I Got A Woman/ Chains/ Glad All Over/ Honey Don't/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Lucille/ Twist & Shout. R: Ex. Some tracks on CD2 have a slight 'trembling' sound. S: BBC '62 - '65. C: BCD. Dec. Insert with recording details. GDI Time 66:13. CD2 Time 66:04. A super set of BBC tracks. **** FROM US TO YOU - A PARLOPHONE REHEARSAL SESSION Unknown label (LMW-28 If) S1: From Us To You #!/ Kansas City/Hey Hey Hey!/Long Tall Sally/ If I Fell/ Boys/ I'm Happy Just To Dance With You (instrumental)/ I'm Happy Just To Dance With You S2:1 Should Have Known Better (false start)/1 Should Have Known Better (without harmonica)/ I Should Have Known Better/ Things We Said Today/ A Hard Day's Night/ From Us To You R: Vgm. S: NOT Parlophone rehearsals but the BBC recording session for the show which aired on August 3, 1964. LIVE AT THE BBC 1962-65 RSR/TNTERNATIONAL RSR 252 S1: From Us To You/ Hippy Hippy Shake/ Memphis/ Please Mr. Postman/ Some Other Guy/ Too Much Monkey Business/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ I'll Be On My Way/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ That's Alright Mama


S2: Carol/ Soldiers Of Love/ Lend Me Your Comb/ Clarabella/ Shot Of Rhythm & Blues/ Matchbox/ Sure To Fall/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes/ Sweet Little Sixteen/ Nothing Shaking But The Leaves On The Trees/1 Just Don't Understand S3: So How Come No One Loves Me/I Got A Woman/ I'm Gonna Find My Baby/ The Honeymoon Song/ All My Loving/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Till There Was You/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Can't Buy Me Love/ This Boy/ Long Tall Sally S4: Rock & Roll Music/ A Hard Day's Night/ Things We Said Today/ I'll Follow The Sun/ I'm A Loser/ She's A Women/1 Feel Fine/ Johnny B Goode/ Kansas City R: Vg-Exs. S: BBC '62 - '65. C: Dec. B&w back. THE LOST BEEBS ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-034 Dream Baby (Teenager's Turn - Mar. 8 '62 - rec. Mar. 7 *62)/ Memphis Tennessee (Teenager's Turn Mar. 8 '62 - rec. Mar. 7 '62)/ Please Mr. Postman (Teenager's Turn -Mar. 8 '62 - rec. Mar. '62)/ Ask Me Why (Here We Go - June 15 '62)/ Besame Mucho (Here We Go - June 15 '62)/ A Picture Of You (Here We Go - June 15 '62)/ Misery (Pop Goes The Beatles June 4, '62) (Rec. May 24 '64)/ The Hippy Hippy Shake/ Money (That's What I Want) (Saturday Club June 29, '63)/ Till There Was You (Saturday Club - rec. June 24 '63)/ Love Me Do (Pop Goes The Beatles July 23 '63 - rec. July 10 '63)/ Anna (Go To Him) (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 27 '63 - rec. Aug. 1 '63)/A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 27 '63 - rec. Aug. 1 '63)/ Money (That's What I Want) (Pop Goes The Beatles Sept. 3, '63 rec. Aug. 1 '63)/ Long Tall Sally (Saturday Club Aug. 24 '63)/ Nothin' Shakin' (But The Leaves On The Trees) (Pop Goes The Beatles July 27 '63 - rec. July 10 '63)/ Sweet Little Sixteen/1 Just Don't Understand (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 20 '63 - rec. July 16 '63)/ Glad All Over (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 20 '63 - rec. July 16 '63)/ Slow Down (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 20 '63 - rec. July 16 '63)/Words Of Love (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 20 '63 - rec. July 16 '63)/ Don't Ever Change (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 27 '63 - rec. Aug. 1 '63)/ Sure To Fall (In Love With You) (Saturday Club Apr. 4, '64 - rec. Mar. 3 '64)/ Long Tall Sally (Top Gear, July 16 '64 - rec. July 14, '64)/ Things We Said Today (Top Gear, July 16, '64 -rec. July 14 '64)/ A Hard Days Night (Top Gear July 16, '64 - rec. July 14 '64)/ I'm A Loser (Top Gear Nov. 26 '64 - rec. Nov. 17 '64)/ She's A Woman (Top Gear Nov. 26 '64 - rec. Nov. 17 '64)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (Top Gear Nov. 26 '64 - rec. Nov. 17 '64)/1 Feel Fine/ I'll Follow The Sun R: Tracks 1-14 poor - Gm. Rest Gm & some Vgm. Surface noise. C: ACD. Dec. Time 72:11. LOST BEEBS TIGER BEAT RECORDS TBR/LP2 S1: Dream Baby/ Memphis Tennessee/ Please Mr. Postman/ Ask Me Why/ Besame Macho/ A Picture Of You/ phone chat with Brian Matthew S2: Misery/ The Hippy Hippy Shake/ Money (That's What I Want)/ Till There Was You/ Love Me Do/ Anna (Go To Him)/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues/ Money (That's What I Want) R: Gm. S: S1 - Songs 1-3: 'Teenagers Turn' transmitted Mar. 8 '62, recorded Mar. 7 '62. Songs 4-6: 'Here We Go' transmitted June 15 '62. Phone chat: 'Saturday Club' transmitted Feb. 8 '64. S2 - Songs 1&2: 'Pop Go The Beatles' transmitted June 4 '62, recorded May 24 '63. Songs 3&4: 'Saturday Club' transmitted June 29 '63, recorded June 24 '63. Song 5: 'Pop Go The Beatles' transmitted July 23 '63, recorded July 10 '63. Songs 6&7: 'Pop Go The Beatles'transmitted Aug. 27'63, recorded Aug. 1'63. Song 8: 'Pop Go The Beatles' transmitted Sept. 3 '63, recorded Aug. 1 '63. C: Deluxe blue/black/white cover. Yellow label. MEET THE BEEB BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS BB 2190 / 9 S1: Dream Baby*/ Memphis*/ Please Mr. Postman*/ Ask Me Why**/ Besame Mucho**/ A Picture Of You**/ Some Other Guy+/ Keep Your Hands Off My Baby+/ Beautiful Dreamer+/ From Me To YOU+ +


S2: I Saw Her Standing There/ Misery/ Too Much Monkey Business/ I'm Talking About You/ Please Please Me/ Hippy Hippy Shake/ I Saw Her Standing There</ A Shot Of Rhythm 'n' Blues</ There's A Place</ My Evelyne> R: G-Vgm except >poor mono. S: * Teenagers Turn Mar. '62. **Here We Go June '62. +Saturday Club Jan. '63. ++Easy Beat Apr. '63. Saturday Club (live) Mar. '63. < Easy Beat July '63. > NOT The Beatles. C: Eb. Dbw. DL. * & **Pete Best on drums. ORIGINAL AUDITION TAPE, CIRCA 1962 WRMB 308 S1: I Got A Woman #17 I Got A Woman #27 Glad All Over/ I Just Don't Understand/ Hippy Hippy Shake/ I'm Sure To Fall/ Please Don't Ever Change; A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (live)*/ There's Nothing Shaking/ I Forgot To Remember S2: Bound By Love/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes/ Everybody Wants Someone/ Love Of The Loved (Decca audition Jan. 1 '62)*/ Lucille (satisfactory mono)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ Lend Me Your Comb*/ Oh Carol*/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry R: Gm except * which are poor. S: BBC Studio unless noted. POP GOES THE RADIO TEDDY BEAR RECORDS TB CD 01/02 CD1: A Shot Of Rhythm and Blues/ Some Other Guy/ Thank You Girl/ Anna (Go To Him)/ Boys/ P.S. I Love You/ Twist and Shout/ Carol/ Soldier of Love (Lay Down Your Arms)/ Lend Me Your Comb/ Clarabella/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes/ So How Come (No One Loves Me)/ Matchbox/ Please Mister Postman/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry Over You/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ The Honeymoon Song/ Long Tall Sally/ Please Please Me/ I'll Get You/1 Got A Woman/ There's a Place/ Honey Don't CD2: Too Much Monkey Business/ Love Me Do/ She Loves You/ A Taste Of Honey/ The Hippy Hippy Shake/ Chains/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Misery/ Lucille/ From Me To You/ Ask Me Why/ (There's A) Devil In Her Heart/ Sure To Fall (In Love With You)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Beatle Crimble/ All My Loving/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Money (That's What I Want)/ Saw Her Standing There/ Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport/ Johnny Be Goode/I Wanna Be Your Man/ Till There Was You/ This Boy/ Can't Buy Be Love R: Vg-Ex. S: GDI tracks 1, 4-25 and CD2 tracks 1-13 'Pop Go The Beatles' '63. GDI tracks 2-3 'Easy Beat' '63. CD2 tracks 14-15 'Saturday Club' '63. Tracks 16-20 'From Us To You' '63. Tracks 21-22 'Saturday Club' '64. Tracks 23-25 'From Us To You' '64. C: BCD. Blue fold-out cardboard box with white type. CDs in cardboard sleeves with color pictures. Song listings on separate card. Booklet with B&w pictures. Time GDI 58:06. CD2 57:18. POP GOES THE RADIO VOL. 2 TEDDY BEAR RECORDS TB 08/2 CD1: I'll Be On My Way/ I Got To Find My Baby/ Youngblood/ Baby It's You/ Keep Your Hands Off My Baby/ Beautiful Dreamer/ I'm Talkin' About You/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ That's Alright (Mama)/ Sweet Little Sixteen/ Nothin' Shakin' (But The Leaves On The Trees)/ Kansas City/ Memphis Tennessee/ Words Of Love/ Glad All Over/ I Just Don't Understand/ Slow Down/ Ooh My Soul/ Don't Ever Change/ You Can't Do That/ I Call Your Name/ I Forget To Remember To Forget/ Things We Said Today/ A Hard Days Night CD2: And I Lover Her/1 Should Have Known Better/ If I Fell/ I'm Happy Just To Dance With You/ I'm A Looser/ I'll Follow The Sun/ Rock And Roll Music/ I Feel Fine/ The Night Before/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy/ She's A Woman/ Dream Baby (How Long Must I Have Dream?)*/ Besame Mucho*/ A Picture Of You*/ From Me To You/ She Loves You/ Till There Was You/ Twist And Shout/ She Loves You/ You Can't Do That/ Twist And Shout/ Long Tall Sally/ She's A Woman/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally R: Vg-Ex. Some good. S: GDI track 1 'Side By Side' '63. Tracks 2-4, 9-20 'Pop Goes The Beatles' '63. Tracks 5-8 'Saturday Club' '63. Tracks 21, 23, CD2 track 4 'From Us To You' '64. GDI track 22, CD2


tracks 5, 7-8 'Saturday Club' '64. GDI tracks 24-25, CD2 tracks 1-3, 6 'Top Gear' '64. Tracks 9-11 'Ticket To Ride' '65. Tracks 12-14 'Teenager's Turn Here We Go' '62. Tracks 15-18 Royal Variety Performance '63. Tracks 19-22 New Musical Express Winner Pool '63-'64. Tracks 23-25 New Musical Express Winner Pool '64-'65. C: BCD. Pink fold-out cardboard box with white type. CDs in cardboard sleeves. Song listings on separate card. Booklet with B&W pictures. *With Pete Best. Time GDI 56:34. CD2 62:38 SO MUCH YOUNGER THEN DEMOCRATIC RECORDS DC7577-5 S1: Pop Go The Beatles/ From Us To You/ Hippy Hippy Shake/ Memphis Tennessee/ Dream Baby/ Please Mr. Postman/ Some Other Guy/ Too Much Monkey Business/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ I'll Be On My Way S2: Cryin', Waitin', HopinV To Know Her Is To Love Her/ Don't Ever Change/ That's Alright Mama/ Carol/ Soldier Of Love/ Lend Me Your Comb/ Clarabella/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues S3: Matchbox/ Sure To Fall/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes/ Sweet Little Sixteen/ Nothing Shaking But The Leaves On A Tree/1 Just Don't Understand/ So How Come/ I Got A Woman/1 Got To Find My Baby/ The Honeymoon Song S4: All My Loving/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Till There Was You/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Happy Birthday Saturday Club/ This Boy/ Long Tall Sally S5: Rock 'N' Roll Music/ And I Love Her/ Hard Day's Night/ Things We Said Today/I'll Follow The Sun/ I'm A Loser/ She's A Woman/1 Feel Fine S6: Johnny B. Goode/ Kansas City/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Honey Don't/ Dizzy Miss Lizzie/ Ticket To Ride S7 & 8: A copy of FIVE NIGHTS IN A JUDO ARENA (De Weintraub Records 426) S9 & 10: A copy of WATCHING RAINBOWS R: Exm, surface noise. S: S1 - 6: BEATLES AT THE BEEB. C: Deluxe color box set of full color pic discs. STUDIO OUTTAKE RECORDINGS 62-64 WIZARD RECORDS (VCS526) or WIZARDO RECORDS (WRMB 326) S1: Love Me Do/ Please Please Me/ From Me To You/1 Saw Her Standing Her/ Misery/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ There's A Place/ Anna/ Chains/ Boys S2: She Loves You/ Till There Was You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ She's Got A Devil In Her Heart/ Money/ Long Tall Sally/ Honey Don't/ Kansas City-Hey Hey Hey/ Words Of Love R: Exs. S: BBC. C: Eb. Dcc. DL. STUDIO SESSIONS 1 CBM 3640 S1: You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Hippy Hippy Shake/ Misery/ Money/ Till There Was You/ Do You Want To Know A Secret S2: From Me To You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Love Me Do/ Kansas City/ Long Tall Sally/ Please Please Me R: Gm. S: BBC Radio early '63. C: Also available as OUTTAKES 1. SS. STUDIO SESSIONS 2 CBM 3641 S1: Honey Don't/ Chains/ I Saw Her Standing There/ I'm Sure To FalV Lucille/ Boys S2: She Loves You/ Words Of Love/ She's Got The Devil In Her Heart/ Anna/ Money/ There's A Place R: Satisfactory to Gm. S: BBC Radio early '63. C: Also available as OUTTAKES 2. SS.


TOP OF THE POPS Fake Capitol (P9431) EP S1: Long Tall Sally/ 'Tops of Pops' interview S2: A Hard Day's Night/ Things We Said Today R: Vgm S: From BBC 'Top Of The Pops' radio (July 8, 1964). Color picture sleeve on hard cardboard. Front shows alternate 'Butcher' photo and back has 'Trunk' cover photo. THE ULTIMATE UNRELEASED COLLECTION VOL. 1 ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-012 Side By Side (Apr. 4 '63 with The Karl Denver Trio)/ Too Much Monkey Business (Apr. 4 '63)/ I'll Be On My Way (Apr. 4 '63)/ Some Other Guy (June 19 '63)/ Memphis, Tennessee (June 24 '63)/1 Got To Find My Baby (June 1 '63)/ Youngblood (June 1 '63)/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (June 1 '63)/ Sure To Fall (In Love With You) (June 1 '63)/ That's All Right Mama (July 2 '63)/ Carol (July 2 '63)/ Soldier Of Love (July 2 '63)/ Lend Me Your Comb (July 2 '63)/ Clarabella (July 2 '63)/ Sweet Little Sixteen (July 10 '63)/ Nothin' Shakin' (But The Leaves On The Trees) (July 10 '63)/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes (July 10 '63)/ So How Come (No One Loves Me) (July 10 '63)/ The Hippy Hippy Shake (July 10 '63)/ Pop Goes The Beatles (July 2 '63)/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down & Cry (Over You) (July 16 '63)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (July 16 '63)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (July 16 '63)/ The Honeymoon Song (July 16 '63)/1 Got A Woman (July 16 '63)/ Glad All Over (July 16 '63)/1 Just Don't Understand (July 16 '63)/ Ooh! My Soul (Aug. 1 '63)/ Don't Ever Change (Aug. 1 '63)/ Lucille (Sept. 3 '63)/ Johnny B. Goode (Jan. 7 '64)/1 Forgot To Remember To Forget (May 1 '64)/ Beautiful Dreamer (Jan. 26 '63)/ That'll Be The Day (Aug. '60) R: Vgm. C: ACD. Dec. This is a treat to listen to. A Beatles' version of ROOTS. S: BBC as indicated. Time 72:50. WITH LOVE FROM US TO YOU ORO RECORDS 6365 S1: Mr. Postman (2:01) (BBC Mar. '62)/ I'll Be On My Way (1:50) (Side By Side '63)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (2:05)/ Don't Ever Change (1:55); A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (2:19); Lonesome Tears (2:35); Nothin' Shakin' But The Leaves On A Tree (2:51) (Pop Goes The Beatles '63)/All My Loving (2:02); Roll Over Beethoven (2:15); I Wanna Be Your Man (2:08) (With Love From Us To You '64) S2: Can't Buy Me Love (2:04) (With Love From Us To You '64)/ This Boy (2:15) (Saturday Club Dec. 21 '63)/ Rock 'N' Roll Music (2:00) (BBC '64)/ And I Love Her (2:20); Hard Day's Night (not listed on cover or labels); Things We Said Today (2:15) (Top Gear July 16 '64)/ Kansas City (2:34) (Saturday Club Dec. 26 '64)/ Honey Don't (2:20); Dizzie Miss Lizzy (2:45); Ticket To Ride (2:58) (Beatles Invite You To Take A Ticket To Ride June 7 '65)/ With Love From Us To You (not listed) R: Exm. S: Various BBC shows as indicated. C: Dec. B&w poster. SS. YOUNGBLOOD BVP 005 S1: Too Much Monkey Business (1:34) (fair)/ Hippy Hippy Shake (1:42) (fair)/ Sweet Little Sixteen (1:32) (Vg)/ Devil In Her Heart (1:12) (Vg)/ A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues (:44) (excellent)/ Memphis (2:20) (excellent)/ Sure To Fall (2:09) (Vg)/ Youngblood (1:36) (good)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (2:07) (fair)/ Kansas City (:40) (good)/1 Forgot To Remember To Forget (2:05) (fair) R: Poor mono. S: 'Starmash' radio program Liverpool. S2: From Me To You (1:12)/ I Saw Her Standing There (1:12)/ All My Loving (2:06)/ Roll Over Beethoven (2:14)/ Boys (2:03)/ Till There Was You (2:10)/ She Loves You (2:16)/ This Boy (2:13)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand (2:19)/ Money (2:43)/ Twist & Shout (2:16)/ From Me To You (inst. - not listed on cover) R: Gm. S: Liverpool Empire Dec. 22 '63. C: Dbw. S1 SS.


RELATED TITLES: DON'T PASS ME BY (CONTRA BAND, CBM-2) 2LP, BEATLES FOR AUCTION (SAPCOR 32) LP, MONKEY BUSINESS (ROCK SOLID RECORDS, RSR.76001-2) 2LP, PISS OF PETE! (unknown, B-5) LP. All contain commonly available BBC cuts. I've listed PISS OFF PETE! not for the material it contains (it is a copy of AIRTIME with some additional interviews with Best and his version of Boys), but for the great title. The Australians who manufactured this record must have spent too much time in the Outback drinking kangaroo milk!

Mersey Sound/Drop In / Morecambe and Wise/Sunday Night At The London Palladium / Ed Sullivan Shows /Around The Beatles/ VARA-TV/Blackpool Night Out I Shindig BEATLES BEATLES AT THE BEEB - TV PANDA RECORDS (BBCBCD 1454) CD 1994 Source: BBC Television Sound Quality: Varies fair to good Rating: *** The Mersey Sound: 14:54/ It's The Beatles: 8:33/ A Degree Of Frost: 5:15/ Not Only...But Also: 8:39/ Tonight: 4:43/ Morecambe And Wise: 3:07 Here we have the opportunity to hear The Beatles in some of their earliest television appearances. 'The Mersey Sound' was filmed at Little Theatre in Southport, England, between August 27-30, 1963. Twist and Shout and She Loves You were live recordings while Love Me Do was mimed. The show aired October 9, 1963, on BBC1. 'It's The Beatles' was taken from an afternoon taping session on December 7,1963 at the Empire Theatre in Liverpool. It was transmitted on BBC1 later in the day. On this show The Beatles sang an altered version of I Want To Hold Your Hand, Money, Twist and Shout and performed an instrumental version of From Me To You and a bit of Third Man Theme. 'A Degree Of Frost' featured Paul McCartney being interviewed by David Frost at TV Centre in London on April 15, 1964, and was transmitted on BBC1 on September 1, 1964. 'Not Only...But Also' guested John Lennon with Dudley Moore and Norman Rossington on their comedy show. John's poem Deaf Ted was read as a film interpretation by the three men. The show was recorded November 20, 1964 and November 29, 1964, and transmitted on BBC1 on January 9, 1965. 'Tonight' featured John Lennon reciting his poems General Erection and The Magic Dog. The show was transmitted live from Lime Grove Studios in London on June 18, 1965. 'Morecambe And Wise' has The Beatles making mad with comedians Eric and Ernie. The original show aired in 1964 but was recorded December 2, 1963 at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood. The Beatles performed This Boy, All My Loving, and I Want To Hold Your Hand, and as a finale the group sings On Moonlight Bay. All but All My Loving would be released on The Beatles ANTHOLOGY 1 in 1995. All My Loving can be found on Yellow Dog's HOLLYWOOD BOWL COMPLETE (YD-034) released on CD in 1993. IN CASE YOU DON'T KNOW SPANK RECORDS (SP-110) CD 1994 SLIPCASE/BOOKLET Source: Various Sound Quality: Fair to very good



Rating: *** Time: 52:20 SHINDIG - October 3, 1964: Kansas City / Hey Hey Hey Hey! (undubbed) DROP IN - October 30, 1963: She Loves You/ Twist And Shout/ I Saw Her Standing There/ Long Tall Sally WASHINGTON COLISEUM - February 11, 1964: Introduction/ Roll Over Beethoven/ From Me To You/1 Saw Her Standing There/ This Boy/ All My Loving/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Please Please Me/ Till There Was You/ She Loves You/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ Twist And Shout SHINDIG - October 3, 1964: Kansas City / Hey Hey Hey Hey!/ I'm A Loser/ Boys/ Closing Theme The title of this disc comes from the DJ at the Washington concert who introduced a band member as, "In case you don't know, that's Ringo Starr". Clever fellow. This disc consists of three shows available on videotape. The first track from 'Shindig' is the undubbed version and is only available on this disc. It was not on the videotape. The sound quality for the 'Shindig' and 'Drop In' shows are excellent. The Washington concert is only fair as the tape of the concert itself was never very good. In addition, as with the video of the Washington show, Twist And Shout is cut short because the original film crew ran out of tape before the concert's final number. This Spank release comes in a nice color slipcase and includes a 28-page booklet with excellent liner notes and some rare photos from the Washington concert and 'Shindig.' FIRST UNITED STATES PERFORMANCE KING KONG 1070 S1: Roll Over Beethoven/ From Me To You/ I Saw Her Standing There/ This Boy/ All My Lovin' S2: I Wanna Be Your Man/ Please Please Me/ Till There Was You/ She Loves You/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ Shout R: Gm. C: A line recording from Washington DC Coliseum Feb. 11 '64. Also available on Wizardo (WRMB 360) without Shout. This version is satisfactory mono. FIRST US CONCERT WHITE KNIGHT WK20 R: Gm. C: Copy of FIRST UNITED STATES PERFORMANCE (King Kong 1070). Dbw. Not made in Japan as cover claims. THE ED SULLIVAN SHOWS Beat (BEAT CD 011-2)2CD 1994 Source: Ed Sullivan TV/film Sound Quality: Excellent Rating: **** CD 1: Total Time 1:04:07 1: Introduction 2: All My Loving 3: Till There Was You 4: She Loves You 5:1 Saw Her Standing There 6:1 Want To Hold Your Hand 7: She Loves You 8: This Boy 9: All My Loving 10:1 Saw Here Standing There 11: From Me To You CD2: Total Time 53:31 1: Intro 2: Paperback Writer 3: Rain 4: Lady Madonna 5: Hello Goodbye 6: Hey Jude 7: Revolution 8: On Our Way Home 9: Let It Be 10: Twist And Shout 11:1 Feel Fine


12:1 Want To Hold Your Hand 13: Twist And Shout 14: Please Please Me 15:1 Want To Hold Your Hand 16: Interview with Ed 17: You Can't Do That 18:1 Feel Fine 19: I'm Down 20: Act Naturally 21: Ticket To Ride 22: Yesterday 23: Help! Tracks 1-6: February 9, 1964 Tracks 7-12: February 16, 1964 (afternoon rehearsal) Tracks 13-15: February 23, 1964 Tracks 16-17: May 24,1964 Tracks 18-23: September 12, 1965

12: Dizzy Miss Lizzy 13: Ticket To Ride 14: Can't Buy Me Love 15: Baby's In Black 16: Help! 17: I'm Down Tracks 1-3: June 5, 1966 Track 4: Filmed June 15, 1968 Track 5: November 26, 1967 Tracks 6-7: September 4, 1968 Tracks 8-9: March 1, 1970 Tracks 10-17: Shea Stadium August 15, 1965

An excellent collection of nearly all The Beatles appearances on Ed's 'Really Big Shew.' Missing are the film clip soundtracks of Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields Forever (February 12, 1967) and Two Of Us (February 15, 1970). Also, only a portion of the Miami rehearsal tape is included on this disc. The sound quality is quite good and is taken from video. The quality on a few of the tracks do sound a bit muffled (Hello Goodbye), but overall it is more than satisfactory. Probably the best sound quality of this material can be found on Yellow Dog's box set, THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 1. That set will be reviewed later in the book. The Shea Stadium material was added because Ed himself introduced The Beatles at the show. These songs are from the film soundtrack. BEATLES CONQUER AMERICA NEMS RECORDS SHU 6465 S1: Open-end interview from Capitol PRO 2459 (Feb '64)/ All My Loving/ 'Till There Was You/ She Loves You/1 Saw Her Standing There/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ WDDC interview Feb. 11 '64 S2: She Loves You/ This Boy/ All My Loving/1 Saw Her Standing There/ From Me To You/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ Beatle's Farewell to Miami WQAM Feb '64 S3: Twist & Shout/ Please Please Me/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Kansas City; Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey*/ I'm A Loser*/ Boys*/ Fab Four On Film (Capitol promo interview) S4: I Fell Fine/ I'm Down/ Act Naturally/ Ticket To Ride/ Yesterday/ Help!/ Minneapolis press conference Aug. 21 '64 R: Exm except *Shindig Jan. 20 '65 & **good mono. S: S1 Ed Sullivan Feb. 9 '64. S2 Sullivan Show rehearsal Feb. 15 '64. S3 Sullivan Show Feb. 23 '64 except *Shindig Jan. 20 '65. S4 Sullivan Show Sept. 12 '65. One of the few bootlegs with the afternoon show and the rehearsal material included. A nice collection. C: Dec. DL. CONQUER AMERICA LIVING LEGEND RECORDS LLR CD 007 All My Loving+/ 'Till There Was You+/ She Loves You+/ I Saw Her Standing There+/ I Want To Hold Your Hand+/ This Boy++/ All My Loving++/ From Me To You++/ Twist & Shout*/ Please Please Me*/ Kansas City; Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey**/ I'm A Loser**/ Boys**/ I Fell Fine+*/ I'm Down+*/ Act Naturally+*/ Ticket To Ride+*/ Yesterday/ Help!+*/ Dizzy Miss0 Lizzy/ Can't Buy Me Love


R: Exm except **Gm. S: +Ed Sullivan Feb. 9 '64. ++Sullivan Show rehearsal Feb. 15 '64. *Sullivan Show Feb. 23 '64 except **Shindig Jan. 20 '65. +*SuUivan Show Sept. 12 '65. SheaAug. 8'65. C: Dcc. ED'S REALLY BIG BEATLE BLASTS MELVDSf RECORDS MMM05 S1: All My Loving/ Till There Was You/ She Loves You/ I Saw Her Standing There/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ She Loves You/ This Boy/ All My Loving S2: I Saw Her Standing There/ From Me To You/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Twist & Shout/ Please Please Me/1 Want To Hold Your Hand S: Ed Sullivan Feb. 9 & 16 '64. C: Dbw. ED SULLIVAN SHOWS TOASTED S1: All My Loving/ Till There Was You/ She Loves You/ I Saw Her Standing There/ I Want To Hold Your Hand (Feb. 9 '64) S2: She Loves You/ This Boy/ All My Loving/1 Saw Her Standing There/ From Me To You/1 Want To Hold Your Hand (Feb. 16 '64) S3: Twist & Shout; Please Please Me; I Want To Hold Your Hand (Feb. 23 '64)/ Kansas City; I'm A Loser/ Boys (Shindig Jan. 20 '65) S4: I Feel Fine/ I'm Down/ Act Naturally/ Ticket To Ride/ Yesterday/ Help! (Sept. 12 '65) R: Exm. C: Dbw. ED SULLIVAN SHOW CBS TV STUDIO 0514 S1: All My Loving/ Till There Was You/ She Loves You/ I Saw Her Standing There/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ She Loves You/ This Boy/ All My Loving S2: I Saw Her Standing There/ From Me To You/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Twist & Shout/ Please Please Me/1 Want To Hold Your Hand R: Exm. S: Feb. 9 & 16 '64. C: Available as a blue & white pic disc & on black vinyl. SS. THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW MELVIN RECORDS MMCD 05A/05B CD1: All My Loving/ Till There Was You/ She Loves You/1 Saw Her Standing There/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ She Loves You/ This Boy/All My Loving/1 Saw Her Standing There/ From Me To You/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Twist And Shout/ Please Please Me/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ The Radio Show/1 Saw Her Standing There, I Want To Hold Your Hand, All My Loving, She Loves You CD2: Intro/ Twist And Shout/ She's A Woman/1 Feel Fine/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy/ Ticket To Ride/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Baby's In Black/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Help!/ I'm Down/ Intro/ Twist And Shout/ She's A Woman/1 Feel Fine/ Dizzy Miss Lizzie/ Ticket To Ride/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Baby's In Black/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/Help!/I'm Down R: G. Some G-Vg. S: CD1 The Ed Sullivan Show. Tracks 1-5 Feb. 9 '64. Tracks 6-11 Feb. 16 '64. Tracks 12-14 Feb. 16 '64. Track 15 Zaal Treslong Studio, Hillgom Dutch TV show 'Beatles In Netherlands'. Track 16 John, Paul, George and sit-in drummer Jimmy Nicol singing along with records on Dutch TV show. CD2 Sam Houston Coliseum, Houston Aug. 19 '65. Tracks 1-13 afternoon show. Tracks 14-25 evening show. C: Japanese CD. This is one of those releases that makes me ask 'why?' This material has been out before in better quality. The cover is a copy of the Melvin Records vinyl release and the type is so small you can't read it. The songs are misnamed on the discs. Time CDI 76:28. CD2 75:46.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLACK PANTHER BPCD 024 All My Loving/ Till There Was You/ She Loves You/1 Saw Her Standing There/I Want To Hold Your Hand/ She Loves You/ This Boy/ All My Loving/ I Saw Her Standing There/ From Me To You/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Twist And Shout/ Please Please Me/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Twist And Shout/ Roll Over Beethoven/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Long Tall Sally S: Tracks 1-5 Ed Sullivan show Feb. 9 '64. Tracks 6-11 Ed Sullivan show Feb. 16 '64. Tracks 12-14 Ed Sullivan show Feb. 23 '64. Tracks 15-18 London Apr. '64. C: BCD. SUNDAY NIGHT AT THE LONDON PALLADIUM SHALOM (WEC-3687) LP 1974 Source:Video/film Sound Quality: Fair mono Rating: ** Total Time: 32:19 I Want To Hold Your Hand/ This Boy/ All My Loving/ Money (That's What I Want)/ Twist and Shout/ Please Mr. Postman/ Skits/ All My Loving/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Till There Was You/ Please Mr. Postman/1 Want To Hold Your Hand Tracks one through five are from January 12, 1964 (not October 13, 1963 as the LP liner notes state). The show was a live broadcast of Val Parnell's 'Sunday Night At The London Palladium.' The remaining tracks are from the February 23, 1964 broadcast of 'Big Night Out' filmed at Teddington Studios in London. All the songs from 'Big Night Out' are the commercial versions as The Beatles mimed their performances. The sound quality of the 'Palladium' tracks is so-so here. The best source for this material is RULING QUEEN ELIZABETH...THE BEATLES LIVE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 1962-65 (Bulldog Records: BGCD-11112). This 2CD set was released in 1990 from Italy. Contraband Music released their own version of the above LP in 1975 to no one's benefit. Finally, I have not listed ABC MANCHESTER (Wizardo, WRMB 361) which also claims to contain Val Parnell's 'Sunday Night At The London Palladium' of October 13, 1963, because they ARE NOT on this disc. You can, however, find /'// Get You on ANTHOLOGY 1 and Twist And Shout on BEATLES AT THE BEEB VOL. 7. Two songs from that program have not been bootlegged at the time of this book. They are From Me To You and She Loves You. A tape of the entire program is in the hands of a few fortunate collectors. POLLWINNERS GO TO BLACKPOOL M-BEAT MUSIC (MBCD 001) CD 1995 Source: Television Sound Quality: Very good mono Rating: *** Total Time: 68:50 1) Introduction by Jimmy Saville & Murray The K 2) She Loves You 3) You Can't Do That 4) Twist And Shout 5) Long Tall Sally 6) Can't Buy Me Love Tracks 1-6 are from NME Pollwinners Concert, Empire Pool Wembley (April 26,1964) 7) I Feel Fine


8) She's A Woman 9) Baby's In Black 10) Ticket To Ride 11) Long Tall Sally Tracks 7-11 are from NME Pollwinners Concert, Empire Pool Wembley (April 11,1965) 12) I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside 13) I Feel Fine 14) I'm Down 15) Act Naturally 16) Ticket To Ride 17) Yesterday 18) Help Tracks 12-18 are from 'Blackpool Night Out', Arc Theatre, Blackpool (August 1, 1965) 19) She Loves You Recorded live at the Little Theatre in Southport on August 27, 1963, for the 'Mersey Sound' TV special, 20) Moonlight Bay From the 'Morecambe & Wise Show' of December 2, 1963. 21) Twist And Shout 22) Roll Over Beethoven 23) I Wanna Be Your Man 24) Long Tall Sally 25) Medley: Love Me Do/Please Please Me/From Me To You/She Loves You/I Want To Hold Your Hand 26) Can't Buy Me Love 27) Shout Tracks 21-27 are from 'Around The Beatles' recording session of April 19, 1964. These were recorded before the audience was added so there is no applause between the songs. For the first time we get both the NME concerts complete and unedited. Plus we hear a very short (6 seconds) rendition of I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside . The 'Blackpool Night Out' performance from August 1, 1965 can also be found on RULING QUEEN ELIZABETH II...THE BEATLES LIVE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 1962-1965. The 'Around The Beatles' special is also on AROUND THE BEATLES (Wizardo Records: WRMB 349), READY STEADY GO! (Wind Records, WIND 001), STOCKHOLM (Instant Analysis: 4179), STOCKHOLM (Contraband Music: WEC-1040), STOCKHOLM & BLACKPOOL (Savage Records: PLD-6365), and STOCKHOLM/BLACKPOOL (Box Top Records). Your best source for the 'Around The Beatles' material is THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. I on Yellow Dog. ANTHOLOGYI features stereo versions of Boys, I Wanna Be Your Man, Long Tall Sally and an edited Shout!. AROUND THE BEATLES WRMB 349 S1: Twist & Shout/ Roll Over Beethoven/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Long Tall Sally/ Medley: Love Me Do; Please Please Me; From Me To You; She Loves You; I Want To Hold Your Hand; Can't Buy Me Love/ Shout S: 'Around The Beatles' TV program May 6 '64 S2: '66 tour interviews by Ken Douglas R: Gm. C: Pressed on CV.


BEATLEMANIA BLACK PANTHER RECORDS BPCD 025 I Saw Her Standing There/ From Me To You/ Money (That's What I Want)/ Roll Over Beethoven/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ She Loves You/ Twist And Shout/ I'm A Loser/ Boys/ Kansas City/ HeyHey-Hey-Hey-Hey!/ I Feel Fine/ I'm Down/ Act Naturally/ Ticket To Ride/ Yesterday/ Help!/ She's A Woman/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally S: Tracks 1-7 Sweden Oct. 10 '63. Tracks 8-11 USA '65 (probably 'Shindig', Granville Theatre Oct. 3 '64). Tracks 12-20 London '65 (NME concert Apr. 11 '65). C: BCD. JIMMY NICOL AND THE BEATLES DESPERADO RECORDS DPI CD Abbey Road Rehearsal/ Pathe News (Arrival In Amsterdam)/ She Loves You/ All My Loving/ Twist And Shout/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Long Tall Sally/ Can't Buy Me Love/I Want To Hold Your Hand/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Till There Was You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Can't Buy Me Love/ This Boy/ Thanks To Jimmy/ Twist And Shout/ Extract From Interview S/6/64/ I Saw Her Standing There/I Saw Here Standing There/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/1 Saw Her Standing There/ 5 other tracks S: Tracks 1-2 from a news film. Tracks 3-8, 18 from June 5, 1964 Hillegon, Nederland and broadcast on VARA-TV. (The Beatles mimed and sang along with these tracks.) Tracks 9-17 Copenhagen. All other tracks from TV & radio. JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE AND JIMMY WRMB 501 S1: I Wanna Hold Your Hand/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Till There Was You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Can't Buy Me Love/ This Boy/ Twist & Shout R: Fair mono. S: Copenhagen, Jimmy Nicol drums S2: She Loves You/ All My Loving/ Twist & Shout/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Long Tall Sally/ Can't Buy Me Love R: Vgm. S: BBC with Ringo. C: SS. READY STEADY GO! Wind Records 001 S1: You Can't Do That/ George interview/ Can't Buy Me Love (April 27, 1964), She's A Woman/Baby's In Black/ Kansas City/Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey! (November 27, 1964), She Loves You (October 4, 1963) S2: Twist And Shout/ roll Over Beethoven/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Long Tall Sally/ Medley: (Love Me Do/Please Please Me/From Me To You/She Loves You/I Want To Hold Your Hand)/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Shout! (May 6, 1964, from AROUND THE BEATLES). R: Vgm. S: As indicated. The 'Ready Steady Go!' performances are mimed and are available on video. RULING QUEEN ELIZABETH II...THE BEATLES LIVE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 1962-65 BULLDOG RECORDS (BGCD 11112) 2CD 1990 Source: Television Sound Quality: Very good mono Rating: **** DISC ONE DISC TWO 1) Some Other Guy (2:06) 1) I Want To Hold Your Hand (2:25) August 22, 1962, from the Granada film recorded 2) This Boy (3:17) at the Cavern 3) All My Loving (2:32)


2) Some Other Guy (1:49) August 22, 1962, excerpt from the acetate recorded at the Cavern 3) She Loves You (2:29) August 1963, from "The Mersey Sound' recorded at the Little Theatre in Southport, England 4) From Me To You (2:07) 5) She Loves You (2:50) 6) Till There Was You (2:54) 7) Twist And Shout (2:52) November 4, 1963, from 'The Royal Variety Show' at the Prince Of Wales Theatre 8) She Loves You (2:19) 9) Twist And Shout (1:08) 10) From Me To You (0:13) instrumental November 20, 1963, from 'The Beatles Come To Town' recorded at ABC Cinema in Manchester 11) From Me To You (1:13) 12) I Saw Her Standing There (3:03) 13) All My Loving (2:28) 14) Roll Over Beethoven (2:36) 15) Boys (2:26) 16) Till There Was You (2:13) 17) She Loves you (2:36) 18) This Boy (2:16) 19) I Want To Hold Your Hand (3:29) 20) Money (That's What I Want) (2:41) 21) Twist And Shout (2:16) 22) From Me To You (0:19) instrumental December 7, 1963, from 'It's The Beatles' recorded at the Empire Theatre in Liverpool

4) Money (That's What I Want) (1:59) 5) Twist And Shout (1:30) January 12, 1964, from 'Sunday Night At The London Palladium' recorded at the London Palladium 6) She Loves You (2:31) 7) You Can't Do That (3:01) 8) Twist And Shout (3:04) 9) Long Tall Sally (2:05) April 26, 1964, from 'NME Pollwinners Concert' recorded at the Empire Pool in Wembley 10) Kansas City/Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey! (2:29) 11) I'm A Loser (2:24) 12) Boys (2:07) October 3, 1964, from 'Shindig' recorded at the Granville Theatre in Fulham 13) She's A Woman (3:16) 14) Ticket To Ride (3:40) 15) Long Tall Sally (2:04) April 11, 1965, from 'NME Pollwinners Concert' recorded at the Empire Pool in Wembley 16) I Feel Fine (2:27) 17) I'm Down (2:24) 18) Act Naturally (2:49) 19) Ticket To Ride (2:40) 20) Yesterday (2:39) 21) Help! (2:21)

August 1, 1965, from 'Blackpool Night Out' recorded at the ABC Theatre in Blackpool This is the best collection of these performances you will find. The sound quality is quite good and the songs are in the correct order. Some Other Guy was partially broadcast on ANTHOLOGY and is also available on ARTIFACTS. The Some Other Guy (acetate version) can be found on THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. I on Yellow Dog Records. The 'Royal Variety Show' of 1963 can also be found on THE BEATLES AT THE BEEB 7 (BEEB Transcription) and on BY ROYAL COMMAND (7 inch EP on Deccagone). ANTHOLOGY! also contains She Loves You, Till There Was You, and Twist And Shout from that show. Additionally, this set is available as a picture-CD set. Highly recommended. Related titles: ABC MANCHESTER (Wizardo WRMB 361) LP, DECEMBER 1963 (Roaring Records ODD FOUR) LP.



1963 BY ROYAL COMMAND DECCAGONE (1108) EP S1: From Me To You/ She Loves You S2: Till There Was You/ Twist And Shout R: Vgm. S: From the 'Royal Command Variety Show' at the Prince of Wales Theatre on November 4, 1963. Includes the famous 'rattle your jewelry' comment by John Lennon. Comes in a picture sleeve and is on clear vinyl. CRAZY SHOWS WORLD PRODUCTIONS OF COMPACT DISCS (WPOCM 0888 D 001-2) CD 1988 Source: Live/Television Sound Quality: Very good to excellent Rating: **** Total Time: 50:49 1) I Saw Her Standing There 2) From Me To You 3) Money 4) Roll Over Beethoven 5) You Really Got A Hold On Me 6) She Loves You 7) Twist And Shout October 24, 1963, recorded live at Karlapan Studio in Stockholm, Sweden 8) I'm A Loser 9) Boys 10) Kansas City 11) Hey Hey Hey October 3, 1964, from 'Shindig' 12) I Feel Fine 13) I'm Down 14) Act Naturally 15) Ticket To Ride 16) Yesterday 17) Help! Various Ed Sullivan Shows 18) She's A woman 19) Ticket To Ride 20) Long Tall Sally April 11, 1965, for 'NME Pollwinners Concert' A mish mash of various performances, but in surprisingly good quality. These tracks can all be found on other bootlegs and in varying quality. Tracks 8 - 11 are identified by the bootleggers as being from Ed Sullivan shows; however, this is incorrect. The songs are actually from 'Shindig' recorded at the Granville Studio in London.


STARS OF '63 Swingin' Pig (TSP-CD-005) CD 1989 Source: Radio broadcast Sound Quality: Excellent Rating: ***** Time: 29:12 1) Introduction 2) I Saw Her Standing There 3) From Me To You 4) Money 5) Roll Over Beethoven 6) You Really Got A Hold On Me 7) She Loves You 8) Twist And Shout 9) Interview This show is probably the best live performance ever put on by The Beatles. The energy and enthusiasm flow from this record and you can't help but feel some of that old "Beatlemania." John Lennon repeatedly stated that this show was his favorite. He felt this was The Beatles at their best and I agree. The tape came from Swedish radio where it was aired in October 1963. The program was taped live in Karlaplan Studio in Stockholm, Sweden, for 'POP '63.' The disc contains the best sound available for the show. It can also be found on Swingin' Pig's LP STARS OF '63 (TSP-005) and Yellow Dog's ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 2 albeit in lesser quality. Additionally, ANTHOLOGY I includes all the songs except for Twist And Shout and She Loves You. Do not confuse this disc with STARS OF '63 (Super Live Concert Series) (Gamma Alpha Records) which is just a pirate of the Bellaphon STAR CLUB set released in 1977. BANZAI GREAT DANE RECORDS 2CD S: Stockholm Oct. '63, Paris Aug. '65 & Tokyo June '66. C: BCD. 2 CDs in metal can. 24 page round booklet. Same old concerts in a new package. SWEDEN 1963 CBM 3795 S1:1 Saw Her Standing There/ From Me To You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ She Loves You/ Twist & Shout S: Swedish TV 'Drop In' Oct. 24 '63 S2: Till There Was You; I Want To Hold Your Hand (unreleased TV special of first US performance, Wash. DC Coliseum Feb. 11 '64)/ Roll Over Beethoven; All My Loving; I Wanna Be Your Man; From Us To You; Interview (BBC Radio '63 with Alan Freeman) R: Satisfactory mono. C: Previously released as WORLDWIDE. JELLY BEANS HAILING IN DREAMLIKE NOISE WHOOPY CAT (WKP-0036) CD 1994 Source: Television Sound Quality: Very good mono Rating: *** Time: 48:59


1) I Want To Hold Your Hand 2) Money 3) Twist And Shout 4) From Me To You (instrumental) December 7, 1963, from the Empire Theatre in Liverpool 5) She Loves You 6) You Can't Do That 7) Twist And Shout 8) Long Tall Sally 9) Can't Buy Me Love April 26, 1964, at the Empire Pool in Wembley 10) I Saw Her Standing There 11) You Can't Do That 12) All My Loving 13) She Loves You 14) Till There Was You 15) Roll Over Beethoven 16) Can't Buy Me Love 17) Twist And Shout 18) Long Tall Sally June 15, 1964, live at the Festival Hall in Melbourne, Australia 19) She's A Woman 20) Ticket To Ride April 11, 1965, at the Empire Pool in Wembley The songs on this creatively titled disc can be found on several other discs and in varying formats. A few of the tracks on this disc are incomplete, so be prepared for some frustration. However, the only place you will find the complete instrumental of From Me To You is on this disc and RULING QUEEN.... As an interesting side note, Whoopy Cat's slogan is "We fine tune fine tunes." 1964 AUSTRALIA 300,000 BEATLE FANS CAN'T BE WRONG NO LABEL (B1 + B2) 2LP 1985 Source: Radio broadcast Sound Quality: Very good mono Rating: *** Side One: Intro I Saw Her Standing There I Want To Hold Your Hand Thank You Adelaide All My Loving She Loves You Till There Was You (not listed on cover) Roll Over Beethoven Side Two: Can't Buy Me Love This Boy


Twist And Shout Long Tall Sally First Radio Interview 27th October 1962 Side Three: You Can't Do That All My Loving She Loves You Can't Buy Me Love Twist And Shout Long Tall Sally Side Four: Adelaide Press Conference M.B.E. Award Interview When The Beatles arrived in Adelaide, Australia, in June 1964 the press corps reported 300,000 screaming fans lining the streets to greet their heroes as they made their way from the airport to the stadium. This was probably a bit of an exaggeration but not by much. These LPs are quite listenable and while the screaming is annoying, it does not overwhelm the overall performance. Jimmy Nicol performed at the Adelaide concert as Ringo had yet to reach Australia following his illness. Ringo would replace Jimmy at the Melbourne shows and all shows thereafter. The songs on sides one and two are from the June 12, 1964 concert held at Centennial Hall in Adelaide. The quality is very good as the performances were made from a line recording to be aired later on Adelaide radio. The 'First Radio Interview' was recorded October 27, 1962 at Port Sunlight in The Wirral, England, by Monty Lister. This interview can be found on the free flexi disc included in the first pressing of Mark Lewisohn's book The Beatles Live. Side three is also a line recording made for the Australian broadcast 'The Beatles Sing For Shell' (this program has been circulating in trading circles for years as a poor quality video). The performance was recorded at the Festival Hall in Melbourne on June 16, 1964. Side four includes a rather uninspired interview from June 12,1964 by Bob Rogers and a newsreel interview concerning the M.B.E. awards recorded in October 1965. 300,000 BEATLE FANS CAN'T BE WRONG LIVING LEGEND RECORDS LLRCD 031 C: BCD. Dbw. See Sl-3 of previous listing for songs & sources plus Adelaide Press Conference. AUSTRALIA 1964 CROCODILE RECORDS BGCD 156 CDI: See Sl-2 of album 300,000 BEATLES FANS CAN'T BE WRONG (B1+B2) (minus last 2 cuts S2) for songs & sources. CD2: I Saw Her Standing There/ You Can't Do That/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Till There Was You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Can't Buy Me Love/ This Boy/ Long Tall Sally/1 Saw Her Standing There/ All My Loving/ Can't Buy Me Love S: CD2 cuts 1-9 Festival Hall, Melbourne June 17. 10-12 Sydney Stadium June 18, C: Double BCD set. Dec. Also available as a double album (BGLP 156) & as a double pic disc set (BGP 156) and on CD from Living Legend (LLRCD-031) as 300,000 BEATLE FANS CAN'T BE WRONG.


ALL THE BEST FROM AUSTRALIA BOXTOP (BT 9607) CD 1995 Source: Radio broadcast Sound Quality: Very good mono Rating: *** Total Time: 57:07 Set One: Intro I Saw Here Standing There You Can't Do That All My Loving She Loves You Till There Was You Roll Over Beethoven Can't Buy Me Love This Boy Twist And Shout Long Tall Sally (incomplete) SetTwo: I Saw Her Standing There You Can't Do That All My Loving She Loves You Till There Was You Roll Over Beethoven Can't Buy Me Love This Boy Twist And Shout Long Tall Sally (incomplete) Set One is of the June 16, 1964 performance in Melbourne and was broadcast on the 'Beatles Sing For Shell' television program. Set Two was taken from a radio broadcast and is of the June 17, 1964 show in Melbourne. The quality on both are very good mono and have been digitally remastered on this disc. The songs from the first set can also be found in comparable quality on LIVE IN MELBOURNE 1964 AND PARIS 1965 (Pyramid RFT-CD-001). Set Two can be found on AUSTRALIA 1964 (Bulldog/ Crocodile BGCD-156) and LIVE IN MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA (Instant Analysis MB 1034 - vinyl). Please note that This Boy and Long Tall Sally on Set Two are the same cuts as on Set One. Those nasty bootleggers just added these songs to make a complete set. THE BEATLES PYRAMID RFT CD 001 Songs & sources: tracksl-8 see Sl-2 LIVE IN MELBOURNE (CBM 4162),11-21* S4 LES BEATLES A PARIS (Neon 2c006-1956) for songs & sources. R: G-Vg. *Vg-Ex. C: Dec. Time 57:44.


CONQUER THE WORLD (VOL. 2) BANANA BAN-001-B CD 1 Saw Her Standing There (4:39)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand (3:06)/ All My Loving (2:14)/ She Loves You (2:37)/ Till There Was You (2:15)/ Roll Over Beethoven (3:20)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:30)/ This Boy (2:29)/ Twist And Shout (3:00)/ Long Tall Sally (4:18)/ You Can't Do That (3:02)/ All My Loving (2:18)/ She Loves You (3:07)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:07)/ Twist And Shout (3:48)/ Long Tall Sally (2:10) R: G-Vg. Soundboard. Some hiss. S: Tracks 1-10 Adelaide, Australia June 12 '64. Tracks 11-16 Melbourne, Australia July 1 '64. C: Australian CD. Dcec. EUPHORIA IN AUSTRALIA DOCUMENT RECORDS DR 018 DR CD Cuts 1-10 See Sl-2 of album '300,000 Beatle Fans Can't Be Wrong' (B1+B2) (minus last 2 cuts S2) for songs & sources plus You Can't Do That/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Twist & Shout/ Long Tall Sally S: Cuts 11-16 Melbourne July 1 '64. C: BCD. Dcc. HYSTERICAL ADELAIDE FULL SHOW THE MASTER WORKS PCS-1964-DU-2 CD Opening/1 Saw Her Standing There/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ Introduction By Paul/All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Till There Was You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Introduction By Paul/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Introduction By George/ This Boy/ Twist And Shout/ Long Tall Sally/ Ending Emcee R: Vg. Soundboard. Some break-up. S: Centennial Hall, Adelaide, Australia June 12 '64. C: Japanese CD. Dbw. Yellow background. Red Type. Pic CD. Time 29:36. LIVE IN MELBOURNE CBM 4162/INSTANT ANALYSIS 1034 S1: I Saw Her Standing There/ Ringo's Back/ You Can't Do That/ All My Lovin/ She Loves You S2: Till There Was You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Can't Buy Me Love/ This Boy/ Farewell & Dedication R: Satisfactory mono. S: FM July 16 '64. C: SS. MELBOURNE/VANCOUVER - SUPER LIVE CONCERT SERIES 4 INSTANT ANALYSIS 1032A/ 1034A S1: Twist & Shout/ You Can't Do That/ All My Lovin'/ She Loves You/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Boys/ Hard Day's Night/ Long Tall Sally (Vancouver) S2: I Saw Her Standing There/ Can't Do That/ All My Lovin'/ She Loves You (Melbourne July 16 '64) R: Gm. C: SS. ON STAGE IN MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA AND WASHINGTON DC WRMB314 S1: Melbourne: I Saw Her Standing There/ You Can't Do That/ All My Lovin'/ She Loves You/ Till There Was You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Can't Buy Me Love/ This Boy/Farewell & Dedication S2: Washington: Roll Over Beethoven/ From Me To You/ I Saw Her Standing There/ This Boy/ All My LovinV I Wanna Be Your Man/ Please Please Me/ She Loves You/ I Wanna Hold Your Hand R: Satisfactory mono. S: '64 concerts from PA.


VANCOUVER VANCOUVER 1964 TRADEMARK OF QUALITY (TMOQ 72012) 2LP 1972 Source: Radio/PA System Sound Quality: Good mono Rating: *** S1: Interviews/ Press Conference Pt.l (23:36) Jack Webster and Jack Cullen from the Empire Stadium and Bruce Hood and Norm in the studios at CKNW. S2: Press Conference Pt. II Radio Coverage of Concert (I) Jack Cullen from the press booth and Jack Webster on the ground. S3: Radio Coverage Of Concert (H)/ Concert From PA System (I): Twist & Shout; You Can't Do That; All My Loving: She Loves You S4: Concert From PA System (II): Things We Said Today; Roll Over Beethoven; Can't Buy Me Love; If I Fell; Boys; A Hard Day's Night; Long Tall Sally This bootleg comes from The Beatles' August 22, 1964, concert at the Empire Stadium in Vancouver, Canada. The level of screaming is at about the level you would expect it to be. The press conference and radio coverage are interesting and collectible. It certainly illustrates what "Beatlemania" was all about. Additionally, The Beatles appear to have forgotten to perform I 'Want To Hold Your Hand due to the excitement. The concert itself was purportedly recorded from the PA system. Available on WRMB 340 & Box Top on CV and as a CD on VANCOUVER '647 WASHINGTON '64 (Living Legend/Why Not Records WNR-3001). LIVE IN VANCOUVER CBM 41697 INSTANT ANALYSIS 1032 S1: Twist & Shout/ You Can't Do That/ All My LovinV She Loves You/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Boys/ Hard Day's Night/ Long Tall Sally S2: She Loves You/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven/ If I Fell/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Boys/Hard Day's Night/ Long Tall Sally R: Vgm. S: S1 Vancouver, Canada Aug. '64. S2 Hollywood Bowl Aug. 23 '64. HOLLYWOOD BOWL: 64-65 COMPLETE HOLLYWOOD BOWL CONCERTS MIDNIGHT BEAT (MB CD 108/109)'2CD Box Set 1997 Source: Line Recording Sound Quality: Excellent Stereo Rating: ***** DISC ONE: (73:10) * August 23, 1964 Introduction Twist And Shout You Can't Do That All My Loving She Loves You Things We Said Today Roll Over Beethoven Can't Buy Me Love DISC TWO: (67:32) * August 29, 1965 Tuning Twist And Shout She's A Woman I Feel Fine Dizzy Miss Lizzy Ticket To Ride Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby Can't Buy Me Love


If I Fell Baby's In Black I Wanna Hold Your Hand I Wanna Be Your Man Boys A Hard Days Night A Hard Days Night Help Long Tall Sally I'm Down * August 30, 1965 Introduction Twist And Shout *August 23, 1964 She's A Woman Interview with John and Ringo I Feel Fine *August 29, 1965 Dizzy Miss Lizzy Press Conference Ticket To Ride Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby Can't Buy Me Love Baby's In Black I Wanna Be Your Man A Hard Days Night Help I'm Down Previous to the release of this set the best versions of Hollywood Bowl could be found on Yellow Dog's HOLLYWOOD BOWL: COMPLETE (see review). However, this set is now the definitive set as it contains all three complete concerts in STEREO as well as the press conference from August 29, 1965, and an interview with John and Ringo from 1964. You will note that during the first four songs from the August 29th show, Paul's microphone failed and thus - no Paul. The sound quality on these tracks is superb and are from stereo line recordings. These tapes evidently came from Yellow Dog Records as Midnight Beat makes a point of thanking them on the cover. I am curious as to why Yellow Dog didn't release these as part of their box set. One final note: these discs were released as CDRs on the Repro Man label within weeks following then- entry into the United States. HOLLYWOOD BOWL: COMPLETE YELLOW DOG (YD 034) CD 1987 Source: Source tapes/acetate Sound Quality: Excellent to Very Good Stereo/Mono Rating: **** Total Time: 68:04 Hollywood Bowl/August 29, 1965: Twist And Shout She's A Woman I Feel Fine Dizzy Miss Lizzy Ticket To Ride Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby Can't Buy Me Love Baby's In Black I Wanna Be Your Man A Hard Days Night Help I'm Down Hollywood Bowl/August 23, 1964: Twist And Shout You Can't Do That


All My Loving She Loves You Things We Said Today Roll Over Beethoven Can't Buy Me Love If I Fell I Want To Hold Your Hand Boys A Hard Days Night Long Tall Sally Live 1964: All My Loving I Want To Hold Your Hand (misnamed on the disc as "She Loves You") If I Fell The first set on this disc is the complete Hollywood Bowl concert in stereo. The performances are first rate and the quality is mind blowing. This disc is a must have for all fans. Too bad Capitol/EMI didn't have the sense to release this entire concert. The second set is not quite as good, but it definitely deserves repeated listenings. It is a mono recording and is very good quality. (Six of the songs were released on the legit Capitol release LIVE AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL.) The final three cuts are unidentified performances from 1964 (exact locations and dates are unknown). One theory is that they might be from the 'Cerebral Palsy Charity Concert' performed at the Paramount Theatre in New York on September 20, 1964. BACK IN '64 AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL LEMON RECORDS 143 S1: Twist & Shout/ Can't Do All That/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven S2: Can't Buy Me Love/ If I Fell/1 Wanna Hold Your Hand/ Boys/ A Hard Day's Night/ Long Tall Sally R: Vgm, screaming is minimal. S: Aug. 23 '64. C: Made from original Capitol tape. Also available as LIVE AT THE SHEA STADIUM (Figa Records), SHEA THE GOOD OLD DAYS (TMOQ) & HOLLYWOOD BOWL '64 (Wizardo with song separation and Dittolino Discs with the Butcher cover). Released in '76 as GET YER YEAH YEAHS OUT (WRMB) & with a Dbw on Berkeley Recs. (N2027). S1 is 13:40 & S2 is 16:50. BACK IN '64 AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL CBM 4178/TNSTANT ANALYSIS 1032 . S1: Twist & Shout/ Can't Do That/ All My Loving/ Can't Buy Me Love S2: She Loves You/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven/ If I Fell/1 Wanna Hold Your Hand/ Boys/ A Hard Day's Night/ Long Tall Sally R: Vgm. C: S2 has SS. BEATLES/STONES LIVE JOKER 3591 S1: Boys (2:03) (*)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (1:49) (t)/ All My Loving (2:02)/ Please Please Me (1:57) (t)/ Misery (1:46) (t)/ Twist & Shout (*)/ You Can't Do That (3:44) (*) S2: Carol (2:21)/1 Just Want To Make Love To You (2:07)/ Cry To Me (3:10)/ Walking The Dog (3:07)/ You Can Make It If You Try (2:08)/ Route 66 (2:24) R: Vgm, crackles. S: (*) Hollywood Bowl '64 (t) studio tracks from BBC radio. S2 studio. C: Supposedly 'legit' Italian LP.


