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SLanguages 2009 Final Timetable

This timetable was correct at time of writing, but it does rely on each presenter turning up at the allotted time
and doing their session, and it also relies on SL actually working for 24 hours. We apologize in advance for
any inconvenience which may be caused by cancellations, technical problems, etc.

Wherever possible we have tried to get presenters to talk twice, to widen the possibilities for attendance -
please look at the timetable carefully before you choose a talk.

Note that the time you will see at the top of your SL Viewer is PDT, and this is the first time given for each
slot on the timetable. After PDT you will find UTC/GMT and CET for your convenience.

NOTE: Current time in SL is PDT

Most presenters will be using voice. Please ensure that you have enabled and tested voice before the
conference. Ideally, please use a headset with built-in microphone and keep your microphone muted during
presentations. There should really be time for questions and answers in each session, and plenty of social
opportunities too. Occasional presenters may not use voice for various reasons (including not having access
to it in the country where they live) and we would ask you to help them out by directing any comments or
questions to text chat rather than voice. Instructions for configuring voice and other media can be found

Note that the most common cause of voice failing is your firewall blocking it - start there if you're having

Some presenters may take advantage of streaming audio or video during their presentations. You will also
need to have streaming audio enabled for the social events at The Club. You can enable streaming video
and audio from the Edit - Preferences menu. Note that at the bottom of your SL window on the right you can
expand the volume controls to view a set of sliders - there you can balance voice, music, sounds, etc. so
that you can hear everything. Please test out your streaming media before the conference starts.

We have over 300 people registered, and three islands on which the event will take place. Whilst we don't
expect anywhere near 300 people to be on the three islands at any given point, it would help enormously if
you could keep the complexity of your avatar to a minimum. If possible, remove HUDs, jewellery, dragon
tails and anything else that has a high hit count. You will be asked to put MystiTool HUDs to sleep in all the
venues - please accept if asked.

Just a final reminder - there will be no time for the small team to provide individual technical support on the
day, so please do all your configuration and testing before Friday.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes,

Dudeney Ge & Howie Yoshikawa

Stay up-to-date at

Follow 'slanguages' on Twitter for updates

************************** MAY 8TH - BLOCK 0 **************************

11:00 - 12:00 PDT [ 18:00 - 19:00 UTC | 20:00 - 21:00 CET ]

Conference Opening & Social Gathering [ DJ Dudeney Ge ] EduNation II - The Club

Come along and meet participants and presenters, the organizers and a few lost souls. DJ Dudeney Ge
entertains with an eclectic mix from 1930 to yesterday...


*************************** MAY 8TH - BLOCK 1 ************************

12:00 - 13:00 PDT [ 19:00 - 20:00 UTC | 21:00 - 22:00 CET ]

Plenary I - Gavin Dudeney et al [ Dudeney Ge ]

The State of the Nations

With the SLanguages conference now in its third year, I wanted to take the time out to reflect with everyone
in the audience on where we've come from and where we currently are:
- have we developed as in-world teachers over three years?
- what are the current approaches?
- has any research reached maturity?
- where do we go from here?

Gavin is Project Director for The Consultants-E and also runs the three island EduNation group in SL. He
has produced a large collection of free SL gadgets for educators. The Consultants-E run regular training in
SL for teachers and have also done island builds for colleges in the USA, the UK, Canada, Finland and
Spain. More on the work of The Consultants-E can be found here:

EduNation II - Amphitheatre


13:15 - 14:15 PDT [ 20:15 - 21:15 UTC | 22:15 - 23:15 CET ]

Simultaneous Sessions I
Please choose one session from 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4

1.1 - Iffaf Khan [ Iffaf Ling ]

Writing 101

This talk looks at interactive writing activities in SL

Iffaf works as a tutor in Moodle and Virtual and Distance Learning Coordinator for the International Academy
in the University of Essex She is also a content developer and writer for

EduNation I - Amphitheatre
1.2 - Heike Philp [ Gwen Gwasi ]
Avalon Learning

In January 2009 the AVALON project was awarded EU funding within the Leonardo da Vinci, Transversal
Program. 26 European partners in 8 European countries joined in a development project which will last 2
years. AVALON stands for Access to Virtual and Action Learning live ONline. The partners’ goal is to explore
Second Life for scenario based language learning.

A brief 10-min presentation about the latest development will lead into a discussion as to what scenario
based learning really is and how a course for a ‘mobile worker’ could be designed.

The idea about the mobile worker is, for example, that this person would like to live in a target country (for
example Iceland) in order to work there. To prepare his departure he starts learning the target language and
upon arrival he might be confronted with any of the following situations:
a) a medical emergency
b) looking for a flat
c) bureaucratic paperwork

... apart from needing to go shopping, small talk in a pub and other human needs. For these situations, we
will design a course in Icelandic and all ideas on how to do this are welcome.

Heike Philp aka Gwen Gwasi is founder and managing director of LANCELOT School GmbH, an accredited
training center for language trainers in the use of state-of-the-art virtual classroom technology. With over 20
years in education and several years of teaching German in Japan and the UK, Heike took on the live online
challenge by starting a virtual language school and her experience subsequently led her to co-initiate both
the European funded LANCELOT project as well as the AVALON project.

EduNation II - Amphitheatre

1.3 - Kip Boahn [ Kip Yellowjacket ]

LMS-Integrated Holodeck Scenes

A discussion on/demo of recent integration of the Claroline LMS and
the Horizons Holodeck. Focus will be on the development of future
LMS-integrated holodeck scenes - what is possible, desired, etc.

