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Math Project

Investigate about the life and work of a single mathematician. Infer how would our lives be if his/her work hadnt taken place, and conclude on whether or not we could do well without it. Each student must choose a mathematician from the list provided in the following slides, no two students can have the same mathematician.

For this assignment you are to elaborate either a report, a presentation, a poster board or any other creative mean you can think of, to display the information about the person you chose to investigate.
You must include a bibliography either in MLA or APA style. You will be required to present your findings to your classmates.

List of Mathematicians
Isaac Newton Archimedes Carl F. Gauss

Leonhard Euler
Bernhard Riemann Euclid Henri Poincar Joseph-Louis Lagrange David Hilbert Gottfried W. Leibniz Alexandre Grothendieck Pierre de Fermat Niels Abel variste Galois John von Neumann

Karl W. T. Weierstrass Ren Dscartes Brahmagupta Carl G. J. Jacobi Srinivasa Ramanujan Augustin Cauchy Peter G. L. Dirichlet Hermann K. H. Weyl Eudoxus of Cnidus Georg Cantor Muhammed alKhowrizmi Arthur Cayley Emma Noether Pythagoras of Samos Leonardo `Fibonacci'

Kurt Gdel Charles Hermite Aryabhatta Apollonius of Perga Richard Dedekind Diophantus of Alexandria William R. Hamilton Pierre-Simon Laplace Bhscara chrya Blaise Pascal Gaspard Monge

Felix Christian Klein

Jean le Rond d'Alembert Jacques Hadamard Archytas of Tarentum

George Boole lie Cartan Johannes Kepler Hipparchus of Nicaea Ferdinand Eisenstein Jean-Victor Poncelet Jacob Bernoulli Godfrey H. Hardy Stefan Banach Andrey N. Kolmogorov Julius Plcker Joseph Fourier Alhazen ibn alHaytham Carl Ludwig Siegel Franois Vite

Hermann G. Grassmann F.E.J. mile Borel Christiaan Huygens Andr Weil Liu Hui

M. E. Camille Jordan
L.E.J. Brouwer John Wallis Pafnuti Chebyshev Henri Lon Lebesgue Michael F. Atiyah Simon-Denis Poisson Giuseppe Peano James J. Sylvester Jakob Steiner

Francesco B. Cavalieri Jean-Pierre Serre Panini (of Shalatula) Joseph Liouville Atle Selberg Alan M. Turing Pappus of Alexandria John E. Littlewood Shiing-Shen Chern Johann Bernoulli Hermann Minkowski Ernst E. Kummer George Plya Emil Artin Felix Hausdorff

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