THE BEATLES WERE BORN NAPOLEON 11044 S1: Boys/ A Hard Day's Night/ Long Tall Sally/ Twist & Shout/ Can't Do That/ All My Loving/ Twist & Shout S2: Diddy Wah Diddy (Buffalo Springfield)/ Moonchild (Capt. Beefheart)/ Bluebird (Buffalo Springfield)/ Frying Pan (Capt. Beefheart)/ A Quick One While He's Away (Who) R: Exm. S: S1 Hollywood Bowl '64. S2 studio except Who cut which is live. C: Another supposedly 'legitimate' Italian release. Deluxe red cover. STATE FAIR TO HOLLYWOOD GREAT DANE RECORDS (GDRCD 9315) CD 1987 Source: In Line Recordings Sound Quality: Good Mono Rating: *** Total Time: 64:55 Indiana State Fair/Indianapolis, Indiana/ September 3, 1964: Twist And Shout You Can't Do That All My Loving She Loves You Things We Said Today Roll Over Beethoven Can't Buy Me Love If I Fell I Want To Hold Your Hand Boys A Hard Day's Night Long Tall Sally Hollywood Bowl/Los Angeles, California/August 29, 1965: Twist And Shout She's A Woman I Feel Fine Dizzy Miss Lizzy Ticket To Ride Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby Can't Buy Me Love Baby's In Black I Wanna Be Your Man A Hard Day's Night Help! I'm Down While not quite as nice a piece as the Yellow Dog HOLLYWOOD BOWL: COMPLETE, this disc still has a lot to recommend it. Here we have the obscure Indianapolis concert from 1964. The tape of this concert had supposedly been in the possession of a disc jockey from an Indianapolis radio for over twenty years before he realized what he had. Thankfully he wised up and gave the tape to a collector who helped the tape find its way to Italy and the folks at Great Dane Records. The Hollywood Bowl is the same as on Yellow Dog's disc; however, it is inferior in sound quality here and I'm told it runs about 8 percent slower than it should. LAST LIVE SHOW DITTOLINO RECORDS S1: Twist & Shout/ You Can't Do That/ All My Lovin'/ She Loves You/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven


S2: Can't Buy Me Love/ If I Fell/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ Boys/ Hard Day's Night/ Long Tall Sally S: Hollywood Bowl '64 - not last live show. LIVE AT SHEA STADIUM BENBECULA RECS. P24 2813 S1: Twist & Shout/ You Can't Do That/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven S2: Can't Buy Me Love/ Boys/ A Hard Day's Night/ Long Tall Sally/ Please Don't Bring Your Banjo Back/ Everywhere It's Christmas (from Christmas album, Exs)/ What's The New Mary Jane ('69 outtake, Exs) R: Exm. S: Hollywood Bowl not Shea. C: Deluxe red cover, Eb. WIZARDO'S GREATEST HITS WRMB391 S1: Twist & Shout/ You Can't Do That/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Can't Buy Me Love/ A Hard Day's Night/ Boys/ Long Tall Sally S2: Rock 'N' Roll Music/ She's A Woman/ If I Needed Someone/ Day Tripper/ Yesterday/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Nowhere Man/ Paperback Writer/ I'm Down R: Exm (cover says stereo). S: Hollywood Bowl '64 and Tokyo '66. C: This was not issued by Wizardo but by others using the WRMB logo. EIGHT ARMS TO HOLD YOU (Kimber Records, BEAT-1) LP is a copy of this disc. 1964/65 INDIANAPOLIS / HOUSTON / PHILADELPHIA THE ULTIMATE LIVE COLLECTION VOL. 1 YELLOW DOG (YD 038/39) 2CD 1987 Source: Line recordings Sound Quality: Fair to excellent mono/stereo Rating: *** CDI (69:41): Indiana State Fair/Indianapolis/September 3, 1964 Introduction Twist And Shout You Can't Do That All My Loving She Loves You Things We Said Today Roll Over Beethoven Can't Buy Me Love If I Fell I Wanna Hold Your Hand Boys A Hard Days Night Long Tall Sally (not complete) Sam Houston Coliseum/Houston/ August 19, 1965 (afternoon show) Introduction Twist And Shout CD2 (68:05): Convention Hall/Philadelphia/September 2, 1964 Twist And Shout You Can't Do That All My Loving She Loves You Things We Said Today Roll Over Beethoven Can't Buy Me Love If I Fell I Wanna Hold Your Hand Boys A Hard Days Night Long Tall Sally Sam Houston Coliseum/Houston/August 19, 1965 (evening show) Introduction Twist And Shout She's A Woman


She's A Woman I Fell Fine Dizzy Miss Lizzy Ticket To Ride Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby Can't Buy Me Love Baby's In Black I Wanna Be Your Man A Hard Days Night Help I'm Down

I Feel Fine Dizzy Miss Lizzy Ticket To Ride Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby Can't Buy Me Love Baby's In Black I Wanna Be Your Man A Hard Days Night Help I'm Down

The Indiana show is excellent mono and eclipses Great Dane's release in sound quality. The afternoon Houston show suffers from 'muddiness' and lacks the clarity of the Indiana show. John's voice is suffering and is most evident on Dizzy Miss Lizzy. There is also some tape distortion which disrupts a few of the songs. The Philly concert is excellent sound quality. However, the guitars and drums are nearly lost in the background on most of the songs. For a laugh John introduces If I Fell as If I Fell Overl This is the same show that for years was called the 'Whiskey Flats' concert. The Houston show from the evening suffers the same problems as the afternoon concert. Overall, this Yellow Dog release is quite worthy and is one to have in your collection. (No further volumes in this series were released.) BEATLES IN ATLANTA WHISKEY FLAT TMOQ71007 S1: Twist & Shout/ You Can't Do That/ All My LovinV She Loves You/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven S2: Can't Buy Me Love/ If I FeU/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ Boys/ Hard Day's Night/ Long Tall Sally R: Gm. S: Philadelphia Sept. 2 '64. C: Also available as LIVE CONCERT AT WHISKEY FLATS (Whiskey Records, WCF #510) & LIVE CONCERT ATLANTA, GA. (CBM). Re released by Box Top on CV. Also with a Dcc. THE BEATLES LIVE IN HOUSTON XMILO 5Q 1/2 S1: Introduction/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy S2: Ticket To Ride/ New York Telephone ad R: Vgm. S: Sam Houston Coliseum Aug. 19 '65. C: 500 made. HOUSTON 1965 BULLDOG RECORDS BGLP 0034 C: Eb. Dec. Double album. Available as a single CD (BGCD 034). Also available as a special commemorative issue of 2000 picture CDs (BGCP 903) & 2000 picture disc sets (BGP 903/904) marking the 20th anniversary of the landing by man on the moon. IN PERSON SAM HOUSTON COLISEUM WAGEN LTD WA 1919 S1: Introduction 1+2+3/ Twist And Shout/ She's A Woman/ I Feel Fine/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy S2: Ticket To Ride/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Baby's In Black/I Wanna Be Your Man/ Hard Days Night/ Help/ I'm Down R: Exs. S: Houston, Texas Aug. 19. '65. C: Japanese release. Dec. DL.


LIVE FROM THE SAM HOUSTON COLOSSEUM Audifon Records (BVP 006) S1: Intro/ Twist & Shout (1:21)/ She's A Woman (2:49)/I Feel Fine (2:10)/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy (3:02)/ Ticket To Ride (2:18)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:22) S2: Can't Buy Me Love (2:08)/ Baby's In Black (2:21)/1 Wanna Be Your Man (2:10)/A Hard Day's Night (2:31)/ Help! (2:20)/ I'm Down (2:14) S3: Intro./ Twist & Shout (1:20)/ She's A Woman (2:45)/1 Feel Fine (2:12)/Dizzy Miss Lizzie (3:00)/ Ticket To Ride (2:18)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:18) S4: Can't Buy Me Love (2:08)/ Baby's In Black (2:24)/1 Wanna Be Your Man (2:07)/ A Hard Day's Night (2:30)/ Help! (2:16)/ I'm Down (2:09) R: Exm. S: S1 & S2 afternoon show, S3 & S4 evening show Aug. 19 '65. C: Dec. The cover features an alternate 'Butcher Cover' photo. Related title: TEXAN TROUBADOURS (unknown, TX) LP. THE PLAYING BEATLES 2 - THE HOUSTON COMPLETE CONCERT GREAT DANE RECORDS GDR CD 9304/A-B CDI: THE KING CURTIS BAND WITH THE DISCOTHEQUE DANCERS: It's Not Unusual/ Medley: Can't Buy Me Love, I'm Telling You Now/ A Hard Day's Night/ THE KING CURTIS BAND: Soul Twist/ Shotgun/ What'd I Say/ CANNIBAL AND THE HEADHUNTERS: Out Of Sight/ Nau Ninny Nau/ Mickey's Monkey/ The Way You Do The Things You Do/ Land Of 1000 Dances/ BRENDA HOLLOWAY WITH KING CURTIS BAND: Shake/ (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction/ Put Your Head On My Shoulder/ I Can't Help Myself/ SOUNDS INCORPORATED: Sounds Like MovinV Fingertips/ The William Tell Overture/ In The Hall Of The Mountain King CD2: THE BEATLES: Introduction/ Twist & Shout/ She's A Woman/1 Feel Fine/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy/ Ticket To Ride/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Can't Buy Me Love/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Help!/ I'm Down R: CD1 G. Soundboard. CD2 G-Vg. Soundboard. S: Sam Houston Coliseum Aug. 19 '65. C: BCD. Box set with nice color cover. Comes with a large, color game board, dice and four ABBEY ROAD era Beatles playing pieces. Instructions on game board. Booklet with CDs gives history of bootlegs from this concert. Time GDI 65:20. CD2 37:05. SAM HOUSTON COLISEUM XMILO 10Q 3/4 S1: Introduction (12:33)/ Twist & Shout (1:19)/ She's A Woman (2:46)/ I Feel Fine (2:06)/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy (3:01) S2: Ticket To Ride (2:15)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:01)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:07)/ Baby's In Black (2:09)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (2:05)/ A Hard Day's Night (2:30)/ Help! (2:16)/ I'm Down (2:08) R: Exm. S: Entire 8 p.m. show on Aug. 19 '66 from the original mixing board master tape. C: 500 pressed. Dbw. SAM HOUSTON COLOSSEUM BEAT RECORDS INC. BEAT 01-101 C: See LIVE FROM THE SAM HOUSTON COLLISEUM (BVP 006) S3 & S4. Limited edition on clear vinyl backed by a color picture of the band on stage in a vinyl case. The back is yellow with song listings in red type and has 2 pictures, one in color. TWIST AND SHOUT GRAPEFRUIT GRA-001-E CD Intro (1:20)/ Twist And Shout (1:22)/ You Can't Do That (3:12)/ All My Loving (2:17)/ She Loves You (2:41)/ Things We Said Today (2:17)/ Roll Over Beethoven (3:16)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:41)/ If I Fell (2:13)/ I Want to Hold Your Hand (3:14)/ Boys (2:30)/ A Hard Days Night (3:05)/ Long Tall Sally (:53)/ Intro (:31)/ Twist and Shout (1:19)/ You Can't Do That (3:16)/ All My Loving (2:22)/ She Loves You


(2:34)/ Things We Said Today (2:11)/ Roll Over Beethoven (3:10)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:41)/ If I Fell (2:10)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand (3:00)/ Boys (2:32)/ A Hard Days Night (2:53)/ Long Tall Sally (2:02) R: G-Vg. Soundboard. S: Tracks 1-13 Indiana '64. Tracks 14-26 Philadelphia '64. C: Australian CD. Dcc. ATLANTA / MUNICH / SEATTLE SPANK RECORDS (SP 145) CD 1995 Source: Audience recordings Sound Quality: Poor mono Rating: ** Total Time: 69:10 Atlanta Stadium/Atlanta, Georgia/August 18, 1965: Intro By Paul Drew Twist And Shout She's A Woman I Feel Fine Ticket To Ride Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby Can't Buy Me Love Baby's In Black I Wanna Be Your Man Help! I'm Down Circus Krone/Munich, Germany/June 24, 1966: Rock And Roll Music Baby's In Black I Feel Fine Yesterday Nowhere Man I'm Down Seattle Center Coliseum/Seattle, Washington/August 21, 1964: Twist And Shout You Can't Do That All My Loving She Loves You Things We Said Today Roll Over Beethoven Can't Buy Me Love If I Fell I Want To Hold Your Hand The Seattle concert makes its first appearance on this disc. It was taken from a tape which has been circulating among collectors for years (A Hard Days Night, Boys and Long Tall Sally are also in circulation but are not included here). The sound quality of this concert is very poor. There is little good that can be said for any of these recordings as the screaming of the teenyboppers goes beyond annoying. This disc is only for the hardcore collector. The packaging, however, is very nice. It comes in a graphically pleasing slip-case and includes an informative booklet with some rare color photos of The Beatles and liner notes lifted from a Tony Barrow piece. It also has reproductions of newspaper articles printed at the time of the shows.


ATLANTA '65 MASTERDISC MDCD 006 MC7 Twist And Shout/ She's A Woman/1 Feel Fine/ Ticket To Ride/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Baby's In Black/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Help/ I'm Down R: Vg. S: Fulton County Stadium, Atlanta Aug. 18 '65. C: Japanese CD. BEATLES OVER ATLANTA & SHEA RED ROBIN ROB-1024 CD R: VG. S:Atlanta Stadium (August 18, 1965)/Shea Stadium (August 15, 1965). Atlanta runs a bit fast. Shea is upgraded in sound similar to the Beat CD and includes Act Naturally not found on the other discs. LIVE AT ATLANTA WHISKEY FLAT 65 AND WASHINGTON DC 64 ADAM Vlll LTD CD 49-017 Intro/ Twist And Shout/ You Can't Do That/ Paul Intro/ All My Loving/ John Intro/ She Loves You/ George Intro/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Paul Intro/ Can't Buy Me Love/ John Intro/ If I Fell/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Paul Intro/ Boys/ John Intro/ A Hard Day's Night/ Paul Outtro/ Long Tall Sally/ She Loves You/ I Saw Her Standing There/ Paul Intro (John's 'Shut Up' Quote)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ (Ed Sullivan Show Feb. 23 '64)/ Roll Over Beethoven/ From Me To You/ Paul Intro/1 Saw Her Standing There/ Paul Intro/ Twist And Shout/ Paul Intro/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Paul Intro/ Please Please Me/ George Intro/ This Boy/ Paul Intro/All My Loving/ Paul Intro/ Till There Was You/ She Loves You/ Paul Intro/1 Want To Hold Your Hand R: G. Some poor. S: Tracks 1-21 Atlanta Whiskey Flat '65. Tracks 22-25 Ed Sullivan Show Feb. 16 '64. Tracks 27-45 Washington, DC Feb. 11 '64. C: ACD. Dec. Time 71:03. LIVE IN GERMANY MARC 75112 S1: Rock & Roll Music/I Feel Fine/ Yesterday S2: Nowhere Man/ I'm Down R: Gm. S: Circus Krone, Munich, Germany June 24 '66. C: Japanese EP with picture sleeve. MUNICH AT LEAST - SEVENTH AMENDMENT ZAP 7866 S1: Can't Buy Me Love/ If I Fell/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ Twist & Shout/ You Can't Do That/All My Loving/ Long Tall Sally (16:10) S2: Rock & Roll Music/ Baby's In Black/ I Feel Fine/ Yesterday/ Nowhere Man/ I'm Down R: S1 Exm ('65 live). S2 Gm (Hamburg June 26 '66) Related titles: ON STAGE (Wizardo 328) LP, BEATLES 4 EVER (Beat Riff Records) LP, LIVE AT THE CIRCUS CRONE (Fabulous Four Records, L 30157) LP, THE LIVE BEATLES (Document Records, DR 005LP) LP.

1965/66 SHEA! / CANDLESTICK PARK SPANK (SP-109) CD 1995 Source: Television soundtrack/tape Sound Quality: Very good mono Rating: **** Total Time: 53:27 Shea Stadium/August 15, 1965:


Introduction Twist And Shout I Feel Fine Dizzy Miss Lizzy Ticket To Ride Can't Buy Me Love Baby's In Black A Hard Day's Night Help! I'm Down Candlestick Park/August 29, 1966: Rock And Roll Music She's A Woman If I Needed Someone Day Tripper Baby's In Black Yesterday I Wanna Be Your Man Paperback Writer Long Tall Sally (incomplete) The Shea Stadium segment is from the soundtrack of the television special and is very good mono. The Candlestick Park tape is, of course, from Tony Barrow's recording of The Beatles' last concert of 1966. Barrow's tape ran out before the end of Long Tall Sally. And after Sally The Beatles started to play In My Life but they must have thought better of it and left the stage leaving only memories behind. This Spank release (by way of Vigotone) has nice packaging. The CD is housed in a color slipcase and comes with a 48-page booklet with photos and liner notes borrowed from Tony Barrow and Mark Lewisohn. For the very best sound quality versions of these two concerts, search out Japan's Masterdisc "Original Master Recordings" of CANDLESTICK PARK (MDCD-007) and THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW on Beat (BEAT CD 011-2). BEATLES LIVE BE 1001 S1: Twist & Shout; I Feel Fine; Dizzy Miss Lizzy; Ticket To Ride; Can't Buy Me Love; Baby's in Black; A Hard Days' Night; Help (Aug. 16 '65 Shea) S2:1 Feel Fine; I'm Down; Act Naturally; Ticket To Ride; Yesterday; Help (Ed Sullivan Aug. 14 '65) CANDLESTICK PARK, SAN FRANCISCO, AUGUST 29,1966 BULLDOG RECORDS (BGCD 0016) Rock and Roll Music/She's A Woman/If I Needed Someone/Day Tripper/Baby's In Black/I Feel Fine/Yesterday/I Wanna Be Your Man/Nowhere Man/Paperback Writer R: Vg. S: Candlestick Park. C: Italian CD (Picture disc) Also available on album (BGLP 016). CANDLESTICK PARK BEATLIVE RECORDS BR 001 S1: Rock & Roll Music/ She's A Woman/ If I Needed Someone/ Day Tripper/ Baby's In Black/1 Feel Fine/ Yesterday/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Nowhere Man/ Paperback Writer/ Long Tall Sally (incomplete) S2: Paperback Writer/ You Can't Do That/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Twist & Shout/ Long Tall Sally R: Exm. S: S1 Candlestick Park, San Francisco Aug. 19 '66; S2 Melbourne June 16 '64. C: Eb. Dec. SS.


SHEA....AT LAST! RUTHLESS RHYMES C: Re release of TMOQ's LAST LIVE SHOW - Vgm. SHEA AT LAST LXXXIV SERIES #44 C: Re release of LAST LIVE SHOW (TMOQ 71012) on blue vinyl. Approximately 100 numbered copies. SHEA THE GOOD OLD DAYS C: Same as BACK IN '64 AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL. Available on Pine Tree Recs 2531/2 and Kustom Recs. 002 (this version has misnamed titles i.e. Falling In Love for If I Fell). SHEA THE GOOD OLD DAYS CBM 2315 S1: I'm Downy Interview/ Intro/ Twist & Shout/ I Feel Fine/ Dizzy Miss Lizzie/ Ticket To Ride S2: Can't Buy Me Love/ Baby's In Black/ A Hard Day's Night/ Help/ I'm Down 1964 / 65 PARIS PALAIS DES SPORTS, PARIS JUNE 20 1965 BULLDOG RECORDS (BGCD 005) CD 1987 Source: Concert film Sound Quality: Good stereo Rating: *** AFTERNOON CONCERT I'm A Loser (2:40) Can't Buy Me Love (2:06) I Wanna Be Your Man (2:01) A Hard Day's Night (2:27) Rock and Roll Music (1:52) I Feel Fine (2:09) Ticket To Ride (3:01) Long Tall Sally (2:04) EVENING CONCERT Twist & Shout (1:30) She's A Woman (2:47) Can't Buy Me Love (2:02) I'm A Loser (2:18) I Wanna Be Your Man (2:02) A Hard Day's Night (2:23) Baby's In Black (2:07) Rock and Roll Music (1:54) Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:13) Ticket To Ride (2:56) Long Tall Sally (1:53) These were the first concerts of the 1965 European tour. The concerts took place at the Palais des Sports,


Porte de Versailles at 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM on June 20. The concerts were filmed for Paris television and tapes of the Beatles' performances have circulated for a number of years. These are most likely the source for the discs. This compact disc was probably copied from LES BEATLES A PARIS (Neon 2COO6-1956). Also available on LP (BGLP 005). The first 1000 LPs were on colored vinyl. THE BEATLES PYRAMID RFT CD 002 Songs & sources: tracks 1-6 see S1 LES BEATLES A PARIS (Neon 2c006-1956 minus T. Lopez), 717 S1 CANDLESTICK PARK (Beatlive BR001). R: G-Vg. C: Dec. Time 40:09. THE BEATLES TMOQ 73030 S1: Till There Was You/I Want To Hold Your Hand/ This Boy/All My Lovin'/ Yesterday/Nowhere Man/ She's a Woman(*)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby(*) S2: Rock & Roll Music (*)/ I Feel Fine (*)/ Ticket To Ride(*)/ Johnny B. Goode/ Memphis/ Some Other Guy (Cavern Club '62)/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Shout ('Around The Beatles' May 6 '64) R: Gm. S: (*) live Paris June 20 '65. C: Re released by Box Top on CV. THE BEATLES LIVE DV MORE RECORDS CDDV 550 She Love You/I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Twist & Shout/ From Me To You/ This Boy/ Day Tripper/ Yesterday/ Baby's In Black/ Paperback Writer/1 Feel Fine/ Nowhere Man/ Rock'N'Roll Music/ She's A Woman/ If I Need Someone/1 Wanna Be Your Man R: Vgm. S: Tracks 1-5 Paris Jan. 16 '64. Tracks 6-15 San Francisco Aug. 29 '66. C: BCD. Time 35:48. COMPLETE A PARIS FAB GEAR FB-9315-6 CD1: Interview with John, Paul, & George at Le Bourget Airport/ If I Had A Hammer (Trini Lopez)/ Introduction/ From Me To You/ This Boy/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ She Loves You/ Twist And Shout/ Twist And Shout/ She's A Woman/ I'm A Loser/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Baby's In Black/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ A Hard Day's Night/ Rock N' Roll Music/1 Feel Fine/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally CD2: Interviews with the Beatles in Rolls Royce and at Hotel George V/ I'm All Right (Les Pollux)/ Memphis (Evy)/ Joy Joy Joy (Moustique)/ Les Copains D'Abord (Les Haricots Rouges)/ Wish You Would (Yardbirds)/ Interviews With The Beatles/ Twist And Shout/ She's A Woman/ Can't Buy Me Love/ I'm A Loser/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Baby's In Black/ Rock And Roll Music/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally R: Vg. S: GDI tracks 1-8 Jan. 14 & 16 '64. Tracks 9-20 Jun 20 '65 afternoon. CD2 tracks 1-7 June 20 '65. Tracks 8-18 June 20 '65 evening. C: Japanese CD. Glossy blue box with B&w photo contains excellent gatefold cardboard-sleeve copy of original album jacket. Also has mini souvenir book. CDs in black envelopes. Time GDI 47:54. CD2 43:24. COMPLETE ITALY & PARIS (SUPER LIVE CONCERT SERIES 3) ITA/3688 S1: Twist & Shout/ She's A Woman/ Ticket To Ride/ Can't Buy Me Love, I'm A Loser S2: Boys (1:57)*/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (1:43 - skips)**/ All My Loving (1:58)*/ Please Please Me (1:53 - Aug. 13 '63)/ Misery (1:42)**/ Twist & Shout, You Can't Do That (3:37) R: G-Vgm. S: S1 June 20 '65 Palais des Sports, Paris evening show (13:21). *Aug. 23 '64 Hollywood Bowl. **June 4 '63.


CONQUER THE WORLD (VOL. 3) BANANA BAN-001-CD Twist And Shout (1:37)/ She's A Woman (3:00)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:42)/ I'm A Loser (2:55)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (2:31)/A Hard Day's Night (2:41)/ Baby's In Black (2:32)/ Rock And Roll Music (2:05)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:32)/ I Feel Fine (2:25)/ Ticket To Ride (3:58)/ Long Tall Sally (2:05)/ Twist And Shout (1:28)/ She's A Woman (3:14)/ I'm A Loser (3:07)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:27)/ Baby's In Black (2:49)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (2:26)/ A Hard Day's Night (2:53)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:38)/ Rock And Roll Music (2:22)/ I Feel Fine (2:13)/ Ticket To Ride (3:25)/ Long Tall Sally (2:09) R: G. Soundboard. S: France '65 - Tracks 1-12 afternoon show. Tracks 13-24 evening show. C: Australian CD. Dcc. LES BEATLES A PARIS NEON2C006-1956 S1: If I Had A Hammer (Trini Lopez)/ Intro/ From Me To You/ This Boy/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ She Loves You/ Twist & Shout S2: I'm A Loser/ Can't Buy Me Love/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Rock & Roll Music/1 Feel Fine/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally S3: Interview/ I'm All Right (les Pollux)/ Memphis (Evy)/ Joy Joy Joy (Moustique)/ Les Copains D'Abord (Les Haricots Rouges)/ Wish You Would (Yardbirds) S4: Twist & Shout/ She's A Woman/ Can't Buy Me Love/ I'm A Loser/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Baby's In Black/ Rock & Roll Music/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally S: S1 January 19,1964. The Beatles songs were broadcast in mono on a French radio station. The best source for these tracks can be found on LIVE IN PARIS 1964 AND IN SAN FRANCISCO 1965 on Pyramid's CD (RFT-CD-002). S2 June 20 '65 afternoon, S3 June 20 '65, S4 June 20 '65 evening. C: Eb. Dbw. GF. 24 page book. This book itself makes this 2LP set worth searching out. It is a beautifully produced piece and a nice historical document. LIVE AT THE PARIS OLYMPIA SHALOM RECORDS 3688 S1: Twist & Shout/ She's A Woman/ Ticket To Ride/ Can't Buy Me Love/ I'm A Loser S2: I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Baby's In Black/ Rock & Roll Music/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Long Tall Sally R: Satisfactory mono. S: Second show June 20 '65 probably at Paris Sports Stadium, not Olympia Theatre. Available as PARIS AGAIN. LIVE IN PARIS 1965 THE SWINGEST PIG TSP-CD-008 Twist & Shout/ She's A Woman/ Can't Buy Me Love/ I'm A Loser/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Baby's In Black/ Rock & Roll Music/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ I Feel Fine/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally/ Twist & Shout/ She's A Woman/ I'm A Loser/ Can't Buy My Love/ Baby's In Black/I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Rock & Roll Music/1 Feel Fine/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally R: Exm. S: Tracks 1-12 Palais Des Sports, Paris, 1/8/65 (afternoon show). Tracks 13-24 Palais Des Sports, Paris, 1/8/65 (evening show). C: BCD. Dcc. PARIS AGAIN CBM 3688 C: Same as LIVE AT THE PARIS OLYMPIA plus I Feel Fine at the beginning of S1.


THE PARIS MATCH BEAT RIFF MNS (4) 54007 S1: Twist & Shout/ She's A Woman/ I'm A Loser/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Baby's In Black S2: I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Days Night/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/Rock'n' Roll Music/I Feel Fine/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally R: Exm. S: Paris Sport Palais June 20 '65. C: Eb. Dec. SS. PARIS 1965 BULLDOG RECORDS BGCP 901 C: Eb. Dec. Special commemorative issue of 2000 picture CDs (BGCP 901) & 2000 picture disc sets (BGP 901) marking the 100th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower. PARIS 1965 BULLDOG RECORDS BGCP 902 C: Eb. Dec. Special commemorative issue of 2000 picture CDs (BGCP 902) & 2000 picture disc sets (BGP 902) marking the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution. PARIS '65 WRMB 335 S1: Twist & Shout/ She's A Woman/ Ticket To Ride/ Can't Buy Me Love/ I'm A Loser/ A Hard Day's Night/ Baby's In Black/ Rock 'N' Roll Music/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Long Tall Sally S2: Twist & Shout/ She's A Woman/ I'm A Loser/I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Rock N Roll Music/ I Feel Fine/ Ticket To Ride/Long Tall Sally R: S1 Gm. S2 Fair mono. S: Both Paris shows PARIS SPORTS PALAIS LPPA77 S1: Twist & Shout/ She's A Woman/ I'm A Loser/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Baby's In Black S2: I Wanna Be Your Man/ Hard Day's Night/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Rock 'N' Roll Music/1 Feel Fine/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally R: Fair mono. S: Second show Aug. 1 '65. C: Same as PARIS AGAIN with different song order. PARIS SPORTS PALAIS 1965 WRMB 335 C: Same as PARIS SPORTS PALAIS. This was the first Wizardo Paris release. Replaced by PARIS '65. ITALY THE BEATLES IN ITALY: 1965 BULLDOG RECORDS (BGCD 006) CD box 1995 Source: Audience recording/line recording Sound Quality: Poor to Fair mono Rating: *** Total Time: 36:20 Milan, Italy/Velodromo Vigorelli/June 24, 1965: Twist And Shout She's A Woman I'm A Loser Interview Rome, Italy/Teatro Adriano/June 27, 1965: Twist And Shout She's A Woman


I'm A Loser Can't Buy Me Love Baby's In Black I Wanna Be Your Man A Hard Days Night Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby Rock And Roll Music I Feel Fine Ticket To Ride Long Tall Sally This is not an easy disc to listen to. With the screaming and the poor quality sound its real value is as a historical document. The box set comes with a t-shirt, two 2-foot by 3-foot posters and a 16-page booklet documenting The Beatles two Italian concerts. Of special interest to Belmo is the inclusion of his image (without his permission) in the booklet. Those nasty bootleggers do all sorts of nefarious things when you aren't looking! BEATLES 4 EVER BEAT RIFF RECORDS S1: Circus Crone in Munich (June 24, 1966), German interview 1965, Harrison's acceptance speech for the 1966 'Bravo Award'. S2: Milan, Italy (June 24, 1965), 'Royal Variety Show' (November 4, 1963). R: Satisfactory mono. Color cover. THE BEATLES LIVE AT TEATRO ADRIANO, ROME JUNE 27th 1965 CLEAN SOUND RECORDS CS 1008 S1: Twist & Shout/ She's a Woman/ I'm A Loser/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Baby's In Black/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night S2: Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Rock 'N Roll Music/ I Feel Fine/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally/ Interview (Italian TV '65 Exm) R: Gm. C: Eb. Dbw. Re released as 1/2 of ROMA. ITALY INSTANT ANALYSIS 4178 S1: Boys/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ All My Loving/ Please Please Me/ Misery/ Twist & Shout/ You Can't Do That S2: Twist & Shout/ You Can't Do That/All My Loving/ Can't Buy Me Love R: Satisfactory mono LIVE IN ITALY FABGEARFB-9318 CD Twist And Shout/ I'm A Loser/ Italian TV Report/ Twist And Shout/ She's A Woman/ I'm A Loser/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Baby's In Black/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Rock N' Roll Music/I Feel Fine/ Ticket To Ride/ Long Tall Sally/ Italian TV Interview/ On The Moonlight Bay R: Tracks 1-17 Poor-G. Track 18 Ex. S: Tracks 1-3 Velodromo Vigorelli, Milan June 24 '65. Tracks 417 Teatro Adriano, Rome June 27 '65. Track 18 broadcast. C: Japanese CD. Dcc. Time 39:12. ROMA RSR62765 & HHCER 110 S1 & 2: See THE BEATLES AT TEATRO ADRIANO, ROME JUNE 27TH, 1965' (Clean Sound Records CS 1008) minus Rock 'N Roll Music & 'Interview'


S3& 4: See LIVE IN ANY TOWN (High Way Hi Fi 110) C: Dcc. 1000 numbered copies on black vinyl. Some numbered on CV. 1966 TOKYO THE LIVE BEATLES: TOKIO JULY 2, 1966 BULLDOG RECORDS (BDCD-002) CD 1987 Source: Video Sound quality: Very good mono Rating: *** Total Time: 29:46 Rock And Roll Music She's A Woman If I Needed Someone Day Tripper Baby's In Black I Feel Fine Yesterday I Wanna Be Your Man Nowhere Man Paperback Writer I'm Down This is the so-called 'dark suits' performance from June 30,1966. The Beatles gave a sub par performance on this date. The concert has since been issued on laser disc in Japan.Swingin' Pig released this material in somewhat better quality on CD (TSP-011) and LP (TSP-011) in 1989 as FIVE NIGHTS IN A JUDO ARENA. Note that the jacket of this disc incorrectly states the concert was from July 2, 1966. BEATLES '66 TOBEMILO4Q7-10 S1: Introduction/ Rock 'N' Roll Music/ She's A Woman/ If I Needed Someone S2: Daytripper/ Baby's In Black/1 Feel Fine S3: Yesterday/I Wanna Be Your Man/ Nowhere Man S4: Paperback Writer/I'm Down/Interview FIVE NIGHTS IN A JUDO ARENA with bonus interview. C: Double EP. Deluxe blue GF. Numbered pressing of 1,000. BEATLES '66 SMILLIN EARS SE 7704 S1: Rock N Roll Music/ She's A Woman/ If I Needed Someone/ Daytripper/ Baby's In Black/1 Feel Fine S2: Yesterday/I Wanna Be Your Man/ Paperback Writer/ I'm Down/ Interview R: Vgm. S: Same as BEATLES '66 EP with songs in different order. C: Dbw. SS. CONQUER THE WORLD (VOL. 4) BANANABAN-001-D Introduction (1:12)/ Rock And Roll Music (1:36)/ She's A Woman (3:22)/ If I Needed Someone (3:03)/ Day Tripper (3:10)/ Baby's In Black (2:43)/ I Feel Fine (2:37)/ Yesterday (2:31)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (2:34)/ Nowhere Man (2:31)/ Paperback Writer (2:47)/ I'm Down (3:03)/ Introduction (1:12)/ Rock And


Roll Music (1:35)/ She's A Woman (3:15)/ If I Needed Someone (2:48)/ Day Tripper (3:11)/ Baby's In Black (2:43)/ I Feel Fine (2:26)/ Yesterday (2:31)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (2:36)/ Nowhere Man (2:40)/ Paperback Writer (2:43)/ I'm Down (2:42) R: G-Vg. Soundboard. Tracks 13-24 G. Soundboard. S: Japan '66 - Tracks 1-12 June 30. Tracks 13-24 July 1. C: Australian CD. Dcc. FIVE NIGHTS IN A JUDO ARENA DE WEINTRAUB RECORDS 426 S1: Rock & Roll Music (1:32)/ She's A Woman (2:46)/ If I Needed Someone (2:24)/ Day Tripper (3:03)/ Baby's In Black (2:23)/1 Feel Fine (2:13) S2: Yesterday (2:02)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (2:10)/ Nowhere Man (2:10)/ Paperback Writer (2:06)/ I'm Down (2:08) R: Exm. S: Live Tokyo June 30 '66. C: Dec. Reissued with Dbw. FIVE NIGHTS IN A JUDO ARENA/SPICY BEATLES SONGS FYG 7403 S1: Five Nights In A Judo Arena S2: Spicy Beatles Songs R: Exm. C: Eb with Dbw. IN BUDOKAN 1966.6.30/7.1. BLACK DISC INC S-3 S1: Interview/ Rock & Roll Music/ She's A Woman/ If I Needed Someone/ Day Tripper S2: Baby's In Black/ I Feel Fine/ Yesterday/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Paperback Writer/ I'm Down S3: Rock & Roll Music/ She's A Woman/ If I Needed Someone/ Day Tripper/ Baby's In Black S4:1 Feel Fine/ Yesterday/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Paperback Writer/ I'm Down R: Exm. S: Sl-2 June 30. S3-4 July 1. C: Japanese color pic disc set in deluxe blue & white fold-out cover. SS. LIVE IN ANY TOWN HIGH WAY HI FI 110 S1: Twist & Shout+/ You Can't Do That+/ All My Lovin'+/ If I Need Someone*/ Day Tripper*/ She Loves You+/ Things We Said Today+/ Roll Over Beethoven+ S2: Can't Buy Me Love+/ If I Fell+/ I Want To Hold Your Hand+/ Boys+/ Yesterday*/ Nowhere Man*/ A Hard Day's Night*/ Long Tall Sally* R: Vgm . S: + Philadelphia '64 & * Budokan Hall, Tokyo June 30, '66. LIVE IN JAPAN 1964 DOCUMENT RECORDS (DR 002 CD) CD 1987 Source: Video Sound Quality: Very good mono Rating: *** Tokyo/June 30, 1966: Rock And Roll Music She's A Woman Day Tripper If I Needed Someone Baby's In Black I Feel Fine Yesterday I Wanna Be Your Man Nowhere Man Paperback Writer


I'm Down Tokyo/July 1, 1966: Rock And Roll Music She's A Woman If I Needed Someone Day Tripper Baby's In Black I Feel Fine Yesterday I Wanna Be Your Man Nowhere Man Paperback Writer I'm Down Both of these shows are from the videos of The Beatles performances at the Budokan Arena in Japan. The July 1st concert is the 'light suits' show (the Fab Four wore dark suits the first night and light suits the second). The disc titles incorrectly states that the concerts here are from 1964. They are actually from 1966. What's with these bootleggers?! While the sound quality is really pretty good on this disc, the best sounding version of the July 1st concert is on Yellow Dog's ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 2 (YDB-2001/4) LIVE IN TOKYO OG-640 S1: Rock And Roll Music/ She's A Woman/ If I Needed Someone/ Day Tripper/ Baby's In Black/1 Feel Fine S2: Yesterday/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Nowhere Man/ Paperback Writer R: Exm. S: Budokan Hall June 30 '66. C: Japanese boot. Original of FIVE NIGHTS IN A JUDO ARENA. ON STAGE IN JAPAN - THE 1966 TOUR TB 1966T S1: Rock n Roll Music/ She's A Woman/ If I Need Someone/ Daytripper/ Babys In Black/I Feel Fine S2: Yesterday/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Nowhere Man/ Paperback Writer/ I'm Down R: Exs. Source: Tokyo, Japan June 30 '66. C: Eb. Dec. DL. Remixed tape with a lot of audience noise cut out. SECOND TO NONE SODD 009 S1: Twist & Shout/ You Can't Do That/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Things We Said Today/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Love Me Do*/ Please Please Me S2: Can't Buy Me Love/ If I Fell/I Want To Hold Your Hand/ Boys/ A Hard Day's Night/ Long Tall Sally/ Till There Was You/1 Saw Her Standing There S3: Rock 'N' Roll Music/ She's A Woman/ If I Needed Someone/ Day Tripper/ Baby's In Black/I Feel Fine/ Yesterday/I Wanna Be Your Man/ Ain't She Sweet* S4: P.S. I Love You*/ There's A Place*/ Misery*/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy*/ This Boy/ From Me To You/ Nowhere Man/ Paperback Writer/ I'm Down R: Exm. S: Live except *studio. Consists mainly of FIVE NIGHTS IN A JUDO ARENA & BACK IN'64 AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL.


TOKYO '66 CBM 1900 C: Same as FIVE NIGHTS IN A JUDO ARENA. Also available as THE BEATLES ON STAGE IN JAPAN - THE 1966 TOUR on TAKRL 1900 and Pig's Eye #1. R: Exm (CBM version crackles). S: Budokan, Tokyo, June 30 '66. WELCOME THE BEATLES TB 76057 S1: Documentary (from Tokyo International Airport to the Hilton Hotel including Mr. Moonlight & interview by E. H. Eric); Welcome The Beatles (Exm)/ Rock & Roll Music; She's A Woman; If I Needed Someone; Day Tripper (poor mono) S2: Baby's In Black' I Feel Fine; Yesterday; I Wanna Be Your Man; Nowhere Man; Paperback Writer; I'm Down (fair mono) S: Budokan, June 30 '66. C: Japanese. Dcc. VARIOUS LIVE COLLECTIONS THE BEATLES IN EUROPE FAB GEAR FB-9317 CD Introduction/ She Loves You/ Twist And Shout/ I Saw Her Standing There/ Long Tall Sally/ Ending Theme/ Sweden TV Report/ I Saw Her Standing There/ I Want To Hold Your Hand/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/I Saw Her Standing There/ She Loves You/ All My Loving/ Twist And Shout/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Long Tall Sally/ Can't Buy Me Love/1 Saw Her Standing There/I Want To Hold Your Hand/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Till There Was You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Can't Buy Me Love/ This Boy/ Twist And Shout R: Tracks 1-7 G-Vg. Tracks 8-12 Poor. Tracks 13-18 G-Vg. Tracks 19-27 Poor. S: Tracks 1-7 'Drop In', Sweden Oct. 30 '63. Tracks 8-12 Veiling Hal, Blooker, Netherlands June 6 '64 (track 12 Afternoon concert). Tracks 13-18 Treslong, Hillegon, Netherlands June 6 '64. Tracks 19-27 K. B. Hallen, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 4 '64. The material from Denmark and the Netherlands (incomplete shows from both afternoon and evening shows) can be found on DANMARK & NEDERLAND JUNE 1964 (That's Live CD) All known recordings are only available in poor mono. C: Japanese CD. Dec. Time 68:44. FROM YESTERDAY FOREVER AULICA A 110.10 NE2 CD Too Much Monkey Business/I Saw Her Standing There/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ This Boy/ Twist & Shout/ Money/ Till There Was You/ And I Love Her/ A Hard Day's Night/ I Feel Fine/ I'm A Loser/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Baby's In Black/ Can't Buy Me Love/ If I Needed Someone/ Nowhere Man/ Yesterday/ Paperback Writer/ She's A Woman/ Day Tripper/ Yer Blues/ Blues Jam R: Vgm-exs, pause between sources. S: Track 1 London, Apr. 4 '63. Tracks 2,3 Stockholm Karlapan Studio Oct. 24, '63. Tracks 4-7 Melbourne Festival Hall June 16 '64. Track 8 Ed Sullivan Show Aug. 14, '64. Tracks 9-11 London Odeon Cinema Christmas Show '64. Tracks 12-14 Paris Palais Des Sport June 20 '65. Tracks 15-20 Tokio Nippon Budokan Hall June 30 '66. Tracks 21-22 'Rock'N'Roll Circus' Dec. 11 '68 (featuring Eric Clapton & Keith Richards). C: BCD. 8 page booklet. PVC package. Time 59:35. Also available on cassette & on double LP.


HOTWACKS ROCK SOLID RECORDS (7005-6) 2LP Side One: From Me To You, This Boy, I Want To Hold Your Hand, She Loves You, Twist And Shout, You Can't Do That, All My Loving, She Loves You, Can't Buy Me Love, Long Tall Sally. Tracks 1-5 January 19, 1964 (Paris). Tracks 6-10 June 16, 1964 (Melbourne). Side Two: I'm A Loser, Can't Buy Me Love, I Wanna Be Your Man, A Hard Day's Night, Rock And Roll Music, I Feel Fine, Ticket To Ride, Long Tall Sally. June 20, 1965 (Paris afternoon show). Side Three: Twist And Shout, She's A Woman, Can't Buy Me Love, I'm A Loser, I Wanna Be Your Man, A Hard Day's Night, Baby's In Black, Rock And Roll Music, Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, Ticket To Ride, Long Tall Sally. June 20, 1965 (Paris evening show) Side Four: Rock And Roll Music, She's A Woman, If I Needed Someone, Day Tripper, Baby's In Black, I Feel Fine, Yesterday, Nowhere Man, Paperback Writer, I'm Down. June 30, 1966 (Tokyo dark suit show). THE LIVE BEATLES SINGLES BULLDOG RECORDS (BGS-14) A 13-disc set from Italy comes in a deluxe box and are green vinyl. Included are two black and white postcards and detailed liner notes in Italian. Made in 1987. The 24 live tracks are from Rome 1965, Adelaide 1964, Washington 1964, Liverpool 1963, Vancouver 1964, Philadelphia 1965, Paris 1964, Paris 1965, Melbourne 1964, Munich 1966, Milan 1965, Houston 1965, San Francisco 1966, Hollywood Bowl 1964, Tokyo 1966. LOVE ME DO ROCK LIVE (MRL 008) / An Italian promo CD released in 1993. Twenty-three live tracks from London 1964, Indianapolis 1964, Tokyo 1966, London 1963, Paris 1965, Stockholm 1963, Melbourne 1964. R:Exm. 56:12. THE PLAYING BEATLES A HISTORY OF THE LIVE BEATLES SHOWS 1957-1966 (NARRATED BY GUIDO TOFFOLETTI) GREAT DANE RECORDS GDR CD 9235/A-B CD1: Twist And Shout/ That'll Be The Day/ Hallelujah I Love Her So/ The One After 909/ I'll Follow The Sun/ Some Other Guy/ A Taste Of Honey/ I'm Talking About You/ I Saw Her Standing There/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Till There Was You/ Twist And Shout/ She Loves You/ Money (That's What I Want)/ This Boy/I Wanna Hold Your Hand/ All My Loving/ I Saw Her Standing There/ From Me To You/ Twist And Shout/ Please Please Me/ She Loves You/ I Saw Her Standing There/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Can't Buy Me Love CD2: All My Loving/ Things We Said Today/ If I Fell/ You Can Do That/ A Hard Day's Night/ She Loves You*/ Kansas City (Hey Hey Hey)/ Ticket To Ride/ Can't Buy Me Love/ I'm A Loser/ She's A Woman/ Baby's In Black/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy/ Help/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Yesterday/ Rock 'n' Roll Music/ Nowhere Man/ If I Needed Someone/ Paperback Writer/ Day Tripper/1 Feel Fine As one might expect from all of the sources, the sound quality varies from Poor to Ex. The narration between songs is Ex. S: GDI Track 1 Hollywood Bowl, LA Aug. 23 '64. Track 2 Casbah Coffee Club, Liverpool '58. Tracks 3-5 Liverpool spring '60. Track 6 Cavern Club, Liverpool Aug. 22 '62. Track 7 Star Club, Hamburg, Germany Dec. 31 '62. Track 8 transmitted live on the BBC from the Saturday Club Mar. 16 '63. Tracks 9-10 Karlaplansstudios, Stockholm Oct. 24 '63. Tracks 11-12 Royal Variety Show, Prince Of Wales Theatre, London Nov. 4 '63. Track 13 Ardwick Apollo Theatre, Manchester Nov. 20 '63. Track 14 ATV Show, 'Sunday Night at the London Palladium' Jan. 12 '64. Tracks 15-16 Olympia


Theatre, Paris Jan. 22 '64. Tracks 16-17 Ed Sullivan Show Feb. 9 '64. Track 18 Ed Sullivan Show Feb. 15 '64. Track 19 Ed Sullivan Show Feb. 23 '64. Track 20 Coliseum, Washington Feb. 11 '64. Track 21 'NME '63-'64 Poll Winners Show', Wembley Stadium, London Apr. 26 '64. Track 22 Evening show, Veiling Hal Blokker, Holland June 6 '64. Tracks 23-24 Centennial Hall, Adelaide June 12 '64. CD2 Track 1 Festival Hall, Melbourne June 16 '64. Tracks 2-3 Empire Stadium, Vancouver, Canada Aug. 22 '64. Tracks 4-5 Convention Hall, Philadelphia Sept. 2 '64. Track 6 Indiana State Fair Coliseum, Indianapolis Sept. 3 '64. Tracks 7-8 Granville Theatre, London Oct. 3 '64. Track 9 'NME '64-'65 Poll Winners' Show', Wembley, London Apr. 11 '65. Tracks 10-11 evening show at Sports Palais, Paris June 20 '65. Tracks 12-13 Velodromo, Milan June 24 '65. Track 14 Teatro Adriano, Rome June 28 '65. Track 15 Shea Stadium, New York Aug. 15 '65. Track 16 afternoon show at the Sam Houston Coliseum, Houston Aug. 19 '65. Track 17 Twin Cities Metropolitan Stadium, Minneapolis Aug. 21 '65. Track 18 Ed Sullivan Show Aug. 14 '65. Track 19 Circus Zone, Munich June 24 '66. Track 20 Budokan Hall, Tokyo June 30 '66. Tracks 21-22 afternoon show at Budokan Hall, Tokyo July 1 '66. Track 23 Candlestick Park, San Francisco Aug. 29 '66. Track 24 Candlestick Hall, San Francisco Aug. 26 '66. C: BCD. Deluxe color box set. Double CD inside with Dec. B&w book with live history. Two decks of playing cards with Beatle pics on back in red card-holder inside a cardboard box. First 1500 are pic CDs. *Previously unreleased. A very nice package. Too bad they didn't include the 'Rooftop' concert for a more complete picture of the band live. TOUR YEARS 63-66 HONEYSUCKLE PROD. ENG 4001 S1: From Me To You/I Saw Her Standing There/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Boys/ Till There Was You/ This Boy/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ Money S: Empire Theatre, Liverpool '63 S2: Can't Do That/ All My Loving/ She Loves You/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Twist & Shout/ Long Tall Sally S: Festival Hall, Melbourne '64 S3: She's A Woman/ Dizzy Miss Lizzie/ Ticket To Ride/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/I Wanna Be Your Man/ A Hard Day's Night/ Help S: Red Rock Stadium, Boulder, Colorado '64 S4: Rock & Roll Music/ Day Tripper/ Baby's In Black/I Feel Fine/ Yesterday/ Nowhere Man/ I'm Down R: Vgm. S: Budokan '66. C: Dec. THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 1 YELLOW DOG YDB 101/2/3/4 CD1: Intro - Like Dreamers Do (2:38)/ Money That's What I Want (2:25)/ Till There Was You (3:01)/ The Sheik Of Araby (1:43)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (2:37)/ Take Good Care Of My Baby (2:29)/ Memphis Tennessee (2:22)/ Sure To Fall In Love With You (2:04)/ Hello Little Girl (1:41)/ Three Cool Cats (2:26)/ Crying Waiting Hoping (2:04)/ Love Of The Loved (1:53)/ September In The Rain (1:57)/ Besame Mucho (2:41)/ Searchin' (3:05)/1 Saw Her Standing There (3:11)/ The One After 909 (3:13)/ The One After 909 (3:18)/ Catswalk (1:24)/ Catswalk (1:24)/ Some Other Guy (2:12) R: Ex. Soundboard. Tracks 16-20 G-Vg. Audience. Track 21 G. S: Tracks 1-15 Decca Tapes at right speed Decca Studios Jan. 12 '62. Track 16-20 rehearsal at The Cavern early '62. Track 21 de-clicked acetate. CD2: Intro, All My Loving (3:44)/ 'Till There Was You (2:11)/ She Loves You (2:54)/ Intro, I Saw Her Standing There (2:52)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand, Outtro (3:31)/ She Loves You (2:22)/ This Boy (2:39)/ All My Loving (2:23)/ Intro, I Saw Her Standing There (2:50)/ From Me To You (2:34)/1 Want To Hold Your Hand, Outtro (3:19)/ Intro, Twist And Shout (3:04)/ Please Please Me, Speech (2:01)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand (3:02)/ Interview, You Can't Do That (4:40)/ Intro, I Feel Fine (3:22)/ I'm Down (2:25)/ Act Naturally, Speech, Intro (3:01)/ Ticket To Ride (2:46)/ Yesterday (2:26)/ Help, Outtro (3:01)/ Ed Sullivan intro without songs (:42)/ She Loves You (2:32)/ This Boy (2:49)/ All My Loving,


Intro (3:10)/ I Saw Her Standing There (2:39)/ From Me To You (2:08)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand, Outtro (2:34) R: Vg-Ex. Some G. Soundboard. S: Ed Sullivan Shows Tracks 1-5 Feb. 9 '64. Tracks 6-11 rehearsal show Miami Feb. 15 '64. Tracks 12-13 NYC Feb. 23 '64. Tracks 14-15 AHDN outtakes May 24 '64. Tracks 16-21 NYC Sept. 12 '65. Tracks 22 '66. Tracks 23-28 Miami Feb. 16 '64. CD3: In Spite Of All The Danger ('93 Version) (:49)/ The First Sounds Of Strawberry Fields Forever (:36)/ We Love You Beatles (1:07)/ Twist And Shout (2:30)/ Roll Over Beethoven (1:48)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (1:44)/ Long Tall Sally (1:41)/ Medley: Love Me Do, Please Please Me, From Me To You, She Loves You, I Want To Hold Your Hand (3:56)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:03)/ Shout (1:59)/ Girl (backing track - 2:20)*7 We Can Work It Out (:31)/ Obladi Oblada (2:35)/ Blackbird (demo - 1:48)/ Helter Skelter (demo - :55)/ Oh Darling (vocals only - 8:27)/ Think For Yourself (studio talk - 5:04)/ Aerial Tour Instrumental - Flying (complete long version - 9:39)/ Aerial Tour Instrumental (reversed 9:39) R: Vg-Ex. Some G. *Poor. S: Tracks 3-10 'Around The Beatles' recorded Apr. 27-28 '64. Aired May 6. '64. Here without audience. CD4: Footsteps (setting up), Don't Let Me Down, Dig A Pony, Don't Let Me Down (15:47)/ Let It Down, Brown-Eyed Handsome Man, I' ve Got A Feeling, Child Of Nature, I Shall Be Released (16:07)/ Don't Let Me Down Dialogue, I've Got A Feeling (14:51)/ I've Got AFeeling (1:18)/ I've Got AFeeling (16:16) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: The first recorded hour of the LET IT BE sessions Twickenham Jan. 2 '69. Film roll numbers 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A. C: BCD. Box set with full color cover. Contains two full color inserts - one with set's listings and sources and a second with listings of remaining two boxes in this series. Pic CDs. THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 2 YELLOW DOG YDB 201/2/3/4 CD1: Intro - Interview Swedish Radio (1:48)/ Intro, I Saw Her Standing There (3:31)/ From Me To You (2:08)/ Money (2:48)/ Roll Over Beethoven (2:28)/ She Really Got A Hold On Me (3:05)/ She Loves You (2:32)/ Twist And Shout (2:46)/ I'm A Loser (3:06)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:42)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (2:45)/ A Hard Day's Night (2:48)/ Rock And Roll Music (2:19)/I Feel Fine (2:36)/ Ticket To Ride (3:30)/ Long Tall Sally (2:02)/ Intro (1:20)/ Rock And Roll Music (1:36)/ She's A Woman (3:16)/ If I Needed Someone (2:58)/ Day Tripper (3:16)/ Baby's In Black (2:42)/ I Feel Fine (2:31)/ Yesterday (2:32)/I Wanna Be Your Man (2:37)/ Nowhere Man (2:47)/ Paperback Writer (2:45)/ I'm Down (2:42) R: Tracks 1-8 Vg. Tracks 9-16 G-Vg. Tracks 17-28 G. S: Tracks 1-8 Stockholm Oct. 24 '63. Tracks 9-16 Paris June 20 '65. Tracks 17-28 Tokyo July 1 '66. CD2: There's A Place (take 1) (2:10)/ There's A Place (take 2) (2:07)/ There's A Place (takes 3,4) (2:13)/ There's A Place (takes 5, 6) (2:21)/ There's A Place (takes 7, 8) (2:46)/ There's A Place (take 9) (2:06)/ There's A Place (take 10) (2:03)/ I Saw Her Standing There (take 1) (3:05)/ I Saw Her Standing There (take 2) (3:12)/ I Saw Her Standing There (take 3) I Saw Her Standing There (take 4), I Saw Her Standing There (take 5) (2:42)/ I Saw Her Standing There (takes 6-9) (4:57)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (take 7) (2:40)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (take 8) (2:06)/ A Taste Of Honey (take 6) (2:12)/ A Taste Of Honey (take 7) (2:13)/ There's A Place (take 11) (2:07)/ There's A Place (take 12) (2:29)/I Saw Her Standing There (take 10) (3:03)/I Saw Her Standing There (take 11) (3:41)/ Misery (take 1) (2:02)/ Misery (takes 2-6) (4:51)/ Misery (takes 7, 8) (2:24) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Recording of PLEASE PLEASE ME LP Feb. 11 '63. Tracks 1-11 morning session. Tracks 12-22 afternoon session. CD3: From Me To You (takes 1, 2) (3:32)/ From Me To You (take 3) (1:57)/ From Me To You (take 4) (1:54)/ From Me To You (take 5) (2:18)/ From Me To You (takes 6, 7) (2:19)/ Thank You Girl (take 1) (2:12) Thank You Girl (takes 2-4) (2:37)/ Thank You Girl (take 5) (2:08)/ Thank You Girl (take 6)


(2:23)/ Thank You Girl (edit pieces takes 7-13) (4:07)/ From Me To You (take 8) (2:13)/ From Me To You (edit piece takes 9-13) (1:55)/ One After 909 (takes 1, 2) (4:27)/ One After 909 (takes 3-5) (5:41)/ Hold Me Tight (track 2 - take 21) (2:44)/ Hold Me Tight (track 2 - takes 22, 23, 24) (4:04)/ Hold Me Tight (track 2 - takes 25, 26) (3:03)/ Hold Me Tight (track 2 - takes 27, 28) (1:56)/ Hold Me Tight (track 2 - take 29) (2:52)/ Don't Bother Me (remake take 10) (2:52)/ Don't Bother Me (remake takes 11-13) (3:55) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Tracks 1-14 Abbey Road Studios Mar. 5 '63.Tracks 15-21 Abbey Road Studios Sept. 12 '63. CD4: Speak To Me, I've Got A Feeling, I've Got A Feeling (16:06)/ Dialogue, I've Got A Feeling (16:19)/ Dialogue, I've Got A Feeling, Don't Let Me Down (16:16)/ Don't Let Me Down, Dialogue, Don't Let Me Down (16:19) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: The second recorded hour of the LET IT BE sessions Twickenham Jan. 2 '69. Film roll numbers 5A, 6A, 7A and 8A. C: BCD. Box set with full color cover. Contains color booklet with listings and sources. Pic CDs. THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 3 YELLOW DOG YDB 301/273/4 CD1: Intro - To Much Monkey Business (2:19)/ I Got To Find My Baby (2:19)/ Young Blood (2:26)/ Baby It's You (2:44)/ A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues (2:29)/ Happy Birthday, A Taste Of Honey (2:24)/ Sure To Fall In Love With You (2:11)/ Money (3:17)/ Twist And Shout (3:02)/ Memphis Tennessee (2:18)/ That's All Right Mama (3:06)*/ Carol (3:08)/ Soldier Of Love (2:09)/ Lend Me Your Comb (2:20)/ Clarabella (3:05)*7 Matchbox (2:28)/ Please, Mr. Postman (2:17)/ Hippy Hippy Shake (1:50)/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry, Over You (2:31)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (2:09)/ Kansas City (2:46)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (3:22)/ The Honeymoon Song (1:46)/ Long Tall Sally (2:37)/ You Really Got A Hold On Me (3:00)/I Got A Woman (2:53)/ Honey Don't (2:53)/ Roll Over Beethoven (2:21) R: Vg-Ex. *G. S: 'Pop Goes The Beatles' BBC '63 . CD2: A Hard Day's Night (take 2) (2:34)/ A Hard Day's Night (take 3) (2:37)/ A Hard Day's Night (take 4) (2:42)/ A Hard Day's Night (takes 6, 7) (4:36)/ A Hard Day's Night (takes 8-9)/ (2:34)/ I'm A Loser (takes 1, 2) (2:38)/ I'm A Loser (take 3) (2:55)/ I'm A Loser (takes 4-6) (4:43)/ I'm A Loser (takes 7, 8) (1:16)/ She's A Woman (take 2) (3:22)/ She's A Woman (takes 3-5) (3:46)/ She's A Woman (take 7) (6:32)/1 Feel Fine (takes 1, 2) (3:17)/ I Feel Fine (take 5) (2:27)/ I Feel Fine (take 6) (2:49)/ I Feel Fine (take 7) (2:47) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Studios sessions. Tracks 1-5 Mar. 16 '64. Tracks 6-9 Aug. 14 '64. Tracks 10-12 Oct. 8 '64. Track 13-16 Oct. 18 '64. CD3: Yes It Is (take 1) (3:01)/ Yes It Is (takes 2-7) (4:05)/ Yes It Is (takes 8, 9) (3:09)/ Yes It Is (takes 10, 11 and 14 (3:15)/ Help (takes 1-4) (3:31)/ Help (take 5) (2:52)/ Help (takes 6-7) (3:19)/ Help (takes 8, 9) (2:46)/ Help (take 10) (2:35)/ Help (takes 11, 12 (2:46)/ Help (take 13) (2:25)/ Run For Your Life (take 1) (:17)/ Day Tripper (take 1) (2:08)/ Day Tripper (takes 2, 3) (4:16)/ We Can Work It Out (take 1) (2:03)/ We Can Work It Out (take 2) (2:30)/ Paperback Writer (tracks 1, 2) (4:08)/ Rain (3:07) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Studio sessions. Tracks 1-4 Feb. 16 '65. Tracks 5-11 Apr. 13 '65. Tracks 12 Oct. 12 '65. Tracks 13-14 Oct. 16 '65. Tracks 15-16 Oct. 20 '65. Track 17 Apr. 13 '66. Track 18 Apr. 14 '66. CD4: Eating Sandwiches, Well All Right, All Things Must Pass, Two Of Us, Two Of Us (16:20)/ Two Of Us, Two Of Us (15:34)/ Paul's Piano Tune, Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On, Let It Be, Taking A Trip To Carolina (15:50)/ Please Mrs. Henry, Ramblin' Woman, Talking About The Band, I Bought A Picasso, Taking A Trip To Carolina, Hey Jude, Thinking Of All The Tunes I Got, All Things Must Pass, Ringo Testing Drums (16:15) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: The third recorded hour of the LET IT BE sessions Twickenham. Tracks 1-2 film roll numbers 9A-10A Jan. 2 '69. Tracks 3-4 film roll numbers 11A-12A Jan. 3 '69. C: BCD. Box set with full color cover. Contains color booklet with listings and sources. Pic


CDs. ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 7 THE GENUINE PIG TGP-CD-111 I Saw Her Standing There (Karlaplansstudio, Stockholm Oct. 24 '63)/ Too Much Monkey Business, This Boy (Festival Hall, Melbourne June 16 '64)/ If I Needed Someone (Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo June 30 '66)/ She's A Woman (London Oct. 3 '64)/ I'm A Loser (Christmas Show, Odeon Cinema London '64)/ Yesterday (Ed Sullivan Show NYC Aug. 14 '64)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (BBC Paris Studio, London July 16 '63)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (Palais Des Sports, Paris June 20 '65)/ Shout (Around The Beatles Show, Wembley Studios, London Apr. 28 '64)/ Yer Blues (Rock'N Roll Circus, Dec. 11 '68)/ Nowhere Man (Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo June 30 '66)/ Anna (Go To Him) (BBC, Maida Vale Studios, London June 17 '63)/ Twist & Shout (Festival Hall, Melbourne June 16 '64) R: Vg-Exs/m. C: BCD. Dec. Not part of Swingin' Pig series. Nothing really 'Ultra Rare' here. ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 8 THE GENUINE PIG TGP-CD-112 Baby's In Black (Palais Des Sports, Paris June 20 '65)/ You Really Got A Hold On Me (Karlaplansstudio, Stockholm Oct. 24 '63))/ The Fool On The Hill (Paul at piano '67)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (BBC Paris Studio, London July 16 '63)/ A Hard Day's Night (Christmas Show, Odeon Cinema London '64))/ Day Tripper (Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo June 30 '66)/ All You Need Is Love (live in London for 'Our World' TV Show, June 25 '67)/ Till There Was You, And I Love Her (BBC, Studio 52, July 14 '64)/ Can't Buy Me Love (Palais Des Sports, Paris June 20 '65)/I Feel Fine (Christmas Show, Odeon Cinema London '64)/ Hey Jude (David Frost Show '68. Short jam while Frost introduced band) R: Vg-Exs/m. C: BCD. Dec. Not part of Swingin' Pig series. Again, nothing really 'Ultra Rare' here. VERY BEST OF THE BEATLES RAREST VOL. 2 TKRWM 1986 S1: Twist & Shout; You Can't Do That; All My Loving; She Loves You; Things We Said Today; Roll Over Beethoven (Shea Stadium '64)/ Love Me Do; Please Please Me (Hollywood Bowl '64) S2: Can't Buy Me Love; If I Fell; I Want To Hold Your Hand; Boys; A Hard Day's Night; Long Tall Sally (Hollywood Bowl '64)/ Till There Was You; I Saw Her Standing There (Washington fair mono) R: Exm. Vinyl. VERY BEST OF THE BEATLES RAREST VOL, 3 TKRWM 1987 S1: Rock 'N' Roll Music; She's A Woman; If I Needed Someone; Day Tripper; Baby's In Black; I Feel Fine; Yesterday (Japan '66)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (Hollywood Bowl '64)/ Ain't She Sweet (original recording) S2: P.S. I Love You; There's A Place; Misery (original recordings)/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy; This Boy; From Me To You (Candlestick Park, San Francisco '64)/ Nowhere Man/ Paperback Writer; I'm Down (Japan '66) R: Exm. Vinyl. VERY BEST OF THE BEATLES RAREST VOL. 4 TKRWM 1988 S1: Nowhere Man (Japan '66)/ No Pakistanis ('69 studio)/ What A Shame Mary Jane Had A Pain At The Party ('69 outtake)/ All My Loving (Shea '64)/ The Walk; Teddy Boy (Martin demos for 'Let It Be'/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer ('69 studio)/ Besame Mucho (BBC '65) S2: You Really Got A Hold On Me (studio '64)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (studio '65)/ Medley: Love Me Do; Please Please Me; From Me To You; She Loves You; I Want To Hold Your Hand (Germany '64)/ White Power ('69 studio)/ You Can't Do That (Lennon '65)/ A Hard Day's Night (Shea



R: Vgm. Vinyl.

