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The questionnaire was designed to explore people's usage of the Mexico crossing before it was closed in December and their usage of the two alternative routes since then 280 people completed questionnaires. All of them had been users of the Mexico crossing. They used it for a variety of reasons, mainly for health and leisure but also for necessary journeys, such as walking to work or going shopping They used it frequently. Each person used it on average 278 times a year (we counted a return trip across and back as one use) Fewer people now use the two alternative crossings. 54 people (19%) use neither, and therefore no longer go out to the path or beach at all Those who do use the alternative crossings do so less frequently. Each user of the vehicle crossing used it on average 93 times a year, and each user of the road bridge 53 times Of those who use the vehicle crossing, 31% find it inconvenient and 62% find it dangerous Of those who use the road bridge, 12% find it inconvenient and 77% find it dangerous

1. On 26 February we distributed copies of a newsletter and questionnaire [see Appendix] to every household in Long Rock village. In most cases two copies were delivered to each household. Anyone who needed extra copies could collect them from the local post office and shop as could visitors from outside the village, who were encouraged to participate. The survey was publicized by posters displayed in the windows of the post office and shop and on one or two walls and lamp-posts in the area. On 29 April we distributed a second newsletter which announced that the survey would close on 6 May.

Distribution Number of households in Long Rock village Households which returned forms Households which did not return forms Questionnaires returned from village Questionnaires completed by visitors Total questionnaires received 274 137 137 229 51 280

2. 3.

Data from the completed questionnaires was entered into a spreadsheet using the guidelines set out in the attached scheme [see Appendix]. Two factors tended to overestimate usage: (a) Many respondents expressed their answers as purely verbal descriptions. Whilst our efforts to translate these descriptions into numbers were consistent the results are only estimates. Nevertheless, in lieu of any better evidence, these results provide the most accurate guide to usage available. It is likely that most respondents exaggerated their usage, either unconsciously in the same way that people tend to underestimate their drinking or smoking, or consciously because they knew what we wanted to hear.



Two factors tended to underestimate usage: (a) We received responses from 137 households in the village, which means that 137 households remain uncounted. Although it is likely that the most frequent users have responded and the non-users and occasional users have not, some usage must remain uncounted. The survey was conducted in a particularly cold March and April when there were few visitors. Summer visitors could increase the numbers by 20 - 30% or more.


The Mexico crossing

5. We asked about people's use of the crossing up to the date of its closure on 21 December 2012. We asked how many years they had been using it, what they used it for, and whether they had experienced any problems. All 280 respondents answered these questions.

Mexico crossing - users How many years' experience Average experience Used for journey to work Used for journey to school or college Used for access to the beach (swimming, surfing, boating, etc) Used for access to the path (for jogging, walking the dog, etc) Used for chilling out, admiring the scenery, etc Used for particular journeys (shopping, visiting people, etc) Any problems faced? 6,848 24 41 4 206 215 13 88 4


We also asked how often people used it. Respondents tended to answer this in terms of xx times a day or xx times a week, which suggested return trips rather than single traverses. This led us to

adopt a definition of trip as a traverse one way and a traverse back again. In cases where the answer appeared to mean traverses rather than trips the answers were halved.

Mexico crossing - annual usage Number of individual users Total usage (return trips per year) Average usage (per user) 280 77,866 278

Annual usage (single traverses per year)*


*This estimate of usage (77,866 x 2) is expressed in this format so that it can be compared to the estimates used by Network Rail in its risk assessments.

The two alternative routes

7. We asked people which of the two alternatives routes - the vehicle crossing and the road bridge route - they have been using since the closure of the Mexico crossing.

Use of alternative routes Individual users of the vehicle crossing only Individual users of the road bridge only Individual users of both crossings Individual users of neither crossing Total 71 23 132 54 280


We asked them how often they use these routes.

Vehicle crossing Number of individual users (71 + 132) Total usage (return trips per year) Average usage (per user) Road bridge route Number of individual users (23 + 132) Total usage (return trips per year) Average usage (per user) 155 8,199 53 203 18,818 93


We asked them what problems they faced.

Vehicle crossing Number of individual users Users who found it inconvenient Users who found it dangerous Percentage of users who found it inconvenient Percentage of users who found it dangerous 203 64 126 31% 62%

Road bridge Number of individual users Users who found it inconvenient Users who found it dangerous Percentage of users who found it inconvenient Percentage of users who found it dangerous People who found it too dangerous to use* 155 18 120 12% 77% 76

*This figure represents the number of respondents who indicated that they did not use the road bridge and that danger was the reason why. These people had tried it once and decided "never again", or had tried and turned back, or had been warned not to try. These people are not included in the 120 users who found it dangerous.

We attach the following documents: the questionnaire used (1 page) the scheme used for entering the data into the spreadsheet (3 pages) a table of the spreadsheet results (1 page)

If you want to save the crossing please fill in this questionnaire. The results will be used to strengthen our case to Cornwall Council for having the crossing reopened and kept open. Please fill this in even if you have signed our petition or sent your own letter to the Council. And please get each member of your household to fill in a separate one. Extra copies are available from Long Rock Shop and the Post Office. The Mexico footpath crossing How many years have you been using it? How often did you use it? What did you use it for? e.g. walking the coast path, going to the beach, walking to work. What problems have you had, if any? e.g. inconvenience or danger.