Online/Offline Language & E-Learning Facilitator, Creator of Second
Life English

EduNation III - Amphitheatre

1.4 - António dos Reis/Xabier Basogain [ Barak Zapatero/Zubiria Rauch ]

Second Life as an Education Virtual Support

SL has been used successfully running during some years as a 3D tool for several branches of activities.
Daniel Goleman, based in its "Emotional intelligence Theory" suggests that, pedagogic games and other
activities using emotional approaches should be used in education. In the other hand our students today, are
mainly digital learners. This it means, that SL has an enormous potential to be used in education process. A
deep reflection, about strong and week points, improvements in the SL technology and "good practices"
recommendations in education environment, is the main purpose of our presentation.

Antonio dos Reis works at The Graal Institute (Lisbon, Portugal) and Xabier Basogain works at The Basque
Country University, Bilbao, spain.

EduNation II - Seminar Space


14:30 - 15:30 PDT [ 21:30 - 22:30 UTC | 23:30 - 00:30 CET ]

Simultaneous Sessions II
Please choose one session from 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 2.4

2.1 - Jessica Driscoll [ Jessica Teacher ]

Social Relationships in English City

How do The English City People characters in English City provide particular areas of language input for
students? How have these relationships between students and the 'characters' facilitated interesting cases
of language in context.

Jessica works for

EduNation I - Amphitheatre

2.2 - Ton Koenraad [ Koen Antonioni ]

The Project ‘ViTAAL’ revisited: Evaluation & Follow up

In this session we would like to present the results of the evaluation research of the project ViTAAL. The
project, introduced at SLanguages 2008, was an initiative of a partnership of a number of secondary schools
and teacher education institutions, facilitated with a research grant by Kennisnet, the Dutch national
Schoolnet. We will focus on the organizational set-up and the lessons learned in the 2008 pilots realised in
Active Worlds:
- 3D Language Village: a virtual version of a current, real-life assessment practice for lower secondary
education in which student teachers help pupils through virtual role-play and coaching activities to
prepare for and do oral proficiency, performance-oriented assessments.
- The SurReal Quest ‘ Panique à Bord’: this LanguageQuest is situated on a 3D version of the Titanic and
centres on a detective-like problem solving task, involving integrated training of language skills and
triggering interviews with the avatars of the story characters.

Finally we present the project’s further developments. In this context we would like to discuss the definition
of and first ideas for the EU-project Networked Interaction in Foreign Language Acquisition and Research
(NIFLAR, 2009-210). This project aims to develop a pedagogic framework for the design of tasks geared at
optimally exploiting the specific affordances of 3D virtual worlds for the promotion of intercultural
communicative competence.

A.L.M. Koenraad, MA (Utrecht). As a senior ICT-E consultant at Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied
Sciences Ton Koenraad is involved in various (inter)national projects and participates in communities in the
fields of modern languages, teacher education and e-learning. His publications are available from his
personal pages at:

EduNation II - Amphitheatre

2.3 - Shiv Rajendra [ Kingsbury Yeats ]

The Ubiquitous classroom
How to leverage Second Life and other social media to immerse your students in Language.

Shiv co-founded in 2005 and has overseen thousands of hours of research and testing in
Second Life, involving hundreds of students and dozens of educators from all over the world.

EduNation III - Amphitheatre

2.4 - Paul Preibisch [ Fire Centaur ]

SLoodle 0.4 & Class Management

This demobnstration will show educators how they can use SLOODLE for classroom management -
administering quizzes, assignment submittal, and some of SLOODLE 0.4's new tools including: the Sloodle
Presenter, the freemail blogger. If time permits, we will also discuss some of the newer experimental tools in
development as well.

Paul is a research assistant for the SLOODLE project, which is funded by Eduserve, and lead by Daniel
Livingstone from the University of the West of Scotland

EduNation II - Sandbox


15:30 - 16:00 PDT [ 22:30 - 23:00 UTC | 00:30 - 01:00 CET]


EduNation II - The Club

EduNation II - Sandbox

A short break to unwind and socialize. You'll find music still playing at The Club, or wander around
EduNation II and take a look at the free spaces available for educators to try Second Life out without the big


*************************** MAY 8TH - BLOCK 2 ************************

16:00 - 17:00 PDT [ 23:00 - 00:00 UTC | 01:00 - 02:00 CET ]

Plenary Session II - SPEAKER




EduNation II - Amphitheatre

17:15 - 18:15 PDT [ 00:15 - 01:15 UTC | 02:15 - 03:15 CET ]

Simultaneous Sessions III

Please choose one session from 3.1, 3.2, or 3.3

3.1 - James T. Abraham [ Camisto Encinal ]

Calisto's Show and Tell: Building An Immersive Environment For
Language Learning

This presentation will demonstrate some of the innovative ways that the Second Life environment can be
used to create immersive language activities for students. My goal has been to create a virtual study abroad
experience in which students can participate individually, with other students or with their instructor. My
project, San Miguel de Glendale, is an attempt to make this goal a reality. It features many levels of
interactivity from simple click/receive information activities to interactive dialog using artificial intelligence.
Visitors will also be treated to an appearance of Peperito, the talking Mariachi chile pepper HUD that guides
students in San Miguel. Attendees will gain creative new ideas about the types of activities that can be built
using Second Life which can be applied as they seek to develop their own language learning environment.