VERY BEST OF THE BEATLES RAREST VOL. 5 TKRWM 1989 S1: Day Tripper (Japan '66)/ Two Of Us; Maggie May ('Let It Be' demos)/ Twist & Shout; You Can't Do That; All My Loving (Hollywood Bowl '64)/ Dig It/ When It Gets To Suzy Parker Everybody Gets Well Done ('69 studio) S2: Till There Was You; I Want To Hold Your Hand; This Boy; All My Loving; Yesterday; Nowhere Man; I Feel Fine; Can't Buy Me Love (live, fair mono except first 2 cuts) R: Exm. Vinyl.


ABBEY ROAD NO. 3 ABBEY ROAD N.W.8 VIGOTONE (VT 116) CD 1994 Source: Tape? Sound Quality: Very good stereo/mono Rating: *** Total Time: 58:00 How Do You Do Blackbird The Unicorn Lalena Heather Mr. Wind The Walrus And The Carpenter Land Of Gish Octopus's Garden Her Majesty Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight You Never Give Me Your Money Oh! Darling Maxwell's Silver Hammer Something Because A Huge Melody (Pt. 1) A Huge Melody (Pt. 2) The songs on this disc have been bootlegged numerous times, but the best versions can be found on this disc and on Yellow Dog's UNSURPASSED MASTERS VOL. 5. The McCartney/Donovan material here is the best you'll find. Tracks 1-8 Paul and Donovan during sessions for Mary Hopkin's POSTACARD LP Nov. '68 - Jan. '69. Tracks 9-18 early mono mixes and takes recorded between Apr. and Aug. 1 '69. A Huge Melody (PT. l) consists of the melody as originally intended: You Never Give Me Your Money/Sun King/Mean Mister Mustard/Polythene Pam/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window. A Huge Melody (PT. 2): Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/ The End. These are especially interesting because we can now know for certain that these melodies were planned ahead of time and were not an afterthought.


ABBEY ROAD 'ANTHOLOGY' Capitol (fake) DPRO-79961 CD Copy of NO. 3 ABBEY ROAD. What sets this release apart from others is its packaging. The insert folds out to reveal 6 different ABBEY ROAD cover photos and excellent liner notes. These same people also produced a bogus YESTERDAY AND TODAY featuring an alternate 'Butcher Cover' photo and mono & stereo versions of the album. ABBEY ROAD NW3 APPLE PCS 7124 All Things Must Pass/ You Never Give Me Your Money; At The Hop/ Mean Mr. Mustard/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Golden Slumbers; Carry That Weight/ Her Majesty R: Exm. S: '69 outtakes. C: Dcc. ABBEY ROAD TALKS NEBULOUS RECORDS ALTSW-383 S1: John talks about recording album/ Something (take #37)/ John talks about 'Something' & 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer'/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ John about playing live/ Oh! Darling (alt. vocal)/ John about 'Octopus's Garden'/ Octopus's Garden (no backing vocals) S2: John about Paul on piano/ You Never Give Me Your Money (alt. vocals)/ John talks about 'Sun King' & 'Mean Mr. Mustard'/ Mean Mr. Mustard/ John talks about 'Golden Slumbers'/ Golden Slumbers/ Carry That Weight (Paul on piano, bass & drums)/ John talks about 'Golden Slumbers'/ The End (extend, fade)/ John talks about "The End' & 'Her Majesty')/ Her Majesty (with final chord) R: Interviews Gm. Music Vg-Exs. S: Interviews from BBC radio. Music July '69. C: Two color cover. DL. CV. Limited edition of 500. ABBEY ROAD WEST-MINSTER 1 BLACK DISC 2441 S1: Come Together (4:07 - Aug. 30 '72 MSG)/ Something (3:09 - take 37 May 2,5 & July 11 '69)/1 Need You (1:37 - source unknown. Beatles?)/Maxwell's Silver Hammer (3:36 1 - take 21 July 9,10,11 '69)/ Oh! Darling (3:25 - take 26. Alternate lead vocal)/ Ringo tells all (0:06 - 'Mike Douglas Show')/ Octopus's Garden (2:47 - take 32, EMI Apr. 26,27 & July 17 '69)/1 Want You (She's So Heavy)(4:27 Feb. 22 '69. Paul vocals) S2: Here Comes The Sun (3:26 - Nov. 18 '76 'Saturday Night Live'. George with Paul Simon)/ Instrumental (0:47 - Sept. '67. Tape loops & dialogue from Magical Mystery Tour)/ You Never Give Me Your Money (3:50 - take 30 May 6 & July 1,11 '69)/ Sun King (1:19. Originally part of 'Don't Let Me Down')*/ Polythene Pam (0:53)*/ Mean Mr. Mustard (3:02)*/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window*/ Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight (3:02 take 13 July 2 '69)/ The End (2:01 - EMI take 7. July 23 & Aug. 5,7,8,15,18 '69)/ Her Majesty (0:23 - take 3 July 2 '69. With final chord) R: Vg-Exm. S: *Jan. '69. C: Japanese boot. Dcc. DL. NO. 3 ABBEY ROAD NW8 ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-033 CD Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight (basic track, no overdubs)/ You Never Give Me Your Money (basic track, no overdubs + jam)/ Something (take 37, basic track, no over-dubs + jam)/ Oh! Darling (diff. vocals, diff. mix)/ Octopus's Garden (no backing vocals, early mix)/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer (less overdubs, early mix)/ Her Majesty (with final missing chord)/ How Do You Do? (Paul with Donovan, Mary Hopkin & Linda)/ Blackbird (Paul with Donovan, Mary Hopkin & Linda)/ The Unicorn, Lalena (Donovan with Paul)/ Heather (Paul with Donovan, Mary Hopkin & Linda)/ Mr. Wind (Donovan with Paul)/ The Walrus & The Carpenter, Land Of Gisch (Donovan with Paul)/ Oh! Darling (vocal booth, no backing instruments)/ Dig It (full vers. with George on shared lead vocal & later Paul)/ The Walk (stereo unreleased track from 'Let It Be')/ Hey Jude (jam)/1 Hate To See The Evening Sun Go Down (full start)/ Hey Jude (George's defense to George Martin re: argument with Paul)/ Interlude (George Martin's opinion)/ Hey Jude (jam on mid section)/ Hey Jude (with Paul's 'Hey Hey Hey' intro to


find correct key)/ Hey Jude (run through mid to end section)/ David Frost Theme, It's Now Or Never (live on UK TV's David Frost Show '68)/ Hey Jude (color vers.) (live on UK TV's David Frost Show '68) (note-visual totally diff & diff vocal)/ Hey Jude (B&w vers.) (live on UK TV's David Frost Show '68) (more John on vocals) R: Tracks 1-7 Vg-Exs. Tracks 9-16 Vgm. Tracks 17-29 G-Vgiji- Surface noise throughout. C: ACD. Dec. Time 70:28. RETURN TO ABBEY ROAD NW-8 S1: Something (take #37)/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Oh! Darling (alt. vocals)/ Octopus' Garden (no backing vocals or effects) S2: Because (Gm. - backing vocals only)/ You Never Give Me Your Money (alt. vocals)/ Sun King (GET BACK sessions)/ Mean Mr. Mustard (GET BACK sessions - 'Sister Shirley' vers.)/ Polythene Pam (GET BACK sessions)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (Vgs. - GET BACK sessions)/ Golden Slumbers; Carry That Weight/ Her Majesty (with final chord) R: Exm. except were noted. S: Alt. tracks EMI July '69. C: Dcc. DL. BEATLES LIVE AT ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS 4000 HOLES (ARS 2-9083) 2LP 1984 Source: Speakers Sound Quality: Very good stereo Rating: *** Side One: (17:08) Love Me Do (September 4, 1962) How Do You Do It (September 4, 1962) I Saw Her Standing There (February 11, 1963) (Take 1) Twist & Shout (February 11, 1963) (cv) Side Two: (16:57) One After 909 (March 5, 1963) Don't Bother Me (September 11, 1963) (Take 12) A Hard Day's Night (April 16, 1964) (with false starts) Leave My Kitten Alone (August 4, 1964) I'm A Loser (August 4, 1964) She's A Woman (August 4, 1964) (Take 1) Ticket To Ride (February 12, 1965) Help! (April 13, 1965) (instrumental) Side Three: (16:31) Norwegian Wood (Take 1) I'm Looking Through You (Take 1) Paperback Writer (April 14, 1966) (cv) Rain (April 14, 1966) (cv) Penny Lane (cv) Strawberry Fields Forever (various versions) Side Four: (20:38) A Day In The Life (February 10, 1967) (clean intro & countdown) Hello Goodbye (November 5, 1967) Lady Madonna (February 1968) (live for cameras during Hey Bulldog sessions) Hey Jude (July 29, 1968) (from 'Experiments in Television')


While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Take 1- acoustic version) Because (July 1969) (backing vocals only) Dream No. 9 ( from Lennon's WALLS AND BRIDGES) (cv) Studio rehearsals, alternate takes & unreleased songs played during the 'Abbey Road Studio Tours' July 18 - Sept. 11 1983. The tours were audio/visual shows presented by EMI at Abbey Road Studios and were open to the public. The songs were recorded off speakers so the quality suffers a bit. A video of the show also circulates among collectors. It is believed that much of the studio material to appear on bootlegs a few years later originated from this period. At the time of its release, this set was a revelation for collectors and a precursor of bootlegs to come. The cover is double fold and is in black and white. ABBEY ROAD SHOW 1983 ARS83-2 CD Love Me Do (Sept. 4 '62)/ How Do You Do It (Sept. 4 '62)/1 Saw Her Standing There (Nov. 2 '63)/ Twist & Shout (Nov. 2 '63)/ The One After 909 (Mar. 5 '63)/ Don't Bother Me (Sept. 12 '63)/ A Hard Day's Night (Apr. 16 '64)/ Leave My Kitten Alone (Aug. 14 '64)/ I'm A Loser (Aug. 14 '64)/ She's A Woman (Oct. 8 '64)/ Ticket To Ride (Feb. 15 '65)/ Help! (Apr. 13 '65)/ Norwegian Wood (Oct. 12 '65)/ I'm Looking Through You (Oct. 24 '65)/ Paperback Writer (Apr. 13 '66)/ Rain (Apr. 14 '66)/ Penny Lane (Dec. 29 '66)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (Nov. 24 - Dec. 29 '66)/ A Day In The Life (Jan. 19 -Feb. 3 '67)/ Hello Goodbye (Oct. 22 '67)/ Lady Madonna (Feb. 3 '68)/ Hey Jude (July 29 '68)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (July 25 '68)/ Because (Aug. 1 '69)/ #9 Dream R: Exs7m. C: Japanese. Dbw. Time 61:42. THE ABBEY ROAD STORY SCORPIO 92-B-SC-4001 CD Love Me Do/ How Do You Do It/1 Saw Her Standing There/ Twist And Shout/ One After 909/ Don't Bother Me/ A Hard Days Night/ Leave My Kitten Alone/ I'm A Loser/ She's A Woman/ Ticket To Ride/ Help/ Norwegian Wood/ I'm Looking Through You/ Paperback Writer/ Rain/ Penny Lane/ Strawberry Fields Forever/ A Day In The Life/ Hello Goodbye/ Lady Madonna/ Hey Jude/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Because/ Dream No. 9 R: Ex. S: Alternate versions recorded at Abbey Road studios '62-'70. Track 25 John Lennon solo '74. C: Japanese CD. Red, white and blue Union Jack on cover. 'IN ABBEY ROAD' BFRPRO-003 S1: I Saw Her Standing There; One After 909 (PLEASE PLEASE ME session)/ Don't Bother Me (WITH THE BEATLES session)/ A Hard Day's Night (A HARD DAY'S NIGHT session)/ Leave My Kitten Alone; She's A Woman (BEATLES FOR SALE session)/ Help (HELP! session) S2: Norwegian Wood; I'm Looking Through You (RUBBER SOUL session)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (SFF single session)/ Lady Madonna (single session)/ Hey Jude; While My Guitar Gently Weeps (WHITE ALBUM session)/ Because (ABBEY ROAD session) R: Vgm. S: 'The Beatles In Abbey Road' Show at Abbey Road Studios July 18 - Sept. 11 '83. C: Eb. Dec. 1500 numbered. ROCK 'N' ROAD S1: John Talks About How Do You Do It ('62 outtake, Gm)/ Long Tall Sally; Things We Said Today; A Hard Day's Night ('64 outtakes)/ Octopus' Garden ('69 outtake)/ Her Majesty (with lost cord) S2: Golden Slumbers; Carry That Weight ('69 demo)/ You Never Give Me Your Money; At The Hop (inst.-outtake)/Oh Darling (outtake)/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer (outtake)/ Something (outtake) R: Exm Note: LOOKING BACK ON ABBEY ROAD (CX 320) is a copy of this disc.
S: BBC (July 16, 1964) and EMI 1969.



ACROSS THE UNIVERSE OIL WELL RSC 032 CD Ob La Di, Ob La Da/ Tomorrow Never Knows/ A Day In The Life/ Yes It Is/1 Saw Her Standing There/ Norwegian Wood/ Not Guilty #!/ Across The Universe/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Ticket To Ride/ One After 909/ A Taste Of Honey/I Feel Fine/ Yer Blues/ Blues Jam/ Not Guilty #2/ Get Back/ Mailman Bring Me No More Blues/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ All You Need Is Love R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Outtakes. All is not all well at Oil Well if they think this is 'Live in Sheffield Mar. 3 '64' as declared on the cover. C: BCD. Dec. Time 65:46. THE ALTERNATE VERSIONS VOL. 1 - THE BEAT YEARS 1963-65 INVASION UNLIMITED IU 9539-1 CD CD1: I Saw Her Standing There/ There's A Place/ Misery/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ From Me To You/ Thank You Girl/ One And One Is Two/ I'm In Love/ Please Mister Postman/ It Won't Be Long/ Hold Me Tight/ Don't Bother Me/ Can't Buy Me Love/ A Hard Day's Night CD2: Leave My Kitten Alone/ I'm A Loser/ She's A Woman/ I Feel Fine/ Honey Don't/ If You've Got Trouble/ That Means A Lot/ Ticket To Ride/ Yes It Is/ Help!/ Run For Your Life/ Norwegian Wood/ Day Tripper/ We Can Work It Out/ I'm Looking Through You/ 12-Bar-Original R: Vg-Ex. S: Alternate and unreleased outtakes. C: BCD. THE ALTERNATE VERSIONS VOL.2 - THE PSYCHEDELIC YEARS 1966-68 INVASION UNLIMITED IU 9540-1 CD CD1: Tomorrow Never Knows/ Rain/ Paper Writer/ For No One/ Here, There And Everywhere/ Strawberry Fields Forever/ A Day In The Life/ Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds/ It's All Too Much/ The Fool On The Hill CD2: Aerial Instrumental/ Your Mother Should Know/ Lady Madonna/ Across The Universe/ Not Guilty/ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Happiness Is A Warm Gun/ I'm So Tired/ What's The New, Mary Jane?/ Hey Jude/ Revolution No.9/ Goodbye S: Alternate and unreleased studio outtakes. C: BCD. BACK-TRACK BT62672 CD Besame Mucho/ How Do You Do It/1 Saw Her Standing There/ There's A Place/ Misery/ One After 909/ From Me To You/ Can't Buy Me Love/ A Hard Days Night/ Leave My Kitten Alone/ She's A Woman/ If You've Got Troubles/ I'm Looking Through You/ Norwegian Wood/ We Can Work It Out/ Day Tripper/ Paperback Writer/ Strawberry Fields Forever/ Penny Lane/ The Fool On The Hill/1 Am The Walrus/ That Means A Lot/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (Feb 11 '63 during PLEASE PLEASE ME sessions - George on vocals)*/ Aerial Tour Instrumental (Sept. '67 - rearranged and rerecorded as 'Flying')* R: Exs-m. S: See ULTRA RARE TRACK VOL. 1 & 2' except*. C: 2 deluxe color inserts - same 'dollparts' picture with red or blue backgrounds. Well documented. A good alternative to ULTRA RARE series. BACK TRACK PART TWO BT6368-2 CD There's A Place (take 10, true stereo)/ Misery (takes 2,3,4, & 5)/ She's A Woman (take 1)11 Feel Fine (Oct. 8 '64)/ Yes It Is (takes 1&2)/ Ticket To Ride (take 2)1 Help! (takes 1-5)/ Day tripper (takes 1,2 & 3)/ We Can Work It Out (takes 1&2)/ This Bird Has Flown (take 1 of 'Norwegian Wood')/ Paperback Writer (takes 1&2)/ Hello, Hello (take 1 of Hello Goodbye)/ Magical Mystery Tour (take 8)/ Jessie's Dream (MMT soundtrack)/ Blue Jay Way (take I)/ Hey Jude (take 9)11 Hate To See (from Hey Jude rehearsal session) R: Exm/s. S: Outtakes & alt. mixes. C: Dec. More from ULTRA RARE sources.


BACK TRACK THREE BT6369 CD Do You Want To Know A Secret (take 8)/ A Taste Of Honey (unreleased mono mix)/ Seventeen (take 10 of what was to become 'I Saw Her Standing There')/ There's A Place (take 2, faster than take used 13)/ You're Gonna Lose That Girl (take 3)/ I Need You (take 5, stereo mix)/ Yes It Is (take 14)/ TwelveBar Original (unreleased)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (home demo)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (8 studio takes)/ Across The Universe (take 7 - originally planned for single)/ Lady Madonna (early raw version)/ Not Guilty (unedited stereo mix)/ What's The New Mary Jane? (take 4, without echo)/A Case Of The Blues (Lennon home demo)/ Because (accapella) R: Exm/s. S: Outtakes & alt. mixes. C: Dec. Even more from ULTRA RARE sources. BACK TRACK FOUR BT6370-2 CD There's A Place (takes 5,6,12,13)/From Me To You (takes l,6-13)/One After 909 (take l)/Hold Me Tight (takes 22-26)/Can't Buy Me Love (take 3)/ A Hard Day's Night (takes 6-7)/She's A Woman (take 1)/I Feel Fine (take 5)/Help! (takes 6,7)/For No One (takes 1,2)/A Day In The Life (early version)/Your Mother Should Know (demo)/Blue jay Way (mono mix)/Lady Madonna (take 5)/Across The Universe (early take)/Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (take 5)/While My Guitar Gently Weeps (take l)/Hey Jude ('Experiment In TV')/Old Brown Shoe (GET BACK session)/Goodbye (demo) R: Exm/s S: Outtakes & alt. mixes C: Dec. Mostly previously released demos and outtakes. The tracks from UNSURPASSED MASTERS have been speed-corrected. BACK TRACK FIVE BT6371-2 CD I Saw Her Standing There (takes 6-9,3,ll-12)/Thank You Girl (takes l-4,7-13)/Don't Bother Me (takes 10-13)/I'm A Loser (takes l-3)/Here, There and Everywhere (vocal overdub from monitor tape)/All You Need Is Love ('Our World' broadcast)/! Am The Walrus (takes 7-9,17)/The Fool On The Hill (demo)/Brian Epstein Blues (jam)/Dear Prudence (rough mix)/Something (take 37)/I Me Mine (take 16 basic track) R: Exm/s S: Outtakes & alt. mixes C: Dec. More of the same. The people at Back Track just wait for new material to be released and then they copy it. THE BEATLES - THE WHITE ALBUM - MONO APPLE CLASSIC TRACKS MONO CDM7 46444 8 CDM7 46443 8 CD1: Back In The U.S.S.R./ Dear Prudence/ Glass Onion/ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da/ Wild Honey Pie/ The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Happiness Is A Warm Gun/ Martha My Dear/ I'm So Tired/ Blackbird/ Piggies/ Rock Raccoon/ Don't Pass Me By/ Why Don't We Do It In The Road/1 Will/ Julia CD2: Birthday/ Yer Blues/ Mother Nature's Son/ Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me & My Monkey/ Sexy Sadie/ Helter Skelter/ Long Long Long/ Revolution I/ Honey Pie/ Savoy Truffle/ Cry Baby Cry/ Revolution 9/ Good Night R: Exm. S: Studio. C: Japanese CD. Excellent gate fold cardboardsleeve copy of original album jacket with copy of pictures and poster (lyrics on back). White CDs in black envelopes. Mono mix of WHITE ALBUM. Limited edition. Time CD1 46:17. CD2 46:35. CHALLENGER ONE VULTURE 011/1/2/3 2CD CD1: I Saw Her Standing There (take 2)1 One After 909 (take 2)1 She's A Woman (take 2)1 I'm Looking Through You (take 2)1 If You've Got Troubles/ How Do You Do It/ Penny Lane/ Strawberry Fields Forever/ From Me To You/ Besame Mucho/ The Fool On The Hill/ Paper Back Writer/ Can't Buy Me Love/ There's A Place (take 3)/ There's A Place (take 30/ That Means A Lot/ Day Tripper (I)/ Day Tripper (II)/I Am The Walrus/ Misery (take I)/ Leave My Kitten Alone/ We Can Work It Out/ A Hard


Day's Night/ Norwegian Wood (take 4)/ Do You Want to Know A Secret/ Aerial Tour (inst.)/ A Hard Day's Night/ I'm A Loser/1 Feel Fine/ Money/ Twist & Shout CD2: Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da/ Tomorrow Never Knows/ A Day In The Life/ Yes It Is/1 Saw Her Standing There (take 10)/ Norwegian Wood (take I)/ Not Guilty/ Across The Universe/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Ticket To Ride/ One After 909/ A Taste Of Honey (take 1)/ I Feel Fine (take 7)/ Yer Blues/ Blues Jam/ Not Guilty/ Get Back/ Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues/ Do You Want To Know A Secret? (take 8)/ All You Need Is Love/ Yesterday/ Paperback Writer/ She's A Woman/ Day Tripper CD3: Christmas Time Is Here Again/ Because/ Revolution/ I Me Mine/ Strawberry Fields Forever (take I)/ Hey Jude (rehearsal take 9)/ Magical Mystery Tour/ What's The New Mary Jane?/ Lady Madonna/ One After 909/ Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da/ Christmas Time Is Here Again/ Come & Get It/ Hold Me Tight/ I'll Be On My Way/ Strawberry Fields Forever (take 1)/ It's All Too Much/ 12 Bar Original/I Hate To See/ She's A Woman (take 1) I What's the New Mary Jane?/ Dig It R: Vg-Exs/m. S: Unreleased from '63-'69. CD2 tracks 21-24 Budokan Hall, Tokyo June 30 '66. C: BCD. Deluxe cover. COME TOGETHER (BEATLES IN THE 90's) FAB 3 (FAB 3) CD 1996 Source: Various Sound Quality: Good to excellent mono/stereo Rating: *** Total Time: 63:39 Free As A Bird (full length video version with 'wings' intro & backward message reversed) (5:11) Real Love (alt. Beatles mix - probably the Kevin Godley reference tape) (3:05) Real Love (Beatles video mix) (4:12) Strawberry Fields Forever (from ANTHOLOGY - Paul on mellotron) (0:23) I Will (Paul, George & Ringo on ANTHOLOGY) (0:34) Derradune (George on ANTHOLOGY) (0:39) Free As A Bird (Lennon demo #1) (3:27) Free As A Bird (Lennon demo #3) (2:42) Real Love (Lennon demo #1) (3:47) Real Love (Lennon demo #4) (3:57) Real Love (Lennon demo #5) (2:47) Real Love (Lennon demo #6) (2:21) Real Love (Lennon demo #?) (3:09) Real Love (from IMAGINE) (1:30) It Don't Come Easy (Harrison demo) (1:41) The Long & Winding Road (LET IT BE outtake) (3:32) Let It Be (LET IT BE outtake) (4:00) Come Together (alt. mix of SMOKIN' MOJO FILTERS release with Paul on vocals) (3:33) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Harrison, Starr & Gary Moore live at the Royal Albert Hall April 6,'92) (8:07) Studio Mis-Takes (collage of outtakes from the ANTHOLOGY video) (1:25) A real mishmash of material from numerous sources. The two most interesting items are the Kevin Godley tape of Real Love and the slightly different mix of Come Together by the Smokin' Mojo Filters. The rest has been released on many other discs. This is certainly not an essential release and is only for those who would like the Lennon demos all in one spot. Other bootleggers quickly jumped on the bandwagon and released then- own discs of familiar material featuring Lennon's demos and assorted tracks - none of those bootlegs were really very good. Two that come to mind are DEHRA DUN and REAL LOVE.


The makers of COME TOGETHER (BEATLES IN THE 90's) followed up that disc with WHEN I GET OLDER (BEATLES IN THE 90's). It was just more ANTHOLOGY video songs and mostly Lennon demos (previously released). The highlights on that disc were Now And Then (once rumored to be the third Beatles reunion song), / Need Your Loving (John, George & Doris Troy from 'Ready Steady Go' in 1965), and 6 O'clock (the extended version). CONTROL ROOM MONITOR MIXES YELLOW DOG (YD 032) CD 1993 Source: Monitor tapes Sound Quality:Very good to excellent/ mono & stereo Rating: **** Total Time: 49:58 Across The Universe (outtake Feb. 4 '68) For No One (take 1, take 2 May 9 '66) I'm The Walrus (take 7, 8 and 9 Sept. 5 '67) For No One (May 16 vocal overdub) Here There And Everywhere (June 16 '66) Sexie Sadie (bits and pieces July 19 '68) Brain Epstein Blues (July 19 '68) Sexie Sadie Lady Madonna (from unidentified session) Happiness Is A Warm Gun (single track from remix session Oct. 15 '68) I'm So Tired (backing track) I'm So Tired 1, I'm So Tired 2, I'm So Tired 3 (remixes) I'm So Tired 4 (incomplete) The tracks on this disc are from an off-line recording taped from studio monitors during the preliminary mix. The Beatles often recorded their sessions in this manner to be taken home as reference tapes. Across The Universe is John alone on guitar. The REVOLVER cuts feature Paul on some alternate mixes. Lady Madonna is an unused backing track being played over the monitors with Paul adding vocals while listening to the track in the control room. Happiness Is A Warm Gun and the takes of I'm So Tired appeared on NOTHING BUT AGING. There is some tape drag on the takes of I'm So Tired. Overall, a very nice disc with new versions of these songs in a way we have not heard before. GONE TOMORROW HERE TODAY MIDNIGHT BEAT RECORDS (MB CD 113) CD 1997 Source: Studio outtakes/film Sound Quality: Excellent stereo/mono Rating: **** Total Time: 51:32 Hey Jude Dear Prudence Blackbird Blackbird/Congratulations Blackbird Blackbird/Studio Chat Studio Chat/Helter Skelter/Gone Tomorrow Here Today Studio Chat Blackbird Blackbird/Studio Chat


Mother Nature's Son Blackbird (5 takes) Organ Play/Drinking Tea Blackbird (2 takes) Hey Jude here is a previously unheard version. It is probably from July 30, 1968, and features Paul on vocals minus George on electric guitar. Dear Prudence is an alternate mix with the bass more 'up front', the fadeout is longer, and John's vocals heavilyechoed. This track is in mono. The numerous mono takes of Blackbird are evidently from the Tony Bramwell film which Apple had filmed on July 11, 1968, and used as an Apple promo. Only one of the takes of Blackbird and the short Helter Skelter had been bootlegged previously (see Yellow Dog's THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 1). And while listening to all these takes and 'breakdowns' of Blackbird gets a bit monotonous, there are some interesting bits. The most notable bit is when Paul breaks into a new song ( Gone Tomorrow Here Today) which lasts only a very brief half minute. There is also some interesting chat between John & Paul, George Martin & John, and John & Yoko. Many will find these sessions to be an excellent opportunity to 'sit in' with Paul and friends during the recording of one of his nicer ballads. An exciting release for collectors but a difficult one to locate in the United States. In the spring of 1997 there was a major bust in Florida where several of the major players in the bootleg scene were 'set up' and busted by the authorities. This came right at the time when the man from Midnight Beat was about to import his newest releases (tapes from recently defunk Yellow Dog perhaps?) into the U.S. Unfortunately, he was nabbed and his product was delayed. However, persevering collectors were able to locate the new discs which were being distributed in Europe and the Far East. And it was a short time later that CDR 'knockoffs' on the Repro Man label were soon available in the U.S. for fans who couldn't find the originals. This is no doubt the wave of the future. HELP ! B4 RECORDS (CT-004) CD 1994 This disc features the mono version of Help! (LP mix), Ticket To Ride (no fade out), Yes It Is (take 14), #e/p/(takes 1-9), You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (alt. mix), Another Girl (alt. mix) and You're Gonna Lose That Girl (alt. mix). All but the last three track had been previously booted. The last three tracks are in mono and could be forgeries - albeit good ones. The jury is still out on these. HODGE-PODGE BLACK DOG RECORDS BD001 CD Yesterday (take 1 June 14 '65 - 1:43)/ Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (take 1 excerpt, take 2 3:07)/ 12-Bar Original (takes 1, 2 and an unnumbered take - 8:51)/ That Means A Lot (take 24, up tempo remake Mar. 30 '65 - 3:01)/ I'm So Tired (take 14 Oct. 8 '68 - 2:05)/ Penny Lane (overdub session Jan. 9 '67 - 2:19)/ The Inner Light (backing track Jan. 12 '68 - 2:33)/ Revolution (video soundtrack - 3:31)/ I'm So Tired (take 14 Oct. 15 '68 - 2:19)/ I'm So Tired (remixes Oct. 15 '68 - 2:15)/I Am The Walrus (take 7 Sept. 5 '67 - 4:42)/ Instrumental (3:46)/ The Long And Winding Road (2:07)/ Paperback Writer (Apr. 13 '66 - 2:04) R: G-Vg. Some surface noise. C: BCD. Dec. Time 44:41. HOLD ME TIGHT TOASTED CONDOR 1990 CD Do You Want To Know A Secret (track 2, take 3)*/ Hold Me Tight (re-mix)/ Ticket To Ride (count in no fade)/ There's A Place (early complete take)/ Taste Of Honey (take 7)/ I Saw Her Standing There (take 10)*/ Misery (takes 2-6)*/ Day Tripper (takes l-3)*/ We Can Work It Out (takes 1&2)*/ Yes It Is (takes 1&2)* R: Vg-Ex. S: Original masters. *PLEASE PLEASE ME sessions. C: Dec. Part of Condor's well documented 7 CD Beatles collection: NOT FOR SALE, DIG IT, STRAWBERRY FIELDS, NOT GUILTY, SESSIONS, & SOMETHING TO HIDE.


HOW DO YOU DO IT/REVOLUTION SFF/SOK 21 S1: How Do You Do It (1:57) ('62 England studio) S2: Revolution (3:27) ('68 England, orig. soundtrack) R: Exm. C: A special souvenir record of the 3rd annual Convention of Beatles Fans Mystery Tour '76. Pressed on 5 different colors of vinyl - red, yellow, blue, green & clear. Dbw. KARAOKE THE ROLLING STONES & THE BEATLES YELLOW DOG (YD 033) CD The Rolling Stones: Let's Spend The Night Together/All Sold Out/Yesterday's Papers/ Ruby Tuesday/Complicated/Please Go Home/ My Obsession. The Beatles: Help (take 5)/Hello Goodbye/Strawberry Fields Forever/Yes It Is/Day Tripper/ We Can Work It Out. Bonus Tracks: Get Your Self Together (Stones) & Help (takes 6 & 7) (The Beatles). C: OK, boys and girls, get ready to sing along! Why Yellow Dog thought it necessary to release this idiotic disc of common instrumental outtakes is beyond me. They were kind enough, though, to include a lyric sheet (in English and Japanese!) for those of us who don't know the words. Total time: 48:34. LEAVE MY KITTEN ALL ALONE LUNA RECORDS LU 9311 CD Misery/ A Taste Of Honey/ I Saw Her Standing There/ How Do You Do/ Leave My Kitten All Alone/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ That Means A Lot/ From Me To You/ There's A Place/ I'll Be On My Way/ She's A Woman/ Can't Buy Me Love/ A Hard Days Night/ I Feel Fine/ I'm Looking Through You/ Daytripper/ We Can Work It Out/ Norwegian Wood/ Yes It Is/ Ticket To Ride/ Paperback Writer/ Tomorrow Never Knows/ Help/ Rain/ I'm A Loser/ Here There Everywhere/ Hold Me Tight/ One After 909/ If You've Got Troubles R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Outtakes from various sources. C: BCD. Dec. Time 77:17. LORDS OF MADNESS MASTERDISC (MFCD 001) CD 1995 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good stereo/mono Rating: ** Hey Jude (take 9) Revolution (take 13) I'm So Tired (take 14 - remix 1) Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except For Me and My Monkey (take 12 - acetate) Sour Milk Sea (Kinfauns demo) Circles (Kinfauns demo) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (take 1) Julia (demo) Not Guilty (take 102 - SESSIONS remix) What's The New Mary Jane? (take 4) Yer Blues (edit of edit piece and takes 16-17) Helter Skelter (take 21 - acetate) Cry Baby Cry (electric guitar demo) Revolution #9 (mono remix - acetate) Good Night (take 34) Japanese import disc of WHITE ALBUM outtakes, alternate mixes and demos. These is nothing here


that hasn't been out before. Basically an unremarkable collection except for the nice upgrade of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Masterdisc did some playing around with some of the tracks, but generally did little to improve the music. Masterdisc (OMR) followed up this release with PRIMAL COLOURS (MDCD 009). More WHITE ALBUM outtakes which had all been previously released. Nothing to recommend here either. LOST MASTERS STARLIGHT RECORDS INC. 87049 S1: There's A Place (take 5)/ I Saw Her Standing There (take 6-9)/ A Taste Of Honey (take 6)/There's A Place (take 12 & 13)/I Saw Her Standing There (take 11 & 12)/From Me To You (take 1,2,8-13-edits) S2: Thank You Girl (take 7-13 - edits)/ One After 909 (take I)/ Hold Me Tight (take 22-24)/ Don't Bother Me (take 11-13)/ A Hard Days Night (take 6 & 7 - Apr. 16, '64)/ 12 Bar Original (inst. - take unknown - Nov. 4, '65)/ I Am The Walrus (inst. - take 9 - Sept. 5 '67) R: Vg-Ex. S: Tracks 1-5 S1 Feb. 11 '63. Track 6 S1 & tracks 1 & 2 S2 Mar. 5 '63. Tracks 3 & 4 S2 Sept. 12 '63. C: Dbw slicks pasted on white jacket. Limited edition on CV. All previously released - some tracks are only one channel stereo as they are sourced from the faulty Ultra Rare discs. Pooie on this record. THE LOST PEPPERLAND REEL VIGOTONE VIGO 132 CD THE LOST REEL: All Versions In Mono From Master Tape: All You Need Is Love (early mix with extended fade) (4:31)/ Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (version with Boob singing opening line) (3:36)/ Good Morning Animal Noises (1:39)/ Intro Sgt. Pepper (crowd noise only) (0:55)/ Billy Shears Applause (0:36)/ Yellow Submarine (2:44)/ Its All too Much (complete long version) (8:16)/ All Together Now (2:15)/ Only A Northern Song (3:27)/ RARITIES: Hey Bulldog (mono version) (3:04)/ Mellotron Music No. 4 (Lennon sound experiment July '68) (1:47)/ Penny Lane Overdub Session (EMI Studio 2 Nov. 9 '67) (6:32)/ Good Morning, Good Morning (Lennon home demo late Jan. '67) (1:04)/ Breakdown (John and Ringo from PEPPER Session) (1:46)/ She Can Talk To Me (Lennon Home Demo Mar. '68) (1:22)/ She Can Talk To Me 2 (Lennon Home Demo Mar. '68) (1:54)/ Across The Universe (Lennon Home Demo Mar. '68) (1:30)/ You Know My Name (Lennon Home Demo Mar. '68) (2:46)/ Chi Chi S (John and Ringo '68?) (3:09)/ Mellotron Music No. 5 (Lennon sound experiment July '68) (1:44) This is a copy of SECRET SONGS IN PEPPERLAND with some previously released 'bonus tracks' and a few new ones as well. The new cuts are: Hey Bulldog (mono), Penny Lane (overdub session is longer here than on ARRIVE WITHOUT AGING), You Know My Name (longer here than on LOST LENNON TAPES VOLUME 3) and Across The Universe is just John playing piano for a very short time. R: Tracks 1-11 Ex. Soundboard. Tracks 11-20 G-Vg. Some G. C: Dec. Pic CD. MARCH 5, 1963 plus THE DECCA TAPE VIGOTONE (VT-123) CD 1994 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: ***** Total Time: 73:23 1-6: From Me To You (takes 1-7) 8-13: From Me To You (takes 8-13, edit pieces) 14-18: Thank You Girl (takes 1-6) 19-25: Thank You Girl (takes 7-13, edit pieces) 26-29: The One After 909 (takes 1-4) 30: The One After 909 (take 5, edit piece) 31-45: The complete Decca Audition


The March 5, 1963 session was previously released on Yellow Dog's UNSURPASSED MASTERS series, but this is better sounding. Previously unbooted takes are 3-5 of From Me To You, 5 & 6 of Thank You Girl, and 3-5 of The One After 909. This is a disc certainly worth having in your collection. And as mentioned in an earlier chapter of this book, the Decca Tapes here has been speed-corrected. The disc comes with some nice graphics and liner notes 'borrowed' from Mark Lewisohn. ORIGINAL MASTER RECORDINGS BEAT (CD 013-2) 2CD 1995 Source: Master tapes ? Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: ***** Not a bootleg but a pirated copy of the first four albums by The Beatles. What is so special about this release is that we get to hear PLEASE PLEASE ME, WITH THE BEATLES, A HARD DAY'S NIGHT, and BEATLES FOR SALE in stereo. These are superb discs and are a must have for anyone wanting to these albums in stereo (it is unlikely that EMI will ever release these in that format). You can literally hear the singers taking breaths between verses and you can hear their fingers on the guitar strings. That is how good the sound is on these. Most likely BEAT copied the Japanese releases of these albums. If you are lucky enough to find the Japanese versions, they will set you back about $50 apiece. This set cost about $40 at the time of its release. PLEASE PLEASE ME...AND 3 OTHER BLASTS PDL BISQUES (PDL 5001) CD Please Please Me, Ask Me Why, Don't Bother Me & Ill Cry Instead. This is actually a pirate of the Dick James promo-only CD and all four songs are in stereo. Excellent sound quality. Very rare and hard to find. PSYCHEDELIC YEARS II LSD RECORDS (LSD-004/5/6) 3CDs 1994 Reissue of previously available material - at least no outfakes which plagued the first volume (THE PSYCHEDELIC YEARS: 1966-1968, Banzai BZBX0021-3 , 3CD box set) in the series. Included on this set are the mono versions of RUBBER SOUL and REVOLVER, Run For Your Life (take 5), This Bird Has Flown (takes 1 & 2, and two alternate mixes), Norwegian Wood (take 4), Day Tripper (takes 13), We Can Work It Out (demo, takes 1 & 2, and alternate mix), I'm Looking Through You (four different takes and alternate mix), 12-Bar Original (four takes and jam), Think For Yourself (studio chat), Tomorrow Never Knows (two takes), Paperback Writer (takes 1 & 2 and two alternate mixes), Rain (two alternate stereo mixes), For No 0e(takes 1,2, and 10) and Here There And Everywhere (monitor mix and remix session). The cover is the rejected REVOLVER concept montage. The two volumes of PSYCHEDELIC YEARS are the types of collections you could easily do yourself just by pulling tracks from bootlegs. Avoid these. REVOLVER - MONO PMCD7009 CD Taxman/ Eleanor Rigby/ I'm Only Sleeping/ Love You To/ Here, There And Everywhere/ Yellow Submarine/ She Said She Said/ Good Day Sunshine/ And Your Bird Can Sing/ For No One/ Doctor Robert/ I Want To Tell You/ Got To Get You Into My Life/ Tomorrow Never Knows R: Exm. S: Studio. C: Japanese CD. Excellent cardboard-sleeve copy of original album jacket. Original mono mix of REVOLVER. Time 35:51.


SECRET SONGS IN PEPPERLAND MASTERDISC (MDCD006) CD 1994 Source: Master tapes? Sound Quality: Excellent mono Rating: **** Total Time: 28:25 All You Need Is Love (long ending - no fade) Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (first verse sung by the Boob) Sound Effects Only for 'Good Morning Good Morning' Audience Sounds Intro To 'Sgt. Pepper' Billy Shears Applause 'Sgt. Pepper' to 'From My Friends' Yellow Submarine (mono take) It's All Too Much (extended version) All Together Now (best mono take) Only A Northern Song (best mono take) Japan's OMR releases are always superb and this is no exception. Though short, it is still very sweet. All You Need Is Love is a full 15 seconds longer than the released version. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds features Dick Emery reciting a few nonsense lines over the introduction. A real artifact. It's All Too Much is the long version in perfect sound quality. Fantastic! This is one worth searching for - or try to find one of the knockoffs by the 'other guys'. TO BE EXPECTED STRAWBERRY RECORDS (Sampler - 001) CD1995 Source: Various Sound Quality: Excellent stereo/mono Rating: **** Total Time: 45:10 Beware of Darkness (Harrison - BEWARE OF ABKCO) Cosmic Empire (Harrison - BEWARE OF ABKCO) The Mess (McCartney - UNSURPASSED MASTERS I) Long Haired Lady/Love Is Long (McCartney - UNSURPASSED MASTERS H.) Rode All Night (McCartney - UNSURPASSED MASTERS IT) Shanghai Surprise (Harrison - SHANGHAI SURPRISE) One Way Love Affair (Starr - JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE, RTNGO) It Don't Come Easy (Harrison - JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE, RINGO) Slippin' & Slidin' (Lennon - MISCELLANEOUS TRACKS) Mucho Mungo (Lennon - MISCELLANEOUS TRACKS) Strawberry Fields Forever (Beatles - LET IT BE SESSIONS, DAY BY DAY) What A Day For A Daydream/You Are My Sunshine (Beatles - LET IT BE SESSIONS, DAY BY DAY) If Not For You (Harrison - BOBFEST REHEARSALS) Laugh (Plastic Ono Band) What's this? A bootleg sampler disc? Clever idea. Strawberry Records (a subsidiary of Yellow Dog Records) hyped some upcoming releases with this very cool sampler. The disc features solo and group songs (slightly edited to prevent them from being bootlegged by someone else) which would be featured on Strawberry's new releases as well as new Orange Records, Yellow Cat and Yellow Dog Records. This disc sold out quickly and became a highly sought after release. Laugh is available only on this disc and was meant for an unreleased Lennon/Ono album to be called UNFINISHED MUSIC #3. At the time of this book the two Beatles tracks (from LET IT BE rehearsals) had yet to see the light of day.


WHAT A SHAME MARY JANE HAD A PAIN AT THE PARTY R8028 S1: Version 1 (6:35) S2: Version 2 (7:04) R: Exs. S: Reference disc cut from original master tapes. C: 12" 45. Dbw. This has one of my favorite covers of all time. Who cannot appreciate an album cover which has four 'short-haired 1963 era' Beatles surrounded by 16 photos of a nude woman wearing a variety of masks?! Truly an avant garde cover for some far out music. Oh, yeah! The music... (I almost forgot, sorry.) Four takes of What A Shame Mary Jane Had A Pain At The Party (aka: What's The News Mary Jane, Mary Jane or What's You New Mary Jane) were recorded August 14, 1968, and was meant for possible inclusion on the WHITE ALBUM. Only John and George were present for the taping. Take 4 would appear on the ANTHOLOGY series and featured John, George, Yoko and Mai Evans. The versions on this disc are Takes 1 & 2. Edited and remixed versions (probably of Take 4) would later appear on UNSURPASSED MASTERS VOL. 4 and SESSIONS. Believe it or not: I am told that a small cult following formed around this record during the Eighties. Members were said to have created a "magic chant" from the song's refrain - believing that the chant would release them from the bonds of earthly existence. Members wore masks of disfigurement during their ceremonies and danced naked around bonfires in the woods near Racine, Wisconsin. It is unknown what became of the Mary Jane Cultists. Here are the lyrics to Mary Jane: She looks as an African queen, She eating her chapatis and cream, She tastes as Mogolian lamb, She coming from Aldebaran. What a shame Mary Jane had a pain at the party. She'd like to be married with Yeti, He's grooving such cookie spaghetti, She jumping as Mexican bean To make that her body morphine. What a shame Mary Jand had a pain at the party. She catch Patagonian pancakes, With that one and gin party makes, She having always good content, She making with Apple and contracts. What a shame Mary Jane had a pain at the party. WHAT A SHAME MARY JANE HAD A PAIN AT THE PARTY F 82001 R: Exs. C: European copy of 'WHAT A SHAME MARY JANE HAD A PAIN AT THE PARTY (R8028). While this song was listed as a Lennon/McCartney track on ANTHOLOGY, read what John Lennon said in an interview from 1969: "I've written with other people as well. For instance, there was a mad thing I wrote half with our electronic genius, Alex (Madris). It was called 'What A Shame Mary Jane Had A Pain At The Party,' and it was meant for the last Beatles album. It was real madness, but we never released it. I'd like to do it again". WHAT'S THE NEW MARY JANE CBM 3585 S1: Mary Jane ('69 Lennon studio)/ Shout ('Around The Beatles' May 6 '64)/ Interview (George with Ed Rudy Feb. '64)/ People Say (from Tip Recs.)/ You Know My Name (Apple 45) R: Poor mono. S2: Long Tall Sally; Interview; Hard Day's Night; Things We Said Today ('Top Of The Pops' Mar. '64)/ I'm Walking (Tip Recs. 45)/ Sie Liebt Dich (Swan Recs. 45) R: Satisfactory to Gm.



ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 1 THE SWINGIN' PIG (TSP CD 001) CD 1989 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: ***** Total Time: 33:08 I Saw Her Standing There (take 2 - recorded Feb. 11 '63, no effects) (2:44) One After 909 (take 2 - Mar. 5 '63) (2:41) She's A Woman (take 2 - Sept. - Oct. '64, very primitive version) (3:08) I'm Looking Through You (take 1 - Oct. '65) (2:50) If You've Got Troubles (February '65 - unreleased song from HELP! session) (2:12) How Do You Do It (Sept. 4 '62 - unreleased song from PLEASE PLEASE ME session) (1:51) Penny Lane (mono remix #9) (2:46) Strawberry Fields Forever (Dec. 6 '66 - 2 takes) (3:09) From Me To You (Mar. 4-5 '63 - diff. vers.) (1:39) Sesame Mucho (June 6 '62 - Pete Best on drams) (2:23) The Fool On The Hill (Sept. '67 - demo vers.) (2:37) Paperback Writer (Apr. '66 - diff. mix - take 2) (2:27) A new era for Beatlegs was born in 1989 with the release of the ULTRA RARE compact discs. These stunning collections featured STEREO versions and outtakes of songs previously only available as mono - and the sound quality was amazing! Needless to say, these bootlegs sent Shockwaves throughout the record industry and fandom. (For an in depth history of this period, refer to Black Market Beatles.) C: Original has orange insert. Ruralized with Dec. Also available on vinyl in a two record set (ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 1 & 2 - Stash Records 637) taken from the CD. URT 1 & 2 were reissued on the BACKTRACK CD. Dec. DL. ULTRA RARE TRAX VOLUMES 1 & 2 DREXEL RECORDS BEAT C: Dec. See ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 1 & 2 (Stash Records 637). Does not include song descriptions as cover claims. ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 2 THE SWTNGIN' PIG (TSP CD 002) CD 1988 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent Stereo Rating: ***** Time: 26:51 Can't Buy Me Love (Jan. 29 '64 - no echo, unused '...Best Take' - #1) (2:04) There's A Place (take 3 - Feb. 11 '63, false start from PLEASE PLEASE ME session) (0:06) There's A Place (take 4 - no harmonica or piano) (1:46) That Means A Lot (Feb. '65 - unreleased song from 2nd HELP! session - take 2) (2:15) Day Tripper 1 (Oct. 16 '65 - instrumental basic track - take 2, incomplete) (0:21) Day Tripper 2 (countdown - same as previously released vers. except for additional vocals by Paul - take 3, no fade) (2:55) 1 Am The Walrus (Sept. '67 - unedited long vers. without strings, bass, choral or side vocals-take 17) (4:10) Misery (take 1 - Feb. 11 '63, no piano or effects) (1:40) Leave My Kitten Alone (Aug. 5 '64 - previously unreleased from FOR SALE session, take 5, John lead vocals) (2:42) We Can Work It Out (Oct. 20 '65 - countdown, diff. mix - take 2) (2:03)


A Hard Days Night (Apr. 16 '64 - live in studio) (2:25) Norwegian Wood (take 4 - Oct. '65, unedited vers. - take 4, same as released except for 2 mistakes by John on acoustic & exchange between John & George Martin) (2:09) More fantastic outtakes and alternate versions. Another must have. C: Original has green insert. Ruralized with Dec. Also available on vinyl in a two record set (ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 1 & 2 Stash Records 637) taken from the CD. Dec. DL. ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 3 THE SWINGIN' PIG (TSP CD-025) CD 1989 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: *** Time: 33:06 Ob La Di, Ob La Da (early take - June 2 '68) (2:42) Tomorrow Never Knows (outfake) (2:52) A Day In The Life (cv) (5:02) Yes It Is (take 1, diff. lyrics - Feb. 15-19) (2:43) I Saw Her Standing There (take 10 - Feb. 11 '63) (2:54) Norwegian Wood (take 1) (2:00) Not Guilty (June-Oct. '68, same as on SESSIONS) (3:11) Across The Universe (no orchestration, no animal noises, no harmony vocal, lots of backwards guitar known as the 'Hums Wild' version) (3:37) While my Guitar Gently Weeps (acoustic vers. - June-Oct. '68, same as on SESSIONS) (3:22) Ticket To Ride (raw take of cv - Feb. '65) (3:21) Though not as mind blowing as the first two volumes, this disc offers up some nice rarities in excellent sound quality. This was the first appearance of this take of Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. C: BCD. Dec. ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 3 & 4 THE SWINGIN' PIG RECORDS (TR 2190 S) 2LP 1988 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent stereo/mono Rating: **** Side One: 12-Bar Original (Nov. 4, 1965 - excerpt from acetate) (3:48) Help! (take 1 - false start) (0:13) Help! (take 2 - false start) (0:16) Help! (take 3 - false start) (0:55) Help! (take 5 - instrumental) (2:22) I Fell Fine (take 6 - instrumental) (2:32) I Feel Fine (take 9)(2:28) Side Two: Day Tripper (takes 1&2 - false starts - instrumental) (1:55) Day Tripper (take 3) (3:05) We Can Work It Out (take 1- false start - instrumental) (1:36) We Can Work It Out (take 2)(2:18) Yes It Is (take 1)(2:39) Yes It Is (take 2 - false start)(l:09) Side Three: One & One Is Two (Paul's demo acetate) (1:50) Do You Want To Know A Secret (take 8) (1:57) She's A Woman (take 7 with jam) (5:28) Hold Me Tight (Sept. 63 - unknown take) (2:31)


Ticket To Ride (take 2) (3:17) Side Four: Yes It Is (take 14) (2:43) There's A Place (Feb. 11, 1963 - take 1?) (2:01) A Taste Of Honey (take 7) (2:01) There's A Place (take 11) (1:51) I Saw Her Standing There (take 10) (2:50) Misery (take 2 - false start) (0:32) Misery (take 3 - false start) (0:15) Misery (take 4 - false start) (0:33) Misery (take 5 - false start) (0:32) Misery (take 6) (1:47) An excellent vinyl collection of outtakes. This was the first time we got to hear One And One Is Two and 12-Bar Original. No longer an essential piece as this material was reissued in better quality on the UNSURPASSED series. C: Dec. ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 4 THE SWINGIN' PIG (TSP-CD-O26) CD 1989 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: *** Time: 32:33 One After 909 (rehearsal '69) (3:13) A Taste Of Honey (take 7 - Feb. 11 '63) (2:03) I Feel Fine (take 7 - Oct. '64) (2'31) Yer Blues ('Rock & Roll Circus' - Dec. 11 '68) (3:59) Blues Jam ('Rock & Roll Circus' - Dec. 11 '68) (3:46) Not Guilty (June-Oct.'68) (4:22) Get Back (rehearsal Jan. '69 - the 'German/French' version) (2:10) Mailman Bring Me No More Blues (Jan. '69) (1:50) Do You Want To Know A Secret? (take 8 - Feb. 11 '63) (1:58) All You Need Is Love ('Our World' TV program June 25 '67) (4:31) Here is where The Swingin' Pig start to let us down. They evidently ran out of new material so they reissued previously released outtakes. Not really worth the effort. C: BCD. Dec. ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 5 THE SWINGIN' PIG (TSP CD 035) CD 1990 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: **** Christmas Time Is Here Again (fifth fan club Xmas record - Nov. 28 '67) Because (vocals only - Aug. 1 & 4 '69) Revolution (early rough mix of Hey Jude B-side - July 10-12 '68) I Me Mine (original short basic vers. - Jan. 3 '70) Strawberry Fields Forever (take 1 - Nov. 24 '66) Hey Jude (rehearsal take 9 - July 30 '68) Magical Mystery Tour (Apr. 25-27 '67) What's The New Mary Jane? (take 4 - Aug. 14 '69) Lady Madonna (basic vers. - Feb. 3 & 4) One After 909 (Sept. 4 '62 - diff. from vers. on ULTRA RARE 1 & 4) Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da/Christmas Time Is Here Again (July '68. Early vers.) R: Exs/m. An exceptional collection of outtakes. The Pig done good. C: BCD. Dec.


ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 5 & 6 THE SWINGIN' PIG RECORDS (TR 2191 S) 2LP 1988 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent stereo/mono Rating: **** Side One: Lady Madonna (take 3) (2:10) Rain (take 7) (3:02) A Day In The Life (remix #5 - edit) (0:21) A Day In The Life (remix #6 - edit) (2:28) What's The New Mary Jane (take 4) (6:44) Side Two: All You Need Is Love ('Our World' version) (6:57) Norwegian Wood (take 1) (1:57) Not Guilty (take 102) (4:20) Because (vocals only - August 1969) (2:13) Side Three: Hello Goodbye (take 1 - instrumental) (4:36) Paperback Writer (take 1 - false start) (0:28) Paperback Writer (take 2) (2:36) Hey Jude (take 9 - from rehearsal for 'Experiment in Television' - July 30, 1968) (5:30) I Hate To See The Evening Sun Go Down (from rehearsal for 'Experiment in TV) (0:35) Side Four: Strawberry Fields Forever (take 1) (2:35) Strawberry Fields Forever (take 2 - instrumental) (2:41) Strawberry Fields ForeverXfalse start - instrumental) (0:11) Strawberry Fields Forever (take 4) (3:07) Strawberry Fields Forever (take 5 - false start) (0:18) Strawberry Fields Forever (take 6) (3:51) Strawberry Fields Forever (take 7) (3:09) Strawberry Fields Forever (overdub onto take 25) (3:24) Strawberry Fields Forever (take 26) (3:22) Another wonderful collection of rare Beatles. At the time of its release this set really knocked some socks off folks. All the songs on these LPs would eventually be reissued on compact disc by numerous other bootleggers and in superb quality. Still, it is another important historical piece. C: Dec. ULTRA RARE TRAX VOL. 6 THE SWINGJJSP PIG (TSP-CD-036) CD 1990 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: *** Come And Get It (previously unreleased song - recorded on July 24 '69 by Paul in just one hour as a demo for Badfinger) Hold Me Tight (recorded on Sept. 12 '63 during WITH THE BEATLES sessions) I'll Be On My Way (prev. unreleased song - recorded Apr. '63 for BBC) Strawberry Fields Forever (take 7 - Nov. 29 '66) It's All Too Much (May 25-26 '67 - alt. vers. with extra verse) 12 Bar Original (prev. unreleased inst. from RUBBER SOUL sessions Nov. 4 '65) I Hate To See (prev. unreleased song, recorded sometime during the Hey Jude sessions in July, Aug. '68)


She's A Woman (take 7 Oct. 8 '64 - extra long take) What's The New Mary Jane? (early long mix of previously unreleased song - Aug. 14 '68) Dig It (Jan. '69 - longest known vers. - more than 8 minutes) Again, all previously released material. Look to Yellow Dog's UNSURPASSED MASTERS for the best copies of this material. R: Exs/m. C: BCD. Dec.

UNSURPASSED MASTERS VOL. 1 YELLOW DOG (YD 001) CD 1990 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent mono/stereo Rating: ***** Besame Mucho (June 6 '62 - artist test) (2:27) How Do You Do It? (take 1 Sept. 4 '62) (1:56) There's A Place (takes 5, 6) (0:06 & 1:52) I Saw Her Standing There (takes 6, 7, 8, 9) (0:48, 0:06, 0:13, 2:49) Do You Want To Know A Secret? (take 8) (1:56) A Taste of Honey (take 6) (2:01) There's A Place (takes 12 & 13) (0:05 & 1:49) I Saw Her Standing There (takes 11 & 12) (0:16 & 2:52) Misery (takes 2,3,4,5,6) (0:32, 0:16, 0:03, 0:32,1:49) From Me To You (takes 1, 2 & 8. takes 9-13 - edit pieces) (1:04, 1:43, 1:56, 0:15, 0:15, 0:08, 0:09, 0:06, 0:09) Thank You Girl (takes 2, 3 & 4. takes 7-13 - edit pieces) (0:02, 0:05, 1:58, 0:07, 0:22, 0:22,0:15,0:20,0:22,0:22) One After 909 (takes 1 & 2) (0:50 & 2:48) Hold Me Tight (re-make - 22, 23 & 24) (0:31, 0:09, 2:30) Don't Bother Me (re-make 11 & 12 & 13) (0:12, 0:36, 2:27) S: Cuts 3-9 Feb. 11 '63. Cuts 10-14 Mar. 5 '63. Cuts 15-16 Sept. 12 '63. C: BCD. Dec. Yellow Dog Records picked up where The Swingin' Pig left off. Many superb outtakes are heard here for the first time. The first copies of this disc were mastered incorrectly and had to be redone. Unfortunately, the first discs did not come with a money back guarantee so a lot of folks paid twice what they should have. Originally released in mono but re-released in mono/stereo. Yellow Dog de-noised and de-clicked these discs (as they did with nearly all of their releases). Some collectors find this irritating as it somewhat affects the high-ends of the music. The affect is most noticeable on very expensive equipment - which must be why I've not noticed the differences between the songs with and without the de-noise system. The debate rages over this issue and probably will for years. UNSURPASSED MASTERS VOL. 2 YELLOW DOG (YD 002) CD 1990 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent mono/stereo Rating: **** A Hard Day's Night (takes 6 &7 Apr. 16 '64) (3:48) Leave My Kitten Alone (take 5 Aug. 14 '64) (2:53) She's A Woman (take 7 Oct. 8 '64) (5:30) I Feel Fine (takes 6 & 7 Oct. 18 '64) (2:32 & 2:28) Yes It Is (takes 1 & 2 Feb. 16 '65) (2:40 & 1:09) If You've Got Troubles (take IFeb. 18 '65) (2:49)


That Means A Lot (take 2 Feb. 20 '65) (2:27) Help! (takes 1, 2 & 5 Apr. '65) (2:50) Norwegian Wood (take 1 Oct. 12 '65) (1:58) Day Tripper (takes 1, 2 & 3 Oct. '65) (1:54, 0:22 & 3:06) We Can Work It Out (takes 1& 2 Oct. 20 '65) (1:36 & 2:18) 12-Bar Original (take unknown Nov. 4 '65) (6:37) I'm Looking Trough You (re-make, take unknown #1?, Nov. 6 '65) (2:55) The main drawing card here is the complete 12-Bar Original. Previously available only in an edited form. Also appearing for the first time were takes 6 & 7 of A Hard Day's Night. A very good but not essential disc. C: BCD. Dec. Again, originally released in mono but re-released in mono/stereo. UNSURPASSED MASTERS VOL. 3 YELLOW DOG (YD 003) CD 1990 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent mono/stereo Rating: *** Paperback Writer (take l & 2 Apr. 13 '66) (0:21 & 2:31) Rain (take 7 Apr. 14 '66) (3:03) Mark I (Tomorrow Never Knows - take unknown - possibly an outfake) (2:54) Strawberry Fields Forever (take 1 Nov. 24 '66) (2:35) Strawberry Fields Forever (takes 2, 3 & 4 Nov. 28 '66) (2:40, 0:11, 3:06) Strawberry Fields Forever (takes 5, 6 & 7 Nov. 29 '66) (0:18, 3:51, 3:08) Strawberry Fields Forever (re-make - remix 25 from takes 15 & 24 Dec. 9 '66) (3:25) Strawberry Fields Forever (re-make - remix 26 from take 25 Dec. 15 '66) (3:20) ADay In The Life (reduction mix take 4 into take 5, 6 & 7 Jan. 20 '67) (1:35,0:19,2:27) All You Need Is Love (take 58 live TV broadcast June 25 '67) (7:00) I Am The Walrus (take 9 Sept. 5 '67) (4:10) Aerial Tour Instrumental (Flying - take unknown Sept. 8 '67) (2:03) Hello Hello (Hello Goodbye - take 1 Oct. 2 '67) (4:34) The only new piece here is take 9 of I Am The Walrus. Excellent sound quality throughout. A good collection but not essential. Dec. Originally released in mono but re-released in mono/stereo. Volumes 1-3 of UNSURPASSED MASTERS was released on UNIQUE TRACKS (UT CD 001, 002, 003). UNSURPASSED MASTERS VOL. 4 YELLOW DOG (YD 004) CD 1990 Source: Master tapes & other Sound Quality: Excellent mono/stereo Rating: **** Lady Madonna (3-6 Feb. '68 takes 2 &3) (3:20) Across The Universe (4-8 Feb. '68 - 'Hums Wild' version) (3:45) Brian Epstein Blues (19 July '68) (1:02) Hey Jude, Las Vegas Tune (Tues. July 30 '68 - TV rehearsal) (5:18) I Hate To See The Evening Sun Go Down (same as above) (0:59) Back In The USSR (22-23 Aug. '68 - this and the following from the PETER SELLERS TAPE) (2:46) Rocky Raccoon (Thurs. Aug. 15 '68) (3:46) Wild Honey Pie (Tues. Aug. 20'68) (1:06) Mother Nature's Son (9-20 Aug. '68) (2:46) Sexy Sadie (July 19 - Aug. 21 '68) (3:52) Don't Pass Me By (June 5 - July 22 '68) (4:09) Yer Blues (13-20 Aug. '68) (4:08)


Good Night (June 28 - July 22 '68) (3:03) Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me & My Monkey (June 27 - July 23 '68) (2:25) Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (July 3-15 '68) (3:13) Blackbird (Tues. June 11 '68) (2:21) Not Guilty (Aug. 7-12 '68) (4:08) What's The New Mary Jane (take 4 - Aug. 14 '68, not from Peter Sellers tape) (6:33) The Hey Jude on this disc is different than on the NOT GUILTY bootleg and is probably from later in the day. R: Exs except tracks 6-17 Exm. S: Tracks 6-17 also known as the 'Peter Sellers Tape' (a tape given to the actor by Ringo). The tape was a two-sided reel which was sold at a Phillips auction in 1988 for 2300 pounds. UNSURPASSED MASTERS VOL. 5 YELLOW DOG (YD 005) CD 1991 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good to excellent mono Rating: ***** Octopus's Garden (2:48) Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight (3:11) You Never Give Me Your Money (5:49) Oh! Darling (3:25) Maxwell's Silver Hammer (3:34) Something (take 37) (5:39) Melody part 1: You Never Give Me Your Money, Sun King, Mean Mister Mustard, Polythene Pam, She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (aka: 'Huge Melody') (10:51) Melody part 2: Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, The End (5:12) Her Majesty (0:23) Stand By Me (2:52) I've Got A Feeling (3:12) Two Of Us (2:50) For You Blue (3:14) Let It Be (4:15) This is by far the best sounding outtakes from ABBEY ROAD you will hear. In addition, we get to hear the Huge Melody as it was originally envisioned. There are different backing vocals, different mixes and instrumentation. A real find. Golden Slumbers still suffers from the 'tape stretch' as found on all bootlegs to date. The Huge Melody was the original working title for side two of ABBEY ROAD. The final five cuts are GET BACK SESSIONS rehearsals and new to disc. This is a must have Beatleg. C: BCD. Dec. UNSURPASSED MASTERS VOL. 6 YELLOW DOG (YD 012) CD 1991 Source: Master tapes Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: **** There's A Place** (take 1 - Feb. 11 '63) (2:04) I Saw Her Standing There (takes 2** & 3 - Feb 11 '63) (:53 & 0:23) From Me To You (takes 6 & 7 - Mar. 5 '63) (0:03 & 1:57) Thank You Girl (take 1 - Mar. 5 '63) (1:54) Don't Bother Me (take 10 - '63) (2:31) A Hard Day's Night** (take 3) (2:35) I'm A Loser (takes 1 & 2 - Aug. 14 '64) (0:02 & 2:08) She's A Woman** (take 2) (2:07) If You Got Troubles* (take 1 - Feb. 18 '65) (2:22) Help (takes 8 & 9) (0:09 & 2:20) Here, There & Everywhere (monitor mix) (2:05) I Am The Walrus (take 7 - monitor mix) (1:50) Ob-La Di, Ob-La Da* (take 5 - July 8 '68) (2:37) Hey Jude** (July 30 '68) (5:10) Not Guilty* (Aug. 12 '68) (3:20) Let It Be** (Jan. 31 '69) 3:46) Because** (Aug.'69) (2:14) Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues* (Jan. '69) (1:49) What's The New Mary Jane* (take 4 - Aug. 14 '68) (6:11) A mixture of previously released and new songs. A worthy disc but it could have been better if they had


left off the SESSIONS tracks and replaced them with new ones. Still, if you don't have SESSIONS or the Condor discs, then this is a good buy. S: * 'Sessions' & **previously released. C: BCD. Dec. UNSURPASSED MASTERS VOL. 7 YELLOW DOG (YD 013) CD 1992 Source: Various Sound Quality: Excellent mono/stereo Rating: **** Do You Want To Know A Secret (take 7 - Feb. 11 '63) (2:03) Misery (take 1- Feb. 11 '63) (1:07) One After 909 (March 5 '63 - mono) (2:58) Hold Me Tight (takes 25* & 26 - Sept. 12 '63) (0:06 & 2:33) Can't Buy Me Love (takes 5 & 6* - Jan. 29 '64) (2:12 & 0:35) I'm A Loser* (take 3 - Aug. 14 '64) (2:31) I Feel Fine (take 5 - Oct. 18 '64) (2:18) Yes It Is (take 14 - Feb. 16 '65) (2:43) Norwegian Wood (take 4 - Oct. 21 '65) (2:15) Penny Lane (take 9 - Jan. 17 '67) (2:51) Lady Madonna (take 4 - Feb.'68) (2:11) Ob-La Di, Ob-La Da (take 5 - July '68) (2:43) Not Guilty (Aug. 12 '68) (4:22) Revolution* (take 13 - July 10 '68) (3:17) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (take 1 - July 25 '68) (2:27) Come & Get It (July 24 '69 - demo) (2:28) Think For Yourself* (Nov. 8 '65 - 'Beatles speech') (15:38) An assortment of old and new. The new tracks certainly make this disc worth owning. The Think For Yourself segment is especially fun and even informative. For a closer look at this track, refer to Black Market Beatles (How's that for a shameless plug!?). *New to disc. C: BCD. Dec.

