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Masters programmes in

Supply Chain Management

Leading to

MSc, PgDip or PG Cert


Supply Chain and Operations Management1 Supply Chain and Procurement Management Supply Chain and Logistics Management
in collaboration with the

Chartered institute for Procurement and Supply (CIPS)


The demand for qualified Supply Chain Management practitioners is increasing worldwide in all branches of industry and commerce including the manufacturing and the service sectors. This increase is being fueled by globalization coupled with increasing adoption of information and communication technologies that make 24/7 business operations possible worldwide. In the modern world these trends have made the world a very small place where global supply chains are commonplace. Supply Chain Management encompasses everything from initial design, through to procurement of materials and services, processing and distribution to the customer either directly or through a network of distributors. In the modern world customer satisfaction and sustainable business performance are both dependent on having the right product or service at the right place at the right time, and this cannot be done without an understanding of Supply Chain Management in its entirety. Contemporary supply chains focus on leveraging value through collaborative operations, procurement and logistics along the chain where flexibility and speed of response are becoming critical business competencies. Today, Supply Chain Management is widely accepted as a critical business competency in many companies, 80% or more of their turnover is spent outside of the organisation. How effective you are at managing this, offers

The title of the degree award will reflect the specialisms chosen by the candidates. See overleaf for further details.

significant opportunities to not only reduce cost, but to add value to your customer both key factors for developing competitive advantage.


The course is particularly suitable for people who are working or planning to work in a supply-chain environment and who wish to improve their career prospects. In particular: People who work or are planning to work within Supply Chain Management, e.g. operations, process management, operations planning and control, purchasing and procurement, logistics and distribution, amongst others. People with a background in support functions such as sales, maintenance, finance, marketing, quality, etc. who wish to gain a better understanding of Supply Chain Management issues, concepts, models, tools and techniques.

The knowledge and skills you will gain through the course will make you a valuable resource in any supply chain-based enterprise where you can contribute immediately and make a difference!

The overall objective of the course is to provide high calibre graduates with an in-depth understanding of strategic, tactical and operational issues relating to management of supply chains. On completion of the course, participants will be equipped with state-ofthe-art concepts, methods, techniques and tools to allow them to contribute towards the competitiveness of industrial and commercial organizations worldwide. The programme for the course comprises of eight core modules and three specialist modules as well as a masters dissertation. On registration candidates are required to select the specialism they wish to pursue which will also be reflected in their degree title. Core modules Business, Operations and Supply Chain Strategy (10 Credits)
Many businesses compete on the basis of their supply chain strategy. Therefore, it is important for prospective managers to understand the key principles of operations strategy, in general, and supply chain strategy, in particular, and to be aware of the approaches to supply chain strategy that may be adopted by different organisations. This module provide an indepth knowledge and understanding of those key concepts of corporate, business and operations strategy that are necessary for a proper understanding of the strategic management of supply chains and networks. This module incorporates a CIPS unit on Strategic Supply Chain Management.

Strategic Supply Chain Management (10 Credits)

Based on the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model, this module provides an in-depth understanding of the application of contemporary models, practices and performance measures to diagnose supply chain performance and to develop supply chain improvement strategies. It looks beyond traditional supply chain management strategies and develops an insight into emerging thinking, strategies, tools and techniques for supply chain and value chain management. These include Demand Chains, Value Chains, Clusters, Business Collaboration and Outsourcing.

Supply Chain Operations (10 Credits)

The success or failure of a supply chain depends on how well it performs operationally. This module provides a detailed operational understanding of concepts, methods, tools and techniques, covering: demand management, procurement management, materials management, operations planning and control, distribution and logistics management.

Management of Total Quality and Continuous Improvement (10 Credits)

Excellence of supply chain operations and processes is a key prerequisite for any globally competitive supply chain. Thus, the principles of quality management and continuous improvement are as equally important to supply chains as they are to individual organisations. This module provides an in-depth understanding of the main principles, concepts, tools and techniques of quality management and continuous improvement with a focus on cross-organisational improvement programmes in the context of supply chain management.