James T. Abraham teaches Spanish at Glendale Community College in Arizona. He has been working in
Second Life for over two years. His first SL project "Mi casa es su casa", an immersive, interactive house
has led to his current sabbatical project which includes the development of an entire Mexican town that
includes various levels of educational opportunity.

EduNation I - Amphitheatre

3.2 - Gloria B. Clark [ Gloria Almendros ]

How Many Points Do I Get for Finding the Volcano?: Toward a New Pedagogy for the Virtual World

Pedagogy, most would say, has roots in the practical; its feet, so to speak, are firmly on the ground. For
instance, we are concerned with how we get our students to that last day of class with the knowledge that
we feel is necessary for them to have succeeded in our discipline. How do we share that knowledge in the
most efficient, the most direct way? What are the objectives and what is the plotted trajectory to get there?
There are standards to consider, syllabi to follow and outcomes assessment to plan for. Language study is
serious business. Our students often find a classroom that is pre-planned and programmed; the path is laid
out, they need only follow it.

Second Life can change that path, with the many worlds it provides to explore and experience. This new
venture needs a new pedagogy, one that does not depend on overused techniques from the past. Instead of
adapting old methods to this new technology, it is time to re-think our approach. I have been using Second
Life in my Spanish classes for over two years now, and have begun to develop a pedagogy that addresses
the opportunities and needs of students in the virtual classroom. I am now moving to theorize my Second
Life pedagogy and understand its place in the Foreign Language classroom.

My presentation will highlight some of the shared experiences I have enjoyed with students in the basic
language classroom and include my reflections on the pedagogy that supports our course goals.

Gloria Jeanne Bodtorf Clark is currently an Associate Professor of Humanities and Spanish at Penn State
University, Harrisburg campus, teaching Spanish language and Humanities courses. She is also a member
of the Graduate Humanities Faculty, with a specialty in Latin American literature and culture. Her latest book
is an edited version of La verdad sospechosa by Juan Ruíz de Alarcón, published in 2002 by Juan de la
Cuesta Press. At present, she is involved in a pedagogical study on the use of the metaverse, Second Life,
in the Spanish classroom.

EduNation II - Amphitheatre
3.3 - Bingxin Chi [ Mayia Seesaw ]
Real Benefit of Chinese Immersive Learning in Second Life

3j Chinese School, as a complete virtual world, is one of the representatives of in-world language instruction
institution. This school merges in Second Life in 2007, and provides Chinese Courses for all the non-native
speakers of the Chinese language (Chinese Mandarin) in the world. This proposal gives a detailed
introduction of 3i Chinese School and share experience it gained in two years’ teaching and running.

Mayia Seesaw (a.k.a. Bingxin Chi in Real Life). B.A. in English major from Wenzhou University in China.
Mayia was born and grew up in Shangha and has gained TEM8 (Test for English Major Band 8) Certificate
and is interested in Chinese promotion over the world.

EduNation III - Amphitheatre


18:30 - 19:30 PDT [ 01:30 - 01:30 UTC | 03:30 - 04:30 CET]

Simultaneous Sessions IV
Please choose one session from 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3

4.1 - Howard Vickers [ Howie Yokishawa ]

Dogme ELT as a Pedagogy for Language Education in Virtual Worlds

The Dogme ELT movement promotes the use of real life materials in the language classroom as a basis for
stimulating communication to promote opportunities for language learning. And as such Dogme ELT
questions the use of conventional textbooks. Language coursebooks have anyhow yet to appear in virtual
worlds such as Second Life, so how can language educators draw on this methodology for their in-world
- What is Dogme ELT and where is it of most relevance for language education in virtual worlds?
- Examples of virtual world based activities that draw on the Dogme ELT principles.
- How can virtual world activities be integrated into online or offline classes?

The presentation will draw on recent blog articles (below) although it will focus on virtual worlds rather than
web 2.0 in general.


Howard Vickers is the founder and director of Avatar Languages, an online language school using Second
Life and other online collaborative tools. He is a qualified English teacher with international TEFL teaching
experience in Spain, Russia and Bolivia.

EduNation III - Seminar Space

4.2 - Paul Preibisch [ Fire Centaur ]

SLoodle 0.4 & Class Management

This demobnstration will show educators how they can use SLOODLE for classroom management -
administering quizzes, assignment submittal, and some of SLOODLE 0.4's new tools including: the Sloodle
Presenter, the freemail blogger. If time permits, we will also discuss some of the newer experimental tools in
development as well.

Paul is a research assistant for the SLOODLE project, which is funded by Eduserve, and lead by Daniel
Livingstone from the University of the West of Scotland

EduNation II - Sandbox

4.3 - Sally Langer [ Salsita Almendros ]

She's not a real avatar? Learning without teachers in virtual reality

This seminar will look at the informal learning program inside Languagelab's English City, in particular - the
rationale behind creating a group of characters to populate the city and interact with learners
- the evolution of this program from a functional basis to character & plot driven scenarios to the addition
of non teacher delivered tasks & activities
- What are the key success factors in this system and how can it draw the sting from loneliness some of
the negatives of real immersion (loneliness, isolation) while providing many of its benefits?
- To what extent is the program's success a function of the activity program directly? To what extent does
success stem from the ability to enable greater self confidence, community and relationship building
among students?