A.K.A. SGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND: 1967 PARLOPHONE (FAKE) PCS 1967 LP 1988 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good mono/stereo Rating: *** Side 1: Sgt. Pepper Inner Groove A Day In The Life (take 6) Strawberry Fields Forever (John's demo) Only A Northern Song (mono mix) Penny Lane (take 9 with trumpet ending) All You Need Is Love (broadcast version) It's All Too Much (with extra verse) A Day In The Life (comm. yers) Side 2: Magical Mystery Tour (take 9) The Fool On The Hill (demo) Instrumental loops from MMT Blue Jay Way (mono mix)


Your Mother Should Know (basic tracks) I Am The Walrus (take 17) Christmas Time (Is Here Again) Various familiar outtakes but a satisfying bootleg of the 'psychedelic era.' It's All Too Much is lifted from MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR and is not the complete version. Alternate PEPPER cover photo. FORETASTE SGT19670 S1: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band/ With A Little Help From My Friends/ Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds/ Getting Better/ Fixing A Hole/ She's Leaving Home/ She's Leaving Home/ Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!/ The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! S2: Within You Without You/ When I'm 64/ When I'm 64/ Lovely Rita/ Good Morning, Good Morning/ Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)/ A Day In The Life/ A Day In The Life (Vgs - no orchestration, alt. vocals for Paul)/ Sgt. Pepper inner groove (backwards or forwards depending where your starting from) This album has won the title of 'Worst Beatleg EVER'. Outfakes are the name of the game here. Avoid this at all cost. R: Poor to fair except *Vgs. S: Bad remix of PEPPER CD. C: Dec. Clear vinyl. Alt. PEPPER cover. 1967 ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-019 A Day In The Life (acetate, early mix, no orchestra)*/ Strawberry Fields Forever (take one)/ SFF (take two)/ SFF (take three)/ SFF (false start)/ SFF (take four)/ SFF (false starts)/ SFF (take five)/ SFF (ending only of take six)/ SFF (take seven)/ SFF (backing track with George Martin's score)/ SFF (alt. early mix with full ending)/ Only A Northern Song (original mono mix - not 'processed' as is the CD)/ Penny Lane (promo 45 mix, extra trumpets at end, true stereo)/ All You Need Is Love (live TV. broadcast intro segments)/ All You Need Is Love (live T.V. broadcast with alt. vocals & full end)/ It's All Too Much (edited vers. from film with extra verse not on LP)/ It's All Too Much (vocal booth - mainly vocals & brass overdubs)/ A Day In The Life (full start, alt. mix)/ Magical Mystery Tour (original vocals, mix from TV film)/ MMT, Hello Goodbye (reprise medley from 'credits' of TV film)/ The Fool On The Hill (original demo - from an acetate)/ Blue Jay Way (stereo mix of original vers. without extra sound effects)/ Your Mother Should Know (basic original vers. - before overdubs)/ I Am The Walrus (basic track without overdubs)* R: Exs/m except *G-Vgm. A good collection of outtakes from The Beatles 'psychedelic years'. C: ACD. Dec - alt. PEPPER cover. Time 73:10. SGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND PMCD 7027 CDP 7 46442 2 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band/ With A Little Help From My Friends/ Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds/ Getting Better/ Fixing A Hole/ She's Leaving Home/ Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!/ Within You Without You/ When I'm Sixty-four/ Lovely Rita/ Good Morning Good Morning/ Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)/A Day In The Life R: Exm. S: Studio. C: Japanese CD. Excellent gate fold cardboard-sleeve copy of original album jacket and copy of cut-out sheet. Mono mix of SGT. PEPPER. Time 39:47. SGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND: LIMITED EDITION PMCD 7027 CDP 7 46442 2 S: See above for songs and source. C: Japanese CD. Glossy red cardboard box with PEPPER outtake photo contains excellent gate fold cardboard-sleeve copy of original album jacket and copy of cut-out sheet. Comes with round sticker with same picture as front of box. Very limited edition.


SGT. PEPPER: THE TRANCE REMIXES CHELSEA RECORDS (CFC 021) CD Sgt Pepper (Lonely Trance Dub Remix)/Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Stoned In Church)/Getting Better (Freedom Mix)/Lovely Rita (Any Other Way Mix)/A Day In The Life (Jungle Remix)/Glass Onion (early mix)/Magical Mystery Tour (Film Version)/Flying (Working Mix)/I Am The Walrus (Band Version: No Overdubs)/What's Yer New Mary Jane (Long Version). R: Exs. A 1996 'trance mix' which should never have seen the light of day. The first five songs are sampled PEPPER tracks mixed with the 'trance' beat and sound effects. Yuck! The final five cuts are common alternate mixes. Why anyone would go to the bother of remixing these tracks is beyond me. This disc is nearly as bad as FORETASTE. I've listed it here just to show that even the Nineties dance crowd find the music of The Beatles worthy of their attention. Hoboy. Total time: 63:18. SERGEANT PEPPER'S MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR LUNA LU 9206 CD Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (outfake)/ Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (out-fake)/ Lovely Rita (outfake)/ Good Morning (outfake)/ A Day In The Life I (Jan. 19 '67 - 4:57)/ A Day In The Life II (Jan. 20 '67 - 4:18)/ Magical Mystery Tour I (outfake)/ Magical Mystery Tour II (video - 2:32)/ Fool On The Hill (Paul's demo)/ Flying (outfake - 2:01)/ Blue Jay Way I (outfake - 3:36)/ Blue Jay Way II (mono - 3:43)/ Your Mother Should Know (Sept. 16 '67 - 2:25)/1 Am The Walrus (Sept. 6 '67 - 4:24)/ Hello Goodbye I (Oct. 2 '66 - 5:01)/ Hello Goodbye II (outfake - 2:48)/ Strawberry Fields Forever I (Nov. 24 '66 - 2:59)/ Strawberry Fields Forever II (Nov. 29 '66 - 3:31)/ Penny Lane (Dec. 29 '66 - 2:51)/ Hey Jude (July 30 '68 - 5:42)/ All You Need Is Love (June 25 '67 5:00) This is the kind of bootleg you want to avoid. Over a third of the tracks are outfakes, tracks 6, 9, 12, 13 and 14 are from Yellow Dog's ACETATES, tracks 8 & 20 are from BACKTRACKS 2, track 5 is from Condor's NOT FOR SALE and the rest are copied from various Yellow Dog releases.


ALL THINGS MUST PASS - PART ONE : ELECTRIC SET ('LET IT BE' REHEARSALS VOL. 2) YELLOW DOG (YD 016) CD 1992 Source: Twickenham Sound Quality: Excellent mono Rating: *** Total Time: 66:43 George Talks About A Solo Album All Things Must Pass* Old Brown Shoe For You Blue Let It Down I Shall Be Released* Speak To Me * (Jackie Lomax) Hear Me Lord* I Me Mine Short Fat Fanny* All Things Must Pass Let It Down * Hear Me Lord* I Shall Be Released*


On The Road Again How Do You Tell Someone Positively 4th. Street Let It Down - Get Back Well...All Right Hitch-Hike* I Me Mine Something I Me Mine I Me Mine All Things Must Pass Something old. Something new. Something borrowed. Something For You Blue. There are some new tracks here which are quite good and even the previously bootlegged cuts are in best quality yet. The best new cuts are Old Brown Shoe and Something. For some reason the bootleggers saw fit to do their own edit of / Me Mine and they made a real mess of it. *Previously released. C: BCD. Dec. ALL THINGS MUST PASS (PART 2: ACOUSTIC SET) YELLOW DOG (YD 053) CD 1994 Source: Twickenham Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: **** Total Time: 51:59 Dialogue, All Things Must Pass Dialogue, Isn't It a Pity Window Window For You Blue Please Mrs. Henry Rambling Woman Vol. 1 Rambling Woman Vol. 2 I Threw It All Away Mama, You Been On My Mind Old Brown Shoe Dialogue, For You Blue Nearly all of this material is new to disc. An excellent collection showcasing George's talent as a songwriter. We also get an understanding of John and Paul's feelings about the music George wanted to record. A worthy release. C: BCD. Dec. A B SINGLE ACETATE WIZARDO WRMB 315 S1: Lucille (inst.)/ raps/ Save The Last Dance For Me/ Don't Let Me Down snippet/ raps/I Dig A Pony/ I've Got A Feeling/ raps/ Get Back/ One After 909 S2: false starts/ For You Blue/ raps/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ Maggie May/ Dig It (4:13 version)/ rap/ Let It Be/ Long & Winding Road/ Get Back reprise R: Exs. C: With Billy Preston. ALMOST GROWN KING RECORDS LTD MLK002 S1: Get Back/ Bad Boy/ Sweet Little Sixteen; Around & Around/ Almost Grown/Madman S2: One After 909/ All Things Must Pass/ Across The Universe/ That Must Be My Girl/Let It Be R: G-Vgm. S: S1 Apple Studios Jan '69. S2 Twickenham Jan. '69. C: Eb. Dec.


BEHIND CLOSED DOORS MOON CHILD 0051 S1: Inst. No. 42 (:35)/ Save The Last Dance For Me (:45)/ Don't Let Me Down (4:45)/I Dig A Pony (4:25)/ I've Got A Feeling (2:45)/ Get Back (3:27)/ One After 909 (2:57) S2: For You Blue (2:47)/ Teddy Boy (3:55)/ Two Of Us (3:33)/ Maggie Mae (1:44)/ Dig It (4:007 Let It Be (4:44)/ Long & Winding Road (4:52) S3: Mean Mr. Mustard (4:45)/ (French broadcast; June '69, Exm)/ Watching Rainbows (4:50) (Apple Studio Mar. '69, Exm)/ Black Bird (2:40) (Eltree Studios, Exs)/ Early In The Morning; Hi Ho Silver (2:15)/ Stand By Me (1:57)/ Hare Krisna Mantra (2:08)/ Two Of Us (3:04)/ One After 909 (1:03) S4: Too Bad About Sorrows; She Said She Said (1:30)/ Mean Mr. Mustard (3:15)/ Don't Let Me Down (:43)/ All Things Must Pass (3:20)/ A Fool Like Me (1:48)/ You Win Again (1:25)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (1:25)/A Quick One While He's Away; Feedback Guitar (3:40) (EMI Studios, Abbey Road, July 23 '69, Vgm) R: S1 & 2 Exs; S3 & 4 Exm. S: Sl-2 George Martin LET IT BE; S3 & 4 Twickenham outtakes Jan. 1-6 '69. C: Deluxe orange & black cover. THE BLACK ALBUM TWK 0169 A1YHO-10/L4344 S1: S1 & 2 of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. ONE (CBM 4182) S2: S3 & 4 of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. ONE (CBM 4182) S3: S1 & 2 of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. TWO (CBM 4181 minus Norwegian Wood And She Came In Through the Bathroom Window S4: She Came In Through The Bathroom Window & S3-4 of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL.TWO(CBM4181) S5: Early In The Morning/ Hi Ho Silver/ Stand By Me/ Hare Krishna/ Two Of Us/ Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ One After 909 (copy of TWICKENHAM JAMS) S6: Too Bad About Sorrows/ She Said She Said/ Mean Mr. Mustard/ All Things Must Pass/ A Fool Like Me/ You Win Again/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Watching Rainbows/ Inst. (copy of TWICKENHAM JAMS). R: Exm. S: GET BACK rehearsals. C: Deluxe black GF cover with 'The Beatles' embossed on front. Comes with large color poster similar to the WHITE ALBUM poster but with different photos. The back of the poster contains the dialogue sections of the GET BACK book. SS. Re released in a black box. BYE BYE LOVE TIGER BEAT RECORDS TBR/LP 3 S1: All Things Must Past (9:50)/ feedback jam (2:17)/ instramental jam (0:29)/ Get Back (0:24)/ Get Back (0:30)/ Let It Be (1:08)/ Let It Be (1:02)/ Let It Be (2:16) S2: London Bridge Is Falling Down (0:04)/ Let It Be (0:10)/ Take This Hammer (0:05)/ For You Blue (0:08)/ Early In The Morning (0:15)/ Let It Be (0:53)/ Let It Be (1:30)/ Let It Be (0:13)/ A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall (0:02)/ Two Of Us (0:33)/ Bye Bye Love (0:02)/ Two Of Us (1:32)/ Two Of Us (5:40)/ Let It Be (0:26)/ You Really Got A Hold On Me (0:09)/ instrumental jam (2:26)/ instrumental jam (0:42)/ Dig It (0:55) R: Vg-Exm. S: GET BACK sessions. C: Dec. Red label. AS NATURE INTENDED VIGOTONE (VT 122) CD 1994 Source: Rooftop & Acetate Sound Quality: Very good stereo/mono Rating: **** Total Time: 71:54


Get Back Get Back Don't Let Me Down I've Got A Feeling The One After Dig A Pony I've Got A Feeling Don't Let Me Down Get Back Rocker Save The Last Dance For Me Don't Let Me Down Dig A Pony I've Got A Feeling For You Blue Teddy Boy Two Of Us Maggie Mae Dig It Let It Be The Long Winding Road Get Back R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Tracks 1-9 Apple Corps rooftop performance Dec. 30 '69. Tracks 10-22 Glyn John's first master tape compilation of GET BACK mixed Mar. 10-11, May 7,9 Olympic Sound Studios, London. For the very best quality disc of this material one has to search out OMR's GET BACK WITH DON'T LET ME DOWN AND 9 OTHER SONGS. It's sound is far superior and it features the complete GET BACK record. Unfortunately, OMR releases are very limited in number and are hard to find. AS NATURE INTENDED (Apple PCS 7080) was previously released on vinyl in 1986 and came in a mailer (with 'canceled' stamps from England) and a GET BACK 2'X3' poster and press kit. C: BCD. Dec. CELLULOID ROCK YELLOW DOG RECORDS (YD 006) CD 1992 Source: Twickenham Sound Quality: Excellent mono Rating: ** I've Got A Feeling (4:03) Shake, Rattle And Roll (2:05) Kansas City - Miss Ann - Lawdy Miss Clawdy (3:43) Blue Suede Shoes (2:06) You've Really Got A Hold On Me (2:51) Get Back (2:35) The Long And Winding Road (3:32) Let It Be (3:48) Don't Let Me Down (3:44) For You Blue (2:55) The Walk (0:51) Teddy Boy (5:53) Two Of Us (3:49) Dig A Pony (4:03) Dig It (8:25) Previously released material. Nothing here that sets this disc aside from any other bootleg. S: GET


BACK sessions Jan. '69. C: BCD. Dec. CINELOGUE 1 CBM 4020 S1: Don't Let Me Down/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ On Our Way Back Home/1 Got A Feeling/ 909/ Piano Boogie/ Across The Universe/ Dig A Pony/ Suzy Parker/1 Me Mine/For You Blue S2: Besame Mucho/ Octopus Garden/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Long And Winding Road/ Shake Rattle And Roll/ Kansas City/ Dig It S3: Two Of Us/ Let It Be/ Long And Winding Road/ Get Back/ Don't Let Me Down S4:1 Got A Feeling/ 909/ Dig A Pony/ Get Back R: S1 & 2 poor mono; S3 & 4 Gm. C: Entire dialogue & music of LET IT BE. CIRCUIT SONGS BOXTOP RECORDS, TWK 2262 S1: Paul's Piano Theme (1:23)/ Don't Let Me Down (0:49)/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer (2:05)/ Two Of Us (1:38)/ I've Got A Feeling (0:57)/ I've Got A Feeling (1:17)/ Oh! Darling (0:12)/ Just Fun (0:09)/ One After 909 (0:09)/ One After 909 (0:59)/ Jazz Piano Song (0:56)/ Two Of Us (0:13)/ Across The Universe (1:21)/ Dig A Pony (0:57)/ Suzy Parker (0:50)/1 Me Mine (2:25) S2: For You Blue (2:41)1 Da-Doo-Run-Run (0:04)/ Besame Mucho (1:56)/ Octopus's Garden (3:04)/ Isadora Duncan (0:11)/ You Really Got A Hold On Me (2:28)/ The Long & Winding Road (0:37)/ The Long & Winding Road (0:24)/ Shake, Rattle And Roll (2:06)/ Kansas City, Miss Ann, Lawdy Miss Clawdy (2:33)/ Dig It (3:26) R: Vgm. S: LET IT BE soundtrack. S1 Twickenham Film Studios. S2 Apple studio. C: Photo attached to cover. DL. CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT: VOL. THREE TIGER BEAT RECORDS TBR7LP4 S1: Let It Be Sessions - Suzy Parker: I Want You (She's So Heavy): I've Got A Feeling: Can You Dig It?: All Things Must Pass: Paul Talks: Instrumentals/ George On The Sitar (On David Frost)/ Help! (With countdown)/ Open-ended Interview (Special guest interviewer)/ The History Of Rock And Roll (Chapter 731: The Beatles!)/ Only You (Demo) S2: Let It Be Sessions - Don't Let Me Down: Two Of Us: Discussion: Oh! Darling/ Corrine, Corrina & Yesterday (Bob Dylan w/George)/ I Lost My Little Girl (Paul at home)/ Tequila & Bunny Hop (One to One rehearsals)/ Junior's Farm (Nashville '74) R: Vg-Exm. C: Deluxe blue cover. Red label. CODE NAME RUSSIA CORE LTD. 8869 LP S1: Another Day/ Hello Dolly/ Please Mrs. Henry/ I Threw It All Away/ I Bought A Picasso/ Brown Eyed Handsome Man/ Well Allright/ Peace Of My Heart/ Frere Jacques; It Ain't Me Babe/ Two Of Us/ Hear Me Lord/ Blues Machine/ Tell Me What I Say; Shout S2: A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues/ Baby I Don't Care/ Rock & Roll Music/ Don't Let Me Down/ She's Got The Devil In Her Heart/ Jenny Jenny; Slippin & Slidin/ That'll Be The Day/ High Heeled Sneakers/ Don't Be Cruel; Tiny Bossanova R: Exs. S: Twickenham Studios '69. This is a copy of a European vinyl release. At the time of its release it featured a lot of new songs and between song chat. One of the more listenable GET BACK bootlegs. An interesting bit of trivia is that Ringo's code name at the time was 'Russia' - thus the album's title. The Beatles would regularly use code names amongst themselves and the inner circle to insure their privacy. C: Eb. Dec. DL. COMMONWEALTH SHOGUN 13112 S1: S1 of THE BLACK ALBUM S2-3: S8&14 of GET BACK JOURNALS S4: S5 of THE BLACK ALBUM C: Dec. DL. CV.


COMPLETE APPLE TRACKS VOL. 1 ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-022 Get Back/.Ba-Ba Blacksheep/ Don't Let Me Down/ Tennessee/ House Of The Rising Sun/ Commonwealth Song/ Oh! Enoch Powell/ White Power/ White Power (part 2)/ Yakety Yak/ Hi Ho Silver/ For You Blue/ Let It Be/1 Shall be Released/All Things Must Pass (song construction - John on organ)/ News Report, jam (John reads George's assault charge)/ Dig It (full version)/ Not Fade Away, Bo Diddley/ Let It Be (full alternate version)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Get Back (construction)/ Teddy Boy (stereo) (longer than edited GET BACK LP version)/ Two Of Us (instrumental false start)/ Two Of Us (same as GET BACK but intro guitar is different) R: Vg-Ex. Some surface noise. C: ACD. Dec from THE BLACK ALBUM (TWK 0169 Al YHO10/L4344) poster. Just music - all talk edited out. COMPLETE APPLE TRACKS VOL. 2 ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-023 Milk cow Blues/ Little Queenie/ When Irish Eyes Are Smiling/ She's My Queen/ Hi Heel Sneakers/ Every Night (electric)/ Every Night (acoustic)/ Soldier Of Love/ Child Of Nature (early 'Jealous Guy')/ Fingertips (jam)/ Two Of Us (early version)/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer (early 'whistling' version)/ Don't Let Me Down/ Thirty Days/1 Me Mine (song construction with Paul intervening)/I Me Mine (incomplete full version attempt)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (joke version)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (slow & soft version)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (short)/ Hi Heel Sneakers/ Let It Be/ Be Bop-A-Lula/ I've Got A Feeling ('frantic' end only)/ One After 909/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Penina/ Shakin' In The Sixties/ Move It, Good Rocking Tonight/ Across The Universe/ Two Of Us (electric version)/1 Me Mine, Domino/1 Threw It All Away/ Moma You Been On My Mind/ Suzy Parker/ I've Got a Feeling/ No Pakistanis (Get Back)/ Don't Let Me Down/ Two Of Us R: Vg-Ex. Some surface noise. C: ACD. Dec from THE BLACK ALBUM (TWK 0169 A1YHO-10/L4344) poster. Just music - all talk edited out. COMPLETE APPLE TRAX VOL. 3 ADAM Vin LTD CD 49-024 I've Got A Feeling/ Down In Mississippi/ All I Want Is You/ News Report, Early In The Morning/ Dig A Pony/ You've Got Me Thinking (Paul imitating Jackie Lomax)/ Help, Please Please Me/ Get Back, I'll Be There/ Get Back (John & Paul's harmony lead vocal)/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Speak To Me (Jackie Lomax's riff), When I'm 64/ Gimme Some Truth/ Maggie Mae/ Her Majesty/ Eddie/ Hot As Sun/ Early In The Morning, Hi Ho Silver/ Stand By Me/ Hare Krishna Mantra/ Two Of Us/ Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ She Said, She Said/ Mean Mr. Mustard/ A Fool Like Me/ You Win Again/ Watching Rainbows/ Too Bad About Sorrows/ Woman/ The Walk (stereo) R: Vg-Ex. Some surface noise. C: ACD. Dec from THE BLACK ALBUM (TWK 0169 A1YHO-10/L4344) poster. Again, just music - all talk edited out. COMPLETE APPLE TRAX VOL. 4 ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-025 Rock & Roll Music/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues/ Baby I Don't Care/ Don't Let Me Down/ Devil In Her Heart/ Jenny Jenny/ Slippin' & Slidin'/ That'll Be The Day/ High Heeled Sneakers/ Don't Be Cruel/Another Day/ Hello Dolly/ Bob Dylan Song/1 Bought A Picasso/ Brown Eyed Handsome Man/ Well All Right/ Piece Of My Heart/ Frere Jacques, It Ain't Me Babe/ Hear Me Lord/ Blues Machine/ What I'd Say, Shout/ There Once Was A Beautiful Girl/ Talking Bout You/ Little Yellow Pills (Jackie Lomax song)/ Great Balls Of Fire/ Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying, Sexy Sadie/ Suicide/ Can You Dig It?/ Two Of Us (John & Paul with accents)/ Strawberry Fields Forever/ Oh! Darling/ Geh's Raus: German 'Get Back'/ Rainy Day Women #12 & #35/ Please Please Me/ I Should Like To Live Up A Tree/ One After 909/ Moving Along By River Rhine/ The Long & Winding Road/ The Inner Light/1


Want You (She's So Heavy)/ Let It Down/ Dig It All Day/ The Real Case Has Just Begun/ Maybe Baby/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues/ Hava Nagila, jam (inst.)/Act Naturally R: Vg-Ex. Some surface noise. C: ACD. Dec from THE BLACK ALBUM (TWK 0169 A1YHO-10/L4344) poster. Just music - all talk edited out. COMPLETE APPLE TRAX VOL. 5 ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-025 I'm So Tried/ Obladi-Oblada/ Third Man Theme (instrumental)/ Negro In Reserve/ Don't Let Me Down/ One After 909/ Please Say Goodbye/ Bring It On Home To Me/ Hitch Hike/ You Can't Do That/ The Hippy Hippy Shake/ Two Of Us/ Short Fat Fannie/ Midnight Special/ Why Do Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For?/ Gimme Some Truth/ The Right String But The Wrong Yo-Yo/ One After 909/ Tomorrow Never Comes/ School Days (Ring! Ring! Goes The Bell)/ Piano Boogie (instrumental)/ Let It Be (excerpt)/ Two Of Us (very early rehearsals & 'run throughs')/ Jealous Guy (Child Of Nature)/1 Shall Be Released/ Sun King (instrumental)/ Don't Let Me Down (possibly the first ever version)/ Teacher/ Tea For Two, Chopsticks (instrumental)/ Whole Lotta Shakin' Coin' On/ Cracking Up/ All Shook Up/ True Love/ Blue Suede Shoes/ Three Cool Cats R: Vg-Ex. Some surface noise. C: ACD. Dec from THE BLACK ALBUM (TWK 0169 A1YHO10/L4344) poster. Just music - all talk edited out. COMPLETE APPLE TRAX VOL. 6 ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-027 I've Got A Feeling/ Shake, Rattle & Roll/ Kansas City, Miss Ann, Lawdy Miss Clawdy/Blue Suede Shoes/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Get Back/ Take This Hammer/Johnny B. Goode/ Polythene Pam/ Two Of Us, Hello Goodbye/ Digging My Potatoes/Rock Island Line/ Singing The Blues/ I Me Mine/ Back Seat Of My Car/ It's For You/Get Back/ Bad Boy/ Sweet Little Sixteen/ Around & Around/ Almost Grown/ Madman/One After 909/ All Things Must Pass/ Across The Universe/ A Case Of The Blues/ ThatMust Be My Girl/ Let It Be/ Blowin' In The Wind/ Lucille R: Vg-Ex. Some surface noise. C: ACD. Dec from THE BLACK ALBUM (TWK 0169 A1YHO-10/L4344) poster. Just music - all talk edited out. THE COMPLETE ROOFTOP CONCERT ('LET IT BE' REHEARSALS VOL. 1) YELLOW DOG (YD 015) CD 1992 Source: Apple Rooftop/Twickenham Sound Quality: Excellent mono Rating: **** Total Time: 68:07 APPLE ROOFTOP: January 30,1969 (34:57) Get Back Get Back (take 3) Don't Let Me Down I've Got A Feeling One After 909 (take 4) Dig A Pony I've Got A Feeling Get Back TWICKENHAM SESSIONS The Walk (Complete Version)* Oh! Darling* Maxwell's Silver Hammer* Across The Universe* Gone, Gone, Gone Wake Up In The Morning (with Linda) She Came In Through The Bathroom Window* Sausages And French Fries - Early In The Morning - Hi Ho Silver Stand By Me Harry Pinsker (Hare Krishna Mantra) Two Of Us S: Tracks 1-8 rooftop concert. Rest outtakes. *Previously unreleased in this form. The Rooftop performance here is about as good as you'll find anywhere. Plus, the long version of The Walk is pretty cool. Recommended. C: BCD. Dec.


CORN OF THE APPLE COSMIC THRILLS (CT 50010) CD 1996 Source: Twickenham Sound Quality: Excellent mono Rating: ** Total Time: 58:02 Old Brown Shoe Ramblin' Woman I Threw It All Away Mama You Been On My Mind I Shall Be Released On The Road Again Isn't It A Pity Old Brown Shoe Dialogue,Something How Do You Tell Someone Old Brown Shoe It's Just For Fun School Days Stand By Me Where Have You Been Lady Madonna I Lost My Little Girl Get Back I've Got A Feeling I've Got A Feeling Rainy Day Women #s 12 & 35 Crazy Feet This is a reissue of an older European title which itself was a compilation of mostly previously booted material. However, only on this disc can you find these performances of Old Brown Shoe. Note that the title was supposed to have been 'CORE of the Apple,' but something got mixed up in the translation. Those crazy bootleggers! THE DREAM IS OVER...VOLUME 1 JPM 1081 S1: Two Of Us (Exm)/ Jealous Guy/1 Shall Be Released/ Sun King/ Don't Let Me Down S2: Don't Let Me Down/All Shook Up/ True Love/ Blue Suede Shoes/ Three Cool Cats/Blowin' In The Wind/ Lucille/ I'm So Tired/ Obladi Oblada/ Third Man Theme/ There'sA Hole In My Heart R: Vgm. S Studio rehearsals. C: Eb. Dbw. THE DREAM IS OVER....VOLUME 2 JPM 280102 S1: Don't Let Me Down/ One After 909/ Because I Love You/ One After 909/ Tomorrow Never Comes/ Bring It On Home/ Hitch Hike/ You Can't Do That/ Hippy Hippy Shake (22:50) S2: Two Of Us/ Short Fat Fannie/ Midnight Special/ Someone Nice Like You/ Give Me Some Truth/ All Things Must Pass (24:00) R: Exm. C: Eb. Dbw.


A DRUGS DIVORCE AND A SLEEPING IMAGE MASTER DISC (D-001 50145X 1991 L601) CD 1996 Adagio For Strings (1/3/69)/ For You Blue (two versions) (1/25/69)1 Too Bad About Sorrows (1/8/69)/ For You Blue (1/25/69)/ You Won't Get Me That Way/The Walk (l/27/69)/Let It Be (1/31/69)/ For You Blue (1/25/69)/ The Long And Winding Road (two versions) (1/31/69)/ Mailman Bring Me No More Blues (1/29/69)/ Let It Be (three versions) (1/31/69)/ Dig It (1/24/69)/ Let It Be (take 27) (1/31/69)/ Let It Be (1/31/69)/ The Long And Winding Road (1/31/69)/ Riffs & goodbyes (1/31/69). Previously released GET BACK sessions. Exm. The title is a take-off of a book on the sessions (Drugs, Divorce And A Slipping Image) by Doug Sulpy. FAB FOUR M.A.K. 5 S1: Get Back/ When You Walk/ Let It Be/ One After 909/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us S2: Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ The Long And Winding Road/ Dig It/ For You Blue/I Dig A Pony/ Get Back FIRST N' LAST TRADE SECRETS ATLCD6593 Like Dreamers Do (2:33)/ Money (2:22)/ 'Till There Was You (2:58)/ The Sheik Of Arabia (1:40)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (2:34)/ Take Good Care Of My Baby (2:26)/ Memphis, Tennessee (2:20)/ Sure To Fall (2:01)/ Hello Little Girl (1:38)/ Three Cool Cats (2:23)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (2:00)/ Love Of The Loved (1:50)/ September In The Rain (1:53)/ Besame Mucho (2:38)/ Searchin' (3:02)/ Let It Be (4:00)/ Don't Let Me Down (3:49)/ For You Blue (3:01)/ Get Back (2:54)/ The Walk (0:54)/ WBCN Dialogue (1:01)/ Get Back (2:37)/ I've Got A Feeling (0:09)/ Teddy Boy (5:47)/ Two Of Us (3:48)/ Dig A Pony (4:00)/ I've Got A Feeling (2:52)/ The Long And Winding Road (3:39) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Tracks 1-15 Decca demo tapes, Decca Studios, London Jan. 1 '62. Tracks 16-28 reference acetate Mar. 10 '69 aired on radio station WBCN, Boston. C: BCD. Dec. Time 73:46. FROM SESSION TO SESSION... ALTERNATIVE RECORD COMPANY LTD. ARC 0072 S1: Angel Baby (3:08)**7 Be My Baby (4:39)**/ How Do You Do It (1:58 - EMI Sept. 4 '62)/ Come & Get It (2:24 - Badfmger commercial vers.)/ Let It Be (8:18 first rehearsal Jan. '69) S2: Yesterday (2:30 - Budokan June 30 '66)/ Get Back (3:58 - 'No Pakistanis' vers.)/ Get Back (2:06fast vers.)/ Don't Let Me Down (3:26)*7 House Of The Rising Sun (2:35)*/Across The Universe*/ Let It Be (2:36)* R: Exm except **. S: *GET BACK sessions. ** ROCK N ROLL sessions. C: Dec. DL. GET BACK JOURNALS BLACKBIRD PCS-7080-2. SUMA 8081- 8089. TMOQ 2R-78. S1 - 6: See THE BLACK ALBUM S7: Two Of Us/ Jealous Guy/1 Shall Be Released/ Sun King/ Don't Let Me Down (duplicates SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 3, side A with extra material) S8: Don't Let Me Down/ Tea For Two/ Whole Lotta ShakinV All Shook Up/ True Love?/ Blue Suede Shoes/ Three Cool Cats/ Blowin' In The Wind/ Lucille (duplicates some of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 3. side B. S9: I'm So Tired/ Obladi Oblada/ Third Man Theme/ Negro In Reverse/ Don't Let Me Down/ One After 909/ The Right String But Wrong Yo-yo/ Singing The Blues (duplicates some of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 3, sides B & C) S10: Bring It On Home/ Hitch-hike/ You Can't Do That/ Hippy Hippy Shake/ Two Of Us/ All Along The Watchtower/ Short Fat Fanny/ Midnight Special/ Money/ Gimme Some Truth (duplicates some of


SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 3, sides C & D with an extra cut) S11: Get Back/ Bad Boy/ Sweet Little Sixteen/ Round & Round/ Almost Grown/ No Particular Place To Go (duplicates parts of ALMOST GROWN side A) S12: Paul & Rich Duet/ Woman/ Back Seat Of My Car/ It's Just For You/ Dialogue with Peter Sellers (duplicates parts of SINGING THE BLUES side B) S13: Take This Hammer/ Johnny B. Goode/ Dialogue - Paul/ I Shall Be Released/ I've Got a Feeling/ I Had A Dream (dialogue) (duplicates some of SINGING THE BLUES side A) S14: Every Night/ I Dig A Pony/ Down In Mississippi/ Mad Man A CominV I Dig A Pony/ High-heel Sneakers/ Little Queenie (duplicates some of I HAD A DREAM side A) S15: All I Want Is You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Too Bad About Sorrows/ I Dig A Pony/ You Got Me Thinking/ I've Got A Feeling (duplicates some of I HAD A DREAM side A) S16: She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Octopus' Garden/ Get Back (duplicates most of I HAD A DREAM side B) S17: Help/ Please Please Me/ Dialogue/ Obladi Oblada/ Get Back/ Soldier Of Love/ Jealous Guy/ Two Of Us (duplicates some of I HAD A DREAM side A) S18: Let It Be/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ When I'm Sixty-Four/1 Me Mine S19: Dialogue/ I Me Mine (first rehearsal)/ Dialogue/ I Me Mine cont./ Let It Be/ Live Show Discussion S20: Teddy Boy (original take)/ Two Of Us/ Dialogue/ Polythene Pam/ Two Of Us/Maggie May/ Playback S: 21 & 22: BONUS ALBUM - copy of GET BACK WITH LET IT BE AND 11 OTHER SONGS. R: Fair to very good stereo and mono. S: SI - 20 Sync-tracks from filming at Apple studios Jan. 28 May 28 '69. C: 500 sets on CV released in square fiberboard film containers. Released on CV in two black boxes inside a deluxe color sleeve. Very detailed recording info. GET BACK JOURNALS VIGOTONE (VIGO 101/108) 8CD 1993 Source: Various Sound Quality: Good to excellent stereo/mono Rating: *** Disc One (total time: 68:19): This disc is comprised of the material which originally appeared on VEGEMITE and later as SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. III. Many of the songs would later appear on SONGS FROM THE PAST VOL. 4 & 5. There are 30 tracks on this disc with the highlights being The One After 909, Two Of Us, Child Of Nature, Your True Love, Bring It On Home To Me and Hitch Hike. Disc Two (total time: 65:19): This disc continues with the rest of the VEGEMITE songs and ALL THINGS MUST PASS rehearsals. A number of odds and ends make up the rest of the disc - the best songs being Let It Be, Oh! Darling and Thirty Days. 24 tracks on this disc. Disc Three (total time: 69:53): THE BLACK ALBUM (Audifon) is featured on Disc Three and is from tape source. There is some additional material here - the most significant being a longer version of the first performance oil Me Mine and the first appearance of The Beatles' cover of What Am I Livin' For by Chuck Willis. Other highlights on this 28-track disc are Hart Krsna Mantra, Too Bad About Sorrows, Fool Like Me and You Win Again. Disc Four (total time: 68:31): Most of this disc is taken from the master tapes for SWEET APPLE TRAX along with some additional cuts. The earliest known performances of The Long And Winding Road are here, and a lengthy discussion by The Beatles about their proposed live performances. A few of the better tracks on this 25track disc are I Me Mine, Tennessee, Move It, and One After 909. Disc Five (total time: 73:10): SWEET APPLE TRAX concludes and is followed by bit and pieces of rehearsals, conversations, and Paul on the Piano. There are 22 cuts here and very few highlights. The most worthwhile tracks are Commonwealth, Mama You Been On My Mind and a visit from Peter Sellers. Disc Six (total time: 70:18):


The WATCHING RAINBOWS session opens this record and is in the most complete form yet. This is followed by many loose rehearsals and jams. Some of the better material is Madman, Dig A Pony and the Forty Days medley and jam. Disc Seven (total time: 72:41): The liner notes sum up this disc well: "Unless you're a rabid GET BACK junkie (and maybe even if you are) you're unlikely to pull this one off your shelf very often. There are a couple of highlights - The Beatles cover version of Jackie Lomax's You've Got Me Thinking and Arthur Alexander's Soldier Of Love and Where Have You Been are fun, but for the most part this CD is bogged down by half-hearted rehearsals of Lennon/McCartney originals." 21 tracks on this disc. Disc Eight (total time: 64:13): HER MAJESTY bootleg is the source for much of the material on this record and is mostly forgettable. Some of the more listenable songs weTeddy Boy (taken from the WBCN 1969 broadcast tape), Dig It, Maggie Mae, Singing The Blues and Almost Grown. 23 tracks. Most of this material was released on THE GET BACK JOURNALS (11 LP set) with a few new bits here and there (approximately 40 minutes worth). The sound has been improved over the vinyl version. The eight compact discs come housed in a hard case film box with metal corners and is held together with two vinyl straps. There are two CDs per slim case and each has a four page booklet describing the contents. The liner notes on the inside of the film box tell the story of the film and album, as well as an alphabetical listing of the set's song titles. Each song is also referenced as to which disc and track it is on. Included is a full-color reproduction of the original GET BACK book. This was a limited edition set (possibly only 1000 were made). Later editions did not include the deluxe packaging or the book. THE GET BACK JOURNALS II VIGOTONE (VIGO138-145) 8CD Box 1996 Source: Twickenham Film Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: ***** CD 1: Sun King/ Improvisation/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ Improvisation/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ Unknown/ Back In The USSR/ Every Little Thing/ Piece Of My Heart/ Sabre Dance/ Piece Of My Heart/ Over And Over Again/ I've Been Good To You/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/1 Want You/ I'm Gonna Pay For His Ride/ Don't Let Me Down/ Oh! Darling/ C'mon Marianne/ I've Got A Feeling/ I've Got A Feeling/ High School ConfidentiaV I've Got A Feeling/ Hear Me Lord/ Hear Me Lord/ Improvisation/ Tracks Of My Tears/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy/ Money (That's What I Want)/ Fools Like Me/ Sure To Fall/ Right String, Wrong Yo-Yo/ I'm Talking About You C: Features a great deal of previously unheard ALL THINGS MUST PASS rehearsals, which includes George's 'you're so full of shit' comment to Paul (which is clearly not the 'punky put on' that Beatles history has painted it to be). Certainly the highlight of this disc is a lengthy oldies jam session from January 6th, featuring never-before-heard performances of Sure To Fall and Right String, Wrong Yo-Yo. Time 73:38. CD2: Live Show Dialogue/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down / Send Me Some Lovin'/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Two Of Us/ Two Of Us/ Two Of Us/ Two of Us/ Two of Us/ Two of Us C: Fragments of a lengthy conversation about the planned live performance which clearly illustrate how Yoko had usurped John's role in the decision making process of the group. This is followed by an incredibly extensive look at the evolution of Don't Let Me Down, with over forty minutes of rehearsal presented in their original context for the first time. Capping off the disc is an unedited presentation of the 'fight' between Paul and George, which was presented in a distorted manner in the film LET IT BE. Time 70:74. CD3: Frere Jacques/ It Ain't Me Babe/ Hear Me Lord/ Hear Me Lord/ Hear Me Lord/ Let's Dance/ All


Things Must Pass/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Carry That Weight/ The Long And Winding Road/ Golden Slumbers/ Carry That Weight/ The Long And Winding Road/ Instrumental/ Instrumental/ Lady Madonna/ Instrumental)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Improvisation/ Instrumental/ Mr. Epstein Said It Was White Gold/ Lowdown Blues Machine/ What'd I Say/ Carry That Weight / Shout!/ Get Back/ I've Got Rings On My Fingers/ For You Blue/ For You Blue/ My Back Pages/ I've Got A Feeling/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again/ Improvisation C: Contains a number of interesting items, including a lengthy McCartney piano session. The unquestionable highlight, though, is the earliest known performance of Get Back, presented here for the very first time. Much of the explosive dialog from January 7th is also here. Time 73:05. CD4: I Shall Be Released/ To Kingdom Come/ For You Blue/ For You Blue/ Improvisation/ Bo Diddley/ What the World Needs Now Is Love/ Instrumental/ First Call/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ I've Got A Feeling/ Oh! Darling/ The Long And Winding Road/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Rule Britannia/ Improvisation/ Improvisation/ Speak To Me/ Oh! Darling/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer C: Completion of the January 7th debate over the fate of the live performance and, in fact, The Beatles as a group, George suggests that perhaps 'a divorce' is in order. The mood lightens as the group spends a great deal of time rehearsing Maxwell's Silver Hammer. Time 70:58. CD5: Improvisation/ A Shot of Rhythm And Blues/ (You're^So Square) Baby I Don't Care/ Across The Universe/ Across The Universe/ Across The Universe/ Give Me Some Truth/ improvisation/ Across The Universe/ Across The Universe/ Improvisation/ Across The Universe/ A Case Of The Blues/ Cuddle Up/ Give Me Some Truth/ Across The Universe/ Give Me Some Truth/ From Me To You/ Across The Universe/ Across The Universe/ Rock and Roll Music/ Lucille/ Lotta Lovin1/ Across The Universe/ Gone Gone Gone/ Dig A Pony/ One After 909/ One After 909/ One After 909/ One After 909/ What'd I Say/ One After 909/ Improvisation/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Devil In Her Heart/ Devil In Her Heart/ Don't Let Me Down/ School Day/ F.B.I./ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Improvisations/ Honey Hush/ Honey Hush/ Stand By Me/ Hare Krishna Mantra/ 'Well, If You're Ready'/ Hare Krishna Mantra C: Concludes a very extensive overview of the January 7th session contained on this set (nearly three hours worth). John's attempts to lead the band through rehearsals of Across The Universe prove disastrous, and the group only comes to life when they perform oldies such as Rock And Roll Music. Time 70:36. CD6: Two Of Us/ You Got Me Going/ Twist And Shout/ Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ St. Louis Blues/ One After 909/ Too Bad About Sorrows/ Just Fun/ She Said, She Said/ All Things Must Pass/ Improvisation/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Things Must Pass/ All Along The Watchtower/ Mean Mr. Mustard/ Don't Let Me Down/ All Things Must Pass/ Fools Like Me/ You Win Again/ Improvisation/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ I Me Mine/ I Me Mine/ How Do You Think I Feel/ The Ballad Of Bonnie And Clyde/ Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh!/ I Me Mine/1 Me Mine/1 Me Mine/1 Me Mine/ Almost Grown/ What Am I Livin' For?/ Rock And Roll Music/1 Me Mine/1 Me Mine/1 Me Mine/1 Me Mine/ Another Day/ For You Blue/ For You Blue C: Focuses primarily on the January 8th sessions, featuring the best group performance of All Things Must Pass. The two group performances of I Me Mine which were edited together in LET IT BE are heard in their original form here. Also of note is the earliest known performance of Paul's Another Day. Time 71:22. CD7: For You Blue/ Improvisation/ Two Of Us/ Two Of Us/ Two Of Us/ Two Of Us/ Two Of Us/ Unknown)/ Two Of Us/ I've Got A Feeling/ One After 909/ One After 909/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Right String, Wrong Yo-Yo/ Boogie Woogie/ Baa, Baa, Blacksheep/ Mr. Bassman/ Get Back/ Instrumentay La Penina/ Instrumental/ Across The Universe/ Across The Universe/ Across The Universe/ Across The Universe/ Across The Universe/


Teddy Boy/ Junk/ Across The Universe/ Across The Universe/ Shakin' In The Sixties/ Move It/ Good Rockin' Tonight/ Let It Be/ Let It Be/ Let It Be/ That'll Be The Day/ I've Got A Feeling/ Jenny Jenny/ Slippin' And Slidin'/ Let It Be/ Let It Be/ Let It Be C: Chronicles the January 9th session, including rehearsals of Two Of Us, She Came in Through the Bathroom Window, Across The Universe and Let It Be. Note Paul's sly comment on 'oriental influence' that which he wishes wasn't present. Time 72:25. CDS: I'm Talking About You/ A Quick One While He's Away/ A Quick One While He's Away/ Improvisation/ improvisation/ Till There Was You/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Mack The Knife/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Don't Be Cruel/ On a Sunny Island, Brazil, Groovin', I Got Stung/ Brazil/ It's Only Make Believe/ Through A London Window/ The Long And Winding Road/ Instrumental/ Martha My Dear/ Get Back/ Instrumental/ The Back Seat of My Car/ Improvisation/ It's Just For You/ It's Just For You/ As Clear As A Bell Says La Scala, Milan/ Hello Dolly/ Madman/ Mean Mr. Mustard, Madman/ Watching Rainbows/ Improvisation/ Improvisation/ Oh! Darling/ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da C: Begins with George's dramatic post-lunch departure from the group, on Jan. 10 and the other Beatles surprising reaction (or virtual non-reaction) to it. The remainder of the disc contains a number of George-less performances of varying degrees of interest (if not musical quality). Time 72:10. R: Ex. Soundboard. C: Four double CDs in a white cardboard box inside a full color cardboard slipcase. Comes with a 28 page 10" x 10" book with color and B&w pictures. Includes a history of GET BACK bootlegs and is punctuated by excellent reproductions of album covers and artwork. And to top it all off is an overview of the Twickenham Sessions detailing song titles and bootlegs where they are featured. This set is an excellent example of what can be done by people who care as opposed to some of the boring 'product' released by an 'industry' interested in the bottom line. When will they realize that this is what collector's want and that we don't mind paying for quality? GET BACK CHAMELION RECORDS CHAM 8910-GB CD One After 909 (3:11)/ Don't Let Me Down (2:01)/ Don't Let Me Down (4:22)/ Dig A Pony (4:13)/ I've Got A Feeling (2:59)/ Get Back (3:20)/ For You Blue (2:54)/ Teddy Boy (3:49)/ Two Of Us On Our Way Home (3:37)/ Dig It (0:42)/ Dig It (4:19)/ Let It Be (4:12)/ The Long & Winding Road (4:38)/ 12 Bar Original (3:55) R:Ex. C:ECD.Dbw. GET BACK TONTO TO643 S1: One After 909/ Link Track/ Save The Last Dance For Me/ Don't Let Me Down/ Dig A Pony/ I've Got A Feeling/ Get Back S2: For You Blue/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ Maggie May/ Dig It/ Let It Be/ The Long & Winding Road/ Get Back Reprise R: Exs. S: George Martin version. C: Eb. Dec. Cover uses Apple logo. GET BACK AND MORE JSJ RECORDS 1313 S1: Get Back/ When You Walk/ Let It Be/ On Our Way Home/ Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ Don't Keep Me Waiting S2: Blah Blah Song/ Across The Universe/ Teddy Boy/ Dig A Pony/ Ballad Of John & Yoko/ Across The Universe


GET BACK AND 22 OTHER SONGS YELLOW DOG (YD 014) CD 1992 Source: Acetate Sound Quality: Excellent mono/stereo Rating: **** One After 909 (3:14) Link Track (0:45) Save The Last Dance For Me (0:51) Don't Let Me Down (3:38) Dig A Pony (3:49) I've Got A Feeling (2:43) Get Back (3:12) For You Blue (2:40) Teddy Boy (3:40) Two Of Us (3:40) Maggie Mae (0:37) Dig It (3:57) Let It Be (3:52) The Long & Winding Road (3:43) Get Back Reprise (0:37) Jam (parts 1 & 2) (6:19) I Lost My Little Girl (5:00) Take This Hammer (2:57) School Days (1:36) Roll Over Beethoven/ Everybody Is Rockin' Tonight/ Thirty Days/ Too Bad About Sorrows (6:02) Maggie Mae/ Fancy Me Chances (1:32) This is the way the LET IT BE album should have been released! S: Tracks 1-15 original GET BACK acetate as produced by George Martin. Rest are familiar outtakes from the GET BACK sessions. A very enjoyable disc and is certainly a must have for your collection. C: BCD. GET BACK SESSION FACC S1: S1 & 2 of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 1 (CBM4182) S2: S3 & 4 of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 1 (CBM 4182) R: Exm. C: Eb. Dec. GET BACK SESSION LEMON RECORDS 123 S1: One After 909/ The Walk/ Don't Let Me Down/ Dig A Pony/ I've Got A Feeling/ Get Back (cover says: Peace Message/ Get Back/ Teddy Boy/ On Our Way Home/ All I Want Is You) S2: For You Blue/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ Dig It/ Let It Be/ Long & Winding Road/ Across The Universe (cover says: I Got A Feeling/ Let It Be/ Don't Let Me Down/ Sunset And Love Girl/ Get Back/ When You Walk/ X Mas Message) R: Exs. S: '69 studio rehearsal outtakes, not from LET IT BE soundtrack or LP. C: SS. Also on TMOQ 71024, WRMB 320, Michael & Allison Records, Pine Tree Records 2131/2132 & Box Top Records (CV). Ditto-lino Discs version is Exm. GET BACK SESSION CLH 105 S1: Old Hillbilly Way/ House Of The Rising Sun/ Commonwealth Song/ Get Off White Power/ Winston Richard John/ Yakety Yak/ For You Blue/ Let It Be S2: Get Back/ Don't Let Me Down/ On Our Way Home/ Ba Ba Black Sheep/ Don't Let Me Down


Encore/ Suzy Parker/1 Got A Feeling/ No Pakistanis R: Exm. C: Eb. Dec. GET BACK SESSIONS DIG A BEATLE RECORDS DAB-5 S1: Get Back/ When You Walk/ Let It Be/ One After 909 (Exm)/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us S2: Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ The Long & Winding Road/ Dig It (Exm)/ For You Blue/ Dig A Pony/ Get Back R: Exs. C: SS. GET BACK SESSIONS EARLY YEARS 02-CD 3322 C: BCD. Dec. See GET BACK (Tonto TO643) for songs & source. GET BACK SESSIONS ONE AND TWO MARC C: Same as GET BACK SESSION and GET BACK SESSION 2. Japanese boot. GET BACK SESSION 2 TMOQ 71068 S1: Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Besame Mucho/ Two Of Us/ One After 909/ Shake Rattle And Roll/ Get Back/ Dig A Pony S2: Whole Lotta ShakinV Suzie Parker/1 Me Mine/ Dig A Pony 2/ Paul Talks/ Let It Be R: Fair and poor mono. S: LET IT BE soundtrack. C: Also available as VIRGIN THREE. GET BACK SESSIONS 2 K&S 018 C: A reissue of TMOQ 71068 on green vinyl. Only 100 pressed. GET BACK TO TORONTO BS3519 R: Exm. C: Eb. Copy of following. GET BACK TO TORONTO I.P.P. RECORDS 2143 S1: Peace Message; Get Back/ Teddy Boy/ On Our Way Back Home/ All I Want Is You (22:36) S2: I Got A Feeling/ Let It Be/ Don't Let Me Down/ Sweet And Lovely Girl/ Get Back/ When You Walk/Christmas Message (23:54) R: Exs. S: '69 studio outtakes. C: SS. Also available on RP #23 IPF#1 label (Vgm), CBM 3519 (Exs with crackles, SS, cover doesn't list Get Back) & B-C Recs. V36766. GET BACK WITH LET IT BE AND 11 OTHER SONGS DISQUES DU MONDE GB 87 1969 C: BCD. Dec. 'Apple' logo. See GET BACK (Tonto TO643) for songs & source. GET BACK WITH DON'T LET ME DOWN AND 11 OTHER SONGS TONTO TO 643 S: See GET BACK (Tonto TO643). GET BACK WITH DON'T LET ME DOWN & 15 OTHER SONGS CD PCS 7080 One After 909/ Don't Let Me Down 1&2/ Dig A Pony/ I've Got A Feeling/ Get Back/ For You Blue/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ Dig It 1&2/ Let It Be 1&2/ Long & Winding Road/ Get Back/ Don't Let Me


Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ One After 909/ All I Want Is You/ Get Back S: 1-14 studio. 15-20 Apple studios roof Jan. 30 '69. C: Dec. Titled "The Martin Mix' on disc. Apple, Parlophone & EMI logos on insert. This is a very nice collection. GET BACK WITH DON'T LET ME DOWN AND 9 OTHER SONGS EMI/PARLOPHONE CDP 7 48003 2 R: Exs. Surface noise indicates that this was taken from disc. S: See GET BACK (Tonto TO 643). C: Dec. Despite the fact there are only nine songs listed, all songs from the original George Martin album are here. Disc says 'Promotional'. GOLDEN SLUMBERS MAX HAMMER 7001- 7012 S1- 6: See AT THE BEEB VOL. 1, 2 & 3 (BB 2172/S, BB 2173/S, BB 2174/S) S7: Besame Mucho/ How Do You Do It/ Twist & Shout; Roll Over Beethoven; I Wanna Be Your Man; Can't Buy Me Love (Rediffusion TV, Around The Beatles)/ She's A Women; Ticket To Ride; Long Tall Sally (NME Awards '65)/ Yes It Is (true stereo version) S8: One After 909; Leave My Kitten Alone; If You've Got Troubles; I'm Looking Through You; Not Fade Away; That Means A Lot; Cat's Walk; I Forgot To Remember To Forget (outtakes) S9: From Me To You; This Boy; I Want To Hold Your Hand; She Loves You; Twist & Shout (live Paris Olympia Jan. 14 '64)/ You Can't Do That; All My Loving; She Loves You; Can't Buy Me Love; Long Tall Sally (live Melbourne Festival Hall June 16 '64). S10 & 11: See S2 & 4 of LES BEATLES A PARIS (Neon 2c006-1956) S12: See 'FIVE NIGHTS IN A JUDO ARENA (De Weintraub Records 426) minus / I Wanna Be Your Man S13, 14, 15 & 16: See EXTENDED SESSIONS (RSR) S17 & 18: See S1 & 2 of SOUNDCHECK (RSR 256) S19 & 20: See THE REAL CASE HAS JUST BEGUN (Core Ltd. RAS 8611-1) S21, 22, 23 & 24: See IN A PLAY ANYWAY (Calico Prod. TWK 2262) + 'Two Of Us (work-up)' on S23 R: Exs except where listed. C: Box set - two black boxes in a deluxe color slip-cover. Detailed song listings on back. A heck of a collection for its time, but is now a dust collector for most fans. GRAVE POSTS APPLE RECORDS SAPCOR NZ 1964 C: Dec. DL. See GET BACK JOURNALS S13-14,19-20. HAHST AZ SON PHOENIX 44784 C: Re release of HAHST AZ SON (TAKRL). Dec. HAHSTAZSON TAKRL 2950 S1: Two Of Us (2:03)/ Don't Let Me Down (3:35)/ When You Get To Suzy Parker Everybody Gets Well Done (1:47)/ I've Got A Feeling (3:44)/ No Pakistanis (3:50)/ Get Back (2:03)/ Don't Let Me Down (reprise) (3:21) S2: Practices and sound checks: Be Bop A Lula; She Came In Through The Bathroom Window; HighHeeled Sneakers; I Me Mine; I've Got A Feeling; One After 909; Norwegian Wood; She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (24:10) S3: Let It Be (by the numbers) (6:51)/ Shakin' In The Sixties (:34)/ Good Rockin' Tonight (1:42)/ Across The Universe (3:22)/ Two Of Us (2:00)/ Momma You're Just On My Mind (5:57) S4: Tennessee (2:02)/ House Of The Rising Sun (2:35)/ Back To Commonwealth (3:40)/ White Power; Promenade (6:25)/ Hi Ho Silver (1:52)/ For You Blue (1:45)/ Let It Be (2:21) R: Exm. S: Twickenham Film Studio Jan. 1-9 '69. Tide taken from a Rolling Stone article about a


fictitious hijacking of an unreleased Beatles album titled HOT AS SUN. C: Most of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 1 & 2. Reissued in '78 with a Dbw cover. HAIL, HAIL ROCK N' ROLL OCTOPUS OCT 001 Something/ Get Back*/ Schooldays/ Stand By Me/ I've Got (Another) Feeling/ Two Of Us/ For You Blue (false start)/ For You Blue/ Let It Be/ Take This Hammer/ Instrumental, Johnny Be Good/ Get Back* (rock version)/ For You Blue*/ Two Of Us*/ Maggie Mae/ Dig It/ Dig It (long version)/ Let It Be/ It's Just For You/ I've Got A Feeling R: Ex. Soundboard. S: LET IT BE outtakes, Twickenham Studios. *Previously unbooted.C: BCD. Dec. Time 58:08. HAVE YOU HEARD THE WORD CBM 3624 S1: Have You Heard The Word ('70 45 by the Futz was rumored to be Beatles at one time)/ You Really Got A Hold On Me; Long And Winding Road; Maxwell's Silver Hammer; Boogie Piano (Cha Cha); Besame Mucho; Octopus Garden; I Me Mine; Don't Let Me Down ('Let It Be' soundtrack) S2: I Forgot To Remember ('62 studio)/ Twist & Shout (Indra Club, Hamburg '62)/ Roll Over Beethoven (Kaiserkeller Club, Hamburg, '62)/ Long Tall Sally (Top Ten Club, London '63)/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy (studio '62)/ Lucille (studio '62) R: Gm, C: Dec. Also on Kustom Rec. #002. SS. HEADLINES ROCK SOLID RECORDS RSR 1001 S1 The Walk/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ I've Got A Feeling/ The Long & Winding Road/ Dig A Pony S2: Across The Universe/ Inner Light/ Let It Be/ Don't Let Me Down/ Get Back #!/ I'm Down/ Instant Karma S3: Honey Pie/ Get Back #27 Tennessee/ House Of The Rising Sun/ Back To Commonwealth/ White Power/ Hi Ho Silver S4: A Day In The Life #17 Strawberry Fields Forever #s: 1, 2, 3 & 47 A Day In The Life #2 R: Exs. S: Outtakes. C: Dec. 1000 numbered copies on black vinyl. Some numbered on CV. HELLO GOODBYE (ONE DAY AT THE ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS) LUNA RECORDS LU 9425-2 CD1: Intro - Revolution (: 17)/I Shall Be Released (1:48)/ Sun King, Don't Let Me Down (8:22)/ 'The Teacher Was A Looking' (1:42)/ Sun King (1:08)/ Two Of Us (11:18)/ Crackin' Up (:31)/ All Shook Up (1:05)/ Your True Love (1:43)/ Blue Suede Shoes (1:38)/ Three Cool Cats (2:43)/ Blowin' In The Wind (:32)/ Lucille (2:20)/ I'm So Tiled (2:35)/ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (1:18)/ Third Man Theme (1:45)/ Negro In Reverse (:37)/ Because I Know You Love Me So (2:27)/ If Tomorrow Ever Comes (:59)/ I've Been Tickled That You Love Me So (:30)/ Won't You Please Say Goodbye (1:00)/ Bring It On Home To Me (1:52)/ Hitch Hike (1:51)/ You Can't Do That (2:26)/ Hippy Hippy Shake (2:29)/ Instrumental (:38)/ Short Fat Fanny (2:45)/ Midnight Special (2:08)/ When Your Drunk Think Of Me (:12)/ What's The Use Of Getting Sober (:08)/ What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For? (1:41)/ Money That's What I Want (1:16)/ Give Me Some Truth (1:58)/ Speak To Me (riff) When I'm Sixty-Four (2:01)/ Instrumental (:40)/ Oh! Darling (:37)/ From Me To You (:28)/ Don't Let Me Down, Devil In Her Heart (7:07) CD2: Common Wealth (4:15)/ Get Off White Power (7:00)/ Honey Hush (2:11)/ For You Blue (2:09)/ Let It Be (2:49)/ Medley: Ramblin' Woman, I Threw It All Away, Mama You've Been On My Mind (7:14)/ Let It Be (rehearsal session) (8:31)/ Two Of Us (2:04)/ Hi Heeled Sneakers (2:40)/ Get Back (2:04)/ Get Back (rehearsal session) (5:00)/ Instrumental (:35)/ Lady Jane (:39)/ Jazz Piano Song (1:19)/ Piano Instrumental (:26)/ Woman (1:16)/ The Back Seat Of My Car (3:05)/ It's Just For You (rehearsal


session) (5:41)/ Tea For Two (1:33)/ Chopsticks (:22)/ Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On (:47)/ Bad Boy (4:23)/ Sweet Little Sixteen, Around And Around (2:52)/ Almost Grown (1:47)/ Schooldays (1:36)/ Postcard Dialogue (2:42)/ All Along The Watchtower (:11) R: Vg-Ex. Soundboard. Some hiss. S: Abbey Road Studios '69. C: BCD. Dec. * HER MAJESTY P0002 S1: Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ When I'm 64/ Gimme Some Truth/ Polythene Pam/ Maggie Mae/ Her Majesty/ Little Eddie/ Digging My Potatoes; Rock Island Line S2: Hot As Sun/ Every Night/ Let It Be/ Wake Up In The Morning/ Jealous Guy/ Tomorrow Never Comes/ All Shook Up; True Love R: Exm. S: Studio outtakes. C: Eb. Dec. Also available with xerox cover. SS. HI HO SILVER SHALOM 8410/CBM 4438 S1: Get Back/ Tennessee Credit/ House Of The Rising Sun/ Commonwealth Song/ Enoch Powell/ White Power/ Momma You've Been On My Mind/ Across The Universe S2: Hi Ho Silver/ Suzy Parker/ The Pakistani Song/ Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ For You Blues/ Everybody's Rocking Tonight/ Two Of Us/ Let It Be R: Exm. S: Twickenham Film Studio Jan. 1-9 '69. HOMOGENIZED BEATLES AVOCADO RECORDS 2812 S1: The Walk (0:53)/ Teddy Boy (5:35)/ Two Of-Us (3:38)/ I've Got A Feeling (2:46)/ The Long & Winding Road (3:33)/ For You Blue (2:26)/ Dig A Pony (3:32) S2: Across The Universe (3:38 - WWF LP vers.)/ The Inner Light (2:29)*I Let It Be (3:44)*7 Don't Let Me Down (3:28)*/ Get Back (3:06)/ I'm Down (2:28)*/ Instant Karma! (3:10)* R: Exm/s. S: S1 Apple Studios Jan. '69. *45 versions. C: White jacket. Sticker with songs. TMOQ labels. HOT AS SUN INSTANT ANALYSIS 4216/4217 S1: Old Hillbilly Way/ House Of The Rising Sun/ Commonwealth Song/ Get Off White Power/ Winston, Richard, John/ Yackety Yack/ For You Blue/ Let It Be S2: Get Back/ Don't Let Me Down/ On Our Way Home/ Ba Ba Black Sheep/ Encore/ Suzy Parker/1 Got A Feeling/ No Pakistanis S3: Let It Be (first take)/ Be Bop A Lula/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Tuesday Speaking/ High-Heeled Sneakers/I Me Mine/ One After 909/ Norwegian Wood (instrumental)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window S4: A Long Road/ Shakin' In The Sixties/ Everybody's Rockin'/ Across The Universe/ On Our Way Home/ Mama You've Been On My Mind/ Domino R: Exs. C: Entire SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 1 & 2. I HAD A DREAM KING RECORDS LTD MLK001 S1: I've Got A Feeling/ New Orleans/ Madman/ All I Want Is You/ Early In The Morning/ Dig A Pony/ In The Middle Of A Universe/ Help; Please Please Me/1 Want You S2: She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Get Back R:Exm. S: Studio rehearsals. C: Eb. Dec. SS.