The level crossing for vehicles How often do you use it? What problems have you had, if any? e.g. inconvenience or danger.

The Station House road bridge How often do you use it? What problems have you had, if any? e.g. inconvenience or danger. Your name Address Signature Thank you for completing this. Please return it to the Long Rock Shop or the Post Office.

Scheme for data entry

Question 1 - How many years? One column - enter the number of years rounded down to the nearest whole number Question 2 - How often did you use it? One column - enter number of times per year. Where the answer is expressed as a number or something easily converted to a number convert it to an annual figure and enter that enter 0 for "never" unless there is evidence to the contrary, assume the numbers given are for return trips, so for once a week enter 52 not 104 if a split number is given (10-15 times a week) take the average (12.5) and convert that (650) split numbers where both numbers are even numbers (4-8 times a day) suggests single trips rather than return trips, so enter half (2-4 times a day = 3 times a day = 1095) if the split is between parts of the year (summer and winter) take a 50:50 average Where the answer is a non-numerical description (often, regularly, etc) use the table below. Question 3 - What did you use it for? Six columns - for each purpose given enter 1 in the appropriate column For journeys to work For journeys to school or college For journeys to the beach for sunbathing, swimming, surfing, boating, etc For journeys to nowhere in particular (jogging, cycling, walking the dog, etc) For chilling out, admiring the scenery, bird watching, etc For journeys to a specified place (Penzance, Marazon) or specified purpose (visiting friends)

Question 4 - Problems One column - enter nothing unless someone has specified a problem, in which case enter 1 and make a note in the Comment column Individual users of the two alternative crossings Four columns - enter 1 in the appropriate column (not more than one column) Vehicle crossing only Road bridge only Both of these Neither of these

Question 5 - Vehicle crossing - How often? One column - see Question 2 Question 6 - Vehicle crossing - Problems Six columns - enter 1 in as many columns as appropriate No problems Inconvenience - extra distance to walk Inconvenience - time to wait at barriers, etc Inconvenience - all (include both of the above and any unspecified inconveniences) Danger - lack of pavements, traffic volume, speeds, etc Particular danger - impatient drivers speeding off after long wait

Question 7 - Road bridge - How often? One column - see Question 2 Question 8 - Road bridge - Problems Six columns - enter 1 in as man columns as appropriate No problems Inconvenience - extra distance to walk Danger - all dangers (lack of pavements & lighting, traffic volume, speeds, etc) Particular danger - overhanging hedges Particular danger - sightlines, blind spots Too dangerous to use - only for people who do not use this route

Word or phrase used 3 times a day 2-3 times a day 2-4 times a day* twice a day* daily every day almost daily almost every day most days several times a week twice a week or more at least twice a week a lot all the time frequently very often very regularly at least once a week weekly or more often quite often regularly all year round occasionally sometimes a few times a year every so often infrequently / irregularly limited not so much now and again rarely / seldom several times a year when necessary as little as possible hardly ever not much / not very much not often / not very often very little very occasionally very rarely very seldom not if I can help it never if I can avoid it never assume 3 x 365 2.5 x 365 1.5 x 365 1 x 365 7 days pw 7 days pw 6 days pw 6 days pw 5 days pw 3 days pw 2 days pw + 15% 2 days pw + 15% 2 days pw 2 days pw 2 days pw 2 days pw 2 days pw 1 day pw + 15% 1 day pw + 15% 1 day pw 1 day pw 1 day pw less than 1 day pw = pa 1095 912 547 365 365 365 312 312 260 156 120 120 104 104 104 104 104 60 60 52 52 52 26 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 0

* Assume these are single trips. Halve and record as return trips.

Spreadsheet results (final count at 13 May 2013)


Description Address number Questionnaires returned Address Address Mexico - How many years used Mexico - How often used (per year) Mexico - journey to work Mexico - journey to school Mexico - access to beach Mexico - access to coast path Mexico - chilling out, admiring scenery, etc Mexico - other specific journeys Mexico - any problems encountered Vehicle crossing Road bridge Both crossings Neither of these crossings Vehicle crossing - how often used (per year) Vehicle crossing - no problems Vehicle crossing - inconvenience - distance Vehicle crossing - inconvenience - waiting time Vehicle crossing - inconvenience - both Vehicle crossing - danger - unspecified Vehicle crossing - danger - frustrated drivers Road bridge - how often used (per year) Road bridge - no problems Road bridge - inconvenience Road bridge - danger Road bridge - hedge Road bridge - blind spots Road bridge - too dangerous to use

Village 229

Other 51

Total 280

5,512 69,581 37 4 173 175 11 75 4 56 18 112 43 16,126 21 17 46 56 116 5 6,808 16 17 109 7 12 65

1,336 8,285 4 0 33 40 2 13 0 15 5 20 11 2,692 14 1 12 8 10 0 1,391 12 1 11 1 0 11

6,848 77,866 41 4 206 215 13 88 4 71 23 132 54 18,818 35 18 58 64 126 5 8,199 28 18 120 8 12 76

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