I've been working with since October 2007. During this time I have been teaching classes
and designing lessons and activities. My work has led me to think about the philosophical, social and
pedagogical aspects of teaching and learning in an online immersive environment. Before coming to
Languagelab I taught English in 'real life' for about 8 years, namely in Australia, Japan and Mexico. Since
early childhood I have been making constant and oft thwarted attempts to jailbreak the high walls of the

EduNation I - Amphitheatre


19:30 - 20:00 PDT [ 02:30 - 03:00 UTC | 04:30 - 05:00 CET]


EduNation II - The Club

EduNation II - Sandbox

A short break to unwind and socialise. You'll find music still playing at The Club, or wander around
EduNation II and take a look at the free spaces available for educators to try Second Life out without the big


**************************** MAY 8th - BLOCK 3 ************************

20:00 - 21:00 PDT [ 03:00 - 04:00 UTC | 05:00 - 06:00 CET ]

Simultaneous Sessions V
Please choose one session from 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3
5.1 - Kip Boahn [ Kip Yellowjacket ]
LMS-Integrated Holodeck Scenes

A discussion on/demo of recent integration of the Claroline LMS and the Horizons Holodeck. Focus will be
on the development of future LMS-integrated holodeck scenes - what is possible, desired, etc.

Online/Offline Language & E-Learning Facilitator, Creator of Second Life English

EduNation II - Sandbox

5.2 - Tan Li Wee [ Liwei Velde ]

Blended Learning - Second Life in the Real Life Classroom

General Paper is a compulsory subject in Singapore’s Junior College education. It requires students to
analyse and evaluate issues across disciplines, as well as to express informed opinions and a maturity of
thought. However, this has posed to be a challenge given students’ limited life experiences. Through Second
Life’s immersive environment, it can help to provide stimuli to invoke responses through role playing in
fantasy environments. Hence, helping students to gain multiple perspectives and enhance their ability to
craft cogent arguments.

Ms Tan Li Wee has a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) from National Institute of Education,
specialising in English Language. Having graduated from Nanyang Technological University’s Wee Kim Wee
School of Communication and Information, she is equipped with both audio and visual production skills.
Given her prior experience in using the Media and New Media to reach youth such as in the Singapore
Street Festival, she believes in the immense potential that the New Media has in today’s classroom and is
enthusiastic in integrating it in current pedagogical practices. She is currently teaching in Innova Junior
College, Singapore.

EduNation I - Amphitheatre

5.3 - Bingxin Chi [ Mayia Seesaw ]

Real Benefit of Chinese Immersive Learning in Second Life

3j Chinese School, as a complete virtual world, is one of the representatives of in-world language instruction
institution. This school merges in Second Life in 2007, and provides Chinese Courses for all the non-native
speakers of the Chinese language (Chinese Mandarin) in the world. This proposal gives a detailed
introduction of 3i Chinese School and share experience it gained in two years’ teaching and running.

Mayia Seesaw (a.k.a. Bingxin Chi in Real Life). B.A. in English major from Wenzhou University in China.
Mayia was born and grew up in Shanghai and has gained TEM8 (Test for English Major Band 8) Certificate
and is interested in Chinese promotion over the world.

EduNation II - Amphitheatre


21:15 - 22:45 PDT [ 04:15 - 05:45 UTC | 06:15 - 07:45 CET ]

Simultaneous Sessions VI
Please choose one session from 6.1, 6.2 or 6.3
6.1 - Gavin Dudeney [ Dudeney Ge ]
An Introduction to Scripting

This practical workshop is designed for those participants who would like to start scripting, but don't know
exactly where to start. We will examine the basics of SL scripting before moving on to apply them in a couple
of useful tools. Full guide and examples will be given out during the session.

Gavin is Project Director for The Consultants-E and also runs the three island EduNation group in SL. He
has produced a large collection of free SL gadgets for educators. The Consultants-E run regular training in
SL for teachers and have also done island builds for colleges in the USA, the UK, Canada, Finland and
Spain. More on the work of The Consultants-E can be found here:

EduNation I - Sandbox

6.2 - Carol Rainbow [ Carolrb Roux ]

Making Audio Posters for Vocabulary Practice

This workshop will enable delegates to create image resources that language learners can interact with to
hear vocabulary items. Aimed at beginners, all resources needed, as well as extras for further development,
will be provided in the session. During the session participants will learn how to make a poster board, add an
appropriate texture, adapt a script to make it play a sound file and add it to the poster. The last part of the
workshop will show how to quickly produce new vocabulary items based on this model.

Provided during the session:

- Sample English sound files including days of the week, season, months & numbers
- Textures corresponding to the sound files
- Touch and step-on scripts for interaction
- Notecards explaining the process for the touch script in English and Spanish
- A notecard explaining where to download Audacity and how to use it to create appropriate sound files
for SL
- Posters explaining the process to put up in the workshop area
- Examples for delegates to try out, and freebies to take away

Carol is an Educational ITC Consultant working in Oxfordshire in the

EduNation II - Sandbox

6.3 - James T. Abraham [ Calisto Encinal ]

All about HUDs

In this workshop we will look at the theory and practice of building HUDs (Heads Up Displays) and will make
a simple one that listens for - and reacts to - user input. No prior knowledge of scripting is assumed.

James T. Abraham teaches Spanish at Glendale Community College in Arizona. He has been working in
Second Life for over two years. His first SL project "Mi casa es su casa", an immersive, interactive house
has led to his current sabbatical project which includes the development of an entire Mexican town that
includes various levels of educational opportunity.