IN A PL AY ANY WAY CALICO PROD. TWK 2262 S1: Paul's Piano Theme/ Don't Let Me Down/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Two Of Us/ I've Got A Feeling/ Oh Darling/ One After 909/ Piano Boogie/ Two Of Us/ Across The Universe/1 Dig A Pony/ Suzie Parker/1 Me Mine S2: For You Blue/ Besame Mucho/ Octopus' Garden/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Long And Winding Road/ Shake Rattle & Roll/ Kansas City/ Lawdy Miss Clawdy/ Dig It S3: Two Of Us/ Let It Be/ Long And Winding Road S4: Get Back/ Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ One After 909/1 Dig A Pony/ Get Back/ Get Back Reprise R: Exm. S: Twickenham Studios Jan. '69. C: Dec. Re released as LAST BLAST - Dec. DL. JAMMING WITH HEATHER BECAUSE (BECD 001) CD 1996 Source: Twickenham tapes Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: **** Two Of Us (4:33) I've Told You Before, Get Out Of My Door (8:15) I've Got A Feeling (4:04) Don't Let Me Down (4:09) All Things Must Pass (3:33) Bathroom Window (with false start) (4:01) Medley: Take This Hammer, Long Lost John, Daddy Where You Been So Long, Run For Your Life (8:48) Medley: 'I've Got A Feeling, Hear Me Lord, Carry That Weight, Long Instrumental, Louie Louie, My Imagination (15:51) The title for this disc comes from Heather's vocalizations during I've Told You Before. She sounds a lot like Yoko here! All the music is new to disc except for a brief minute or so of Hear Me Lord and I've Got A Feeling (from track 8). R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Tracks 1-7 Apple Studios Jan. '69. Tracks 8 Twickenham Studios Jan. '69. C: Japanese CD. Dec. CDR's of this disc became available shortly after its release in the U.S. KOOLWAX SHOGUN 13111 S1: S1 SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 2 (CBM 4181) S2: S16 of GET BACK JOURNALS S3-4: S12-S13 of GET BACK JOURNALS C: Dec. DL. CV. KUM BACK KUMBACK#1-WCF S1: Get Back/ Can You Dig It/ Let It Be/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us S2: Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ Long And Winding Road/ For You Blue/ Dig A Pony/ Get Back (Medley) R: Exm. S: '69 outtakes. One of the very first Beatles bootlegs. It was my first one. I paid $3 for it at a headshop in Brookings, South Dakota. (Next door to the kid who sold pot for $10 a bag!) C: SS. Also on CBM 15 and KB 10.


LEANING ON A LAMPPOST YELLOW DOG (YD 067) CD 1997 Source: LET IT BE rehearsals (Jan. 6,1969) Sound Quality: Excellent mono Rating: ** 1) Carry That Weight/Castle Of The King Of The Birds/Long Jam (16:19) 2) Leaning On A Lamppost/Long Jam (15:22) 3) Two Of Us/Frere Jacques/It Ain't Me Babe/Two Of Us (Reprise) (16:23) 4) All Things Must Pass (Long Rehearsal) (16:14) The source of this disc is an hour of rehearsals from January 6, 1969. Most of this material is new to disc or more complete than found on previous bootlegs. The sound quality is also better. The first segment is announced as 'roll 31 wild' and is mostly a long and boring jam. Some of this is on JAMMING WITH HEATHER. Segment two is identified as 'slate 64.' The name of this disc comes from Paul shouting Leaning On A Lamppost (the song was written by George Formby, though it is hard to tell by this version) above some conversation and then there is some singing of unidentified songs by George and John. Some folks have identified these two songs as Annie (that infamous track which John evidently wrote for Ringo) and Maureen (written by Bob Dylan - sung by George for Ringo's wife?), but there is no way to know for certain. This is then followed by 'Slate 73, Camera A' with more doodling around and another jam session, followed by George singing Tracks Of My Tears. Segment three is previously available on GET BACK JOURNALS 2. The final segment (Slate 94, Roll 46) features three complete performances of All Things Must Pass and a short vocal rehearsal. Let's Dance is also played and has appeared on bootleg previously. For the most part the music on this disc borders on monotonous (why release this material when Yellow Dog surely must have had better material in their possession?) and is certainly not an essential piece for anyone's collection. However, the packaging is very nice! The cover is made of heavy cardboard and is numbered. The photos on the cover are excellently reproduced and the disc itself is gold-plated. Yellow Dog and friends went all out on the packaging of this bootleg. The CDR knockoffs are nowhere near as nice. This 1997 release by Yellow Dog was most likely that company's swan song as they had decided to call it quits after LEANING ON A LAMPPOST. The difficulties Yellow Dog encountered in getting the CD pressed and distributed were enormous, and the legal 'questions' were problems that finally helped that company decide to cease operations. Normally Yellow Dog pressed and distributed their product out of Europe, but this time they were forced to go to Japan to manufacture the discs. Even so, the Oriental road was not an easy one. Reportedly only 500 copies were made and these were sold to interested buyers in a manner more befitting a James Bond movie. One American collector was said to have paid over $200 for one disc. This disc was eventually copied as CDRs and sold stateside for $30 each. Yellow Dog, by the way, has an additional 30 hours of LET IT BE rehearsal tapes in their possession, but it is now unlikely any will ever surface given the state of affairs with bootlegging. LET IT BE JS 17499-1.33.30 S1: Instrumental 427 Save The Last Dance For Me/ Don't Let Me Down/ Dig A Pony/ I've Got A Feeling/ Get Back/ One After 909 S2: For You Blue/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ Maggie May/ Dig It/ Let It Be/ Long And Winding Road R: Exs. S: Jan. '69, produced by George Martin. C: Dec with the original picture for LET IT BE & a letter insert by Peter Brown. LET IT BE UNDER-GROUND SOUNDS 101 S1: I Got A Feeling/ Let It Be/ Don't Let Me Down/ For You Blue/ Get Back/ When You Walk/ Christmas Message S2: Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ Dig A Pony/ Instant Karma, You Know My Name (original recordings)


LET IT BE LIVE SILVER GREATEST - WCF S1: Don't Let Me Down/ All I Want Is You/ Get Back/ For You Blue/ On Our Way Home (23:54) S2: Can You Dig It/ Let It Be/ Don't Let Me Down/ One After 909/ Across The Universe (21:27) R: Vgrri. S:'69 studio outtakes. C: Available on Berkeley (LB 11). THE 'LET IT BE' PERFORMANCE WRMB315 S1: Instrumental/ Save The Last Dance For Me; Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Dig A Pony/1 Got A Feeling/ Get Back/ One After 909 R: Excellent studio stereo S2: For You Blue/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ Maggie May/ Dig It/ Let it Be/ Get Back R: Excellent studio stereo S3: Waiting For The Man (sung by Lou Reed)/ She's A Woman/ Ticket To Ride/ Can't Buy Me Love/ I'm A Loser/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Long Tall Sally R: Vgm. S: Paris concert 1965 S4: Rock & Roll Music/ Baby's In Black/ I Feel Fine/ Yesterday/ Nowhere Man/ I'm Down/ Money/ From Me To You R: Gm. C: Live. Venue & date unknown THE 'LET IT BE' REHEARSALS VOL. 4 (ROCK AND ROLL) YELLOW DOG (YD 054) CD 1994 Source: Twickenham Sound Quality: Excellent mono Rating: *** Total Time: 74:11 1) Rock & Roll Music, Lucille, Thirty Days, Be-Bop-A-Lula 2) Hail Hail Rock & Roll, Crackin' Up, All Shook Up, Your True Love, Blue Suede Shoes, Three Cool Cats, Blowing In The Wind, Lucille 3) Negro In Reverse, If Tomorrow Ever Comes, Won't You Please Say Goodbye, Bring It On Home To Me, Hitch-Hike, You Can't Do That, The Hippy Hippy Shake 4) Short Fat Fanny, Midnight Special, Drunk Again, What Do You Wanna Make Those Eyes At Me For? 5) Let's Dance, Digging My Potatoes, Rock Island Line, Michael Row The Boat Ashore, Singing The Blues 6) Maybelline, Brown-Eyed Handsome Man 7) Short Fat Fanny 8) Sweet Little Sixteen, Almost Grown, School Days, Hail, Hail, Rock & Roll 9) Stand By Me 10) I'm Talking About You, High School Rock, Great Balls Of Fire, Blue Suede Shoes 11) I Got To Find My Baby, Vacation Has Just Begun, Maybe Baby, Peggy Sue Got Married, Thinking Of Linking, Crying Waiting Hoping, Mailman Bring Me No More Blues 12) Low-Down Blues Machine, Hi Heel Sneakers Although most of the songs on this disc have appeared on other bootlegs in similar quality, it is still a fairly worthwhile release. It is enjoyable to listen to and it showcases the 'rock and roll' side of The Beatles. C: BCD. Dec. THE 'LET IT BE' REHEARSALS VOL. 5 (THE AUCTION TAPES) YELLOW DOG (YD 055) CD 1994 Source: Twickenham Studios Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: ***


Total Time: 74:53 1) She Came In Through The Bathroom Window, Sausages And French Fries, Hi Ho Silver, Stand By Me 2) Harry Pinsker, Hare Krishna Mantra, Two Of Us, You Got Me Going, Don't Let Me Down 3) I' ve Got A Feeling, The One After 909 4) All Things Must Pass, Mean Mr. Mustard, Don't Let Me Down, All Things Must Pass, Fools Like Me, You Win Again 5) She Came In Through The Bathroom Window, Baa Baa Black Sheep 6) Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying, Sexy Sadie, Blue Suede Shoes, Hava Nagila, Movin' Along The River Rhine, The Long And Winding Road 7) If Tomorrow Ever Comes, What Do You Wanna Make Those Eyes At Me For? 8) Don't Be Cruel, Costa Del Sol, My One And Only Prayer, My Baby Left Me This is the tape that was sold at Sotheby's Auction House in 1993 (thus the title). Nothing new here, though, as all this material can be found on the ROCKIN' MOVIE STARS releases. For completists only. R: Exs/m. Soundboard. C: BCD. Dec. LET IT BE SESSIONS VOL. II CHAPTER ONE CO 25188 Intro: We Can Work It Out/ Get Back/ Tennessee/ Mama You've Been On My Mind/ Two Of Us/ Watching Rainbows/ Suzy Parker/ Shakin' In The Sixties/ John, John (Yoke's Calling)/ All Things Must Pass/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Get Back (Geh'raus)/ Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ One After 909/ Dig A Pony/ Get Back R: Ex. S: Tracks 1-12 Apple Studios Jan. '69. Tracks 13-18 Apple roof-top concert Jan. 30 '69. C: BCD. Dec. Time 44:55. LET IT BE SESSIONS VOL. III CHAPTER ONE CO 25206 Get Back/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ Dig A Pony/ I've Got A Feeling/ The Long And Winding Road/ Let It Be/ Don't Let Me Down/ For You Blue/ Get Back (Version 2)/ The Walk/ One After 909*/ Rocker, Save The Last Dance For Me*/ Maggie Mae*/ Dig It/ Get Back (Reprise)* R: Ex. Soundboard. S: First mix for the GET BACK album Mar. 10 '69. * Second mix May 28, '69. C: BCD. Dec. Time 49:21. LET IT BE SESSIONS CHAPTER ONE 25144 All Together On The Wireless Machine*/ Get Off, White Power/ I've Got A Feeling/ Two Of Us/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ No Pakistanis/ Don't Let Me Down/ Mean Mr. Mustard/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ The Walk/ Across The Universe/ Commonwealth/ Rock 'n' Roll Medley/ One After 909/ Let It Be/ A Day In The Life S: Same old stuff except *clean version. C: BCD. Dec. Time 49:00. MAGTRAX SUMA 808 S1: S7 of GET BACK JOURNALS S2: S6 of THE BLACK ALBUM S3-4: S7&20 of GET BACK JOURNALS C: Dec. DL. CV. MANUAL EXCITATIONS AFTERMATH 12 C: S3 & 4 of HAHST AZ SON.


MORE GET BACK SESSIONS MICHAEL & ALLISON RECORDS 001 C: Also available as GET BACK SESSION 2. NEXT TO LAST RECORDING SESSION - FIFTH AMENDMENT ZAP 7866 S1: Instrumental #42/ Save The Last Dance For Me/ Don't Let Me Down/1 Dig A Pony/ I've Got A Feeling/ Get Back/ One After 909 S2: For You Blue/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ Maggie Mae/ Dig It/ Let It Be/ Long And Winding Road R: Exs. S: '69 outtakes POSTERS, INCENSE, AND STROBE CANDLES VIGOTONE VTCD-07 WBCN Station ID/ Chess King Ad/ DJ Monologue/ Let It Be/ Don't Let Me Down/ For You Blue/ Get Back/ The Walk/ DJ Monologue/ Arlo Guthrie Concert Ad/ DJ Monologue/ Hey Jude Tap (by Harry Zonk)/ Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight (incomplete)/ DJ Monologue/ Get Back Honk/ Get Back/ I've Got A Feeling (fragment)/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ Dig A Pony/ DJ Monologue/ I've Got A Feeling/ The Long And Winding Road/ The One After 909/ Two Of Us (cut) R: Exs. Soundboard. Some surface noise. Previously released on vinyl by Vigotone. The CD includes an additional 23 minutes of DJ talk and commercials. S: GET BACK reference acetate broadcast on WBCN FM Boston Sept. 22 '69. C: Japanese CD. Dec. Time 50:20. Refer to WBCN GET BACK REFERENCE ACETATE which I believe is a much better release. THE REAL CASE HAS JUST BEGUN CORE LTD. RAS 8611-1 S1: There Once Was A Beautiful Girl/ Talking About You/ Shame Shame (Jackie Lomax)/ Great Balls Of Fire/ Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying (The Mother Fuckers - John)/ Suicide (Lennon McCartney)/ Can You Dig It?/Act Naturally (fragment)/ Two Of Us (accents)/ Piano Theme/ Strawberry Fields/ Oh Darling/ Get Back (German version: last verse in French)/ I've Got A Feeling/ Rainy Day Woman Nos. 12 & 35 S2: Please Please Me (fragment)/ One After 909/ Hava Nagila/ Moving Along By The River Rhine/ The Inner Light (John)/ Let It Down/ Dig It All Day/ The Real Case Has Just Begun/ Maybe Baby/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Mailman Bring Me No More Blues R: Exs. S: Apple Studios '69. Copy of a European bootleg. An excellent release at the time. C:Eb. Dec. 500 made, RENAISSANCE MINSTRELS 2 RENAISSANCE RECORDS 726 - WCF S1: The Walk/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ On Our Way Home/ I've Got A Feeling/ Long And Winding Road/ Dig A Pony S2: Across The Universe (recorded for National Wildlife Federation different from Apple LP)/ Inner Light/ Let It Be/ Don't Let Me Down/ Get Back/ I'm Down (studio)/ Instant Karma (studio) R: Exm. Also available on TAKRL in Exs. S: S1 '69 outtakes. S2 original recordings. C: Also avail, on TMOQ 71026 and Renaissance Records RR1001. ROCKIN' MOVIE STARS VOL. 1 ORANGE 003 CD 1994 Discussion/ I've Got A Feeling/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer 2/ A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues Baby, I Don't Care, Across The Universe Rehearsal/ Don't Let Me Down, Devil In Her Heart, Don't Let Me Down/ Thirty Days, Be Bop A Lula, Whole Lotta LovinV Jam/ Money/ Talkin' Bout You R: Ex. Soundboard. S: LET IT BE sessions. C: BCD. Dec. Time 72:49. Most of the material on this disc has been around a while; however, the Across The Universe rehearsal is new and is a definite highlight.


The ROCKIN' MOVIE STARS series of discs from Orange (aka : Yellow Dog Records) presents complete pieces of the soundtrack from Twickenham Studios. They are not nearly as chopped up as are many of the LET IT BE rehearsal tapes we so often hear. Also, the chat between songs is longer and occasionally contain some interesting and often amusing pieces of conversation. ROCKIN' MOVIE STARS VOL. 2 ORANGE 004 CD 1994 Dialogue/ Don't Let Me Down/ Gimme Some Truth, God/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer, I Want You, Jam/ Don't Bring Me Down, Hear Me Lord, Don't Let Me Down/ Frere Jacques, It Ain't Me Babe, Hear Me Lord/ Let's Dance/All Things Must Pass/ She Came Through The Bathroom Window/ Long And Winding Road, Golden, Slumbers/ Carry That Weight, The Castle Of The King Of The Birds/ Lady Madonna/ Child Of Nature, I Shall Be Released, Speak To Me/ Well Alright, Two Of Us/ Piano Solo/ I'm So Tired, Obla Di Obla Da R: Ex. Soundboard. S: LET IT BE sessions. C: BCD. Dec. Time 70:30. My favorite disc in this series. Lots of enjoyable music to listen to. If you are only going to get one disc in this series, then this is the one. ROCKIN' MOVIE STARS VOL. 3 ORANGE 007 CD 1994 Paul On Piano: Death Cab For Cutie, Martha My Dear, San Francisco Blues, Oh Baby, I Need You/ More Early Morning Piano: The Day I Went Back To School, Woman/ Dialogue: About Making A Film With A Script/ Peter Sellers Arrives, Conversation/ More Peter Sellers/ More Dialogue R: Ex. Soundboard. S: LET IT BE sessions. C: BCD. Dec. Time 72:15. My least favorite of the series. The only worthwhile segment is Paul's discussion of Woman which he gave to Peter and Gordon. ROCKIN' MOVIE STARS VOL. 4 ORANGE 008 CD 1994 Two Of Us (Various Versions)/ I've Got A Felling (Various Versions)/ Madman/ Mean Mr. Mustard, Madman/ Watching Rainbows/ Jam #11 Jam #21 Oh Darling, Obla Di Obla Da/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Don't Be Cruel, Costa Del Sol, Groovin', My One And Only Prayer, Through A London Window R: Ex. Soundboard. S: LET IT BE sessions. C: BCD. Dec. Time 60:46. Some good jamming here. Also,4t contains the legendary 'Goldmine Tape' written about in Goldmine magazine prior to the record's release. ROCKIN' MOVIE STARS VOL. 5 ORANGE 009 CD 1994 Let It Down, Browneyed Handsome Man, I've Got A Feeling, Jam Plus Tuning Guitars, Child Of Nature/ I Shall Be Released, Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down, Go Johnny Go, I've Got A Feeling/ Speak To Me, I've Got A Feeling/ Long And Winding Road, Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, Long And Winding Road, The Castle Of The King Of The Birds, Lady Madonna/Across The Universe, Rock And Roll Music R: Ex. Soundboard. S: LET IT BE sessions. C: BCD. Dec. Time 62:08. Most of this material has appeared elsewhere. Some new song bits here and there. Fairly listenable. ROCKIN' MOVIE STARS VOL. 6 ORANGE 010 CD 1994 Don't Let Me Down/ Two Of Us (Paul and George Conflict)/ Two Of Us/ Hear Me Lord, Carry That Weight/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ White Gold/ Dialogue: Communications And Discipline/ For You Blue, Dialogue, What The World Needs Now/ I've Got A Feeling/ Oh Darling, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Rule Britannia, Maxwell's Silver Hammer


R: Ex. Soundboard. S: LET IT BE sessions. C: BCD. Dec. Time 71:57. Too much dialogue and not enough music. For hard core collectors only. ROCKIN' MOVIE STARS VOL. 7 ORANGE Oil CD 1994 Warming Up Jam/ Two Of Us/ Let It Be/ That'll Be The Day/ Jenny Jenny Jenny, Slippin' And SlidinV Let It Be ('God Bless You' version)/ Long And Winding Road/ Piano Theme/ Martha My Dear, John John/ Another Day, Two Of Us R: Ex. Soundboard. S: LET IT BE sessions. C: BCD. Dec. Time 57:08. This is the third best disc in the series. Some nice complete run throughs of the songs and dialogue which is both humorous and constructive. John is fairly raucous during this day's taping. Track 6 is the best quality to date. And Yoko screams. ROCKIN'MOVIE STARS VOL. 8 ORANGE 012 CD 1994 All Along The Watchtower, Domino/1 Me Mine/ Almost Grown, Nobody Else Will Do, Rock And Roll Music/I Me Mine/ Two Of Us, Ba Ba Black Sheep/ Don't Let Me Down/ Suzy's Parlour/ I've Got A Feeling/ Bathroom Window, Be Bop A Lula/ Get Back (No Pakistani's)/ La Penina/ Across The Universe/ Shakin' In The Sixties, Come On Everybody, Good Rockin' Tonight/ Tennessee R: Ex. Soundboard. S: LET IT BE sessions. C: BCD. Dec. Time 64:23. All previously released material here. Some tracks are a bit longer here and there. My favorite track is No Pakistanis . (For a discussion of this song see Black Market Beatles). SINGING THE BLUES KING RECORDS MLK 003 S1: I've Got A Feeling/ Shake Rattle & Roll/ Medley: Kansas City, Miss Ann, Lawdy Miss Clawdy/ Blue Suede Shoes/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Get Back/ The Walk/ I Me Mine S2: Take This Hammer/ Instrumental/ Johnny B. Goode/ Polythene Pam/ Instrumental; Two Of Us/ Digging My Potatoes; Rock Island Line/ Singing The Blues/ I Me Mine/ Back Seat Of My Car/ It's For You R: Exm. S: Studio outtakes. C: Eb. Dec. '69 REHEARSALS VOL. 1 BLUE KANGAROO BK 6901 CD Get Back, Maybelline, Browneyed Handsome Man, Short Fat Fanny, Get Back/ Get Back/ Get Back, I'll Get You, Get Back, I've Got A Feeling/ Octopus's Garden, Little Piece Of Leather, Octopus's Garden R: Vg-Ex. S: Apple studios Jan. '69. More GET BACK sessions of common material available elsewhere. C: BCD. Dec. Time 60:12. '69 REHEARSALS VOL. 2 BLUE KANGAROO BK 6902 CD Two Of Us/ Long & Winding Road/ Let It Be/ Across The Universe, Rock & Roll Universe, That Must Be My Gal, Dig A Pony/ One After 909, Don't Let Me Down R: Vg-Ex. S: Apple studios Jan. '69. More of the same. C: BCD. Dec. Time 58:51. '69 REHEARSALS VOL. 3 BLUE KANGAROO BK 6903 CD Don't Let Me Down/ Don't Let Me Down/ Oh Darling, Long & Winding Road, Maxwell Silver Hammer, A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues/ Back Seat Of My Car, It's Just For You, Clear As A Bell, Hello Dolly, Oh Darling, Get Back, Once Upon A Time R: Vg-Ex. S: Apple studios Jan. '69. Still more GET BACK sessions. C: BCD. Dec. Time 59:12.


SOME LIKE IT HOT MARC Prologue/ Don't Let Me Down/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Two Of Us/ Oh Darling/ Whole Lotta Shakin'/ Across The Universe/1 Dig A Pony/ Suzy Parker/1 Me Mine/ For You Blue/ Besame Mucho/ Octopus' Garden/ The Long And Winding Road/ Shake Rattle & Roll/ Miss Anne/ Lawdy Miss Clawdy/ Dig It/ Message From Paul/ Let It Be/ Long And The Winding Road S: LET IT BE soundtrack. C: Japanese. SONGS FROM THE PAST VOLUME 1 BLUE KANGAROO RECORDS BK-07A Don't Let Me Down/ Two Of Us/ There Once Was A Beautiful Girl/ Talking About You/ Little Yellow Pills/ Great Balls Of Fire/ Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying/ Suicide/ Can You Dig It?/ Act Naturally/ Two Of Us/ Piano Theme/ Strawberry Fields Forever/ Oh! Darling/ Get Back/ I've Got A Feeling/ Rainy Day Women #12 & 357 Please Please Me/ One After 909/ Hava Nagila/ Moving Along The River Rhine/ The Inner Light/ Let It Down/ Dig It All Day/ Vacations Just Begun/ Maybe Baby/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues/ Brown Eyed Handsome Man/ Well Alright R: Vg-Ex. S: GET BACK recording sessions January '69. C: Australian CD. Dec. SONGS FROM THE PAST VOLUME 2 BLUE KANGAROO RECORDS BK-07B A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues/ Baby I Don't Care/ Across The Universe/ Rock And Roll Music/ Don't Let Me Down/ Devil In Her Heart/ Jenny Jenny - Slippin' And Slidin/ That'll Be The Day/ High Heeled Sneakers/ Don't Be Cruel - Tiny Bosa Nova/ Can You Dig It?/ Another Day/ Hello Dolly/ Please Mrs. Henry/1 Threw It All Away/1 Bought A Picasso/ Well Alright/ Every Little Thing/ Piece Of My Heart/ Frere Jacques/ It Ain't Me Babe/ Two Of Us/ Hear Me Lord/ Blues Machine/ What'd I Say/ Shout R: Vg-Ex. S: GET BACK recording sessions January '69. C: Australian CD. Dec. SONGS FROM THE PAST DISQUES DU MONDE RC 871968 CD Don't Let Me Down/ Two Of Us/ all of THE REAL CASE HAS JUST BEGUN (Core Ltd. Ras 8611-1)/ Brown Eyed Handsome Man/ Well Alright R: Exs. C: From original tape, not vinyl. An excellent release with the best sound of this material available. It is now a very rare piece and almost impossible to find. SONGS FROM THE PAST, VOL. 2 SIDEWALK MUSIC LM 871968 CD A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues/ Baby I Don't Care/ Rock & Roll Music/ Don't Let Me Down/ She Got The Devil In Her Heart/ Jenny Jenny, Slippin & Slidin/ That'll Be The Day/ High Heeled Sneakers/ Don't Be Cruel, Tiny Bossanova/ Can You Dig It?/ Another Day/ Hello Dolly/ Please Mrs. Henry, I Threw It All Away/ I Bought A Picasso/ Well Allright/ Peace Of My Heart/ Frere Jac, It Ain't Me Babe/ Two Of Us, Hear Me Lord/ Blues Machine/ Tell What I Say R: Vg-Ex. S: January 1969. This has the best sound of this material available. Worth searching out if you can find it. C: BCD. 2 diff. Dec & 1 red,white,blue & black cover available. SONGS FROM THE PAST, VOL. 3 SIDEWALK MUSIC LM 89001 CD Tennessee/ House Of The Rising Sun/ Commonwealth Song/ Get Off White Power/ Yackety Yack/ Hi Ho Silver/ For You Blue/ Let It Be/ Get Back/ Don't Let Me Down/ Two Of Us/ Don't Let Me Down/ Suzy Parker/ I've Got A Feeling/ No Pakistanis/ A Long Road/ Shakin' In The Sixties/ Across The Universe/ Two Of Us


R: Exs.

S: January 1969. Another excellent collection. C: Available with 2 different deluxe inserts.

SONGS FROM THE PAST, VOL. 4 SIDEWALK MUSIC LM 89002 CD Two Of Us/ Jealous Guy/1 Shall Be Released/ Sun King/ Don't Let Me Down/ Tea For Two/ Whole Lotta Shakin'/ Crackin' Up/ Three Cool Cats/ Blowin' In The Wind/ Lucille/ I'm So Tired/ Obladi Oblada/ Third Man Theme/ There's A Hole In My Heart/ One After 909/ Wake Up In The Morning/ One After 909/ Tomorrow Never Comes/ Won't You Please Say Goodbye/ Bring It On Home To Me R: Exs. S: January 1969. The excellent series continues. C: Available with 2 different deluxe inserts. SONGS FROM THE PAST, VOL. 5 SIDEWALK MUSIC LM 89003 CD Hitch Hike/ You Can't Do That/ Hippy Hippy Shake/ Two Of Us/ Short Fat Fanny/ Midnight Special/ What Do You Want To Make Eyes At Me For/ Gimme Some Truth/ All Things Must Pass/ One After 909/ All Things Must Pass/ Across The Universe/ That Must Be My Girl R: Exs. S: January 1969. More great sounding material. C: Available with 2 different deluxe inserts. SO TIRED (ANOTHER DAY AT THE ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS) LUNA RECORDS LU 9426-2 CD1: Intro - To Kingdom Come (2:01)/ Boat Show Dialogue (10:01)/ Don't Let Me Down (3:37)/ Two Of Us (4:18)/ Baa Baa Black Sheep (1:34)/ Suzy's Parlour (2:34)/ One After 909 (2:14)/ Norwegian Wood, This Bird Has Flown (:39)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (rehearsal session) (2:46)/ Be-Bop-A-Lula (1:06)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (rehearsal session) (5:22)/ Get Back, A.K.A: 'No Pakistanis' (3:50)/ La Penina (1:06)/Across The Universe (3:34)/ 'Shakin In The Sixties' (:40)/ Move It (:52)/ Good Rockin' Tonight (:59)/ Tennessee (2:03)/ Across The Universe (:12)/ House Of The Rising Sun (3:11)/ Madman (7:19)/ Mean Mr. Mustard, 'Madman' (3:57)/ 'Watching Rainbows' (5:08)/ Instrumental (2:21)/ Take This Hammer (3:38)/ Johnny B. Goode (1:38)/1 Shall Be Released (1:20)/ Instrumental (1:16) CD2: Early In The Morning, Honey Hush (2:20)/ Stand By Me (2:19)/ Had Krishna (:58)/ Instrumental (:34)/ Hari Krishna (Reprise) (:40)/ Two Of Us (3:30)/ You Got Me Going (:23)/ Twist And Shout (:22)/ Don't Let Me Down (3:06)/ I've Got A Feeling (3:45)/ One After 909 (3:43)/ Too Bad About Sorrows (:43)/ Just Fun (:28)/ She Said, She Said (:31)/ Mean Mr. Mustard (3:24)/ Don't Let Me Down (1:05)/ All Things Must Pass (3:19)/ Fools Like Me (2:15)/ You Win Again (1:41)/ Instrumental (1:08)/ She Came Through The Bathroom Window (2:27)/ I Me Mine (rehearsal session) (9:29)/ Almost Grown (:55)/ Norwegian Wood, This Bird Has Flown (:22)/ What Am I Living For (:37)/ Rock IN' Roll Music (:51)/ I Me Mine (rehearsal session) (4:53)/ Her Majesty (2:24)/ There You Are Eddie (4:16)/ Every Night, Pillow For Your Head (5:55)/ Hot As Sun (1:40)/ Two Of Us, Hello Goodbye (rehearsal session) (:31)/ Diggin' My Potatoes, Rock Island Line (2:37)/ Singin' The Blues, Knee Deep In Blues (2:43) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: LET IT BE rehearsals. '69. Common material. C: BCD. Dec. SOUNDCHECK ROCK SOLID RSR 256 S1: I'm The Greatest/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window S2: Two Of Us/ Don't Let Me Down/ Suzy Parker/ I've Got A Feeling/ No Pakistanis/ Get Back S3&4: See THE REAL CASE HAS JUST BEGUN (Core Ltd. RAS 8611-1) C: Dec. B&w back. A STUDIO RECORDING CATSO RECORDS S1: Let It Be/ Get Back #17 Don't Let Me Down/ I've Got A Feeling/ Anything You Want S2: Teddy Boy/ On Our Way Home/ Sweet & Lovely Girl/ Across The Universe


SWEET APPLE TRAX NEWSOUND RECORDS 909-1 C: Same as HAHST AZ SON but with a Dec. Cover of the second printing folds out. SWEET APPLE TRAX WRMB 343 S1: S1 & 2 of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 1 S2: S3 & 4 of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 1 S3: S1 & 2 of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 2 S4: S3 & 4 of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 2 R: Exs. C: Pressed on CV. SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. ONE C: A color picture disc of record one of SWEET APPLE TRAX. 1,000 pressed. SWEET APPLE TRAX 1 BLANK RECS. 4182 C: Re release of SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. 1 (CBM 4182) with a paper insert. SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. ONE CBM 4182 S1: Tennessee/ House Of The Rising Sun/ Commonwealth Song/ Get Off White Power S2: Winston Richard & John/ Hi Ho Silver/ For You Blue/ Let It Be S3: Get Back/ Don't Let Me Down/ Two Of Us/ Ba Ba Blacksheep/ Don't Let Me Down (Encore) S4: Suzy Parker/ I've Got A Feeling/ No Pakistanis R: Exm. S: Jan. '69. A famous bootleg which helped propel the GET BACK sessions into the public eye (or ear). Several more volumes followed as did numerous knockoffs. C: Deluxe yellow cover. SS. SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. TWO C: Color picture disc of record 2 of SWEET APPLE TRAX. 1000 made. SWEET APPLE TRAX 2 BLANK RECORDS 4181 C: Re release of SWEET APPLE TRAX 2 (CBM 4181) with a paper insert. SWEET APPLE TRAX VOL. TWO CBM 4181 S1: Let It Be (first practice)/ Be Bop A Lula/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ High Heeled Sneakers S2: I Me Mine/ I've Got A Feeling/ One After 909/ Norwegian Wood/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window S3: A Long Road/ Shakin' In The Sixties/ Good Rockin' Tonight/ Across The Universe/ Two Of Us S4: Momma You've Been On My Mind/ Da De Da R: Exm. S: Jan. '69 studio outtakes. C: Deluxe yellow cover. SS. SWEET APPLE TRAX III SWEET SOUND RECORDS W909 S1 & S2: Same as S1 & S2 of THE DREAM IS OVER. . . VOLUME 1 (JPM 1081) S3: Don't Let Me Down/ One After 909/ Wake Up In The Morning/ Tomorrow Never Comes/ Won't You Please Say Goodbye/ Bring It On Home To Me/ Hitch Hike/ You Can't Do That/ Hippy Hippy Shake S4: Two Of Us/ Short Fat Fanny/ Midnight Special/ What Do You Wanna Make Those Eyes At Me For/ Gimme Some Truth/ All Things Must Pass


R: Vgm. S: Jan. '69 studio rehearsals. Originally released as VEGEMITE (no label, BT-6896) on 2LPs. C: Dec. SWEET APPLE TRAX III SWEET SOUND RECORDS SA-3909 C/D R: Exm, crackles. C: Re release of S3 & S4 as a picture disc with front & back of original cover. TWICKENHAM JAMS PRO 909 S1: Early In The Morning; Hi Ho Silver (2:16) (Paul vocals)/ Stand By Me (1:57) (Paul vocals)/ Hare Krishna Mantra (2:08) (Paul vocals) S2: All Things Must Pass (3:20) (George vocals)/ A Fool Like Me (1:48) (John vocals)/ You Win Again (:51) (John vocals) R: S1 Exm. S2 Gm. S: LET IT BE film rehearsal sessions. C: EP. Green vinyl. Green pic sleeve. TWICKENHAM JAMS SE 7702 S1: S1 & 2 of the above EP S2: Slipping & Sliding (Lennon 'Salute To Sir Lew Grade' TV special)/ And The Roof Almost Came Down When (medley from Ed Sullivan Memorial TV special)/ Kenny Everett interviews (featuring 'Cottonfields') (Exm)/ Hide Myself (poor mono) R: S1 same as EP, S2 Gm. C: The Ringo segment listed on the cover does not appear on the album. Deluxe green cover. VIRGIN PLUS THREE C: Also available as GET BACK SESSION 2. WATCHING RAINBOWS 77.132/3 S1: Watching Rainbows (4:50) (poor mono)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (2:50) S2: Too Bad About Sorrows: She Said She Said (fair mono) (1:40)/ Mean Mr. Mustard (3:15)/ Don't Let Me Down (1:07)/ Golden Slumbers; Carry That Weight (2:05) R: Gm. C: EP. MCV. Deluxe blue picture sleeve. WATCHING RAINBOWS AUDIFON RECORDS L-7 S1: Mean Mr. Mustard (4:45) (French broadcast June '69)/ Watching Rainbows (4:50) (Apple studio Mar. '69)/ Blackbird (2:40) (Elstree Studios)/ Early In The Morning; Hi Ho Silver (2:15) (Twickenham Jan. 1-6 '69)/ Stand By Me (1:57)/ Hare Krishna Mantra (2:03)/ Two Of Us (3:04)/ One After 909 (1:13) S2: Too Bad About Sorrows; She Said She Said (1:38) (Twickenham Jan. 1-6 '69)/ Mean Mr. Mustard (3:15)/ Don't Let Me Down (:43)/ All Things Must Pass (3:20)/ A Fool Like Me (1:48)/ You Win Again (1:25)/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (2:50)/ Golden Slumbers; Carry That Weight (2:05) (demo EMI Studios Abbey Rd. Aug. '69)/ A Quick One While He's Away; Feedback Guitar (3:40) (EMI Studios July 23 '69) R: Exm. S: GET BACK sessions. C: Dec. At the time of its release this was a good disc; however, it has not stood the test of time very well. Mostly a hodge podge of songs which can be found on other discs in improved quality. A collectible vinyl for your collection. WBCN GET BACK REFERENCE ACETATE YELLOW DOG RECORDS (YD 035) CD 1994 Source: Acetate/Twickenham Sound Quality: Excellent mono Rating: ****


DJ Announcement Side B (0:48) Let It Be (4:02) Don't Let Me Down (3:45) For You Blue (3:09) Get Back (2:53) The Walk (0:58) DJ Announcement DJ Announcement Side A (0:34) Get Back (2:49) Teddy Boy (5:54) Two Of Us (3:57) Dig A Pony (4:47) I've Got A Feeling (3:02) The Long And Winding Road (3:42) Let It Be Dialogue (33:58) Certainly an improvement over the Vigotone CD in sound quality and contents. This disc has the entire WBCN broadcast plus an additional 34 minutes of conversation recorded during an interlude at Twickenham. I would say this disc is a must have. S: Broadcast Sept. 22 '69. C: BCD. Dec. WONDERFUL PICTURE OF YOU CIRCLE RECORDS SKI 5430 S1: Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ When I'm 647 Gimme Some Truth/ Polythene Pam/ Maggie Mae/ Her Majesty/ Little Eddie S2: Digging My Potatoes; Rock Island Line/ Hot As Sun/ Every Night/ Let It Be/ Wake Up In The Morning/ Jealous Guy/ Tomorrow Never Comes S3: All Shook Up; True Love/ A Shot of Rhythm & Blues; Memphis; Sweet Dream Baby; Wonderful Picture Of You; Some Other Guy (live)/ Keep Your Hands Off My Baby S4: Beautiful Dreamer/ Happy Birthday Saturday Club/ Oh My Soul/ Too Much Monkey Business/ Going To Find My Baby/ Youngblood R: Gm. S: Outtakes from the GET BACK sessions (sides 1 & 2) & BBC broadcasts (sides 3 & 4). C: Dec. SS. Y'ORITEWACK SHOGUN 13113 S1: S19 of GET BACK JOURNALS S2: S6 of THE BLACK ALBUM S3-4: S15 & 18 of GET BACK JOURNALS C: Dec. DL. CV.



ACETATES YELLOW DOG (YD 009) CD 1991 Source: Acetates Sound Quality: Very good mono/stereo Rating: ***** Bad To Me (1:27) One & One Is Two (1:53) 12 Bar Original (complete) (6:41) A Day In The Life (4:20) Magical Mystery Tour (2:43) Fool On The Hill (2:42) Blue Jay Way (3:45) Your Mother Should Know (2:26) I Am The Walrus (4:25) Christmas Time (Is Here Again) (5:43) Goodbye (2:21) Something (3:20) I Me Mine (1:44) This is a very nice collection of demos and alternate mixes from various sources (not all are from acetates as the title says). Bad To Me is an acoustic demo from May 1963 and is from a Dick James acetate - good mono. One And One Is Two is another Dick James acetate. This acoustic demo is from February 1964 - good mono. 12-Bar Original is Take 2 (EMI) from November 4, 1965. A Day In The Life is Take 6 (EMI) from January 20, 1967. Magical Mystery Tour is Take 9 mono Remix 7 (EMI) from early May 1967. Fool On The Hill is Paul's demo from September 1967. Blue Jay Way is Take 3 mono Remix 1 (EMI) September 16, 1967. Your Mother Should Know is Take 8, basic tracks of cv (Chappell) from August 22, 1967. I Am The Walrus is Take 17 mono Remix 4, basic rhythm tracks of the cv (EMI) from September 7, 1967. Christmas Time (Is Here Again) is the full-length version, Take 1 (EMI) recorded November 28, 1967. Goodbye is Paul's demo recorded for Mary Hopkins in late 1968. Something is George's demo (Take 1) recorded on February 25, 1969 at EMI. It features two electric guitars, piano and vocal, plus four extra lines of lyric. There is a lot of surface noise on this recording. / Me Mine is Take 16 (EMI) and was recorded January 3, 1970. THE ACOUSTIC SUBMARINE TEDDY BEAR TB 66/2 CD GDI: Do You Want To Know A Secret (1:26)1 And I Love Her (2:24)/ I'm A Loser (2:36)/ Help (2:23)/ Yesterday (2:07)/ Yes It Is (2:55)/ Norwegian Wood, The Bird Has Flown (2:25)/ I'm Looking Through You (2:28)/ We Can Work It Out (4:30)/ I'm Only Sleeping (2:56)/ Yellow Submarine (2:40)/ A Day In The Life (4:20)/ The Fool On The Hill (2:42)/ Christmas Tune Is Here Again (5:43)/ The Happy Rishikesh Song (1:53)/ Jubilee (2:34)/ Child Of Nature (2:33)/ Goodbye (2:23)/ Everyone Had A Hard Year (1:50)/ What's The New Mary Jane (6:31) CD2: Heather (2:12)/ Back In The USSR (3:00)/ Dear Prudence (4:34)/ Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (2:46)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (3:14)/ Blackbird (2:20)/ Rocky Raccoon (3:33)/ Julia (2:50)/ Mother's Nature Son (2:45)/ Hey Jude (5:00)/ Because (2:19)/1 Lost My Little Girl (4:03) Teddy Boy (5:54)/ Mama You've Been On My Mind (2:00)/ For You Blue (2:22)/ Two Of Us (3:20)/ Across The Universe (3:44)/ I Me Mine (1:47)/ Maggie Mae (1:48) R: Vg-Ex. Some G. S: A variety of outtakes and demos which can be found on any number of bootlegs. C:ECD.


ALL THE SONGS THE BEATLES GAVE AWAY (1963-1990) ADAM VI11 LTD (CD 49-035) 4CD 1991 Source: Various Sound Quality: Good to excellent mono/stereo Rating: **** CD1: I'll Be On My Way (Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas Apr. 26 '63) (1:47)/ Bad To Me (Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas July 26 '63) (2:19)/ Tip Of My Tongue (Tommy Quickly July 30 '63) (2:08)/ Hello Little Girl (The Fourmost Sept. 30 '63) (1:50)/ Love Of The Loved (Cilia Black Sep. 27 '63) (2:02)/ I'll Keep You Satisfied (Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas Nov. 1 '63) (2:06)/ I'm In Love (The Fourmost Nov. 15 '63) (2:09)/ A World Without Love (Peter & Gordon Feb. 28 '64) (2:39)/ One And One Is Two (The Strangers with Mike Shannon May 8 '64) (2:12)/ Nobody I Know (Peter & Gordon May 29 '64) (2:25)/ Like Dreamers Do (The Applejacks June 5'64) (2:29)/ From A Window (Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas July 17 '64) (1:58)/ It's For you (Cilia Black July 31'64) (2:21)/1 Don't Want To See You Again (Peter & Gordon Sept. 11 '64) (2:00)/ That Means A Lot (P.J. Proby July 5 '65) ((2:33)/ Woman (Peter & Gordon Feb. 11 '66) (2:28)/ Love In The Open Air (The George Martin Orchestra Jan. 6 '67) (1:57)/ Cat Call (The Chris Barber Band Oct. 20 '67) (3:03)/ Step Inside Love (Cilia Black May 8 '68) (2:20)/ Thingumybob (The Black Dyke Mills Band Sept. 26 '68 ) (1:51)/ Sour Milk Sea (Jackie Lomax Sept. 6 '68) (3:51)/ Badge (Cream Feb. 28 '69) (2:43)/ Goodbye (Mary Hopkin (Mar. 28 '69 2:22)/ Penina (Carlos Mendes July 18 '69) (2:35)/ Come & Get It (Badfinger Dec. 5 '69) (2:25)/ Ain't That Cute (Doris Troy Feb. 13 '70) (3:43)/ Give Me Back My Dynamite (Doris Troy Sept. 11 '70)/ Gonna Get My Baby Back (Doris Troy Sept. 11'70) (2:14) CD2: Jacob's Ladder (Doris Troy Sept. 11 '70) (3:22)/ You Give Me Joy Joy (Doris Troy Sept. 11 '70) (3:35)/ Sing One For The Lord (Billy Preston 3:52)/ Try Some, Buy Some (Ronnie Spector Apr. 16 '71) (4:04)/ Tandoori Chicken (Ronnie Spector Apr. 16 '71) (2:17)/ God Save Us (Bill Elliot & The Elastic Oz Band July 16 '71) (3:10)/ The Hold-Up (David Bromberg June 2'12) (2:56)/ I'm The Greatest (Ringo Starr Nov. 2 '73) (early mix) (3:25)/ Photograph (Ringo Starr Nov. 2 '73) (early mix) (3:57)/ Sunshine Life For Me (Ringo Starr Nov. 2 '73) (2:43)/ Six O'clock (Ringo Starr Nov. 2 '73) (4:17)/ Six O'Clock (reprise) (Ringo Starr) (unreleased) (2:07)/ You & Me (Babe) (Ringo Starr Nov. 2 '73) (early mix) (Nov. 2 '73)/ Rock & Roller (Billy Lawrie Nov. 9 '73) (3:13)/ Ten Years After On Strawberry Jam (Scaffold May 24 '74) (2:56)/ Liverpool Lou (Scaffold May 24 '74) (2:56)/ 4th Of July (John Christie June 28 '74) (2:48)/ Mucho Mungo (Harry Nilsson Aug. 30 '74) (2:30)/ Leave It (Mike McGear Sept. 6 '74) (3:43)/ Sweet Baby (Mike McGear Sept. 6 '74) (3:40)/ Let's Love (Peggy Lee Oct. 25 '74) (2:53) CD3: Mine For Me (Rod Stewart Sept. 27 '74) (4:03)/ (It's All Down To) Good night Vienna (Ringo Starr Nov. 15 '74) (45 mix) (2:56)/ Fame (David Bowie Mar. 28 '75) (mono 45 edit) (2:56)/ Dance The Do (Mike McGear July 4 '75) (orig 45 - diff mix) (2:58)/ Band Of Steel (Guthrie Thomas with Ringo Starr Dec. 5 '75) (5:25)/ Cookin' (In The Kitchen Of Love) (Ringo Starr Sept. 17 '75) (3:37)/ Pure Gold (Ringo Starr pt. 17 '76) (3:14)/ I'll Still Love You (Ringo Starr Sept.17 '76) (2:55)/ Giddy (Roger Daltrey May 13 '77) (4:30)/ How Long Can Disco On (Harry Nilsson Sept. 2 '80) (3:02)/ Send Me The Heart (Denny Laine Dec. 2 '80) (3:40)/ On the Wings Of A Nightingale (The Everly Brothers May 3 '80) (2:33)/ Wrack My Brain (Ringo Starr Oct. 27 '81) (2:23)/ Attention (Ringo Starr Oct. 27 '81) (3:21)/ Private Property (Ringo Starr Oct. 27 '81) (2:44)/ Theme From 'The Honorary Consul' (John Williams June 15 '81) (3:45)/ New Moon Over Jamaica (Johnny Cash with Paul McCartney Feb. 23 '89) (3:16)/ Veronica (Elvis Costello Nov. 12 '89) (3:10)/ Run So Far (Eric Clapton) (4:09)/ That Kind Of Woman (Eric Clapton) (3:57)/ That Kind Of Woman (Gary Moore) (4:30) CD4: Beatles' Versions & Stereo/Mono Oddities: I'll Be On My Way (The Beatles) (2:06)/ Bad To Me (John Lennon) (1:29)/ Hello Little Girl (The Beatles) (1:36)/ Love Of The Loved (The Beatle~s) (1:47)/ One & One Is Two (Paul McCartney) (1:51)/ Like Dreamers Do (The Beatles) (2:27)/ That Means A Lot (The Beatles) (2:33)/ Woman (Paul McCartney) (0:36)/ Catswalk (Catcall) (The Beatles) (1:08)/ Step


Inside Love (Paul McCartney) (2:18)/ Goodbye (Paul McCartney) (2:22)/ Penina (The Beatles) (0:51)/ Come & Get It (The Beatles) (2:27)/ Six O'Clock (reprise) (Paul, Lingo & Ringo) (mix #2-2.39) (unreleased)/ God Save Us (John Lennon/ Elastic Oz Band) (3:10)/ Mucho Mungo (John Lennon) (2:12)/ Let's Love (Paul McCartney) (0:18)/ (It's All Down To) Good night Vienna (John Lennon) (2:59)/ Suicide (Paul McCartney) (1:25)/ On The Wings Of A Nightingale (Paul McCartney) (2:35)/ And I Love Her (single lead vocal & 6 bars at the end)/ I'll Cry Instead (longer, extra middle verse)/ Thank You Girl (in true stereo, more harmonica during & at the end)/ From Me To You (in true stereo, more harmonica during & at the start)/ Movie Medley (45 only, stereo, not issued on LP)/1 Feel Fine (mono single vers. completely different take to PAST MASTERS stereo vers.)/ Help! (mono single vers. completely different take to PAST MASTERS stereo vers.)/All You Need Is Love (mono single, totally different vers. to LP & 10 sees longer) Stereo Differences - Excerpts: Mein Herz 1st Bei Dir Nur (orig 45 'My Bonnie' intro, prior to English overdub)/ Please Please Me (vocal mistake, bootlegger separated vocals for a 2nd listen)/ All My Loving (5 hi-hat clicks at start)/ Money (extra guitar at start & no tapping)/ I Should Have Known Better (break in harmonica intro)/ I'm Looking Through You (from US LP with 2 false starts)/ Penny Lane (extra 8 sees of trumpet at end) Mono Differences - Excerpts: Slow Down (without John's Wow! at commencement of end)/ I Call Your Name (cowbell starts later)!/ Matchbox (diff. guitar solo particularly end half)/ What Goes On (no lead guitar solo at end)/ I'm Looking Through You (extra 5 sees of Paul at end)/ I'm Only Sleeping (additional reverse guitar during verse)/ Yellow Submarine (guitar starts immediately & 1 extra John bit)/ Sgt. Pepper (reprise) (diff chicken, crowds, mumbling, end vocal louder)/ Obladi-Oblada (no hand claps at start)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (no yeah yeah yeah's at end)/ Don't Pass Me By (diff. violin solo at end)/ Why Don't We Do It In The Road (no hand claps at start)/ Yer Blues (almost one minute longer at the end)/ Honey Pie (extra guitar, mistake? during middle solo)/ Helter Skelter (diff. mix & shorter, no 'blisters' quote) This is a hard to find set, but is definitely worth the effort. C: ACD. Dec. Info-packed booklet. A must to complete your Beatles collection. The sound quality varies throughout the but is generally Vg-Ex. There is some surface noise but that's a small price to pay considering the wealth of material found here. ALTERNATE MASTERS FAB GEAR CPCS 9402 CD Twist And Shout (stereo remix version)/ Please Please Me (true stereo version)/ Thank You Girl (true stereo version)/ I'll Get You (Capitol stereo version)/ Money (stereo remix version)/ This Boy (Capitol simulated version)/ Komm, Gib Mie Deine Hand (stereo German version)/ Sie Liebt Dich (stereo German version)/ I Call Your Name (Capitol stereo version)/ I'll Cry Instead (Capitol mono long version)/ If I Fell (original soundtrack mono version)/ And I Love Her (original soundtrack mono version)/ Anytime At All (Capitol mono version)/ When I Get Home (Capitol mono version)/ She's A Woman (Capitol stereo version)/ I Feel Fine (alternate stereo mix)/ Kansas City, Hey Hey Hey Hey (stereo remix version)/ Bad Boy (original mono version)/ Yes It Is (simulated stereo version)/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy (original stereo mix)/ I'm Looking Through You (Capitol stereo version)/ Think For Yourself (alternate stereo mix)/ The Word (Capitol alternate stereo mix)/ Drive My Car (alternate stereo mix)/ And Your Bird Can Sing (Capitol simulated stereo version)/ Dr. Robert (Capitol mono version)/ Paperback Writer (simulated stereo version)/ Taxman (edited mono version)/ I'm Only Sleeping (alternate stereo version)/ Got To Get You Into My Life (stereo remix version) R: Ex. C: Japanese CD. Dec. Pic CD. 73:10. A collection of common alternate mono & stereo versions. ARRIVE WITHOUT TRAVELING VIGOTONE (Vigo 69) LP 1992 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good to excellent/ mono & stereo Rating: **** Side One (23:06):


Sgt. Pepper (1:27) (from TV special/comments my George Martin) That Means A Lot (3:00) (takes 23 & 24) I'm So Tired (2:00) (take 4) We Can Work it Out (2:13) (take 2) Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (1:00) (take 1 & Martin's comments) It's All Too Much (8:25) (take 4 - unedited) She's A Woman (3:35) (BBC - November 17, 1964) Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite (0:57) (from TV special/ Martin's comments) Side Two (23:23): Within You Without You (1:15) (from TV special/Martin's comments) Norwegian Wood (2:28) (take 2) Penny Lane (2:30) (brass overdub session) I'm In Love (1:26) (Lennon's solo demo) 12-Bar Original (8:52) (takes 1 & 2 plus extra jam) I Feel Fine (1:51) (BBC - November 17,1964) Good Morning, Good Morning (0:33) (TV special/Martin's comments) The Inner Light (2:29) (take 5 -backing track) Hold Me Tight (0:26) (take 20) A Day In The Life (1:12) (take 1 rehearsal/Martin's comments) An excellent collection of previously unreleased tracks and material lifted from the TV special, 'The Making Of Sergeant Pepper' hosted by George Martin. Highlights are It's All Too Much, Penny Lane, I'm In Love, 12-Bar Original, and The Inner Light. Certainly a disc worth searching out. The material on this disc and NOTHING BUT AGING would later appear on CD as ARRIVE WITHOUT AGING (though with some changes - see review). ARRIVE WITHOUT AGING VIGOTONE VT-6869 CD Sgt. Pepper (4-track playback)/ That Means A Lot (takes 23 & 24 - Mar. 30 '65)/ I'm So Tired (takes 23 & 24 - Mar. 30 '65)/ We Can Work It Out (take 2 Nov. 20 '65)/ Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (take 1 - Jan. 3 '67)/ It's All Too Much (complete)/ She's A Woman (BBC - Nov. 17 '64)/ Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite (4-track playback)/ Run For Your Life (take 5)/ Within You Without You (4-track playback)/ Norwegian Wood (take 2 - Nov. 21 '65)/ Penny Lane (brass overdub - Jan. 9 '67)/ I'm In Love (demo -'63)/ 12-Bar Original (takes 1 & 2 - Nov. 4 '65)/1 Feel Fine (BBC - Nov. 17 '64)/ Good Morning Good Morning (4-track playback)/ The Inner Light (take 5 - Jan. 12 '68)/ Hold Me Tight (take 20 - Sept. 12 '63)/ A Day In The Life (take 1 - Jan. 19 '67)/ She Can Talk To Me (demo - early '68)/ I'm So Tired (overdub track 8 - Oct. 8 '68)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (John's demos - Nov. '66)/ Cry Baby Cry (John's demos - late '67)/ Happiness Is A Warm Gun (take 65 - Sept. 25 '68)/ Rishikesh Tape (Mar. '68 Italian TV)/ We Can Work It Out (demo - '65) Copied from NOTHING BUT AGING and ARRIVE WITHOUT TRAVELING but with some differences. Missing on the CD are Sour Milk Sea, Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Something, Jubilee and Circles. The new song is a brief demo fragment of Cry Baby Cry. Total time: 72:18. A decent collection of rarities with very good sound quality. ARTIFACTS: THE DEFINITIVE COLLECTION OF BEATLES RARITIES 1958-1970 BIG MUSIC (BIG BX 006) 5CD 1993 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good to excellent/ mono & stereo Rating: ***** CD1 - THE EARLY YEARS 1958-63: That'll Be The Day (Quarrymen '58)/ The One After 909, I'll Follow The Sun, Matchbox, Thinking Off Linking, The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (Hamburg '60)/ Catswalk, The One After 909,1 Saw Her Standing There (Liverpool '62)/ Like Dreamers Do, Hello Little Girl (Decca '62)/ Some Other Guy (Cavern '62)/ How Do You Do It? (EMI Sept. 4 '62)/ A Taste


