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A 24 hour Worship Centre :Are you with me? It was 14th of March 2013 .At Night worship .

The legendary Gold dust from heaven was here in the 24-Hour worship Centre

There were others who also experienced similar manifestation but this sister is chosen because she was so outstandingly obvious. Her hands looked swollen but was actually dust of gold. the crown of her head was shining with dust of Gold.

This was the ministry that had one fulltime worker laid off, having toiled for four months but seeing little results. The founder of the ministry -a widowed pastor/an intercessor , was about to close it down because there seemed to have no evidence of grace or financial support and providence. Everyone she approached for help advised to her was negative, she was at the point of giving up. At this vital point, by the Lord provision, I met a group of young working adults at glory place one of the prayer house opened for anyone who wants to worship the Lord at any time at Sutra

Harbour ,Kota Kinabalu. They were praying for a suitable meeting place for their group, while I was bringing two Chinese tourists to the prayer Centre to let them taste what is it like to truly worship in gods presence. I called the group to join me .So we simply worshipped together. The presence of the Lord was so strong that the two Chinese tourists received the Lord on the spot. At the meeting, I shared my vision for the need for a 24 hour worship Centre fully equipped with the best audio and video musically equipment and the best musicians and worship leaders. That I am called to build a Proto type that the Lord will use mightily to answer the outcries of His people in times of trouble. We set an appointment and we invited them to come to the premise. As we worshipped and prayed together, they shared the same conviction of the Lord. We started to pass around the bag for a freewill offering. The first collection already covered the outstanding rental and bills. Thereafter, more and more new people came to join us, each time we had worship together. Others began to show interest and naturally inclined to claim the glamour and glory as their own. We will not allow this to happen, because the glory must be given to whom to glory is due, that is the Lamb of God, and He who sits on the throne, Yahuwah who reigns forever and ever! The greatest breakthrough came when the owner of the Worship Centre opened for the ministry of Jesus Last Call Ministry headed by Pastor Miran, just for two nights. In The first night meeting, he spoke of His personal experience in hell. Many repented on the spot, and many more rededicated their lives afresh.

It was a shocking Wow to those who witness the incident. The praise and worship was vibrant. The 150 delegates who Sardin-packed the 24 hours Worship Centre came from all over Sabah, Brunei and Sarawak hardly know each other but, there was unity and peace, dancing freely ,when they whole hearted give their heart to the Lord ,worshipping in truth and in the Spirit. There was the

evidence of the heavenly intervention, and undisputable manifestation of the Spirit and the strong presence of the Lord. On the final night of the meeting, there was an unexpected miraculous manifestation of Gold dust poured out at the last session of high worship. Many people all over the world have been praying especially for East Malaysia. Some ,who were moving in the Apostolic and Prophetic anointing had received revelation from the Lord that the coming revival will start at the East Gate -Sabah and Sarawak, and it is going to be seven times more powerful than those ever happened before. It has begun! This is one of the ways our Lord shows that He cares. He could have done /given even much more , if we just worship more.but we limited Him because our heart were too small. Learn this: As David who setup the 24 hours worship in the David Tabernacle,NEVER FAILED IN any battle ; his army always won every battle, sustained worship pleases God on earth as it is in heaven. The power of the enemy will be broken by consistent worship.We must enlarge our hearts if we are to see more such manifestation. What is the key to unlock the power /answer to millions of questions, heavy burdens caused by human, environmental, social-political evils as well as satanic activities in the spirit realm in these last days? The key is the 24 hour Worship Centres called by His name. For the Scripture says that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord Yahuwah Yeshua will be saved. The Lord going to make a difference in the life of People in the midst of all the troubles the world is commonly facing. It will be for a testimony that will crush the head of Satan, as Yahuwah puts Satan underneath our feet. To me the expressed purpose of such worship Centre must be an extravagant worship, as the Lord is truly worthy. At the present, the premise was hot like an oven during meeting .The two small air-conditioners was hardly enough, there is no residence musical equipment. Our aim is to furnish the Worship Centre with the best that money can buy. I believe that he Lord is going to provide in His own way. Having say that The need is to be met by human instruments whose hearts are attuned to the Lord. .The manifest grace of God is a person touched by the Spirit of the living God. I believe that it is going to be a movement, that will sprout like mushrooms. Will you join me build this house of the Lord? Pst.TYWAL. +601120069184.

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