EduNation III - Amphitheatre

23:00 - 00:00 PDT [ 07:00 - 08:00 UTC | 08:00 - 09:00 CET ]

Plenary Session III - PERSON






00:00 - 00:30 PDT [07:00 - 07:30 UTC | 09:00 - 09:30 CET ]


EduNation II - The Club

EduNation II - Sandbox

A short break to unwind and socialise. You'll find music still playing
at The Club, or wander around EduNation II and take a look at the free spaces available for educators to try
Second Life out without the big investment.


************************** MAY 9TH - BLOCK 1 **************************

00:30 - 02:00 PDT [ 07:30 - 09:00 UTC | 09:30 - 11:00 CET ]

Simultaneous Sessions VII

Please choose one session from 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3

7.1 - Gavin Dudeney [ Dudeney Ge ]

An Introduction to Scripting

This practical workshop is designed for those particants who would like to start scripting, but don't know
exactly where to start. We will examine the basics of SL scripting before moving on to apply them in a couple
of useful tools. Full guide and examples will be given out during the session.

Gavin is Project Director for The Consultants-E and also runs the three island EduNation group in SL. He
has produced a large collection of free SL gadgets for educators. The Consultants-E run regular training in
SL for teachers and have also done island builds for colleges in the USA, the UK, Canada, Finland and
Spain. More on the work of The Consultants-E can be found here:

EduNation I - Sandbox

7.2 - Carol Rainbow [ Carolrb Roux ]

Making Audio Posters for Vocabulary Practice

This workshop will enable delegates to create image resources that language learners can interact with to
hear vocabulary items. Aimed at beginners, all resources needed, as well as extras for further development,
will be provided in the session. During the session participants will learn how to make a poster board, add an
appropriate texture, adapt a script to make it play a sound file and add it to the poster. The last part of the
workshop will show how to quickly produce new vocabulary items based on this model.

Provided during the session:

- Sample English sound files including days of the week, season, months & numbers
- Textures corresponding to the sound files
- Touch and step-on scripts for interaction
- Notecards explaining the process for the touch script in English and Spanish
- A notecard explaining where to download Audacity and how to use it to create appropriate sound files
for SL
- Posters explaining the process to put up in the workshop area
- Examples for delegates to try out, and freebies to take away

Carol is an Educational ITC Consultant working in Oxfordshire in the

EduNation II - Sandbox

7.3 - Heike Philp [ Gwen Gwasi ]

Avalon Learning

In January 2009 the AVALON project was awarded EU funding within the Leonardo da Vinci, Transversal
Program. 26 European partners in 8 European countries joined in a development project which will last 2
years. AVALON stands for Access to Virtual and Action Learning live ONline. The partners’ goal is to explore
Second Life for scenario based language learning.

A brief 10-min presentation about the latest development will lead into a discussion as to what scenario
based learning really is and how a course for a ‘mobile worker’ could be designed.
The idea about the mobile worker is, for example, that this person would like to live in a target country (for
example Iceland) in order to work there. To prepare his departure he starts learning the target language and
upon arrival he might be confronted with any of the
following situations:
a) a medical emergency
b) looking for a flat
c) bureaucratic paperwork

... apart from needing to go shopping, small talk in a pub and other human needs. For these situations, we
will design a course in Icelandic and all ideas on how to do this are welcome.

Heike Philp aka Gwen Gwasi is founder and managing director of
LANCELOT School GmbH, an accredited training center for language trainers in the use of state-of-the-art
virtual classroom technology. With over 20 years in education and several years of teaching German in
Japan and the UK, Heike took on the live online challenge by starting a virtual language school and her
experience subsequently led her to co-initiate both the European funded LANCELOT project as well as the
AVALON project.

EduNation III - Amphitheatre


02:15 - 03:15 PDT [ 09:15 - 10:15 UTC | 11:15 - 12:15 CET ]

Simultaneous Sessions VIII
Please choose one session from 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 or 8.4

8.1 - Dafne González/Cristina Palomeque [ Daf Smirnov/Cristina Papp ]

Learning Spanish: A Demo Class

In order to show how Spanish is being taught in, the presenters will invite the audience to
participate in a team-taught Spanish class. Then there will be time for questions and answers regarding the
different aspects of the class.

Dafne Gonzalez (aka Daf Smirnov) is a Full Professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar in Caracas, Venezuela
where she teaches English for Architecture and Urban Planning blended courses at the undergradute level,
and technology-related online courses at the graduate level. She has coordinated the Graduate Programs in
Education. She coordinated the TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO) from 2006 to 2009, and has co-
moderated, since 2004, the Becoming a Webhead 6-week online session of the EVO. She is now a member
of the TESOL CALL-IS Steering Committee. Currently, she is the Head of the Spanish Program in She has presented about teaching languages and teacher training in SL in different
online and f2f events in the last 2 years.

Cristina Palomeque (aka Cristina Papp) is an English teacher at the Official School of Languages in
Barcelona, Spain as well as an online teacher for the University of Barcelona. She has also been teaching
English and Methodology in the Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Barcelona in Spain. Currently
she is doing research in language teaching and learning processes in virtual worlds.