Of Honey (Granada TV Dec. 17 '62)/ I Saw Her Standing There (take 2 ), There's A Place (takes 3-4), Misery (takes 1-6) (EMI Feb. 11 '63)/ From Me To You (takes 1-2 Mar. 5 '63)/ Please Please Me ('Saturday Club' Mar. 16 '63)/ Long Tall Sally ('Saturday Club' May 25 '63)/ Money ('Pop Go The Beatles' June 18 '63)/ I'll Be On My Way ('Side By Side' June 24 '63)/ I'm In Love, Bad To Me (demos mid '63)/ Hold Me Tight (takes 25-26 Sept. 12 '63)/ Don't Bother Me (take 10 Sept. 12 '63)/ Roll Over Beethoven, She Loves You (Stockholm Oct. 24 '63)/ Twist & Shout (Royal Variety Show Nov. 4 '63)/ On Moonlight Bay ('Morcambe and Wise' show Dec. 2 '63) CD2 - BEATLEMANIA 1964-65: If I Fell, One And One Is Two (demos early '64)/ Can't Buy Me Love (takes 1, 3 Jan. 29 '64)/ All My Loving, I Want To Hold Your Hand, Please Please Me ('Ed Sullivan' Feb. 9, 16, 23 '64)/ A Hard Day's Night (takes 6-7 Apr. 16 '64)/ From Us To You, You Can't Do That ('Saturday Club' Apr. 4 '64)/ Shout! ('Around The Beatles' Apr. 19 '64)/ Leave My Kitten Alone (take 5 Aug. 14 '64)/ I'm A Loser (take 1 Aug. 14 '64)/ She's A Woman (take 7 Oct. 8 '64)/ I Feel Fine (take 6 Oct. 18 '64)/ If You've Got Troubles (take 1 Feb. 18 '65)/ You're Gonna Lose That Girl (alternate mix Feb. 19 '65)/ That Means A Lot (take 2 Feb. 20 '65)/ Help! (takeS Apr. 13 '65)/ Yesterday ('Ed Sullivan' Aug. 14 '65)/ I'm Down (Hollywood Bowl Aug. 29 '65)/ Norwegian Wood (take 1 Oct. 12 '65)/ Day Tripper (take 1 Oct. 16 '65)/ We Can Work It Out (demo Oct. '65)/ I'm Looking Through You (take 1 Oct. 24 '65)/ Twelve Bar Original (Nov. '65)/ Girl (Nov. 11 '65) CD3 - THE PSYCHEDELIC YEARS 1966-67: He Said He Said, She Said She Said (demos Mar. '66)/ Tomorrow Never Knows (alternate mix Apr. 6 '66)/ Paperback Writer (takes 1-2 Apr. 13 '66)/Nowhere Man, Paperback Writer (Candlestick Park Aug. 29 '66)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (demo Nov. '66)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (take 1 Nov. 24 '66)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (take 25 Dec. 9 '66)/ Penny Lane (brass overdub Jan. 9 '67)/ A Day In The Life (take 5 Jan. 20 '67)/ Good Morning Good Morning (demo mid '67)/ It's All Too Much (take 4 May 25 '67)/ All You Need Is Love (TV Broadcast June 25 '67)/ Your Mother Should Know (alternate mix Aug. 22 '67)/1 Am The Walrus (take 7 Sept. 5 '67)/ Fool On The Hill (demo Sept. 5 '67)/ Aerial Tour Instrumental (mono mix Sept. 8 '67)/ Jessie's Dream (film music Oct. '67)/ Hello Hello (take 1 Oct. 2 '67)/ Blue Jay Way (overdub Oct. 6 '67)/ Cry Baby Cry (demos Dec. '67)/ Daddy's Little Sunshine Boy (home tape Dec. '67) CD4 - INNER REVOLUTION 1968: The Inner Light (take 5 Jan. 12 '68)/ Lady Madonna (Feb. 6, '68)/ She Can Talk To Me (demo Feb. '68)/ Across The Universe (mono mix Feb. 14 '68)/ Untitled Instrumental, Blowin' In The Wind, Hare Krishna Mantra, Thank You Guru Dev, Happy Birthday Michael Love (Rishikesh, India Mar. '68)/ The Happy Rishikesh Song (demo Apr. '68)/ Dear Prudence, Back In The USSR, Piggies, Jubilee, Child Of Nature, Sour Milk Sea, Circles (Escher demos May '68)/ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (take 5 July 5 '68)/ Revolution (alternate mix July 10 '68)/ Brian Epstein Blues (July 19 '68)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (take 1 July 25 '68)/ Hey Jude, Las Vegas Tune, St. Louis Blues (rehearsals July 30 '68)/ Not Guilty (mono mix Aug. 12 '68)/ What's The News Mary Jane? (take 4 Aug. 14 '68)/ Everyone Had A Hard Year (demo Oct. '68)/ Heather (Nov. '68)/ Don't Let Me Down (demo version 2 Dec. '68)/ Goodbye (demo Dec. '68) CD5 - GET BACK TO ABBEY ROAD 1969-70: Another Day, Suicide, Act Naturally, Two Of Us, Piano Theme, Strawberry Fields Forever, Madman A Comin', Watching Rainbows, Commonwealth, Get Back, Old Brown Shoe, For You Blue, I Lost My Little Girl, Maggie Mae, Fancy Me Chances (Twickenham Studios Jan. '69)/ Dig It! (Apple Studios Jan. '69)/ Get Back, Dig A Pony (Apple Rooftop Jan. 30 '69)/ Let It Be (Apple Studios Jan. 21 '69)/ Something (demo Feb. 22 '69)/ Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight (take 13 July 2 '69)/ Her Majesty (take 3 July 2 '69)/ Oh! Darling (take 16 July 17 '69)/ Come And Get It (demo July 24 '69)/ Because (take 16 Aug. 1 '69)/1 Me Mine (take 16 Jan. 3 '70) As one might expect with all of the sources here, the quality varies from a few good to primarily very good to excellent mono and stereo. The set comes in a deluxe box with an excellent, well-documented, color 22-page booklet and picture CDs. I think it's safe to say that whoever put this together knew what he (or she) was talking about. Each CD represents a specific era of the band's progression and, being


arranged chronologically, it is a magical musical tour through a period of time when nothing was real. This is the one to get. Time CD1 70:01. CD2 73:05. CD3 76:52. CD4 74:15. CDS 70:58. It is also this author's opinion that the highly successful world sales of ARTIFACTS and subsequent publicity helped convince EMI and Apple executives (as well as The Beatles) that they should produce their own 'official bootlegs' (which showed up on record store shelves in 1995 & 1996 as the ANTHOLOGY SERIES). As Ringo once said, "Personally, I would like to put out all the bootlegs, all the outtakes we didn't want out, but are out. Beatles bootlegs by us"! ARTIFACTS II (THE DEFINITIVE COLLECTION OF BEATLES RARITIES 1960-69) BIG MUSIC (BIG BX 008) 5CD 1994 Source: Various Sound Quality: Good to excellent/mono & stereo Rating: **** CD1: YOUNGBLOOD 1960-63: Hallelujah I Love Her So (2:20), Wildcat (2:29), Movin' And Groovin' (2:13), Hello Little Girl (1:54) (Hamburg '60)/ Ain't She Sweet (2:14), Cry For a Shadow (2:23) (Hamburg, June 22 '61)/ What'd I Say (l:34)(Cavern Club Summer '61)1 Love of The Loved (1:48), The Sheik Of Araby (1:39), Three Cool Cats (2:19) (London '61)1 Dream Baby (2:01), Please Mr. Postman (2:22) (BBC Teenager's Turn' Mar. 7 '62)/ Besame Mucho (2:37) (EMI, June. 6 '61)1 First Radio Interview (7:21) (Oct. 27 '62)/ I Saw Her Standing There (2:45), Lend Me Your Comb (1:53) (Star Club, Hamburg Dec. 31 '62)/ Love Me Do (1:24) (home tape Jan. '63)/ There's A Place (2:05) (EMI take Feb. 11 '63)/ A Taste Of Honey (2:15) (EMI take Feb. 11 '63)/ I Saw Her Standing There (4:57) (EMI takes Feb. 11 '63)/ Do You Want To Know a Secret (2:05) (EMI takes Feb. 11 '63)/ The One After 909 (4:24) (EMI takes Mar. 5 '63)/ Thank You Girl (2:10) (EMI takes Mar. 5 '63)/ The Hippy Hippy Shake (1:47) (BBC Saturday Club Mar. 16 '63)/ Youngblood (2:07) (BBC 'Pop Go The Beatles' June 1 '63)/ Soldier Of Love (2:36) (BBC 'Pop Go The Beatles' July 2 '63)/ From Me To You (1:12) (Liverpool Dec. 7 '63)/ The Beatles Christinas Record (4:59) (EMI Dec. '63)/ All I Want For Christmas, Crimble Medley (1:21) (BBC 'Saturday Club' Dec. 21 '63) CD2: TICKET TO RIDE 1964-65: Guitar Blues (1:06) (NYC Feb. 21 '64)/1 Wanna Be Your Man (2:34) (BBC 'From Us To You' Feb. 28 '64)/1 Call Your Name (2:11), I Got A Woman (2:35) (BBC 'Saturday Club' Mar. 31 '64)/ Hard Days Night (2:38) (EMI take Ap. 16 '64)/ Honey Don't (2:22) (BBC 'From Us To You' May 1 '64)/ From Us To You (:58), I'm Happy Just To Dance With You (1:59), I Should Have Known Better (3:08) (BBC 'From Us To You' July 17 '64)/ Leave My Kitten Alone (2:55) (EMI take 4 Aug. 14 '64)/ I'm A Loser (2:51) (EMI take 3 Aug. 14 '64)/ Twist And Shout (1:23) (Hollywood Bowl Aug. 23 '64)/ She's A Woman (3:19) (EMI take 2 Oct. 8 '64)/1 Feel Fine (2:25) (EMI take 5 Oct. 18 '64)/ Another Beatles Christmas Record (4:01) (EMI Oct. 26 '64)/ Christmas Outtake (3:25) (EMI Oct. 26 '64)/ Ticket To Ride (3:25) (EMI take 5 Feb. 15 '65)/ Yes It Is (4:27) (EMI takes 1&2 Feb. 16 '65)/ Help (3:10) (EMI, Takes 6,7 Apr. 16 '65)/ Ticket To Ride (3:04) (BBC 'The Beatles' May 20 '65)/ Waltzing In Matilda (:37) (Australian interview June. 15 '65)/ We Must Not Forget The General Erection, The Wumberlog (Or, Magic Dog) (1:11) (BBC 'Tonight' June 18 '65)/ We Can Work It Out (4:34) (EMI takes 1 and 2 Oct. 20 '65)/ Run For Your Life (1:16) (EMI take 5 Oct. 20 '65)/ Norwegian Wood (2:28) (EMI take 4 Oct. 21 '65)/ Michelle (1:05) (home demo Nov. '65)/ Think For Yourself (3:02) (EMI take 1 Nov. 8 '65)/ The Beatles Third Christmas Record (6:24) (EMI Nov. 8 '65 CD3: NORTHERN SONGS 1966-67: Rain (3:07) (EMI take 7 Apr. 7 '66)/ Backwards Speech (1:00) (EMI Apr. '66)/ Tomorrow Never Knows (2:56) (EMI mono mix Apr. 27 '66)/ I'm Only Sleeping (3:00) (EMI mono mix May 6 '66)/ For No One (10:18) (EMI monitor mixes May 9-16 '66)/ Here, There And Everywhere (5:55) (EMI monitor June 16 '66)/ Got To Get You Into My Life (2:39) (EMI mono mixes June 20 '66)/ Backwards Speech (:41) (Lennon tape Nov. 66)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (6:10) (EMI take 7 Nov. 28 '66)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (3:10) (EMI remix Dec. 15 '66)/ Pantomime: Everywhere It's Christmas (6:37) (Dick James House Nov. 25 '66)/ You Know My Name (1:02) (Lennon demo Jan. '67)/ A Day In


The Life (4:52) (EMI reduction mix Jan. 19 '67)/ Penny Lane (2:55) (EMI mono mix Jan. 25 '67)/ Only A Northern Song (3:20) (EMI mono mix Apr. 21 '67)/ Magical Mystery Tour (2:46) (EMI mono mix May 4 '67)/ I Am The Walrus (4:12) (EMI Take 9 Sept. 5 '67)/ Christmas Time (Is Here Again ) (5:46) (EMI complete version Nov. 28 '67)/ All Together On The Wireless Machine (:58) (BBC Dec. 12 '67) CD4: ALONE TOGETHER 1968: Lady Madonna (1:18) (EMI monitor Feb. 3 '68)/ Across The Universe (3:43) (EMI alternative mix Feb. 4 '68)/ Step Inside Love (2:21) (McCartney demo Feb. '68)/ Act Naturally (2:15) (BBC TV Feb. 6 '68)/ The Continuing Story OF Bungalow Bill (2:33), While My Guitar Gently Weeps (2:33), Rocky Raccoon (2:43), Not Guilty (3:07), Yer Blues (3:26), Revolution (3:58), Cry Baby Cry (2:24) (Esher demos May '68)/ Julia (2:56), The Maharishi Song (3:11) (Lennon demos May '68)/ Blackbird (2:24) (EMI take 32 June. 11 '68)/ Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey (2:36) (EMI alternative mix June 27 '68)/ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (3:14) (EMI take 23 July 15 '68)/ Don't Pass Me By (6:44) (EMI take 7 '68)/ Sexy Sadie (2:43) (EMI monitor mix July '68)/ Dear Prudence (3:48) (EMI alternate take Aug. 28 '68)/ Revolution (3:23) (promo film Sept. 4 '68)/ Helter Skelter (3:37) (EMI mono mix Sept. 17 '68)/ I'm So Tired (2:01) (EMI remix Oct. 8 '68)/ The Beatles 1968 Christmas Record (7:54) (home recordings Nov. '68) CD5: THE LONGEST ROAD 1969: Up Against The Wall (4:20), Medley: Across The Universe, Rock'n Roll Music (2:45), Not Fade Away (2:54), When I'm 64 (1:26), Gimme Some Truth (:54), Polythene Pam (1:45), Medley, Take Me Home, A Quick One (3:39), Gilly Gilly Ossenfeffer Katzeneleen Bogen By The Sea (1:13), House Of The Rising Sun (3:03) (Twickenham Studios Jan. '69)/ Get Back (2:14), Let It Be (2:50) (Twickenham Studios Jan. '69)/ Hole In The Heart (:41) (Twickenham Studios Jan. '69)/ Two Of Us (6:56) (Twickenham Studios Jan. '69)/ All Things Must Pass (3:06) (Twickenham Studios Jan. '69)/ Rocker (2:24), Don't Let Me Down (3:46) (Apple Studios Jan. 22 '69)/ Teddy Boy (3:34) (Apple Studio Jan. 27 '69)/ The Walk (4:05) (Apple Studios Jan. 27 '69)/ Mailman Bring Me No More Blues (1:55) (Apple Studios Jan. 29 '69)/ The Long And Winding Road (3:44) (Apple Studios Jan. 31 '69)/ You Never Give Me Your Money (5:53) (Apple Studio May 6 '69)/ Something (5:41) (Apple Studios take 37 July 11 '69)/ The Beatles Seventh Christmas Record (7:43) (home recordings fall '69) The second of the ARTIFACTS series brings more important pieces of the puzzle together with excellent documentation. This might be called 'the best of the rest' as it culled from various sources the best of what was left (at the time) of unreleased music. This set also features some very rare tracks found here for the first time on CD: What'd I Say, Only A Northern Song, You Know My Name, Step Inside Love, Act Naturally, Me And My Monkey, Gilly Gilly and Two Of Us. Again, the box set contains a color booklet with excellent liner notes and picture CDs. ARTIFACTS III continued the series with the best of the solo years on a four-disc set. See review in the solo section. AWAY WITH WORDS WIZARDO (WRMB-505) LP 1976 S1: Medley: Tutti Fraitti; Back In The Jungle; She Bop; Roll Over Beethoven; Fever; The Great Pretender; Duke Of Earl; Let's Go To The Hop; Chantilly Lace; As I Walk Along; Blue Moon; The Wanderer; Wake Up Little Suzy; Bye Bye Love; That Loving Feeling; Love Me Tender; Don't Be Cruel; Houndog; Jailhouse Rock; Are You Lonesome Tonight (Chuck Berry, Elvis, Dion, Righteous Brothers)/ Beatles: Dizzy Miss Lizzy; Ticket To Ride; Help; Act Naturally (live from Shea Stadium, satisfactory mono) S2: Eleanor Rigby/ Norwegian Wood ('Scottish Lock' is the title given on the cover)/ Paperback Writer/ Sgt. Pepper/A Little Help From My Friends/ Good Morning; When I'm 64/ Within You Without You S3: Magical Mystery Tour/ Fool On The Hill/ Glass Onion (listed as 'Rhymes & Lessons')/ Flying (listed as 'Instrumental')/ Here Comes The Sun/ Lucy In The Sky S4: Get Back/ Happiness Is A Warm Gun (with 'Jim Morrison' vocals)/ My Sweet Lord/ Nowhere Man; Revolution/ Forgotten Lyrics; Give Peace A Chance/ Give Me Love (listed as 'Gimme A Dime')/ All


You Need Is Love/ Strawberry Fields S5: Yesterday/ Ballad of lohn & Yoko (listed as 'Ain't No Cherry')/ Hey Jude (not live)/ Let It Be S6: Interviews: John; Paul (includes Teddy Boy in poor mono); George; Ringo R: Vgm. S: Movie soundtrack; studio recordings except for Shea. C: Labels have 'Kingston, Jamaica W.I.' written on them. A box set. The music is now upgraded on numerous discs, but the set is highly collectible. BEATLEMANIA ZAKATECAS ST 57 633XU S1: Christmas Time (from Xmas album Exm)/ Good Rockin' Tonight (Exm)/ Hi Ho Silver/ Shakin' In The Sixties/ High Heeled Sneakers/1 Me Mine/ House Of The Rising Sun/ Some Other Guy (Cavern '62 Gm)/ Suzy Parker (Exm)/ Get Back/ Tennessee S2: Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Bound By Love/ There's Nothing Shaking/ Everybody Wants Someone/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down/ Shot Of Rhythm & Blues/ Sure To Fall/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ This Is The Wishin' (from Xmas album) R: S1 is Exs unless otherwise noted. S2 is Exm. S: S1 from SWEET APPLE TRAX unless otherwise noted. S2 AS SWEET AS YOU ARE. BEATLES AGAIN COOL ORANGECICLE (004) CD Can't Buy Me Love/I Should Have Known Better/Paperback Writer/ Rain/ Lady Madonna/ Revolution/ Hey Jude/ Old Brown Shoe/ Don't Let Me Down/ Ballad Of John & Yoko/ Can't Buy Me Love (outtake)/1 Should Have Known Better (BBC)/ Paperback Writer (outtake)/ Rain (outtake)/ Lady Madonna (outtake)/ Revolution (outtake)/ Hey Jude (outtake)/ Old Brown Shoe (outtake)/ Don't Let Me Down (outtake)/ Ballad Of John & Yoko (outtake). R: Exs. S: The HEY JUDE album plus outtakes from various sources. A reissue of available music by a new bootlegger (1997) with no material of their own. BEATLES VS DON HO MELVIN RECORDS (MM08) LP 1979 Source: Various Sound Quality: Fair to good mono Rating: *** Side One: Too Much Monkey Business (BBC Radio '62, very good) My Girl Is Red Hot (with George interview, very good) Star Club? A Hard Day's Night (promo spot, excellent) George On David Frost (with sitar playing Dec.'72, excellent) John & Paul interview (Los Angeles Aug.'65, excellent) I'll Be On My Way (BBC Radio '62, very good) Help (promo spot, excellent) 1963 Christmas Message (BBC '63, very good) Think For Yourself (YELLOW SUBMARINE film, very good) A Quick One While He's Away (July '69 outtake with Yoko, very good) Beyond The Valley Of A Day In The Life (The Residents, excellent) Side Two: Give Peace A Chance ('69 Rehearsal, excellent) Twist & Shout (Copenhagen June '64 with Jimmy Nicol on drums, good, interview excellent) Carol/Lend Me Your Comb (Radio Luxembourg June 18 '63, very good) Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (BBC Radio Dec. 3 '64 with interview, excellent) Soldier Of Love ('63 BBC, good) Mellotron Music (MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR, excellent)


Maxwell's Silver Hammer ('69 outtake, excellent) Honey Don't (BBC Radio '63, excellent) Guitar Blues (New York '64, good) I'm Down (Hollywood Bowl '65 radio commentary, good) Paul Introduces Tiny Bubbles (excellent) This is one of those goofy compilations by Melvin Records from the late 1970s. It has a couple of rarities not found anywhere else as well as some really off the wall tracks. They just don't make them like this any more. What a pity. Deluxe cover that resembles: BEATLES VS FOUR SEASONS legit LP (VJDX 30). THE BEST OF TOBE MILO PRODUCTIONS TOBE MELO 10Q 1/2 S1: Guiness Book of World Records (1:36) (from weekly radio program)*/ My Carnival (3:00) ('75 McCartney studio outtake) (fair mono)*/ Brung To Ewe By (:30)/ Belair Mansion Interview (4:14) (Mar. '65 with John & Paul)* S2: Hey Jude (rehearsal film for 'Experiment in TV summer '68)/And The Roof Almost Came Down When (5:13) (Ed Sullivan memorial TV program and BBC interviews)/ Day Tripper (3:21) (Japan Tour) (Gm)/ Brung To Ewe (1:00)/ Interview (3:40) ('72 13-hour BBC special)*/ Houston concert medley (not listed on cover) R: Exm C: *unreleased. Deluxe cover. SS. A variety of items from numerous sources. BLACK & WHITE MINSTREL SHOW STASH 638 S1: That'll Be The Day (first recording & Paul's comments)/ Words Of Love/ Crying Waiting Hoping (alt. vers.)/ Not Fade Away*/ Peggy Sue; I'm Gonna Love You Too (Paul outtake)/ Maybe Baby; Peggy Sue (John from 'Pennebaker' documentary)/ Well ...All Right*/ Maybe Baby; Crying, Waiting, Hoping*/ Mailman Bring Me No More Blues* S2: Glad All Over/ Honey Don't/ Sure To Fall/ Matchbox/ Lend Me Your Comb/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Your True Love/ Blue Suede Shoes S3: Too Much Monkey Business/ I Got To Find My Baby/ Memphis/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Johnny B. Goode/ Sweet Little Sixteen/ Carol/ Rock 'n' Roll Music/ I'm Talkin' About You S4: Lucille/ Long Tall Sally/ Ooh! My SouV Kansas City; Hey Hey Hey!/ Jenny Jenny/ Slippin' & SlidinV Short Fat Fannie/ Rip It Up S: Various outtakes, BBC tracks & live. *Beatles' rehearsals. C: Dec. The Beatles sing songs by the artists who influenced them S1 Buddy Holly, S2 Carl Perkins, S3 Chuck Berry & S4 Little Richard. BOTH SIDES MIW RECORDS 8 S1: Intro (:50)/ Come & Get It (complete version) (2:17)/ Something (outtake) (3:18)/ Running Free (Ringo - Scouse The Mouse) (2:23)*/ That'll Be The Day (Paul & Tracy Ullman) (1:09)/ Things We Said Today (outtake) (2:20)/ Luck Of The Irish John & Yoko; Mike Douglas '72) (2:34)/ Honey Don't (BBC '63) (2:13)/ Lay His Head (George - 'Somewhere In England' outtake - 3:33)*/ Radio One Jingle (Paul '83 - :18) S2: Waterspout (Paul outtake) (2:38)/ Christmas song (John & Yoko - Denmark '70) (:25)/I Want You (Paul vocal) (4:27)/ How Do You Do It (recorded Nov. 26/63) (1:56)/ In My Life (George US '74)/ (5:50)/ Because (outtake) (2:05)*7 Child Of Nature (Jealous Guy with The Beatles-1:46)/ Too Many Cooks (unreleased - Mick Jagger vocals; Ringo drums & John)(3:20) R: Exm except * Exs. C: Eb. Dec. Group and solo rarities.


CASUALTIES CAPITOL (fake) (SPRO-9469) LP 1980 Source: Legitimate releases Sound Quality: Excellent mono/stereo Rating: ** Side One: Please Please Me (mono) I Want To Hold Your Hand (stereo) Money (UK EP mono mix) A Hard Day's Night (stereo) I'll Cry Instead (stereo) Ticket to Ride (UK LP stereo mix) Yes It Is (US 45 mono mix) Day Tripper (UK stereo mix) I'm Only Sleeping (French EP mono mix) Side Two: Strawberry Fields Forever (stereo) I Am The Walrus (basic tracks only) Only A Northern Song (US 45 mono mix) Revolution (45 mono version) Her Majesty (with final chord - mono) Let It Be (Japan 45 mono mix) Fake Capitol promo from the same people who released COLLECTORS ITEMS. This is actually a pirate and not a bootleg. Mostly unusual and rare mixes of legit releases. The cover features the 'Butcher' photo. COLLECTOR'S ITEMS CAPITOL (fake) (SPRO-9462) LP 1985 Source: Legitimate releases Sound Quality: Excellent mono/stereo Rating: *** Side One: Love Me Do (UK mono mix) From Me To You (mono mix) Thank You Girl (mono mix) All My Loving (stereo/with intro) This Boy (stereo) Sie Liebt Dich (mono) I Feel Fine (stereo mix) She's A Woman (stereo) Help! (45 mix - mono) I'm Pown (stereo) Side Two: Penny Lane (stereo-with trumpet ending) Baby, You're a Rich Man (stereo) I Am The Walrus (combined long intro & extra middle) The Inner Light (mono) Across The Universe ('World Wildlife Fund' version - stereo) You Know My Name (mono) Sergeant Pepper Inner Groove


Non album singles and unfamiliar versions. A very nice collection of rare versions of legit songs. Again, this is a pirate and not a bootleg album. Very similar to the RARITIES album released officially (and in many ways more satisfying). COLLECTORS ITEMS SPR-9463 C: Later edition of above with Paperback Writer replacing I'm Down (released on an official album) & order of Thank You Girl & From Me To You reversed. CASUALTIES/ COLLECTOR'S ITEMS SEAX 11950/SPRO 9462 S1: Please Please Me (1:57) (alternate version)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand (2:21)* (unreleased stereo version)/ Money (2:45) (original true mono mix)/ A Hard Day's Night (2:28)* (unreleased stereo version)/ I'll Cry Instead (2:03)* (unedited true stereo version)/ Ticket To Ride (3:03)* (unreleased stereo version)/ Yes It Is (2:38) (B side of Ticket To Ride)/ Day Tripper (2:45)* (this version only released in UK & Japan)/ I'm Only Sleeping (2:57) (alternate version) S2: Strawberry Fields Forever (4:02)* (alternate mix)/1 Am The Walrus (4:30) (backing tracks)/ Only A Northern Song (3:20) (unreleased mono vers.)/ Revolution (3:21) (Capitol single 2276)/ Her Majesty (:24) (with lost chord)/ Let It Be (3:47)/ (Japanese mono mix) S3: Love Me Do (2:20) (alternate take Sept.11'62)/ From Me To You (1:54) (original mix Mar. 4 '63)/ Thank You Girl (1:59) (original mix Mar. 4 '63)/ All My Loving (2:ll)*(with introduction July 15 '63)/ This Boy (2:11)* (unreleased stereo version Oct. 19 '63)/ Sie Liebt Dich (2:16) (July 1 '63 & Jan. 29 '64)/ I Feel Fine (2:15)*(unadulterated mix Oct. '64)/ She's A Woman (2:57)*(unreleased stereo version Oct. '64)/ Help (2:16) (Capitol single 5467 May '65)/ I'm Down* S4: Penny Lane (2:57)* (Capitol promo P5810 Dec. '66)/ Baby You're A Rich Man (2:57)* (unreleased stereo version May '67)/ I Am The Walrus (4:35)* (Capitol single 2056 Sept. 7 '67)/ The Inner Light (2:30) (Capitol single 2138 Jan. 68 & Feb. 13 '68)/ Across The Universe (3:44)* (unreleased stereo vers. Feb. '68)/ You Know My Name (4:15) (Capitol single 2764 May '67) R: Exm (*) Exs. C: Some stereo versions were released in foreign countries. Japanese boot. Deluxe rust cover. SS. CINELOGUE 1 CBM 4020 S1: Don't Let Me Down/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ On Our Way Back Home/ I Got A Feeling/ 909/ Piano Boogie/Across The Universe/ Dig A Pony/ Suzy Parker/1 Me Mine/ For You Blue S2: Besame Mucho/ Octopus Garden/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Long And Winding Road/ Shake Rattle And Roll/ Kansas City/ Dig It S3: Two Of Us/ Let It Be/ Long And Winding Road/ Get Back/ Don't Let Me Down S4:1 Got A Feeling/ 909/ Dig A Pony/ Get Back R: S1 & 2 poor mono; S3 & 4 Gm. C: Entire dialogue & music of LET IT BE. (Obviously, the 'CINELOGUE' series came out before the advent of VCRs and video tapes.) CINELOGUE 2 CBM S1: Yellow Submarine/ Eleanor Rigby/ Within You Without You (*)/ A Day In The Life (*)/All Together Now S2: When I'm 64/ Only A Northern Song/ Nowhere Man/ Lucy In The Sky S3: Sgt. Pepper/ A Little Help/ All You Need is Love S4: Baby You're A Rich Man (*)/ Think For Yourself (*)/ It's All Too Much (with extra verse not commercially released)/ All Together Now R: Gm. C: Music & dialogue from YELLOW SUBMARINE as edited for TV. Complete songs except (*).


CINELOGUE 3 CBM S1: Hard Day's Night/1 Should Have Known Better/I Wanna_Be Your Man S2: All My Lovin/ If I FeU/ Can't Buy Me Love S3: And I Love Her/ Just To Dance With You/ Inst. S4: Hard Day's Night (inst.)/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Tell Me Why/ If I Fell/1 Should Have Known Better/ She Loves You/ Hard Day's Night R: Poor mono. C: Entire dialogue & music of A HARD DAY'S NIGHT. CINELOGUE 4 INSTANT ANALYSIS S1: Help/ Bitter End/ You're Gonna Lose That Girl S2: You've Got To Hide Your Love Away/ From Me To You Fantasy/ Ticket To Ride S3: I Need You/ The Night Before S4: Another Girl/ Another Hard Days' Night/ Help R: Vgm. C: Entire dialogue & music of HELP!. CINELOGUE 5 CBM S1: Magical Mystery Tour/ Fool On A Hill S2: Yesterday (inst.)/ La La La/All My Loving (inst.) S3: I Am The Walrus/ Blue Jay Way S4: Medley: Tu Tu Tutsy Goodbye; Happy Wanderer; When Irish Eyes Are Smiling; Never On A Sunday/ Death Cab For Cutie (Bonzo Dog Band)/ Your Mother Should Know/ Magical Mystery Tour. R: Vgm. C: Dialogue and music from MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR. CINELOGUE 6 CBM 4022A-C/3665A S1: Michelle/ Heart Of The Country/ Mary Had A Little Lamb/ My Love/ Uncle Albert/ Bar Noise and Medley: It's Raining Violets; Pack Up Your Troubles; You Are My Sunshine S2: Gotta Sing Gotta Dance/ Live & Let Die/ The Mess/ Maybe I'm Amazed/ Long Tall Sally/ Yesterday S3: Twist & Shout/ Roll Over Beethoven/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Long Tall Sally/ Love Me Do/ Please Please Me/ From Me To You/ She Loves You/1 Want To Hold Your Hand/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Shout S4: Attica State/ Luck Of The Irish/ Oh Sisters R: S1 & 2 Vgm (McCartney 1973 TV special); S3 fair mono (songs 5-10 BBC's 'Around The Beatles' May 6 '64); S4 Gm (John Lennon Ann Arbor, Mich. Dec. '71 FM broadcast). C: S4 has SS. COMPLETE CHRISTMAS COLLECTION Yellow Dog (YD 031) CD 1994 Source: Fan Club Christmas Messages Sound Quality: Excellent Rating: **** Christmas Time Is Here Again (1967 outtake) (5:44) The Beatles Christmas Record (1963 flexi) (5:02) Another Beatles Christmas Record (1964 flexi) (4:03) The Beatles Third Christmas Record (1965 flexi) (6:22) The Beatles Fourth Christmas Record (1966 flexi) (6:39) Christmas Time Is Here Again (1967 flexi) (6:10) The Beatles 1968 Christmas Record (1968 flexi) (7:53) The Beatles Seventh Christmas Record (1969 flexi) (7:42) Christmas Message Outtake (1964 outtake) (4:40) Each year at Christmas time members of The Beatles Fan Club received in the mail a Christmas message from the Fab Four. Each flexi-disc featured songs, holiday greetings and samples of The Beatles humor recorded especially for loyal Beatles fans. In 1970 there was no new flexi disc forthcoming; however,


the Beatles made the extraordinary decision to compile all the messages onto an album and send the record out to their fan club members! Through the years these flexis and the album have appreciated in value to where collectors can demand up to $150 to $200 for an original disc with the original sleeve and mailer. It wasn't long before enterprising bootleggers were pressing pirated copies of the BEATLES CHRISTMAS ALBUM (U.K. title FROM THEN TO YOU) that quickly became bestsellers in the underground. Contraband Music, Zap, Trademark Of Quality and Wizardo Records all jumped on the Beatles' sleigh; however, their quality control was none too good as the sound quality on these discs was definitely sub par. What makes this disc especially exciting (superb sound not withstanding) are the inclusions of two outtakes from the recording sessions for the Christmas discs. The first outtake is actually the complete, unedited version of Christmas Time Is Here Again. This take gives us a better feel of what their recording session was like - off the cuff, jolly and semi-rehearsed. A portion of this would appear on the CD single, Free As A Bird, in 1995. The other outtake is from the 1964 Christmas message. We get to hear The Beatles do a run through of a hilarious version of Hello Dolly (complete with comb and tissue!) and Jingle Bells. Additionally, the Fab Four are having a grand time messing up their individual 'greetings.' None of this 1964 track appeared on the fan club flexi. So have yourself a Merry Gimble and Happy Michaelmaus. THE CHRISTMAS ALBUM APPLE SBC 100 S1: 1963-1966 S2: 1967-1969 R: Exs. S: Fan club Xmas EPs. Apple labels.

C: Deluxe B&w & blue cover. Labels are copies of

THE CHRISTMAS ALBUM - SECOND AMENDMENT ZAP 7857 81:1963-66(21:15) 82:1967-69(18:15) CHRISTMAS MESSAGE I.C.R. 12 S1: Christmas Message (from Christmas Album)/ Long And Winding Road/ When You Walk/ Instant Karma/ On Our Way Back Home/ Don't Let Me Down S2: Teddy Boy/ Across The Universe/ For You Blue/ Let It Be/ You Know My Name (original recording) FROM THEN TO YOU (THE CHRISTMAS ALBUM) BFC-6370 CD Obviously lifted from a vinyl copy of the legit album (there is nasty surface noise evident throughout), this is one of those CDs you should really avoid. DIG IT! NEMS (FAB-1234) LP 1987 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good to excellent/mono & stereo Rating: *** Side One: BBC 1963 That's Alright (2:53) I'll Be On My Way (1:57) AROUND THE BEATLES 1964 Twist & Shout (2:31) Roll Over Beethoven (1:48)


I Wanna Be Your Man (1:44) Can't Buy Me Love (2:04) 1965 NME CONCERT (9:00) She's A Woman Ticket To Ride Long Tall Sally Yes It Is Side Two: Magical Mystery Tour (soundtrack) (2:38) Obladi Oblada (version 2) (2:39) Christmas Is Here Again (fan club record) (1:00) Oh Darling (vocals only) (2:07) Across The Universe (mix #1) (3:25) Lady Madonna (alternate version) (2:03) I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Lennon in Amsterdam 1969) (0:56) Dig It (GET BACK session) (8:22) At the time of its release in '87 this disc caused a lot of excitement among collectors. It was the first time that the '65 NME concert had appeared on record. Also, Ob-La Di Ob-La-Da segues into Christinas Time as it was originally intended on the unreleased SESSIONS album. Additionally, we hear the long version of Dig It from the GET BACK sessions. DIG IT TOASTED CONDOR 1987 CD Soldier Of Love (BBC)/ That's Alright Mama (July '63)/ I'll Be On My Way (Apr. '63)/ Twist & Shout (Around The Beatles)/ Roll Over Beethoven/ I Wanna Be Your Man; Can't Buy Me Love (orig. studio versions)/ Yes It Is (take 2)/ Magical Mystery Tour (diff. vocal, spoken interlude by John)/ Obladi Oblada (alt. take)/ Christmas Time Is Here Again ('67 flexi)/ Oh Darling (outtake of Paul's vocal)/ Across The Universe (acetate)/ Lady Madonna (unfinished vers.)/ Dig It (longest vers.)/ Strawberry Fields (inst.)/ Her Majesty (extended vers.)/ Child Of Nature (Lennon WHITE ALBUM demo)/ 12 Bar Original (RUBBER SOUL outtake)/ Strawberry Fields (take 26)/ The Walk (jam)/I Feel Fine (take 6 inst.)/ Everyone Had A Hard Year (Lennon home demo)/ Day Tripper (inst.)/ Strawberry Fields (take 3)/ Misery (PLEASE PLEASE ME session - takes 2-6) R: Vg-Ex. S: Original masters & reference discs. C: Dec. DR. ROBERT WRMB378 S1: I'm Only Sleeping (UK vers.) (*)/ What A Shame Mary Jane Had A Pain At The Party ('69 outtake)/ The Inner Light (original version)/And Your Bird Can Sing (UK vers.) (*)/ Peace Of Mind / You Know My Name (orig. vers.) (*) S2: Dr. Robert (UK vers.)(*)/ Blue Jay Way (mono mix - no backing vocals)/ L S Bumble Bee (original 45 by Cook & Moore not Beatles)/ Penny Lane (promo vers. with trumpet ending)/ I'm Down (orig. vers.)/ Have You Heard The Word (complete) R: Exm. (*) Exs. C: First pressing on CV. DOCUMENTS VOL 1 OH BOY 1-9129 CD One After 909 (studio rehearsal '63)/ How Do You Do It ('62)/1 Saw Her Standing There (studio rehearsal '63)/ Cat's Walk (studio rehearsal with dialogue over intro '63)/ Bad To Me/ Soldiers Of Love (BBC '63)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (studio rehearsals '63)/ Misery ('63)/ Misery ('63)/ Do You Wanna Know A Secret (from PLEASE PLEASE ME session '63)/ A Taste Of Honey (Feb. 11 '63)/ There's A Place (early complete take Feb. 11 '63)/ There's A Place (Feb. 11 '63)/ From Me To You (early vers. Mar. '63)/ Twist & Shout*/ Shout*/ Medley Of Hits*/ Roll Over Beethoven (July 15 '63)/ Hold Me


Tight (July 15 '63)/ I'll Be On My Way ('63)/ That's Alright Mama (BBC '63)/ Carol (BBC '63)/ Can't Buy Me Love ('64)/ Can't Buy Me Love ('64) R: Vg-Exs/m. S: *'Around The Beatles' TV special Apr. '63. The DOCUMENT series were produced by a 'repackaging' company trying to cash in on the Beatles outtakes and rarities. None of their discs featured new outtakes not already found elsewhere. C: BCD. Dec. Time 65:28. DOCUMENTS VOL 2 OH BOY 1-9130 CD A Hard Days Night (early vers. Apr. '64)/ I Feel Fine (Nov. '64)/ She's A Woman (long vers., false start Nov. '64)/"Leave My Kitten Alone (BEATLES FOR SALE outtake '64)/ Ticket To Ride (complete vers., no fade Feb. '65)/ Yes It Is (Feb. '65)/ Yes It Is (Feb. '65)/ Help (takes 1-5 Nov. '64)/ That Means A Lot (HELP! session Feb. '65)/ Day Tripper (takes 2 & 3 Nov. '65)/ We Can Work It Out (takes 1 & 3 Nov. '65)/ Norwegian Wood ('65)/ Norwegian Wood (false start '65)/ I'm Looking Through You (slow vers. '65) R: Vg-Exs/m. C: BCD. Dec. Time 58:48. DOCUMENTS VOL 3 OH BOY 1-9131 CD If You've Got Trouble (Oct. '65)/ Paperback Writer (short inst. Apr. '65)/ Paperback Writer (with countin, no echo Apr. '66) Rain (Apr. '66)/ Tomorrow Never Knows ('66)/ Strawberry Fields (7 diff. vers.)/ Penny Lane (mono vers. '67)/ A Day In The Life (several takes Jan. '67)/ A Day In The Life countdown intro Jan. '67) Peace Of Mind 7 All You Need Is Love (basic tracks May '67)/ All You Need Is Love ('Our World' TV special June 25 '67) R: Vg-Exs/m. C: BCD. Dec. Time 57:23. DOCUMENTS VOL. 4 DOCUMENT RECORDS DR 030 CD Hello Goodbye (inst. '67)/ I'm The Walrus (long vers. - Vgrn)/ Magical Mystery Tour (diff. vocal track Apr. '67)/ Your Mother Should (Aug. '67)/ Fool On The Hill (without flute & chorus '67)/ Barber Of Seville (from MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR film '67)/ The Bus (unreleased from MMT film '67)/ Christmas Time ('67)/ Lady Madonna (unfinished vers. Feb. '68)/ The Inner Light ('67)/ Across The Universe (planned B-side of 'Lady Madonna' '68)/ Across The Universe (diff. vers. '68)/ Hey Jude ('68)/1 Hate To See ('68)/ Tea Room Music (jam from 'David Frost Show')/ Spiritual Regeneration (India '68)/ Revolution (no organ '68)/ Dear Prudence (alt. mix Aug. '68) R: Vg-Exs/m. C: BCD. Dec. Time 57:10. DOCUMENTS VOL 4 OH BOY 1-9132 CD C: BCD. Dec. See previous listing. DOCUMENTS VOL. 5 DOCUMENT RECORDS DR 031 CD Dear Prudence (outtake '68)/ Ob La Di Ob La Da (July '68)/ The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill (demo '68)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps ('68)/ I'm So Tired (demo '68)/ Julia (demo '68)/ Yer Blues (John & Jagger vocals only for'Rock & Roll Circus' '68)/ Yer Blues ('R&R Circus' '68)/ Birthday (Sept. '68)/ Sexy Sadie (John & George '68)/ Cry Baby Cry (John & George '68)/ Not Guilty (diff. vers. '68)/ Not Guilty (T68)/ What's The News Mary Jane (2 vers. '68)/ Child Of Nature ('Jealous Guy' prototype '68)/ A Case Of Blues (Lennon demo '68) R: Vg-Exs/m. C: BCD. Dec. 59:38. DOCUMENTS VOL 5 OH BOY 1-9133 CD C: BCD. Dec. See previous listing.


DOCUMENTS VOL 6 OH BOY 1-9134 CD Every One Had A Hard Year ('I've Got A Feeling' prototype late '68)/ Goodbye (Paul's demo '68)/ All Too Much (alt. vers. '68)/ Something (long vers. '69)/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer (alt. take '69)/ Oh Darling (vocals only '69)/ Oh Darling (alt. take '69)/ Octopus's Garden (alt. take July '69)1 Because (vocals only '69)/ You Never Give Me Your Money (jam at end '69)/ Come & Get It (demo for Badfmger '69) R:Vg-Exs/m. C: BCD. Dec. Time 34:30. A DOLL'S HOUSE MAIDENHEAD RECORDS (MHR JET 909-1) 2LP 1985 Source: Various Sound Quality: Good to excellent/ mono & stereo Rating: *** Side One: A message from John & Yoko (0:29) Give Peace A Chance (0:36) Instant Karma! (Top Of The Pops Feb. 12 '70) (1:58) All Together On The Wireless Machine (Paul with Kenny Everett fall '67) (0:55) Step Inside Love (demo'68) (2:13) Dark Horse (acoustic demo'74) (4:17) A message from Yoko (part 1)( Oct. 69) (4:01) A message from Yoko (part 2)( Oct. 69) (4:30) Side Two: Sound Stage Of Mind (Harrison Seattle Nov. '74) (4:04) Old Siam Sir (basic take July '78) (4:14) Junior's Farm (Wings Adelaide Nov. 4 '75) (4:14) 1882 (Wings Euro tour summer '72) (5:54) Rock & Roller (Bill Lawrie single '73) (3:08) One Hand Clapping (Wings fall '75 session) (1:18) Holding On To A Dream (Wings?) (0:30) Side Three: I Saw Her Standing There, I Want To Hold Your Hand, All My Loving, She Loves You, Till There Was You, Roll Over Beethoven, Can't Buy Me Love, This Boy, Twist & Shout, Long Tall Sally (Beatles live in Adelaide, June 12, 1964) (24:00) Side Four: Now Hear This Song Of Mine (McCartney from BRUNG TO EWE BY spring '71) (9:32) Goodbye (McCartney early mix) (2:10) Come & Get It (Badfinger basic take) (2:08) Junior's Farm (Wings live in Adelaide, November 5, 1975) (5:15) Little Woman Love, C Moon (same as previous track) (4:32) Another one of those interesting bootlegs from the mid-Eighties. This is now a rare and hard to find set which features several unique promo tracks. A DOLL'S HOUSE was the working title at one time for the WHITE ALBUM. Color cover and mostly very good sound quality. ELVIS MEETS THE BEATLES BSR ES-LP-50 S1: (Elvis) My Way/ One Sided Love Affair/ I'm Counting On You/ Blue Christmas/ Can't Help Falling In Love/ America S2: (Beatles) Long & Winding Road/ My Bonnie (re-mix)/ Money/ Sweet Georgia Brown/ You're Gonna Lose That Girl/ Girl C: SS. Common material. My Way is guaranteed to make your toes curl.


ELVIS VS THE BEATLES SUPERSTAR RECORDS INC No. 10 S1: Love Of The Loved (1:47) (Beatles studio)/ Blue Moon Of Kentucky (1:05) (Elvis studio)/A Taste Of Honey (2:11) (Beatles Hamburg '62)/That's All Right (2:35) (Elvis Louisiana Hayride '54)/ She Loves You (4:07) (Beatles Ed Sullivan, very good)/ Love Me Tender (4:17) (Elvis Ed Sullivan)/ My Bonnie (2:40) (Beatles with Tony Sheridan legit)/ That's All Right (1:53) (Elvis legit) S2: Long Tall Sally (1:49) (Elvis)/ Long Tall Sally (1:57) (Beatles)/ Welcome To My World (2:05) (Elvis Hawaii broadcast)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:30) (Beatles Shea Stadium)/ I Forgot To Remember To Forget (2:28)/ I Forgot To Remember To Forget (1:04) (Beatles)/ Something (3:50) (Elvis live)/ Something (2:58) (Beatles) R: Exm. Some Elvis rarities to go along with The Beatles. Groovy! C: Deluxe green & yellow cover. EMI OUTAKES PHONYGRAF 1115 S1: What A Shame Mary Jane Had A Pain At The Party (*)/ Penny Lane (promo version with trumpet ending) (*)/ Blue Jay Way (mono mix with no backing vocals) (*)/ All My Loving (good stereo, uncut original version & only stereo recording of this song)/ Sie Liebt Dich (original recording) S2: Twist & Shout/ Roll Over Beethoven/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Long Tall Sally/ Medley: Love Me Do; Please Please Me; From Me To You; She Loves You; I Wanna Hold Your Hand; Can't Buy Me Love R: *Exs, rest Gm. S: S2 'Around The Beatles'. C: Interviews before songs S1 & start of S2. ENGLISH SUMMER THE GOLD STANDARD CD Back In The U.S.S.R./ Rocky Raccoon/ Wild Honey Pie/ Mother Nature's Sun/ Sexy Sadie/ Don't Pass Me By/ Yer Blues/ Good Night/ Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey/ ObLa-Di, Ob-La-Da/ Blackbird/ Not Guilty/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Oh Darling/ Octopus' Garden/ Something (take 37)/ Because/ Part One: The Huge Melody - You Never Give Me Your Money, Sun King, Mean Mr. Mustard, Her Majesty, Polythene Pam, She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Part Two: The Huge Melody - Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, The End R: Exs. Soundboard. Some distortion on tracks 13-19. S: Tracks 1-12 Peter Sellers tape Abbey Road Studios, London, JuneOct. '68. Tracks 13-19 outtakes Abbey Road Studios, London Apr. -Aug. '69. C: BCD. Dec. Time 75:36. See PETER SELLERS TAPE review. EXTENDED SESSIONS ROCK SOLID RECORDS RSR 7007 - 8 S1: Oh Darling/ Golden Slumbers/ Carry That Weight/ Her Majesty/ You Never Give Me Your Money/ Octopus' Garden/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer S2: Across The Universe/ Lady Madonna/ Ob La Di, Ob La Da/ Let It Be/ Something/ Christmas Time S3: Come & Get It/ Your Mother Should Know/ Goodbye/ I'm So Tired/ Birthday/ Dig It/1 Me Mine S4: We Can Work It Out/ Not Guilty/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Across The Universe/ Penny Lane/ A Day In The Life/ What's The New Mary Jane R: Exs. S: Common outtakes. C: Dec. 1000 numbered copies on black vinyl. Some numbered on CV. FILE UNDER: BEATLES GNAT RECORDS (GN70075-1) LP 1984 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good stereo Rating: ** Side One: Come & Get It (1:40)


Shake Rattle & Roll (2:05) Leave My Kitten Alone (2:45) I'm So Tired (2:16) Not Fade Away (2:53) I Me Mine (1:42) (Exs) Third Man Theme (1:50) Bad To Me (1:25) Christmas time (6:33) Side Two: Goodbye (2:06) Blue Suede Shoes (2:02) If You've Got Troubles (1:43) Negro In Reserve (:50) That Means A Lot (2:01) Get Back (3:00) One After 909 (2:47) I Dig A Pony (3:49) Dialog (3:32) A mixed collection of demos, studio outtakes, and GET BACK sessions material. Common material with little to recommend it. Packaged in a file folder with a rubber stamped title. Comes with color photo and a strip of 16 mm film from A HARD DAY'S NIGHT. Re released by Gnat with a paper insert cover and by Box Top on CV. FILE UNDER: BEATLES GN 70077 / GN 70075 S1: Not Guilty (3:23)/ Besame Mucho (2:37)/ Catswalk (1:06)/ Here We Go Again (1:21)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (3:29)/ Suicide (1:30)/ Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues (1:55)/ Spiritual Regeneration (2:16)/ Inner Light (2:35)/ Shout! (2:02) S2: I'm Looking Through You (2:58)/ Strawberry Fields Forever - tk. 1 Key of C ADAGIO (2:56); tk. 7 Key of B-flat ADAGIO (3:24); Orchestral tk. Key of C ADANTE (3:27)/ tk. 26 Key of C ADANTE (3:23)/ A Day In The Life (5:12)/ I Want You (She's So Heavy) (1:04) S3: Come & Get It (2:26)/ Leave My Kitten Alone (2:54)/ Your Mother Should Know (2:20)/1 Me Mine (1:43)/ One After 909 #1 ( 3:01)/ How Do You Do It? (1:55)/ I've Got A Feeling (4:08)/ Obla Di Obla Da (2:59)/ Christmas time (1:08) S4: Goodbye (2:21)/ If You've Got Troubles (2:21)/ Birthday (2:42)/ That Means A Lot (2:25)/ I Dig A Pony (3:49)/ Bad To Me (1:25)/ One After 909 #2 (2:53)/ What's The News Mary Jane? (5:59) R: Exs. S: Outtakes. C: Deluxe die-cut yellow jacket (looks like a file-folder) with color picture and simulated 'rubber-stamp' red title on front. Back has studio track-sheet listing songs and times. An upgraded version expanded to 2LPs and released in 1986. Sides one and two copied from FILE UNDER: BEATLES, VOLUME TWO (Gnat Records, GN-70077). Probably issued by Boxtop Records. FROM PENNY LANE TO ABBEY ROAD LUNA RECORDS LU 9310 CD Let It Be/ Long Winding Road/ Something/ For You Blue/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Get Back/ Get Back (German)/ Obladi-Oblada/ Across The Universe/ Hey Jude/ Lady Madonna/ All You Need Is Love/ Penny Lane/ Hello Goodbye/ Old Brown Shoe/ Back In The USSR/ Fool On The Hill/ Magical Mystery Tour/ Strawberry Fields/ I'm The Walrus/ Come And Get It/ Because/ Christmas Time/ The Walk R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Outtakes from various sources. C: BCD. Dbw. Red type. Time 77:05.


THE GARAGE TAPES KREMO MUSIC PRODUCTIONS (SELCD18) CD 1992 Source: Reel to Reel Tapes Sound Quality: Poor to fair mono Rating: ** If I Fell (3:57) Don't Bother Me (5:48) McCartney Instrumentals (17:00) Please Mr. Postman (1 & 2) (5:13) It Won't Be Long (1 & 2) (4:54) Love Me Do (1:26) Tammy Tell Me True (2:09) The Bible Bit (2:30) Raga(l:48) S: Track 1 John Lennon demos '63. Track 2 George Harrison demo '63. Track 3 various instrumental demos. Tracks 4, 5 & 6 different & acoustic versions. Track 7 John & Paul singing. Track 8 Gerry Marsden, John & George reading from The Bible. Track 9 from unreleased Apple film '68. C: BCD. Dec. From tape owned by Alf Bicknell (ex-chauffeur to The Beatles). Tape later sold at Sotheby's. Historically, this is an interesting piece. However, you will find it difficult to sit through even one listening session. The best thing on here is John's If I Fell. It is also the only place you will find outtakes of It Won't Be Long. Please Mr. Postman (1) may be real but #2 is probably the released version (albeit in horrid quality). Yellow Dog/Orange released this material - with some minor variations - in 1995 as MAYBE YOU CAN DRIVE MY CAR (YD-Orange 019) on compact disc. They added Hello Little Girl by The Fourmost (studio session?) but the sound quality is horrid. It would be best if this track had never seen the light of day. GOLDEN SLUMBERS MAX HAMMER 7001- 7012 S1- 6: See 'At The BEEB' vols. 1,2 & 3 (BB 2172/S, BB 2173/S, BB 2174/S) S7: Besame Mucho/ How Do You Do It/ Twist & Shout; Roll Over Beethoven; I Wanna Be Your Man; Can't Buy Me Love (Rediffusion TV, Around The Beatles)/ She's A Women; Ticket To Ride; Long Tall Sally (NME Awards '65)/ Yes It Is (true stereo version) S8: One After 909; Leave My Kitten Alone; If You've Got Troubles; I'm Looking Through You; Not Fade Away; That Means A Lot; Cat's Walk; I Forgot To Remember To Forget (outtakes) S9: From Me To You; This Boy; I Want To Hold Your Hand; She Loves You; Twist & Shout (live Paris Olympia Jan. 14 '64)/ You Can't Do That; All My Loving; She Loves You; Can't Buy Me Love; Long Tall Sally (live Melbourne Festival Hall June 16 '64) S10 & 11: See S2 & 4 of LES BEATLES A PARIS (Neon 2C006-1956) SI2: See FIVE NIGHTS IN A JUDO ARENA (De Weintraub Records 426) minus / Wanna Be Your Man S13, 14, 15 & 16: See EXTENDED SESSIONS (RSR) S17 & 18: See S1 & 2 of SOUNDCHECK (RSR 256) S19 & 20: See THE REAL CASE HAS JUST BEGUN (Core Ltd. RAS 8611-1) S21, 22, 23 & 24: See IN A PLAY ANYWAY (Calico Prod. TWK 2262) + Two Of Us (work-up) on S23 R: Exs except where listed. C: Box set - two black boxes in a deluxe color slip-cover. Detailed song listings on back.


HAVE YOU HEARD THE WORD CBM 3624 S1: Have You Heard The Word ('70 45 by the Futz was rumored to be Beatles at one time)/ You Really Got A Hold On Me; Long And Winding Road; Maxwell's Silver Hammer; Boogie Piano (Cha Cha); Besame Mucho; Octopus Garden; I Me Mine; Don't Let Me Down (LET IT BE soundtrack) S2: I Forgot To Remember ('62 studio)/ Twist & Shout (Indra Club, Hamburg '62)/ Roll Over Beethoven (Kaiserkeller Club, Hamburg, '62)/ Long Tall Sally (Top Ten Club, London '63)/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy (studio '62)/ Lucille (studio '62) R: Gm. A variety of common outtakes. C: Dec. Also on Kustom Rec. #002. SS. HEADLINES ROCK SOLID RECORDS RSR 1001 S1: The Walk/ Teddy Boy/ Two Of Us/ I've Got A Feeling/ The Long & Winding Road/ Dig A Pony S2: Across The Universe/ Inner Light/ Let It Be/ Don't Let Me Down/ Get Back #!/ I'm Down/ Instant Karma S3: Honey Pie/ Get Back #27 Tennessee/ House Of The Rising Sun/ Back To Commonwealth/ White Power/ Hi Ho Silver S4: A Day In The Life #17 Strawberry Fields Forever #s: 1,2,3 & 47 A Day In The Life #2 R: Exs. S: Outtakes. C: Dec. 1000 numbered copies on black vinyl. Some numbered onCV. INDIAN ROPE TRICK FAN RECORDS (BEAT-1) LP 1978 Source: Various Sound Quality: Varied Rating: ** Side One: Mein Bonnie* (original with both slow German and English intros edited together) I Love You Too (not McCartney as cover claims) It's Only Love (not The Beatles) Indian Rope Trick (ode to the Maharishi '67) (aka: Thank You Guru Dai) Happy Birthday Mike Love (India '68) Frenzy And Distortion (Ravi Shankar original Apple recording on RAGA- not Beatles)* Hey Bulldog (original backing track featuring John '68)* probably fake Savoy Truffle (original backing track '68, Vgs) probably fake Fool On The Hill ('67 original demo version featuring Paul)* Side Two: I Am The Walrus (demo and original edited together) Watching Rainbows/ Mean Mr. Mustard ('69 jam, Gm) All Things Must Pass (original Beatles version '69) Cheese & Onions (Rutles) Oriental Nightfish (Paul & Linda outtake '73) Pirate Song (George about his lawsuit, 'Rutland Weekend TV Dec. 26 '75)* I may be the only person in the world of Beatlegdom who likes this bootleg. Sure, the album listed a lot of misinformation. Sure, the packaging was rather bland. Sure, the quality on some of the tracks is atrocious. But for entertainment value and this disc always brings a smile to my face. An early bootleg which promised gold but delivered copper. R: Exm (*) Exs. C: Cover info wrong.


IN THE LAP OF THE GODS AND THE HANDS OF THE BEATLES WRMB 325 S1: Have You Heard The Word (satisfactory, '70 45 by the Futz)/ Putting Around (very good, B side of 'Have You Heard The Word')/ Don't Let Me Down; Those Were The Days (satisfactory, press conference ad lib '68)/ Cottonfield (Vg, ad lib)/ Twist & Shout (good, live)/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy (satisfactory)/ You Really Got A Hold On Me (good, Sweden '63)/ Roll Over Beethoven (good, 'From Us To You' BBC '63) S2: All My Loving (good)/ I Wanna Be Your Man (good)/ Long Tall Sally (satisfactory)*/ Interview*/ A Hard Day's Night (very good)*/ Things We Said Today (good)*/ From Us To You (poor)/ It's Now Or Never (poor); Hey Jude (G) (David Frost Show '68) R: Mono. S: S2 'From Us To You' BBC '63 (*) Top Of The Pops '64 IT WAS 20 YEARS AGO TODAY TMOQ S1: A Day In The Life #1 (Vgs. - 4:25. Diff. orchestration & vocals for Paul. Jan. '67.)/ Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues (Vgs. - only 1:46 long not 5:00 as jacket says. 'Get Back' sessions)/ Soldier Of Love (Exm. - 2:00. BBC '63)/ Get Back (Vgs. - 1:59. Fast version. John shares vocals)/ Hard Days Night (Exm. - 2:27. BBC '64)/ Honey Pie (Gs. - 2:04. EMI Oct. '68)/ That Means A Lot (Vgm. - 2:29. EMI '65)/ Day In The Life #2 (Exs. - 5:05. countdown with clean intro. EMI Feb '67) S2: Yes It Is (Exm. - EMI Feb. '65)/ This Boy (Exm. - EMI Oct. '63)/ medley (Exm: -1:45. Disco mix from 12" Canadian promo called 'Bits & Pieces III...'.)/ Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da (Vgm. - 2:08. EMI July '68)/ I'll Be On My Way (Exm. - 1:58. BBC June '63)/ Side By Side (Exm. - :22. BBC '63 with Karl Denver Trio)/ Some Other Guy (Exm. -2:00. Live BBC June '63)/ Suicide (Exm. - 1:29. EMI '75 'One Hand Clapping' sessions)/ That'll Be The Day (Fair mono - 1:09. Quarry Men '58)/ Please Mr. Postman (Exm. - 2:00. BBC July '63)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (Exm. - 2:06. BBC Aug. '63)/ This Boy (Exm. - 2:08. BBC Mar.'64) C: Cover info wrong. Says stereo when it's not. Mislabels tracks. Generally, just not a very good effort. IT'S ALL IN THE MIND Y'KNOW RED ROBIN BEAT CD 017 A Hard Day's Night (theatrical ad in stereo)/ A Hard Day's Night (long outtro)/1 Should Have Known Better (stereo/harmonica intro now fixed/Lennon's breath between lines in verse more prominent)/ You Can't Do That (slower and blusier) Help (theatrical ad in stereo)/ You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (more spacious mix and guitars mixed out front and cleaner)/ Ticket To Ride (new drums and guitar placement/taken from movie)/ Magical Mystery Tour (different vocals, two drum tracks, basically a different take for some of the early overdubs)/ Fool on the Hill (early mix, plus bass harmonica more prominent; also little or no bass guitar)/ Flying (early mix, snare drum is single tracked, music oddly balanced)/ I Am the Walrus (early mix, closer to finished version, not like any other mix)/ Five Little Dickie Birds (ditty sung and spoken by Lennon)/ There's No Business Like Show Business (sung by Lennon)/ Blue Jay Way (very different mix and noises, especially bass and drums)/ Death Cab For Cutie (sung by Bonzo Dog Band, different version from GORILLA album)/ Your Mother Should Know (medley with 'MMT' and 'Hello Goodbye')/ Yellow Submarine (theatrical trailer)/ Hey Bulldog (unreleased deleted segment from Yellow Submarine)/ Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds (upgraded version)/ It's All Too Much (upgraded version)/ All You Need Is Love (upgraded version with clipped ending)/ All Together Now (from production master tape)/ Let It Be (theatrical ad in stereo, cool but dated ad for film)/ One After 909 (original mono mix from rare East European pressing from 1971) Another collection from BEAT (though I suspect not the original manufacturers of the series) which serves up a wide variety of alternate mixes, outtakes, and ads from numerous sources and different countries. Worthy if this is your cup of tea & crumpets. See also SEA OF GREEN.