Enterprise Resource Planning (10 Credits)

E-Business and e-Supply Chain Platforms are an important part of any modern supply chain. This is a practical and interactive module, which involves state-of-the-art ERP software from SAP, and provides a detailed understanding of the scope, business implications, operational logic, critical decision parameters, implementation requirements and processes to facilitate the successful implementation and use of ERP systems in a business and supply chain context.

Advanced Project Management (10 Credits)

Whether developing a completely new supply chain, introducing a new product or making an improvement to an existing supply chain, project management is a key competency. This module provides a solid foundation of project management methodologies and techniques (including cost and risk management, PERT, contractual mechanisms and performance measurement) in a manner that is relevant to those involved with supply chain operations. It includes managing suppliers, outsourcing, delivering projects, joint ventures and the management of projects to support the supply chain (e.g. IT projects/ERP implementation). This module incorporates a CIPS unit on Advanced Project Management.

Product Costing and Financial Management (10 Credits)

This module provides students with an understanding of strategic aspects of finance in relation to the decision-making process and analysis necessary for efficient management of supply chains. This module incorporates CIPS unit on Finance for Purchasers.

Case Studies in Supply Chain Management (20 Credits)

This module introduces students to the practical experience of analysing and, where possible, solving real-life supply chain management problems. To this end, students are given the opportunity to explore through the use of case studies and relatively unstructured problems alternative ways forward in situations where data may be ambiguous and hard to come by, where it may be far from obvious which methods or models can be applied, and where managers will need to be convinced of the merits of any suggested solutions . This module incorporates a CIPS unit on Supply Chain Management in Practice.

Masters Project (60 Credits)

This is a major piece of applied research in an area agreed between the student and the appointed supervisor. The projects are aimed to provide a critical understanding of the supply chain theory in a practical context. This may be designed to meet the students personal ambitions and aspirations.

Operations Management Specialism Fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma (10 Credits)

For the past 20 years lean management and six sigma have been the main philosophies and tools that underpin the concepts of operational excellence. These philosophies, and associated methods tools and techniques are fundamental to effective and efficient operation of supply chains. On completion of the module the participants will understand the theory and practical application of Lean Six Sigma methodologies within a holistic process improvement framework.

Service Operations Management (10 Credits)

Service Operations Management is an area y that is increasingly relevant to graduates from all background and all ambitions. Emerging concepts such as services science and servitization of manufacturing emphasis the need to understand operations management from a services lens. The module will draw on examples from a variety of service industries such as airlines, financial services, professional services and telecommunications.

Operations Management Option (10 Credits)

From available list in consultation with the candidate

Logistics Management Specialism Logistics (10 Credits)

Global logistics is an important part of any supply chain and deals with issues such as transport, containerisation, ports and warehouses. Candidates will learn about strategies for dealing with transport congestion problems, port security, sustainable transport and green logistics which are becoming an important consideration for any supply chain.

Logistics Network Optimisation and Simulation (10 Credits)

This module aims to provide candidates with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of key concepts and models for the effective design and management of logistics networks. Students will learn the essentials of optimisation and simulation modelling, with an emphasis on practical applications in logistics and supply chain management.

Logistics Management Option (10 Credits)

From available list in consultation with the candidate

Procurement Management Specialism Strategic Procurement management (10 Credits)

Procurement management is an area that is becoming increasingly relevant to all supply chain professionals. This module takes a strategic perspective across a variety of topics in the broad area of procurement management and draws attention to some specific managerial challenges of strategic procurement, including the increasingly prominent role of procurement in overall organisation. Conceptual models are presented and critically reviewed to assist gaining insights into procurement in general and strategic procurement in particular.

Organisation Buying Behaviour and Structures (10 Credits)

The module takes a behavioural perspective across a variety of topics in the broad area of procurement management. It provides the candidates with and in-depth understanding of the buyer-seller relationships including the individual and group behaviours and relationships in procurement scenarios.