EduNation II - Seminar Space

8.2 - Kate Boardman [ Kattan Hurnung ]

Bayeux Tapestry Exhibition

One of the most valuable aspects of Second Life is to be able to experience environments that you might not
otherwise be able to. One of the most valuable aspects of technology, in learning, has been the potential to
create and provide authentic resources to students who cannot travel to or be admitted into museums,
professional environments etc. Having spent 3 years working on an international research project to digitize
the Bayeux Tapestry, it seems to me that despite its smaller scale than e.g. the Sistine Chapel, the Bayeux
Tapestry is one of the great cultural artifacts of the Middle Ages that could be presented in SL to be visited
virtually. Turning pages in a large format full color book is not the same as walking around the real thing. A
zoomable digital exhibit might just take you one step closer. This visit will include an introduction to the
embroidery, its history and importance, and an audio guide will be provided to delegates with a full

Medieval Historian turned slight geek from digitizing manuscripts in the 1990s. Now Head of E-learning at a
UK university, passionate about creating real (even if virtual) learning experiences for students.

EduNation III - Seminar Space

8.3 - Iffaf Khan [ Iffaf Ling ]

Writing 101

This talk looks at interactive writing activities in SL

Iffaf works as a tutor in Moodle and Virtual and Distance Learning Coordinator for the International Academy
in the University of Essex She is also a content developer and writer for
EduNation I - Amphitheatre

8.4 - Tan Li Wee [ Liwei Velde ]

Blended Learning - Second Life in the Real Life Classroom

General Paper is a compulsory subject in Singapore’s Junior College education. It requires students to
analyse and evaluate issues across disciplines, as well as to express informed opinions and a maturity of
thought. However, this has posed to be a challenge given students’ limited life experiences. Through Second
Life’s immersive environment, it can help to provide stimuli to invoke responses through role playing in
fantasy environments. Hence, helping students to gain multiple perspectives and enhance their ability to
craft cogent arguments.

Ms Tan Li Wee has a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) from National Institute of Education,
specialising in English Language. Having graduated from Nanyang Technological University’s Wee Kim Wee
School of Communication and Information, she is equipped with both audio and visual production skills.
Given her prior experience in using the Media and New Media to reach youth such as in the Singapore
Street Festival, she believes in the immense potential that the New Media has in today’s classroom and is
enthusiastic in integrating it in current pedagogical practices. She is currently teaching in Innova Junior
College, Singapore.

EduNation II - Amphitheatre


************************** MAY 9TH - BLOCK 2 **************************

03:30 - 04:30 PDT [ 10:30 - 11:30 UTC | 12:30 - 13:30 CET ]

Plenary Session IV - Nergiz Kern et al

Language Teacher Training in Second Life

This panel discussion will present the experiences from a 6-week online workshop organised through
TESOL's 'Electronic Village Online' and aimed at introducing educators to best practice in learning and
teaching languages in virtual worlds ( Over 220 registrants signed up
for the free workshop in Jan and Feb 2009. The team of four co-facilitators used both web 2.0 and virtual
world platforms in helping a large number of participants in their journey from account creation to team
teaching a practice lesson over the 6-week period. This presentation will begin by describing the
experiences and evaluations from the perspectives of the participants and the facilitators and then we will
have a guided discussion on the best ways of using Second Life for teaching and learning languages.

Dennis Newson stopped teaching full-time in 2000, but that has given him more chance to become
enthusiastic about the potential use of TEFL in SL. If you are seriously interested in my curriculum vitae,, just
go to:

Nergiz Kern is a DELTA-qualified English teacher and has taught in various contexts in different countries.
Now, she lives in Turkey and teaches online and in Second Life. Her key interests include learner motivation,
encouraging learner autonomy, ICT and the use of Web 2.0 tools and virtual worlds in teaching and learning
languages. At the moment she is enrolled in a one-year postgraduate certificate course ‘Teaching and
learning with MUVEs’ (Massively Multi-User Virtual Environments) funded by the EU. Her next goal is an MA
in Educational Technology and TESOL. Nergiz blogs about her "Teaching in Second Life" experience here:
Nick Noakes ( works in educational development and his passion is emerging
technologies in education. He was an ESL teacher and teacher developer for close to 20 years before
moving into teacher development full-time. His current position is Director, Center for Enhanced Learning
and Teaching at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ( He began working
in text- based virtual worlds (MOOs) in the mid-nineties and has been working in the virtual world of Second
Life for over 2 years. He co-ran the biweekly New Media Consortium Teacher Buzz sessions from Jun 2006
to May 2008. He is currently advising the University of Surrey on their virtual world projects and also works
as a volunteer in a number of mentor groups for people new to Second Life.

Graham Stanley ( is a teacher of English specialising in ICT at the British

Council Young Learner Centre in Barcelona, Spain. He is also project manager of the British Council's
'Learn English Second Life for Teens' project and teaches a course on 'Virtual Tourism'
( using Second Life) at the University of Ramon Llull in Barcelona.

EduNation II - Amphitheatre


04:30 - 05:00 PDT [ 11:30 - 12:00 UTC | 13:30 - 14:00 CET ]


EduNation II - The Club

EduNation II - Sandbox

A short break to unwind and socialise. You'll find music still playing at The Club, or wander around
EduNation II and take a look at the free spaces available for educators to try Second Life out without the big


05:00 - 06:00 PDT [ 12:00 - 13:00 UTC | 14:00 - 15:00 CET ]

Simultaneous Sessions IX
Please choose one session from 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 or 9.4

9.1 - Gloria B. Clark [ Gloria Almendros ]

How Many Points Do I Get for Finding the Volcano?: Toward a New Pedagogy for the Virtual World

Pedagogy, most would say, has roots in the practical; its feet, so to speak, are firmly on the ground. For
instance, we are concerned with how we get our students to that last day of class with the knowledge that
we feel is necessary for them to have succeeded in our discipline. How do we share that knowledge in the
most efficient, the most direct way? What are the objectives and what is the plotted trajectory to get there?
There are standards to consider, syllabi to follow and outcomes assessment to plan for. Language study is
serious business. Our students often find a classroom that is pre-planned and programmed; the path is laid
out, they need only follow it.