IT'S ALL TOO MUCH B-6 S1: Hospital announcement of John's death (0:24)/1 Sat Belonely (0:43)/ Love Of The Loved (1:44)/ Some Other Guy (1:51)/ How Do You Do It (1:54)/ I'll Be On My Way (2:00)/ One After 909 (2:43)/ Bad To Me (1:23)/ Leave My Kitten Alone (2:41)/ That Means A Lot (2:01)/ If You've Got Trouble (1:43)/ It's All Too Much (2:33)/ 'The Fat Budgie' (0:17)/ Paul talks to John about films, audience and nerves (1:46) S2: Revolution (3:24)/ What's The New Mary Jane (6:33)/ Rocker, Save The Last Dance For Me, Don't Let Me Down (1:46)/ Don't Let Me Down (3:02)/ Something (5:22)/ Goodbye (2:01)/ Her Majesty (0:22)/ 'The National Health Cow' (0:38)/ Ringo says, 'What's happening, baby?' (0:05)/ Paul doesn't annoy George (1:42) R: Vg-Exm. C: Dec. DL. S: Various outtakes, live cuts, TV & radio shows, etc. L.S. BUMBLE BEE CBM3626 S1: L.S. Bumble Bee (original 45 by Peter Cook and Dudley Moore '67)/ Don't Let Me Down; Maxwell's Silver Hammer; Two Of Us (fast version); I've Got A Feeling; Oh Darling; Too Bad About Sorrows; One After 909; Across The Universe; I Dig A Pony (LET IT BE soundtrack) S2: Save The Last Dance For Me; Don't Let Me Down (LET IT BE rehearsals)/ Suzie Parker (LET IT BE soundtrack)/ Yesterday (Ed Sullivan Show Sept. 12 '65, taped Aug. 14 '65)/ Love Of The Loved (Decca audition, Jan. 1 '62 satisfactory mono)/ Hey Jude Rehearsal ('Experiment in TV V68)/All You Need Is Love (worldwide telecast of 'Our World' June 25 '67) R: Exm S: A perfect example of bootleggers trying to pawn off a non-Beatle song as the real thing. Shame. Shame. THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD BOYS 001/7 7CD CD1: I Want To Hold Your Hand (2:56)/I Saw Her Standing There (2:58)/ Anna (3:02)/ Don't Bother Me (2:18)/ It Won't Be Long (2:32)/ Please Please Me (2:07)/ Ask Me Why (2:19)/A Taste Of Honey (2:04)/ There's A Place (2:12)/ Love Me Do (2:21)/ P.S. I Love You (2:07)/ Please Mr. Postman (2:42)/ 'Till There Was You (2:17)/ Boys (2:38)/ Twist And Shout (2:41)/ Baby It's You (2:52)/ Chains (2:11)/ From Me To You (1:53)/ She Loves You (2:32)/ Hold Me Tight (2:44)/ Not A Second Time (2:22)/ Devil In Her Heart (2:32)/ Money (That's What I Want) (2:38)/ Can't Buy Me Love (2:09)/ You Can't Do That (2:42)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (2:05)/ Thank You Girl (2:25)/ Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand (2:40)/ My Bonnie (2:22)/ Ain't She Sweet (2:09)/ Hello, Little Girl (1:57)/ Three Cool Cats (2:26) CD2: All My Loving (2:05)/ Little Child (1:55)/ Misery (2:06)/ Any Time At All (2:48)/ A Hard Day's Night (3:23)/ Roll Over Beethoven (2:43)/ When I Get Home (2:31)/ And I Love Her (2:34)/ The Night Before (2:28)/ I Should Have Known Better (2:42)/ This Boy (1:58)/ I'll Get You (2:16)/ Sie Liebt Dich (1:51)/ I'm Happy Just To Dance With You (4:02)/ I'll Cry Instead (2:01)/ If I Feel (2:26)/ Matchbox (1:59)/ Tell Me Why (2:39)/ I Call Your Name (2:25)/ Kansas City - Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey (2:13)/ Mr. Moonlight (2:13)/ Rock & Roll Music (2:48)/ Eight Days A Week (3:10)/ I Don't Want To Spoil The Party (2:47)/ Every Little Thing (2:09)/ Honey Don't (2:59)/ I'm A Loser (2:34)/1 Feel Fine (2:07)/ She's A Woman (3:07)/ Baby's In Black (1:59)/ I'll Follow The Sun (1:52)/ I'm Looking Through You (2:12) CD3: What You're Doing (2:37)/ Wait (2:11)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:46)/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy (2:30)/ Help! (2:15)/ Another Girl (2:13)/ Tell Me What You See (2:43)/ I'm Down (2:22)/ Ticket To Ride (2:56)/1 Need You (2:35)/ Yes It Is (2:53)/ The Word (2:34)/ Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (1:53)/ Drive My Car (2:22)/ No Reply (2:21)/ Think For Yourself (2:25)/ You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (2:13)/ Got To Get You Into My Life (2:18)/ Dr. Robert (2:04)/ And Your Bird Can Sing (2:03)/ You Like Me Too Much (2:38)/ Yesterday (2:07)/ Act Naturally (2:28)/ Girl (2:24)/ You're Gonna Lose That Girl (2:15)/ All My Loving (3:00)/ She Loves You (2:19)/ I Saw Her Standing There


(2:38)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand (2:38)/ Please Please Me (1:57)/ Twist And Shout (2:13)/ Long Tall Sally (2:06)/ Things We Said Today (2:15) CD4: Can't Buy Me Love (2:39)/ Boys (2:02)/ A Hard Day's Night (5:52)/ And I Love Her (2:42)/ I Should Have Known Better (2:38)/ If I Feel (2:08)/ You Can't Do That (2:27)/ Run For Your Life (2:22)/ You Won't See Me (3:33)/ Michelle (2:29)/ Taxman (2:56)/ Paperback Writer (3:22)/ Rain (3:11)/ I'm Only Sleeping (3:21)/ If I Needed Someone (2:33)/ Good Day Sunshine (2:06)/ I've Just Seen A Face (1:50)/ She Said She Said (2:23)/ Things We Said Today (3:06)/ We Can Work It Out (3:06)/ Day Tripper (2:43)/1 Want To Tell You (2:06)/ Tomorrow Never Knows (3:11)/ Eleanor Rigby (2:04)/ In My Life (2:30)/ Here There And Everywhere (2:20)/ Nowhere Man (2:39)/ Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (2:18)/ With A Little Help From My Friends (2:50) CD5: Getting Better (2:53)/ Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (3:46)/ Fixing A Hole (2:41)/ She's Leaving Home (3:50)/ Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite (3:00)/ When I'm Sixty-Four (3:16)/ Lovely Rita (2:54)/ Good Morning, Good Morning (2:47)/ Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (1:50)/ A Day In The Life (5:08)/ Magical Mystery Tour (2:44)/ The Fool On The Hill (3:01)/ Your Mother Should Know (2:24)/ I Am The Walrus (4:30)/ Hello Goodbye (3:34)/ All You Need Is Love (3:29)/ Baby You're A Rich Man (2:43)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (4:03)/ Penny Lane (3:17)/ The Inner Light (2:17)/ Lady Madonna (2:34)/ Back In The U.S.S.R. (2:54)/ Dear Prudence (3:49)/ The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill (3:02) CD6: Ob-La-Di Ob-La Da (3:24)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (4:26)/ Martha My Dear (2:23)/ Rocky Raccoon (3:30)/ I'm So Tired (2:03)/ Birthday (2:40)/1 Will (1:57)/ Sexy Sadie (2:54)/ Blackbird (2:27)/ Revolution (3:40)/ Julia (2:51)/ Cry Baby Cry (2:54)/ Long, Long, Long (3:06)/ Hey Jude (7:17)/ Yellow Submarine (3:46)/ All Together Now (2:06)/ Come Together (4:06)/ Something (3:09)/ Oh Darling (3:22)/ Octopus's Garden (3:16)/ Here Comes The Sun (3:33)/ Medley Till' The End (9:49) CD7: Give Piece A Chance (4:44)/ My Sweet Lord (4:13)/ It Don't Come Easy (3:02)/ Maybe I'm Amazed (3:36)/ Instant Karma (We All Shine On) (3:14)/ What Is Life (3:55)/ Photograph (3:46)/ Another Day (4:02)/ Power To The People (2:45)/ Hi, Hi, Hi (2:49)/ You're Sixteen (2:26)/ Let It Be (3:39)/ Across The Universe (3:30)/ For You Blue (2:25)/ Ballad Of John & Yoko (3:13)/ Imagine (2:57)/ Live And Let Die (3:05)/ Don't Let Me Down (3:37)/ Get Back (3:05)/ Whatever Gets You Through The Night (3:07)/ Band On The Run (4:45)/ The Long And Winding Road (3:35) S: The only source information is: 'Unreleased Tracks, Alternate Mixes, And A Number Of Incredible Rare Recordings Never Published Before, In Various Location '64/'70'. That pins it down. While it may indeed contain all of this, some material appears to be from official releases and takes this set from being a boot to being a pirate. One interesting thing about this set is that a lot of the songs have an intro clip from interviews with The Beatles, Pete Best, Brian Epstein, George Martin and others. C: BCD. Box set. Photo book. Pic CDs. MAGICAL MYSTERY DEMOS CHAPTER ONE CO 25197 Magical Mystery Tour (film version)/ The Fool On The Hill (take 1 - demo version)/ Magical Mellotron Music (incidental music)/ Aerial Tour Instrumental (alternate version of 'Flying')/ Where's The Bus (dialogue)/ I Am The Walrus (take 7 - Instrumental -breakdown)/I Am The Walrus (take 9 Instrumental)/1 Am The Walrus (final 'basic' version without overdubs)/ Jessie's Dream (incidental music)/ Blue Jay Way (rough mix)/ They're Having A Lovely Time (dialogue)/ Your Mother Should Know (take I)/ Hello Goodbye (take 1 - Instrumental)/ It's All Too Much (film version)/ Christmas time Is Here Again (dialogue) R: Vg-Ex. S: Studio outtakes and film versions from '67. C: BCD. Dec. Time 43:27.


MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR (Plus Beatles Rarities & True Collector's Items) WRMB310 S1: Magical Mystery Tour/ Fool On The Hill/ Shirley's Wild Accordion/ She Loves You (inst.)/ Race Music/ Flying/ All My Lovin (inst.) S2: I Am The Walrus/ Jessie's Dream/ Blue Jay Way/ Sing Along Medley/ Death Cab For Cutie (Bonzo Dog Band)/ Your Mother Should Know/ Magical Mystery Tour S3: Mean Mr. Mustard (quick mix, Gm)/ All Together On The Wireless Machine ('69 outtake)/ Step Inside Love (demo)/ Bye Bye Bye ('69 outtake)/ Peace Of Mind ('67 out-take)/ Medley: Move Over Miss Clawdy ('69)/ What's The New Mary Jane ('69 outtake, Gm) S4: The Way I Feel About You/ If You Can't Get Her/ Boys/ Kansas City (Pete Best)/ People Say/ I'm Walking (original 45 not Beatles)/ I'll Be On My Way (BBC '62)/ Soldier Of Love (BBC '63)/ Interviews R: S1, 2 & 4 Gm, S3 poor mono. C: S1 & 2 entire dialogue & music of MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR. MAILMAN BLUES APPLE GHOST (JET-3) S1: Not Guilty (Harrison '68)/ Mailman Blues (Sessions - just 30 seconds)/ Hi Hi Hi/ CMoon Ad/ Honey Don't, Blue Suede Shoes (Ringo - 1983 Australian TV)/ Singin' The Blues (Ringo - 1982 UK TV)/ I Forgot To Remember To Forget (BBC)/ Rock 'N1 Roll People (Johnny Winter version)/ King Of Fuh (Brute Force - Apple single) S2: Starting Over (Lennon 12" promo)/ Stand By Me, Slippin' And Slidin', Day Tripper (Julian Lennon live in Sidney Australia May 21, 1985)/ Kenny Everett (1968 Apple interview disc) R: Vgm/s. S: Various. See above. This 1986 release features a few hard to find performances. The one big surprise here is the Julian Lennon live performance of Day Tripper. King Of Fuh is incomplete here. If you haven't heard this song yet, try to find a copy. It is a real trip. It is a clever song about the King of Fuh (aka: the Fuh King). THE NEW 21 MELVIN MM06 S1: Three Cool Cats/ How Do You Do It/ Like Dreamers Do/ Lucille/ Glad All Over/ Hello Little Girl/ Ain't Nothin' ShakinV Lonesome Tears In My Eyes/ The Honeymoon Song (Bound By Love)/ Spiritual Regeneration/ The Abduction (Help film finale) S2: Watching Rainbows/ Momma You've Been On My Mind/ Ready, Willing, And Able (inst.)/ Save the Last Dance/ Shake, Rattle & Roll/ The Walk/ Commonwealth Song/ White Power Promenade (parts 1&2)/ Honey Hush (Hi Ho Silver)/ Youngblood C: Deluxe blue cover. SS. Another unremarkable Melvin release of odds and ends (mostly GET BACK rehearsals. 1989 BEATLEG NEWS CHRISTMAS RECORD NO LABEL (WS01-A/B) EP7" Side One: The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (Quarry Men 1960)/I Saw Her Standing There (Hamburg 1962)/A Taste Of Honey ('People & Places' - Dec. 17,1962)/She Loves You (Southport's Little Theatre - August 27, 1963)/Moonlight Bay ('Morecambe & Wise' - April 18, 1964)/Waltzing Matilda (March 1964) Side Two: Helter Skelter (acoustic outtake - 1968)/Do You Like Me Just A Little Bit (Ringo & Cilia Black - BBC's 'Cilia' - February 6, 1968)/Yvonne (Paul outtake from PRESS TO PLAY)/Boys (Ringo on 'Jerry Lewis Telethon' - Sept. 4,1989)/We Wish You A Merry Christmas (BBC message 1963). Poor to good sound. Pressing limited to 500 copies only and sent free to fan club members on Christmas 1989.


NO OBVIOUS TITLE - FIRST AMENDMENT ZAP 7853 S1: Nowhere Man* ('66 live)/ No Pakistanis* ('69 studio)/ What A Shame Mary Jane Had A Pain At The Party* ('69 studio)/ All My Loving ('64 live)/ The Walk* ('69 studio)/ Teddy Boy* ('69 studio)/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer* ('69 studio)/ Besame Mucho* ('69 studio) (22:00) S2: You Really Got A Hold On Me ('64 studio)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret? ('64 studio)/ Medley: Love Me Do; Please Please Me; From Me To You; She Loves You; I Want To Hold Your Hand ('64 live)/ White Power Promenade* ('69 studio)/ Those Were The Days* ('69 studio)/ Cottonfields ('69 studio)/ Can't Do That ('65 live)/ Top Of The Pops Interview/ Hard Day's Night ('64 studio)(23:15) R: *Exs, rest Exm NOT FOR SALE NEM.S RECORDS (MOP310) LP 1985 Source: Various Sound Quality: Varied Rating: *** Side One: One After 909 ('62 EMI studio rehearsal) (3:01) Catswalk (instrumental, embryonic version of Catcall) (1:05) Bad To Me* (original demo) (1:28) How Do You Do It (1:55) Do You Want To Know A Secret (remixed-no echo) (1:54) Leave My Kitten Alone (2:50) If You've Got Trouble (2:44) Shout (2:00) Medley: Love Me Do; Please Please Me; From Me To You; She Loves You; I Want To Hold Your Hand (studio recording for 'Around The Beatles' TV special) (4:02) Side Two: Yes It Is (first time in stereo) (2:42) Paperback Writer (stereo remix, no echo) (2:19) Your Mother Should Know (original demo, mono) (2:20) Birthday* (vocal track reference demo, mono) (2:42) Goodbye (original demo, mono) (2:21) I've Got A Feeling (alternate take from GET BACK sessions, mono) (4:08) I Me Mine (basic tracks, stereo) (1:43) A Day In The Life (clean intro, countdown, remixed, stereo) (5:09) R: S1 Exm, S2 Exs & Exm. C: Dec. *Surface noise. The folks at NEMS Records took great care in bringing collectors an enjoyable product and one with at least a few unreleased goodies. This record has a bit of everything, but the stand out tracks are Yes It Is and Paperback Writer which are thought to be from the 1976 Heineken cassette which offered these two songs in stereo. Birthday is most likely an 'outfake.' NOT FOR SALE TOASTED CONDOR 1986 CD See above for songs & sources plus Tomorrow Never Knows (early mix)/ Strawberry Fields (arranging demo)/ Revolution (early mix)/ Yer Blues (R&R Circus)/ Case Of The Blues ('68 Lennon demo)/ Across The Universe (GET BACK mix)/ R: Vg-Ex. S: Original masters & reference discs. C: Dec.


NOT FOR SALE ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-032 See NOT FOR SALE (Nems Records Mop 910) plus Tomorrow Never Knows (alt. mix)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (acoustic demo)/ Day Tripper (take one)/ Day Tripper (take two)/ Day Tripper (take three - final - full ending/ We Can Work It Out (take one)/ This Bird Has Flown (original vers.)/ Hello, Hello (early run-through)/ Hello, Hello (take one)/ Hey Jude (early run-through/I Hate To See The Evening Sun Go Down R: Exs/m. C: ACD. Dec - same as original. NOT FOR SALE BD 356 1RR S1: Help/ Paul & John speaking/ I'll Be On My Way/ Ringo's Help/ Help promo/ Ticket To Ride/ Rock 'n' Roll Music/ Kansas City/ Hey Hey Hey S2: I'm A Looser/ I'll Follow The Sun/ Honey Don't/ Christmas Message/ Yesterday R: Vg-Exm/s. S: Studio '64. C: Eb. Dec. DL. CV. NOT GUILTY METALLO RECORD COMPANY (MCS 6469) LP 1985 Source: Various Sound Quality: Varied Rating: ** Side One: Not Guilty (Version #1?) Rain (Exs) (cv with echo - outfake?) You're Going To Lose That Girl (alternate mix?) Let It Be (alternate take) Paperback Writer (alternate take, Exs) Rain (backing vocals only, Exs) Rain (alternate take) Side Two: We Love You Beatles (the Carefrees) Twist & Shout Roll Over Beethoven I Wanna Be Your Man Long Tall Sally Medley: Love Me Do; Please Please Me; From Me To You; She Loves You; I Want To Hold Your Hand Can't Buy Me Love Shout A rather so-so collection of common odds and ends. Some of the outtakes and alternate mixes are dubious. Side two is from 'Around The Beatles'. NOT GUILTY TOASTED CONDOR 1989 CD All You Need Is Love (complete 'Our World' vers.)/ Norwegian Wood (take I)/ Not Guilty (WHITE ALBUM outtake)/ Because (accapella)/ Lady Madonna (early vers.)/ Rain (remix)/ A Day In The Life (vocal dub)/ What's The New Mary Jane? (original long vers.)/ I Am The Walrus (long vers.)/ Norwegian Wood (extra intros)/ I'm Looking Through You (diff. mix)/ If You've Got Trouble (RUBBER SOUL outtake)/ Fool On The Hill (Paul's demo)/ Paperback Writer (diff. mix)/ Hello Goodbye (take 1, inst.)/ Paperback Writer (inst.)/ Paperback Writer (longer intro)/ Hey Jude (rehearsal,


take 9)/ I Hate To See You (from Hey Jude rehearsal session)/ Penny Lane (includes dialog & Paul's count) R: Vg-Ex. S: Original masters. C: Dec. NOTHING BUT AGING VIGOTONE RECORDS (VT LP 68) LP 1992 Source: Various Sound Quality: Good to Excellent/ Mono & Stereo Rating: **** Side One: A Day In The Life (take 6 Jan. 19/20 '67) (4:17) She Can Talk To Me (early piano demo of 'Hey Bulldog') (00:45) Sour Milk Sea (May '68) (3:29) I'm So Tired (take 14 Oct. 8 '68) (1:48) Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (May '68 (2:35) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (May '68, extra verse) (2:31) Strawberry Fields Forever (arranging demo Nov. '66) (3:45) Strawberry Fields Forever (arranging demo with mellotron overdubs Nov. '66) (1:56) Side Two: Something (demo take 1 Feb. 25 '69) (3:19) Cry Baby Cry (piano demo fragment 1 early '68) (0:47) Cry Baby Cry (piano demo fragment 2 early '68) (0:47) Cry Baby Cry (piano demo fragment 3 early '68) (0:41) Cry Baby Cry (electric guitar demo fragment early '68) (0:51) Jubilee (Junk) (May '68) (2:23) Happiness Is A Warm Gun (overdubs onto take 65 Sept. 25 '68) (2:45) Circles (May'68) (2:12) The Saints - You Are My Sunshine - Jingle Bells - She'll Be Coining Round The Mountain - Blowin' In The Wind - Hare Krishna Mantra - Catch The Wind (from Rishikesh - Italian TV) (8:37) We Can Work It Out (Paul acoustic home demo early '65) (0:51) A very nice collection of material from various sources - including the LOST LENNON TAPES and some Yellow Dog discs. The record comes with an insert translating the Italian TV narration and is on colored vinyl. We Can Work It Out is the only existing fragment of Paul's demo. John had taped over the rest of it. Pity. NOTHING IS REAL NEMS RECORDS (BUD 280) LP 1986 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good/ mono & stereo Rating: **** Side One: Introduction Strawberry Fields - take 1 Strawberry Fields - unreleased version #2 Strawberry Fields - backing track Strawberry Fields - unreleased version #3 Strawberry Fields - unreleased version #4 Strawberry Fields - completed master, alt. stereo mix Side Two: Not Guilty/ I'm Only Sleeping - alternate mono mix Hey Jude - rehearsal (from "Experiment In Television") Revolution - alternate version (from the promo film)


While My Guitar Gently Weeps - acoustic Christmas Time Is Here Again (from the Fan Club Xmas Record) NEMS Records did a superb job with this record. This was the first time collectors got the chance to hear these different versions of Strawberry Fields Forever. Later bootleg CDs would include these, but at the time collectors struck gold with this bootleg. In addition, we have the French EP mono mix of I'm Only Sleeping which has some interesting variations not found on the U.S. and British versions. NOTHING IS REAL W3-86 S1: Not Guilty/ I'm Only Sleeping/ Hey Jude/ Revolution/ Still My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Christmas Time S2: Strawberry Fields Takes 1-7 R: Exs. S: S1 track l(metal acetate) 2(alt. vers.) 3(rehearsal) 4(alt. vers.) 5(demo) 6(long vers.). S2 track 1-7 metal acetate & inst. & stereo mix C: Dec. CV. Limited edition of 33 numbered copies. NOTHING IS REAL (THE MAKING OF STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER) CHAPTER ONE CO 25193 CD Intro: George Martin Remembers: Home Demo I/ Home Demo with organ/ Home Demo 3/ Studio Take 1/ Take 2 - Instrumental/ Take 4/ Take 61 Take 7 Best 'Heavy' Version/ Home Experiment - Unused Backwards Talk/ Orchestra Score/ Best 'Orchestrated' Version/ Final Version -Heavy' & 'Orchestrated' Version pieced together approx. 1 min. into the song/ Outtro: Daddy's Little Sunshine R: Vg-Ex. S: Evolution of Strawberry Fields Forever from John Lennon's home demos to The Beatles' final version Nov./Dec. '66. C: BCD. Dec. Time 41:16. OB-LA-DI, OB-LA-DA THAMES (LG 3301) LP 1987 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good to excellent/ stereo & mono Rating: *** Side One: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Vers. #2 July '68) Christmas Time Is Here Again (EMI Nov. '67. Excerpt of Fan Club Xmas record) Not Fade Away; Bo Diddley (GET BACK sessions) Oh! Darling (alt. take, July '69) Dig It (GET BACK sessions) Side Two: We Can Work it Out (outtake with countdown cv. '65) Let It Be (Exm. - GET BACK sessions finished take) Christmas Time Is Here (EMI Nov. '67) At the time of its release the main draw of this album was this version of Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da which has become known as the 'Calypso song.' Paul McCartney is said to have written the song after hearing the name of a Calypso group called Jimmy Scott And His Obla Di Obla Da Band. All the other tracks are common outtakes and alternate versions. OB-LA-DI, OB-LA-DA FAT MAN RECORDS ML 1612-9386 S1: I Saw Her Standing There (Vgs. - Paul at Princes's Trust June '85)/ Johnny B. Goode (George with Denny Laine & Robert Plant - Heartbeat '86 charity) S2: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Exs. - vers. #2 July '68)/ Christmas Time Is Here Again (EMI Nov. '67. Excerpt of Fan Club Xmas record)/ Back In The U.S.S.R. (Exs. - Ringo & Beach Boys July '84) C: 45. B&w sleeve. Listings on back. Numbered.


...ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR! BIG JOLLY RECORDS JR008 S1: Paperback Writer (different mix, Exs)/ I'm Down (double guitar solo, Exs)/ Don't Pass Me By (longer fade out)/ Money (different piano mix)/ I'm Looking Through You (false start, Exs)/ Movie Medley ('82, Exs)/ It's Gonna Be Alright (not The Beatles but a group named Smyle, Exs) (20:47) S2: Radio Spots (2 promos for Beatles Capitol decade '64 -'74, Exs)/ Flexis World Records (radio promo for singles box)/ Flexis World Records (radio promo for '81 8-LP box in English, German & French, Exs) (21:45) S3: It's All Too Much (diff. verse, Vgm)/ I Forgot To Remember To Forget (complete, Vgm)/ Sweet Dream Baby; Wonderful Picture Of You (Vgm)/ Happy Birthday To You; Oh My Soul; Too Much Monkey Business; I'm Going To Find My Baby; Youngblood; That's All Right Mama; Sweet Little 16 (BBC)/ Shout (Around The Beatles) (21:06) S4: Savoy Truffle/ Honey Pie/1 Saw Her Standing There (Gm)/ Instrumental/ You Never Give Me Your Money/ Something (22:08) R: Exm. Nothing new here except the radio promos which are halfways interesting and collectible. C: Eb. Dec. PAST MASTERS PRIME RECORDS AEBCD301 CD Please, Please Me (1:56)/ Ask Me Why (2:23)/ Don't Bother Me (2:25)/ I Call Your Name (2:07)/ She's Leaving Home (3:18)/ Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (3:20)/ Sargent Pepper's Reprise (1:16)/ A Day In The Life (5:02)/ I'm So Tired (2:03)/ Blackbird (2:16)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (4:28)/ Piggies (2:02)/ Helter Skelter (3:32)/ Moonlight Bay (3:08) R: Ex. Track 15 Vg-Ex. S: Tracks 1-4 true stereo mixes. Track 5 true mono mix electronically speeded up. Track 6 different version from stereo. Track 7 shorter than stereo version. Tracks 8-13 different versions from stereo and are longer. Track 14 much shorter mono version. Track 15 'Morcambe and Wise' television show '64. All tracks from original studio masters. C: BCD. B&W insert. Time 42:16. RARER THAN RARE WHITE KNIGHT WK 271 S1: Oh Darling (3:27) (alternate take)/ Things We Said Today (2:23) (alternate take)/ From Us To You (1:58) (studio rehearsal, take 1)/ Kansas City (2:31) (studio rehearsal)/ Slippin' & Slidin' (2:15) (alternate Lennon take)/ Stand By Me (3:50) (alternate Lennon take)/ Oh My Love (2:46) (The Wackers - not Lennon) S2: You Never Give Me Your Money (5:51) (studio outtake '69)/ Imagine (Lennon live '75)/ Bye Bye Love (2:55) (Harrison rehearsal for Saturday Night Live)/ Blackbird (2:25) (studio rehearsal '69)/1 Should Have Known Better take 1 (:22) take 2 (2:39) take 3 (2:41) (Studio rehearsals)/ From Us To You (:50) (studio rehearsal, take 2) S3: Help (2:31) (live US '65 Gm)/ Bangla Desh (1:57) (radio spot for movie)/ I'm Down (2:35) (live US '65, Vgm)/ I'll Follow The Sun (2:49) (BBC track - not a live version from London '65, Hammersmith Odeon as liner notes state, Vgm)/ Decade (1:00) ('74 radio spot commemorating Beatles 10 years on Capitol, Exs)/ Fool On The Hill (2:43) ('67 demo)/ Step Inside Love (2:17) ('68 demo for Cilia Black's tv show theme, poor mono)/ Band On The Run (1:00) (radio spot for LP)/ It's All Too Much (2:15) (extra verse not on commercial release, Gm)/ Piggies (2:05) (alternate take, Exs)/ Kansas City (2:27) (Granville Theatre, England, '64, fair mono) S4: The Walk (1:00) (studio outtake '69, Exs)/ Act Naturally (2:15) (Ringo duet with Cilia Black '68)/ If I Fell (2:45) (Vancouver '64)/ Farewell To Miami (3:10) ('64 Interview)/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer (2:57) (studio outtake '69)/ Some Other Guy (2:05) (Cavern Club '62, Vgm)/ Magical Mystery Tour (2:42) (from film)/ I Am The Walrus (4:35) ('67 demo)/ Golden Slumbers; Carry That Weight (3:10) (demo Exs) R: Exm. An odds and ends assortment with a few interesting rarities - not an essential piece by any means. C: Dec.


THE RECORDING SESSIONS VOL. 4 THE EARLY YEARS O2-CD-3325 Get Back (2:38 - Jan. 27, '69)*/Aerial Tour Instrumental (2:04 - Sept. 8, '67)/ Love Over Loved (1:46 Jan. 1, '62)/ Honey Don't (2:55 - Oct. 26, '64)/ Come & Get It (2:26 - July 24, '69)/ Mean Mr. Mustard (1:50 - Jan. '69)/I Me Mine (1:40 - Jan. 3, '70)/ Tomorrow Never Knows (2:52 - Apr. 6, '66)/ He Said He Said - She Said She Said, Good Morning, Good Morning, Blackbird (3:06 - '66-'68)*/ Because (2:16 Aug. 1 & 4)/1 Should Have Known Better (3:12 - Feb. 26, '64)/ Like Dreams Do (2:28 - Jan. 1, '62)/ Two Of Us (1:58 - Jan. '69)/ A Case Of The Blues (2:23 - '68)/ Every Little Thing (1:53 - Sept. 29, '64)**/ Step Inside Love (2:17 - late '67)**/ Hello Little Girl (1:35)/ Reprise: Get Back (Geh'Raus) (2:15-Jan. 27,'69) R: Exs/m except *Vg & **Poor. S: Common outtakes & demos. C: BCD. Dec. Time 42:09. RECOVERED TRACKS BORNOBY RECORDS FF-9 S1: How Do You Do It (studio outtake Nov. 26 '62)/1 Forgot To Remember To Forget; Dizzy Miss Lizzie; Lucille ('62 BBC)/ I W^nna Be Your Man (BBC 'From Us To You' Dec. '63)/ A Hard Day's Night ('64 promo)/ I'm A Loser (Shindig '65)/ Medley: Love Me Do; Please Please Me; Prom Me To You; She Loves You; I Want To Hold Your Hand ('Around The Beatles' May 6 '64) S2: She Loves You; Twist & Shout; I Feel Fine; I'm Down; Act Naturally; Ticket To Ride (Ed Sullivan Aug. 14'65) S3: Savoy Truffle (orig. mono mix '68)/ Tomorrow Never Knows (orig. mono mix '66)/ Get Back (studio outtake Jan. 18 '68)/ Hey Bulldog (backing track Feb. 10 '68)/ Love Me Do; Misery; Words Of Love (BBC '63) S4: Back In The USSR (mono mix '68)/ Kenny Everett Interview (includes partial Don't Let Me Down; Those Were The Days; Cottonfields) (EMI Studio '68)/ Hey Jude ('Experiment in TV BBC-TV '68)/ Revolution (not listed on cover) R: Exm. C: Deluxe red & silver cover. Cover info wrong. Nothing here to recommend this disc. ROUGH NOTES POD RECORDS (L2408) LP 1981 Source: Various Sound Quality: Good to excellent/ mono & stereo Rating: *** Side One: Hand On The Buns (BAND ON THE RUN rehearsal session take 6, vocal overdub '73)* I Want You ('68 acetate, Paul vocals) I Need You ('68 - could be the Iveys) One After 909 ('69 rehearsal)* Two Of Us ('69 rehearsal)* I'll Be On My Way (complete version, BBC broadcast June 24, 1963) This Boy (BBC March 30, 1964)* Please Mr. Postman (BBC March 1964)* Side Two: Ding Dong: Ding Dong ('74 demo) Dark Horse ('74 demo) Roll It Over (Clapton & Harrison from ATCO 6780?) Rock Island Line (Harrison & Paul Simon -'Saturday Night Live' rehearsal '76) 1985 (ONE HAND CLAPPING sessions '74) Wild Life (same as above)* Honey Don't (BBC November 26,1964) From Us To You (BBC '64?) A hodge podge of tracks from various sources. The highlight here is Paul singing / Want You (She's So


Heavy). There is debate as to whether this is really Paul, but from repeated listenings I believe it to be McCartney. Rare! R: Exm. *Exs. C: Deluxe two color cover. SS. RUMI TAPE & MORE JAP-1 CD 1993 R: Fair mono. Japanese release. Contains an interview made by 'Rumi' during the Fool On The Hill rehearsals. Lots of studio chat and rehearsals (mostly flute and piano segments). Also includes five versions of Cry Baby Cry from the LOST LENNON TAPES and filled out with It's All Too Much (long version). For completists only. SEA OF GREEN RED ROBIN BEAT CD 018 Help! (original stereo soundtrack, different mix)/ You're Gonna Lose That Girl (with count, original stereo soundtrack, different mix, loud bongos/ You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (original stereo soundtrack, different mix)/ Ticket To Ride (stereo soundtrack, different mix)/1 Need You (original stereo soundtrack, different mix)/Another Girl (with count, original stereo soundtrack, different mix)/ Help (with outtro finale, original stereo soundtrack, different mix)/ Yellow Submarine (original stereo soundtrack, different mix)/ Eleanor Rigby (original stereo soundtrack, different mix and intro)/ Submarine Shaped (spoken part with finale climax from 'A Day in the Life' sequence)/All Together Now (original stereo soundtrack, different mix )/ When I'm 64 (original stereo soundtrack, different mix with spoken intro)/ Only A Northern Song (extra sounds)/ Nowhere Man (spoken outtro)/ Foothills Of The Headlands, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds (different mix with spoken outtro)/ Sea of Green (phrase from Yellow Submarine psyche-delicized)/ You've Got Time To Rectify (phrase from 'Think For Yourself')/ Tiptoe Through the Tulips (nod to Tiny Tim)/ Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (different mix)/All You Need Is Love ((different mix))/Any Ol' Einstein, Baby You're a Rich Man (replaced 'Hey Bulldog' sequence)/ Beatles To Battle, Dixie Trombone/ It's All Too Much (different mix)/ All Together Now #2 (very different mix)/ It Must Be Baby Glass (spoken ditty)/ 1964 NME Pollwinners Concert, Introductions, She Loves You, You Can't Do That, Twist and Shout, Long Tall Sally, Can't Buy Me Love Source: Tracks 1-25 are taken from original stereo soundtrack. Tracks 26-32 excellent quality transfer from ABC film broadcast 'Big Beat '64.' The soundtrack contains all five songs without dropouts. SERGEANT PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND THE HISTORY OF THE BEATLE YEARS: 1962-1970 Label unknown (BN-89) 9 LP boxed set This set is a pirate of the 1984 radio special narrated by the late Roger Scott. Each disc is dedicated to a Beatle year and features interviews, legit releases of songs, live tracks and a few outtakes. Roger Scott evidently had access to the EMI vaults as many of the rarest tracks (such as the ones which would later appear on the ULTRA RARE TRAX series) appeared here for the first time. Could it be that this was the time period when those 'ultra rare' songs leaked out? For the differing theories as to how and when the songs slipped out of EMI, refer to Black Market Beatles by Berkenstadt & Belmo. The narration often intrudes upon the really good stuff, which I find quite frustrating. Still, this is an excellent history of the band filled with thoughtful interviews and a nice mix of music. Count yourself lucky if you can find a copy of this set anywhere.


SESSIONS EMI (fake) (064 2402701) LP 1985 Source: Master tape Sound Quality: Excellent stereo Rating: ***** Side One: Come & Get It (2:26) Leave My Kitten Alone (BEATLES FOR SALE session Aug. 5 '64) (2:54) Not Guilty ((WHITE ALBUM session Aug. 7 '68) (3:17) I'm Looking Through You (RUBBER SOUL sessions) (2:52) What's The New Mary Jane? (WHITE ALBUM sessions Aug. 14 '68) (5:59) Side Two: How Do You Do It? (1:55) (Nov. 26 '62)* Besame Mucho (Parlophone 1st recording session June 6 '62)* (1:55) One After 909 (Mar. 5 '63) (2:53) If You've Got Troubles (RUBBER SOUL sessions) (2:21) That Means A Lot (HELP! session '65) (2:25) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (WHITE ALBUM session July 25 '68) (3:21) Mailman Bring Me No More Blues (GET BACK sessions) (1:50) Christmas Time (Xmas message Nov. 28 '67) (1:08) The story behind SESSIONS is legendary and is well-known by all. However, here is a very brief history (for an in depth look at SESSIONS see Black Market Beatles). In 1984 EMI and The Beatles were planning a release of rarities for the public's consumption; however, due to legal questions and royalty concerns, the album was nixed. But some enterprising folks got hold of a copy and soon manufactured their own version. This material would later appear on The ANTHOLOGY releases of 1995 & 1996. R: Exs except *Exm. C: Eb. Dec. SS. SESSIONS JME 007-A-E/B L31032-/X R: Not quite as good as original. S: SESSIONS (EMI 064 2402701) plus Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Exs. - vers. #2 July '68)/ Christmas Time Is Here Again (EMI Nov. '67) - excerpt of Fan Club Xmas record tagged on end of record. C: Dbw. GF. SESSIONS ODEON OC 064 2402701 S1: Besame Mucho/ How Do You Do It/ One After 909/ Leave My Kitten Alone/ That Means A Lot/ If You've Got Troubles/ I'm Looking Through You/ Christmas Time Is Here Again S2: What's The New Mary Jane/ Not Guilty/ Come & Get It/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues R: Vg-Exm/s. S: Outtakes. C: Dec. SESSIONS PARLOPHONE/EMICDP 7 48001 2 Hello Little Girl (* Decca Jan. '62)/ Love Of The Loved (* Decca Jan. '62)/ How Do You Do It (* EMI Sept. '62)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (* EMI Feb. '63)/ The One After 909 (+ EMI Mar. '63)/ That Means A Lot (* EMI May/June '65)/ Shout (* recorded in the studio Apr. 27-28 '64 for 'Around The Beatles')/ Leave My Kitten Alone (+ EMI Aug. '64)/ I'm Looking Through You (+ take 1 Oct./Nov. '65)/ Paperback Writer (+ countdown, no echo EMI Apr. '66)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (+ vers. 2 Nov. '66)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (+ backing tracks)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (+ first vocal take)/ Fool


On The Hill (+ early demo)/1 Am The Walrus (* basic tracks EMI Sept. '67)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (+ acoustic, EMI Aug. '68)/ What's The News Maryjane (+ vers. #3 Aug. '68)/ Not Guilty #2 (EMI Aug. '68)/1 Me Mine (+ take 8)/ Goodbye (+ demo, acoustic-Paul solo) R: + Exs. * Exm. C: Dbw - same as SESSIONS (1MB 007-A-E/B L31032-/X) Disc says 'Promotional'. THIS RELEASE WAS THE FIRST BEATLEG COMPACT DISC!!! Remember this because you will be tested later. SESSIONS TOASTED CONDOR 1991 CD See Sl-2 of SESSIIONS (EMI 064 2402701) for songs & sources plus Obladi Oblada /I Saw Her Standing There (take 2)1 There's A Place*/ Misery*/ From Me To You*/ Can't Buy Me LoveA/ Hard Day's NightA/ She's A Woman / Day Tripper</ Norwegian Wood</ Help (inst.)/ Hey Jude (rehearsal)/I Hate To See R: Vg-Ex. S: Original masters & reference discs. Early versions *'63, '64, <'65. C: Dec - same as SESSIONS (EMI 064 2402701). SESSIONS MASTERDISC (MDCD 002) 1993 reissue of SESSIONS. Same as previous listings except the sound quality is improved. From Japan. Another excellent compact disc of SESSIONS is the one released by Disque Du Monde (SS8701967). This one came out in 1988 and is now one of those discs that is impossible to find and quite collectible. SESSIONS SPANK (SP-103) Another 1993 reissue (on CD) of the SESSIONS material. Excellent sound quality. Adds early take of Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da. Comes housed in a nice slipcase, features the original album art and includes a 36page b&w booklet. A quality product from Vigotone. SNAPS 'N' TRAX GERITOL RECORDS ST208 S1: I Got A Woman (BBC)/ Honey Don't (BBC)/ Act Naturally (Ringo & Cilia Black '68)/ It's All Too Much (long version)/Yer Blues ('Rock And Roll Circus')/ Hound Dog (Lennon at MSG '72) S2: Too Many Cooks (Lennon & Jagger 74)/ I Love My Suit #2 (Ringo Japanese ad)/ My Carnival (Macca '75)/ The Pirate Song (Harrison from 'Rutland TV' special)/ Say Darling (Wings live 72)/ Soundstage Of Mind (George live 74)/ Twenty Flight Rock (Paul live 79) R: Varies S: Varies. An assortment of group and solo rarities. Nothing worthwhile here. SOLDIER OF LOVE CBM 1022 S1: I'll Be On My Way (John & Paul late '62 BBC)/ Till There Was You (Ed Sullivan Feb. '64V Do The Oz (Lennon '71 B side of Apple 45 1835)/ Sentimental Journey (Ringo on Ed Sullivan '70)/1 Got A Woman (Lennon, new version '63)/ Soldier Of Love ('63 outtake played to Ed Sullivan via trans-Atlantic phone in '64) S2: Murray The K Fan Club (live segments and interviews '64, 15 minutes.) R: Satisfactory mono SOME OTHER GUY CBM 3813 S1: Some Other Guy (live '62, allegedly froth Cavern, Liverpool)/ Lucille; Boys (BBC '63 from OUTTAKES 2)/ Instant Karma (Lennon on BBC's Top Of The Pops' '70)/ Act Naturally (Ringo with Cilia Black Feb. 6 '68 on BBC's 'Cilia' TV show)/ Butcher Cover (Tony Barrow discussing 'Yesterday


And Today' butcher cover controversy by phone) S2: From Us To You (BBC's 'Sweden '63')/ Shout (WHAT'S THE NEW MARYJANE) /Hop On The Bus (dialogue from MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR)/ Across The Universe (RENAISSANCE MINSTRELS 2)/ Twist & Shout; Roll Over Beethoven; I Wanna Be Your Man; Long Tall Sally ('Around The Beatles' TV show May 6 '64) R: Fair and Gm. C: Also on Berkeley 2008. SOMETHING EXTRA THE GENUINE PIG TOP 107 CD S: Rare outtakes & live versions '63 - '69. Unfortunately, many of the tracks on this disc are outfakes (poor ones at that.). Avoid this disc. The cuts that are legit are found in many other places and are readily available in excellent quality. C: BCD. Dec. SOMETHING TO HIDE TOASTED CONDOR 1992 CD We Can Work It Out (alt. - Oct. 20 '65)/ We Can Work It Out (inst. outtake)/ Hello Goodbye (inst. take 1) Strawberry Fields (take 25)/ Not Guilty/ Because (vocals only - Aug. 1 '69)/ On Darling (vocal only July 2 '69)/ Her Majesty (alt. - July 2 '69)/ You Never Gave Me Your Money (alt. - July 30 '69)/ Octopus' Garden (alt. Apr. 29 '69)/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer (alt. - July 11 '69)/ Something (take 37 Jan. 15 '69)/ Let It Be (alt.)/ Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill, Cry Baby Cry, Sexy Sadie*/ Dear Prudence, Julia (Lennon demos)/ I'm So Tired*/ Goodbye (McCartney demo) R: Vg-Ex. S: Original masters & reference discs. *Demos with John & George. C: Dec. Part of Condor's well documented 7 CD Beatles collection. SO MUCH YOUNGER THEN DEMOCRATIC RECORDS DC7577-5 S1: Pop Go The Beatles/ From Us To You/ Hippy Hippy Shake/ Memphis Tennessee/ Dream Baby/ Please Mr. Postman/ Some Other Guy/ Too Much Monkey Business/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ I'll Be On My Way S2: Cryin', Waitin', Hopin'7 To Know Her Is To Love Her/ Don't Ever Change/ That's Alright Mama/ Carol/ Soldier Of Love/ Lend Me Your Comb/ Clarabella/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues S3: Matchbox/ Sure To Fall/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes/ Sweet Little Sixteen/ Nothing Shaking But The Leaves On A Tree/ I Just Don't Understand/ So How Come/ I Got A Woman/1 Got To Find My Baby/ The Honeymoon Song S4: All My Loving/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Till There Was You/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Happy Birthday Saturday Club/ This Boy/ Long Tall Sally S5: Rock 'N' Roll Music/ And I Love Her/ Hard Day's Night/ Things We Said Today/I'll Follow The Sun/ I'm A Loser/ She's A Woman/1 Feel Fine S6: Johnny B- Goode/ Kansas City/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Honey Don't/ Dizzy Miss Lizzie/ Ticket To Ride S7 & 8: A copy of FIVE NIGHT IN A JUDO ARENA (De Weintraub Records 426) S9 & 10: A copy of WATCHING RAINBOWS R: Exm, surface noise. S: S1 - 6 BEATLES AT THE BEEB. C: Deluxe color box set of full color pic discs. SPICY BEATLES SONGS TMOQ 71076 S1: Have You Heard The Word (edited version, different from version on LP of the same name)/ Don't Let Me Down; Those Were The Days (press conference ad lib '68)/ What's The New Mary Jane ('69 outtake)/ Cottonfields ('68 ad lib)/ Twist & Shout ('Sweden '63' LP)/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy (BBC '63) S2: You Really Got A Hold On Me (SWEDEN '63 lp)/ Roll Over Beethoven/ All My Loving/1 Wanna Be Your Man ('From Us To You' BBC '63)/ A Hard Day's Night/ Things We Said Today ('Top Of The Pops' 1962)/ 'From Us To You' (BBC '63)



C: Also available as MARYJANE (CBM).

THE STEREO WALK RUBBER SOUL B4A, B4B S1: Suicide/ Bad To Me/ I'll Be On My Way/ Catcall/ Goodbye/ All Together On The Wireless/ Step Inside Love/ The Walk (stereo)/ Back Seat Of My Car/ Common Wealth/ Spiritual Regeneration/ Happy Birthday (Mike Love)/ Suzy Parker/ Paul's Piano Theme S2: Back In The USSR (Ringo live with the Beach Boys)/ Ding Dong, Dark Horse (George's orig. demos)/ Hello Little Girl/ Beatles In The Studio/ Some Guy/ John & Mary Jane (John explains who actually does 'Mary Jane')/ John's Promo For Ronnie Hawkins' 'Down In The Alley' Single/ John & Yoko At Everson Museum (Oct. 8 '71)* R: Vg- Exm/s except *Gm. A few unusual tracks here which collectors will find interesting. C: Dec. DL. STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER NEMS (CLUE 9) LP 1985 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good to excellent/ mono & stereo Rating: ** Side One: Strawberry Fields Forever (alternate version*) (2:50) The Bus (unreleased instrumental from MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR) (:42) The Inner Light (stereo version+) (2:32) Fool On The Hill (complete demo version) (2:48) All You Need Is Love (live 'Our World' TV special) (5:06) A Perfect Rendition (David Frost Show jam) (:43) Hey Jude (David Frost Show live) (7:03) Side Two: I Am The Walrus (backing tracks & vocals) (4:33) Thank You Guru Dai/ Happy Birthday (live India '67) (2:16) Yer Blues (acappella rendition by Lennon & Jagger - 'Rock & Roll Circus') (:31) What A Shame Mary Jane Had A Pain At The Party (unedited version*+) (6:33) Peace Of Mind (3:11) It's All Too Much (alternate version) (2:31) The Barber Of Seville (2:23) An eclectic collection of outtakes from that psychedelic year of 1967. Of special interest here is the I Am The Walrus track. Is it real or is it an outfake? I honestly cannot tell. Can you? And of course that troublesome Peace Of Mind track is here. I am absolutely convinced this is not John Lennon or The Beatles. After years of mindless research I have come to the conclusion that it is either an outtake from Trash (Apple recording artists) or a soundtrack song from a film about witches. Really! S: *From reference discs. C: Dec. STRAWBERRY FIELDS TOASTED CONDOR 1988 CD See STRAWBERRY FIELDS (NEMS Clue 9) for songs & sources minus Inner Light (included on PAST MASTERS) & Piece Of Mind (questionable origin) plus Dear Prudence (alt. mix)/ Strawberry Fields (take I)/ Carol (Pop Go The Beatles July '63)/ Mailman Blues (complete)/ She's A Woman (take 7 with jam)/ Suzie Parker/ Strawberry Fields (take 7) R: Vg-Ex. S: Original masters & reference discs. C: Dec. Part of Condor's well documented 7 CD Beatles collection. STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER FAB 4 RECORDS FAB 5555 CD Strawberry Fields Forever #!/ Strawberry Fields Forever #21 Strawberry Fields Forever #3/ Strawberry


Fields Forever #4/ Strawberry Fields Forever #5/ Strawberry Fields Forever #61 Strawberry Fields Forever #11 Strawberry Fields Forever #8/ Strawberry Fields Forever #91 The Bus (unreleased instrumental from MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR)/ The Fool On The Hill (original demo)/All You Need Is Love ('Our World' TV special)/ Tea Room Music (impromptu jam from 'David Frost Show')/ Hey Jude (live from 'David Frost Show')/ I Am The Walrus (basic track and vocals only)/ Spiritual Regeneration (India '67)/ Yer Blues (acappella Lennon and Jagger)/ What's The New Mary Jane? (original mix)/ It's All Too Much (not 'Piece Of Mind' as listed on cover)/ The Barber Of Seville (vocals by John, Paul, George and Ringo) R: Vg-Ex. Some G. C: Japanese CD. Dec. Time 66:02. STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER NO. 18 S1: Auction/ Guest Speakers (Boston Beatles Convention '75) S2: Call Me Back Again/ Band On The Run/ Hi Hi Hi/ Live And Let Die ('76 Wings rehearsals) R: Vgm. C: 33 1/3 rpm 7" red flexi-disc. First in a series of 'Fan Club' releases by Joe Pope (Beatles fan extraordinairre and editor of Strawberry Fields Forever magazine). STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER NO. 24 S1: Here Comes The Sun; Homeward Bound (George with Paul Simon 'Saturday Night Live' Nov. 20 '76)/ Slippin' And Slidin'; Imagine (Lew Grade TV special June 13 '75) S2: Think For Yourself (Yellow Submarine soundtrack)/ Storm In A Tea Cup (original Badfinger recording)/ Indian Rope Trick; Happy Birthday Mike Love (India '68)/ No No Song (Smothers Brothers Show Apr. 28 '75)/ Angel Baby (from 'Roots')/ Mine For Me (Paul with Rod Stewart) R: Vgm. C: 33 1/3 rpm 10" flexi-disc. S TRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER NO. 27 S1:1 Want A Beatles For Christmas (original Becky Lee Beck recording)/ Bye Bye Love (Saturday Night Live TV rehearsal Nov. 20 '76)/ Blackbird/ Heather (Paul and Donovan studio rehearsal '68)/ Fool On The Hill (from 'Indian Rope Trick' LP) S2: Penina (original Jotta Herre recording)/ I Love You Ringo (original Cher Bono recording)/ Things We Said Today (outtake)/ Her Majesty (with lost cord)/ Oh Darling (outtake) R: Vgm. C: 33 1/3 rpm 10" red flexi-disc. STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER NO. 32 S1: Little Beatles Boy (original Angels recording)/ Oriental Nightfish ('73 Wings demo)/ National Health Cow; The Fat Budgie; Belonely (Lennon reading from his books '64 & '65)/ I Love My Suit (Ringo Japan TV ad '77)/ Ding Dong Ding'Dong (quick mix)/ Beatles Scream medley (from original recordings) S2: Soily (studio outtake)/ Hard Day's Night (radio ad)/ Hi Hi Hi (radio ad)/ Imagine (live)/ '64 Interview R: Vgm. C: 33 1/3 rpm 10" blue flexi-disc. STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER NO. 36 S1: Christmas With The Beatles (Judy And The Duets)*/ Living In A Pet Show (Ringo from 'Scouse The Mouse' LP)/ That's My Life (by John's father)*/ Ringo & George interview (Grand Prix '79)/ Devil In His Heart (Donays)* S2: Soundstage Of Mind (George live '74)/ Intro (Ringo)/ I Saw Her Standing There (Who live)/ The Heart You Broke ('74 Paul outtake, poor mono) R: Gm. S: *Original recordings. C: 10" black flexi-disc. STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER NO. 40 S1: Strawberry Fields Forever (alt. take)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Harrison demo - from video of 'Abbey Road Studio Tour')/Whatever Gets You Through The Night (Lennon studio outtake - 'Do Ron' version)/ Waterspout (McCartney outtake from 'London Town')


S2: The Three Stooges Meet The Beatles/ 'False Starts': Don't Bother Me & A Hard Day's Night/ I'm Looking Through You ('reggae version' from 'Abbey Road Studio Tour' video)/ I'm So Tired (Paul sings lead - from GET BACK rehearsals)/1 Should've Known Better (false start and alternate take from BBC session - sound is distorted)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (alternate take from 'Abbey Road Studio Tour' video). R: Fair mono. Surface noise. C: 10' yellow flexi-disc. The last of Joe Pope's fan club flexis. STUDIO OUTTAKES TOBEMILO4Q11/12 S1: Hey Jude (2:48) (early rehearsal version)/ I Am The Walrus (4:02) (demo)/ Oh My Love (2:50) (outtake) S2: Day Tripper (Lennon & Hendrix BBC '67, poor mono) (3:26)/ Fool On The Hill (3:03) ('68 demo)/ Voulex Vous Coucher Avec Moi? (:56) (Lady Marmalade)/ Mommy's Little Girl (:42) ('72 McCartney outtake) R: Vgm. C: EP. B&w sleeve. 1,000 numbered copies. SS. I don't believe John Lennon was within a hundred miles of Jimi Hendrix when Day Tripper was recorded by Hendrix. And Oh My Love is not what Tobe Milo says it is. SWEETEST APPLES 1966-69 MAMBO SUN MS-39436-ABP CD Helter Skelter (mono mix Sept. 9 '68) (3:37)/ Magical Mystery Tour (film version) (1:36)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (EMI mix Dec. 12 '66) (3:26)/ Glass Onion (early mix with different instrumental sections) (2:52)/ Aerial Tour (instrumental - mono mix Sept. 8 '67) (2:07)/ Blue Jay Way (overdub session Oct. 6 '67) (3:43)/ A Day In The Life (EMI take 5 Jan. 20 '67) (4:22)/ Across The Universe (mono mix Aug. 2 '68) (3:46)/ Dear Prudence (alternate take Aug. 28 '68) (3:45)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (EMI take 1 July 25 '68) (3:18)/ Child Of Nature (Esher demo May '68) (2:34)/ While My Guitar Weeps (Esher Demo May '68) (2:34)/ Something (Apple Studios July 11 '69 - different vocals, extended jam) (5:28)/ Let It Be (early rehearsal, Twickenham Studios Jan '69) (2:51)/ The Long And Winding Road (take 2 Feb. 8 '68) (3:38)/ Child Of Nature ('Let It Be' outtake, Twickenham Studios Jan. '69) (1:50)/ Old Brown Shoe (rehearsal, Twickenham Studios Jan. '69) (2:59)/ Get Back (up tempo version, Twickenham Studios Jan. '69) (2:11)1 Commonwealth (Twickenham Studios rehearsal Jan. '69) (3:58)/ No Pakistanis (Apple Studios Jan. 23 '69) (3:53)/ I've Got A Feeling (heavy version Jan. 22 '69) (2:48)/ I Lost My Little Girl (Twickenham Studios Jan. '69) (4:07)/ Watching Rainbows (Twickenham Studios Jan. '69) (4:08)/ All Things Must Pass (Twickenham Studios Jan. '69) (3:08) R: Vg-Ex. Some GVg. C: Japanese CD. Dec. Pic CD. THEIR GREATEST UNRELEASED MELVIN RECORDS. MMO 1 S1: Lucille ('62 BBC satisfactory)/ Cry Over You ('62 good)/ I Don't Understand ('62 very good)/ Love Of The Loved ('62 good)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping ('62 very good)/ Hippy Hippy Shake (very good)/ Soldier Of Love (satisfactory)/ Please Don't Ever Change ('62 satisfactory)/ Honeymoon Song (Bound By Love; '62 very good) S2: What's Yer New Mary Jane ('69 very good)/ Step Inside Love (rehearsal song for Cilia Black poor)/ Medley: Besame Mucho; Cottonfields; When You Walk; Whole Lotta Shaking Goin' On; Suzie Parker*; Those Were The Days (good except * which is poor)/ Bye Bye Bye (poor)/ All Together On The Wireless Machine (satisfactory)/ Have You Heard The Word ('70 with Bee Gees satisfactory) R: Mono. 20x4 RUTHLESS RHYMES S1: Oh Darling (Abbey Road outtake '69) (Exs)/ Candle Burns (Peace Of Mind) (NOT The Beatles) (Gm)/ Blackbird (acoustic outtake '68 with Donovan) (Exs)/ Things We Said Today ('64 HARD DAY'S


NIGHT session) (Exm)/ Help (demo) (Gm)/ Every Little Thing ('65 outtake) (Vgm)/ Penny O'Dell (McCartney outtake Nashville '74) (Gm) S2: Imagine (John live 'Salute To Sir Lew' TV '75) (Exm)/ Simple Life (Ringo's ad on Japanese TV '77) (Exm)/ Bye Bye Love (George outtake 'Saturday Night Live' with Paul Simon '76) (Exm)/ My Carnival (unreleased Wings studio cut New Orleans '75) (Vgm)/ Heather (unreleased WHITE ALBUM track with Donovan '68) (Exm)/ When Everybody Comes To Town; I'd Have You Anytime (George & Dylan Woodstock '70 at Dylan's home) (Gm)/ Bluebird; Moma's Little Girl; Michelle; Heart Of The Country (outtakes from acoustic taping of 'James Paul McCartney' '73) (Gm)/ Hi Hi Hi; C Moon (Wings ad) (not listed on cover) (Exm) C: Dec. SS. Re released by Box Top on CV. Released in 1981 and was interesting at the time. However, nearly all of these tracks can be found in better quality on any number of bootlegs. Help! and Every Little Thing are probably outfakes. 20x4 OBS-204 C: Copy of 20X4 (Ruthless Rhymes) and copy of Dbw. Cover has 'Remime' written on spine. Same quality as original except Exs are Exm. SS. THE ECHOES OF A DREAM / 20 x 4 C: Japanese copy of INDIAN ROPE TRICK & 20 X 4 with a deluxe blue & white cover. 21 MELVIN RECORDS MM-002 S1: Three Cool Cats/ How Do You Do It/ Like Dreamers Do/ Lucille/ Glad All Over/ Hello Little Girl/ Ain't Nothing ShakinV Lonesome Tears In My Eyes/ Bound By Love/ Spiritual Regeneration/ The Abduction (HELP film finale) S2: Watching Rainbows/ Momma You've Been On My Mind/ Ready Willing And Able (inst.)/ Save The Last Dance For Me/ Shake Rattle & Roll/ The Walk/ Commonwealth Song/ White Power Promenade (pts. 1 & 2)1 Hi Ho Silver/ Youngblood R: Exm. S: Outtakes & BBC & assorted rarities. C: Deluxe blue cover. SS. TWENTY-ONE BIG ONES MELVIN RECORDS MM-006 Hippy Hippy Shake/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry/ Some Other Guy (Cavern Club '62)/ Love Of The Loved (Decca audition Jan. 1 '62)/Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues/ I'm Sure To Fall/ Shout (Around The Beatles May 6 '64)/ Have You Heard The Word (from album of the same name)/ Hi Ho Silver/ Commonwealth/ Get Off White Power/ Suzy Parker/ Besame Mucho/ Cottonfields (ad lib)/ Everybody's Rocking Tonight/ Whole Lotta Shaking Going On/ The Walk/ What's The New Mary Jane ('69 outtake) C: AS SWEET AS YOU ARE and SWEET APPLE TRAX albums except where noted. 400 pressed. THE ULTIMATE UNRELEASED COLLECTION VOL. 1 ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-012 Side By Side (Apr. 4 '63 with The Karl Denver Trio)/ Too Much Monkey Business (Apr. 4 '63)/ I'll Be On My Way (Apr. 4 '63)/ Some Other Guy (June 19 '63)/ Memphis, Tennessee (June 24 '63)/1 Got To Find My Baby (June 1 '63)/ Youngblood (June 1 '63)/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (June 1 '63)/ Sure To Fall (In Love With You) (June 1 '63)/ That's All Right Mama (July 2 '63)/ Carol (July 2 '63)/ Soldier Of Love (July 2 '63)/ Lend Me Your Comb (July 2 '63)/ Clarabella (July 2 '63)/ Sweet Little Sixteen (July 10 '63)/ Nothin' Shakin' (But The Leaves On The Trees) (July 10 '63)/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes (July 10 '63)/ So How Come (No One Loves Me) (July 10 '63)/ The Hippy Hippy Shake (July 10 '63)/ Pop Goes The Beatles (July 2 '63)/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down & Cry (Over You) (July 16 '63)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (July 16 '63)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (July 16 '63)/ The Honeymoon Song (July


16 '63)/1 Got A Woman (July 16 '63)/ Glad All Over (July 16 '63)/1 Just Don't Understand (July 16 '63)/ Ooh! My Soul (Aug. 1 '63)/ Don't Ever Change (Aug. 1 '63)/ Lucille (Sept. 3 '63)/ Johnny B. Goode (Jan. 7 '64)/1 Forgot To Remember To Forget (May 1 '64)/ Beautiful Dreamer (Jan. 26 '63)/ That'll Be The Day (Aug. '60) R: Vgm. C: ACD. Dec. A Beatles' version of ROOTS. Time 72:50. THE ULTIMATE UNRELEASED COLLECTION VOL. 2 ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-013 I'm Talking About You (Mar. 16 '63)/ Keep Your Hands Off My Baby (Jan. 26 '63)/ Dream Baby (Mar. 8 '62)/ Besame Mucho (June 15, '62)/ A Picture Of You (June 15 '62)/ Happy Birthday (Sept. 7 '63)/ With Monday To You (Trad) (May 1 '64)/ Crimble, All I Want For Christmas Is A Bottle (Dec. 17 '63)/ Shout (Apr. 28 '64)/ Catswalk/ Bad To Me (July '63)/ How Do You Do It? (Sept. 4 '62)/ Leave My Kitten Alone (Aug. 14 '64)/ If You've Got Troubles (Feb. 18 '65)/ That Means A Lot (Feb. 20 '65)/ 12Bar Original (Nov. 4 '65)/ Hello Little Girl (Jan. 1 '62)/ Love Of The Loved (Jan. 1 '62)/ Like Dreamers Do (Jan. 1 '62)/ Las Vegas Tune (July 30 '68)/1 Hate To See The Evening Sun Go Down (July 30 '68)/ Not Guilty (Aug. 8 '68)/ Come & Get It/ Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues/ Christmas Time Is Here Again/ What's The New Mary Jane? (Aug. 14 '68)/ Suzy Parker/ Heather/ A Case Of The Blues (Dec. '68)/ Watching Rainbows/ Brian Epstein Blues/ My Girl Is Red Hot (Hamburg, Dec. '62)/ Jessie's Dream (Oct. '67) R: Tracks 1-5 & 32 poor-Gm. Rest G-Vg & Exm/s. C: ACD. Dec. Tune 72:11. WHEN IT SAYS BEATLES BEATLES BEATLES ON THE LABEL LABEL LABEL YOU WILL LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT ON YOUR TURNTABLE TURNTABLE TURNTABLE MELVIN MMO4 S1: KFWB Interview/ Memphis/ Spiritual Regeneration/Happy Birthday Mike Love/ Second Album Open-end Interview/ Three Cool Cats/ All You Need Is Love/ It's All Too Much/ Too Bad About Sorrows/ weather report/ Her Majesty S2: September In The Rain/ All Things Must Pass/ Kenny Everett interview/ I'm So Tired/ My Girl Is Red Hot/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Short Short Short/ Haaalp! & '...much, much more!' This bootleg wins the 'Longest Album Title' award. Any questions? WONDERFUL PICTURE OF YOU CIRCLE RECORDS SKI 5430 S1: Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ When I'm 64/ Gimme Some Truth/ Polythene Pam/ Maggie Mae/ Her Majesty/ Little Eddie S2: Digging My Potatoes; Rock Island Line/ Hot As Sun/ Every Night/ Let It Be/ Wake Up In The Morning/ Jealous Guy/ Tomorrow Never Comes S3: All Shook Up; True Love/ A Shot of Rhythm & Blues; Memphis; Sweet Dream Baby; Wonderful Picture Of You; Some Other Guy (live)/ Keep Your Hands Off My Baby S4: Beautiful Dreamer/ Happy Birthday Saturday Club/ Oh My Soul/ Too Much Monkey Business/ Going To Find My Baby/ Youngblood R: Gm. S: 1969 GET BACK sessions & BBC broadcasts. C: Dec. SS.