Procurement Management Option (10 Credits)

From available list in consultation with the candidate

To qualify for the Masters Degree (MSc), students must gain 180 credits by successfully completing all ten taught modules and undertake a masters project. To qualify for the Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) students must gain 120 credits by successfully completing all ten taught modules. To qualify for the Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) students must gain 60 credits by successfully completing four/five of the ten modules available. To gain the CIPS Graduate Diploma* students must meet the requirements for the MSc qualification as described above and will be required to take CIPS examinations. Exemptions may be possible from certain modules for those individuals who already hold a CIPS qualification. To qualify for the professional qualification of MCIP* (Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply) the students must gain the MSc degree and should have a minimum of three years relevant experience either prior to joining the course or after completion of the course.


CIPS is the leading professional body representing the field of purchasing and supply chain management. Established in 1932, CIPS has grown to become the central reference for industry best practice and their code of conduct is the standard around the world. CIPS Membership recognises your professional status and helps you to keep up to date with latest developments through a comprehensive range of courses, conferences and publications. For further information please visit


Modules will be assessed by a mix of assignments and examinations. For the Masters project, the students will have the opportunity to select a thesis topic and supervisor from the wide range of experts in Supply Chain Management.

MSc: Normally, first or second class honours degree in any discipline from a UK university (or equivalent). PgDip/PgCert: Degree, good HND or equivalent. Other qualifications with industrial experience will be considered on an individual basis. Progress from PgCert to PgDip and on to the MSc programme is possible, subject to satisfactory performance. Please contact us to discuss your individual circumstances.


This programme is delivered under the auspices of the Strathclyde Institute for Operations Management (SIOM) and the delivery team comprises leading academics from the Strathclyde Business School and Faculty of Engineering. A brief profile of the academic team is provided below: Professor Umit S Bititci, has over 20 years of industrial, consultancy and research experience in supply chain and operations management. He has been leading a number of international research programmes as well as leading and advising on major supply chain development, re-engineering and enterprise systems initiatives private and public sector organisations. Dr Jill MacBryde specializes in operations and project management with a particular emphasis on leadership teams and change management. She is actively helping manufacturing companies to reposition in higher value markets as well as leading academic and industrial networks in this area.

Robert van der Meer, specialises in operations management, operations strategy and the economics of organisations He has worked with organisations in a wide range of industries, including electronics, branded spirits, clothing, business services and in the public sector. Robert has published widely in leading academic journals. Dr Kepa Mendibil specialises in performance measurement, and financial management in supply chains and collaborative systems. He has been working on research projects on sustainable innovation and has first hand experience of business transformation in multinational manufacturing organisation. Professor Jiju Antony specialises in quality management and process improvement with over 15 years of experience in industry, consultancy and research. He has four text books in the area and has been actively leading and advising on process improvement programmes in manufacturing, service and public sector organisations.


The University of Strathclyde and the Strathclyde Institute of Operations Management has a long established track record for delivering programmes of this type. This history goes back to mid 70s with MSc programmes in Manufacturing Management, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Technology Management and Supply Chain Management. Below you will find some testimonials from some of our graduates and their employers
I joined the course to further my professional and personal development. I selected this course (MSc Supply Chain Management) as opposed to any other as it was a direct fit with my role in the supply chain field. It was the only course I could find that offered 100% relevance to my day-to-day role. The course is a great balance between commitment from my employer and personal commitment from me. Ian Wilson, Jabil Circuits Jabil Circuit actively supports all employees personal and professional development. This MSc Supply Chain course is the first course we have seen that offers such a directly relevant content. The project-based assignments are a good method of bringing the knowledge into the company and helping us focus on new concepts and tools that could provide a positive impact on our business. Jabil Circuit I like the course (MSc Supply Chain Management) as it has enabled me to take a wider view of my business and the options available to enhance it. It also gives me the flexibility to work at my own speed (to an extent) and use real business scenarios for my coursework. Steven McLaughlin, Nallatech Nallatech is a rapidly growing business at the leading edge of high performance computing. Our business is truly global and we identified some time ago that for us to be successful in achieving our business goals we would have to develop world class Supply Chain Management strategies and techniques. We were attracted to the this MSc course because its content seemed highly relevant to our needs and certainly, to date, the all round excellence of both the course content and teaching standards confirm that we have made a wise investment Nallatech

Please contact us or visit the Universitys web site for up-to-date fees for this course. For CIPS related qualifications there will be additional costs involved to cover Membership and Examination fees associated with the Institution.

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