Second Life can change that path, with the many worlds it provides to explore and experience. This new
venture neeeds a new pedagogy, one that does not depend on overused techniques from the past. Instead
of adapting old methods to this new technology, it is time to re-think our approach. I have been using
Second Life in my Spanish classes for over two years now, and have begun to develop a pedagogy that
addresses the opportunities and needs of students in the virtual classroom. I am now moving to theorize my
Second Life pedagogy and understand its place in the Foreign Language classroom.

My presentation will highlight some of the shared experiences I have enjoyed with students in the basic
language classroom and include my reflections on the pedagogy that supports our course goals.

Gloria Jeanne Bodtorf Clark is currently an Associate Professor of Humanities and Spanish at Penn State
University, Harrisburg campus, teaching Spanish language and Humanities courses. She is also a member
of the Graduate Humanities Faculty, with a specialty in Latin American literature and culture. Her latest book
is an edited version of La verdad sospechosa by Juan Ruíz de Alarcón, published in 2002 by Juan de la
Cuesta Press. At present, she is involved in a pedagogical study on the use of the metaverse, Second Life,
in the Spanish classroom.

EduNation I - Amphitheatre

9.2 - Dafne González/Cristina Palomeque [ Daf Smirnov/Cristina Papp ]

Learning Spanish: A Demo Class

In order to show how Spanish is being taught in, the presenters will invite the audience to
participate in a team-taught Spanish class. Then there will be time for questions and answers regarding the
different aspects of the class.

Dafne Gonzalez (aka Daf Smirnov) is a Full Professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar in Caracas, Venezuela
where she teaches English for Architecture and Urban Planning blended courses at the undergradute level,
and technology-related online courses at the graduate level. She has coordinated the Graduate Programs in
Education. She coordinated the TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO) from 2006 to 2009, and has co-
moderated, since 2004, the Becoming a Webhead 6-week online session of the EVO. She is now a member
of the TESOL CALL-IS Steering Committee. Currently, she is the Head of the Spanish Program in She has presented about teaching languages and teacher training in SL in different
online and f2f events in the last 2 years.

Cristina Palomeque (aka Cristina Papp) is an English teacher at the Official School of Languages in
Barcelona, Spain as well as an online teacher for the University of Barcelona. She has also been teaching
English and Methodology in the Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Barcelona in Spain. Currently
she is doing research in language teaching and learning processes in virtual worlds.

EduNation II - Seminar Space

9.3 - Marco Chavez [ Brent Renard ]

La Democratización de la Creatividad y la Producción Cultural en los Mundos Virtuales: un Reto para la

La producción cultural es algo que se lleva a cabo en todos lados constantemente, pero fenómenos como
SL permiten que la gente además de crear, pueda dar a conocer a más gente su trabajo sin necesidad de
depender de intermediarios como productores, editores o empresas. SL es una plataforma que propicia un
entorno creativo, dado que su esencia es estar siendo creado permanentemente por los usuarios, y que los
demás usuarios gocen de las creaciones de los demás. No obstante, este entorno pone en cuestión las
formas de regulación que tienen las normas reales respecto a la protección de los contenidos.

Founder and CEO of OPERA JOVEN in RL and SL. Tenor leggiero whose repertory includes baroque,
classicism and bel canto. I have more than 15 years of experience in opera singing and performance, also
staging and directing his own compositions. In RL, I am professor and researcher of cultural heritage and
management of cultural institutions in the University of Barcelona. PhD Candidate in Cultural and Heritage
Management in the University of Barcelona. Master in Cultural Management by the University of Barcelona.
Master in Comparative Studies of Arts, Literature and Tought by the University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona,

EduNation II - Amphitheatre
9.4 - Howard Vickers/Pierre Moussy [ Howie Yoshikawa/Mieszko Beck ]
Second Life as a Social Learning Environment

Second Life offers language learners a place for meeting others to practice a foreign language. This two-
part presentation hears from a language learner about his experiences in Second Life and from a language
educator about the lessons learned for encouraging conversation practice in virtual worlds.
- What are the advantages of using Second Life for conversation practice?
- What are the experiences of language learners? What are their motivations?
- Where do they see limitations to this approach? What are the differences between the in-world voice
system and text chatting?
- What can we learn from learners about how best to promote fluency through conversation practice in
Second Life?

Pierre Moussy is a student from France of Avatar Languages. He has been using Second Life to practice his
English since 2007. Howard Vickers is the founder and director of Avatar Languages, an online language
school using Second Life and other online collaborative tools. He is a qualified English teacher with
international TEFL teaching experience in Spain, Russia and Bolivia.

EduNation III - Amphitheatre


06:15 - 07:15 PDT [ 13:15 - 14:15 UTC | 15:15 - 16:15 CET ]

Simultaneous Sessions X
Please choose one session from 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 or 10.4

10.1 - Graham Stanley [ Graham Netizen ]

Virtual Tourism: Self-directed CLIL in Second Life

First, I will present the experience of organising a short course for undergraduate students of Tourism using
Second Life for self-directed CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) - how it was organised and
what the reaction of the students was. This will be followed by a field trip to some of the spaces visited by
students on the course, with the same tasks, giving the participants a similar experience to the students.
Finally, conclusions will be presented and participants will be given the oppostunity to ask questions.