UNSURPASSED DEMOS YELLOW DOG (YD 008) CD 1991 Source: Demos Sound Quality: Excellent Mono Rating: **** Back In The USSR (3:01) Dear Prudence (4:32) Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (2:54) The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill (2:40) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (2:36) I'm So Tired (3:05) Blackbird (2:30) Piggies (2:05) Rocky Raccoon (2:41) Not Guilty (3:09) Singalong Junk (2:33) Julia (2:51) Yer Blues (3:25) Mother Nature's Son (2:21) Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except For Me & My Monkey (3:00) Sexy Sadie (2:21) Sour Milk Sea (3:30) Revolution (3:58) Honey Pie (1:59) Cry, Baby, Cry (2:22) What's The New Mary Jane (2:35) Circles (Colliding Circles) (2:16) Child Of Nature (Jealous Guy) (2:33) Julia (inst.) (2:51) The quest by fans for WHITE ALBUM outtakes and demos is legendary. Thanks to the 'Lost Lennon Tapes' radio shows and private tape sources, many of these demos have come to light. Appearing on bootleg for the first time were Singalong Junk, Sour Milk Sea and Circles. All the songs are from George Harrison's Esher estate, Kinfauns, except for the two versions of Julia which were probably recorded in mid-1968 at Lennon's Kenwood home. The Kinfauns version of Julia is not included here. The Kinfauns tapes were recorded over a period of time in May 1968. Most of the songs on this disc are close to the final versions. Rocky Raccoon is missing the spoken intro, Circles is still raw, and Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da has Paul adding a double-tracked vocal echo. ANTHOLOGY 3 has a nice set of Kinfauns demos - some are the same demos as included here (but in better quality) and a number of alternate versions as well. You need both sets for a complete picture. THE BEATLES FAKE APPLE (APPLE EP-1) 2EP Disc One (Side A: Back In The USSR/ Don't Let Me Down) (Side B: Piggies/ Julia) Disc Two (Side A: The Maharishi Song/ Not Guilty) (Side B: Mother Nature's Son/ Look At Me) R: Vgs. S: Kinfaun's demos and Lennon demos from 1968. 2EP set on white vinyl and covers are numbered. Release was limited to 500 copies. Domestic.


'THE BEATLES - THE WHITE ALBUM / BLACK DISC (CPCS-681498) CD Hey Jude (session take)/ Interview #!/ What's The New Mary Jane?/ Back In The U.S.S.R. (backing track)/ Not Guilty/ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (alternate version)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (acoustic demo)/ Across The Universe (early session take)/ Blackbird (alternate mix)/ Circle (previously unreleased)/ Julia (demo)/ Birthday (vocal track)/ Yer Blues (acoustic demo)/ Yer Blues (unreleased 'Rock'N'Roll Circus' session)/ Mother Nature's Son (alternate version)/ Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey (alternate mix)/ Interview #21 Helter Skelter (backing track)/ Revolution 1 (backing track)/ Sour Milk Tea (unreleased demo)/ Cry Baby Cry (alternate version)/ Revolution (unreleased single mix) S: Sessions, demos, remixes and alternates. C: Japanese CD. Cardboard sleeve with B&W picture. Apple logo in bottom left corner. THE 1968 DEMOS HOWDY RECORDS CD 555-04 Back In The USSR/ Dear Prudence/ Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill/ I'm So Tired/ Piggies/ Julia/ Yer Blues/ Mother Nature's Son/ Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me & My Monkey/ Sexy Sadie/ No Guilty/ Revolution/ Cry Baby Cry/ What's The New Mary Jane/ Child Of Nature/ Julia (vers. I)/ Julia (vers. 2)1 Don't Let Me Down (vers. I)/ Don't Let Me Down (vers. 2)1 Everyone Had A Hard Year/ A Case Of The Blues/ Oh My Love (vers. I)/ Oh My Love (vers. 2)1 The Maharishi Song/1 Want You R: Exs/m. S: Tracks 1-15 demo sessions at George Harrison's house - late May '68. Tracks 16-25 various John Lennon demos - May-Dec. '68. C:ACD. Dcc.Booklet. Reissued as 1968 DEMOS on Vigotone (Vigo 100) CD and in better sound quality. OFF WHITE HAWK RECORDS WHT 868 S1: The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill/ Cry Baby Cry/ Sexy Sadie/Yer Blues/ Dear Prudence/ Julia/ I'm So Tired S2: Child Of Nature/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Lady Madonna/ Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey/ Goodbye/ Honey Pie/ What's The New Maryjane?/ Revolution R: Vg-Exm/s. S: WHITE ALBUM demos, outfakes and outtakes. The bootleggers really screwed this one up by adding their own sound effects to several of the tracks. This is one disc you should avoid. C: Deluxe grey-white cover. 'The Beatles' embossed on front. B&w pictures on back. 100 copies released on white vinyl. Big deal. OFF WHITE WHT 868 CD See OFF WHITE (Hawk Records) for songs and source plus Hey Jude/ Not Guilty/ It's AU Too Much/ Birthday/ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da/ Everyone Had A Hard Year/ What's The New Maryjane? (Version 2) C: Deluxe insert. B&w pics on back. 68:32 minutes. UNPLUGGED INVASION UNLIMITED IU 9541-1 CD CD1: Cry Baby Cry/ Child Of Nature/ The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill/ I'm So Tired/ Yer Blues/ Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey/ What's The New Mary Jane/ Revolution/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Circles/ Sour Milk Sea/ Not Guilty/ Piggies CD2: Julia/ Blackbird/ Rocky Raccoon/ Back In The USSR/ Honey Pie/ Mother Nature's Son/ Ob-LaDi, Ob-La-Da/ Junk/ Dear Prudence/ Sexy Sadie/ Helter Skelter/ Spiritual Regeneration/ Rishikesh No.9 (actually "The Maharishi Song') S: Acoustic outtakes. C: BCD.


WHITE ALBUM DEMOS THE EARLY YEARS 02-CD 3314 Yer Blues Jam/ Spiritual Regeneration, Happy Birthday Mike Love/ The Happy Rishikesh Song/ Child Of Nature/ Sexy Sadie/ Julia/ Cry Baby Cry/ Dear Prudence/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bull/ I'm So Tired/ Everyone Had A Hard Year/ Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me & My Monkey/ What's The New Mary Jane/ Yer Blues/ Yer Blues (reprise) R Vg-Ex. S: May *68 except tracks 1, 15, & 16 'Rock'NRoll Circus' Dec. '68 BCD. WHITE ALBUM- style cover. Booklet. White disc. WHITE ALBUM SESSIONS CHAPTER ONE CO 25151/52 CD CD1: Yer Blues Jam**/ Spiritual Regeneration/ The Happy Rishikesh Song***/ Child Of Nature/ Sexy Sadie/ Julia/ Cry Baby Cry/ Dear Prudence/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps*/ The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill/ I'm So Tired/ Everyone Had A Hard Year/ Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey/ What's The New Mary Jane (version I)/ Yer Blues/ Yer Blues (reprise)** CD2: Back In The U.S.S.R./ Don't Let Me Down/ Piggies/ Heather/ Revolution/ A Case Of The Blues/ Mother Nature's Son/ Look At Me/ The Maharishi Song/ Not Guilty (version I)/ Not Guilty (version 2)*/ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da*/ What's The New Mary Jane (version 2)*/ (I Hate To See) Hey Jude/ Brian Epstein Blues* R: Vg-Ex. S: Home demos spring '68 except *Abbey Road Studios July/Aug. '68. **'Rock 'n' Roll Circus' TV special Dec. '68. ***Lennon demo '79. C: BCD. Black cover with white text. Poster is mini version of one that came with the vinyl boot THE BLACK ALBUM. CD1 50:19. CD2 46:25. WHITE ALBUM SESSIONS VOL 2 CHAPTER ONE CO 25194 CD The Inner Light/ She Can Talk To Me/ Cry Baby Cry/ Across the Universe/ Lady Madonna/ What We Did On Our Meditation Course/ Julia/ Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps/ Blackbird/ Rocky Raccoon/ Not Guilty/ Singalong Junk/ Sour Milk Sea/ Honey Pie/ Colliding Circles/ Happiness Is A Warm Gun/ I'm So Tired/ Dear Prudence/ Revolution/ Oh My Love/ I'm In Love R: G-Ex. S: Tracks 1, 4-5, 17-20 alternate studio mixes. Tracks 2-3, 7-16, 21 home demos. Track 6 from Italian documentary about The Beatles in India '68. Track 22 Lennon demo June '63. C: BCD. Dbw. Time 59:48. OFF WHITE VOL. 3 RED PHANTOM RPCD 1138 CD Savoy Truffle (2:33)/ Peace Of Mind (3:13)/ What's The New Mary Jane (2:34)/ Helter Skelter (5:33)/ Frenzy And Distortion (1:47)/ Revolution 9 (8:28)/ Revolution (3:30)/ I'm Only Sleeping (0:14)/ Sexy Sadie (2:22)/ Child Of Nature (2:32)/ I'm So Tired (3:01)/ Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey (2:53)/ Revolution (3:54)/ Julia (2:49)/ Don't Let Me Down (2:56)/ Not Guilty (0:53)/ Look At Me (3:10) R: G-Vg. Some tape hiss. S: The cover says these were recorded at Abbey Road Studio '67 but some of these songs are from home demos and a couple are not even The Beatles. C: BCD. Dec. White disc. OFF THE BEATLE TRACK CHAPTER ONE CO 25171 CD Besame Mucho (2:35)/ How Do You Do It (2:02)/ I Saw Her Standing There: Take 3 (3:10), Take 6, Incomplete (1:21), Take 7 & 8 (two breakdowns - (0:45), Take 9 (2:56), Edit Piece (0:30), Take 11 & 12 (added echoed hand claps - 3:36)/ Misery: Take 1 (1:55), Take 2-5 (all breakdowns - 2:43), Take 6 (2:12)/ There's A Place: Take 1 (2:07), Takes 3 & 4 (2:03), Takes 5 & 6 (2:19), Take 12 & Take 13 (added harmonica - 2:16)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret: Take 7 (2:05), Take 8 (with echo, no


backing vocals - 2:05)/ A Taste Of Honey (Take 6 - 2:16)/ From Me To You: Incomplete Take (1:33), Take 2 (2:07), Take 6 & 7 (2:18), Take 8 (2:16), Edit Pieces - Added Harmonica (1:55)/ Thank You Girl: Take 1 (2:10), Takes 2-4 (2:18), Edit Pieces (4:01)/ One After 909: Take 1 (Incomplete -1:27), Take 2 (2:59), Take 3 (3:00)/ Bad To Me (acoustic demo - 1:30) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Track 1 EMI Audition June 6 '62. Track 2 Sept. 4 '62. Tracks 3-18 Feb. 11 '63. Tracks 19-29 Mar. 5 '63. Track 30 early '63. C: BCD. Dbw. Yellow/red type. Time 66:13. PETER SELLERS TAPE MASTERDISC (MDCD 001) CD 1995 Source: Reel to Reel Sound Quality: Good to excellent mono Rating: **** Time 41:28 Back In The U.S.S.R. Rocky Raccoon Wild Honey Pie Mother Nature's Sun Sexy Sadie Don't Pass Me By Yer Blues Good Night Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da Blackbird Not Guilty These songs were assembled and mixed by Ringo for his friend Peter Sellers. The songs first showed up on UNSURPASSED MASTERS VOL. 4. There are several differences on this disc, however. There is over a minute more of African sound effects and music at the beginning of Yer Blues, at the beginning of Back In The USSR there are different effects, and there is additional chat before Mother Nature's Son. R: Exs. Soundboard. S: WHITE ALBUM outtakes '68. C: Japanese CD. Dbw. Red type. Claims to be from master tape. Also see ENGLISH SUMMER. PETER SELLERS TAPE SPANK RECORDS (SP-104) CD 1993 Same material as the Masterdisc version. Liner notes 'borrowed' from Belmo's Beatleg News #25. For shame! REVOLUTION VIGOTONE (VT 117) CD 1994 Source: Various Sound Quality: Excellent stereo/mono Rating: **** Total Time: 71:27 Mellotron Music No. 1 (mellotron experiment Weybridge '68) Girl (mono mix Nov. 11 '65) We Can Work It Out, Lucy From Little Town (Paul's acoustic home demo '65 with John's spoken word play) Michelle (acoustic home demo '65) We Can Work It Out (rough mono mix Oct. '65) It's Not Too Bad (three composing demos for 'Strawberry Fields Forever' Spain '66) Good Morning Good Morning (home demo '67) Mellotron Music No. 2 (mellotron experiment Weybridge '68)


Revolution (alternate mix '68) Across The Universe (alternate mix Feb. '68) Revolution 9 (alternate mono mix June '68) Mellotron Music No. 3 (mellotron experiment Weybridge '68) Julia (acoustic demo Weybridge May '68) Stranger In My Arms (unfinished Weybridge May '68) Revolution 1 (Yoko's observations) Hey Jude (promo film soundtrack) Revolution (promo film soundtrack) Eight of the 15 songs here were previously unreleased, with the most interesting material being the mellotron music and the Revolution sessions. Girl is incomplete and is different than the version on ARTIFACTS. The composing demos for Strawberry Fields are quite interesting for us musical historians. Michelle may be bogus and is not the same as on the GARAGE TAPES. Stranger In My Arms is a unique and previously unreleased artifact performed by Lemon. Revolution 1 is pretty much spoiled by Yoko's jabbering during the playback of the song. This disc suffers from some hiss and surface noise. THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 1 YELLOW DOG (YDB 101/2/3/4) 4CD 1994 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good to excellent/mono & stereo Rating: ***** CD1: The Early Year, 1962, Decca Tapes Intro - Like Dreamers Do (2:38) Money That's What I Want (2:25) Till There Was You (3:01) The Sheik Of Araby (1:43) To Know Her Is To Love Her (2:37) Take Good Care Of My Baby (2:29) Memphis Tennessee (2:22) Sure To Fall In Love With You (2:04) Hello Little Girl (1:41) Three Cool Cats (2:26) Crying Waiting Hoping (2:04) Love Of The Loved (1:53) September In The Rain (1:57) Besame Mucho (2:41) Searchin' (3:05) I Saw Her Standing There (3:11) The One After 909 (3:13) The One After 909 (3:18) Catswalk(l:24) Catswalk(l:24) Some Other Guy (2:12) Tracks 1-15 are the Decca Tapes and have been speed-corrected and de-noised.Tracks 16-20 are from the rehearsal at the Cavern Club recorded in March 1962. These had been previously issued but the sound here has been improved. Some Other Guy is from the acetate sold at Sotheby's in 1982 and has been de-clicked. It is from the Granada TV filming of The Beatles at the Cavern Club. CD2: Television Appearances Intro, All My Loving (3:44) 'Till There Was You (2:11) She Loves You (2:54) Intro, I Saw Her Standing There (2:52)


I Want To Hold Your Hand, Outtro (3:31) She Loves You (2:22) This Boy (2:39) All My Loving (2:23) Intro, I Saw Her Standing There (2:50) From Me To You (2:34) I Want To Hold Your Hand, Outtro (3:19) Intro, Twist And Shout (3:04) Please Please Me, Speech (2:01) I Want To Hold Your Hand (3:02) Interview, You Can't Do That (4:40) Intro, I Feel Fine (3:22) I'm Down (2:25) Act Naturally, Speech, Intro (3:01) Ticket To Ride (2:46) Yesterday (2:26) Help, Outtro (3:01) Ed Sullivan intro without songs (:42) She Loves You (2:32) This Boy (2:49) All My Loving, Intro (3:10) I Saw Her Standing There (2:39) From Me To You (2:08) I Want To Hold Your Hand, Outtro (2:34) Ed Sullivan Shows Tracks 1-5 Feb. 9 '64. Tracks 6-11 rehearsal show Miami Feb. 15 '64. This is the performance where Paul's mike goes dead partway through the first song. Tracks 12-14 NYC Feb. 23 '64. Track 15 is a brief interview with Ed Sullivan and the boys from the set of AHDN on May 24 '64. Tracks 16-21 NYC Sept. 12 '65. Tracks 22 '66. Tracks 23-28 Miami Feb. 16 '64. Excellent sound throughout and having Ed's pithy comments add some humor to this disc. CD3: Miscellaneous Tracks In Spite Of All The Danger ('93 Version) (:49) The First Sounds Of Strawberry Fields Forever (:36) We Love You Beatles (1:07) Twist And Shout (2:30) Roll Over Beethoven (1:48) I Wanna Be Your Man (1:44) Long Tall Sally (1:41) Medley: Love Me Do, Please Please Me, From Me To You, She Loves You, I Want To Hold Your Hand (3:56) Can't Buy Me Love (2:03) Shout (1:59) Girl (backing track) (2:20)* We Can Work It Out (:31) Obladi Oblada (2:35) Blackbird (demo) (1:48) Helter Skelter (demo) (:55) Oh Darling (vocals only) (8:27) Think For Yourself (studio talk) (5:04) Aerial Tour Instrumental - Flying (complete long version) (9:39) Aerial Tour Instrumental (reversed) (9:39) Track one is the 1993 version sung by ex-Quarry Men Rod Davies and Len Garry. Track two is John


playing around a 'mouth organ' as seen in the video 'First U. S. Visit'. Blackbird and Helter Skelter are from an unreleased Apple film. Oh Darling is a unique working of the vocal tracks by Paul. Paul goes through his vocal exercises, plays with a vocal effect, and makes comments to the engineer. The studio talk from Think For Yourself is different than that on the Yellow Dog release. These are new versions of Blackbird and Helter Skelter - no, not the long version! Finally, Aerial Tour is the longest version yet of this track. It is followed by the same track but reversed (probably done by the bootleggers). R: Vg-Ex. Some G. *Poor. S: Tracks 3-10 'Around The Beatles' recorded Apr. 27-28 '64. Aired May 6. '64. Here without audience. Later released as a single disc. CD4: The First Recorded Hour of the LET IT BE Sessions Footsteps (setting up), Don't Let Me Down, Dig A Pony, Don't Let Me Down (15:47) Let It Down, Brown-Eyed Handsome Man, I've Got A Feeling, Child Of Nature, I Shall Be Released (16:07) Don't Let Me Down Dialogue, I've Got A Feeling (14:51) I've Got A Feeling (1:18) I've Got A Feeling (16:16) R: Ex. Soundboard. S: The first recorded hour of the LET IT BE sessions Twickenham Jan. 2 '69. Film roll numbers 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A. C: BCD. Box set with full color cover. Contains two full color inserts - one with set's listings and sources and a second with listings of remaining two boxes in this series. Pic CDs. THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 2 YELLOW DOG (YDB 201/2/3/4) 4CD 1995 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good to excellent/ mono & stereo Rating: **** CD 1: Live, Live, Live Intro - Interview Swedish Radio (1:48) Intro, I Saw Her Standing There (3:31) From Me To You (2:08) Money (2:48) Roll Over Beethoven (2:28) She Really Got A Hold On Me (3:05) She Loves You (2:32) Twist And Shout (2:46) I'm A Loser (3:06) Can't Buy Me Love (2:42) I Wanna Be Your Man (2:45) A Hard Day's Night (2:48) Rock And Roll Music (2:19) I Feel Fine (2:36) Ticket To Ride (3:30) Long Tall Sally (2:02) Intro (1:20) Rock And Roll Music (1:36) She's A Woman (3:16) If I Needed Someone (2:58) Day Tripper (3:16) Baby's In Black (2:42) I Feel Fine (2:31) Yesterday (2:32) I Wanna Be Your Man (2:37)


Nowhere Man (2:47) Paperback Writer (2:45) I'm Down (2:42) Tracks 1-8 Stockholm Oct. 24 '63. Tracks 9-16 Paris June 20 '65. Tracks 17-28 Tokyo July 1 '66. R: Tracks 1-8 Vg. Tracks 9-16 G-Vg. Tracks 17-28 G. Previously booted, but a nice selection of cuts in improved quality from most boots. CD2: Studio Sessions, Feb. 11, 1963 There's A Place (take 1) (2:10) There's A Place (takes 3,4) (2:13) There's A Place (takes 5, 6) (2:21) There's A Place (takes 7, 8) (2:46) There's A Place (take 9) (2:06) There's A Place (take 10) (2:03) I Saw Her Standing There (take 1) (3:05) I Saw Her Standing There (take 2) (3:12) I Saw Her Standing There (take 3)/ I Saw Her Standing There (take 4)/I Saw Her Standing There (take 5) (2:42) I Saw Her Standing There (takes 6-9) (4:57) Do You Want To Know A Secret (take 7) (2:40) Do You Want To Know A Secret (take 8) (2:06) A Taste Of Honey (take 6) (2:12) A Taste Of Honey (take 7) (2:13) There's A Place (take 11) (2:07) There's A Place (take 12) (2:29) I Saw Her Standing There (take 10) (3:03) I Saw Her Standing There (take 11) (3:41) Misery (take 1) (2:02) Misery (takes 2-6) (4:51) Misery (takes 7, 8) (2:24) A number of previously unbooted takes included here. This disc is quite important for musical historians and collectors. It gives us a better picture of The Beatles at work in the studio. R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Recording of PLEASE PLEASE ME LP Feb. 11 '63. Tracks 1-11 morning session. Tracks 12-22 afternoon session. Later released as a single disc. CD3: Studio Sessions, March 5 and September 12,1963 From Me To You (takes 1, 2) (3:32) From Me To You (take 3) (1:57) From Me To You (take 4) (1:54) From Me To You (take 5) (2:18) From Me To You (takes 6, 7) (2:19) Thank You Girl (take 1) (2:12) Thank You Girl (takes 2-4) (2:37) Thank You Girl (take 5) (2:08) Thank You Girl (take 6) (2:23) Thank You Girl (edit pieces takes 7-13) (4:07) From Me To You (take 8) (2:13) From Me To You (edit piece takes 9-13) (1:55) One After 909 (takes 1, 2) (4:27) One After 909 (takes 3-5) (5:41) Hold Me Tight (track 2 - take 21) (2:44) Hold Me Tight (track 2 - takes 22, 23, 24) (4:04)


Hold Me Tight (track 2 - takes 25, 26) (3:03) Hold Me Tight (track 2 - takes 27, 28) (1:56) Hold Me Tight (track 2 - take 29) (2:52) Don't Bother Me (remake take 10) (2:52) Don't Bother Me (remake takes 11-13) (3:55) The March session was previously booted on the bootleg by Vigotone (MARCH 5, 1963) but the sound quality is much improved here. The Hold Me Tight takes were previously unreleased. Another excellent set for the collector. R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Tracks 1-14 Abbey Road Studios Mar. 5 '63. Tracks 15-21 Abbey Road Studios Sept. 12 '63. Later released as a single disc. CD4: The Second Recorded Hour of the LET IT BE Sessions Speak To Me, I've Got A Feeling, I've Got A Feeling (16:06) 5A Dialogue, I've Got A Feeling (16:19) 6A Dialogue, I've Got A Feeling, Don't Let Me Down (16:16) 7A Don't Let Me Down, Dialogue, Don't Let Me Down (16:19) 8A Previously unbooted except for most of film roll 5A. R: Ex. Soundboard. S: The second recorded hour of the LET IT BE sessions Twickenham Jan. 2 '69. Film roll numbers 5A, 6A, 7A and 8A. C: BCD. Box set with full color cover. Contains color booklet with listings and sources. Pic CDs. THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 3 YELLOW DOG (YDB 301/2/3/4) 4CD 1995 Source: Various Sound Quality: Very good to excellent / mono & stereo Rating: **** CD 1: The Radio Years At The BEEB Intro - To Much Monkey Business (2:19) Got To Find My Baby (2:19) Young Blood (2:26) Baby It's You (2:44) A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues (2:29) Happy Birthday, A Taste Of Honey (2:24) Sure To Fall In Love With You (2:11) Money (3:17) Twist And Shout (3:02) Memphis Tennessee (2:18) That's All Right Mama (3:06)* Carol (3:08) Soldier Of Love (2:09) Lend Me Your Comb (2:20) Clarabella (3:05)* Matchbox (2:28) Please, Mr. Postman (2:17) Hippy Hippy Shake (1:50) I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry, Over You (2:31) Crying, Waiting, Hoping (2:09) Kansas City (2:46) To Know Her Is To Love Her (3:22) The Honeymoon Song (1:46) Long Tall Sally (2:37) You Really Got A Hold On Me (3:00) I Got A Woman (2:53) Honey Don't (2:53)


Roll Over Beethoven (2:21) Tracks 1-4 (6/11/63), tracks 5-8 (6/18/63), track 9 (6/25/63), track 10 (6/29/63), tracks 11-15 (7/16/63), tracks 16-18 (7/30/63), tracks 19-23 (8/6/63), tracks 24-26 (8/13/63) and tracks 27-28 (9/3/63). R: VgEx. *G. S: 'Pop Goes The Beatles' BBC '63 . CD2: Studio Sessions, 1964 A Hard Day's Night (take 2) (2:34) A Hard Day's Night (take 3) (2:37) A Hard Day's Night (take 4) (2:42) A Hard Day's Night (takes 6, 7) (4:36) A Hard Day's Night (takes 8-9) (2:34) I'm A Loser (takes 1, 2) (2:38) I'm A Loser (take 3) (2:55) I'm A Loser (takes 4-6) (4:43) I'm A Loser (takes 7, 8) (1:16) She's A Woman (take 2) (3:22) She's A Woman (takes 3-5) (3:46) She's A Woman (take 7) (6:32) I Feel Fine (takes 1, 2) (3:17) I Feel Fine (take 5) (2:27) I Feel Fine (take 6) (2:49) I Feel Fine (take 7) (2:47) Mostly all previously unbooted outtakes: Quite an enjoyable set. R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Studios sessions. Tracks 1-5 Mar. 16 '64. Tracks 6-9 Aug. 14 '64. Tracks 10-12 Oct. 8 '64. Track 13-16 Oct. 18 '64. Later released as a single disc. CD3: Studio Sessions, 1965-66 Yes It Is (take 1) (3:01) Yes It Is (takes 2-7) (4:05) Yes It Is (takes 8, 9) (3:09) Yes It Is (takes 10, 11 and 14 (3:15) Help (takes 1-4) (3:31) Help (take 5) (2:52) Help (takes 6-7) (3:19) Help (takes 8, 9) (2:46) Help (take 10) (2:35) Help (takes 11,12 (2:46) Help (take 13) (2:25) Run For Your Life (take 1) (:17) Day Tripper (take 1) (2:08) Day Tripper (takes 2, 3) (4:16) We Can Work It Out (take 1) (2:03) We Can Work It Out (take 2) (2:30) Paperback Writer (tracks 1, 2) (4:08) Rain (3:07) Again, most of these tracks have never been bootlegged. Another superb set. R: Ex. Soundboard. S: Studio sessions. Tracks 1-4 Feb. 16 '65. Tracks 5-11 Apr. 13 '65. Tracks 12 Oct. 12 '65. Tracks 13-14 Oct. 16 '65. Tracks 15-16 Oct. 20 '65. Track 17 Apr. 13 '66. Track 18 Apr. 14 '66. Later released as a single disc. CD4: The Third Recorded Hour of the LET IT BE Sessions Eating Sandwiches, Well All Right, All Things Must Pass, Two Of Us, Two Of Us (16:20)


Two Of Us, Two Of Us (15:34) Paul's Piano Tune, Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On, Let It Be, Taking A Trip To Carolina (15:50) Please Mrs. Henry, Ramblin' Woman, Talking About The Band, I Bought A Picasso, Taking A Trip To Carolina, Hey Jude, Thinking Of All The Tunes I Got, All Things Must Pass, Ringo Testing Drums (16:15) Some of the material here has appeared on GET BACK JOURNALS and CODE NAME RUSSIA. Certainly nothing momentous here. R: Ex. Soundboard. S: The third recorded hour of the LET IT BE sessions Twickenham. Tracks 1-2 film roll numbers 9A-10A Jan. 2 '69. Tracks 3-4 film roll numbers 11A-12A Jan. 3 '69. C: BCD. Box set with full color cover. Contains color booklet with listings and sources. Pic CDs. THE WORLD'S BEST - NEW REMASTER EDITION FAB GEAR CPSC 9401 CD I Want To Hold Your Hand (alternate stereo version)/ She Loves You (simulated stereo version)/ From Me To You (original stereo mix)/All My Loving (five counts hi-hat opening stereo version)/ A Hard Days Night (US single mono mix)/ I Should Have Known Better (alternate stereo remix)/ And I Love Her (unedited stereo long version, guitar riff repeated six times at the end)/1 Feel Fine (alternate stereo mix, whispering before intro)/ Ticket To Ride (short edit stereo version)/ Help! (US Capitol stereo version, 'James Bond' intro)/ Yesterday (US Capitol mono mix)/ We Can Work It Out (alternate stereo mix, different mix of organ)/ Day Tripper (alternate stereo mix)/ Norwegian Wood (alternate stereo remix)/ Girl (alternate stereo remix, vocal track moved center)/ Here There And Everywhere (alternate stereo remix)/ Strawberry Fields Forever (alternate stereo version, sound effects and ending remixed)/ Penny Lane (trumpet ending stereo version, Capitol promo single)/ I Am The Walrus (alternate stereo mix, six beats intro and extra beats after third verse)/ Hey Jude (short edit version)/ Revolution (original stereo mix)/ Across The Universe (original mono mix from Brazilian single)/ Ballad Of John And Yoko (single mono mix, Australian single)/ Let It Be (mono version, Japanese single)/ Beatles Movie Medley (single stereo version, promo remix) R: Ex. S: Collection of Beatles rarities and alternate mixes. Pirate. C: Japanese CD. Dec. Pic CD. Tune 74:32. THE SAPCOR COLLECTION SAPCOR, an Australian bootleg company, released a series of vinyl collections in 1987. Their 'modus operandi' were clever titles and imaginative covers - parodies of Beatles legitimate albums. For the most part the material on their bootlegs had been previously available and offered little new for the collector. Still, their creative approach was appealing and the albums quickly found an audience. Some (or all) of the bootlegs may have actually originated from the West Coast of the US The truth may never be known -though it is out there. (Sounds like an upcoming episode on THE BEATLES X-FILES!) SAPCOR 28: RE-INTRODUCING THE BEATLES SAPCOR 29: PLEASE RELEASE ME SAPCOR 30: WITHERED BEATLES SAPCOR 31: A KNIGHT'S HARD DAY SAPCOR 32: BEATLES FOR AUCTION SAPCOR 33: FUCK! SAPCOR 34: RABBI SAUL SAPCOR 35: REVOLTING SAPCOR 36/37: TRAGICAL HISTORY TOUR/DR. PEPPER SAPCOR 38: LITTLE RED ALBUM SAPCOR 39: MELLOW YELLOW SAPCOR 40: BROAD ROAD SAPCOR 41: HEY JULIAN SAPCOR 42: LET IT END SAPCOR 43: LIFTING MATERIAL FROM THE WORLD


SAPCOR NZ1964: GRAVE POSTS BEATLES FOR AUCTION SAPCOR 32 S1: I'm A Loser/ Baby's In Black/ Rock 'n' Roll Music / I'll Follow The Sun/ Kansas City, Hey Hey Hey Hey/ Honey Don't (Ringo) S2: Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Words Of Love/ Long Tall Sally/ Slow Down/ Matchbox/ '65 Christmas Fan Club Disc R: Vg-Ex. S: Baby's In Black is from Houston 1965 and all but the last track are from the BBC. C: Dec. DL. BROAD ROAD SAPCOR 40 S1: Come Together ( Lennon's 'One To One' rehearsal take)/ Something/ Maxwell's Silver Hammer/ Oh! Darling (vocal only)/ Octopus' Garden/ I Want You (She's So Heavy) (listed but not on the album) S2: Here Comes The Sun (Harrison & P. Simon - 'Sat. Night Live')/ Because/ You Never Give Me Your Money/ Sun King/ Mean Mr. Mustard/ Polythene Pam/ She Came In Through The Bathroom Window/ Golden Slumbers/ Carry That Weight/ Her Majesty (long vers) R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL. S: Common ABBEY ROAD outtakes or as noted. DR. PEPPER SAPCOR 36 S1: Intro/ With A Little Help From My Friends (Ringo TV special)/ When I'm Sixty Four (GET BACK session/ Sgt. Pepper (reprise- mono)/ A Day In The Life (acetate)/ Nemrepus Ekil Uoy Kcuf Ll'ew (the 'inner groove')/ Christmas Time/ 1967 Christmas Fan Club Disc S2: Intro: George Martin/ Strawberry Fields Forever: Take#l, version 2, backing track for version #3, version #3 - normal version, alternative final mix R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL. In gatefold cover with TRAGICAL HISTORY TOUR. FUCK! SAPCOR 33 S1: Help (Ed Sullivan show)/ Ticket To Ride (BBC)/ Act Naturally (Ed Sullivan)/ Yesterday (from 'James Paul McCartney' TV special)/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy (BBC)/ That Means A Lot S2:1 Feel Fine (BBC)/ She's A Woman (BBC)/ I'm Down (Ed Sullivan)/ Yes It Is (stereo -Take 14)/ Medley: Love Me Do; Please Please Me; From Me To You; She Loves You; I Want To Hold Your Hand (from 'Around The Beatles' - stereo)/This Boy (cv) S3:1 Got A Woman (BBC)/ Johnny B Goode (BBC)/ Honey Don't (BBC-John)/ Shout! (from 'Around The Beatles')/ Hippy Hippy Shake BBC)/ I Forgot To Remember To Forget (BBC) S4: Beatles views - complete unedited press coverage of Aust./ N.Z. tour part 2 R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL. GRAVE POSTS APPLE RECORDS SAPCOR NZ 1964 C: Dec. DL. Copied from GET BACK JOURNALS: S13-14, 19-20. HEY JULIAN SAPCOR 41 S1: David Frost Theme-Now or Never/ Hey Jude (video), Revolution (video)/ Paperback Writer (alternate mix - no echo)/ Come And Get It (Paul's demo)/ Don't Let Me Down (GET BACK session)/ Suicide (Paul) S2: 1969 Fan Club Christmas Disc/ All Together On The Wireless (Kenny Everett and Paul/ Step Inside Love (Paul demo)/ Spiritual Regeneration/ Happy Birthday Mike Love/ Lady Madonna (take 4)/ Peace


Of Mind (not The Beatles) S3-4: Yellow Submarine (Parts 5 & 6) Parts 1-4 are on MELLOW YELLOW. This is about the only way you will get to hear Ringo's 'Yellow Submarine' radio show which was aired from June to December 1983 on the ABC FM network. R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL A KNIGHT'S HARD DAY SAPCOR 31 S1: A Hard Days Night (outfake)/1 Should Have Known Better / If I Fell/ I'm Happy Just to Dance With You/ And I Love Her/ Things We Said Today/ Can't Buy My Love S2: From Me To You/ She Loves You/ I'll Get You/ I Want To Hold Your Hand (Paris live 1964)/ This Boy/ Bad To Me (acetate)/ You Can't Do That (Hollywood Bowl 1964) S3: Sweet Little Sixteen/ That's All Right Mama/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ Too Much Monkey Business/ Young Blood/ Honeymoon Song/ Lucille S4: 1964 Christmas Fan Club Disc/ Beatleviews (1964 Australia/NZ tour) R: Vg-Ex. C: Dbw & red. DL. Tracks are from BBC except as noted. LET IT END SAPCOR 42 S1: Two Of Us/ Dig A Pony/ Across The Universe/ I Me Mine/ Dig It / Let It Be/ The Walk S2: I've Got A Feeling/ One After 909/ Teddy Boy/ The Long And Winding Road/ For You Blue/ Get Back S3: Take This Hammer/ Down The Mississippi (aka New Orleans)/ Madman/ Little Queenie/ Be Bop-aLula/ Eddie/ Singin' The Blues/ Back Seat Of My Car/ It's Just For You/ Woman/ Bad Boy S4: Shake, Rattle, And Roll/ RockNRoll Medley/ Blue Suede Shoes/ Gone,Gone,Gone/Ramblin' Woman/1 Threw It All Away/ Momma, You've Been On My Mind/ Domino/ Tea For Two/ Chopsticks/ Revolting (feedback guitar, Yoko screeching) R: Vg-Ex. GET BACK sessions from January 1969 C: Dec. DL. LIFTING MATERIAL FROM THE WORLD SAPCOR 43 S1: Shanghai Surprise/ Some Place Else (original version)/ Breath Away From Heaven/ I Don't Want To Do It (demo)/ Abandoned Love (unreleased)/ Sue Me Sue You Blues (Demo)/ Everytime Somebody Comes To Town/ I'd Have You Anytime/ George Harrison interview from Australia (1986?) S2: Living In A Pet Shop/ Scouse's Dream/ Punning Tree/ Boat Ride/ Scouse The Mouse/ I Know A Place/ S.O.S./ A Mouse Like Me (excerpts from 'Scouse The Mouse' - 1977) S3: Big Barn Bed/ Little Woman Love/ Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance/ Medley: Blackbird, Bluebird, Michelle,Heart Of The Country/ Mary Had A Little Lamb/ The Mess/ Hi Hi Hi (CMoon (promo))/ Medley: Bluebird, Momma's Little Girl.Michelle, Heart Of The Country ( Side 3 tracks are from 'James Paul McCartney') S4: Imagine/ Attica State/ Luck of the Irish/ John Sinclair/ Give Peace a Chance/ Money Money ('Eat The Document' outtake)/ Howard CoseUV Radio Ads/ Johnny D.J. (on W.N.E.W.)/ Medley: Well (Baby Please Don't Go),Rock Island Line, Maybe Baby,Peggy Sue (Summer 1972?) (Side 4 tracks are Lennon live cuts and various interviews) R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL. S: Each LP is designated to one of The Beatles' solo output. THE LITTLE RED ALBUM SAPCOR 38 S1: Back In The USSR (July 4, 1985: Ringo & The Beach Boys)/ Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da (Take 5)/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps (acoustic)/ I'm So Tired (GET BACK session)/ Blackbird (Paul's 'Backyard' film)/ When The Sun Goes Down & Hey Jude #l(from 'Experiment In Television') S2: Birthday (outfake)/ Yer Blues ('Rock And Roll Circus')/ Goodbye (demo)/ Not Guilty/ Heather (Paul


1969)/ Mary Jane (Take 4)1 Good Night (from THE WEDDING ALBUM) S3: 1968 Christmas Fan Club Disc/ John and Paul on U.S. Educational T.V. (May 15, 1968)/ interview on Johnny Carson's 'Tonight Show' '68. S4: Beatleviews on Educational T.V./ Revolution #9 (backwards) R: Vg-Ex. C:Dcc. DL. MELLOW YELLOW SAPCOR 38 S1: Yellow Submarine ('Ringo' TV special)/ It's All Too Much (with extra verse)/ All You Need Is Love ('Our World' TV special)/ Ringo's 'Yellow Submarine' (Part 1) S2: Ringo's 'Yellow Submarine' (Part 2) S3: Ringo's 'Yellow Submarine' (Part 3) S4: Ringo's 'Yellow Submarine' (Part 4) R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL. PLEASE RELEASE ME" SAPCOR 29 S1: I Saw Her Standing There/ Misery/ Anna (Go To Him)/ Chains/ Bop/ Ask Me Why/ Please Please Me S2: Love Me Do/ P.S. I Love You/ Baby It's You/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/A Taste of Honey/ There's A Place/ Twist And Shout S3:1 Got To Find My Baby/1 Just Don't Understand/ I'm Gonna Get You/ I'm Talking About You/ Keep Your Hands Off My Baby/ Lend Me Your Comb/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes S4: Beatleviews R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL. 1963 BBC performances RABBI SAUL SAPCOR34 S1: Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown - outtake)/ Nowhere Man (Budokan)/ Michelle ('James Paul McCartney' special)/ Michelle (outtake from JPM special)/ I'm Looking Through You (with false start)/ Think For Yourself (from 'Yellow Submarine' film)/ If I Needed Someone (Budokan)/ Catswalk (unreleased)/ If You've Got Troubles (unreleased)/ Day Tripper (Budokan)/ 1966 Christmas Fan Club Disc (excerpt) S2: Beatleviews/ Murray The K 'As It Happened' special/ Lennon: 'I Sat Belonely' R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL. REINTRODUCING THE BEATLES SAPCOR 28 S1: I'll Follow The Sun/ Hallelujah, I Love You So/ One After 909/ Thinking Of Linking ('Wildcat' ?)/ Gonna Move Out Of Town ('I Don't Know'?/Winston's Tale (R&B Jam) S2: That'll Be The Day (first studio recording )/ My Bonnie (long original German intro - Apr. '61)/ Sweet Georgia Brown (outtake)/ Red Hot (live in Hamburg '62)/ Dream Baby (first BBC appearance '62. Pete Best on drums)/ Hello Little Girl*/ Love Of The Loved*/ Like Dreamers Do*/ Three Cool Cats*/ September In The Rain*/ Sheik of Araby*/ Take Good Care Of My Baby* (*Decca Auditions, Jan.l '62) S3: First Radio Interview (Oct. 27 '62)/A.F.N. Radio (interview '62)/ Beatleviews S4: Side By Side (complete version)/ Pop Goes The Beatles/ From Us To You/ Happy Birthday, Saturday Club/ Beautiful Dreamer/ Carol/ Clarabella/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Don't Ever Change/ Glad All Over/ Sure to Fall R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL. Side one are some of the Quarry Men songs. Side two are Decca songs except as indicated. Side four are BBC tracks.


REVOLTING SAPCOR 35 S1: There Once Was A Beautiful Girl/ Talkin' About You/ Great Balls Of Fire/ Don't Let The Sun Catch You Cryin'/ Sexy Sadie/ Suicide/ Piano Theme, Strawberry Blues/ Rainy Day Woman(#12 and #35)/ Moving Along The River Rhine/ The Inner Light/ Let It Down/ Maybe Baby/ Hot As Sun/ Every Night S2: Mailman Blues/ Suzy Parker/Tennessee/ House Of The Rising Sun/ Commonwealth/ White Power/ Yakety Yak, Hi Ho Silver/ Oh! Enoch Powell/ Jealous Guy/ I Shall Be Released S3: All Shook Up, True Love/ Blue Suede Shoes/ Three Cool Cats/ Blowin' In The Wind/ Third Man Theme/ Negro In Reverse/ Early In The Morning/ Tomorrow Never Comes/ Bring It On Home To Me/ Hitch-Hike/ Short Fat Fannie/ Midnight Special/ Gimme Some Truth S4: Round And Round/ Hi Heel Sneakers/ Penina/ Shakin' In The 60's/ Good Rockin Tonight/ All Things Must Pass/ A Fool Like Me/ You Win Again/ Watching Rainbows/ The Right String But The Wrong Yo-yo/ Stand By Me/ She Said, She Said/ Too Bad About Sorrows/ You've Got Me Thinking/ Diggin' My Potatoes, Rock Island Line R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL. These songs are from the GET BACK sessions. Some songs are misnamed and others are not listed at all. TRAGICAL HISTORY TOUR SAPCOR 37 S1: Magical Mystery Tour (from MMT soundtrack)/ Fool On The Hill (Paul demo)/ Shirley's Wild Accordion (not really - just bits of incidental music)/ Blue Jay Way (mono mix)/ Your Mother Should Know (basic tracks)/ I Am The Walrus (basic tracks)/ Strawberry Fields Forever( take 1)1 Jessie's Dream (MMT soundtrack) S2: John Talks About M.M. Tour (Nov. 24, 1967)/ Beatles with Kenny Everett (orig.broadcast-June 9, 1968) / Beatles with Kenny Everett (Apple promo 45 - edited) R: Vg-Ex. C: Dec. DL. In gatefold with DR. PEPPER. WITHERED BEATLES SAPCOR 30 S1: How Do You Do It (take 2)1 Thank You Girl/ All My Loving/ Don't Bother Me (take ll)/ One After 909 (#2)1 Till There Was You/ Please Mister Postman S2: Roll Over Beethoven/ I'll Be On My Way/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Devil In Her Heart/ Besame Mucho (alternate e EMI take)/ Money S3: Memphis Tennessee/ Nothin' Shakin' (But The Leaves On The Trees)/ Ooh! My Soul/ A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues/ So How Come (No One Loves Me)/ Soldier Of Love/ Some Other Guy S4: 1963 Fan Club Christmas Disc/ KSWB US Radio Spot (June 1964)/ Brian Matthews telephone interview (February 1964)/Beatleviews (1964) R: Vg-Ex. S: Dbw. DL. BBC except as noted.


In 1993 a new company emerged whose purpose in life was to release all The Beatles albums as found in the United States and known as THE CAPITOL VERSIONS. The 'Capitol Versions', of course, featured the original song lineup and mixes as intended for an American audience when first presented to the buying pubic. As we all know, when EMI/Capitol issued The Beatles recording catalog worldwide on compact discs, the CDs were formatted after the British releases (the way The Beatles originally intended the albums to be heard). But many American fans wanted the discs in the format in which they first heard the albums - they didn't care how the albums were released overseas. So in answer to these voices crying out for justice, BEAT heeded their call and promptly began issuing their series of compact discs.


The nice folks at BEAT issued two albums per disc (some with bonus tracks), mono mixes of albums, and a series of 'rarities' CDs. And all at a reasonable price (comparable discs from Japan often cost two to three times more!) Though technically not bootlegs, these are actually pirate copies. But we have included them here as they are important musical artifacts and worthy of mention. A listing is found below . (Note that BEAT 017 and after is supposedly not the original BEAT company but another group -Cool Orangecicle? - using their name.) BEAT 001: EARLY BEATLES / MEET THE BEATLES BEAT 002: BEATLES SECOND ALBUM/ A HARD DAY'S NIGHT BEAT 003: SOMETHING NEW / BEATLES' STORY BEAT 004: BEATLES '65 / BEATLES VI BEAT 005: HELP! / RUBBER SOUL BEAT 006: YESTERDAY & TODAY / REVOLVER BEAT 007: SGT. PEPPER (mono) / MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR BEAT 008: RARITIES - alternate stereo and mono mixes. BEAT 009: RARITIES 2 (WE CAN WORK IT OUT) - demos and alternate mixes BEAT 010: RARITIES 3 (THE FINAL MIXES) - George Martin's mix for the ROCK AND ROLL ALBUM BEAT O11l: THE ED SULLIVAN SHOWS (2CD) BEAT 012: THE BEATLES WHITE ALBUM (mono) (2CD) - with the 'home demos' as bonus tracks BEAT 013: ORIGINAL MASTER RECORDINGS (1st four albums in stereo) (2CD) BEAT 014: VJ RECORDINGS (INTRODUCING THE BEATLES & HEAR THE BEATLES TELL ALL) BEAT 015: GEORGE MARTIN & THE BEATLES / THE MAKING OF SGT. PEPPER (2CD) TV special BEAT 016: LOVE SONGS (LOVE SONGS & BALLADS) (2CD) BEAT 017: IT'S ALL IN THE MIND Y'KNOW - alternate mixes BEAT 018: SEA OF GREEN - alternate mixes BEAT 019: RARITIES 4 (SOME HAVE GONE, SOME REMAIN) - alternate stereo and mono mixes BEAT 020: THE BEATLES' GREATEST BEAT 021: BEATLES IN ITALY BEAT 022: BEATLES VOL. 3 (copy of the Mexican LP) BEAT 023: BEATLES BEAT BEAT 024: BEATLES EP COLLECTION BEAT 025: SONGS, PICTURES, AND STORIES... BEAT 026: LIVE AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL ANOTHER PHASE ABBEY ROAD RECORDS - 12 CD Box Set 1996 Abbey Road Records has attempted to keep up with the BEAT series with this nearly all-inclusive set of mono and stereo mixes of 12 Beatles albums. ANOTHER PHASE includes stereo versions of PLEASE, PLEASE ME, WITH THE BEATLES, A HARD DAY'S NIGHT and BEATLES FOR SALE. It has mono versions of HELP!, RUBBER SOUL, REVOLVER, A COLLECTION OF BEATLES OLDIES + alternate stereo mixes of 14 songs (Misery, There's A Place, Thank You Girl, From Me To You, I Want To Hold Your Hand, All My Loving , I Should Have Known Better, And I Love Her, I Call Your Name, Norwegian Wood, Girl, The Word, I'm Looking Through You and I'm Only Sleeping ), SERGEANT PEPPER, YELLOW SUBMARINE and THE BEATLES WHITE ALBUM. Missing is MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR. They did a remarkable job with this set. The sound is excellent throughout and the packaging is quite nice. The price at the time was about $250. You may want to just stick with the BEAT series if you already have it. Otherwise, save up your pennies and dimes to purchase this.


AN OVERVIEW I would be remiss in not including at least a summary of what has become known as the 'Official Beatles Bootleg' series - ANTHOLOGY (VOL. 1-3). As we all know, The Beatles and EMI had for years been telling the public that we might as well forget about seeing any unreleased Beatles music being issued. They told us there wasn't enough good music in the vaults and that The Beatles had released the best of what they had recorded. Paul McCartney even stated that he didn't want then- original versions confused with the outtakes. Well, times change and the promise of big money changed some minds. So after years of political and economic squabbles among The Beatles and their legal representatives, ANTHOLOGY finally became a reality in the fall of 1995 with the release of the two-record set ANTHOLOGY 1, a new single, and the follow-up television special. Boosted by the remake of John Lennon's demo of Free As A Bird, sales of ANTHOLOGYwere phenomenal (as were the next two volumes). It was Beatlemania all over again. Fans clearly were hungry for new Beatles music - even if it was old! Of course, collectors of Beatlegs had known about this unreleased music long before the ANTHOLOGY was released. Collectors also knew that the music on the ANTHOLOGY series was just the tip of the iceberg (this book you are holding in your hands is evidence at the size of the iceberg!). A perfect example of this is the inclusion of just five songs from the Decca sessions on ANTHOLOGY 1 when 15 songs were recorded on that chilly New Years Day in London. The entire session has appeared on numerous bootlegs in the years since. What follows is a listing of the tracks on the ANTHOLOGY discs with previously bootlegged titles indicated with asterisks. Generally, the songs on the bootlegs are inferior in sound quality to the ANTHOLOGY versions. And even though that is the case, it is the opinion of many collectors that more than a few of the songs were lifted from bootlegs for this series. The most obvious being the Quarry Men tracks and the Stockholm songs. I feel the best way to analyze the ANTHOLOGY series is to look at the sets as if they were bootlegs and not legitimate releases. It is better to review what songs were included and not previously bootlegged and how they fill the gaps for collectors. It is too easy to criticize EMI and The Beatles for what they did not include. So here we go... ANTHOLOGY 1 DISC ONE: Free As A Bird Speech: John Lennon That'll Be The Day In Spite Of All The Danger Speech: Paul McCartney Hallelujah, I Love Her So* You'll Be Mine* Cayenne* Speech: Paul My Bonnie* Ain't She Sweet* Cry For A Shadow* Speech: John Speech: Brian Epstein Searchin'* Three Cool Cats* The Sheik Of Araby* Like Dreamers Do* Hello Little Girl* Speech: Brian Epstein


Besame Mucho* Love Me Do How Do You Do It* Please Please Me One After 909 (false start) One After 909 Lend Me Your Comb* I'll Get You* Speech: John I Saw Her Standing There* From Me To You* Money (That's What I Want)* You Really Got A Hold On Me* Roll Over Beethoven* DISC TWO: She Loves You* Till There Was You* Twist And Shout* This Boy* I Want To Hold Your Hand* Speech: Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise Moonlight Bay* Can't Buy Me Love All My Loving* You Can't Do That And I Love Her A Hard Day's Night* I Wanna Be Your Man* Long Tall Sally* Boys* Shout* I'll Be Back (demo) I'll Be Back (complete) You Know What To Do No Reply (demo) Mr. Moonlight Leave My Kitten Alone* No Reply Eight Days A Week (false starts) Eight Days A Week Kansas City/Hey-Hey-Hey! The inclusion of That'll Be The Day and In Spite Of All The Danger more than makes this set a worthwhile investment. These legendary Quarry Men tracks had been sought after by collectors for years and to finally hear them in their entirety is a real thrill. The other Quarry Men songs as well as the Sheridan and Decca tracks had been previously booted but were needed here because of their historical importance. Love Me Do makes its first appearance on disc and features Pete Best on drums. Please Please Me is new and has some noticeable differences. Disc two has a number of new tracks which are quite excellent. Ill Be Back (takes 2 & 3), John's demo of No Reply, and the legendary Harrison track You'll Know What To Do. We knew it existed but most us never thought we'd ever hear it. The two takes of Ill Be Back feature a very funny John in the studio. Rounding out the disc are interesting outtakes of Eight Days A Week, Mr. Moonlight, No Reply, and Kansas City/ Hey Hey Hey.


Overall, a very nice collection of rarities, outtakes and live tracks. Of course, Free As A Bird is the most historically important Beatles song to be released since She Loves You. It was The Beatles 'Reunion' which was not supposed to have occurred - especially with John's passing. But with a change in attitudes and modern recording technology the dream became a reality. It was a controversial single but the song itself was a fitting testament to John Lennon's music. Disc One can be a hard listen at times, but the inclusion of those rare recordings more than make up for the lack of listenability. Disc Two has a better flow to it, so it is much easier to sit down and listen to it all the way through. Of the 52 songs on this set, 33 had been previously bootlegged. ANTHOLOGY 2 DISC ONE: Real Love Yes It Is I'm Down You've Got To Hide Your Love Away If You've Got Trouble* That Means A Lot* Yesterday It's Only Love I Feel Fine* Ticket to Ride* Yesterday* Help!* Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby* Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)* I'm Looking Through You* 12-Bar Original* Tomorrow Never Knows Got To Get You Into My Life And Your Bird Can Sing Taxman Eleanor Rigby (Strings Only) I'm Only Sleeping (Rehearsal) I'm Only Sleeping (take 1) Rock And Roll Music* She's A Woman* DISC TWO: Strawberry Fields Forever (Demo Sequence)* Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 1)* Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 7 & Edit Piece)* Penny Lane A Day In The Life Good Morning Good Morning Only A Northern Song Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite (Takes 1 & 2) Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite (Take 7) Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Within You Without You (Instrumental) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) I Am The Walrus*


The Fool On The Hill (Demo)* Your Mother Should Know The Fool On The Hill (Take 4) Hello, Goodbye Lady Madonna Across The Universe* Disc One opens with Real Love - the newly recorded collaboration of Lennon's demo with added vocals and instrumentation by Paul, George and Ringo. I like this track much more than Free As A Bird because of its simple beauty. Yes It Is is an unremarkable out-take. I'm Down really rocks and clearly illustrates the energy The Beatles could generate in the studio. Paul closes with a 'plastic soul' comment. The version of You 've Got To Hide Your Love Away here is remarkable for two reasons: one, John's early rendition is simply wonderful - two, it is a gas hearing John tease Paul about breaking a glass. I wonder what was really going on in the studio at the time?! Take One of Yesterday is a real treasure. Just Paul and his guitar - and an occasion lyrical mixup. It's Only Love is a very strong studio outtake featuring strong vocals by Lennon. My favorite outtake of all the ANTHOLOGY songs is Tomorrow Never Knows. Take One of TNK is an eerie, psychedelic piece unlike anything else recorded (or even heard) at the time. I wonder what mindaltering chemicals John was using when he came up with this song. Got To Get You Into My Life is a sparse and entertaining outtake. And Your Bird Can Sing is notable for the giggling of 'the boys' during the session. They were definitely having fun on this day. Next is a very unique version of Taxman highlighted by the "anybody got a bit of money?" backing chorus at the end of the song. George Martin gets his due on this disc with the 'strings only' tracks of Eleanor Rigby. This was remixed in 1995 for this disc. We could have done without this. I'm Only Sleeping (rehearsal and Take 1) gives us a different look at John's song. Disc Two opens with some previously released versions and 1995 edits of Strawberry Fields Forever. Penny Lane and A Day In The Life were also created special for this disc. I have a hard time with these remixes as they were not what The Beatles had originally intended. George Martin should have left well enough alone and just included complete and unedited outtakes. Good Morning Good Morning is the basic version without sound effects. Very cool. Another remixed track here is Only A Northern Song that takes its parts from several sources. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite (Takes 1, 2 & 7) present us with a new look at the evolution of one of John's finest visual and aural songs. The next PEPPER track is another remix by George Martin. While this remix of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds is interesting, I would much rather have heard some complete and unaltered outtakes. Next up is the instrumental tracks of Harrison's mystical Within You Without You. I quite enjoy this version. The Sergeant Pepper (Reprise) is the released version but without the audience effects. Also, Paul's vocals here were not on the released take. You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) features some additional bits not on the released version. Interesting but not essential. From MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR is an early take of Your Mother Should Know with some different drum work by Ringo. This is followed by an alternate take of The Fool On The Hill. I'm unsure why they felt it necessary to include this as they already included the demo. Hello Goodbye is an early outtake of the song. George Martin again performs his wizardry on Lady Madonna by mixing several different takes to create this new version special to ANTHOLOGY. ANTHOLOGY 2 certainly exceeded all our expectations with the inclusion of some fantastic outtakes. Of the 45 songs on this set only 18 had been previously bootlegged. The only downside was the decision to remix a number of the songs to create new tracks. ANTHOLOGY 3 DISC ONE: A Beginning Happiness Is A Warm Gun, Helter Skelter Mean Mr. Mustard


Polythene Pam Glass Onion Junk* Piggies* Honey Pie Don't Pass Me By Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da* Good Night Cry Baby Cry Blackbird Sexy Sadie While My Guitar Gently Weeps* Hey Jude Not Guilty* Mother Nature' Son Glass Onion Rocky Raccoon What's The New Mary Jane* Step Inside Love/Los Paranoias I'm So Tired I Will Why Don't We Do It In The Road Julia DISC TWO: I've Got A Feeling* She Came In Through The Bathroom Window Dig A Pony Two Of Us For You Blue* Teddy Boy* Medley: Rip It Up/Shake, Rattle And Roll/Blue Suede Shoes* The Long And Winding Road* Oh! Darling All Things Must Pass Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues* Get Back* Old Brown Shoe Octopus's Garden Maxwell's Silver Hammer Something* Come Together Come And Get It* Ain't She Sweet Because* Let It Be I Me Mine* The End With the release of ANTHOLOGY 3 (the third and final set of unreleased material), fans get to hear The Beatles as nature intended - raw and unedited. Disc One might best be described as the ACOUSTIC WHITE ALBUM or THE BEATLES UNPLUGGED. While there have been numerous bootlegs of the Kinfauns demos, most of the demos here are different than what we've heard before. This edited version


of Helter Skelter has a very catchy groove and is quite unlike the released version. Collectors have for years been clamoring for the 27-minute jam of this track, but it is now a certainty we will never hear it. Could it be anything like the one included here? Honey Pie here is a bit livelier than the released version. Ringo does his thing with Don't Pass Me By and proves he can sing and drum a fine tune. Ringo also does a nice job with Good Night on this rehearsal. Cry Baby Cry, Blackbird, and Sexy Sadie are good examples of how well-prepared The Beatles were when they entered the studio to record their songs. These early takes are very close to the final versions. Hey Jude is an early run through of this classic single. Next is an alternate take of Mother Nature's Son followed by an unused mono mix of Glass Onion utilizing different special effects. Unusual. Then we have some fun with Rocky Raccoon and its ever-changing lyrics. A real surprise on this disc is the jam session which produced the adlibs of Step Inside Love & Los Paranoias. More fun in the studio. Closing out Disc One are alternate takes of I'm So Tired (remixed), I Will (take 1), Why Don't We Do It In The Road, and Julia. Disc Two encompasses outtakes from the making of GET BACK/LET IT BE and ABBEY ROAD. New to disc are the rehearsals for She Came In Through The Bathroom Window, Two Of Us, Oh Darling and the remix of Teddy Boy by George Martin. Also new are George Harrison's demos of All Things Must Pass, Old Brown Shoe and Something (in stereo). These are truly golden artifacts which fully illustrate George's songwriting talents. Ringo is up next with take two of Octopus's Garden followed by take 5 of Maxwell's Silver Hammer. Both are interesting but unremarkable. I really like take 1 of ComeTogether which has a great vocal by John and a groovy guitar as well. Ain't She Sweet is from a jam session and is previously unreleased. This version of Let It Be is new to disc but is generally unremarkable. And topping of the set is The End which is quite interesting; however, it was remixed from several takes and is one of those tracks I have to question. ANTHOLOGY 3 was a good set but not quite as satisfying as ANTHOLOGY 2. The inventiveness and the energy are lacking from a number of the songs here. But considering the state of affairs with The Beatles during these years, this lack of excitement should really come as no surprise. Still, we are able to get a sense of where The Beatles as solo artists were headed and how their music was evolving. Of the 50 tracks on this disc only 17 had been previously bootlegged. In addition to the three ANTHOLOGY sets, Apple Records also released two separate singles to promote Al and A2. The first of these was called Free As A Bird. This disc featured John's original composition reworked by Paul, George and Ringo with a lot of help from Jeff Lynne, take 9 of I Saw Her Standing There (previously booted), This Boy (takes 12 & 13) which had not been bootlegged, and Christmas Time (Is Here Again) which had not been booted in this form, though the main portion of the song has been available for years. The second single was titled Real Love and contained the new version of Lennon's demo. Following that track was a live version of Baby's In Black from the Hollywood Bowl concert of August 30, 1965. The intro to the song used here came from the previous night's concert. Next up is an alternate mix (previously unreleased) of Yellow Submarine. And closing out the disc is a new mix of Here There And Everywhere. There was no new song recorded for A3 and so there was no single issued.


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