Graham Netizen (Graham Stanley) organised the Virtual Tourism course ( for
the School of Tourism of the Universitat de Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain ( in 2008-9,
where he teaches part-time (ESP & CLIL). Graham also works for the British Council in Second Life.

EduNation I - Amphitheatre

10.2 - Marco Chavez [ Brent Renard ]

La Democratización de la Creatividad y la Producción Cultural en los Mundos Virtuales: un Reto para la

La producción cultural es algo que se lleva a cabo en todos lados constantemente, pero fenómenos como
SL permiten que la gente además de crear, pueda dar a conocer a más gente su trabajo sin necesidad de
depender de intermediarios como productores, editores o empresas. SL es una plataforma que propicia un
entorno creativo, dado que su esencia es estar siendo creado permanentemente por los usuarios, y que los
demás usuarios gocen de las creaciones de los demás. No obstante, este entorno pone en cuestion las
formas de regulación que tienen las normas reales respecto a la protección de los contenidos.

Founder and CEO of OPERA JOVEN in RL and SL. Tenor leggiero whose repertory includes baroque,
classicism and bel canto. I have more than 15 years of experience in opera singing and performance, also
staging and directing his own compositions. In RL, I am professor and researcher of cultural heritage and
management of cultural institutions in the University of Barcelona. PhD Candidate in Cultural and Heritage
Management in the University of Barcelona. Master in Cultural Management by the University of Barcelona.
Master in Comparative Studies of Arts, Literature and Tought by the University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona,

EduNation II - Amphitheatre

10.3 - Ton Koenraad [ Koen Antonioni ]

The Project ‘ViTAAL’ revisited: Evaluation & Follow up

In this session we would like to present the results of the evaluation research of the project ViTAAL. The
project, introduced at SLanguages 2008, was an initiative of a partnership of a number of secondary schools
and teacher education institutions, facilitated with a research grant by Kennisnet, the Dutch national
Schoolnet. We will focus on the organisational set-up and the lessons learned in the 2008 pilots realised in
Active Worlds:

- 3D Language Village: a virtual version of a current, real-life assessment practice for lower secondary
education in which student teachers help pupils through virtual role-play and coaching activities to
prepare for and do oral proficiency, performance-oriented assessments.
- The SurReal Quest ‘ Panique à Bord’: this LanguageQuest is situated on a 3D version of the Titanic and
centres on a detective-like problem solving task, involving integrated training of language skills and
triggering interviews with the avatars of the story characters.

Finally we present the project´s further developments. In this context we would like to discuss the definition
of and first ideas for the EU-project Networked Interaction in Foreign Language Acquisition and Research
(NIFLAR, 2009-210). This project aims to develop a pedagogic framework for the design of tasks geared at
optimally exploiting the specific affordances of 3D virtual worlds for the promotion of intercultural
communicative competence.

A.L.M. Koenraad, MA (Utrecht). As a senior ICT-E consultant at Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied
Sciences Ton Koenraad is involved in various (inter)national projects and participates in communities in the
fields of modern languages, teacher education and e-learning. His publications are available from his
personal pages at:

EduNation III - Amphitheatre

10.4 - Shiv Rajendra [ Kingsbury Yeats ]

The Ubiquitous classroom

How to leverage Second Life and other social media to immerse your students in Language.

Shiv co-founded in 2005 and has overseen thousands of hours of research and testing in
Second Life, involving hundreds of students and dozens of educators from all over the world.

EduNation II - Seminar Space


**************************** MAY 9TH - BLOCK 3 **************************

07:30 - 08:30 PDT [ 14:30 - 15:30 UTC | 16:30 - 17:30 CET ]

Plenary Session V - Paul Sweeney [ Head Teacher ]

The Classroom is Dead - Long Live the Classroom

Given the potential for self directed language learning in a muve, what is the role of the classroom? This
talk, illustrated by several years of experience in Languagelab, will look at:
- the value of recreating the 'traditional' classroom in a muve
- different phases of 'classroom deconstruction' over 18 months in Languagelab
- the role of the teacher / guide / instructor / facilitator in supporting semi-formal and informal learning in
- how student expectations of the above role can change according to what other learning activities they
are participating in.
- guidelines for good practice

Former Director of Education at and e-learning Manager at the British Council, Paul
Sweeney is now an independent e-learning consultant in the areas of e-English, e-content, m-content and
virtual worlds for education

EduNation II - Amphitheatre


08:30 - 09:00 PDT [ 15:30 - 16:00 UTC | 17:30 - 18:00 CET ]


EduNation II - The Club

EduNation II - Sandbox

A short break to unwind and socialise. You'll find music still playing at The Club, or wander around
EduNation II and take a look at the free spaces available for educators to try Second Life out without the big


09:00 - 10:00 PDT [ 16:00 - 17:00 UTC | 18:00 - 19:00 CET ]

Closing Roundup - All

EduNation II - Amphitheatre

A chance for everyone to reflect on - and discuss - the event itself. Moderated by Dudeney Ge

10:00 - 11:00 PDT [ 17:00 - 18:00 UTC | 19:00 - 20:00 CET ]

Conference Closing Party [ DJ Dudeney Ge ]

EduNation II - The Club

Come along and meet participants and presenters, the organizers and a few lost souls. DJ Dudeney Ge
entertains with an eclectic mix from 1930 to yesterday...


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